HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-24, Page 11 n wE $N» Tat /41EW k1 TO NEW ifIVESCRIEERS, FOR' RE ALA:C(1; OF TUE YAR, FOIL CENT14, CASH, VOL .21, EQ. 39 TERMS7-$1.A0 Per Annum in Itdvabce gettl Aa1rtioe1nentoi7 egn, ,t'pEgIMRSS.ErTtatilTA g31:9 $ GM) TBE 1D1011 SALE OR TO 'RENE—LOT NO. 188 IIIIRON 42 fit, Clinton, with first-class eennnedums reakienee, ,pleasantly situated For term; and further particulars apply to MANNING & SCOTT 4,•;1TNAY SOW.—CAUE INTO THE. SUESCRISEE'S premises, lot 80, con 9, Haat, on or abo,ut the la Sept., a spotted lila& and White Yearling So*, The owner is hereby notified to prove property, jury , charges and take it away. JAS. SNELL, Londe0oro. CLIBROPSHIRE SHEEP FOR SALE.—THE 1,7 scrum offers for sole some thoroughbred Shrop: kW° Sheep from imported stock, consisting of several. Yearling Rams and also some Ram Lambs and several EWE,. These are good stock and will be eeld Cheap. JAS. McFARLANE•, Lot 89, con, 4, Stanley, ni WIA.RM FOR SALE.— THE UNDERSIGNED OF - .11 nits for lisle his farm of 74 acres, teing lot 29. con. 7, Hulieft. about four miles from Clinron. About .50 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, bal.: mice good hardwood, frame house, barns, stables, ao. Splendid water and good bearing orchard, about 14 acres fall wheat. The farm is in A splendid location, and will be sold on reasonableNerins. Apply to GEO. WESTACOTT, en the prenlises, or Ciinton P.C. • TAISSOLUTION—NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet Huraartnerehip heretofore existing between WETTIAUFFER & KENNEL, as saw millers and cabinet makers, in the village of Manchester, was dis- solved by mutual censent, on, the Mith day of Sept. , Mr. Kennel will continue to run the saw mill, and Mr. Wettlauffer the cabinet Works. All oUtstanding accounts must be paid by the Ist of ,November, to Mr. Kennel, who ie authorized to collect the same. LUD- WIG WETPLAUFFER, CHRISTIAN KENNEL, *4 • . EXTENSIVE. Atictiem, Sale BUS The undersigned will offer for sale by Fab. lio Auction, at a day to be fixed, the -entire lot 61 250 acres of bush land, situate in the towashigof dolborne, immediately adjoining the Efolmeiville bridge, It wjll..be PUt.upiajO.ad 20 acre lots: The bash io aceplitMapia, Rock and Soft 41m- Oakand, liemloCk. 4 • Bills will be out in a few days • rinnouncbig • • •• the • dsy•of .saleg • . • 4 ' ••••. MU* 11 ins • AUCTIONEER. PROTRIETOR: ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT. A COURT -LI will be held, pursuant to.the "Voters' Lists Act," by his Honor, the Judge of the County. Court. ' of the County of Duren acme Temperanceliafi,Lomnienoao, enlaced:4v, SOOT: 27th, 1880, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, to hear and 'determine theseveral. complaints of emirs and omissions in the Voters' Via of the midniu- nicipality of the township of Mullett. for 1880. . All persons having buelnessrat the eourtafe required to at- tend.at the said time and. place. Dated this 90h day of Sept., 1886. JAS. BRAITHWAITE, Clerk of the said Lavigne% Grapho.scopie Car Will be One of the Attratticins it the FALL FAIRS IN THIS COtrNTY, PANORAMA VIEWS Of a Battle Field, Ancient and Modern Cities. All shovrn in Binh a- natural' nienner in the Graphoscopic Car that the spectator imagines he is looking out of a window at the real scene Don't miss the chance -of seeing this fine WM* COOPER Has just received a verylarge stook -di Simony oi.the ye*y best kisi0 . . CALL. AND. SEE 1XS VARIETY, AT THE' • BEATER BLOCK BOOKSTORE WM. COOPER. CLINTON GrandCheap Excursion f • 0314A1-1,-NIP7Z47,1-giZAI To WINNIPEG and Return '4.1-AsTADA - PA -CIVIC - STEAMERS, ts: • . ALL RAIL ROUTES Or go STEAMER find immix Am Ran, MONDAY; SEPT.. 2Q 1886 141.49„IR.J3:1 $34, . Including' meals ttncl state room on qtdainors, The cheapest ea•cursion ever offered to the Northis'ast, all particulars apply. to WM. JACKSON; CLINTON AGENT, • NTE A LARGE- -QUA-NTITk-OF; _ 9• . • A IV, liCtit E. MOODY, 1BOCED AND STATION'tft • 1.41$417$11.4 , s••• • • OLINTON,QN,jiy, 8E1)7—.724-2 - Mise 0.,,R,ye visited frieode in this vi cinity last week,.on her way to Duluth , we hope our Dunlop hitehefor will no shed too many tears. James Rapson apeat a few days With me cousin last week, The tee meeting heid bete last Thum, day was a decided euccesa though the thunder storm in the Afteention prevented the yonag 'bike from, indulging in any games.' After tea, which was got Up in goed '6tyjet Rev. Dr, lire -took the. otialr, which- position he flied in bis treual ex- cellent,loanner, The addresses by the Revs. gem% Johnston, .8ettois and Mc Gillivray; were all. excellent, and their geed adticentind hearty jokes will be long reniemberedyna Leelnirn. The proceede amounted to Over .$604 , ' The other day a lady from Clinton and one from Goderieb were ant calling, and baying occasion to back their horse aver. a deep ditclz; and the bridge' not being very strong, the base broke through, and was trrown into the ditch. They were in rather st bed fix; but happening to have -a plucky little Leeburn woman With them, she went to work, and had the harness undone but one buckle, When assistance came. Happily no damage was done, ex- cepting the horse getting a few sniall scratehee, 4624 all went on their 'Way re, joieing. isirsaram.x.nu. Fur 21 cents cash, We will send the NOW ERA to new subscribers for the balance of the year.. • • Basers.---Mrs. Watson and daunhter; of• Perry, Neer' York, are visiting at Mi. T. Gledhill's. Mr. Thos; bee taken charge the junior department, of our Behind during`Mies_Pattees:abeenee at the Model Schools The approaches, to the• new, bridge are complete; theswark *pis well • done, being tinder the supeedieitias of Mr. Woe Vanstene. Mr. John ,Plaklitho per-. chased the old tinaber has it•Iiiarly all taken away. Mr, I, G:FiSheiie building a stone „foundation. under his house ; the • work is lapin done by Miellibel. Mr. Shannon is building a gene lignite under Abe Moore's bootie. Mrs. Miller, or., has gone to Detroit on a sisit Whet daughter, vis tea re an thi his do sTA.ArbEl.,. • to'• IMAN1471148VAIL : I P a a $ a >I T A 'T I 0 N' . -0 a Friday evening 1114Erigl:•'•471 0 poe7okfibtOit Ohre: Is ef:harottonvoridoi aicyvotilnsuliatosnyntreh, the friends and acquaintances ofltir. Wm. well party, before be left for his borne in 1 I3aird met at his residence, to have a fare -1 oiffeivron. o5t, A, greeatt 8i/e- t:sr lat: 1 Ps rt eidin the county of Kent. The Older people I ey7eVet!irkle. la. rig spent -the time'in social converse and the k ab a salary; the present tea her,Miss plunger ones spent their time iu the ex- Augl e. gran,. goes, ta.litg...•13, East ereise of the danee. - After supper, pro- 'kayo P 544r7 114(311 Mhia flrepoutgal vided by the ladies Of the vicinity, Pe iatllatrteitt of het -slams Urg. A. T. Me - host and hostesa were ,presented with the Ph I 1..11' tlittl Miss hfcMiehael of Seafottli in'i 00#,g,n, few dupla kr . mington's. •It 44041Siti Yoang, of Colborne, wari on ..th ickfiefa 'day or two laogy, but bas 12I) rOsistered; rd. Ed.edhill. Mr. j, has been Mug the fairs this week with his black m; and we uederetand they ,take the d ticket every times they are a abet team d hard to beat. Quite a, number from vicinity took in the Toronto exhibition t week, and a few neteed to visit Lon- e next weeks , • • ikeni a..4Esisal 06.4p:indent. :held on Monday; iclual Was arranged y the Bethel Sabbath, Schen', Wee & deoi ittecess althou 110 .thn etAvanntiniSs tibuis 'bah beetr?t ia the day looked vt pronitaing untt1.11 tended to the neighboring Sabbath schools w • o owing addreese aecoropeoted wjtis. (gold watch clialo for Mr. Beird,'•04.4 ' silver eaka basket for. alreslitairds' •; -; DEAR giumMti,—We ere me't 'this evening te spesd, it in social enjoyment snd.intereourse seer 'rotas, .eompany, before your departure from asumg vs for ;meth pett.ef,jhis noble prevince, Wo remember with Poem the msfly soclikt gathetmge we. have had Navilth. yeei eince you came ambit' us,Ittid we wish to lac;y, by our, presence here--to7night, that' we appreciate your kind itud, obliging manner and the hospitality ei0 bevel's.° often, reqeived token of the placciypubeld In our affections, and the esteem • • bostonsiao go.. . , . . a 2i-emariliashi we wit tend the NEW ERA to Men IVO IMohniariete otthe Year. Strbscrip- ,GKNEVn91,1,., Lendesbore. , on.. nrttors,14:4**oit forielneadynes ., for Chicago eel, arestaa D2 US, We beg you to accept this ' ,. ilUsek, rix. -Mr. John Bell lifts sold venire of yoUr bril, kii,P11,1,filepuis. BO pleased to ae. -c.. „.e...... 1,...- ,, -I .O 1.. t n watch chain,: and Mrs, Saird -this breadbasket, as sou* ' hlittiting•ttlitreito hinbrother.in-lew,Mt.' eel% these offe,ripp, inek on *02144 of their intrinsic , -V weirs, 4es sa gooe ogures see .is a one Worth, but. at:tne•rsxgres'ateh of pyr gratitude, and ante*, ," -,• , 4ttexItztitvsy ; etrAfon yil.040,g` ,o A, Ye.aiways felt ' -- wrelres have ts p 4.411•41ttsltrrboefrt bou raspy, isln,atteScl" qui ern' heinie. We lumatdylopeand:truSt.thirt. Rd .remilycniay eon; 30, tihue to be the favoreff pfijOtits ktwinairidukent Stu: proildence,.andwerillOap,t0 ,4 ,,,,,,ip, the I*00.0 02 the Coodde ye vain: PretiaoraSeifig Piln;idencetskind,. Andmbienadr,ye a' Wets eliabgs. s,.w.,i'. a Mai and tranquil ThO' pressed and hemmest meiry aide have faith an ye'll win through, Far ilke.blade o' grassiteMe tbila dret0 6' dew, . • Mr. Baird was coMpretely taken by seri prise. He replied by stating his inabilitsf , adequately to express. his deep sense ,of , their kindness .to himself and wife. "I thanked them for their irteat -kindnees tO him, and assured them. thet they valued; . , TUX, teB.-,-Mr, John Medd has , ' WM of Mr. John Johnston ; 041sten ihterids going back to the pork 'at his trade. ES. -Ir. John Walker states the takieg lin potatoes for Dr. Bose,, one-• •Isist,week, he getfi2 potatoes eat „one "Ind that two hills fill a pail. , J e, -Messrs. John Mason and Ned plk judges on •horses at the qoder- . fols. Ansbn Wiadeesday ; wben they want -tb ftektklifit'who knew all the pain& of a • orsklitey. have to come to Loridesboro Ttalltb.te * ' • • and the valuable, present.s. they had 'received He would long remember. with., pieasu Okt.tiottirm.--0Soliarnaye,n thief entered the Int 10 pair of felt boots, belonging Olhiette,land 55cts. in cash. The ight ..and succeeded wouldcontinue to value very hilly ''.?tXt and, gratitude their kiodnesa "aida :soda eu 'made by breaking the' win - feeling, ask•hope4 , that eententmeat, t101,1 freigut house. Detective Mc- , . peace and prosperity Might -rennin with, Arth 0 A 'here but could find no clue them in this Corner of Stanley. - ' . ' tO WOir 704 to catch the thief rel. 25 cents eash; we will send.the NEW ERA to • ';': Of -7—"``....v.,:-•^7.--",,, ' • ' • : new siffEcribers for the balance of the year,• .. __ q ott '""'"' '"'''' , , •V1E11.40 '•• Ams'llAwki....-Ctur Tesivn Baeil went to. ,Gion.Riittnit ' toWfvtitillv,, . . Zitrigh;;',on Tuesday, to the band tourna- ti succeeded in carrying off first prixee . This 'speaks well for them, as they w the smallest: blind present, and we d t if there be any other band in the cdyety that gets less support from the town, ut,the shape of a greet, . - _ Mr.. Mark Rumball, who Arita. been preaching at Hopeville,''ford ample of months, has returned kerne,' and will at- tend Knot College, Toronto; hit the win- ter course. . . . - WHEAT STOLEN; -The othetsday when . . Mr. Andrew McGuire went to hill granary to get some seed wheat, be Ws more than astonished to find 'there WIlb none, more especial' as 'he had taken the trouble, to lingstta.--The 11°1).061 Gleaners pose having an entertainment oti Oeto 15th.' Will Milne geesiO•Toronto Me cal 1§44)01.: next week, eiicl we peed honerkfOr Will, at the vita eitaminati ecure y bushels shortly before. Who. „s„ss,,,,,„ isos ad stolen it„ when it was talrenelits 13.414Yirk Dors.-Mr. John Fowler -Started on Tuesday last With a fine lot of horses for _the 'Menitteha •raerket ; he goes ..hy heat from Coslerich ; we wish hire a safe and profitable trip,- W. L. Schyales, M. Ds of White Rock, Mich., made no a short visit this week; he returned on Wednes- day last; he WWI accompanied by his sister Bella, who will spend a -few weeks in -Uncle Sam's domains. Mr. John' McMil- lan and his on, Thos., returned from the old country a few day's ago; they started with Ave very fine horses and lost one Of the best during the passage.--LOost, • a 510 nggoOd fig s _a Qa _ Mr. Ger; St A tiSser-ilittillib house lately r. Geo. Green. FARM' H Jackson, of the 10th as s els lf. ot his farm, n sin rer to Mr. McBurney, for $4500. This is coneidered it but a small frame been, Mr. Welsh front near St. Helens, has rented the farm of Mr. John Menzies, et present occupied by Tyndall brothers, who have rented the farm of J. Colelough, Hellett. Smoot, -ItlarrEns --2-11diss MeGowans who is at present teaching at Manebesteri has been engaged to:teach the schoolon the 6th, at a Salary ?pea°. 111181 McGowan taught in this s eel once before, when teaching on setbird, ;and her engagement now, et this salary, shows that'her former labors were appreciated. Miss Day,',,t1se present teacher on the 6th, has given uni- versal patisfaction, but retires, ()Wing to the expitation'ef her certificate. , • • BitiEFE1.-1114 Ellis, Of Waterloo, .is vislting•,at Mr. J. Henry'e. A number from this -section Ana taking in the Pro- vincial ,Exhibition ' this week. •Coon Minting is indulged in by mirsjuVenile sports, Miss McKenzie, of Londesboro and Mr. Lir Wends, of Huliett, each paid a tleirsgsTiait to -the 9ih-last week. MUT . Lena Robertion, of the 12th, is. still very haw. Mr. Lorne Tyndall has made an engagement with the Guelph picture copy- ing and enlarging coriipany, and hie lin- guistic propensities may tow threed to.. geiontahle account. Meseta. Allen and rimgoer, Luck now sewing-naaphine as, ereato on the -9th. ' . • • • )1444 W. •Askwith; whose learie ; , Ransom rtin talus , FALL SilOWS. -AT ZURICH. The fall show season commenced on Monday and Tuesday, when "The World's . Fair" threw its dome open to the public, at the village of Zurich. In addition to the general attractions of the fair proper, a band contest Lad beenprovided for, and this on the second day of the show, no doubt attracted a great many people. The daY-was fine, though cool, and a large crowd turned Out, the gate receipts, ,at 15c. and 10e, admission, amounting to $265, .about $1,00 more than last.y.ear), Inthe indoor department there was the neriiiidleplay of grain, vegetables, dairy . produce, etc., while the exhibit of ladiea' work was ahead orpreilous years, espe- cially in. the oitalltY Of the exhibits, a Tern Marked iniprovement beiog notiee- able inthisrespect. With the outside department the lime ring was the chief Centro of attraction, and in several classes alio judges bad great difficulty in deciding on what they thought to be the best; the iteatty draughts and carriage classes snow pie most marked adVancetnent. •There was a good display of carriages, prornineet among which was the exhibit of Mr. Hayward, of Clinton, who carried eff.three first and two seeond prizes. • The.display of sheep and pigs was fair, peulfry very good. Although we took the trouble to secure the prize list, we are unable to give it room this week. — . • THE BAND ,TOURNAMENT. '• The Blyth, Seaforth and Crediton bande entered for, competition, and each played . three pieces, the j'idgess Messrs. BlacV 'stone, of Clinton, Kieertict of Wingham, and Hees; of Zurich, being .situated at some distance :. from 'them. Blyth WitS ' awarded filet prize of $50; Seaforth se- cond, 25,•an4:Crediton.thirds$15s J.-11.MM Ws• Dixon; Brueefield ; A..Young, Seriforth ; john' Templeton, Tuekersmith James Handford, Centralia, • Poultry and implements-7:Geo;Madeod, " Rodgeryille ; J. HaadfordsCentralia'; Thorn and Weiamer. .• • . , Cattle -D. Wilson; Stanley ';' J. ;:Trat- tinier, W. Oarnochan, Tnekenneith.„ Sheep and Pigs -John Tough, Stanley; S. Saunders, StepheusJa.e, Petty, Meant'. etesssro.•UarqubartiIkniallf-,417--- Einiess-Zuriels ;'-John , etc.-T.Swnn;•RodgerYille; John , Allieon, Exeter. .`• , 7 . . Toadies' . Work -Mrs. latairnie, Ilensell,..hfres Faust; Znieeh.. ninniu sito*Oa ;' •. 11_,Ileadig.th_o_anVis,i1 show Of the . 'welt lading SdOiett, ' commenced at • Godericb, the indoor • clepartinentsbeieg • . opened to the A good many•viss lied the Agriculturanliell he th.e-evenings •- rfliero. an extensive and beautiful display,. Of flower$ and fruit WM to be seen. In this department Goderich can doobtiesa . surpass many of the larger eihibitioris,, .but there the precedence ends, There ;Was some nicely -done ladies' work on et- •• • hibit,. but not Much of it; a few fair •• • paintiegs; and a collection ofphotographss. The dairy exbibitswas smelt!, as was also • the seed, but the vegetable& and •ropte were in plentiful: ribundrinea:". The Doherty Organs sported 0. first -prize eta, while -These' of Mt. Oakes else received farm be is_.on, 1o4-36, 9th cons,---ttoon. bee 0411.64. will have an auction sale on the di- 5th OfsOetobers He bas purchaeetl'abouC let 20 acids. on thi.18-thcOn., andwill remoVe On. there ' • , • th • ' • 4•• • • ••st tst A , hill iiet.Vnna's het:gene if undoubtedly fer a't.ftegrheif cl(ilenThe OhoraiSOci • .. . - - --• • intend having a citilibere in The•temperan TEsinsns.-IVIr. Charles Grant,_ ,ef ball, • on 'Monday, the 27th. inst.; th lint,on, at 'present teacher in the Model should 'haeia •a full hinnies as -they•si ebool at Vanleek Hill, has been engaged Well;sansIbeing local sborild bepatroniz r 1887 in School Section No; 11, in place adiniseiop only 10o. • Mrs. MontgOme Mr. -Churchill t Mr. Churchill purposes who has been •visiting at Mr. Buie's tending the University; the trustees are the lest month, left' for her homeln Wi sing. an able and willing teacher, and niPeg, with her two little daughters, miring a good one in his place. Mr: Monday, via' the C.P.R. 'Messrs. Ta lex, Sheppard hire been re-engaged in S. ner and Milne returned from their tri No. for 1887, with. an •inereasela on Monday; they were. as far north lary. Sault Ste Marie, and, in consequence P.seise,,Asgerden; party wits. 'held at e residence of Mr..Geo.' Greee, )349fidd will be in encounterhig • very rough weather • goi and coniing were sea sick. Judge TO Blyth on the 28th, .in conne n., Tuesday evening, of last Week, and tion with the voters' •Iiiit. The juni s attended by a -goodly number 'Of old, base hall club pity lituegels junior chi d young. A. very pletwant time ' was ent, despite the coldness of tlie.eitening, here next week, '.. Mr. N. H. ,YOting Card .heine from Conference, after being awe e proceeds. nutted ..$8.5,* which is .to be three Weeks,. on, Saterdays he is fall plied to the- payment of repairs -on the : the fedetation, schenses • ethodist church, ;The people: of the , . Yfieid con. are losing. a goott•neighbor .. . •• • GlOpEli.1011. . . Asothigit F:xuz.,'Ire broke (Set earl on Saturday morning, in -the stable jinni diately behind Mr. IlInFarlane's residenc near the High Sohool.. Nothing ,of vale was iri the stable except fowl and ae•oye Oat. • The fire Was undoubtedly the wor skt an incendiary. • • ' i '. . .AdizzgAwA'i.--gri1onday, Mrs: MC teen; of the Huron.. road,-and.-1Vers-e-Wa ters, Colborne, received a eerious. shoe LeesWiseteeseof-Nee-2-Se4s.Jitive refused and fright, but ':nothing worse than a fa l h ir eon -Sent. aohn .A:ndrews and 1 Isaao out of.a buggy in 'which they .were driv keld were notified to retrieve at once .ing. ,. The horse shied and then ran aWa fence .from across side road between after throwing the occupants on the aide 5 and 6, eon., it not, action :will be walk. - Mr. Rob. 'Whitely stepped the ani en against thena„ ' Treasurer's bond mai before it aid .fiiithqf damage. : ; examined hie sureties were considered .-.... BEIBA.-13.eir. Y. T. •LeGear was ' in sfactorse Collector iwith his sureties town making farewell' Calls on *Wednesday preeepeliis bond was. drawn and com, The•Ilolauto Opera Co. perforrned "Three ed. The council' .autherized Mi. Too Many" in the Vi0tOria Opera House udfopt,. engineer; to take levels and 'on -Tuesday evening, to a very good, Audi - Is for drain at Railway bridge crossing ence; last night'they gave, H. M. S. Pine - field lines expenses to be paid by the- igOrd.,' the--ball-worild 'have held mere, - les beeefitted, and the reeve , and The Siete is fixed.in Vie near firtureSfor a ty4eeve were instriicted to attend fashionable Wedding -in teens. Miss 11. ting to be held by aforesaid patties l'rice I melte from the old country, neer. C,ountil adjourned to meet agale SPeaks highly of the Colonial Exhibition, I ri estimatee will be hended it by The she enjeyed her visit Very much,' arid re third Monday hi Oetoben, , • the - English ,ecenery end Devonshire s, mos eage, we wil) sod the NEW EN Atte. .. CHURCH NOT.E;3.-'--Til ere...will be an ex - i JAN 136, PATTON', Clerk.. cream. lie:velem:for the balance of the year change of pulpits between' tile Victoria . , . St, and -the Presbyterian nastots next ..--........„. yf lc were taken advant.s,ge of by Most of' . then3, our Own school being an exception. as usual.. After dinner was parteken of, C 'the crowd repaired to the hillside in front o Mr. Foster s house, .where speeches ° were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Patton of and Fisher, of Holmesville. Some at 'splendid music was furnished by members lo of Bethel copgregation and school. After se all had partaken of the means of enter- 'A tainment, such as swings. base ball, cro- S. quet eta, tostheit "hearts content," tea wes served and hordes were sought, amid expressions or satisfaction, such .as, th " nidn't.the afternoon turn out finer " I. co just had a Splendid time ;" "does not wa Kestle makes. geed chairman," eta, etc, 'an One thing,that_seerned to'be remarked by in everypize, wee•tihe kindness ef Mr. Foster. Th and facqy. We. are ' well aware that hp wiled a picnic is held in a private grove, m •the owner of that greys is put to a great Bh k- ••• :vrtattsa,' • ety Mr.*Tippett, harnes&-maker, 'is, we are ee sorry to- say, about. to leave :Varna; and; ey settle in Samna° Co., MiChigan, where he ng took up some land three year* 'ago. He .will.open but his business in 'a town near ryi' by and some one •of his place to Work it. for It is now about ten years since Mrs T. n-corameric.ed.bilsinese here, during which on thee, by close attention to his •work, he In. has been very successful, and by his quiet,: P, gentle manner he has gained a warni as place in the esteem of his fellow -Villagers, of who • wiliSvery much regretlis departure. ng Mr.-Iriffes, at present Of Clinton, is Spelt - ins en of' as a probable succeseor • of 'Mr. T.. c: posters are up announcing Tippett,' or riale.et harness:and household effects, or• s' Monday next; no doubt there *ill be e. ome good bargains available. ' • BRIEFS; -There had been considerable saf.trouble all summer to keep the gates shut during the .night and early morning., in the village; but new Mrs Editor, we have got the name of the party,wie opens them, ,y; and if he, is again caught aitit his name e. in full will he,given, and then we.will see how he likes it. 00,:, Sunday night Mr. 6 J. B. "%cord lost a 'Sine 'lot Of musk and r. writer melons's leis on tbe track of the k' parties, and. no doubt prmish ,them; • there -has been too much- of such work . done oreend here, lately. -The' Sidewalks te-elreheslieve been repaired, arid new ones k pot in where needed e Sion•geta•-great ere - 1 dit for it. Mrs. Fanner Smith hie been - Visiting a 'sister near gin:lira who was y dangerously illswith. dropsy, gut has re-- . turned hOnae,. and reports her. sister's 7 health aS much- improv,ed. Tarbes Wan-. fess, now '.upwards of. seventy-four years Of age, showed hie enthusiasm in : the. teeiperance cause, by walking all the way to Seaforth, to attend. the convention . held •there last week ;• not many. nien of his Years' could have done this. Mr. Stewart, ars has* been Very Hi since -Out- last witting, tint •we are ha.ppy td say is recoyering now. Mr. Geo. Stewart has found' it neeeisary to have additional as- siStance in his store here, and has secured it in the person of Mr. Lovett, a brother- S'everal• of op' villagers took no the Toronto last week. A beer waggon lay over last Thursday night in the Stables of our Temperance (?) hotel; of coin's° no barrels were rolled off for consumption at this polet, (?) but it is a little puzzling to knoW just whet ,uSe there can be for such a caravan, a SOU Act ceunty, ; ' .• • s.••:-,. MILL'S OREM% • . Bartrs.-Mr. P. Coleman is attending the Guelph fair this week ; he took with him for exhibition some very fine horses; before returning he will, attend London show. Mr, 0, McAllister was at the To- ronto fair lest week, ,and reports it as be- ing A. SUMS.' Mr. John Wilson. left on Monday,. to attend the Provincial fair. Last Friday inspector Tom visited the sehtiols in sections No. 7 and 14, of Stan - Thy, As the result of_three-ni lits' Sport mars. Coleman and D. 0 ark taught no less than six raccoons. • CONVIOTION0,-13y the list of convic- tions for the quarter ending the [4th Taste we find that 10 convictions were made by .00derieh magistrates, 0 ht Seafd4b, 11 by Winenarn, 7 by Brussels and 32 b the Mayor of Clinton.. ThiS looks as If we are getting to be Wicked and pr - vera people" .hcre, Or else the litIVA RIO being upheld better than in other places. Likely the latter. , deal of tronhin-,-Arthslzedittestrichnflalk an were on • Monday, but it, was all borne• with such a pleasant mien :that we felt he right at • home, Waisareenot, in favor of votes of thanks," but seely Mr. Foster deserves one and a• hearty:one. ' pu Why can't our Sabbath School take Bethel .pre as an example,and do something. to en- Sch couiege the eh ? • • 1,5, Ii-giffitrilielyerkenin church matters; Mr. Green,. who is removing to a farm ar Goderich . . , • 't • Ccita;7011,.-Pouncil met on the lath matt to adjournment, members all sent. Letter from trustees of No. 2 oorSection read, iefusing allosv lot 5th con. to be taken fro se -said hectiore • s • .natonstsvisouits Biunrs.-Mt. J. L. 0Ourtice less -ono -sr thajudgeint •thes-Goderichidi be Wed nesday, Lobb is again laid up wit an ailmerst imine of his legs. . Joh Rehires shipped a car -load. of Cattle t Buffalo last week. The widow and'famil of the late Mr. Wade, of S'eeforth, ,inten to live for a time at least; with Mr. Knox the father of the Shriner. " • A BAD BoAD.-Tellaps the worst Piec of road in the county; is that part betw.ee here rind the new bridgss.----It is a pity the the reeve and depety:reeve do /Lot have.t go this way to Cherch or to market. It i finagined by some that this piece of road is never travelled,. except by some foot man ic•oearch of his cows; but your cor- resporidez in going from here to the bridge, met five rigs, arid there was a buggy jest all ead,TOth al/tidy and gent in it, Now the lady, When th 1 steep hills,, was afraid that they miebt tip oventhe horses' head in. descend( th hill; eo got out and walked down. If Oils was a sOlitary 'occnrretice, it ,"eould be borne end nothing said of ,it, bet whet' it oceans every day, a dozen times 0 day, and every ,day in, the week ; it becomee tiresome. What is worse than ,this, no teeth can bring a load up this hill, end a man ha.s to come with 'half a load or urn. load and load again,but this is no concern of the reeve and deputy, they have a good road to their market and vvhat need • they CIO ftbOlit others? In talking to the peo- ple of -Colborne, they say they prefer to trade in Clinton, its they think they can buy goods Cheaper, and get a better price for their produce than elsewhere, The plea has boon .84_0 p_that_ the - peopleofGatierieh thwnship did not need to travel this ways but yout correspondent 'saw sieve people froni Goderielt over in Col- borne, and it would hive been very 'neap- enient for them to have gone 'either by Ball's. bridge or neniniller. ,Thapeopl 0. f Colborne hive made a good road on heir side,. ond Goderich must not forget hat this Is one of the high Ways of the tirld Must be put in repair. Vhy not sell the old road and buy it tIOW ight of way, and thus avoid these hills. ' - It was decided. that no action be taken in ' phanging lot 15, 5th eon. into No. 6 S. S. _ - t e h •Sal n the d las y tak 7a was , sati - was O plet n Pro t dept, 0. Bay s part depu 1 . rnee . whe engi , on ti I ' , 1 ri,sv 81 or . ., 0 . IIENSAI.L. . Sunday evening. • Mr. Jno, McGillivray , 13.erne's,-The new stores owned by Mr. will preach his farewell sermon in Knox Marshall are almost' completed ; they are church, Oct. 8rd ; Ire will then visit'a lit - large and handsome, and add much to the tie while in, Bramptcln, before going back appertrance of the village. The many to College, The Methodists are securing new buiidiegs in course of erection' in our some of the best Canadian -American tal- town, show -an . aliment of prosperity en- ent for.their winteicourse of leetures,-- joyed by few of out neighboring burghs, Saerament was adrninietered In Victoria and go.to show that Hensall is destined St, °Much last • Sunday mbrning. The to be the "hub.'' The Myth Brass Band North street ohurch. choir are preparing while on their -way to -the band towns, tor their annual "Harvest Home." A merit at Zurich, and also on their way free social was given by the young people home), favored Us with 80.1100 choice selee- of North,St. Ohurchedast Ericlay evening, thins. The Seaforth band on their way there was a big turn out and it splendid home, also gave us some Brat class rnuaie; programme. It. W. MeXenzie returned the thanks of our citizens are due tc both from General Conferenee on Saturday those bands. kw the-sinusical treat they "evening; great honors were put upon him gave us. Quite a 'number of our husiness by the big gaps. The Victoria Sb. church men were overatthe " World's Fair," at 'hag received promise of 11000 frorn the 'Zurich. Mr, Ayers, of 'this place, who Embarrassed Church Pund Committee, to has been Visiting friends down east; tag be paid some time in the sweet-by-and-bW get back again all safeand sound, s Mr. The Goderich eorreependentffirthe News' alittlusGolifreysiestattending the Clinton Retord says f -Rev, Mr. Salton's sermon High School, Mr. Spencer, of Lakevievv. last Sunday evening, was on the recent new subscribers for the balanee of the yesre a number of sttangers are in town, ivork- I rev, geotlarnen took as .hie tut a portion is .a.t_ten.ding Goderieli High School 't sudden death of Master W.'S, Zones. The ing "on the new Preebyterian church.-- of the KIM chapter of Genesis, "Ansi '• For stieenfq cash, wo win send the NM ftltrri. tc one 13 hal" froln which ha PrtadIad il• moet excellent sermon. ' . . On WednescleY.the outdoor -exhibit if 9..S /Side. There were a ember of good • horses shown,mainly heavy'draught colts, a few. thoroughbred cattle, very fewpigs, but in sheep the competition was keea..A. very gOod-dIsplay Of buggies and waggons, ' prominent among which were some splen- did•rigs made by Mr.,'FIrlyward, Clinton, ' Wile carried off two lust 'and. two Second prizes. ..Mr.-RoSs,'Clinten, showed two. , pumps, a Goderich maker showed one A. couple of email. -white-bronze . menu a-rents:L.) 'attracted Considerable notice -one of them "'"• being for Mr. Brennan, • wird died reeent. ly Goderich. The. show could, not be condidered a great success in any respect, more especially as' a Riding Show, The . Goderich people lifiVO been agitating for 'some time for enTrirked-Sli-or-Grourrds--, but on the present •oecasion these were *ply „eufficient for four • times as niatiy people as were on them. The. threaten- ing appearance of the weather' le the morning, may have had something to do with the small number present, but it is certain that Al a/larger crowd cannot be •i ['there& at a ,Riding show, it is about tithe some, amalgamation took place that wS11 mike matters better. We could not • seeure the prize list in time ior this issue, • but will publish it next weeks 7 IIITI.,LETT IISSANCH SHOW. The fai) show of this tsociety cominenced• yesterday (Thursday) and will, ibe con- tinued to -day. • Of coarse the hbur .at which woo to press prevents any extend - ed report being given, and we shall only . refer: to ,the indoor department, whIen had net yet beenjadged whoa oar reporter was .Making hie visit. II ere ie magnificen t display of roots 'and vegetables; not it large display of grain, "exceptionally - numerous exhibit Of apple% but email of grapes, pears and plume, although sorne good fruit in these classes is shown, good exhibit of dairy produce. . Mr.' Bennett shows his beautiful sets of drawing room furniture ; 1VIr,Sharrnan makes an exhibit of harness ; Messrs. Doherty Co. make an exhibit of five organs, and Mr. G. P. Oakes a display. of three. The Clinton Woollen Mills make a large. display „of goods of theirmanufactura In the Ladies Work department, theedisPlay is fer ehead of anytinng that has ever been made before there are several collections, that tin brace some most beautiful brie-a•hrac, and the large space,allotted 10 ladies work is -more than filled by the splendid col- leetion ; thia departmen,t alone the exhibit would do creditto iry_of theiarge tides, and we doubt -if at eny of the shows ye re there halt been a full assortment shown, Of .course we canifot state a v- thing so next week when 'We 11110 IV WC tiri jingling to the numbers present, but s e II C .• • p se, se t