HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-17, Page 6FAIDAT,..SEPT, Po. 1886,
There was a time 'hen Mitchell wes
NEWS NOTES. able to get off avitla 17 mills on the $,
and nm• floating debt. Now we pay go
Througheut the Province of Ontario/ mills, and carry a hank debt of $10,000.
the sveraprentpf farming land is $2.1'0 ' ,Since our last -issue Mr. George Hoy,
Per Acre,
"131ood•food," is the suggestive name
given to A.yer'a Sarsaparilla, because of
it blood.eprielibig qualitiee.
Last week a seven-year-eld• daughter
a Mrs. 13eef, of Howe Wand, fell into
a:can of milk andwas drowned.
A. large body of tramps is reported to
,have taken possession of Campbell,
Minn., and sacked the stores.
A strange incident of' the earthquake
afr SeVannalaTGa'
. is the-fehei-CrY ef the
power of speech. by Mamie Martine
daughter a re retired army soldier,
Delicate diaeasea in either sex, however
inducetkeillteedily cured. Bowie. 20 °Elle,
in atam pe. Aeldress,in confideoce,World's
Dispensary Medical -Association, 663,Main
Street, Buffalo,. N. Y.
Whiskey. was smeggled Into the
Methodist camp meeting at Glenyale,
, and several Men got drunk while the
• services were • being held, and crated
great ocinfusion.. '
Try Ayer's Pills, and be qnsa. Miaery
is a, mild word to describe the Jmiechief to
• bedy and tided caused by hahitualconstipa-
tion. The regular use of Ayer's Pills' in
Mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera
:to healthy aotion. '
Thos,. Lam phi er, a 'ffiemer: ibur`iniles
•from Leoen, 'went in a well. which he
• was. digging on Wednesday, and was
suffocated in, e few minutes. His
brother and a. hired mau, iia *trying to
. rescue him, Earl a very narrdw escape
front sharing the same fate.
A young mati of Glencoe, for a wager of
$1,e last week tried to eat two watermelona'
weighing"26i pounds es.eli,
• He ,finished jut ten minutes behind tittle.
Be still declares his ability to do the work
• in the allotted thee, howeeerfrand will at
melons against any man in Canticle for e.2ii
• .A. Kingston dressmaker two indutlis aeO
went to Newburgh, called %spoil a lady she
knew alightly, made hereelf at home, and
Stayed six Weeks. Durink this time he
eelnuteered to assist in'inaking a fire:Oiler;
her hostess and when she wae_ready_to_go.,
-----holierediferged-fieilp for her services, The
Newberkh laely said that she theeglit that
six weeks' board Was a feireffset te the
dresainaking ; but the Other hisisteiMfr
• having $5,and it was paid. • , • • •
• A. piling son of Mr. Itinn, ObtaWa
was recently unaccountably ill, and a/-
ter -several weeks, When his iife was
nig* despaired of,Vernited ii lizard about
;- an, inch in length._ It iuoseLthat
, he swallowed it in drinking water from
the city pipes, a&Mrs.. Ryan. says that
on several occasions lately lizards have
been nOtieed ie:the water. •
Pronounced inceraFle, cured free ih
charge. Giles' Linimeivt Lidide Anuinta,,
spavins; SplintOinsigh fly bunches, &pre rig -
knees, weak loins, founder, quinsy, dis-
temper. Advice given, no charge en nil
"ailmeneeto which, cattle are subject, write
Dr. Giles; Box 3;482, New York, P. 0.,
tenclose atamp for. reply), Who 'will giee
suckiestrilalion at • hie great and lone:ex-
perience` tin -Ales. him to dee . The Lini-
„ tient is sold by all druggists.
The fund Tor the families of Colitintnen
injuredby. tile Chicago .136mb-throwing
is $37,000. ...It is proposed to give
$1000 to, the widow of each policeman
• killed, and $200to.,pach orPhan. The
rest of'. the. Auld,' besides the 01.6,000.
speet in the care of the wounded men.
• will be invested fOr the •beiTe6b . cif tible
fantiliesen other men
. .
who are likely to dip.
Capt. joeepli Wliitridge, 'who recent-
iy_eliedeteniSindeigfield,- Ohio,- at ;the•
age of 83, had- made pretty thorough
-_prepanition for 'death up to a certain
. Thirty yeatuigo he put. iiwaY
heavy plank of burr bait; and, after let-
ting inpason for'twenty years, had hit
• esaffineinade of it., 1.1n hought a winding
• sheet and -put it in the coffin, which was
atored`eway in a dark.tocine- Twenty
• years age he clit„ef a vault in a field near
his house, walled, it up, covered it with
sandsteneeslabs, and placed et" bowlder,
weighing seven tons, for the headstone..
He was buriedinethis coffin and greet:
Last month's waste . fire in North
.America, was worse then ever before re-,
ported since -Statistic have 'Wee kept.
• When lb is remembered thht $6,000,000
• has beenaboub the .averege fire waste in
.August, izi tile: tnited States and OA-
• adalit is easy to see that the$13,000,000'
• chargefeble to the August of 'this year i's
soinething nf the unusual- kind. •No
fewer than 170 fires were reported in
•,• August, the reported deetructivenesS of
which • roved $10000' and
$1,000,000—the aggregate .beitig $11,-
860,090 for these ,firet • alone+ wi them t
counting the losses cartSed by the almost'
innumerable emieller fires and those not
recorded. Forest fires alone did (Llano
footing up to over $'3,000,000. Since
January let, of this p.m; the fire waSte,
foots up $7(t,500,000 for the 60136 months
•of Mitchell, has been stricken Own
with three apopletic dtS, We regret to
Bay that be is now lying at the point of
death. •
!Brooklyn Eaele.1
Mr, A. R. Gordon, who has cantina-
ede Harriugton school during the past topp?annt yobtlreeellis9nadeiii byi feelleb
two years, has retired from the prof6V the city. All. nellif Ca015OrnleeSwarrigteari (t)ci
sion, He left last week for Toronto, early. enterprise, the first settlers only
• clear the way.for those who follow, and
are regularly ruined for tlei benefit of
posterity. 'When you have taken a house
During the beginning of the past and pit your brass plate on the door, yen'
mocohn Lamontbof tueeeet, cannot do better than go. abroad for tour
or five years. At your return you will
had a severe attack of inflammation of probably And that no one has iaguired
the bowels. Medical aid wak Monier- for you, which must be very consolatory
ea, whp succeededin checking the dis., to your feelings, inasmuch as it will ehow
you. have lost nothing by your absence,
vase. He is now able to be up and and have yet given the world, tline to bo
move .around a little, Mr. Alex.Camp- , gin to ascertam there is such u person in
ltenutsItes for a Successful PrectItIcucr.—.
The lvedlical Man's Great Art—I'b�
Imnlsters and the ladles --
Avoid Patieple'SoCiiitY;
'where he engages" in the study of medi-
cine.. —
bell, of the same place, who wan very
ill 'with cholera, is pow slowly recov-
On Wednesday morning Inspector
COppin and Constable Kerr made a raid
on the unlicensed grogery of 111r.Dunotin
Stewart, near the station, Mitchell, and
existence as yourself. Having familiarized
peoplewith your name; it behooves you
then to give it notoriety; therefore lose no
time in getting into print You cannot
lay outa couple of hunered dollars to bet-
ter "advantege than publishing a pamphlet
on auy popular medical subject,
treatise on indigeetion has -gained many a
hysie:an a spMptuous dinner. 11lott,
Pi -ands, Buck.; furnish excellent examples
seized on the -premises a barrel of•
Mr, Stewart was ofthat sort of alehemy which transmits a
and a learrel of beer. grievousoinusdy,syeeen:., to a, greening table,
ale° itiken before Xi., Pieta°. and fined •48
$20 and Costee.L.The_nextlience is diserdars: "-butvice versa with tlie doe.
• tors, so many disorders, so many dishes.
Touest says eeneca, "'so many
prisonment without the option of a fine. 'the great majority of mankind are
fools—that large pardon you are to Ili e
therefore mystify your :patients..
heti you talk to them, let it be in Ring
1. amhyses' vein. • The ears of the million
are easily' captivated; when once their
senses are confounded, tbey hese nater.
• ally a religious reveration , for • anything
they do not understand. In brief;
your dealings with men, remember you
have'to Ao with folks who, aceording tor
the Latin proverb, "have all at sometime
• been insane. Never give a direct an-,
sever le a patient's question, never etimelit
yourself by entering into explanation
,with the Mee& Tor the sick man you
cannot mit too few questions; to the rola-
• tives you can never give too few replies:
The great art of a plirsician is to gain
the confidence of the patient, aud for that
purpose his first object should be to in-
spire hini with hope It is not a hesitat-
ing manner or a melancholy inien whith
is calculated to raise the drooping spirits.
of the sick; it tenet a banglinin's Wok or
iLliente4a.detheenor_thatis likely:to teed
• the physiognomy et . the physician the
'character of a messenger of glad tidings,
who comes with nealiug on his wings and
the gift of health m his right hand; it 14
• not -the timid eye, the irresolute treed;
• the frivolous tongue, the fearful voice, or
• the foolish simper of servile acquieseenee
• -with that -pinions of the friends or the
prejudices of the attendants of the
Which are at all favorable to the produc-
• tion of that faith which can remove 'dis-
• eases which have been mountains to mere
•-medicine,- e • '
• Never refuse a fee !rem any perspn who
• is able to give one, in order that you may
he Occupied, and like his•stock, it was, -never Wire occasion to take one from a
Man who is too poor to well ord one.
uninsured.- .There are • very Suspicions
it matters not how mercenary you may
.eireunistances 'connected with ..the fire, b accounted by the rich, .so.iong asyou
and. we understand that there. is to be are inerdifutto the poor. If you can, net
an investigation, to diseciver hew it get fees witbout 'depriving them of bread,
. it were better yeti had never been.. a doe-
'arigipitted, if possible. toe N'our friends nor your familiars
ln the afternoon the heads of the bar-
rels were knoeked in on the . market
The Mitchell Advocate Says
exactlY 2.20 o'clook, Thursday, morning,
the Ate) bell soonded, and the town Was
soon in a State of excitement. • The lit-
tle candy store, kept by 3.11. Winter,on
the market square, was in dames: The
fleoe and ..counter, by ' some eriknown
Cause'being saturated with coal oil, it
burned rapidly, and Abe oil; even ran
:out on the sidewalk froin • under the
door, throwing up a . hue. .and - Vivid
flame, :which gave a brilliant light. The
fire company Were quickly en ground,
but althougb they worked well, the
small building adjoining, Mr. 'Thorne's
sboa shop, gr. Bartlett's store and Mr.
-D.-MePhains.-oldeofficee-w ere al most-to;-
ially destroyed. On Mr. Winter's stook
there wee an insurance of $300 ; on Mr.
orne's none ; Mr. Bartlett Carried a'
atOck of $1;500, insured for $400, con-
siderahle reds saved, .hut greatly•dam."
aged ; Mr, McPhail's old office -was own -
•ed by Messrs. Dent & Hodes net insur-
• ance ; .buildings occupied by Mesere.
Bartlett tit. Winter, owned .by Mr. W.
Thorne Was owner Of the bnilding which
have any *claim on your skill, whatever.
they may have on your alkaline • If they
pORTANT —XTENS1ONS. are entitled to your gratnitousa egtrieealagil
Tm • Fj"
ta large connection_ would 'be
e. -The Bell Telephone COmpitny hasjeit %eye phycitio. • Were you a: merchrtt.
eoinpleted uumber of new and itu or- they Way, and will be finished very. shortly.'
,The following, is a partial list Of what
has been done in this Province, viz
'A linefibin Walkerton through Mild-,
nuty, Clifford, Harriston, (taking in Wit.
Forest), •Arthine Fergus'and Elora, al
p would not ask. your goods with u
t an equlvaleat, and surely b-
ecause yeti Mu •
tent trunk lilies, and others. are under
c y expect0.
still • more Omelette chattels of tite mind
.without anreompensation,..' •• • ' .
To obtain practice be sure to enlist the
serVice-on your side of the Pastors of all •
denominations in your neighlibehdpd, and
pay yourtoine assiduously to:the inauen•
eiewomen, but above all: it intbe coml.
coiriec tin o' *ith the. reseof tlie.systenrat---ITY; to -the one dr two . ehariteble tad MS,
ar extellence who .are to b6 found- in
TM'S 11001331/10 Sootia apple mot),
promisee to he an obundant one. It is
estimated. that there Will be 600,000 bar-
rels a apples in the orchards of the An-
napolis Vtilley,and that there willbefully-
40;000 barrels of Giavenstein apples,the
largeot mop ever grown, in Nova. Scotia.
' A. telegram from London, po., says
Mimi) feeling has been aroused among
temperance advocates iri **this city, by
the course pursued by Rev. Dr. Bother
/and, ur Queen's Avenue MethOdist
Chureb. On Sunday the rev. gentle-
man announced that Hon. John Carling
would preside at the missionary meeting
to be beld' the night following.. Next
morning an influential deputation. wait.
ed upon Dr. Sutherland and asked bim
to withdraw Mr. Carling's new, en the
greund that he wee a brewer, end a de-
termined oppouent of temperance, Or.
Stitherland urged that Mr. Carling bad
retired practically •from the brewing
business, that he wonld feel insulted at
being told thet his services were not
wanted, after heing asked, and that the
would lose , his contributions.
The deputetiou loplieti that temperance
was. really a principle of the Church,
and that they could not consent to allow
a brewer •to preside et the meeting. One
of 'them, a prominent merchent, offered
$100 extra 'to offset any loss that might
oustained by Mr. Carling leaving the
Church. Dr.; Sutherland was deter-
mined, howevel, and,Mr. Ceiling occu-
pied the cliaireit the meeting. . There
is milt of lirie•ging the matte•r before the
Coiiferenee. •
F 00
LO 0 .
. • SrsArreno, Aug.; 2401,1885.
it gives me le eeh plenum -to recommend
Pr. Jug's Medicine to all who, may be buf-
fering from Lung, Liver or Kidney corn.
as 1. have found it thoroUghlY
Went in my own !ease, in, fain found it
the, moSt. useful medicine I ever had itt
hopse., ••
W31...NOWAT, Novel's Bank, :
. .
`"..R.Sivetly Life
Is a common. expression, often heard .
from those who have realized, by per. .
soma use, the curative powers of Ayer's •
Cherry Pectoral. saiTeannotsayenoi.ie,h .
.in praise of ,Ayeris Cherry•Peeterel
'loving as Ido that, but foie.44-eise,.;
should -long. sitireffa'vd-dretTfora„.teng
:trOubles,—E Bragdon, Paleptine,teX,'
, i•f
About six..montlts ago I Juni a severe.
Tiereorrhage,ef the Ltings,..brought en .
bra.dietretismg CoUgh, Which. deprived
me of sleep and rest. I had used. vari-
ous cougb basains and ,expectorants,
Witheut obtaining relief. A Mend ad-;
visedlne to trY , .
Ayer' Cherry. Pectoral.
did so, and am happy to say that it
helped' me at once. By continued use_ ,
this medicine Cured my cough, and,
: am. iratisfied, saved my Iife. —Mrs: E.
Coburn, Second st., Mass,
I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral '
. for over a year, and sincerely believe r
should have been in my grave, ,had 18
not been for this medicine. It has cured
'me of a dangerous lineation 6 tbe lungs,
for.wldch Ilfratalmost despaired of ever
finding a .remedy. —toe A. McMullen,
'Windsor, Provined,of Cntario.•,
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saN'ed
Two years ago I took a very severe Cold •
which settled on my lungs. consulted
physimausiganktiloic the remedies they.
_pfescribearbut failed- to 'obtain relief
until hem-men:dug Ayer's Cherry Pec-
. • toral. 'Two bottles -of *is medicine
!,Nuiplately restored my health.--Idszie
Allen, west Lancaster; Ohio,
Alfer'S • Cherry Pectoral,
Prenareci by Di. J. C. Aver s.:06.,TAneett,gess.
:gm o"irtrvz.. snEz
Guelph. This will be. :Ilse cori'nected :1?„,ree'y
town, tleasi• nu' 0e-1—life 'of - 0
Londoprote=;-direetviaePalmerateli blessedness•and all the leisure of neglected • 1.5 vet). •
Pi ` 01, oi?
; ;
• English Molt Yineolr on Drift.
q-somumn MBE Sum now qg
AlsTC+Vb U
Has the finest and cheapest
GROCERI 1E8 in town
C.111,(003EK U1E-IN niad GIAL.A.SSWAI.:113E
' At prices which downs them all. ••
• • . I
ANTEDAny quantity of .Apples,Pears'-Plums
7- - 1 • and all kinds of Farm Produee.J
A. -6..NstaTS, CLINTON.
Iffevieg bought C.- j.-Tnthill's Stock of •
CECtZTA, artoczmay a ..AtItAsswAnz
• At a discount, will sell at Wholesale Prices until all is cleaned out •
FLEESHMAN CO'S -YEAST, formerly kepi by Tuthill &Ce. alWaye On,han
Ice ct ream. C.(16, Iya,ter, etfT.
- • • 4
Mid ListoWel, arid extended to Brussels beauV and imperishable celibacy te 1110
and. Wingliani. • ' A .neW tine' has been-stscitrrveitilf yroetiligt,ioun3„. ageodhichniimanifte. ,13e r -Vi.;!:,!, :11.,:,, 7, ii .33.11.1 , and FEED.
run • from :Toronto% to Barrie, giving -good Women, tor wittiltti:ili!
splendid ce'enhection between those PIP -tee itiftve:h.elgtr!Lviosluernecet •they_have_a_large-portinacu
and in a
....,,- pew line of their friends a°n1deustiTt
pTe,of weeks this will reach w ea abeprivany
Collin iircei°du.• vie; Stripier. e6., defead the reputatiott ogf Ithmts' end heavea .
has been finished and is now wOrkin terrible Areo3pagus of Cher
p: or Wil
gwood to Owen 'Sound viga twea,net.ahalte,tibseconiigned to the tender m 1
O ?all b al 1 in' and .Mea ford, so•m.es. of Jheir envenomed tongues. . mer
whole' orthitil-4—r
is eie ielliTileete pfasp0 Alm socierr, •of your' patients.,
rysnaans should:. liaKeitalarailiars.'10 '
iliecommunicetion yeah Toronto
ly be b 1
0, tsf KINDS,
, 1 t 4111 I 1,;orl of tl1.1•11 t zehatote tor
Of. the nhover
41.A31 ES :-. r UP, • - ' - 01,1.STON'
. .
„.• .
II t
e t ioroughly respeteedethey !Mist liana-
, GEifitt--.5101'111211.14---114.014RE •.tkb
aloof from the • grize ot society . ' .o. ' . '' . ' . - ' "
In . fact as the 'eqmPany is mow usine
prophet has no power la ltia own cou'utry . :. : I' tii'9.'N 8T1.1':'.:1'. ci'll.1).x•
nothing. but hard drawn ,copper . Wire7 neitheebas a physician in 'his own **Cie' adi,t'r' . f 11 11 1 . .1 , , .'
Whidh is. greatly 'Superior :to iron for "Widiout 41011 it isitupossibile to becomea . ), I LI:. u It t iv h pr. 01,40 attoni.O. to Lt rcapo;
lines, and has ,alieady:'•a qcipper • wire tionriehinee physician, but without'ercod.. '. . se torittcs,, A erb.i1 .?•,11! it.vd.
from Budhic to Tcretitift the Officials say ntallnerS alt the skill of the most etniuent • ;•;-. . . 1 i ^I I • . : I 7 . ." ' .. • ' -
they could easily guitrantee a hatisfue- .;-. e
neveti,eiansewill • uot avail.you, in a large ' IIA 1.1 I 1 I 1118 alio 00
1 A. g90ed address Is.eeeryteing to . . . .• . ....'
tory conVeistation from.Builido to Owen ad,141;ctior. Til putthe tire Incapable:of : -
. 4.1
Sound—about 290 miles --if -any •opti jOtigil.1i; of a...medical man'e real :know), 213 .1,I,,,oes!e.ei4es:41 ei ( .1,1:0.44..: riliit•elcoiii 4V, - E�
eap Ohoetia amo-onalEs
• • . •
• • .
Having largo stock of Salt .on. band, orders Will be • filled at
the lewest prices ever offered Clinton, SS the Salt Works will he old when arraUge-
went s are 0,iin j)iet ed. Will boy „and TIMOTEIrettel -CLOVER SEED. A lot -of
• „ SAI,T SACKS and GRAIN BAGS for sale,.
ever required to use' a line of that
length. A new lineAta's been •strung
frotri*Wallaeehurg to Sarnia, which Will,
be ci gre.et cepveniencialO the Company's
eubscriliers lin the 'dist rid ” between
-Windsor and Glenboe, who eari ,now
traniapt their besinete with Sarnia
by a short line vie ghathate. A. new
exchange leis else been opened et Alvin -
store ,cuid It trunk lind connection Made
WII (SOK(' ; 'at; A leerier with a line
Lo St. Theme , pi Pk tti3Ville with it
edge; Lie only:way they have of forming
an opinion,. tifirefore, is by, analogy, ,.1,y
scrutinizing thoio su ertleial ;qualities and
the outward and visible -signs of thein„,
which '. come ininiediately . Within the
narrow .sphere of their comprehension..
1.1 .11.8 matmer.4 be good, they give his.
mind credit for the advautage
• • Theic,st.aml-greatest,precept, of all 18; -
Never yip:a te•in "-thought'. word or deed '
the s'anctitv of the sickoellumber: Ile is•st
viIlaia *In:i raveals AIM' secrets of that
'pOson house, where pure. humanity lies
,bare ittid.helplesulie is a trnitor to his
prefessic,n who teei4i1144 00111 1110, in arnti.
tics he is ctilIed relleve.i isinewerdiv
wirelo. Nov; lliittiletrg• Mee afe •Ift!ey »nine of it phi:Ski:lit Wild, 111PMilig the
crit (reil 111 '1 ir from. Hamilton to on tidento whiel: is repoett in his human.
e>. ' tn.1 fel ity and his 'boiler. leis DO sooner turned
" ("It're'Y new rmi trent the bedside ofi the phtient thlin the .
relieve the pressure of business on. exiet, iniinniVe4 ile lug :Witnessed becoute the
ing lineseitiel this wire will be extended- .eilleeetof a ribald :est. • "
itmnediutely to Waterford. and Sitneoe. '
pinciirolv roiiconotcs
ilusiness :new done over the whoto of
.• al, eree4,1 .
pending eigla. months .of 1885, Surlier .tnanv tli oneandm ef miles in theProvineem • make con nc.t; pokon one, of ete own mei.
:as •neninst $65,5Q0;000 for the .borreft.. the Bei I 'Company's., system, -coinprising • is e eamerefeee eine p„Neeeee
lefle mile certainly be a severe discount- Ontaiiio olid Quebec, at, cc tfniforni ic.3. 11 can sIh.htly !nelson other k hue; of
in g of progress and proeperity in the
two comities, end does not go very fire
. to show that the reign of earelestiesa had
come to 'an enci. In too wily of the
fires reported there wee midoutted proof
that a little care would have prevented
• an outbreak. *
Ittle-tyr live whittle. conversations, ;went. veinitnonv snakes wild eau kill quickly
(ling clistunei,i); arid Toe dictited hies-
siiges in, dm vary rarely ceses where the
seethe line not time' or dors not care to".
speait. direct to 1415 correspondent', at it
veto of go cents for twenty word 13105-
01110 to any saiscriher within 150 miles.
„ of the evieler, withextre 121,o:outs
for eneh additional twenty words.
' harttre '11) IO v!;4•yrilai cobra can kiti
cavern! dogs Or 1'10111- It 110.telt t tWCIXty
41.1 is hal/Pi its bite bcitome4 harmless,
5,uci t Isettits rapid. sect. Minn cif virtri mak es •
11, itOOP 115 dangerous as ever.
. • et ewe% avetthesesetoeheie
. •
The forectSte of the.weather leveret o f
:frame were veritiel Itvii year 'in ainety
Itt oi.,,esery 11h4, the • 1.ercentagts• having
Yrion .•1 10 • 1.•,;.;.. .041•1u. netl
mar • 004 10 sic,,,Itals sent
.111,1 1111.144. • 1 t*, ••t f 11 ly ed,
:ye% ly Tent. WIN! t.t y eorreet, thirty%
‘VV: e 11.0 „.; ed11,3r.
sprite: new .ikumacsier.
l'rersre the body for lit.„allic Aim Vial* bY
taking I)r. Cliafe'e IA•t•i•-• ',Carr.: No' 0111.,
Medieine 8;11,ualais_a_ata1._ 4ea4;
aids eticl-reriGt; I' he
bottle awl lInelpts $1i Sold Jiy 011
rogto to -it 1"i•t4%sli4 reeitte.,
18 yrfp- an old Stire. 1:11tru,
. flunton,,-,441-tviwatfF,---44t19)1-0.,-Bliortry14,'.
reet.e. name. er Faye t 1(44), lwri: 18. (1111%
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Mide.t. fond SlciiiroA, f ft 1114,1-Si5ne,1,- And
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" • • " '4 '4 n.Lv.yelt to VOI1.10
)1,!'• 01,01 I,. s .N0.1 'sit of
41N.0 I or 'Xitltitfil.; Int stock 'and
tS,Sat o; 13 I h vfV,1 Plett‘c. give
: nes VII.
JOHN tor.eGARvik
B00,T5 .and SHOES at iIn4rka,b1y Low Prices!..
, .
BOY: CARRIAGES just arrived, latest Styles, Very Pheap.
:.T.p,UNks &,-ItALISES b.i• the hundred, dheap.,
High Thtld PNE anti CEDAR $11INGLE8 t tinweet, Prices.
Vi;,e IL al (71 IPA t
HE1i rwuPO UITSI &o.
ftl,nil; Tot'( Tr 1.F.a4,' Cif OAP..
1,,•7.(1E 4,) r 1)" 0 1:1r ,1,N 0111M1'
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0 . 'Sege 40 ittarce, tot ttoto opts vrtile tli
StftMOYI A 00.,PottIn eict m afne,win le csivii
free, 1101 Information about work *Sim
• they tetil do, tithi 145551110MCMhiWin pay
theft fronas Is VS ser dap $ente have
• tarn ed otet Winn da,y nithoritea, yore th obi, Clititta
batellrireri VtIllrtrda/lirtOil (tea Thnop %qui Ofitr AI MO
'Ito ubtelUttty mite of Ube little (*auto. All 15 no*.
B. latiritii-.0&$ .SPI410TiitILES attd.EYEGLASSRS
Arithe'Ottlk Gleiiuitte ttiglish Artiales Co!adjan,Idarkai.
'gent Pebbles nre,itept in stock. Tests ore given to mirrbasers to -olive genttiromess.
They ate recommended by itinttheso testirnottisia have been toreiVea trent Me rreAmett,
President, Ex.Presideet 5101 Xlx.Vice.Prosident M the greaten] A risheintion of Climidlal t10 Prosl.
dent of the College of Physie los and Suracons of gnebee; t,lici)ealt of tem 1tdlbai 1, acuity
LaYellItilverstiy; the President awl Ex.Presillenis of tim•inedical Connell of Nova ...'cofirt.
Thearl recelnnicintatiohe aught to be sflilicietit to Provo thole litiliIltftOl 14l1t lf fortherereer te
needed, call on
It0114. We COATS% ,Watellinplcer and lovelier Ciiiiir.),no