HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-17, Page 3FitIDAY, 8E11. 17, 1880.
which remains there all year, end beau -
fel little streatulets value bubbling out at
the latse At Donal,r, st here the East-
ern Division ends, and the Western be-
gins, gratt building operations are going
on, but it is never likely to be much of
a city, tie the damp, 'chilly air brings on
diseases ,.of different hinds, end great
-numbers of the -.men "me laid up with
, rheumatism, It is situated between
the Rocky and the Selkirk ranges. In
the Stahl; range the lar,:,e tiniber be
to appeer. To reach the summit
of tLis range there is vvhat is alled the
ifICIDX„1/ Where the traok first runs south,
creseeka canon and then rens due north,
and inside of three miles runs every di-
rection of the. etiteetta% To the milli
140miles is IThotenny silyer mine, bet
as it only turns out 18 oz. to the to, it
is net being worked to any extent. The
most beautiful lake we saw was Shit -
swap lake, in the cascade. range at
Notes of a Trip to California.
$AN FA:t.NOISCIO, CAL., Sept.. 1st, Vit.
To the Rititor'of the Yew Era,
DcAit But, -Leaving Owen Sound at
4 p. in, on the 18th of August, per
steisinehip Athabasca, of the Canadian
Pecific steamablP line) we enjoyed n verY
pleasant sail as far as Sault Ste Marie,
which we reached at 12 o'olock, the fol -
/owing day. Passing through the Ste
Marie river, the eountry on both sides
_appears very rough, and seems to baba
!thinly inhabited, especially the .A.tneri-
. 'Pan- side, no town of Ste Marie, site.
ated.on-the-Arnerican -side, bad the
fortune to be .visited by the firis fiend
the previous week-, which laid the whole.
centre and business part of the townsin"
- ashes. The stone work at the locks of
the canal here preseute a very fine piece
of masonry.
• Shortly after entering Lake Superior
the *either ebanged, and We had rough
weather theremaintler of the tip, reach-
, ing Port Arthur, two hours behind
time, at 10.50 Friday morning. Al-
though heavily laden, the boat made
abetit 15 miles an hour throughout. It
carries a crew of 55 men, and had about
80 passengers on hoard, '
Port Arthur is a nice little town, but
has an extrerneiy poor, country around
it, and .dependslor its subsistence al.
most entirely on the through trade and
the miners. We left here at 8.00 p.m.,
d and entesed- a wilderness of marshes,
•51 intermingled with rocky- heights, as far
as Selkirk, 37. miles east lof Winnipeg,
where WQ eaw the first cultivated land.
• At Bat Portage there are some very
fine saw mills, said.to be among the best
on the continent. - This is a purely lum-
• bering district. In the immediate 'vi-
cinity of Winnipeg there seems to be
some good land, but inost of it is not
cultivated, owing -to its being: held by
monopolists and specidators. •
West of here the first ce:of
drie. It has a
nd it, and has
. tance .18 Portage •la Pi
nice farming gauntry aro
• the appeaiance of 'being thriVing town.
A.t present the financeof the place are
supposed to be in a bad 'state, as :the
• town council resigned in a body a few
days ago.,. • : • • •-•-•
Carberrr, a smell tewb. further west,
seems to have a good future in "store, as
• it ha.s in its -vicinity the best traet of
land in the Manitoba north-west,. About
14 miles north of it lies the great•Plain,
70- miles long 'by 40 •milesavide. .'.11ere
a ten -mile furrow an be plowed Without'
meeting with an obstruction. The moat,
of the grain was standing in the stocks
ready for the waggon. A great dela of.
• the wheat fs eXpeeted to turn .40 bushs
els to the ..acre. ;Between the .Portage
:and (iarbeihr,: meet of tIe fand_lying
•• along both .sides:of the. tradkLis .nolting>
• • hilly land, cotoered With". shrubbery and
stunted oaks. We 'passed :through
gina, QuAppelle, Moose Jaw wed inter-
, modiate•statiOns at night. .The crops
around these places; are said olio. very
Mitch damaged by the continued drought.
Between here aid the neighbOthood of
the Rockies, the country' is a Veritable'
elesert.• Scattered here and there to
relleve.the monotony of theyiew, as it
•..were,) ere ironiense quentities::of b'uffalo•
bones, and :• the skulls of few •tinfortu-
nate- Indians. At. interVbIs along the
road these bones have been collected
half-breeds and Indiens;;Micl piled there
like cordwood beside the 'track, ready
for shipmeut to' the.)1•Iontreal, sugar re-
• fineries. , The sroall takes. along the
route are covered with innimierable
wild geese:and ducks, end en the'plains
a feiv.wolves, lt,nats, badger, deer, (elk
and moose) and immenie qitantities of
goPhers are seen: This latter is a' small
animal about the size of a red. squirrel,
• and it lives after the ..nitinne•e of an On-
tario tvoOdehuck..
TheX.P.R. 'Cornpan 'jr* iihie'fanced off
. .
• small portiens of land'irt king intervals,
as experimental farnia. The result 'this
• • year. is Very disceuraging,-.' The grain'
seems to have sproutcd. and: grown, all
••right for a. few 'weeks, when the dry
weether-canghtit.....IF herideirout when
six •incherriIong, 'never filled ib. is. toti
'bort to out even- with'.a mowee,:-and is
consequently useiesti. A retina Medicine
Hat is a grazing country. Over 22,000
• bead of -cattle pasturedin •thet vicinity,
during the mono.9f Augui.t.': The heat
iere is excessive. . The thermometer re-
gistered es high-. as 114 °--in' the shade, -
and 43 0 • in the•sen, this. summer.
,The Not tif Sasketchentati fiewg tbreugh
• IL, On the r1gli1 hank of aistieli- fa teat-
' ed the mounted 'police bartnekS;•With a
garrison of 14 men. The police .ststleli
• every trnin for Heuer. Except' here,
for bendreds of teilea-good WatOr.• iS
SO^ difficult ta•get. At Langevin the
pany bitted .to tire depth of 1,400 ft.,et
for', water to 'stipply the tank ;• thet,
. depth they'13trticic n'vein 'ot nntrii.d1
which i used by the,emploYees beta for
both I•ighting pUrpeses and fuel, If the tive Ante tor. inteaset•t,
land 1163e litid tiny tritium' of irrigatioq, . . •
j.t might bring.forth elnindance-,but un- ' !Vine With me to -day,' said a friend,
til something. of thiekind is done, the Pant' I wiltpromiseyee..semethtee sew;
countij west of Boehm in likely to le- •ti Wane houche never 'dreamed of in
main 11, reorclied urul barren.wilderneo. your philosophy.' 1 did not believe it,
Calgary, at the foot- of the Iteckles, het accepted the invitation, with the
seems to have a good future:in stem understanding that the lino wits to be
The country around in tisecl as stock drawn at mountein lien or magpie, and
rancheet which seem ta„ d apaying that Chinatown was not to kio drawn
trade. The seineey through the Rocky on. •
nmeelniiis is very varied', anti the air is • cilium.. wan bervetl, and) by....Way
chilly and cold. The track follem the of dessert, the Mikado in titteedatie
ICicking gorse river, trisetickt _tile pass,
, offing"; Viitt_re
of the eame eame,./initii that rivet, joints sane Objects that I assumed to be ex -
the Collin:bite near Golden:City, treordieary largo currants, nf nticb MU-
Thn engine which to ‘k us to the au tn. br. boo, says a writer in the at Ftlino
mit, of flio Itockies Was a .110 tett four chic° Call. My rriend took •ono Itit1
agirm, Thelops of the large ofe:strvt•d thst it, attelepttal to Pscatio as
/mantillas were coveted with -snow, he pats•ed it to !IN mouth and bit off the
The road follows the shore of this
lake Te-rifi niiles, The sertace t
lake is ne calm and 'unruffled as a pond,
and teeming with beautiful fish, After
leaving the Caltunbis river we strike
the Fraer, tuid fulloW it to Burrard In-
let. The principal thing to attract the
eye is the Cariboo road following the
river (mostly on the opposite side from
the railway) for about- 200 miles, and
leading off into the Old Cariboo gold
mine. At tate there is some nice fruit,
but nothing of importance. At Pott
Moody, at the head of Burrard Iulet
and the pt•esent term hies of -the
there is no butin.•ss being transacted. • '
Vaneouver City is in a state border-
ing on bankinptcy. The railway com-
pany cannot complete the road to this
paint, as they.have no charter, and cer-
tain parties on. the r'riute will pot grant
them the right of way; and as they can.
•not force it without the- charter, there
the matter stands.at present. The eity
(so called) it; beautifully situated on
Burrard Inlet, on one of the best natu-
ral harbors of theNvorld. The ground:
on which it is built has on the surface
about six inches deep, a leyer cOmposed
of tlecayed wood and other vegetable
mutter, and this, with the eitrerne heat
that is here, beconaes perfectly dry and
burns like tinder. On this acconet,
fire is likely to sweep the place occasion.
ally, for some tittle to come, and no in-
surance eottipany will take the -risk, io
that eacb. man has to stand or fall Un-
assisted. The place at present •has; a
very desolate looking appearance. Black=
erted reins extend it every. direction.
A few unpainted, wooden shalli, •called
houses, cover what was Once the ceetre
of. the town, and some buildin o ea
tions are still going on. . hose who
could :gather enbug,h, after the fire, t�
cake them elpewhere, left, but a kre,at
many are Still trying to eke ota.scanty
plaee before the, fire was
.aupposecl le contain ,'5,000 people; but
no7 1,000 wetild.dernprehend 'the total.
Business at •that tittle was better,as
there was money zu thet,town,,bilt
there is no money, and each man
working on every. other :mut he ca -n to
get a living..• •
There is no room tor speculation, 'Mt
lota.are :priced .altnoet as high ae, in
the city of Toronto. • Seale lots On
Granville. street, to priced ,4t, $2b00.„
size 25 le /82 ft, others out Of town al-
together are ofrered . $50,0. That
-:Vaticotiver will eVer , he the pity that it
is expected' to be Is very ilolibtful: ,T
climate is tine ;..the harbor ie good; th
,fine timber in the .neighborbood;
the land is .useres's. So that the'
will have t� depend for existence
through traffic, fish and,tirither. As
example Of the ,kind otititiber they ,he
here, aboard •Wan Cat recenay 1.2
wide. and 12 jt. long, arid stick
squilre timber ottc ft. „sqlitre anti 183*
long. •..The :main line is tapped by
branch, about :3 miles east of Mood .
This branch voila into New Westtnins •
and will soon be 'completed,. •
TJalcsa matters. change, Lard Rums
ate e#Peeted this. eqa,ting
winter"• • • E. 0.
amber -hued globe as he would a ellen-
As, be did so a look of extreme
passed over his face, fading away, only
to be followed by another as he repeated
the operation.
Not to be outdone, I also took up one
or the objeets, which was a squirming
ant, swallowed it, and became conscious
of having eaten a drop of honey, sweet,
and agreeable, though the fact thut each
morsel was obtained only by the meld. -
lice of a defenceless' insect was somewhat
of an objection. Thie slaughter of the
innocents continued for tx few nil:intents,
friend scraped togeer a email
of heads,and gazinobat them
reflectively, asked me how felt,
bought theSe,' be tientieued, (Iron
way- down in Senthern, Calfornia,
the edge of Mexico, where they live
They oast me about a cent apieee, and I
propose to introduce them among my
frieuds: In Mexico theY are considered
a great dainty. • ',first saw thetn in Old
Medco, where I was stop in ald one
diry in lunehrug tvi i a riend he ordered
a plate of thee, and to tell the 'truth I
4..*T'"714"2"114"4441.. AWs4"."4.'"!.40.41r1?5,,•Mr."1. "!.""Mal",1"1"421, .71farM4472:W4M44144,4,44 4.4
v Petrick geffernate Walkertott con-
stable, states In 0 communication to the
Teleseoite, that in his cepaoity tot prose
cuter tinder the Lott Act in the eastern
part of the comity, evety convietien so
far otttained by lam beea through
seeret information furnished ey liquor
dealers egoinst each other.
-A little .001i1 natneff"AleMullea,
080 Year and seven aloonths,w bile sittiug
eu the rails of the 0. T. it., Belleville,
on Tharsddy, was .stt tick by an engine
end cut in two.
would hallo given a five thillae bill rath-
er than eaten one; but it would have
seriously offended my Mexican friend to
have refused, so- I shii,t My eyes, and
went in blind, literally, and after the
first one, 1 was well contented to eat a
dozen, if you eau overcome the idea of
eating a living Oreature you are all
• 1114 wbolblo Out ifoustatittaticosim
All pains or aeirea wilt be lostottitly removed
kr a rew drops of plot LighteIng applied over
the eirsetsa parts. ;No time lost ; PO nanaeoas
metlictities heeded; no ponlijelng or using
greasy filaments, lt Will not blister or discolor
, tho Shin. - $old at 250 lAettIlt t
Druggist. Sufferers rom Neuralgia risat=
Vat TetUttae orfear I when thetr t "II" "4"
G 14 BS '
rs:LINYONT Ammovia.
right.'. •
The speediest nd rutc t
My host observed my modesty' nn
laughed at ! A ricans a
egrious people,' he said. I have aee
•you watch a man stab a delicate oyste
and while in itsdeathstruggle rnadde
it with condiments, trprocess as Ortiel
thrOWilig'it human 9pon bernie
d , Wein* • tili'eLts,F 'Lititifil'elelit Snr USI 1 .
&helium:ton, Nset certain molione a the wort
re - Netsuke. Prolrialpfilan nilittrhiletFruLY:Iti'
•Pomade ti wakeless.
11 • 'rhe beoet ar rOualy certain Cemedy to relie
r, okui;dteiatteo Itjlit,EZ j lir long ataudin
et uMeet0 er Sick 'II r len ‘IIIelentoeil 01;gleeriege:817:;ectiliellielluillte II If.1
1 I th.eximta.,1,treitdosp,Zsceosositriir hicatio:ftitierolanre".cemesi,1170'5421B;171:11;:n1 i
uerna y r it au p am 0 lic, Montan% and DYseutor•
es °nett I nw:Litia nest seliie:::` 1
_• In lomat 0 o el th lildne
sold'hy nil Druggists. Trim Bottle, 28e.
Write DR. GILES, boa 3,482 18.8. P. O., who will, give
advice on all diseases.
re'Beware of unacrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The
genuine Motile name blown in the glass and factirallo of the
dutsoverer's name over each cork.
liable Anil effective, purely vegetable. rer the care or an
diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Itc. Sold by all
druggists at 25e. per box.
. '
coals,yet you `object to a. single ant tha
is so surcharged with honey, so re let
with the delights of honey, that it is in.
sensible.of pain.' In Short I became a
convert and aften.that could. -never go
without, • - - , •
The ants thus served up by iny,epicu-
rean friend were the famous honey ants.
found -from Meitico to 6616rado-iti
,thie country and- in the East, and while
all ants are, remarkable for their seeming
intelligence, 'thee preeent certain teat-
ime' almost beyond belief, • and when
their story was first told in scientific
amnions by De Norman, Wesmeal trud
others, it was considered by many as a
hug() 11011*, invented by some fun -loving
naturalist as a' take -off on the growing
interest in econonrics.• • :
•, The honey ant is a small red insect,
extrembly demonstrative and active,and
lona particularly in Texas and Me/deo
and in considerable number hisColorado.
Their nests .are prominent
some eases, and again are low heaps,
spread oyer an area oftwenty or thirty
squat e feet, forming a CODI rn unity. • As a
Y r nec tweak werking ;at WHETTBR
rule the e t
Western -:.-Fair
• -.AND-_.
1.0 P.4 DC.1 MCA ti2,3., 0 DA
• Sept. XTtluta Ont;' 2nd,11186.
• I,IBERAL -.•.eitEk1Um, .
competition open to the World/
- • -
.The Western,Fair is Dm greatest event or,the season
for the people of Western Ontario. The Directors are
determine that the fertheolnitig ExhibitIon 81101 1
fin3ffsurpata, ef ltrpredecessors; he commit_
tee of attraetions are preparing a splendul proiratnine
for ettch day of theTair, full, particulars of wit ch will
be published later on. • Write to/ the secretary, for
Prize Lists, Posters, Pregrarames/Or any information
night;thotigh I have sen them itt work'
in theArtglit sunlight at 8 o'cicick in the •
iitterhoon; and marching' aline,
inpn seven fe t id
e w e and forty' feet,in
fow length, to a cottonWeod .tree, up which
is they-passed--Aeng and. siender-comine
down larger and -full' Of pure white li-
geld, • :
• It would 'stlike even a.castial observer,
as curious that these ants were Carrying
home aliquid that ceuldbardly be stow-
ed away. ants not having as a ruleastore,
•houses for liquid proviSiOns; but •.t1
honey ants overeoinel this :difficulty -in
.8 • novel' manner.... „Certain Of the nts,
he either by, agreement or select' n, az:e
ere utilized as..receptacles .for e honey
but feed sopply, and become lifeirOly hone '-
bottles. They •tre kept by/the others in
a Separate apartment,, oot six inches
long by four in • heigh ; that is a store-
Ve room.. Here, if ij36 nest is carefully
•ft opened, theante o 'honey -bottles will be
of seen hangieg on the wall, looking like
ft. • ripe currants.
AnviOE 80 Morisna.-Are you distu e
at night, and "-broken of your rest by a/sick
Child suffering and crying with pain otgutting
Teeth?, If so send at Once and get a,bottle of
" Mrs. WinslOW's Soothitill Syrup'Vfor Child-
ren Teething. • Its value is incalculable. . It
will relieve the poor little .eniferot immediately,
Depend upon it, mothers ; thote 18 min-list/515e
about it; rt cures Dysentery and .Diairlicea.'•
regulates the Stomach and I3owels, eurets Wind
•Cotie, softens the 'Gums, reduces InflarnmatiOn,
and gi yea* tone and energy to the whole systetti.
" Mrs, WinslOW'S Soothing Syrup," for child',
reir teething is pleasant to the taste and is the
prescription.of one of the oldest arid bestfernale
...physicians.aud'hurses in the United. States, and
Is tor sale bynIi ch•aggists throughoitt the world,
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. 130 sure and
ask for "Mus. WmatoW's Soormae SYttur,”
and take no other hind. • 20-y-9,
'155e Cost Vont, 18146. ,
. -ABMt 38 above yea rl ended there o'deri ho no
Bet.stori aullitring trent Neuralgia, q oetbaebe,
T4111111.8{.g0, Oe any (COW 1,9119. they
Will only Int reliase tt is »J tie of 1)3(1 lanhfoltig,
43$,11114 ,4 11310051 tly: pain oh .35 85ttylki3O•0,
itirflio011., Tllo 31800' l_ Plum Sold
by AVotilit ugton, Drama/41%.
• 'n Oi ,
• f 11;
" Middy 7Llver.•
of life is lie blood, From it the trysteM
receive it., material of growth and re.
pair.,.. It isathes every tissue of the body.
linW necessary, afisn,i hat the blood should
bikeptpu re and rich. Dr.Pierce's "Golders .
edicai Diaeovory'is the 'great blood
purifier. • It is a sovereien remedy for all
diseases dtie to impoverished blood, cen-
sumntion, bronchitis, weak lodge, Scrofula,
influenza tied' kiedred diseases,
• Mrs. Bee' kford of Hampton,ya., was rw,
eectly to a stage coach in California whim
It was stepped by highwaymen,. She wore
lar40 solitaire diamond earrings, A.paasen-
ger by her aidejerked one •out of her ear
and put it 111. his netli, and she did' the
;ante with the other, an tints both were
Saved from the robbers. tier ears were
both eat aornewhat. •• -
• Salt Rhonin Cured.
AleGregnr Quinine Cerato has been
Mod and found to k.e the only positive cure for
Salt Rheum, Pimples, Blotches on the
face or hatule, Cuts, Boras, Bruise, or Ithy sore
that nothing else will heal, !fry 11reGregnr
Parke% Carbolic Borate. 25 4 per box at Wm.,
hington's Drug Store.
A youtm lady returning to lior horn -at
Decorah, Iowlii-itas'rnet tit the depot by a
hcars'o, inournere, and pall -bearers, some
online en practicaljoker bay ing telegraphed
her friends that her body would arrive by
that train, blven the grave had been
Mr, John AlaDonaid, 'of the 614e or
.MeDenelt1 13ros.3 A ilsa Craig, received
an co•rsh on his forehead do other
day while splitting wood. Tho • axe
caught on a clothes line and turnirsg fo
ita COUree, struck him squitreTY on the
fot'olteacl,wurking a fearful gash.
ino on y 0 r
W.,siteetildsthe...lisatr to slowly
yon 0421 be cared for 26 cent's,
It. few applietitions will care eticiplent
One---01,-. two boxes will care ordinary
• One 10 (IVO bOKOSsiI1 oit trot' e:eite e.
Try Chase's Ca r will ettro
yea, Sold at Zi dents per box. • .,
• G O.
orattritzedi with. 0 Cull' SUIT ,o1f. eighteen
• fta i'lky,antat.fo'
and Stitmeotio fOr tItb triratint ci*
' ' • all chronte inittasea., •
. . ., • ••
Chronic fitioal
Lung .1115i5setwoes., Lirer ift,itfuey
IDIsmaseN,. Ur:1'51510 r 85134e83., stestana
,02 rile II? VIII 14.04 Disease!) 03,3• rig yr
-ono Affectione,' eurad-fiero• or at home,
withor without a:elev. the patient.. COM: and
eqk us, or sana tan coots in OtOMPA. POP our
Xtivialido2 tiuld.o...113inalt,11...wln eh giVes
all particulars., • • .• •
Nervotio Imp.o.
toiney, Woeturttui fcricaels,
and'ull !Morbid Cottriltl0,410
caused by on Cis fu I If '0 th.•
!QS and "weenie:Ions Noll.
ory raeticee are emedily:
_..atid.perumnently cured by our
Specialist/. . post-paid, 10 cis. in stain a.
litipittro, or Broach, radto.
cally cured, without the knife;
witnout :dependence upon
trusses,_ and with very' little
211 803331)83 pain. Book sent for ton (tante
-114.111.4-18-TO/SIOUS '8303-'87rittl"CTIITHES
.treated -With" the greateat stioeess. Book Sent .
•for ton "cents in stamp, ,Ad31re88 WORLD%
. .01spess,k8lt Aino1611. AgsooLtnON, 663 Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y...
4 The treatment of many
thousands Of cases of those
diseases peculiar to •
"Vw.7' sCit
at, ilio Thralidte Trotel. and
Stirgical Institate4 has afo
orded large experience in adalititig remedies
ice their cure, nod
is 'the result of tbis. Vast ei.perletiem •
It is a powerful Iteriletentimi
afld .1Vervi31or. imparts ylgor, and strqug,th
to tho SyStoht, and intros, ot; It by Mettle, Lego
eta rebel*, or ‘4 WAI 1 te SS95 otooSSI..V
flooring, 14(1111(41 klikellStrOntioni
naturai )(upPronslons, prolopsim Or.
falling of the uterus, xvcalf baelt4
anteveraiont retroverslon, 40812likgo.
down sensations, .elltroole Congeso.
tioll inflamniatiott hod uleeration
Ito Womb, / /of !arum talon ,prthl
and teitaernerm lit ovaries, internal
t, d "fokilltIO
It psOpiptlire rolleyek, and cores Nausea
arid sioeinteesnoss, hi either noZ. ,
0)1R 1 fiC it nn pTorktkg
• ot. Ap .uut IFOR
sold by neitggists :Weill/term 'Send
ton cents stamps for Dr. 1, crowd lingo
WrOatiati oti DisertaeS Of Women,. illUStrated.
• World's Dispensary fileiliceassoniationi
Coo istreat, 13trzliPA310. nr'st.
Iblxxilten8s 4.10115111)a..
tion, kildtgonti 0,,
j„ proznplly' mired by
riOr(te,/}3 PI 5N Ito n.21 t
rt5111rCatiVil Pelleto.
•'volts it vial, bY Bruzgisio,
414 •41.0 0,442 • WeeretteMentse,
Has just received THREE CASES OF WALNUT
CLOCKS, which he will sell at wholesale prices,
• as they were.bought at a bargain.
Care-of-a-Cfock----.=A-oldelris -frir"thfirrfriend; Whose. services aro often
abused. So long as it does not absolutely stop. and refuse to "mark thrie" any
longer, it usually receives no attention; hut it injures a Vi1Utt1)10 kinlepiedet to be
forced to work while dirty or clogged, Therefore all clocke should be 'cleaned arid
.haye their oiling 'renewed et least once ija two years, •Eighteen "Months, is the.
ii it for very valuable clocks Oreblitti watubeti. The eareftil ovum.' who knows
this, does not wait until the "lad straw" has been wedged intri thp machinery,
-and the good servant is forced (not) to strike.
g llargamsla
ONSTONE .Q.11:1N4 "'TEA :SET):
44 P,i'660S, for $2.25, Regular Pride, $3.
These Goods re strictly firet class ape. are theClieapettetiver olisred int...Clinton. •
Call and see them, •
/ •
Thos.. Cooper ck Son,
n Great •Variety•
CHAS. QARLi,coma cnalwirone-
• .
. . .
Central. Grocery,
HO13n' Id
. The silbseribes .10S bought Out the Stock of .4 utastrag of
GRO0g. RIES, Cli.:00 1141;:YI 0 L AS WA. RE, &G.,:
• •
Which; being botight at low rates,' he is eflSIlli (1 1o offer 9 t )10.: SI s cloorr•st prices .•
• Pafrnngo respectiuily s • 1,,:to m t''t y: ti, I ed. Routei . to let.•I
• R. WALKER,' ..041:NTO.
:PA E' 11. CHAN TB'
fintecrillf3. and lidcling
cl 0/, . •"
4111Pert, 8J(1138534o30, (P01,
, Eavaublattan
14 an A ammiatiiin .Or nuttricaa ant .arotesso;m1 toes,*
• tering f tr itS ON(4•1 1110 •
lauorriom. 0 DEBTS;
And to prevent oci otembers tanking. bad tiezaa by •
furnishing 'heal •With tithi of potties who do not pay; •
Met:chums /Ma ethers having. seseuati 51 collect and
wishiegto hemline members • by remitting t)7 tat oar :
Managers, Ifamitomi Ont., all recetra hy return indi
• . •Aiin p.trileubirs,dertillelte.of membership dm. .• •
,r. ti. mItts MatM„reto,
I -7=r .„,-.7,771.7.-nimmil=1/.r,
OM PINED, Fan la no 1/it4I'esting ntlyerti,to•niatit Inn '
jj..7.77i777 to lit :Met.
• L4:4.111114 bkidonceof hinnbuelou thigh On the-confraru
;watt ertioare itre very hdO
ighl Inrsed. Int/Testi:4 Person);
ra.zsitt4,414,1c1raulttre 81,10k tillparlotler,ii, indder:bain
Eg.31upre.t4 308583o,Y•7101080 0.ten .
t • ,
A. A "0"1
& .Eibalnlq. • •km.
•A largo 'stoat Virst.:Claatt. 07.
KETS and COVPilorti •$11110'0D4
, .
stk., alwaye heed. • . ,o '1111
• • el
. .
phi; voyr,Trik$
P.EATID t113ed in nil cases.
1tes1dene4' Ornntre St., noir the
.Meilmaist Charch4 (gluten.
• ;
Or 2 , .Jas -!L1 0'8, .). p-te, Clinton. .
. •
' Ar, n.-Ati per3..184 roe warned avian n
.• .
0.1 it, RUIN 9.11 ha 1/119;1'1741-617W-lrOy4;* 41'..1. WM not-
reccatase WY.% Ili49941t441 totnii )11r 1(113. etc; 1819 .dittC,
or inotae,, 1,4•11 3.., 11911: ' .
. . , . .
7/R E E8ri ATTX1
togi RAKt tt-
161.7 tlX1413Elinti
Mott. an intoilieent mai wonto to pin,
elaz$e,•he buys from purlieu whose standing �s
their several cant'? (18 ia a guarantee for iftC
euatity of their wares." This storling lnottq is
doubly true in regard to patent modicines, bIly
only those made by practical,profeasierfal 3n .
Dr. Chianti 10 t00 Well and favorably known b
kis receipt books to roquiro any recommends..
ennat's Liver Caro 050 a reeeipt book
wrappod arouild every bottle which is 'worth its
weight 111 gold,
ria. (11/Arm's Myer °Urals guaranteed to mire
Alt illuctutos arising front a torpid or inactive
liver. such as litter Complaint, Dyspepsinio
aese Livar snots, Sallow Complexion, etc.,
CrtAsn's Liver Our° 18 a Certain 1w'
alt tTerangcnionts of 1.110 kidneys,sucli as min in
the hook -pain in lovver portions! the -abdomen.
ennstant desire to past 'urine, red and 'IOU°
sedimputs, shooting pains in passage, Ilriglit'a
disease urinary trophies, ere.
Try ft. 1.11to no enter, it will cure you. Sold
Joy all dealers -at $1,00 per teeth,. •
.tott. ketorto ten CAN 181. •
dna prose