VOL 21,So. 3$.
TERM3-31.50 Per Annum in advance
17 1886.
etswst eater noranzs
gay 4citttr1/OluentO• getunattir 1.4 .1 friends near Brampton, A good many
--• 4.0.0 zeelleeerm have gone. from the township, to Toronto
toms. n. •YonaesTga, princess st.
.Apply tolittS. .31co .E, Princess St.
-• Batees.-211r. E. Clark threshed 1150 :
bushels of grain for J. O. Stewart, of BuC
ternut Row, en Saturday; there being 400 / irEEE.-The July and August cheese
Smade at Winthrop lactory, has been sold
of wheat and 700 of oats Ur -,T Stuart tor lOcts„ Thiup-
onpeaks svell for the s
stonemason, met with a painful accident erior qlity of . manufactured here.
Monday, by having a heaty stone roll ua,
att...ms_hot, which will lay_ him. up for -a- , Rtyonst Clank -Owing to the inclem-
days. We are glad to see Mr. J,Strachatt ency of the weather, the Reform club fail,
is able to bearound again After a few dute ed to hold their usuel meeting last Mon,
illness. The farmers are nearly all through day evening- 'ISine nieeting will oonse-
bervest, though a few were hindered b quently be postponed till next Monday
last vveeke heavy rain ; the fail wheat evening, when the following Subjects will
sowieg is nearly through, and what iin
be discussed, " The advisability of erect -
looks nice and green since the rain,--„,
ing a poor house in the County of Huron,”
The weather has been so cold for the last ena,cnees RE-exes-Ab4o.-AIr, Geo. A.
few days,that many are compiaining of Dewar has been re-engaged in.,,No. 6, Me -
severe colds. ' . , Killop for 1887. Mr. Jas. Hug has been
--. re-engaged in No, 9, licKillop fot41887.
•Berers.-41iss Bella Sp•erks, of the , fi°nst III agreyntt Isehinee:i nbga vtiel artectehievierdpaasnt ac
Brownson line, Stanley; left last week for have been appreciated. Mi, Geo. Man-.
Toronto, where she has procured a good tosh. of iticKillop, has secured the prin-
situation in, e niillinery store. Mr. Win, 'cipalship of the Walton -Public School to
Baker has taken his trotting horse down 1887. The present teacher, Mr. D. John -
to Sarnia, .1:there he litte- him in training ston, is going to give up the teaching Pro -
for the fall races around there; -he is a• lesion at the end of the year and take a
good horse and we predict great success course in .medicine. May he be as suc-
for Win. and his horse. Mr, Robt. Del- cessful in the rrredival; as he has; been in
gattv, sr., who was a member of Rev. Mr. the teaching professon.
D'amby's church, until that rev gentleman
TO %;.
evered his connectGonmeturt Nisifill P ionwith his congrega- ,
ion, has now become a member in Bay- 1 ILL. --Miss Parker, of Bayfield, is lying
old congregation ; be was one of. Mr. very ilr of typhoid fever, at the residence
anby's chief supporters, apd will be of Mr. John Cook, sr., • of the 9th con.
really missed in that church...Farriers She has been lithe, for about two weeks,
I • .
round this vicinity have now got their and is very OW.
all wheat sown and threshing is the order. Saepe-Mr. Alex, Welsh, Of the Bay -
f the day, and crops are turning out bet- field eon., having leased his fain]. intends
er than most farmer's expected.
._.......— . , to have an aucticei sale on the 27th hist,
, s of alibis stock etc He purposes taking
.----77141P7h4 ;
,s residence in Clinton, but has not
Segootaxe.e-Mr: John Stewartyet deided what he will do.
, from
ear Oranbrook, has gone back to attend . PERSONALS,7-Mr. .R. McCullagh: left
oii SatyrditY lest for Toronto fair with his"
e model school in Clintetaweyeee Ire
, noon funca„....A sEnvANT.strArtrart fY THE
15th inst. apply to MRS. J. O. mum,
‘.4 CERY missse, S. PALLISER& CP., Clinton.
or to rent, a good house mu) lot in town. The
house ARE 5V0 beer -rooms, good cellar. Ste., while on
the lot is *good garden and orchard, hard and soft
water, stabling for aye laorsee,' 40. ^win be sold at a
bargain, Pr rented on reaeonabie terms. Apply to the
4; West Wawanosh. about Aug. 1st, a two•yr•old
STEER, dark red. white spot on forehead, and white
belly. JAS, WOODS. o. 4 i
ms to rent that conveniently situated Pottage,
on Ontario street:opposite the Model School, MISS
Fp.XTON, Clinton.
-LI Elizabeth Ann Citdmore has leftony bed and board
without any just cause or provocation. I will not be
rnsponsible fort any dehts contracted by 1u3r In My
name aftenthis sate. Aug 18$0 R CLIDBORE
-11 will be held;rnirseant. to the "Voters' Lists Act, '
ley his Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron,at the Temperance 1{a11,L0kozsaoli91
on Mesimr, SEIM nth, 1880, at ten 'o'clock in the'fore-
noon, to hear and determine the several eomplaints of
•error4 and omissions M the Voters' List of the said mu-
nicipality of the township of Hallett for 1886. .S11
persons having business at the court are required to at-
tend at the said time and place. Dated this 9th day of
1886. dAS.BRAITHWAITE,,Cierk of the said
Lawrours.-- Graithascople,- Car.
Will he obe of the Attractions at the
.All shown in Bitch a natural manner in the
Grapboscopic Oar that the spectator imagines
he islooking out of a window at the real scene
Don't miss the chance of Seeing this fine
• An Evening with Popular Authors -
Prof S.Vallance,
,The Scottish ElocutiontA.
•Wg1)NES110," SEPT. 22,
Sf. Paid,s School Haiiie,• Clinton
' aorarsetox cs
Has just reeeived a very:large stock of •
4-, 1.
Saxony 40.1 iLe very.best kind
, .
,wm. cooetit, arativeitt ,
esgoi1l7r• •cnnn
take this popular line. The -boats are the most coin
plete cn the Atlantic, and accommodation unsurpasso
4 111EAP EXCIJ1S10111 ..RATES.
, Call and get all 'particulars, Of
AGENT -G. T. a. ' •
rsiTY b-6-81m-eas-fa1lb---r- • — . dispose of them ewe wish him luck. • Mr.
STOLEN-. - Last Monday morning or Jenniegs also lett for the fair on Monday
itIondaynight. a.torsie and sulky;Thelong- 1 last. Mr. Edward Acheson left for Lop-
ing to Mr: Stratton, bbiel=refilifir here; don Thursday meriting to attemla (Jon -
were stolen from his stables by his hostler: servative meeting.• " '
There is no doubt but, he Will' seen be name Acetzer.-Mr. Robe Beacom re -
tight, ce•MeStrattenbas telegiaphed. in turned from Chicago the other day,where
ery direction, giving a description of he; bad been for the purpose of exhibiting
Orman, and horse.• ' ' . his •Tontine colt; she did not ..secure a
Craturrre"-A cricket match was played prize, owing to the fact that she Was with -
*lime's; •on Thursday,' between the but a registered- pedigree. Mr. •Beacom
stowel and Brussels clubs, resulting in deka to have disposed or her for, 00,
victory for •the visiting team: • The but some of his enalicioue enemies are
res on, both shies were very. small; doubting, his integrity:in this respect At
ing to good bowling and faultless field= any rate there -is 'a prospece of the kreigh;..
. The' features a the game were borebeing able to sleep.after this; Without •
ark's 14 and- Dentlis' 12. Score; Tejs. theAnnoyence -ef. hearing a horse trot up.
"Brussels, 56. The county and down the road at .all hours Of the
tch, betw.een Huron and Perth will be night. '
yed on the 21st inst. .'„ aerie' Ceraseese---Mr. Goeld of the
Coe:, has rented the farm On the H
' TUCKERS:3 • road, belonging to Mrs. . Whitely, of
-which was forinerly tenanted by
ser Vomits' LieT..--...Tudge Toms held: johinson; Who has rented :the farm on
Court of Revision at Brucefield, on :eat; wee, belenging tO Mr. Rutledge
esday? when 'about eighteen narne.s al- Bayfield. M. John Whitely; of the
ether were added to the list, no other • toad lats rentedlialerni-lo-Mr-.Pa
'llgerweted . wood, for: a tern] of five years, at the
ATTLE ItlEre.--Messrs. O. Dale; of ef $300A year. Mr.. Whiteley's sal
Ilett, and John Dale, of Tuckersmith, stock, etc., is to be held on the 28.th in
ted for the Old cot:retry last week, tak- :after which he intends movtng. Godo
with them four ear -loads of...choice with his family.
steers for the English market.' These
le were fed by -Messrs. Dale themsel-
and pie. in prime condition. Their
ntion is to dispose ,of the cattle and
it the Money. in horees' to being home.
'Theo]: . The enter rise of these gen-
en is 'commends. e. •
Et.Emetztoe-,Ori Monday iaSt Mr.
Mrs. Geo. Crich, of the 3rd con., bele:
ed their .`, crYstal. weddings% -having'
ed "the path .6t,lik together for the
fifteen yea. ','On the atteelibob and
ing. of tee day in miestien, a large
ber of friend and relatives of Meand
Crich, assembled to do honor to the
ion, • A bounteous sdpper Was spread
x o'clock, after which people sat
Aowa_to_en' •• . •
-6TclffiCrilbrn.- o Mar it"."Wrgifite
to repair to their homes, which they
dingly" did, hoping that they night
esent thirty-five years hence, to at -
Mr. and Mrs. Oriche Golden Wed--
. .
twee Boann.-Ai the 'Meeting of
drool Board, of thie township, last
day, at • 4gmobdville, -nearly all the
eaeliera were re-engaged. for next'
A. Scott, Esq., was erov.ed from No
o. 3, the latter behm.a more difil••
almol to manage, and needs -:i ate •
at the helm. Scott, of Stanley',
No. 2, and Mr. Ireland, the present
retires. .Miss•Govenlock, of No:
ignecl her school in order to go to
ormal at Toronto, and Mr. Dorrald
WAS. engaged to take. her place.
ovenleck has given entire satisfac-
hroughout the section, and people
ry sorry that she is coropsilled to
Their salarleS are as toilet -qv -
, of
st , Mr -
rich ha'
AceinanTs.-One day last'week, Mr. •
Jewell, blacicsinith, met With rather a
painful accident ; while attemptino• t
tip a cow, she jetrked her head causing the
snap to run into --his hand, making a fear:-
iul gash • a _floater -was called ,in Card in-
serted ten stitches' in the wound ;
1te is
doing well at present, but it Will be so
time before he can resume his dirties
On Wednesday morning when Mr. J
nings went into thefield, he found One
his fine inilch cows with her -leg brok
.He immediately sent to Clinton fee a d
tor, Who was not at home, and did not
rive at Mr. Jennings until evening, wh
he advitel him to kill the poor anitn
how the cow became hurt, has 'not y
b -en is
getting a good house completed. The I
a ma. s of our town have ehosen Saturday
Sept. 18th for civic holiday; they intend
twitting A picnic. on the Point Farm. Wm
Tindall': John Minscher paid a visit to
Beadle has left the employ of Maley &I
his friends in Tavistock, last week. Seve-
ral from this vicinity are taking in the
Toronto exhibition this week.
DsotaxING.-The many friends of Ur.
Stephen "Yates, License Inspector far West
Huron, will regret to learn that he is se-
riously ill. His ailment is an internal
cancer, and be went.to Toronto this week -
see what reliefeeuld be alforded him,
but the doctors there refused to operate
upon him, and held out no encouragement
for him. He has returned home, and it
is feared that lira short time he must
sucomnb to his trouble7 Pew men are
more widely known in the West Riding
than Mr. Yates, and none are more highly
respected, for while he has tried to do
his duty in his official capacity, he hes.,
alway done it in such a way as tp win the
respect and esteem- of even those whom
necessity made his Opponents We sip,-
cerely hope that the opinion of his needi-
est] adtisers may,in this instance,be proved
„ Bninrs.-A party, of about twenty
youeg pcople drove. to Olintoff on PUBS -
day evening and enjoyed themselves until
the " wee srna' " hours at the house of
Mr. Wm. Swaffield. The camping party
of the Town Band returned to town lest
week, seven or eight,days before their kten;
the place they said te not "up to their
expectations ;" no trOp -es in the shape
of bear Skins &a were• 'th the return-
ing ones. Mr. RobereBear an, lumberer
from the penipsula; was in te the early
part of the. week-. A course o rst claim
lectures is on the carpet for thewinter
pn -Half-the-young-peopler -town"
want -it local club of the Chautauqua
-Literary and Scientific Circle, but no one
seems tO. Wish -to take the initiative sten
to orgenise. Rev, 'J. Legear, of Clinton
occupied. the North•St..pulpit., Mrs: E.
Dewning returned from ..England last
week. Miss A. Downing remains in the
old country until spring. 'A great nuni,
ber of people went to Toronto on Monday,
The Peesbyterians ofLeelturn in tend hold-
ing their militia' tea meeting on Thursday,
games in the afternoon,' tea at sevee,
speeches initnediately after by the rt
Dr. lire, W. Johnston, G. F. Salton
John. McGillivray, allot Goderich. •
Goderich amateurs rendered Felix 0'
lagan•in the Opera House, Iasi Feida
a .yery fair manner to a groderite bo
the new amateur; aft Geo. ()attain, se
to have taken well. A memorial ser
in connection with the . drowning of
boy Stifles will be preached in Victori
church, next Sunday evening,
•Addlti I News,.
LOCAL CHURCH 91-1111/1
A feature St the Salvation Army meet-
ing on Sunday afternoon-, was the "christ-
ening" of three infants.
Rev, John Gray will preach in Batten
bury St. church, on Sunday mornin
next, and hir.R.D. Bayley in the evening
The W.O. T. V. will hold their meetin
in the Ontario St, church, on Friday
evening, at half -past seven. A full at
tendance is requested.
The many personal friends in this vi-
cinity of Rev, Dr. Williams, (father -of
Mayor Williams) will be pleased to hear
of Ids election by the General Conference,
as one of the Superinteirdepts of the Me-
thodist Church. Dr. Carman, the general
Superintendent, is a distant relative of
Dr. Worthington, of this town.
Rev, Mr. LeGear rvill probably. preach
his farewell sermon in Ontario St: Metho-
dist church, a week from Sunday evening
next. Fie has made many friends during
his short sojourn here, and Rev. Mr,
Sparlieg will find thattthe interests of hie
church apd..congregation have been well
looked after during his absence. Me.
LeGea.r purposes attending Victoria Col-
lege,. for the preient.
The following are the officers of the
Women's Mission Society in connection
with Rattenbury St. Church, for the esp.-
rent year ;-Pres. Mrs. Rupert; lst Vice -
Pres., Mrs. Pattisen ; 2nd Vice. -Pres.,
Mrs: W. Taylor; Secy, Mrs. liodgens ;
Coe. Secy.,. Aare. Davis; Treas., Mrs.Searle;
S Harland, Mts., Cannieg-
ham, Mrs. Detior and MISS White. Dele-
gates to the minuet meeting, to beheld in
St. Catharines, on the 4th and lith of Oct:
--MrS: Searle and' Taylor ancl Mrs Dal
t branch,
him for waiting so Patiently, and pay uP
like a man. • __. ,.. .
PROF. VA/JAI-eon' ,-0-f-tb-is gentleman, "
who .gives an entertainment7 under the
auspices of St. Pattie Gelid W d
..day evening next; the.ToiontaWbrld ie-
- 1 cent voice, pure and distinct articulation
- marks. t--.14,Prof. Valiance gave excel -
g lent " entertainment at Shaftesbury Hall,
• . last night, to a crowded and appreciattve
g audieece. Mr. Valiance -has a fine a -
pearance, good facial expression, magn4- • .
e easy manners and cultivation of
and ,
a gentleman. His rendition of • 'Tani
(Allah ter' brought out all hie. powers, '
and showed him to be afinished elocu-
tionist, Mark Twain's 'European Guide' ''
proved the Professore humor to be of the ,
richest' and drollest kind. Altogether
Mr. Valiance is the best reader we have
had bete since. Bellew."
IN Teouer.v.--A man known as "De.
Griffin" was arrested at Hamilton. last'
week, on a, charge of obtaining, enoney
from some parties at Stratfordefinder false :-
pretences. After ./ie was taken .to Strat-
ford he made restitutioti with theopireties,'
and was released from Custody. l'Tho
Stratford Times . gives him a pretty had '
setting out, and•nitimates that his settle- .
moot of the trouble at Stratford is 'not •
satisfactory to ihe. 'public. He hi not un-
known in thie section, (though lie was not ,
guilty of any crookedness here) having
written up the sketches of "Representa-
five Canadians," that have before been
noticed in these eolunins. On Tuesday
he left London for Kincardine"piesenting.
a pass that had been used Jest December, but ,the condttetot wobid not accept it;
and the pr. left the train at Hyde Park -'7'"'
.7Ve°OradinEgEtER. git.i151(0X.N.C+ TRE'
Th Scott. e 'gilt has been carined.ou
by the friends Of- the *.measure with -ado-. -
termination worthy of it better. law and a
more pronouncedsuccess. •Forsome time •
past the prosecution of offenders, uqder
the Act has been left etitirely'in the hands :: -.
pith° temperancepeople who had to beat -
their share of costs, ,if a case was lost, and
were, besides, deprived of the .fines col- ,.
leated,. which. they :claim Should. have
been devoted to.. paying the cost of prose-
cution. The dispose' of the fineswasleft, ' - *
by an .enactreent of thelegislatuiet of. On-
tario, entirely as -the gevernor-generat-in- •
Council should direct-4bether the.Doe ,
minion Government should'retain them.,
or whether they should be handed overto
the .lopittor Monicipak councils bearing'. ..
the Whole, or. aoy share 'in enforcing the
law-. 'By the recent order, passetle: are.
imuneed semi -officially ib the Mail, it few
days ago, allowing the rminicipalitiee en-
forcing:the law to retain all fines for th.e''
carrying on a pree,ecetionse the temper-
ance people have had theirI grea y
rengtheneci. , With •this stibstaritial ea-
Uragement a -better. and more rigid en-
rcemen t. of the law cannot het ensue.
Tile Do4.ERTY .B.Aia.p.._-_•._On-Satarday---
,nig •To very large crewd 'gathered in the:
"heighboehood of. the . market equate, to.
listen -to the pleasing open-air concerts or.
the Doherty': Band. The programMea ,.
that have beee.. played theoughosat the-
sertes have' been well chosen, and levers; :
Of every description :of music have had.
their tastes. considered; 'and the greatest
datisfaction.has beed,given.to all. 'At:the .;
concert te be giVen. , by the band to -night,:
. -
programme will
in t,helotl...halci,4-0111.,:efeovleeloYsiiig..,.excell:11..t.
riotiosong.. Three hearty British Asers..-..RecycA. '
iwrantiifti. . . ... Jean of Arc.... .. ...... ... . . Rolind.
The Band, — • ' ,.
. . •. : •
. , „
'i•-.°°1"(' •' . " :iir-hi; ileIiiiii.“ • ''. - - .... .
W. a '• ' Glover.
4 C"InTd 4'atriTT:i'ia'ii... . '' . . 1;) . '''' , •
• • Mas.asrsa.reSweletitain a•ndYDesonegh.g .,..,_..,_' • '' ' •
tatter' .... ,. • . •Alice Barton ...... ...... ..... ..
- Ms§ Ebbertson • . .
ing 1Valtzes. ,Sooler 'or Later, , J Melasler
- ..vnis sand •
... . .The hand lthat movi3St the worid„, I -Thomas
.,,t...... .. . .. ...... .. b.:Titt jaec.RIttooit....not..........4• t II'S Meld
§ a P.Sibley .
. „go ,... , .. 6. r ol , . • .. ... i.. Smith
W, Sweetmin • •
,tuci•ekernio' .:, • - ThIleasBIlanledt_i ,,• . , Peace
. -V.VQ.11.$3,,iiiseti
....,. The hkippoer J. etuavattoy ..., Virginia Gabriel
; . ; Tin; Exile • • „Helier
..•-. . ..... ,. ..
B. P. Siblei. . .. .. .*...; •
ng Waltzeif.....D;ehaeznBrraancdes, ,. " ....41leissIO, , •
• , .
ow tin Loin' I:11S Mesieny.-Tbe Port -
on Times says :-:The fools are not all
. John ,McCash, a Godeeich town -
termer, come to this city Friday. He ..
based A ticket At. the Port Heron* '
4. tiesteetre.Railway.Alepot for.Marlettee . -,-
he depot, be met it yoting '' Man. who, - -
going 10 he same place. The young
aili. to take A walk, They went. to
stated that- it•tvon Id be some time -he -
the departure Of the train And invited
Grove. Perk where they . met two
"nren who were gang to Marlette.
men commenced to tell stories .of
adyenteres in different parts of the
; matt one of them•iseggested it game .
cls. The fernier tefitsed to play..
g son commenced, but the stranger
beim nothing to do with the game.
Tone of the teen told MeOash that
n't•believe that lie had •fity money.
is MeCash drew OLIt it roll of bills,
Id them hebad enough motive but
not bet on it ode Stiddenly a -
• man who were A .green pateh °veil
e grabbed the money and rite down ,
lway track. The Mae Who remained ---
e farmer that his Mende Were merely ,
to fool him, and be Woniti go and .
hem back. T.he potrielloyeaccord,-
Iris own statement to the 'chief of
sat on the.ground for two hours
g for the Men to return. As they
return attlie , end Of this time he.
omplaint, itt: police headquarters. '
h left for Marlette tlaie morning a
and wiser .man. . He WAS out $120,
--Thia person instead of being It
t or Gode,doh, too/agility, resides at
end bad gone, over to .1vilehigan
porn* .01 . inspecting the .jand .
Re.hris aim ,returned hem°, And -' ."
believed do."batte .beee fevoettbly ..
edee.-Ert, NM EltA.1
by. virtue of being Treasurer or the wes-
ternMr David Moore, Who has been one of
theinbst.faithfin adherents --eirilie; Salva-
tion A.rmy since its establishmedt here,
was presented by his friends there, last
Friday, with a handsome bible, (reference
and coneordanee) prior to his entering
etively upon week. He has been ap7
p 'nted Cadet under Capt. Zimmerman,
at" t ,derieh, and took -his poston Sunday.
What ver 'objection. people ma raiset
the Ar •y methods, no one can call in
question • esificerity of this' young men,
• Rey. Mr. urk, of North Street MethO-
Ana dist church, Goderich, peeached.Educe-
in dienees each time. it Turk. as yet a.
use; '
Gat- ofgreat ability, an delighted large au -
tied dist church last nday morning and eve-;,.
ning. The rev. g,• tlemFn is a preacher
tional Sermons 'n the Ontario St.. Metho-
man; and is rapt coming to the
ems front ;,we expect to see .hi in the future'
mon Ailing "the very . highest sitiee, • At
the these .services; he briefly referred to the
at. need arid object of. art Muesli° Fund, -
arid as a response to his appeal,th Mount
given last.year was trebled.
.A. meeting of th esesston of Willis ch
' yAltitA.
Prondfoote our ,vill
tor, has returned-fronr-Algema; Iv/
has bought 160 acres Of land. and
ich he expects to move in. the spii
john Tibbett, our hal-des:4 ma
decided to remove to some place
States: ". •
swaN I,E1 . •
un- • . Mr. Donald Campbell has returned froni
hie visit to his son Alexander, near
cardine... •
FARM Sozh.,-Mr.', Arihtir Whittinehatir
has 6o -ugh -It -he G o 1 ''
Me farm, tot 25, 4th ban. of Staele.y, for the -
• sum of $2,680. it contains 70: acres, with,
err., good buildings, and is cheap enough :at'
of This figure, .
en. VeTears'• Lisa' .•Cottee. --Judge Toms
oe- held a Court of Revisiin for hearing me-
an. peas "against the voters'. list here, on Mon -
ea day last. Seventeen names were atided
al; on behalf of the Cenitervatives, and five
et on behalf of the Reformers. There were
ch , to
"Ctinton, was" held in the vestry or e
age cl h
iurc on Friday leat,_the lOtle inst.
Prs'=dritt ot constitutioe and by -lairs of the
P Sabbath School; was presented for.appiov-
Dg•• al ; ivith a. few unimportant .changes the
ker, same received approval. A petition
in of certain members and adherents of the
congregation, asking for the introduction
and use of the authorized Hymnal of the
church in the :public services of the con -
itt si
ci time
be pr
• 'So
the $
old t
2 t6 N
the N
tion t
To WINNIPEG and Iteturn
Or go StiAmfat and 1tETUI$N ALL RAIL.
fr4 I IF:sz:„2o. y486
Inc/Wing, meals and state robm on steamere, ;The
• chestriddedzeursititini•er offered to the NortMvesta- •Fo-
all partimilars apply to, .
, lestve.
No. iss Wilson, $340. S No. 2,
F. Scett, $390, S S No, 8, A. Scott, $450.
S No. 4,D. .,Delles„ WO. 85 No. 6,
:Visa Dick,' $400:4-S7S ..tcti. 7. Miss Mc-
Kay, $290, S 5 No. 8, n.•Ilicks, $450;
Miss Barr, assistant, $250. • S S No, 9,
H. Ilortdn, $op r Igiss McTavish, assis-
tant, $260. S 8 No. IO, Wm. Doig, $400.
S S N. II, Miss Forest, $840.
ewe. •
tt tatnierm.
.SALE. -.There was a very fair crowd at
the auction sale of effects of theta° Thos.
Drown, on Tuesday, but the bidding WW1
not very spirited, and only a portion of
elle stock was sold, 'Motes. Hamilton,
'Howson tied -Oitelieg„ auetiOneers, each.
tried their persuasive powers Oh the crowd,
but without very much effect, as the
crowd did not seem to be in a buying
E. rtoony,
Ixoan An/ igtitrxottit
W, jr, has return.
ed from a visit to the old country. We
are informed that the appeals trona the
Conservetives against the voters' list,
were entered 'too late, and consequently
they cannot he heard by the judge at the
'Court of Itevisiou. Mr. E. MoVittie and
wife And 1,..Er% MOIR) 1100 EtAlei to visit
• a
BRIEFS.—Several froth here have gone
to Toronto exhibition. •The Misses Hiles
are away to Kincardine for a cowrie of
weeks. Messrs. WM. and John Hiles and
Dr. 'Toting are home from the old country
and speak in high terins of it.-- Dr. Young
has again taken his practice and Dr.
Wood -hes gone; svhdre ever the Dr, goes
he will make friends. Rev. J. Hough is
ettending the General Conference at To-
ronto, but Will be back again this week.
Mrs. G. Newton left on a visit to Toronto
On Thursday -morning. The eider mill is
in full blast now, come along and bring
your apples if you want to .get thein in a
tight place. The Foresters :intend having
a grand opening of the new hall about
the latter end of next morith ; look out
for a big affair.
San News•. -On Friday; weele ago,
Mr, James Syreington received a telegram
from -PittstopPe_e_tlat hie nephew John
.MeDowall;itad lirctagr tyAi, la fiver, and
in it few days it letter mine bearing the
sad rievvs that the only,sister of the de-
ceased had also fallen a victim to the
Same scourge. Robert, a brother who
remelt:red with his uncle here for over a
greatly, affected by the loss of a darling
miter and brother who were very attentive
to him tiering his long illness..
Betzes.-Rey. Mr, Pritchard was at
Whitechurch last Sunday assisting at the
coMmuttion; Rev. A. Mclean, Of Blyth,
occupied the pulpit here. Mrs. A. T. Me -
Donald and Mrs. Caldwell are away to
spend a few days at the Toronto exhibi-
tion and vicinity, Wm. Young, jr., of
Whom°, started on Wednesday for De.
Iota ,. with eetne good horses ; Will is a
good judge of horses. Jos. Stalker lett on
Tuesday for Goderieli Model School. The
*pee ball players got left at the Harvest
Home, neer Dungermon, last week, al-
though they gay Dungannon hi no good..
Georee Densteaci is nearly all right swan.
5‘1. Wettlauter building_tt fine kitchen
to his house, and Ohris. Kennel is also
large number went to To-
ronto from here .on Toesday;to attend the
exhibition. Mr. C. Senigr arrived home
from his trip to the old country, on Tees -
day evening; 14 enjoyed 'his trip very
much. Mr. T. Eacrett,a Young ma* about
26 years Of age, died. here aconsumption
ots Friday,, And was buried on Sunday;
he was raised around here and hada large
circle of friends andeelations ; there were
over ninety carriages at his funeral. The
ram has made the fall wheat, spring up,
last; the farmers have rnoiTtly finished
sowing and are now bringing in grain.
There are quite it large number of private
residences being built here this suminer,
to the amount Of about $20,000 ; attiong
them is a parsonage for the James Sr
Methodist ehurch; it is supposed to be
the best in the conference. The agricul-
teral eociety are building it grand stand
for the accommodation of tire public at
the fair ; t is 150 fe: long ;Exeter IS boon
not to be behind with its fair.
• •
Mr.Jas Metcalfe, • P., fur East
'York, died suddenly on Sunday.
Al is proposed to impeach Mayor
of Philadelphia, for .*rilisdinisanex_injd_
ma a
The Montreal Recorder has decided that
the Salvation Army has a perfect right to
parade the Streets and sing.
Farmers have -lot $12.,000 worth of loge
by °lidera in the yieinity Of T010110* IN
and the disease is rapidly speeaditm. ,
At Wirinipegt Wm. Gordon, a boy 12
years old, comeartted suicidehystrythnine
to evade punitihnient for a misdemeanor.
Sir Charles Dilke has returned to Lon-.
dote It is annoueded that he will re -en.
ter pnblie life as proprietor and editor of`
zregstion, was presented:and considered ;
the petitioners pointed out that the use
ottlie Hymnal, in their judgment, wetild
_bein_the_tuteteet.nfkilesiongrogation,and, _ewe
requested the session to take such steps in
the matter as they deeined best. After P•t
Cliscisssiop, it Was decided • tesubmit tee
gliestion to it vote •of the members such -
vote t0. be taken* in the 'course ola few
weeks.: •
_ rioes
Excuttstoet RATES. -on :the 24th ari
26th inst., excursion rates will• -be give
by the G. T. R. to Chicago, Detroit, Sag
navy, Bay City,Port Huron and other west
l'aPoirttsr tiek*tsgbittlitrit
days. 'The tare from Orin ton to Detroit Sone
and totem will be $3, and from Clinto
to Chicago, $9. Thd 9. P. R. is runnin
a ,similar excursion.
TAIPens,-Hail fell on Sunday night
he covering of Mary St. drain has no
removed the stench' from that source; the
odor -arising from the grate near. the Foil
Office was almost unbearable on Wattles
day night. Should the weather be fine
on the days of the fall show, a display of
burning and flags would add much to the
appearance of the town. Fainters and
others visiting town, will find magnifiesnt
'decks of dry goods, etc., at the stores in
town. Reeve Mcitiurchie has been acting
Mayor in the absence of Dr. Williarns,and
he perfotms the duties as if be-hadebeme
"to the- manor born," The workmen in
Mr. S. Davis', whilt3 out in thecountry 00
Wednesday, captured Alive a fine
Booii Youe • Owtt Towte-Any man
with a little Sense knows that the more
people a: town attracts in the Shatic. of
visitors thnbetter it is otf, Always do all
you cam and say all you ea to give your
town a good reputation away from htnne.
' 13" I" il
11 Sing
i.. song
; Song
t 8,04
t Singi
, 11
At th
and to
ywoUunl dg
bits ey
the rai
toil th
made c
siv al de (91 ea is
tfthi e Varna,.it3
is not
• Londoe dailyneWipaper,
During a recent eight minutes'speech
in the House of Coin inone,ItentRendolphe
Churchill WU observed to make 180 ges-
tures with his beede, besidee littrriefous
changes of general Attitude,' •
cop w I dome to town, and are.as apt
to patronize you as anybody. Don't tell
Strangers --or even your neighbors -you
.41.ke other towns and villages better than
-yollx_outn4-d onttwb hie -and -growl- if -you
think Another man is doing A little more
business that you are; don't tun down a
legitimate competitor because you have
not the ability to .compete with him.
Stand 'up for your home, and tell all elite
good points. Tell people you live in the
best town in the country. Be a citizen,
An exchange very seesibly says: News-
paper subscribers, who are in Arleen,
Should bear in rifled that a dun is pot An
impeachment of their integrity, bilt aiat'
ply an out -cropping °fa publisher's lie.,
cessity. For ilustatme, it thousand men
`owe him from one to fotir dollars each,
rt is a small amount to each -individual
et to him the aggregate fe lerge. instead
of beeoming indignant., because the pule.
Haber Asks for his hotted dues; the(la-
th' tie b
. • q stt sc ibee'sheted be graleitil to