HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-10, Page 8�' NEW ERA.
CLINTON . 10 1SS0.
;A Smart Active #oy moron at once.
Beeerey d Co.
l7f czar. ars) tss. S. PALLISER ft CO., Clinton-
O.TICE.--31IRS NOiiLFr. et "The Great Cash
Store" returns from Detroit and. re-enters her duties
4.1, Monday, when she will to pleased to see any et her
the la
them lady Patrons, And Place before,
Magnum can with
eq and any City ]) esu Baker. o al o'
turn ou with equal to any
turn out Tvfantles �whlcb for Style and Finish, cannot'
bo equaled in thee county. 11 'e • need apprentices for
the .LI So departments, also for illinery.
Z0wf ?opitO.
Art INPt7DENT MENpleANT—Last weep
a man went about town 'soliciting assis-
tance, en the plea that he had some hip
ailment: -and could not work. :.-At. one
place that he solicited aid, he appeared.to
think the lady of the housedou$ted bus
story, and before she' could ..succeed in
roles leg „doorng the his t ousersface, be upalmost o
his hip.
o1ATiox,:--•A, Convention of the friends of
the temperance cause,' will be held in
i at
Cardnos hall, Seaforth,,com commencing
10• o'clock a.• m., on Friday, Sept, 17th.
In the. afternoon the convention• will be
addressed by the talented Secretary of the
Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance,
F. S. Spence, T ronto. All the temper-
ance people of Huron County are invited
to be present.
AALITTLE TOO FAST.—`A marble agent,
. not very far from Kincardine, heardthat
a certain lady had lost two daughters,and
thinking . that there was a good chance
to get a job, went wit, great speed to the
lady's residence, and expressed great spm-
pithy for her in her a filiction,,,dropped a
few tears, and used' his' white handker-
chief. She listened to him for a while,
then she quietly told him. that she thought
her daughters could take care of themsel-
ves, as they were both married to two
n found the.
farmers. e
m wealthy a
front gate,, and left quicker than he went,
COUNTY. cR'ICIt�.ERS.—A meeting of
the officers --of the County Cricket Asso-
ciation, was held at Seafbrthrongg Monday
thatoderieh had beenealed decideda 'agaiinst nst
them with Clinton,and Seaforth appealed
against a• match that had .been allowed
'Brussels. It was decided to disallow; both
of these =Aches and they will' played
over at'an early date. • .A mateb was ar-
rang-ectfor._,tax.:ba., p.1aYei .•last n•_-pickesl.•
• teams in Huron and Perth, and the team
to represent Huron selected, Messrs. Ken.'
• . reedy. and Turnbull to represent Clinton,_
The date of the match liar not yet' been
settled, ,
RETuB Uln..-1�Ir.Thos.Bielby; formerly
of Hullett, but who has been in the -north
west all summer; has , returned; and pur-
poses taking.up his residence once more'.
in Ontario. He bas not altogether lost
faith in the north-west;. but he states that
the drouth has this year left settlers in. a
bad state; and he corroborates what others:
have said about the 'exceedingly unpleas-
ant lookout, ler. those who have no crops.
MS.Bielbytbinks the northwest may yet be
, a good grazing country,but ,the.chaaces of
it ever becoming; successful for grain-rais=
ing, are doubtful. In douthern Manitoba,
however,. he says, crops are locking splen-
did, bu.t.Ontario`people are so.apt'.to con-
found the north-west territory and Mani-
toba, as one and the same place, that care
should be exercised 'in • noting''that• they
are two separate and distinct localities.
evening' last this -popular band, favored
--- our• towmme.ople with an hour=and-a-half s
free music on the'market square, and they
'purpose coming, cut again to -morrow eve-
ning. They;go to: London to play at the
Exhibition Grounds, a portion • of the
time .the Western Fail .is in progress; we
are sure they *ill Win golden opinions
While there, for they- have in every.place
they have yet played. On the evening of
Friday next, the band will 'give a' vocal
' and instrgmpntal concert in the townhall,
the admission being placed • at the very:
moderate-fi15-es-of 15 and 2u cenfi las'
reputation of the band should be sufficient
to insure:theta a good house. • We believe
that, if the public. patronage warrants it,,
the and purposes. giving a ,concert once
a monthduring•the-winter months. This
.is an -opportunity for our townspeople to
'show the band that their labors are ap-
preciated. •
appeared before H. Steep, -'J. P., last Fri-
day, , to answer to the charge of being.
drunlr: ani dtsorderlp. Michael plead
Me guilty; but excused himself on the ground
that, `•` I had an awful bad attack of colic
your worship, and the only remedy was to
fill up with whiskey." 'His worship gave
him some strong_a. vice,_ and also: fined.
him $1 and conte. Before Mr: Steep,Mrs.
Grelis.was.also charged by john:Neil,with.
striking his Wife with a bottle and cutting
' her face.. (This was;'•the case referred 'to
last Week.) , Mrs Neil, whe 'appeared in
court, certainly•had a terrible' face, it be-
ing bandaged in every way.. Mrs. Grelis'
admitted her'guilt, butplead justification.
The magistrate told .her that she carne
• very attar murdering•the plaintiff; and in
imposing a fine.of sa and costs, he was
.lettingher 011' very easily.: She, said she
Would sooner go to. jail than pay it, and
was sent up for ten' days.'
TM?, WHYTE I3Eos. CONCERT.•;—There
was a splendid. attendance 'at,the concert
on Fridayevenir.g,.last. The -programme
embraced several selections by the Whyte
. Bros., both-of,,,whom are good'singers in
their special line, a quartette by Miss
Cainpbell,' of Seaforth, Miss Jackson; Mr,
Jackson, Mr. Holloway a trio by Miss E
Ituinball, and Messrs. Sibley and Jones ;
duets by Miss Campbell and Mr. Jackson;
solos by Miffs Campbell and Mr. Sibley';
a clarionet"solo by Mr. Pilcher, and ttvo�
recitations by Mis 'Truman, ofGodcrich;
the latter were particularly well-given,'but.
were'too' long --a ' fault . many recitors un-
consciously fall into. The part of the
entree sustained by Idealtalent, was
vt+ell rendered, Mies Campbell and AI
Jackson adding freshdaurels to their Ill
ors as musicians. M'r. Sibley's selection.
was one in which be hardly did himself
.justice. The singing of the Whyte Bros.,.
was mostly sacred, heir closing one, boa -
ever, "Allow me to move a. vote of thanks,
• brought down the house by its humorous
I3ttInFs.. Mrit.:Brown, ;of bort Authur,
and her sister, MO Mcliltyre, of a:lin, be located now. ..
have beets the finest of Ura. Welsh,Huren
k Tuesd y, lb7r . D•
street, this wee . Oa . a
Cantelon shipped a car load. of apples to
Winnipeg; Messrs. Doherty & Co,, Ship-
ped. a ear of organs to the Toronto exhi-
pition, and Farran, Macpherson & Hovey
seat a quantity ot ,threshi>ig macbines to
the same place. -Citi the 18th and lath
inst., the Grauk Trunk Railway will
issue tickets to Toronto, good to return
until the 20th, at the low rate of $2.80.—
Mrs. Geo: E. Pay has gone on a four
week's visit to Toronto andSt.Catbarines.
Mr. Tiros. `Jackson jr, has rented the
housti on King street, now being fitted up
by Mr, J. Williams. Mr. T. A. Gale, ot
Elora, spent,,Sunday with friends here. --
Mr. Wes Cole leaves in a few weeks to take
up his residence on a farm in Michigan ;
. rumors state that he will wisely take a
cook • with him. The wife of Mr. W.
Jones left en !Monday for a trip op the
lakes. Mr. 1.H.•1VIattniilg,.sehooccitpies
the honorable position of Vice -President
of the Mechanics' Assoeiatigp of Ontario,
leaves next week to attend the annual.
meeting at. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H.
Fischer; of Waterloo, parents of Mr. M.
Fischer, spent Sunday here. Mr, John
Veogler Coats has gone down to Kent Co.,
No spend his holidays on a farm; as he
went to the station, the familiar strain of
"the girl. I left behind me," was heard
quite distinctly,' No less than four youths
were' seen together drunk; on -Friday
evening, before six o'clock; it so happen-
ed that Mr. Paisley was away from town,
or they would all have, gone into the cool-
er ;; we don't profess to.know where they
got their liquor, but there was no mistake
about them haying it. Only last e ,
Mr, T. Tipling was Balled upon to.attend
the funeral of his sister.in-law,near
ham,. and on Tuesday he .was again called
to the'same place to attend the funeral of
another member of the family—his neice.
Messrs Robson and Courtice: returned on
31onda�y from Ottawa, where they had
been successful contestants' in the Domin-
ion Rifle. Association Inatebes. , Miss
=•Flanagan and Miss Lane, milliners for
J. 0, Dealer & Co:, have.been for the. past
week attending the ;uillinery openings in
su e
•`11 re m
' an will l na
ionto a
T , •
place here. Capt. McDonald, of Goder-
ich township, left here on Tuesday after-
noon; on a visit to ,his Sons in. Dakota,—
Means. J. C. Detior & Co.; •have closed
up their branch at Bayfield; '. 'Mr.A.Deds-
worth hash rented his farm on the base
line, (at present occupied by Mr. W.
Askwith,) to Mr. I: Rapson,: for; a term of
five years ; Mr. Rapson gets it at a low
rent al, and several parties ..have been try-
ing to buy it since it had been rented, but
Mr. Dodsworth refused to go back 'on .his
agreement' A part�in town sold -a -do•
for $5 cash, to:some of the circus employ
ees while here, said.animal to be forward-
�edto a:place in'New England ; 'aa the ex=
press company, will not receive „the con-
signment, the man is that. much ahead.
A. well-known and respected. bachelor Of
this.:'vicinity; was observed . driving a
handsome new phaeton the other day,•and,
he was ,not alone either; the' probabilities
are that in this connection: ',awe will
shortly be made public.,' W. J. W.
Wheatley,' with a. sister and brother, left
last week, for Eagle Grove, Iowa, Ater
they purpose residing infuture A buggy,.
in which, was ..seated Mrs. P. Perdue and
another lady, came to grief on Saturdoy,
by .the breaking: of an axis Mr. C ;.C.
•Rance.hasreturned 'from' his trip to Main
trea. Miss D. Read returned to Thorold
this week, : to resume her , • occupation •
there. • The cricket club were to brave went
._to.Brussels yesterday to.play a inatc�hibut
the rain prevented, them. Mrs. •I3. Fos-.
ter, who has been visiting her relatives at
Dundas, for about six weeks, has returned
to' town:Mr. H: Andrews has also •re
turned from .his visit east. Mr. John
Callander andfamily took their departure,
for London on .Wednesday ,^ • Miss'Hattie
Bad. aecompanied -`.them. A consign-.
meat. of two tubs: of leeches, was received:
here from German �•• last week, fora per-
son who - makes a.. business. o'f''.peddling
these " critters"; each tub was larger than
Et cheese :liox, and.:must have :contained
'several thousand.' Mr Robt. Nott, of the
London road, has: been suffering from a,l
severe•" atrefei of•. c Mara morbus,` but is
now better., Mrs' :::W Yoe; of Goderich-1
-tawns`hiip,ta just recovering from the same'
complaint. Another young business man
is "'governing himself :accordingly" and
has rented ahouse in town preparatory
'to the usual mnrriap;e ceremony; full par -
dealers in. due season. .A young son ex
':Mr. Ben. Webb; broke the • small' bone, of
his wrist the other day, by falling on his
band while.jumping 'over' a ditch. Mr. -
W. C. Searle has sol his house on Prin.
c@. s�s. street, occupied by Mr.: McLean, to
Mr. Barkwell, of Londesboro; for the sum
of $850; - Mr. Barkwell has secured a good.
property, at a bargain. Mr. David t1oore
expects to go out for service with the Sal-
vation . Army. Miss Hostrawser,
Brampton;• is the guest . of Mrs. W . S.
Harland. Mrs. Long is laid uP ;with in'-_.
"lamination of ..the lungs... Mrs. Hele,:
(daughter of ;Mrs. Morley), is confined' to
.her rooni by illness, but expects to be
around again in a day or two. A boy
named Higgins, has been laid. up by,
blood -poisoning, caused by getting some-
thing into a�cnt; at :one- time it threaten-
ed to be serious, with him; but. he is now
getting all right.,Miss'M. Cameron, of
Paris, is..the guest- of Mrs: T. Fair. • Miss,
A:'Simpson and Mips' A. Lynn, of Toron
to, Who, have li'et:n� isitiug here for some
time, returned, home yesterday ; Miss.
C. Simpson, of town, accompanied them.
Mr, 31. ilic'Ta;:gart and wife,arrived home
from their o .i country trip on;Wednes-
day; 31r. Itol.r Coats has:landed; but has
not yet. got hunie. Mr: Winslow,ofThor-
old, (brother-in=law of Mr. H. Tewsley) is
one off the offerers by a recent fire thee�e,.
Our excellent cotemporary, the Godei�h
Signal, has passed its seventh. milestone
under its present management; it is- a
live, vigorous paper, and upholds what it
believes to be right, regardless of Whose
corns are trod on—sometimes friend and
sometimes foe. Among a number ofgood.
horses taken from here last week, by 31r.
Geo, Cox, was one bought of :air. 'Thos,
\Vol b, Goderich township, at $240--cer-
tally a good figure and a•good horse, A.
communication from Hallett, in reference
to an item that appeared last week, has
r'.I been -received; -hut -ore -think -it woutddbe-
n- mire prudent not to publish it, although
the circumstances no doubt justify it.--
A letter froth Mr, Robt. Gray, of Tucker-
smith, (school teacher,) now in Califor-
nia, Will be published next week, and
will be found of interest; we might say
bene that we. are always glad to receive
letters from those who were once residents
of this locality; no matterwhere they may
'pawn. Connell.
The regular meeting of the town coun-
cil was held on Mpuday night. The.
Finaan° Committee recdlximended ppay-
ment of the following a.ccountst--W. J.
Paisley,lumber for street, $102.87; freight
on rause, $24.30; teaming $3,; R. Holmes,
printing, •$37.75; L. Trouse, quarter sal -
vs' $21; S. Pratt,quarter salary, $18.75; T.
Watson,chazity, 1.13;'W. Paisley,spea#Ial
constable for circus day, $10; cutting lam-
ber for drains.38cts ; G. Rentgen and oth-_
era, work on streets, $612.09; G. E. Pay,.
for street watering account $25.. Receipts
of town Ball for Aug. $1i8:60 , weigh scale
receipts, $13.35.. e Attention. was directed
to the insecure state of the lock-up,
and the Property. Committee were in-
structed to put it in order. Mr. McMur
elite stated that the covering ,of Mary
street drain had been completed ;'the lum-
ber and work for the same. costing $177,
of which amount'over $80 had been col•
leeted by private subscription.
A petition,. signed by J.Biddlecombe, J,,
Jackson, and W.C. SSearle;was presented,
asking that the amount . of money ex-
pepdedby them •in 4preventing the found-
ations of their buildings being injured by
an overflow of water from the market
ground, be refunded, the total amount be.
ing $14.53, and that steps be taken to
prevent .a recurrence of the same. A. let-
ter was also read, from Garrow & Proud-
foot,intimating that proceedings would be
inistituted on behalf. of Mr. Searle, unless
'the grievance Was redressed, and costs in-
carted by him be borne by the council.
Theg matter was'referred to a special corn-
mittee, to report on, but before this point
was reached, a somewhat animated dis4
cussion took place between theand
Councillor Manning, the former alleging
that it was a reflection on the Street Comte
mittee to make such a resolution, while
the latter asserted that it was simply done
for the purpose of finding out the true
facts ofthe case, and arriving at sem° de-
cision thereon. _ In accordance with Pro-
vincial ,'requirements, Dr. Worthington
was appointed Medical Health officer;*
salary being stated.)
Attention was ,drawn to the fact that.
cattle•had broken through the back fence
of the cemetery;
d done same injury.
thereto ; the injury had been repaired but
the Reeve stated that he would'at •once go
out and see that there was no possibility
of a,similar thing occurring again.
cliool Books
Reduced from $1.60 to $0.50.
INCORRECT. --W a last week. referred to a
rumor that a former Huronite had met
with ' a yiolert death at the hands of
Indians in the west, the ;rumor having
been very generally circulated in 'the vi-
cinityof Londeaboro. The party referred.
to was Its; James. Kerr,' of this town, and
we.are glad to learn that-there-is-no-flan--
dationswhatever for the report,;the family
of this person having heard from him last
week, an4 at the'.time,the letter was writ*
ten he was in perfectly good health.
• I, II, III,. iv..
FOR = 30 -DAYS
lis School History, by Adain and
R,obertaon , , .. • .$o Su
Robertson and Birchen' ' 74
' 11IoLell'an,
'ALA, LL,D ... , . .... 0 75
SCHOOL READER........0 G'0
ey's Life of Nelson, with notes by
0 75
Armstrong and Strang
Do do. with Notes. by-Wella..0 60
Do' do. Text, only for class-
room usa , • . 20 and 25
postmaster, has been notifiedby the De-
partment, that Clinton is included in the
list of places. from which parcels, not ex-
ceeaing'three pounds in weight,, spay be
forwarded tntheIlnitedICingdom,ln;accor..
dance with recent arrangements therefor;
Parcels intended to be sent- in . this way,
-must not exceed two feet in length, and
'a Pilot ii -vidtb; and. will be subject to a
1postal rite of 36e per lb:° To every o par..
cel so sent must 'be attached' a. Cust
ieclitration, certi.fying•to.its contents
lay Prof. Squair, Un v. College , - ..0 75
MANUEL OF , hl'•YGIENCE-12mo.1 00
Illustrated.. . • • ' • b
Rendrson 0 50 -..
Wetherell, ....... • .'-
VIRGIL'S JENEID T,'by Hnderson0 50
EID I,. by W lherell'0'b t
being Ohristie'a School Edition of
Q 50
Hodgson'a Work
FULL aural:Es.,,
Nile prepay poatage or express.
i 'Mall orders from Teachers receive es•
podia' attention.
•:Bookseller and Stationer,
.0e.e• �.n
00, 0. e3 IIRMIn.014..0..••-
:B,E3, ,C PA.Ii f S-.
We. do not want to carry over SUMMER GOODS if -low
' 1 be the means: of selling them. We show some
nyll b
lines in
That for value
and low prices rices have never before been reached.
Come and see them, ,-Compare our prices aincl we'can give,you:
that are selling, Cheaper than any house in
,positil�e 'proof elle wei; n, ,•
• the trade.
CottoisPGi1102, M:ii*iiJI; th aid P�ts
Are amon'g,the . man? slaughtered goods with us just now.
&,. Co
•THE ��
In connection with which: we will , make a;,
Thrownfrom rhe. top of oilr building... ]y this, date -
ate . present o0 of the Grandest 'Assortments of •
� to -iia . a o
Tweeds . Mens' . Clothing, : Goods,
Hats and Caps
Even: sl wn in t11>: section of country. No . expense has been. -
sared o reach the fountain head of supply; and to fill up air
miamnsoth establishment with the Most elegant gpods to be ob-
tained. To all purchasers we ask an inspection of our great
• stock whether you buy -or not.
Are not surpassed -outside of the Cities, and are imported " di.,
rest from. the old country markets,
In next week's issue of this paper, we will give fall Tarticalars
M f,
b:NO1 .00.,
Thro Doors West ot Dickson's Book Store