HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-10, Page 7VRID kY, SEPT, 10, 1
Lbws by Ebrilbellailikn.
Clidltk,NSTO,Nfl RUIN 41•11) -A film= oT
Chat leston, S. C., Sept. 1.—An earth-
quake such as has never befoie been
in, the history of this city, swept Over
Charlestown, last night, shortly after 10
o'clock, causing more loss and injury to
prdperty, and fav mere loss of life, than
the eyelene 01 the year before. Tliecity
is wrecked, the streets are encumbered
with a! mass of fallen bricks end tangled
Oegraph and telepluine wires, and up
to an early hour, it was almost impose
Bible to pass from. one part of the city
•:antetleer. -Ther-shOck- was the most se-
vere. Most .of the people, with their
families, passed the night in the streets;
More. then sixty• persons -were killed or
wounded, chiefiy colored. Bread•street
• presented a speetacle of ,the utmost hor-
• . rar. Even women armed with hatchets
fought valiantly to rescue the imprison-
ed unfortunates, Meetingesteeet, from
Brod to Hazel, a wrecle,was lined with,
•,At 8.25 this morning, 'another wave
swept over the city, coining, as the oth-
er did, from the southeast, and ,going in
a south -Westerly direction. •By that
time the people who had been out in the
public parks encl.. open places ell night
had, Many ,of-theni, ventured io, their
houses to get olothine° and something to
eat. The approachof the quake was
i heralded by the usual rumbling sound,
I resembling distant thunder ; then it
gradually approached, the earth quiver -
eel and heeved, and in. three secorids it
had paeseil, the epund dying out in the
distance. This is the only wave felt
since 2.30 this morning. It was not
destructive, all the destructien haying
, been done at 9,55 last night. The city
• is a complete .wreek; , St. Michael's
Church and St. Philip's Chtireli; two of
•the most historic eleurches in the city,
are in ruins. So is the HiberniatiHall,
the Police Station, and many other pub-
lic buildines. Fully • two-thirds .of the
residences in the city, cue uninhabitable;
wrecked either totally. ot'.
Twenty. houses burned. At the time of
• ikee.41 es t- sh ook-e-fi re -b rekeectet-4n-d Kee,
neje the city. Scarcely &bun;
th the city are. occupied at
eie tin '`e Peoge'being encamped in
etePenetelpoes, Allethe stores areelosed,
end it is` feWred there. will beet 'scarcity,
of eirovisiona, net flora want'of provi-
sione, hut because -no one can be'got to
reach the eves to sell thent. •
The ,,city •is eveapped gloOm, and
business is entirely suspended. -People
beenerally remain in the streets •in tents
under improvised :shelters, and will
catnc)at 'to-nigh:Veering another shook.
s work* wete,,iejnred,. And Probe• :
hiy. the ,city Will be 'Witheue" lights.tee
.e.'lech injury, was inflicted on
•th'e naione Beet and Senth Beifery,• .
and ',many eln; s.aSea • are §O shaken and
cracked, t hat a.- bard' bring
thein to the gronina• Tho. shack wAs•
. severe at Sullivan'Island, but no Rises
reported that fis-
• of life occurred. • It ifs
sures , in the 'earth. • have been mt.ieed0
'from which, line Send; Isere-en:My' from.
: a
great depth, exude's,: tegethe, with
ettlyleerntis ee,
- A TERIVi-STRiaiit 1Y2014:'
'1liefist shock of the etrrtiqt&lcts
felt aPproaching last night 'Al .910;
• bercire peOple. could, .realize elle • At's'
tronhle was, they foaled thetilerettee'oi-
• inge thrown around anti their honetirfielL
lir% down on them: Everyone itht
•dee:gaining into the' streets, and in a: ilef
serionds, the ,eiter.. Wee Wild with ..hurnee'
heinge perfectly praied-With 'fright, E.
• °lame thins were heard on 'all 'sides, kich
•-5SJ MX _God save uS !" G-od have inerny
• . ui and liA31e;coul.c.L be.seen
ing eyerywhera in groups, .offeiting prey;
ere.0'5 first , shock was followed im-
mediately by another, though-efiesseefee
feet, • bur "-renewing , the . shrieks and
•e, • seteanns,end from the:time of the begin --
It %fling ofdaylight, ishocks were felt at .
tervals of iralf an hour, but, each snedeed-
ing one being leas distinct. e Three' or
four fires Started itt t as many eeetions:
• -with the first shock,and the eity Wfia
ittinifN,VrEto WITH LAMES,.
, thus leading many...td; believe' that 'what
was left by the earthquake, would .bo
• devoured by fire:. ....However, the fire
department was eo well divided and
handled that the fires , Were gotten under
control bY •From fifteen tto
twenty residences and stores were coie
siumer-Tlirleierhyliiet and e,irtineinelerte
, oannot be -readily estimated, but can be
placed safely at five million dollars, as
ear ,eseieeld be ascertained. Dering, the,
night, fifteen. to. ,twenty persons: were
killed. rend . a tnuih. greetereu miler
wounde& in all 8orts of ways. .aShockS
cruelly. AS severe Were felt at a distance,
of 35 pile, and .have clone inestimable
damee, to railway and telegraph propev-
eek. Clete ston is entirely • isolated from
7t1te outside world.
• Tee 'i;,rik Wiisen G. }Tont; at e reception
oio vtinr. heerd a young man .expresfi a
desiro Nr drink of Whirtky. "We the
worst • my friend,t'. Fetid; he,"yen
can take oto your stemach end I will preen
' it tkiyou." no, then obtained a piece of re w
beef and Out it in a,gleeti nf Whiskey,. In
half an hour or an he look the piece not,
, and. asked his -friend to feel et it. it %yes
totiell AR leather.
,311nOrall Pololon.
No.trhtew ptirn eittrnete Flab 'mill
rcOte aro n awl in preparing- Meoreeor's Lung
rt• mound, the Modern and now powder rotor..
dy f rc,Iuls, Oottelisi Demme/4. crone, ewe
ma, nada' neeetlenenf Alm. throat, Miura end
chost. All.mtneral popions end ilatorfrons. soh.
• Banco art;evet,le44 trhleh totalet•st acre fol.
oil e ee nitut t a, Sold at Soo mid $7.
t Werthiuston'aDrusStore„.
Stfeve Ix the Jht Iblieetloo-,The
- Dietary Apia Unmoving.
poem Ilea la. The century.]
When 1 have seen the lengthy bill of '
fare so commonly furnished • at large
American hotels, aad thought of the waste
entailed, I have often believed that a re-
former might succeed, by estehlisbiag,
my in New York, a hotel mea new -plan,
011.0 1111ttlgal151, afford the small, good,va-
riety that pne'finds at the smaller London
hotels of the 'best class -a variety well
cooked and served. through the cook's at-
tentien not tieing dissipateclamong a mul-
titude of dishes. At two restaurants In
New York, on 13roadvvity end. kifth av-
enue respectively, one gets an excellent
• table d' hoe) dinner of this kind at the
reasonable charge of $1.,23, which in.
dudes a pint of vin ordinaire. The best
hotels, it gives me 431easure to _state. aro,
fast moving in the direction qf simplicity
o1"bill of fare.
• In New York the leading house on the
-American plan -does not prove its table
with much more than oae-h f the variety
of dishes one may have offered at second-
rate, pretentious concerns throughout the
country. The dietary, too, in America, is
unquestionably improving. Fruit and
vegetables are consumed much more plea -
Melly thaa before quiek-trains transported.
• them cheaply and canning became a pro.
digious homes& Baked oints and fowl,
91C1 IP 40 JP TT 14 A. la,
so often parbelled and sodden. are giving .. . . °
place to better things in the way of genu-
Last spring we bought a line of Fifty snits, • as an experiment,
ine roasta The gridiron, thank goodness, ,
has well nigh driven the frying -pan out 1 and have found thAt they gave very general satisfaction and
of the kitchen, and whoiesorne broiled
'steaks anti chops haveI taken the place of ' . that the 'demand felt this class of goods is increasing. They
the hard,
nyisereloyn meats that spoiled so I are but by first -clash cutters,, Well trimmed and Oarefully made,,
' ina'agetions, ithe peat. Pie, toois
g*Inf;:ancl its exodus has had much to,, dp and compare very favorably with suits made to order,. while
with the geteisie of fat. • '+2
the prices are very low.••
• • But hot bread and cakea still hold their ' ....
own, and the baleful ice -pitcher remains
active for stomachic mischief. Porridge,
New York than ineasily Edinburgath, and, with A Very .Fine Union Tweed Suit for $6.
however, isinore bad ' a hotel in
out the Lnion,
eked wheat, crossed the Rockies and A Serviceable Tweed Suit,. All WO91,.$8.
°rehas gone abread through- •
visited the Pacilic, slope, doing good all
the'Way. Salt fish, salt meat, and porit A. Fine Black or Colored Worsted , Stilt
are now -little used, Fresh fish and oys- Bound & Fished in a 1 style at $13 to $14.
ters are consumed very largely, and, ex-
• . . .
changed for the game of distant baok- . e ..
wood's and prairies, are Carried from lake
and'aea to the most interior cities: and A.. full Bailie ' of BOYS Ciii1ilb010
towns of the Continent -another blessing
• - • ' , • ' ' • ; 6 . .6 *
due to theyugged old. Englishinan who
first put a boiler on wheels and met it DOTa'i buy your Fall Clothing until. you have :seen these goods.
traveling about the countryl• • - .
teeter. the influence of. improved diets
and the custom of taking a, vacation dur-
ing the heated term, we are -f -glad to learn
ront statisticians that the physique of.our
'people is improying, aed that -,the y are
living loner thau their predecessors did.
Adipese is being deposited on lanky.
• can scarcely yet be depicted as a plump- ,
• person, he bids fare to become such if he
keeps on adopting conemene-sense men-
• ures•in food and rest. •
.'. .
Almost a Itemanee.
Berth Gerolt, daughter of the Prussian •
minister to the United States, who entered
the ;Monastery of the Visitation in 1874,
was of a Catholic family, although her
father represents a Protestant kingdom.
She was of a retined nature, much sweet.
• ness and sensibility, and probably felt for
her father,. Who was growing 'old, was
quite poor, and, in the movement of
(iouht•Biszearck agaimst the Catholic
church, stood in danger OPlealagrhis le.
gation. • About that time there liVeTWith
• Th.o undersigned haey Jut opened a New Drug Store in •
tra,lcsoires "New I3Ioek., Trita.ron Street,
Two doors'West of the City Book Store, where Vi11 be fund a complete asSort-
tnent of, Fine DRUGS and CHEMICALS, also PATENT MEDICINES and
prtuogisTs SUNDRIES. ' Ali that the. publie May ask for•in these lines.
• • „ • •
' P. S.--,0flicechanged from •reeidence to Drug Store. .
I have now on hand one of the LergeStBeet end, met Complete i$toolte of
BOOTS and SEOE8, ever diseelayed in Clinton, and will sell them at the yew
Lowest possible Peices. If you want geed, value in Boots anti Shoes, call on tia -
and you will not be dieaypeueted. I aim still 'making the
Sewed l3oots
Which are so favoratly known to require no comment. • All kinds of custom
work, promptly attended to, and at reasonable prices. -
6 Ps.aCENT if.iFF FOR -.CASH, •TnICEN IN rxCHA:Sp.rg. FO `GOODS.
Call oit C. Cruleksiiiiiik The .11itot Maker, .
. • •
Js not stipascd for comploielliss in the collo y.
Prices consistent with fine work.
--Btrrt-lre-rulirlias very few exceptions, that every.one -who buys,
-a suit, a Pair of Pants, a:Test or Overcoat or any covering for
: the .body at the
Are so well satisfied with the Fit, Make and the Trinuning,s,
that when they want another suit tlieralways come back to us,
and send or bring their friends with them.: ths is why onr
business has increased so rapidly..
Baton Gerolteate. attachei-ea yoong man I , A
belonging to one of the nehlest and oldest, 1. :L--1..: .NVORTI-IIi•TG-TON-. ' 'Clinton''. -11'S
. .
Protestant houses oelerendenburg :peenle . .
, , : , ' • A i
as proud of tueir ',Opens eonsistencrak
of• their reek. He grew •enarnered,of our • ••
Miss tiorolt, and, the alliance. would -have:, ;', • : , • •
'1 la
been proper and acceptable in .
every way relemeeWeri- terieen :
:but for the matterof religion. . - %ewe-m-1.LN 'ele ILA/
'.. The attache's mother, in Prussia, re. , ". • '
pelted the idea of the Cathelic connection,. -.• - :,- FRESH ARRIVALS THIS wgeic.
p.A.sniF.R.-& Bower i7ERPUINA..rJ
1• '-nine •liriC pf HAND MERnona,, cheap.•
. ,.,. „,
'BeaeltAeTtis Ptiiii. REItFUME .
I.,. :: cAsIII!ERE 130QU,ET SOAP, ,
•• , ATL.ANTA U.A.. SAW i - , 1,17.PEARS (ENGLIiii0 AIOAP.
•PRESII 14114E .31.1101I . irratita VIOLIWTOWDERS' •
. . • , . •
We Pay special atteliticia to TRUSSES, and le-alie • thelargest stock in the county.
. . , .
• • -e.' e ' .• • ., Beate 5;" cent PIGARe he town: ' ,, • ' ' •
: . . • a-AL:M.181S '. l' ill ... 1;-:)01[ jEgiE ,
. . -
OilEMIST pTp. DntrOoist ..:•••• „,.::,:. CLINTON, ONT'..
. , • ..
. . . .
while the ecclesiastics in America, seeing f HELLEBORE,
an apparent, opportunity ' to de some • •
.. e
• proseilytiur around . the' Prussian court, .CARRIAGE SPONGES
operatdd upon Miss *Gelnit'a mind. After
the relents on both sides were tolerably „ INSECT POWDER.
,agreed the religious • issue was kept. up,
• and the' question of 'children had to be
settleirin advance until the ,young mat's
• patience wasieorn out, and he broke the
• engagement. • The: cliterehe whiche bed
been successful ih the 'matter,:wets_ eof
eee•trse, entitledete • the bride; mi'd'abetit
me some Controversy' -titost betvieen
eramentandthe state anthorities
•.1.y. le en e the rocs the
°"'''6'1'' • h endcd ' 11 Of
elie only ape,' althatiili a
• Catholic, totedre with enthusiasn.i to the
diku4e of the eedee..31 government during_
• go rebellion. Bertha
the dark days: a •flid before her 'end
eeeie•EtIt dlstippenreiL gi
wPtiItt the.sarne Ingo • daughter•of the
• jelide Iturbide peed,a liter .of Gen.
Wineleed!Seette • - r" -
She istetitft.
• 'f"?ca,t`trazias.c.3.41Wonts184
When ulfe:i d titether they genersly
shake) for thee:Ws of the dinnee:
' generallyentyaWirshareee • 13tit 1
watch the constic,d1-4.poriority, the' blalfdt
importance a giildpqr en when she"
ing•to pay the checie4or the, feast -Tee'
.ridectionaae attenttigk' she receives front
the•others is a simple atlii efficient guidh,
to tho•purse of the ptirty: Jf you have"
,any doubt of it watch' tbe ostentatious
way in which the payee' pikes °tabor
purse, takes' tipahe check &a etaniinds it
or risks the whiter how inuelint'is: . Watch
how theyedt wait upon the dee WIni
They show her a deference thee' lu
takable, give place toiler as tlid7.'4'eroiich
the.counter and trot ,opt giggitqg and
laughing, the guests holding on 'Mat'de.
votedly to the arms of the treater,. ,
Its lovely.. • Jett, IICAr creatures; they'
are chuck full of human nature, and timed
wharrtle troiibTh with U8 AL. •
• The Cur.ni
• The growth of Zetireetewn is a Very see'.
rioue questlen for Property °weer.; in the
northern cart of San Francis :0, because
the existence of sach a blot 17114 far reach-
ing etteels in depreciating the. vale° of
land on that stile of. the city, It has cast
a blight from, tealifornia street to North
Beach.° While 'people are going many
miles Ord Into the southwestere pori ions
of the city to find hems, on the northern
side there are large unbuilt spaces litng
Within ten blocks of the heart of the bust
nese quarter, Per rositlenees this part of
'the city is the' most picture's me and not
the least healthful of all, and let it labors
Under a reproach that drives capital earl
population he another direction.
What does this?: it is the shadow of
Chinatown felling ea that region- and
cursing it. People will not 'buy homes
where they have to go; through or go by
Chinatown, to get to them., •
ea ca 'rein Offratio • Leatiren
recrt"IX1 I t, •
thevreul, the famotie French tete:mist,
who celebrateaehis .1'li)i1l bird d ty ast
month, is a temperance lecturer Learnatte
Ile is a total tthetainer from eel spirituous
lieuore, and is in fell possessi of a 1 his
lenses, freq foe:urinz MC slink:MI
Df the ,lartilie 1.1.antes;-iti Per:s.
ischer, 111. Fischer, Manager.
,...1'*764".. • •
. . .
The only in4nnfacturer , Of WhE,:isii.oc,F SA]?1!S 'with
• ..r, . . .
IsTolauce32.ductizig.: Steel .FlangeoMb boiota.,IL
oureiew tityle4 Of 1110 -Prod Safes' .tte fited, .with an AIR, CI-1003ER to
prevent dampness, to papere. A lame asportmenkof• SECOND HAND SAMS
for sale at loye pt ices on easy ter ins 'a paypent, Catalogngs on appliention. .
117 and-lAfrinit Streci To-ronto.
acos]cexi. .31,4001titc.
Inthaztdeghfshumerinill oaetOinere:foeehier libereefpatronage .'.1i1t116 legS tis'announ'et
that be /mitt 'Pasteee4eiesel a 'splendid asisortnieW of
- •
TWEEDS, pit;Ess.ocions, PUNTS, JIWSLINS, falit4,11.A.:,1Y1W; 'LACES;
TWEEDS a specialty', and a firet-elass Tailor who:guarantees aefit. A fell supply of hand
mode BOOTS and:SHOES jot strived for the_agille.mraele..._,AjresluisaartnthiAtii-ffi.
MiE11111, neweatipertjtera4..
Steck of GROCERIES is New and Pitc1i'. try our 54) cent Young Ify•son T1,14, beat
ealue ever offered to the public. HARDWARE; GROCAERY and GLASSWARE, a ;hill
Ontiply: LATIMisTE and CROWN OIL for ,inatthiitery, always on hand, ancl everything
het:ally kopt first-class cotintry store, COAL ()TEO, soots pe,r gegen. Highest reariee
price bald in trade for BUTTER, EGGS, OAT8, cfre, OnMe ase awl all and lia8Peat aiY
stook. No trouble to show goods., •
N. inive'also purchased a' large qm;utity of the 13LUP, TIN TAG IHNDING TWINE
i3e8t itt, the tnarliet, which I offer at tho loWeta possible rate.
• .
.JOSEF.17, liCORR01771,
VARNA, Maceh 5th, f586. — • , •
CD,poztead` out in 'ZLIAZOTT$
• zitXT Po011 TO TRE CrTY Book. ii7onr; or.ANTOx.
A°. 1.cititthi ASSOrrAft.$1' oi un ViViv DREW hl'AtM PtirtxrrtittE mr
ItgAsogAnrx Puterie. - • •
ArOlg. CU it 1)1,ittr;wir... •
' 44?
1V1413•Lifp.0tUrers of SAsiY, ' 1)iionsi.-13t„GsiD'S PLOonibig,.SIDINa,,
EILINGeek-OULDING,SfF 31E8 aiid all kinds of
isiterior And Exterior Finihhinss. LATir anC1 SiiiNorits kept
\tzn hand, Mill on :Wellington 8t„ opposite; Woollen Mill:
Change, ofT Ettsiness
iiiIiiillill ill 'lit"' 1 1 110
The undersignsd boas to nett& Rielpeople'ot Clinton and vicinity thiit he hats 1?ought the
11ARXESS:13118140 .formetlycarrid pi ft:IVj
And that he ie. prePared ta larialiala '• ' 1 ''41 1:
Hareiss, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes,' Blankets., l'
Alia orerythiug usually kept in a erst.elaas Hareem Shop, at the loweet pigeon. Specie
4. .'
attention is direeted te my Stook ot Lie= liAfteese, Mad l'Will make a specialty.
5 0.
13y strict attention to business, Ana carefully studying thd want. Oflny custom:P.4i t ho .
merit's fair share of petronagoe 0 Ivo mo a 6:01144nm m., lin,sino elsewhere,
ItEMESIBER T.Ett. ell A t 1)--0115081117.1 Ile • REM..
di...amca. *.'":**: