HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-10, Page 6FRIDAY, SEPT 10, 880.
' 15EWS
estimate'bf the iesult of the crops
in Europe places it at 7D per Cent.
The Salvation ,Asmy claims to have
.five,48,yeA, tayerDkemers in the Palmerston Division.
Mr. Robert Burns, of Parkhill, while
alighting. from the train at Forest, Wed-
nesday, had the misfortunelo slip and
break his arm.
The other night the barn of Mr. S.
Brubacher, in Woolwich, was burned by
lightning, together withthe whole of
this year's erop. Loss heavy and no
insurance. _ _ •
Ayer'S Ague Cure acts directly. on the
'liver and,hillary apparatus, and, drtves gut
themalarlitr'posson indocetsiiver
complaints and bilious disorders. War-
rauted to cure, or money refunded.
It is whispere about, Says the Exeter
•Times, that al% John 'Flanagan, of
dlandeboye, will be a candidate in the.
interests•of the•Reform •party of North
Middlesex far Dominion purposes,at the
next election. •' , •
A few nights ago,' a, younce man of
• Tottenham, held hiS girl on hisknee for
several hours, and fed, her oranges- aid.
candies in blissful ignoranqe •,.af- the tad
•• that the blingladnotlieen•ptilled doon,
and:that he was fnrilialling a free., eXhi.7
bition to half the town. a
—The Queemis gettina away ftona the
idea that it her duty to rehrin in
sombre black attire throughoilt her life.
• On her recent visit to the Edinburgh
Exhibition she wore a black silk aress,
lace shawl, and bonnet -trimmed with
• black and white flowers.•-, . •
A recent visitor to Faris was much
struck with the fact that np house in
any street he went through was rinni-
'e bered 13. He says this is owing tothe
superstition of, the French people con-
cerning the number 13. It is the strong-
est of all their,saperstitions.
. Mrs. Ts D. Sullivan, wife of the Lord
Mayor of Dublin and a• deputatipti of
kish 1aUe3, wUl go tQHasvarden of•f
tept-.-2-1.st., tor present -to -Mr. GladatOrie
a mammoth' declaatiou in favor of
Home Rule in Ireland. The •docament
bears the signatures of 500,1300 Irish
Women, •
• Friday morning, Mr., ---Frank 114 far.
mer South 'Yarmouth, took a long stick
to belabor a refractory cow over the back
The stiek breaking in two, a piece Aew
back, striking him in • the left eye, in.-
flicting serious itijury. The doctor has
hopes of saving the sight of bis eye,
Mrs, Tapley, ar.,•of'East 'Oxford, met
with a strange accident, on Wednesdasy
mewling, She suddenly woke up m
great pain, and found that she could uc't
close her. mouth in speak. She drove
as quickly _af's Possible,„jOtti. Woodstock,
'when Dr. Perks discovered—Alfa
dislocated both jaws in her sleep, which
• was set .to lights speedily. • '
gravated case of catarrh, with, all its un•
pleasant aud dangerona aecoropanirnente.
Patrick Healy, vrtta• arrested Thursday
morning, in New York„ for the murder
-IlUrWife-,T-Julititsilealy,-- who.: rlied..:,the.
Fashion domande that when young people
marry they shall go away ou aweddiez trip*
which linear; no email outlayceas, 4. couple
receutly married felt Oda pressure, hat con
calved A scheme by which to thwart the pro.
ceps of custom and bay, the item of expense.
Thv-wentlothe-stationiTriecompasied -by a
vich street
0 G
f friends, anboarded a train, wttlt
the friends extend,
clatrged ecod.byes said all around,
• Thu neighbors.
Healy with inhuman. cruelty, Two
• weeks ago hitt wife .gave birth 1Q
And. Last'Sunday .slata was.stilli
eOrifined to het bed, Healy entered her
room crazy drunk, ttriti seizing his four-
year-old :edri, . Michael, by the heels.
dashed him. abotit the room„ thumping
the child's head. on the 'stove and bruis-
ing it terribly. Theo tearing the infant
from.the mother's breast, he threwit
• violently to the floor. The hysterical
mother tried. to Save her child, but was
felled by a blow of her husliamVs•fist
and knakedinto -She re-
Mained.unconscieos,for hours, and died.
party od
pi•evious mght at her pule,
ingthe regulation amhea, for a safe andhappy
tour. But the couple didn't remain ern the
tN raM'. Ono !They walked through the oar
and outat the en& opposite that at whioh
they entered, and, getting off on the 9ppo8ite
side, quickly skipped. around to their home'
where they remained in seelosion for a week,
while friends thought them away enjoying
the honeymoon.
A Dover fernier has a heifer, two years
old, which, although it naret-ba,c1,a•-ealf,
givea three quarts of milk daily. The milk
was brougla to it by a two-year-old steer
sucking it.
A Coulon° correspondeet of The Bryson
Equity alleges that a young marksman of
that piade, at. 500 yardwt struck squarely
the head of a pin stuck in the centre'of a
•e:iramon envelope -
One of Forepaughls men stele a din -
per bell from ft, Woodstock,15.13.,sftloon,
when the Circus was in that town, and
the other day the saloonkeeper received
Ala* by expreas. was • sent from
1Cingsten, Ont,, and was aceempanied by
•11.• letter from the. taker, who expressed
Contrition flit` the .theft, end alleged he
;was intoxicated' when he eemmitted it.
'lleasons why yonshOut4pureikaseriutti'ught
aim; in preference Act all:other remedies are ..i—
Rapid result—eurosipstantiy, ' haeasity ap-
plied—no trouble—ne lost.time. • It doe t not
require constant use—one aerneavionlAi eucot-
ual. One bottle will' remove more pain than
any other remedy in existence. Try itfor Neu-
ralgia. Toothache. Efetvlaolic. Itheumatisin.—
Sold at 253 per bottle by Worthington, Druggist
An old farmOa
er named rrnichael,liv-
ing near St. Thomas,. fell in with two
strangers on the Detroit Market, Thut•a:
-day& At night he was found on Ran-
dOlph street id a stupified condition;and
at the Central Station he said he had
• been robbed of a check for $2,200, 000
fu,money, and a. gold chain. Pat Roony,
alias Gleason, a hanger-on around the
market, was arrested on suspicion.
All the.*wriers; of hoses in our village
are On
deljghted 'with the effects of es',
Liniment Iodide, Ammonia-; it never die-
. appoints, knosv df,some wonderful eorea
• . :that have been made by it, other 'remedies
---....--having..failadJe_a_eeereplialy the result:
•Giles Liniment ' Was .suceessriir 71171-1.-
. Hoyt, druggist, Soeth Norwalk, Oonn:
• Sold by all druggists. ,
Mr. 'James Ireland, of the West x•
• ford Cheese Manufacturing Company,
has • received an ordet for a two -ton
cheeie, from Heatley, Brea., Brantford;
•Or the English 'market. This mem• -
Moth cheese will' •weigh 4,500 lbti it
will ;be five'.feet in diameter, and will
• be fent` 1,0et in height. •. .
• On WiedPeAdktOng,111r, Wedreb
•• jeweller Of St. • Thomas, was awakened
• by some. person endeavoring to epee the
front door of his shop. • On arising he
discovered,two men 'attempting to pick
theloek, and fired at butmiiised.thern.
They itopped, then but in a'short time
resumetl. oper4i.onS, ,When Mr,. Parey.
fired again' and struck -one, of the men in
•thriiii; Whereon they.dercainpath •
•-•• 4.-.1ittle'elepliant in a travelling men-
• agerie, tooka great dislike . to th;
•• and the other night in Vallejo, Cal„ got
loose, grabbed the king of beats by a
hind leg, and tried to pull him through
the bars ef the .cage. The uproar that
• rolloWed Was tremendous, and it requir7.
• ied.the ,Whole•Of -the circas force to. get
• • the little. feIloW av;ay' and Chain 'him
The' leg:was:. Very, badly
wrenched. • • • '
• ,
The 'death is ,annOunced, of, Robert
• West, -at meinber-of-Oourt .Pride:of.On!
• terra, No. 5,b40, A.O.F.; of Hat:6043TC:
He was a 'welter by trade, and while at
his. work. a fortnight 'since _a splash Of
naolten iron fell in his ear. .14 toek
tle•notice of it at'the time. On Sunday,
• however; the iron.' fell out, and ,•fifilif
• that ,tinip to the hour.of, deadi. he
• west in terrible agony. teen
---79aMe to the, C01144,011' ' gyit. all abSCe§S
' was tortnibg hitiOrain. At 2 o'cloek.
Thursday ptIt.ap. end to th,e man's
fearful trifferings,
• A rnost wOrthy Scots6301, Ron.A lex.
McKenzie,. ex -Premier lotCanatla, s,itys
the Greenbelt Telegraph,ii...spending the
'simnhei bx his native country, aid,e
are ;Pleased t� learn .hee,is very' • Much'
iniprOved in health Since ierv&MdiTh
Scotland, being now able to Walk a con-
i.ideriible7distanot h is.
.eleven trips across the Atlantic; the lat-
est was:the most favorable. • Mr. Mc-
Kenzie DOS heft rusticating since 'his
arrival in his native county- of peith,
but we presume he .will take a -run to
the•WefiC,befere h returns to the Do-
minion. He had a. hand,: as a young
Man, hi the .construction of the'railway
between Glasgow and Ayr. . . • .
p,A) tikingeldgilaSs.) despatch says:
!Step& boys.; ,While:crossing. the NOlith
Bend bridge over*the•Connectiqut ttia1-
er,•Weclnesday afternoon, saw a man' in-
tently reading a. newspaper. SuddenlY
he threw away. the pal.er,and leaping to
the rail' pliniged :into:the river.. .Re
asnotseen afterWards.' 1..t new combs
to Reit; that the ,atfigide waa T. 0. 1\1c
Cormick, of Westfield, and hi a death
was the sequel -to, another .which tOpk
plase in, the day: Nellie. Williams
was McCormack's:sweetheart. - McCor-
mack refused toniarry het es be Prom:-
ised, and Wednesday She 'died at the
house Of, Dr: Booth. • The first intima-,
• tiOii•McCorrnack had of her death ,WitS
•the account of it he renid,in •the paper
while crossing the bridge. .
was on a protra al.
cred d°ban
Male weakness and 1088 0f power pronn.t-
lv cared. Book, 1.0 cents in stamps.
World's Dispenser/ Medical 4sicciation,
663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
A Montreal despatch. says: Susie
Chantry, a young American girl, was
brought before Police Magistrate here
on a charge of attemptingto commit
suicide bY shooting herself with a re-
volver. Her defenoe,was tlaat she had
eloped from her home in Adtain,
with a yOung man named EdFard 'As-
lington, With whom -slit; had been ac-
quainted for •elanta liffle, on a promise Of
=marriage. Afte remaining here three
weeks the aeoundrel told her she had
better return bine she was a Married
man with a wife tincl child in the States
and he had Made up his 'mind to return
to Ahem. On hearing his decleration
the girl pulled, out a 'revolver, on the
street, which she bad taken fi•orp her
deceived, and presented it at berhead,
but he °alight her era; and took the pis-
tol away. • He then called a cab and
told a policemen to take her to•the stat-
ion 'Mad deeamped, On the,eeensed
promising to return bome; she was dis-
charged.. .
By taking Ayer's' Saraaparilla maw a
Poor sufferer who submits to the aurgeop's
knife, because • of malignant s,cires• and
scrofulonsevvellings might be saved, sound
and whdle . Thie medicine purges out the
•earzuptiene which n'ollutie the blood and
Cause disease. '
• kinnie''the'adciit.ed,claughter of lir.
.- and. Airs. Richard Charlandi of Detroit,.
• (*ho.are•Canadians) committed suicide
• on Friday; by* droviiiing in 'the Detroit
River • She /eft' a letter addressed to
lier adApted mother, in vvhich 'she•stated
ehe'. bad. learned, while on azvisit to
TOrkito,ttiat she was t3f illegitimate
birth, and did' net. want' to live any
longer. ther,'
was Dr. -Murray, of Torontbi who died
but afew years ago, by whore that pay.
ful.wormin, Aose Briallow, was employ-
• ed as his housekeeper! The body was
recovered •• •
-A. young fellow in. Beverly, naltied
George. Hut, hid a rather peculiar -ex-
perience on Monday. . Whilepassinghy
the edge of a bush he saw a racoon on
a comparatively slight tree. Thinking
be NVOUld have sonie fun with the animal,
climbea up the tree until he' reached
-the Huila where Mr, "Coon crouched,
• when be proceeded,to shake ib off. To
- get up a boss' shake he stoed on the
limb, and while working. away for all
be Was worth, the limb broke, lettieg;
'coon and yonng fWlow fa4 togetbor itt
a heap. loor a mordent or two there
was A mingled gleam of 'coon and WM,
but then they appeared to separ te as if
by mutual eonsent,• the only inj ry sus-
tained li Hunt being a reale „badly
bitten finger. Ire says he'll let t irriext
'coon he'oomes across have the 'alit of
way.,--Duricies Banner,
• 'The express train' from' Guelph fer
Talmerstcin' on • t he G.sB. Division
of the G.T. ittp into a flock of sev-
nral iitindTed sheepa be Irwin Bridge
public 'crossing, between Fergus and. 41-
-nni; abait—seven eoloelir.Tlinrsclay, eve-
ning, killingiand.wounding fatally sixty
two. 'Theiferriains Of the poor aniroali
were strewn along. the track for a eon.:
Sidesrable' distance, and presented a sick-
ening spectacle:. -The driver of the 19-
Copaotive„slackened speed and blew' the
usuai signal•vilditle,but Joseph Thothp-
Son, tlie,oWner,t3P the sheep, who was in
a bfiggy,., hecame, conftised,, and instead
Of turning the ilock back, allowed them
totatn. on the,track. Hence the terrible'
• Buffalo is to, have the laigest clook
in the . The dial will be twenty
five feet in diameter ,and-,the.Oentre of
the dial will be 361 feeVabeiVe- the Sti'vet
The' dial will be illiiiannt**.iisl3,
tricity,and it is Calculated iliiitAttekfiffe'.
Can be seen at night at any paint in. the
city, and with a field glass the position
of the. hands can be .distinguished ata
distance: of fifteen miles. The. minute
:hand eV" the clock will:be twelve' feet
leng„ap51,,..th,p houf • hand will measure
nine feetairlength. The ItOinatifigiirea
in thedial wi1l be two feett eight in-
ches 'in length. ---A..steant engine will
be placed in the tower to wind the„cloCk
up every day. The chickmakers who
•haVe been ir4ited togive their views
eoucerning the -of the:816A, all
say that' nobbily in this 'country is able
t� build such an enormous timepiece,
It will take cit Whole' year to placethe
cleek machinery ,in the tower, after the
strobtiire is completed.
111 000
English Hat Vinegar on: Draft! •
S 1:D.A.I.J1.11S33:11?-1 & 00%2
&marrow), Aug., 245h, 1885.
It gives me much ploasuro to recommend
Or. Jug's Medicine to all who may he sue
feting from Lung, Liver or Kidney corn.
Plaints, as I have found it thoroughly ef-
deient in my. onm ease, in tat. I found it
the most useful • medicine I ever had in
my house. . •
' WILlIoneAr, Mowat's Bank,
Agricultural Exposition, I'2•8-0
SfIPTgMf3E'R G•rii TO i•ZrEi.
An Immense programme of NawAND GREAT
ATTRAcTioNs is prepared for this Exhibition.
Chon4.0 l'i•t.ea nut/ /Leval...OHS 1111 all Ry's
Copies of prize Lliit auct Entry Forms sent t0.
any one 01 Application, hy post card -or eiter-
wisp, ye the Secretary at Toronto. Entries Mese
Saturday August eStlf, H. J. HILL.
J NO, J. WITHROW, Manager and Secy.
. President. - Vaccaro.
will talt'e any kind j=5 Grain in exchange for
any of the above.
slanglater. •
Auburn.telegram says:
The 19 -year olidAatighter of a Wealthy
Etna farmer. nitMed *hocks, tend, Fred
Coutant, a prosperous yOung farmer liv-
ing near Freeville, were lovers, The.
'Y,Ofniff man had an, excellent reputation,
bet his visits to the Rhodele home were
withoitt.the approval pf tbegies father.
Thdrsday, while stopping in Etna,
Ath6aiii missed his daughter,' and, found
that she had taken' a train for Freeville,
a few miles distant. He punned' her
with hbi _team, and found het in' the vil-
lage store talking- with Coutant, She
refused to: return home;. having made
promises to make an excursion to' Ithica
next day; ati:i`lie•then tr.ied to cart y bee
to. his wagged. railing in this hetook
a horse -whip Arid began to beat her
about 'the shouldas, when Coutant in-
terfered, anti after receiving seVersil
blows from the father; seized the—v.4;1p
and broke it, amid the applause of the
villegers. &Imlay morning the Yaung
woman left home, saying she would
• never return, and went to the house of
itri aunt near by, where she was married
to Content a few hoult's later. ,lihodes,
in deference to public sentiment, did not
interfere wich the ceremony.
• Lost his Tante. '
• 1 wassleeping jive second *tory bed-
room ;of aplanter house m Misatssippi,
and it'waS pot yet daylight when Some-
thing roused me up. was listening to
hear 'The. 'repeated, when—there-
paine 'a yell which- fairly shook mg out.
of bed. -I ran to the open window;bat
it was..too dark outaicle to see anything.
As I stood there listening herd the
plank .9f. a chain, followed by greens,
and•then *all was still. "1 .went to bed
with_the idea that somee7razynegio was
prowling around, and 'slept tilreunrise,
Then I looked out, and -solved the myS-
tery, ,A few .rods away was a smoke-
house. A big bear trap -had bee rt soekt
the door, and had caught a prize: With
One leg 'heid. in a vice, and -,with his
'hands grasping a young tree tahold him
up, a burlyc,big negro, looked up and
Called out . • • "
• k Say boss, but 1 -want toLget loose of
. . , ,
Oepating of all kindipromptly attexided to at reason
•' tible rates: trial solicited.
,1'hare opened. in Clinton, a lirst-elat$
I. Make and Mend all kinds d Roots and Shoes, and
,keep an excellent; stockon hand. First-class work.
..disf • • - -
When I went down and told the col-
• onel, he expressed no surprise,-ancl,took
no action Until after breildast, Then
he walked. butte the stioke-housei and
lifter looking at the prisoner he said -
• Does,it hurt V
life, saI3,'• •
Can You. get out 1'
No rah, 1'20 been trying ober since
ARNES*11-!,1);iitti;riii.,,,t, ,a1Thtipg. in tan
SOMM11,1 MUNDT 410114 BOW qg
IfaS file :finest and cheapest G,ROCERIES in town
f011..00I-KlE113.,N anal Aq..1.4,4,SSW.A..]EUE
At prices .which downs thein all.,
IL see me... 1 keen fiorn hame Alari 530 II. i.i)c,‘°1111seet of
SINOLIS or .D01,1ELE. MADNESS, host. of s'toek' and
workmanshap may alWayi be. exPectod. Please -give
' 'nte a call, , • . '
0.o'ir A T. E 'S.
WANTED Any quantIty of Apples, pears, Plums
'. if 1 andall kinds of Farm Produce.
. .
1,11041`1)0011. ,NOItT110e STOCIi. EXCti41.1ig', ALIMT Sr
I •
CLIITO 00111111111Z111
., •
• • Waving bought 0. J. Tnthill's Stock of
,OZEiVro, cizt001Eznttr • 'ci4 CLAsswAnE
• At a 'discount, will sell at Wholesale Prieei.ontil all is cleaned out.
'FINE TOILET SOA -P:'""--- •
cp's YEAST, for nrerly kept by• Tuthill &Co. always oi
. ' litsissell gage.
is a tvell-known operator iu Wall street,
,w1o) ,is gerieridly consideted as " up to
ma" fiencei it may have been quite
natural that a eountryman who reads the
,..._,.._ ........
.. . . papers, recently called at his office and
Geed 'value, ifidirilliirli packne ef Dr. Sages Catarrh
....._ . .,
' Many sulterers buying medicine have. Remedy. Ile discovered his 'mistake, hot
been ditappointod, thitt't„, give no, -buy A he tii, de no . mistake ,at all in the article
reliable article like Dr. Chase's Liver Care balled fur. This remedy, when applied
. and with it yon get a reap° book alone with Dr. Pierce'e " Nasal Douche,' will Druggists as worth too Ames tho eost o
worth the muniey. . surely anis rapidly eradicate the most ag--* the medicine* Medicine find took $1, '
• .:
", . t • .
• • Cilot0E. LOT Or r IPES, .CHEAri
n 0 -1.;:t En.% E.' s.
tu,cx; mni0,4 si„,.E.T.,d1124TON.
. '
• I.
c e
J &sporrans°
Wavrer; f?Jit,Q., •
jEAND tNis.)N. 0,141141100
Cheap t.A.LT, Cheap GROCERIES an7d-
, ,
Cheap 1.110177SIONS.
Having a large t061-.. of Salt on.liand, orders will be - Jig at,
tiie.1oW6sCpriees ever offered inClinton, as. the Salt Works will be sold .when arrange
*meets are completed. Will buy and 891LTIMOTHY and GLOVni,=KWED. A lot of
SALT SACKS and GRAIN BAGS for sale: '
• ..od•Cattundlea tesult from a debilitated,
impoverished, Or Impure condition of the
„ blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla prevents and •
• cures they eruptions and painful tuitions,'
b removing their cense; the only effect-
ual way of treatiag weal.
.Ayees Sarsaparilla has prevented file -
usual coinim of Doils, which have pained'
and distreased me everyseason for several
veers.— Geo..Settles, Plainville, Mich.
tnidr4t, but:l can't . ,• t was badly trouliied witierimples00
f11mve hains,ancrshoulders in there. the face; also, with a discoloration Of the
.1.Yee sah 1 reckon you has.' • .skini Which showed itself in ugly. dark
0 •
Pate ms. No external treatment did More
1 Are you.fond of smelted meat V. • •than temporary good. Ayer`s Sarsamt:
'21 used teibe, but I ain't rills effected , •- •
any me': I shall neber tebh smoked A perfect Cure,
meat agin.' • • • and t lutv'e nat'been troubled since.--
Like to walk Ora' nights Is T.. W. toddy, Myer st.,Lowalt, 'Mass.
•'No, Bah. I's° goin& ter bed ()bury •t was troubled with Boils, and lily
night at stinclown arter4.7is.'' , ' health' was much impaired. 'I • began
using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, In dtte
'We get a rail and opebed the tran
, i time the trill:MOOS all disappearell, and
and let him out. He welt Off dragging my time, was completely restored.—
• .
Jj'illanIta.ric=11,kNin.s6. Editor Stanley Observer,
his leg behind, and as he reached the
gate lie lifted his hat and cooly said : 1 was troubled, for a long lime, with -a
' iVerry much obleeged, kulnul. If •humor which appeared on my face in Ugly
hay appetite for limns an' Shonlders eber
'aVri"e7aritle:..A.yeris Sitrsapa
tctUeinti°r8iterithe best
returns,Ill.keep c" ar o' displantsun, blood prter la tfieworld.— Charles U-
an' doan' you forgit it.' •Smith, North Oraftsbury, Vt.. '
A Free Gift.
Ayer'S. Sarsaparilla
• •
Around• each bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver • /s sold 10 alt druggismatuldealdrs in med-
Cure is a Medical Guide and Iteeipe Book' fettle* Ask for •Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and
containing_usefol, (grip ation; over 200 do not bepersuaded to take any other,
reoipes,-rend 'pronounced by Doetots end
Prepared by Dr...LILAyer.*CO.,Lowell,/trast,
• Price ; six bottlesi 05. •
• •
•• •
• ..C.I4INTON. .
BOOTS and SHOES at Remarkably Low Prides.:
BABY cA-11RIAGES: just tirriecl, latest .Styles, very Cheap.
TR'UNXS-8rVA-LISES-bYlhe hundred-rpeap::.
lligh land PINliend CEDAR SIII116LES at Lowest 'Priceti, •
'4 I
II Laurance's STI.410TA.OLES" and.EYE-GLA.SSES
. Are ihe only (4ennine English Articles in .the. Canadian illarkete
nem Pebbles nre9teht In aleph? Tests are given to parelingers to 'prove genuineness. •
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