HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-10, Page 3asmaamwessweamawwswesseesmswarav,,_ FiiIDAY, SEPT. 10, 1886. to ramble. The flesh, quickly put on, will be found more juicy and delicateln flavor. A danger to be avoided in keeping fowls is overcrowding. Too many, after building a house of proper dimensions for the first lot, enlarge the , flock. Where an extensive business is carried on the fowls should be separated in small flocka; they will not de their best until this is done, PEItT11 ICNNIS. 1•••• A. Liatoivel cheese buyer recently shipped five car loeds of cheese, von- taining 1999 bexes, 'valved et ovoo. Mr, 'Wm Lienhardt, on employee in -s".------- Ross- Bros. factory, Listewel, died last ' week fibril inflainniatiori of the bowels, after a shit illness. While out drivin,,,e last week, Mraind Mrs. A-. -Pent, blitchell, were thrown from the beggy, and miraculously escap- ed'serious.injury. The qearitity offal' vtheat harvested in Pexth this year is placed at 47,77A acres. Spriog wheat, i,084.; bailey, 23,243, aod oats, 51,171. -.., , • y There are f7,799 horses in the o i v coon- / tof Perth, 87 working oxen •' 2 4593 ) r, ' .milch .cow; antl...ca410 "of "ell kiud -' 7:8,482 ; sheep, 64,09 and. 24,505 piga, Rev. Mr. Tlyland, of Watford, who was appointed Rector of Trinity ehurcho Mitchell, has declined; 'The congrega. Von are as unanimous as ever in favor of Bey, Mr, Kerr, of Quebec, , On. Sunday last, the dwelling houSe of -Mr, Geo. .11oKeever, near Listowel, oanght fire, it is supposed, from some de - feet abort the 'chimney, and the flames spread so rapidly that the family had only sufficient time to get out the prin- eipal effects: before the house Was con' sumecl. The atteridance_ at theohalf-1110.441.1f. ' Cheese Fair, held this week at Listowel, was sinaller than usual; tie nearly all the July dtoCk had been previously bought up. -Fifteen factories registered 8,200 boxekbut only one lot of 150 boxes was sold at , 9 cents; The prices generally asked were more than buyers cared to rive ' ' • • : On Friday last, James, pow of Mr. D. IL Dormer), Mitchell, Came very near • losing -his life.... While working in his _ father's Mill,. he .was' caught in a belt and wound up ,against . a pUlley, from :which be was so seriously injured about the face and head that he was obliged to lay off work,The young man nar- rowly escaped :being killed. • ' A most' shocking accident occurred on Tuesday last, - which ' resulted in the death of one of the oldest residents of • bark. ' Mrs. John IVIeDettald, living on the 1st cop., was lionoe, alorie, her him - band' being in Embro, On his Tanta at noon.,.he was horrified at, finding the body of his wife lying at the door en- veloped in flames. It .seems she was getting dinner andlier clothes must have taught fire from the 'Steve. - ,She bad • taken a quilt off the bed, and, wrapped it around heri to smother the flames, but to no avail. • The body was terribly burnt and was inirecognizoble. ' . I • Bears.during the last Month havebeen making:aheir 'appearance .on• the' 14th concession ' of Logan,: toWnshifo It is thowght that as Many es Seven ...eight are in the.,,piece. of, weeds west of the line far as ,it is Opened, and they hays): done•considerable 'damage ' to the crops close by.:. On S4urday, Me. •Win. Ste- wart shouldered his rifle, a repeater,and went outin search of Mr, Bruin, waS not long-befcire lie saw one on Mr, _ Elliott's old farm, andlevelling his -gun• , he broirglit him ,di-iiii thefirst shot, • Monday be -started off te the same spot, and in ari" hour's Wile, another was no- tieed.sitting on hia hanthes: Mr.. Ste; • wart get. within a hundred-yards-orthe fellow',•when bang went his gun. ..The ball took .effect 'in ..the -brute'S. bead,!bot only staggered hint., ' The bear grovvled. • andmatle.for ,Ir.. Stewart. As litowas. OM kept -on for approaching. apether ti Ce of 'lead took • him in the head, but -1thot t thirty feet, when he tumblod over ' and is' third ball'Iput'ari- end to, : his trou le.. He weighed upwards of, 206., • lbs. and was very fat. • ' • . .. i • is TileGregoes lining „Compound.. • • -73ave you_a bad Cough,ItChronie Hoarseness, a feeling of Lightness in the Chest,,Wealt lunge, or any similar complaint 7 If so, buy at once a ' ;bottle of McGregor's Lung Compound. "It'll euro you." •It contains' entirely neW specifies, of,which one 'dose ta more efleetual than, a whole bottle of the old time remedies. • It is put . up in scrc and in bottles, Sold by Worthington, • druggist. Try it, and Yon will never hare res. . ott to complain. . • - . • • . ., Iflaseible, ,Iceop the breeding ficiek separate from the feedehs, as they will • not require neatly So riineh feed. Let the poultry ten in the tattle -la, as Much as possible: They will pickup a vast numbei- of itisects, that are' about to setae intheir winter .qoarters. ' Weed out your inferior ,birds,...selects ,„,...ing, the beet only for future breedhig, Don't keep the largest atici imagine they are the best, ' Keep these ,which -are .truest 'marked 'even 'it o' little inferior IR ilze,, .. . ..., •. • , If ' yeit,-telitemplate'niakin,,e • any changes in the chicken house get them done as Bain ilea+ as possible.' The first inonth with "R" in it hop arrived .,too much dependence must not be placed on the weather, and the Meth might here to be kept. indoors, more or Iesa, frail' this Hine out ; ' • , The flesh of thickens fattened on buck - heat flour mixed with milk is very delicate in flavor. Oatmeal comes next; and after that barley -meat Indian corn is more fattening than flesh for many, so should be given sparingly to fowls being prepared for market, . flaring seleeted the intended . birds Lor. table tise, don't begin to fatter% until • it has been decided whort.they are to be killed. If given all they can eat for ten days and deprived of oxereise, they will put on flesh rapidly in that time,. and who., better for 'Ole table 'thin -11f allowed o, ., SO- ChiClons nicely dressed when taken to market will always pay for the extra trouble. If Plucked directly after they are dead,, and while the flesh is warm, the feathers will come out easily. Never, eicept when the birds are going to be me, Geo, Al. Kitty has been re.engag• immediately cooked, dip thein in scald- Sumnierbili school, for 1887, at EDUCATION NOTES. Miss Kennedy,' daughter of Mr. ILP.' Kennedy, of Seaforth, has secured a Miss Katie Bali, ot. Godedeb, ft, kfv.hcalmtautetboer ttpleini rnuoet vfer/ ba : , of their taseliets. The vice at intemperance” pease,/ 03 from geueration to generation, !al though no teacher ever said a word againat it. Tobacco smoking And driaking are as OffeelliVe now as when Niatt. Dicker's visited our thereat' i school at Caledonia. somehow, the children are have found mit bis y gaged as assistant teiteher for Salfordi things, The teacher is' a '4 livingo epitie:le,°1; School, and commenced on Monday to awl is readwith care hy his eupils.—Anieri- teack. - 104.$abool Journal. *a ••••••••-,-----. The publio school board of St. Marys' •Young Girls 0 is moving towards having the election are at a critical periutt when they aro about of, trustees held on the same day- as mu- ma•nritig atid derrlitpitig tli 000. The locket wai.chf a 1 c tie at this rime may re- nicipel eleetions. Moog irtyy,tuarilitis ailau delicate 11‘31071.57i81:gbt:Ill orgi aim, and entailing alontr list fuft m an -offer principal ot' tlie °aka. e." 411 title may huarritilefi, Public School aswell as from payega. ow Ow wino; woman wins tlititogli this She has acceptedtifminer. • period clothed in all the bounty and kitten:: t h f a pet h-c•ly healthy ores ills'ittun, bribe Kyt ,;t, 1)r. Pit.rotea Fav .xi Prtaeip- re n, pi epared especially for female -tutu. hymen -of ttie moat auccessfet ing water to remove the feathers • it Is a lazy plan, not only spoiling - thO ap- pearance, intt hardens the flesh ; and if the weather is at all damp, the birds eoon decay." „ It it nil Notes. Remember that a little time and tnO• ney experideclkin the fall of the year on a slight inereale io salary. He is a thoroughly good and efficient Witcher.' Kenneth McKenzie, formerly Princi- pal of the Walton Public School, has re- cently.been requested hy Dickey county, Dakota, to eonneIorward as candidate for the office. of Inspector of publio'schools. Mr. Greeory Tom, son of Mr. James 'Torn, sof Eleter, has been eneaged by uuderdraining.will prove a great saving the trustees ofieheed Election go. '.i, for of time'wlah weans rat)neYf n":"Priag'the year cOmnaencing January. next. If your ""a have. nab bean quite ull . Mr Toni has had enlaSklerable priletiSe, to the mark, don't go about 'croaking.' and bolds a high grade certificate. It will do you no good, and- is. infec- The fourth book lessons, on which Veils, Misery likes. company. Look on the brighter side, end you will find things turn outbetter than yowezpeeted. There is alwaye a certain amount of obocmionse-matter which fiods its way into our wells.' As the .water is gener- ally low aloceit this season' of the -year, it will be an easy task pumping nut and eleansing, before the autuinn*rains fall and bring the water tip to high-water mark,: • In many of onr American exchanges we reed, Canadian /lilies for sale by the car -load. • It causes ors cepang of regret to see -such announcements, When wood ashes can be sold in lots of four- teen to twenty tons, it speaks very plain- ly that some fartnera. are being robbed of one of the beat fertilizers 'attire can provide, • •Tree peddlers will soori'be- on' the war path. Before Prdering ascertain the standipg of the growers.' Unscru- pulous 'sellers will. palm off any Worth - leas varieties, knowing that it will be a few years before:the fraud:is- discovered. Persons cannot exercise too moeh cau- tion in buying fruit trees of all descrip- tions. Frequently years. of scare arid patience result in bitter disappointment, ori 'finding the .,arieti of free to be rot what was purchased. . ,The fall of the year is .generally the time When fires occur, and the barn and .its „contents are reduced to -ashes. A, great portion Otthe „fires take place Lon theyremises of thoge" who are over con- fident, .and don't insure: These parties will say, Ph,-; we are too careful .; no- dangerot fire breaking outwith us,, etc. It is just these persons 'that find ont their error wben toe. late. , Insurance 'remarkably cheap.. To all. farmers we say, instite,.insere !. . • . •• , • , SPringtinie britigs many. duties, stnd there is generally a. rush of work.:. Many farmers say they -Would like to bay,p planted. shade' .trees, but were too busy_ klififi"g774—TCri1iefe—We- leave it till next.'soring,. or the ':saine thing will: Occur plant now, p.m:ion sts the leaves fall, ,aithough.not 'cis good 'a: tiue asin spring. Out back the • branches well.; but don't. eut off the, may beminimizedby preoauttonary de - heads .of.the trees; Mulch Well and there .will .he little fear of their growing. • pupils will be examined in literature, gt the July 1887 entrance examinatien, are as follows ;---Visions of Mirza (both selections). • The death �f itttle Nell. The hell of Atli. Dora. • The change- ling. A, forced recruit at Solferino. National morality:.• The two breaths. The eclior of the Canada EduCtitional, lqonthly,, speakin,g of the 'Second class .algebra paper at the lute examinations, • says does appear tri -us remarkable tliat even' the Ohairman, ofthe cepiral committee' would take the; liberty of • charging the mathematical masters of Onterio with being either incompetent or insuflioient. •. . We have been requested to eit11 the attention of teachers aod candidates the thlicoving changes in.the work for next examinations. For entrance the history bas been increased by the adj. tion of the' outlines•of Canadian bistory, With partiMilar attenlion to.the events subsequent to 1tO41 ; the niunicipal' in- stitutions of Ontario and the Federal form df the Dominion Government. For • drawing . book No..4 or No. 0 is recoil.... ed. 'For third class,, the literature will not us heretotore be the.eame as for se- cont, but will consist of nineteen seise- fromthe new high school reader, vivi • Nos. 1.5, 22, 35,45, 56, 57's 63, 67, 4-74, 79,-81;87, 90, 92; 93, 101, 105. . • The Minister of Edecatien, whohu jnst returned from England, has an un - • pleasant task on his hands. That is, •the pacifylog of Public opinion, and es- pecially: teachere' which has been greatly arbused by the -receet Dc- 'partniental extuninatione; Whet he may d�. in the .matter is probably not yet:decided, btit it isnot linlikely that one, if not two; of the examiners will be dropped from the, list: This will have to be announced now, for it a.ieuld not do to leave the matter to becteue public next year. I ho.Ve,- in previous 'letters, . indioated some of the:causes aksverlo.to,_ pioduce the present disturhence; ]uvalidsiote Institute is. not wholly clue.:to the' character of " dta a of the day. , ChVtler$ of Stoclt, Gilos' UAW Iodide •AMElliR netnews all 1./ekaglitly nong0s. Cures in'eu. es • 913fitetentra'ia'e aboulil he witli'ont' it. Railroad milling and ex press companies -all use Olhes Liniment, and babe great ree Ing stables id' Reim/nit arid 'Lorillard it has achieved win, ders. One trial will couvince, ' Write DR., BMUS, Ilex Ina, 5, V.who will, with • out charge, give advice ou all diseases and 'also nu theinan agentent ofleattle. • Sold hy all druggisto at 50e. and SIM a bottle anti in loarto at .$2.50, la whieh there is great saving yTehuo2Nin. aromrecnatuyei.white wrappers is for tinnily use; that in OEMs:. Iodide Ammonia!: 110380 and Cattle Powders. • Used hv all the leadiraK hareem in Jertmie Ptah', Fie 0 wend, Mightou Reach, tilieepshend Bay and Bull's Ilea •Neverdisappoint; are toutc, AlteratIve Diaretle, Destroy Worms, elites Indigestion. Calle, Sots, Sore Throat; Catarrh - Founder, Piek•eye anti ftberunethirn, The' doae. la small. and the power la great. Thn..rewdera are ..(inaranteed and pur• chasers failing to uhtaint dunetnoun refunded. Sold by all 000g:oto agletiriel0 l. ar 1147. nyaonn , ester'', air , INDUSTRIAL and ART EXHIBITION LON DO i11,0AN',....DA. . . • Sept. 21thto'Oct2iid1886. -H LIBERAL PREMITi.atS, • competition Open to the .Woriti. The Western Bair is the greatest'event of the season 'for the people of Western' Ontario. 'The '.Direators are determined that the forthebming Exhibition shall equal if 'not surpass, any offt predeceSsorq. The commit - ...tee of attractions are preparing a splendid programme for thett day et the Pair; fullt particulars of .which will be published. later on.. . 'Write to the. Secretary' for Prize.Liate, Pastors, Programmes, 'or 'any inforMation required. .8. WHETTER, .• GEO: hIc131100 •Presenidt. • . $ecretdry".'' . • • .• the questions set, ; So long as there LLo Departmootal examinations, so lona • will there •lre trouble Of :.,this kind: OM/Inked with a ran Starr..oi eighteen, Penney Notes. . Fair time will soon be drotintl'agaito Now,' don't be, selfish,and go alone to the principal' exhibitions. ••Take—y-eur. wife and other members of,yotle along -with you. RailWay :tickets aly cheap ter the leading fairs; there is something to see and enjoy, and they will appreciate the -44W ,So man' of pur farmer friends' take in the leading fairs themselves, land forget Vs bring • their helpmates, 'considering the loeal •show 'good enough for them, where -the Main pleasure is to stand Around and - gossip. • There is seaicely anything more con- ducive to the health, and .. comfort or horses, especially .during hot weather, than grooming. •16'm:roves froth, the. bale the greasy matter •which exudes from tie skin whea sweating, 'which, if not removed, •clogs the hair together, rendering •the animal. ncomfortable. Horses negleoted in this point become low in condition, and have the appear- ance of being only half -fed, The offices of the pores of the skin emits necessary to health ,'as digestion. Check the per- spiration 'and disease will result. It is not a very hard job, when • the horses come into the stable •from work even for -otoinhig, to devote few minulas to -rubbing them over' with a blunt curry comb,: and.brushing the • dirt off., A sharp curry comb is, to moat horses with a delicate. hide'a very painful instru- m.ent. Many hories' good temper/Ile-we been ruined by its use. • If a horse shows a dislike to it, a bard • brush • should be substituted. A little trouble given to extra grooming will soon be- come apparent in the thrift of the ani- mals. Good grooroinoois half .the feed. vices, but, it can by oo. exercise of Inge.. intity be entirely • prevented.; Mean- while, it is said, that the reeentiy ergan- ized teachers' tioion is, p'opular with the Members Of the profession, and that ae- -cessions 'to its ranks are'riumeroue., -Whether this bodes trouble to the De- partnie,nt or, the reverse must be left to time to deterrnine. —.Witness.• , • The following seleCtions from the •new tligh School reader will be the subjects for examinatinn in literature, for candi- dates for the Oen.gofessionalthirdclass certiliciate, but , the oral; examination id reading will not. necessarilrbe"cenfiped to these Aeleotions : Prose--Addison—The golden scales, pp. 88 92 Goldsmith, from !'the Vicar of Wakefield,"pp. 127-133; Arnold-ATnthoughqulnees,. pp, ,227-288; Carlyle—Death of the peoteetor, pp. 274- • 28g ;, Thatkery-e.The reconciliation, pp. 308-315.; Stanley -:-Arnold Rugby; pp 350-85.4; George Eliot, --from ,"rml. mill 'on,the Fibss," pp. 356-.359 ; Ruskin --;-The mystery of. life, pp.. 390.396; Golawin Smith—England in. the 'eighte.enth con.' • tory,' pp; 409411 ; liberal eau• .; critiori, pp. op 416. Poetry—Byron—The •Wee of Greece, pp. 211-214; Bryant—To the evening wind, pp..272-273; Longfellow —.The hangingof the, crane, pp. 836-342; •Ltlough—As ships beCalnied;-pp. 346-848; Tennysew—Thelord of 13urleigh7 872 ; Tennyson --The revenge, pp, 373.377; Arnold—Rugby chapel, pp. 401 407 ; Siiiuhurne—,The forsaken garden, pp. 422- 424 E. W. Gosio—The retern of the swallows, pp. 437.438. nave you Toothache i Use thild Lightning. Have you Rheumatism 7 Use ughtnIng gave you a stlifjemt? • nu Plaid Lightning. Isaac you Neuralgia 7 'Use Pluid Lightning. fiftyo nut 'Lumbago/ Pluid Eightning, Are you troubledlvith fiettattche 7 Ude Plaid tildrtnittg. Have you any paln Liss, Plaid Lightning. • • It will cure yen the inStant it is applied. Try It. 2A cents per bottle at Worthington's Drug litor23. The Postmaster General stated the noose, Th,ursday, that the Govertiment were eonsidering the establishment of a' inail l'Onto to India Via Canada. Expettionced and Skillful Physkians and Surgeons for the treatment of, • all Chronic 'Diseases. ' • ' • ._ - OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS W. -C !.A'TS Has just receiyed THREE CASES;DF WALNUT CLOCKS whiehlid Will see- at wholesale prices • as -they were-Will/it at -a-bargain; Coro of a Clock.—A -- 0,00k IS a faithful friend, wiles° services aro often abused, So long as it does not absolutely stop and refuse to o'nuirk time' any *looger, it usually reeeives eel attention; but it injures a valuable timepiece to be fermi to work white dirty or clegged. Therefore all clocks should be oleaned and heve their oiling renewed at lealet once in two years. • Eighteen months is the " • limit for very ,valuable clocks or costly vvatebes.. The careful owner who knows this, does -not wait, until the last straw" has been wedged into the machinery, and the good servant is forced (mt) to strike. " • - • 1 B rockery. • VE 'ARE SET:LING A FINE - ONSTONE CHINA TEA .SET 44 3 Pieces, for $2.25.. Regular Priee, *3 • - ass-andlit'etre Ileapeetrever of a in Clinton. These Goods are striCtly._ Call- arid see them, ' • OS• ooper ciLiNrrom. GLISH • • Great Variety • . • -COME; .4mrwsmitoommossasigg. CHAS* OPA.RL I N Clued tile Nasal Cattirrii.'X'brtint neiid Lung Diseases, Liver stud •Ikidney- Diseasesi• I:Madder ierkeSteica, Diseases Of lliotnen, Bi od Diseases and Nerv-• ons Affections, eared' here or at home, With or withoutseeing •the 'patient. COine and see us, or _fiend ten vents in stamps for our - "Invalids, Guide. Rook,” which gives • all particulars.• • • . _- • Nervous • tency, Nocturnal Losses, and all Flio.rbid Conditi ant . calmed by. It Outhfiti lies and PcrnicioUsS011.'. tarp Practices- are speedliy and ,permanently cured brour specialist/J.' -hook, .postipate, 10 eta. in steams. Ritpture* orl3reabli, rad- cally cured, without the knife, without dependence Veen trustee, and : with very' little lit amps, Pidn. • Boolt sent for:ten cents • *ILE TUMORS. and ST/tICTITHES treated with the greatest success. BoOk Sent for ten Alente in stamps: Address.WoilLo's DistutusA.alt meinestroAssocaArzow, 083•Main . Street, Buffalo, N. • ••• . The. treatment' of Many `thousands of eases of those diseates peculiar tcl •' vcr. ikerwarr• • at the Invalids'XL:del 'and Surgical Distant°, has af- toided large experience in itdaptin remedies 'tor their cure, and , , . it PIERCE' • , • • The pupil hail a lesson to learn from the book, but instead he learns one -hour the teacher. The teacher's manner is not all that is copied*that i usually Caricattlred, • Ills anger at lapaes from duty, his exacting the pound of flesh, his ,golice proclivities, his petty traits of valid' hero wholly unconscious, his repetitions of anecdote, his self.praise— all these May exist and be copied. But worse is the copy of a mode of thought—bitterness towards offenders; contempt Of those who lack Mental power, (especially memorizing power).; Oonnitance at deeeption, (espeeially in preparaticei fOr exaMination) ; tthappresia- tion of real effort unless the result comes out in a set forrn of wards; srleaning towards tio, Attractive in person—the better clad, Or the richer in worldly gear; the classification of all ul3pleasantry with deviltry; 'disappoint. mot that the.pupil does hot look et .the World as the teacher dem Matte thinga Will be done. As tb his apirit they imbibe that and reproduee iv.. The Bartholdi stritue could wet be sat up over every•teather'a desk ; lie Is trtlly a light bearer, Photo are today ten' millions of ohildree in the school.rooma Watching with tweety million eyes the doings 4 'DELICATE DISEASES: DISEASES OF WOMEN. Favorite Prescription .111 the result of thls.vast experience.' , It isit powerful . IltestOrative Tonle • and •Norville,. imparts vigor and strength to the system, and mires, as if by magic, lLew- torringl or 66whitoss” excessive flew/It p.palutirl arizeikAttilliitiOntin- , Hakimit,suppressitilta, prolapslls or failing•of the rithrue, ' Weak boar, anteversion, retreVersion, down sensations, chronic, Conges- tion, inflammation and weer/It-sow al tno wonab, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries, Internal heat, and *firentale weakiless.” • It promptly relieveg and mires NatWest e,nd Weakness of Stomach, iliditres. tion, Bloating, Nervous 1P.rost3ation, • sad Sleeplessness, in either sex. 1 PRiCE Si.00 ?lit° 4a1168., 0 sold by Drugglisio eve rywherto Send ton cents in Stamps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise On Ditleases of Woinent illuittrated. 6 +or -World's Dispensary Medical Asiectationi de$ main Street, )3t7PrAthill.v.' -HEADACHE, irottptly mired by Or. iercetil 1eaaaet ntgatiVOlLsollets. 2.5 vents a vial, by Druggists. Central Groceiy, ....1R..0.131314L,A)11,1 JiL The,• subscriber.- has, bought' out' .the Steel; P,:' itobb;o ,nsioting of G-ROOttITES, OROCKEBY, G E AW A.IIE SLo. Whigh, being bought allot, rates, be i4 en hided re offer, at 111 u. vory eloi-atat prices prompt itroa. itommi to let., : Patronage respectfully selicited. ordel.s H. R. WALKER CLINTON tormanausnossweelanate AlnaaMPINall610MarnanilaMINOMP.. •Rkirr CLAR!NG... . SALE 0 LIDIRY S:\DER 00_,DSt, ESLEY S MillineryEmporium 75.7811261 •to°1=61014 t. HI 11 Virltr 11 f r • • FUNERAL' DIRECTOR & Embaltur. 1 . iS!81 !i: -- A large stock of Fitst.Claes CASs : EFTS mid COFFINS SHROUDS,11:: dal., alwitye on ban. , ,,Il Pelle •• EGYPTIA/T.EISIDALMING lj!! F.LIHD WW1 in alto/woo, 'i ALBERTISTREETo NEXT; HARLAND 13110. I • esidente ' Orange St.neer the !I • 31ethoal8t .1 • • • 1 1(8 FOR LIVER AND. KIDNEY Dia ES ".• IV/ten. an itatelligent *an Pi var- thetse,Ite buffkfront partial whose in, their several callings is a guarani ,for the quallinkr their warm.' This steflii otto is doubly true in regard to patent 'medic nes, buy . bitty those triode by praetical ;intensional won. J7r. Olt ASts is too well atiRfavontriv known by' his .receipt books to moldy° any recommend/v.. tem. • • De. CitAsE's Liver Cure has a receipt book • wrapped. around:every bottle whieit is worth its • weight 10 gold,_: Da. CitAsit!A Liver Cure is geartmiced to Mire all diseases arifdSg fronta torpid or inactive liver sueli as Complaint, Illyspcpsia, 'Indigestion, .110.1110.1111Ce, 110811.• Liver Spots, Satiow Complexion, itc., THE KiDiVEYS THE KlbNEYS 1)n, CliAstes Liver Pure is a certain cure for rill derangements or the kidneye,suelt appain itt the back pain ixwtonnortion o -••••-• constant desire:Kt-6 tines ufinc, 4.011110710; • shooting noble in passage; disease Lind. ittt iirlitary troubles; tte, • 'rev it, take no other, it will. our° you. by ail dealers at$1.00 pot 4561.0 AGENTS FOS CatiALIA. anAprohn thdatsto 88S1811, last ilisgf .vlaittlia to Stinson heogrottimid, 1, 0.veillut.ottn frO., finil istottosuos eb tltgtfld�tttti II Vd fittur •", thhartrats Si 8nt$1.1 tut dig. Sara uadh . earned over ON a tag Mtbet 60X/100113 at old. Caput sot tequirtil. Yted You srn stetirta. Tilbadybrilitt• et Odra ard abeOhildly Odra of inn Mud f0011Il040, 1* scat,