HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-10, Page 24's crowsussowswesesese. e,•• BRILLIANY$ FROM BROWNING. ' Wood all the time. Wouldn't you Melo get up and Make speeches?" Row tweet a singe of God can change the world, -'•Eln a 1?alcony. • "A3pa . " • 1 When Pink arrived at Judge Blake's seb, lesultasap,roan'o retech sheuld exceed his ren '.,Veething. Its value is incalculable. it ' herkansaw Traveloel will rehevethe poor little ouffereelmeuediately. • • Ogle% he tutted that, the good bey, 'Lige As a wagon drove near. a boy lazilY I Berry, had been instatled as a atudeet. Or what's heaven'for? Depend u,pon it, mothers ; there is no mietske climbed over the . falace and opened the 'Lir did.uot appear to be Plea.sed when --(Andrea, del Bart.% abottt it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhcea ADVICE TOUOT04175.--Are you disturbed id eight, mei broken of yow rest by * sick ebildeuffering and crying with pain ot Cutting Teeth? If ;so :send at ouce, and get a bottle of " ars. Wintiloire Seething idyrup" for Child- • regulates the Stomach and. Bowels, cures -wina rasgaw, Said the man who drove the had never been anythingia eel:ninon. The Phey are mire and one, witti eluvlowy 00110/.110fteD11 the Grum)), risriuoes Inflammation, third; and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "WhY dati!t Yel4 IlloTO fasters You lazY league, for, between the two boys there two lives Join. there ie oft %war; team- ; geed by merely leoked WU= orie pear epe we far. _.- - • 's M. Winslow'e tioothjug Syrup*" fee ee. 1311-ditese rin entered, then, with a frown, be bent him. gam. he , iscovered that Pink was to be his cole -ERy the Fireside. ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the "Yei'd are always tired " •self to the work of devouring Blackstone. . prescription, of one of the oldest and hest female "Yes, I AM; and 1 ,Wieb. f. could get I pluk lett down, in obedieuce to the coin- phyaiciano and nurses ie the 'United States, and rested." .. " mead a the judge, Twe, Rein% te4rtelir4roziottureaf.....r, m tor sale by all droggistti throughout the world. One—whort O. heggar, he prepares toptungel Price twenty-dve cents a bottle. Bo sure "1.001 never dolt. 'You are ,too lazy "Young gentlemen, as business is wee• le get anything. •Come•on here uow end folly eltdi at preeeet, you won't have auy- '911ko•-•:10..ml,a- Fr Mee, he risee with hispearl7 teile for "Nue, WIN5Low's SOOTHING Untie," The heaveu QC hair -the pride oe the rtsfibonAlra7.1r- VA./LW brow, ° . . hal me take out the heroes. " • thing to do but to read. 'Lige, yen are be men was. t Irak:hen Mti et, e tie bis Bon. Vinkney, known throughout the neighborhOod f el, link. Lake ether boys be haid never Woo knoWla to ati&age In any game that required eat aty, • d. his mother oftea declared that lie -(Paracelau4. and take no other kind. getting alonfvery well, are you, note" Where is the use o f, the red lip'e charm, . And the blood that blues the inside artn, • Trains leave Clinton as follows: - e es, str, "Do you End Blackstone intereeting?" "Yes, sir. Very." "Pink. what's that you are reading?" "Beadie"bout seine inguns. vositively refused taitralk tintil lie-greW "Well, threw it down. Y.oull nevilie to be ecr old that he was Patterned of him- I II good lawyer unless feu study. , self: Pink was not handsome. His head -wa a mighty Mart; Pink made a was red and his face was freckled; and, tense of studying. Ha seemed to have werse than all else, he was lime -legged. settled upon em entire change of course, lie cared nothing for beeks, At school,. but •occasionally. Ite would fall back into if not interre, ted, he would sit all day his old waya• then he would sit witlt with tils eyes half•closed, yet'no one could his eyes half closed, One day be said: • accuse him of lieleg s;eepy, for at home e ,Ligo, do yea ;ever eXpect, to he a great he "t4/41.1 always• the last ono to go to bed. lawyer?" --When- the horses had been fed, tied -i)1 muse I do. when Ale .5 filler and his sou returned le 0 els that what makes you study oe The house, the old map asked:, hard:" 44W1,.,, have YPu heolt doing to day?" "Yes; if it *ere not for that 'wouldn't "“'NeTblii7 study at all. Isn't that the reason you '4 What?", etude, Pink?" "Ain t been dein' nottaa', fur I Was 0i:coal Reidy much, but that ain't the , deed. " " reason. 1 wouldn't study at all if 1 didn't t I tell yeti , to break. up that have to. When I don t read old Blake turnip land?" niakes me tote in wood, and I'd rather she believe you " teed than to tote wood, Tothe weed "Then why didn't yoo do it?" makes me tired.. 'eunse I wne " , A stranger coming into the room would i kr, iee"-; of a well knowa local knight of "Boy, you are gone to Star, e to eleathe'. ,just as sure at you Ilya'''. "If I live 1 wotet starve to death. If die 1 might starve to death, " "Hush up your mouth and cton't give •me none of your MISS, Mother, I wouldn't give him a bite of supper. " "I dont. care. " "I don't believe you do. You aro •too fetehtaked lazy' fie eat" • •• It. yes - larkson, let the child have tomething to eat. I don't reckon ' he can help it because he io always tired. You ° knew 1 hada brother that was always that way." " . es, and he ;lever amounted to nothite either " ° ' Unless we turn, Ai the soul knows QW, " The earthly gift to an end dGoieg East.iVinel * -LThe Statue and the Bust. • 7,25 a.m. express D1215110tIell or MI ElOpheillit t.:05 p.m. mixed 4,80 pan. •mixed t'It will be . a couple of weeka ago an elephant named !Aibert•de- veloped an ugly and pugnacious disposi- tion at Keene, N. IL, where the menagerie with which he was traveling was located, and killed hia keeper, He had been ugly and treacherous , on previous occasions; and it was not censiclered safe to permit him to live loogor. An account of bis execution by a detachment of the- Neene Light guards has also been published. By order of Mr. Baroum the authorities of the Smithsonian institute were notitled that the execution Watt to take place, and sthitathey could have the CareeSS if tileY de, -Accordinglirs Messrs. Hotildan and Lu - patched to gem, Where they secured the GRAND TRUNK 10111,0•17Ali., Going West. 10.0 Lin. mixed 2,20p.m. express 0.15 p.m. express . one -AT \venni.; rismws.-v. . Goieg North. „ Going South, I 9,55 a:m. express . 8.03 *an. express 7,00 p.m, express. , 4.13 p. vit. exprees ma, of the 'ational museum, were dig. .• "I knew that, Clarkson, but Pink may do hettei after awhile. • "No he wool. . Ile ie:the trittitecet boy in the State of Arkanatis. . Them Jacksotl. beY's-air out every morainbreekite colts or doin' somethingebut•L-Pinkr plague take him, won't do flotilla' but mope roue' mi. der the trees.He has just about Wore me out, let ine ten you, and if he don't strike a lielptitly seienTirget efoal of him -and , wear him out. 1 wou't put up with such noaccountness. Pink," : ... • "Yes, eir." • "They air goin' t� ' take up "another lehoel over at the Perks next week andl ',reckon you'd better go. , Youain't got :sease enough to over make a fanner and reckon you d better bon, lawyer or some:- . ithing of thee sort. "' • • "Let him be ipraachor, Clarkson,J'in. terpnecd • "I -reacher the deuce... W'y he'd ruin a • congregatioo. When he'd b ecein to preach .lieelhe too lazy to stop. No, better let ' him, talk to the jury,' arid if Ito doeswear 'em out, the country would be bettereff.• ' i•What do you say,'•Pink?". "Ainit,particular. " , • • "No, -fet,elf take it, you airneer par. * Weider. If you was yott'd !get along bet- ter. Litlelou drive the hogs outen the • . Aeld?" '-'No, sir: . • "What?" - "No. sir, I*as too tired. ". . "Wife, give inc that tope ,liangin'up• • there. I'll wear him tte'a fazzle. " ; "Oheaw, dont -whip the child." "Well, let hint behave. himself 'then,' I'll bet anythieg them hogs have- ruined that field.--Iontiet-puoieli him:: Pink, go_ to hod." • . . , • The boy arose faint a box On. which he had been eitting, 'stretchedhimself and eiloverly ascendedtl•W stairs.: "Ale Lord," sa.d the old rnan; •"I deal know4hat is , to' become • of •,thet Inv. If he.wa'n't quite so lazy'l would think that the peni• tentieryewould. catch " , • • Trite echool. had been in•operation neatly ;three weeks when: one'day, , the • teaeher, • ; the Amy. Dr. Brooks, called ex, eta Man Miller. • " : • • , "Glad .to see you,, partionf down. .IlOw's everything?"• ' Slow," Dr. brooks replied. "How's Pink gettin' Along? lit "Not at all. " • • e• ."You don't tell Mc io?" . "Yes, lain sorry to say. " "What 'peels tO-be the Matter?" "He won't Wider "Oan t you whip him into it?" "1, have tried, butdt.doeserioegemle,".....-....:„. "Ah, lord: I don't know what's to be. come of him. Do you think he.will eyer amount to anything, parson?" "No, I de not " . • • "Would yen Rae's° no • to Jake him awey from scheoll " "1So hope for itt ,"None., '"Do you reckent he's got any sense at nil?" • "0.11, yes, • he appears to be :smart enough." "What's the neacttee., then?" "Ile nicks applIcation. " "Well, 111 give hint all the appliCation he wants. I am ,mueli obleeged -to you for tellin' " ..• Shortly • after 4/r. Weeks *Withdrew, Piet: entered the"reera Where his father wile sitting. The old nian was greatly trotthied, but. he Was determined not to ,be violent with the boy. "Pink:" • .44 Yes; Sir'. " "Dr. Brooks tells use that it's no use to %send yeti to school, " • . 1 reckon:it " II .eays you woril•Ately. ". " A " t‘ w, ink, tell nieWliat do yotr A•tv t to do?" "olt, "Notl " ou struck it, dad #ast ',V,ou; , yes, you struck it ' • Do -you kt.10,'W where you will teed?" " 9, sire" ," 1 11 , tai you. 'Y ou If land in -thepent • tentiary." "I don't 1,now, Sir. '' "dVell, I ktiow, it is because you are no actount." 'Lige Lein' Was the good boy of the : meighborhood, . et.oted first in his . classes at school. end evcey one predicted that he Would -enter upoit an henored, ; career." . • "Phik, wouldn't yea likeio become a ; ••inweere" . "1 nin't partied:ler. ' "Welt, I am. 1 witut to put yOu at the trigingest busincee 1 lieow of ate.' reekoe . it n°1'41.6114 you to bera lawyer, 111 go ‘' c'1r tiid 1,03 to morrow. • Dell either inalfe yese II chop lutve,iostantly settled ' upon 'Lige as the coming, lawyer. No DUO .‘44011141 11214,40 th011101t that -any possible, distineton aWft'ted the lazy, how .1e.t.gect red-headed boy. That whteli 'asses for discernment is often short•eighleduess. Some of our greatest men have been -but the turain; i bele wtt8 ill many places en incand a poirit of a story should irifrter bo antiel. quarter thick, anti the work required h Paled, --• ' I nearly three hours. in the 'afternoon the '1.:, -Pre Was a quiet, boy, and Sundays he e skeleton was dissected, and every bone the butcher kure and cleaver, and two ether exe cies and -began the work of dis- secting the enormous pachyderm.. The head and trunk were • first removed, and then the hide was takeu off in two pieces, being split Oil the back and holly. The would go to church. Pink spent his bun - days in (mite a different way. llo would roam along the river, throwinee stooes at birda emenstrence was of no avail. 'Ho hated Sunday school and abherred the chareb. occasionally be would.corne home with a bloody nose, 'for althongh he was averse t� physical' exercise, be hesita, ed not to -engage in, combat. Peo- ple pointed tit him, shook their heads,and "..14hat. boy -will% never amount_te any: thing " , Pink. fell in loye with' a little girl, • bright-eyed Mary -Phelps, aurally enough • the girl did not 1 m. She loved 'Lige; 'This enraged 1, , and had an opportunity presented itself he would have chaetised his felloW•stddent e Even ia a lawyer's office time drep along. 'Lige„ was. readyAeistand an ex- amination.. Pink Ilse - declared that he was ready. They: were examined by the' Circuit' vidge 'Lige was tomplimented for his quickiless mid insight, • .but Pink failed to! answera: sufficient number Of questions, censegneittly he was remanded back to 13lakes °Mee. Poetizing that he had wasted *time 'he made an earneeteee• Solve to do better. • -... • 'Lige bean the practice Of his dillicalt profession. .He threw his *hole soul Into the 'Work -and old lawyers said that he wbuld suo:tee'd,How short,sighted, how erroneous are litimao calculatiOns. eOnit _evening Pink -called on bright- eyeMary: . 'Ile had -determined ete aele her to: be hiswife,' for be • believed that she had ceased to love ILiere... Mary eor- dially eedelved him and his , heart beat a hopefuf tome, , • 'Miss Mary,' I ettppose ,-yon have heard rhow hard I 2.111 studying:, " . • - " Yes, antp also heard that you failed to pass you 'e*amipation. " • • Oh, that Makes no difference. " "It does with•me."' w- "MaryLwan.4 you to be-myeewife. " "T can net, Itam- engaged, to 'Lige Retry.• • e. • p 0 0 , There came n dity whenithe wisenten thought of the•predietions:they had made with 'regarl . to ---the tWo boys, -Beery is now: a distinguiehed ;Welke. Pink is in 'the Penitentiary. It Will he a shock, no doubt, for some peop4 to learn that a good boy ever ainountetbto anything and that -a bad boy ever fat:di to .aueceed in leeobeli -the-)se factV't /Mead -not , have been penned;.' but .then the beide-, bie inetiee which inspired, their .Publicae thin will more then onset the staetling, revelations which are . made in the narrat tion. Tbe good, sttidiOna' boy has bad very little -charm° itt_thia country: All the high pieces rif hotter have been filled' by Men wile Were once bad boys Even ministersof the goppel boast.of how they; ' weee once bad, oh, yes, so yeey bad; and with keen delightsome of Ahem tell of their adventures entire raceeboorse„erut„ -tEd7eita IOW -Iffi tline that reform shouldeake place. Give the good boy ' chance.- Was saved intapt. The thug, party con- sisted of twenty•nine men,Melee of whom fired at the heart and saventeeneat the head. During • the autopsy, so to spOak, six bullet -a were found in the heart, and they had all beeo flattened. . • In- the evening, those of epichrean tastes tithed on elephant ,stakes at tha,Cheshire house, undit is reported that many who did not knew what they Were eating pee- nounced the steak unusually fine in flavor, ' but a bit tough, The hide Weighed 1,013 pounds, and the skeleton .1,455 pounds. The beast alive 'weighed about 7;000_ pounds, wag Supposed to be 80'years old, and was veined at $10;000. The -preserved portion was safely shipped to Washing- ton, jand Messrs. Houldan &I Lucas OM alder that they have secured an unusuldly .perfect Specimen for the national museum. About 400 Keenites witnessed the dissee• Bon 'with great interest ' ' ,Want to Go, ,Ifint Darerstt..., Mashingten Pvmatt etar,e "I guess ta -better not. -No, 1e1 better, stay," The aporther steed leaning oft the counter'in e rallroade,Office, tracing oat with longing eyee the crooked black lines tm the mauy-folded and gaily-colt:tired rail - WO" map that .led to the little black dopes,called mountains, Milne direction, and wgronp pf nymphs in bathing suits, inag:the seashore, in the other. His cheeks ',here. pale.: and ...hollow, arid the right shouldhung soverat inches lower than the Other. yfhiogs • are pretty un- certain:- I guess 'twit do it • this time,-" and heturned -reluctantly, away After Stuffing twit or' Bereealtistrated neaps in his Tooled, , "That's the we,' they de -OW -summer," sabrthe ticket agent; addressing himself to • the reporter, Wine stood by. "They want to,. but are afteddl. They won't go to the .seashore or moupeaiiist this year, "Who is he?" asked Ihnseribn. : loverninent clerk: • Donq you see liOw hie right 4lio41der sags?' - Non can 'always tell tbeni by then.Government ,elerks gxe one eided. They have,a leaning toward .their desks -tie. there aril any of them going eway euintilet; They're- ' afraid to," he added, ashe eheekdd a- tiCket a little less than two ' ynetia long. "We have a big baiiness every yeite' tend- ing the olerks off for their thirty' days lea% They nearly' n11 go; but this•year do_n t know or any who have gone or are. going.. reometones thee ,coine here -A -dr took over". the [naps tut d, tnitrist but they always coma to the ..concluaion+ that they. had. better not do it; that costs too math, and wealth) t be safe: MANING dz• scow Barristers, Solicitors, CONVEYANCERS c. Oonunissiouert for Ontari nand Manitoba. OFFICE NEXT DOOR RE ERA, CLINTON MONEYTO LOO, MORTGAGES DOUGHT. letersre Yeses. 0. RIBOUT, Office • over 4, ,thleltefift'S store,' Albert Street A1AIUtIA0J1 'LICENSES, -*APPLY TO THE AU undersigned_ t the Library aeon*, Smith's. (Bock. 345 JAMES SCOTT, AffONEY TO, LUND IN LARGE OR SMALL .Lta. Sums ou good mortgage security, Moderate ate of interest. il, HALE, Clinton. • nEL DOWSLEY, M. 11, H.R. C. IS ENGLAND Physieittn,'Surgeou, eta Office and residence next Molson's Bank, market square, Clinton. - fl11. APPLETON.-OFFICE-AT RESIDENCE on Ontario street, Olin tonroPPOst te the: Finglish pue.'anceby Bide gate. . A B. P.0QUDFeeTeIVIL Ji -a• e Prowl it alai and Dominion Land Surveyor, Architect and Dratiglitalnalt, FOREIN Clinton. . ••. • DR' aznVE.-OFFIOE EATTENMUlly eTe- Murray Block, two doors east of, Hodgenid en. trance. Iteeidence, opposite the Temperance Hall Huron Street, Clinton. Office hours, 8 ams, . to °pan.' MAT.ZIa'fii'Ll'A`,111,V14?)=7,EZNIt ..sidenoe, John Robertson'e, Buren Street, Clinton. Riee's hew method taught if desired. • fr • D'issiting the Squid. (New York Timo2.1 , Reeding Upright io his :boat, the ex- pert base fisherman grasps his rod firmly below the reel,- which , thirst be one that,: runs evith the least •poseibte friction, and holds 800 .Og 40) feet of line, and Whiels it with the squid and sevetAl yards a line free. When the whirling squid is btotight to a certain velocity; which the feeling and instinct of the angler must judge ton nicety, he thrusts the rod forWard quiekly with a •graceful movement that can only be understood on being seen, The whirling squid instantly responds to the movement. Itshoots 0111 with amazing elocity as straight as a bullet's . iglu. The whieeing reel pays out the unresisting line, ani if the east hag been made by an expert 1.0 feet of iline will have loft the reel befure.the squid drope into the water ,;uet -at the split it was launched to much. It. will not be long before soine monster of a bess'will show his appreelation of the skill with width the east was made by swoopin upon the How to Out Oir D'oul .1 1.1 tm.rpspOntIniftte.• • Lon•Inn .A the 1411• Speueee has hit upon the. Tellowing ekpedieet for saving tithe, He sends the ,an nexed lithographed' form te his eorrespondente: , • • I.; 1 lerbert, t^pene. eeregretsthat ?lie -must diminish 'his correspondence. Alielug prevented b • Lk siate.of health from writing more ilia short tinte daily,. he piogressee but slowly with the work he has undertaken, auti.his progress is Mado. slower by abeortition Of his time in an. s'Werine 'those Who write . to him. Let - tors g him to 30in committees, to WO:id Meetings' or otherwise 'further some - miblic ob,ect, lettere requesting interviews' and autographs, letters asking °plutons and exp litioes; these, together wile acknowledgetneete'r of presentation cepies of books, ernal hiedrances though trivia iudividuully, are collect- ively serious-serions, at -letiet, to one Nitrlitd,, c,, , p80 hoursof work are se naral4 te "As these hindrantes ificrettee„ 'Speeeer is chamelled to do something to. prevent them. Alice long hesleation he has,decided to ent himeelt nit front every engagement that is likely to occupy at- terition, however slight. and to decline till correepondence uot iiivolved by his int- mediatewerk. e ' "To explain the absence of a ;pedal re. ply to each conummication, he sends -his ilthegratthed &tend rept , and lie litipese' .attractive lure, ntid then win tome a that filo raugona given wi 1 t•ollioientlY ox tggle that may• hist aa both-, ti6d per. cuSe hint for not answering id a mord haps two; before. one -ter OM other of the direct waye the letter of Mr. conthatan la conquers - tbe lottobr the "32 QueOW.s.Gordeos, BaYstvaler. W. struggle the metre faverable its 'result to the angler. • Ordering His Dinner, , tow Veit Titnes1 • r ottri,r(14rdstth.ttlop.- roast lamb, andthe vealter beveled to the A countryman in a reeteurant ordered The Mitch' abotteNew York, built the Cook: first Ain to dhlsi totattry, and she Was "On§ iambi" • • called "The 'nrest," etherWise the "The " Groat &Ott! Mister. " cried i hecollnerire intim, "I can't eat a hull lamb, Ginanne sem° fried- oysters. idetead. " "-- ne fried!" bawled the ivaiter. "Well, Methueoltiles ghost? llister, one fried oyster hein't. goite to be -enotigh, ;moue a dozen of. 'ern. Dern, Waage eitY places!" ft, i.ryie in triten-Pashieristeie olroies. Wow Orleans Picayune.] • ad spellieg is as Old•fashioned as anal- - for dettere., Both are in style . among fashionable ppple. DE. STANBIJItT, GRADUATE OrTRE MEDI .Departmentof Victoria Univarelty,Toronto,for nicely of the Hospitals,,and Dispensaries, Now.York' Goronerfor the County eflitiron,Baylield,Ont. ' rt6 ...ANK It. POWELL, BA.111118TER,..SOLICITOlts Ai Notary Public; etc,• 0111m, SuAntles Btoca, .AL-. eaRT.STasitr, 01,16T02:. T.orento rtgatite, Messrs, Mc- Carthy, Osier; Hoskin & Creel:tufa Privato•ftindS td °an' at lowest rates of interest. • ' 1-1W. WILLIAMS, IL A., 51.13.,GRADUATE • Toren t o University ; member f the Collegeof Phi sfeiansaud 5 argeons , Ont. OFFICE& RESIDENCE the bouseforniert)oceupied. by Dr. Ike.OTO, 4,11?0EL street Minton, D1' Wen'eniptdfoh, SuecteoN A-f.t.feo itehou , Liu en t int COI the DollegeOtPhYsiciall• and Sdrgeons of Low:reenact s,tend ProvincialLieen. Eletretultinromorfor the:Jour/CI cola (iron. Officeand residerlOr---The building/ f ormati3.deouple0 bY Mr' theatteemiton snout- • • C11ntonillef.f0,1871. _ • • "CtIANt'etf,,,fiteCitANICV TNTITIfi'ErtLIBR Alt r and-FkileinIERainis, Perrin -block, down stem. Mont 2400 Vanities in the 1,16fary arid alt t.he LeadingNetVapapers and PcriathcalS of evve-es * eV"' • Yotr-Children .0ENNuAdia.., NURSERY,. expost. danger from ' , Cou,%, Croup, and. INolses peculiar to t.ce ;Inuit And -1 Per eett h aihilents, Ayer's Pccroral, proirptly Lee re....f and cure. • At n, rentedv for "Wlivening Cough, -w, atteli mitay of ?our child:me were elected, we tieed, during, the past win- ter, with lunch satisfaction, Ayer's (*berry Pectoral. For this Mint:den, we consider this preparation the most ern,. envious of all the medicines which have mine to our 'knowledge. -Mary I'ark. horst, Brecoptress, Home for Little Wanderers, Doncaster, Md. lkty children have been pecullarly,tetb- jeer, to•attaelts of Croup, ead I failed to iind any effective reined V WW1 I com- menced administering Ayer's Cherry l'octorM. This preparai ien relieves the difficulty of breathing :Ina invariably . eures_the complaint. -4- Avid G. Starksi- Chatham, Columbia Co., X. • I have used .Ayer's cherry Pectoral in my family- 'for many years, and. JIM.° faith'. it especially valuable Irkk• whooping This medicine °Anew all irritation, prevents hitInnimation frau extending to the lungs, and qtdchly sub - dues any tendency to Lung Complaint, -3, 13. wellingtou, Plainville, Mich, I fled no medicine 80 (elective, for Croup ana 1191000N Cough, a* A.yer's. ':.11:erry Peetoral. 'was the =terms of saviin; the lifo of milittle boy, only six ,nurnrhs old, Jewry i me him Safely 'through 11*0 worat case of Whooping Cough •I over Haw.... Jane Malono,, Piney Plats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by ])r.1, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,Mass. §old by all Druggists, etke AIX bottlea!,51. EBIT1T ANP OBNAMENTAL TREES, NOR. • WAY SPRUCE,- SOOTOlt AND . ASTAAVIIAN - Titel.ATTER or Mum we MAME A. SPECIALT 'LARGE STOCK ON HAND The aboyo ornamental trees and shrubbery willbe sold at very imv prices, and those wanting anything In this connection will save money by purchasing here. Orders by Mai? will be promptly attended to . Address,' • JOHN $TEWAR'Tg Banntiltor Fire Xrasuranoe. * All kind's ot property insured at lowest tarift rates. Fire t-elass OOMpanies, rimexaTe "vi*, X. W. T. CM LINE Beas• TO . XL -WINNIPEG 4N0 Lr,- LAKE •POINTS.,-,- ALSO by all rail lines over the GRANO TRUNK and •OAN4- DA PACIFIC to any Point- on that line, Winnipeg, Brandon, &e., Dakota, Kansas, or any point reitened by rail ,local or foreign. .. es JAS. THOMPSON, Clinton. $500000 To LOAN at 6 per Cot. 1 Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and 40 per cent, when you ean get money from us at 6 per c. truiUds.teed,e to 844 bovvawetil regirding __pniment 009 parted Of loan, WWL COOPER'S— BEA. 111. BLOK BOOKSTOR1. 18, THE PLACE To Buy YOUR Modellites supplied at LaWast Paces .BEAVER BIOC1CBOOESTORi4 COOPER. °LINTON ROBERT DOWNS, • • CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for thd host Su,* NM flog in use. Agent fot the sale and implication of the arrifluntt PAITXT A.Irr051A110 BOlpER OPEANEE, STEAM • FITTINGS furnished and applied ou slvnt • notice. ' ' • • Rollers. Engines. ji,d all Mods �f MO eltliteri repaired el, irreligiously and. In a satisfactory manner. • ,. • • Farm iimiementsinagefaetursti mid repilifed. •and Watal. Pipes 'furnished and rtit 15 position, My Kilns fitted' rep.en application.: Charges ittbdorate. • • F/•INYROYAL VVAPJLIZS. • Prescription of a :physiefefi *die has -had salfe long •experienee in treethig female diseases. Is used monthly -with -perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectuaL Ladies, ask yourdrug- 'gist-for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no feubstitute, or inclose post* agWorsealed particulars. Solti by N. all druggists, $1 per box. AddresS ITIE EUREKA. CHEMICAL CO., DETnotT, Sold in Clinton by J.' 71. COMBE awl Druggists everyWhere. . • the day On the tailb. Ilernhership tieltut St per ADIDD11. Open from' 2 to 5 p. M. at tul frofn 7 ; • ' fl fif tsTilTt, .9.p in. Apulia:41:rue' for- moluborslisP roolVet1 -by the Librarian lit en. the rooui. . UNION SHAVOIG PARLOR . . SAANING. •'• curt-1We,- PCOINO done very nent -onli,,10 suit : every .1:Cranny, , • E.,1111141.7.1411•40N, SI4kItieit Blocic. JT. WILKIE/1 % v R6 gt).,t ir.Eattits.r. , nehmicio eeittstve right for tho county for the'iturd prom* of administering ahernically pure NIt.9r,. en hionoside, which' is tho.sefest and best system:yet:dis- covered far the painlesS extraction et teeth. Chaes moderate, satisfaction uttranteed. OrritM, Et. 1•VOTI"* BLOCK; over Ranco's Tailor Shop Hurbn Sitretif."Glinton. • • 4 , Restless " and wits ayacht of sixteen tons, and forty-four and a half feet long. Ifer builder was Capt. Atti,aen Nook, for whom Rock Island in the Allende ocean is named. This' vessel, 'with. A Duteh captain on board; discovered. the Sehuy1. kill river in 1616, need explored our Whole COnSt from Nova Scotia to Virginia, and returned' to Ilolland with an eeeeIlant Map of the countrere James Russell Lowell speaks three Ian • pages with Lev o.olt., and rends and wrIto nine, -..• , . &ter the severest -test at the late fair in Clinton, it • was universally tieliiitted. that reit iqtelerEcr AND V.esY Ad/10y,, BRAEITY OF riremer,' AVE' awtei!MtCro ffi'.1 NA. the. BXCEISI011 Was away ahead of ail oth- ers, and 'destined' to he the poptellar instree ment ef the day. 7,4111)iir,•a1ortg vOitil.A.tbe fart that a special priie wesaweirdeditioertain• ly speaks volumes -foe the iinstrnerresta, and: parties tr�1iiin slibtt1 sen the il'ion; &IOU before bteing ellriewhore. • "•- • dEO: F OAkO'Ff,. PkereteelOPS.:. 41`rictory three driers West nf iletilloy'e , Shop, Rittimithnry St; Clinton. THE, AREAT ENGLISH PRESCRIPTION Asuccessfultnedleinetestedever so years in thousands of cases. Prottptly cures dtrervous Pros- tration,Weaknesaof.Brain,Spi- nalCord, and Genercitiveergans Of either ser,Zmissionsand all illscausedbyindis- eretion evevemertion. Six packages is guttrat 6cd to greet a cure whenall othermedicinea fail, Oxie package $1, six packages $5Ivre. Bold bydruggists; .IVritsfor Pomp*a . Address EDREILA ETROIT, MIOD.. • , Sold' in Clruton.b5f,..S. H. COUPE and Deuggists __. . , everywhere. _ -- .," • •• . , • 1 , ,.. , McKiiiiir /Mild, Fire Insurande Co: NOTIEE.--The millereigiied are appointed to set as:agents in the township Of Goderieh, for the Company,ny person wishingto In- -sure 1 nthIEJ old and Arelkable Fartnerrecompany, Will apple'. to either THOS. NEELANS,. Her - leek, Or SitIVIVEL • CARNOCHAN, Seaforth, Prompt atteritinn will' be given. • . . paoToGRAPTIEli ,T Deolllt rea17.4 istatt. Alen CLINTON, ONT. ' The unlersIgned hu bpage6'an agency for tlis salii anted Estate, andwill be glad to deit with parties having.preper. ty te swoosh etTerms', twO Or cent an all amounts up to. $1000, and one et- cen:t.oti aux Amount after the $10004 110 charge made•str.adv,eresihouni charlfe WhateVer nu, Wee a sale Or trallgre7iffffeatell.' I have •new the foiloWitg properties for sale ; • • • Lot 14, Lake Road ethd; Colborne, 100 80001, 40 cleared and under pasture, 201teieselimbed.nnitcan„easily-beeleseed; balaeceotbush Wilt be sold chum I80 acres, good land, 22e milcs fromBowesmonnt, Dakota., 50 aoree under cultivation, mall house _game $10 an 5510.. West• half lot 18, 2nd cot of East .Wawonosb, 110 acres, 00 scrod cleared, balance good bush, Mures of fall Wheat, spring creek running through the farm, bank barn 40110, two • omen of orchard, .one nine from -Auburn. Price. 55,000, $1200 or $1500 down, balance to suit limekiln'', Lot 805, 1.0 (gen acre, culloron fit, situated on -the east -side ofhir. RldotiPs residence, well fenced. Price, 5200, 5*1 suit purcbaeer. ' • ' • Splendid imildineler for Sale, opposlin.tte Clunmetelal Hotet.40 feet front fry 60 feet deep. Dried reaeonable. Apply to FARRAN -13 cox. sit co.., comussioN 11110IiEES. Members Toronto Stock Exchange, • CIA LI 1,0 ST • uflile-stze 'SYRI0. A SPECIALTY. ENTIST, • COATS` BLOCK eventsfussainannslemstiellismuterassieliiii- MMPIELEZ., Private wires to TORONTO, efeerieeelAte P1110400; NEW YORK and' OIL CITY STOCES: BONDS, GRAIN, PflOV110N8, ASO OID• notront on SOLD DM con 0 mottle . ' en frilfeE CORKSIt • ArEEIVP &ROTA J.4VHOMPacm; PA qAGaRe Clinton, Ji'dy 14, 15801 BANizirtsi otaNTow, THE 110LSONS BANK, Incorporated by Act of Parllainent, 1850. • CA.kTAL, T. $2,000,000.. HEAD' OFFICE . NTREA.L. vioxAs,WORKMA51, President.. 'J. IX. MOLSON, Vice••Pres. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. 4VoGes discounted, Collections made, Drafts' ' imed, Sterling. and' American. (gceis lege bought and sold at lowest current rates. • , Interest at 4 per cent allowed endepoelti . :70:ey:dvaiicetot7reeitireit••inetcseett .08orinreelaoltra70:otlbretzuitodasso .41t.7.lEi:anaser,. . January 188 • Clinton tr. ',13 ID D E C91113E, Watch and Clock Maier,: . , iTENVELLER, *0.). oreoftiflic 41110 HAINItitclr,Z114rITON • 1- • • Where be Immo; select Se.sortroentof • ' • ' • • WATCNKS, CLOCKS, JEWKALKfir, WARE : - • 'Which We will soli 'et ressocableitttett, • 1.11.41140' 41(11) A •14 tit T ' HintoN. AND riortuCE Linto it rid illvOstiliont CO'y (..70';•hp'oilii 1.8 Loaning Airbney on Parte .s`rettrity at Lowest Ita26s•ot Interest. tiliTGA GgOo 8:a.-„pbit011,ASED SAVINGS" BANE. .BRANctr. 5, 4 and 5 2wr Cents Interest Allowed (in beposits, according to amolint and time left. 011.401.1,-000ner of Marko 'gnuare and 14Otil88tree tiOltACE flOirrO.V. . • MI tr.sita odcrichlAtunist Ilth 185.1..." cr...awrom PLANING MILL --AND— 4 'R4rairing of 'every description prorapt&- tended to, and all work warranted': J. BMIDLECODIEE',. . Ciipton.57ov.1882. • Sikirg 20 PEI CENT ' 1836•L-SEMV-CiN-TENNIAL-18861..: . Teen • OP THE GpRE,DISTRICT ORE 1.11.s. CO-: Conducted both on Cash and Mutual Plata. . . . How. .7'As. Yon -NG. M. P. P., - - - President. ADAM WartNnois, Esa, - Vice -President• It... S. STRoNG; Rag., - - 'Managing Director.' Tat. ',GORE' • • , Vntpts upon: ils FIPTIET1.it YEAR mach -stronger and more prosperous than at any ,peevipos period, having $818,896 'Of Aasets. and pratioally NO LIABILITY except a Re-- - insurance Reserve of $30,Q00. There are PO, - 000 deposited with tlie:Ontario Government; and ever $90,000 held' in Mortgages; .Thibeee tures, and,. Cash, immediately ;available to • meet losses.- „ Mutual Poligyelielders in the 'Gore" save: 20 pee cent. with undoubted security. . FOFfujI vertical:Ira apell o flaADOkezee, GALT Or 'to 3011N-2RIDOE riiiiievitorit moat- •••• D It• a I IL X41'.• 1111,1g St713SOltifieff,mtviNd JUST COMPLETen JL and furnished lila new Pinning 10111 with machin- ery Of the latest improved patterns, Is OW prOpnred to attend to alt orders hxyli Ilne,hrIbil'inest prompt and satisfactory manner, and at row:enable rateslic, would also return thanks to all who patronized the old (Inn Wore they wato burned nut, mat now being In a better position to o.veallte orders expeditiously, foals confidant he can give satisfaction to ail. PAC TO RY---...Vear lho Grand Prunk way, Clinton. TH0110 MeEENZ r —CabitteVierlor Formillit arRooffist: -AeiD" 11011111i1N1i. Tiro to6ttesritter keent; the dlictOr CASKETS and COPFINS .6,4„,,,yson Fancrala raiaishad at otartaat AIM Iowan pfiees. 4411101.0 4 A. P Alie:80•LTVITED. IA 0 lid Ittitkitertither. Rustnatuka •trtr 58ISZ•ii'ut, OPPOSIlft Tux Towi,r THOS. STEVENSON ROLLER FLOUR AT $2.19 PER . BRAY ,by ToN- or CWT. 0Orti's..' 'PEI% °iv DeliVercil any Wherein town freo.of charge tfOlIN • • RA:VS(14$.