HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-09-03, Page 7rR1DA'1, SEPT. 3, 136G,
-Limits Oa Net :Gull*y
She steed et the bar of justice,
A creature wan and wild,
Iii form too small for a woman.
In features too old fora child;
I''or a look so Korn and pathetic '
Was stamped on her pale young face;
It Seeme4.l041g years of suffering i_ .
Meat have left that silent trace,
"Four name," said the Judge,aa be eyed her,
With kindly look, yet keen,
"Ia Mary Maguire, if you please air."
"And spar age;," "I'm turned fifteen,"
rtyyell Mary, saisd then _from :a..paper
Be slowly and gravely read-
" Yet
ead-'tYqt are charged here -I am eorry,to city it
With stealing three loaves o£ bread."
c' Fon look not like an old offender,
And T hope that you can show, ,
The charge to be false ;
Now tell me, are yon guilty of this or no?"
A passionate buret of weepipg
Way at brat her sole 'repl3';
But site dried her teats in a moment, •
..And looked in the 3 udge'e eye.
'tell you just phew it was, Sir ; ,
My father and mother are dead.
Ana my little brothers and sisters
Were hungry and asked me for bread.
At first 1 earned it for them,
By working hard all- day.
Bat sornetiines the "tinier were bard, Sir, ' v
And the work all fell away.
I could get no more employment ;
The winter was bitter cold ;
The young ones cried and. shivered
(Little Jobnnie'a bat four yearn old );
'So what was I to do, Sir?"
I am guilty, bet do not condemn;
I took -.-0 1 was it stealing?-
The bread to give to them .•'
Every-'man..in the court'rdoui
kGray beard and.thoughtleas.yoiiih
new, as be looked upon her
That the prisoner spoke the truth ;
Out from their pgekets came handkerchief,
Oar from their eyes sprung tears,
And out from cid faded wallets
Treasures hoarded for years.
The Judge's face was a study,.
The strangest.you over saw,.
As he cleared hie throat and murmured •.
Something about the lair/. . •
'For one so learned in these .matters
So wise in dealing with then,
He seemed, on a simple question,
Sorely puzzled j'na: then.
But no one blamed him c•r wondered
:When at last these words they, heard ;
"The sentence of this young prisoner,
Is for the present deferred,
_Andno.oihe.hlamed-hin1-or won -timed
When he went •to:her atid'smiled,
inrAnd tenderly led from the court room
'Himself, the "guilty" child
An aericultnral perk has been pur-
, .chased for Listowel; ata cost of ;$2,000:.
The carts et. Mr, John Logan,. near
St.. Marys, with ail ' his' crops, were.
burned last week.
A resident of Hibbert lost $500 in
notes, and a large, shin, of money, while
•at Niagara Falls. .
Dr..Istdlow, of Brockville, has pier-
--- chased . the dentistry; btisiness of Mr:
Richardson, Mitchell. 1
A :MOuk'ton lady' went. to Mitchell;
station togo to the. Frills •exetirsion, hut
found it necessary to siimnion, a doctor
• nd go home, where a bouncing boy was
added to the..censiis: •
Bush fires bake been elarininglypro.
• valent in .Ellice township; the, huckle-
berry marsh being a, mass of: flames.
The late rains, however,•have done good
service. in checking the fires. • '
The old ' 11Titebell '13aiikingS 'onapai.y.
estate is to be closed" up' at once Cre-
ditors may receive five'oeets on tlie.5,
' in addition to what they have, already
got; but't$is will•be the outside figure.
A meeting of the dircetors of the
Elms Farm'er's Molted. Fire Insurance
Company .was held at, Attwood `on the
Srd of August. • , Applications for in-
surance Were received and .accepted,
covering risks to the amount of, x$30,07'.•,
.b The gloomy fears desprgading-vias, and
wearinese, that Many complain:of," would
disappear were the blood evade pure and
healthy•before reaching the delicate vessels
of the brain. Ayer's Sarsapar}lla•purifies
and vitalises tile, -blood'; thus• promoting
health of bcdy and ean•ity 4, mind, Sold
by all druegiats.
• The Mitchell Turf. Club, Which start-
ed out •under favoliible }reuinstanced,.
last spring, is no more: •An effort was
made to get 'up fall races,. but some of
• the hotel keepers did. not take ,suflieienty
interest in the affair; -and i•efused'to con-
tribute. Monday meeting ofthe 'Ai-'
• sociation was. held, when ';a motion was
' u:nanirnouslyca.rried; declaring .tho :club
defunct. • '
An annoying accident- occurred 'ono
day lately. on the:'•.farm. of Ate... UL_
Pearn, residing on the Mitchells.road
near St. Mary's. I-Ie'vas• watering his
team at a well in the field in: which he
--had-just-cot°::ttneneet- work-vettl'1`hi"s" sew'
binder, v en oaiethn,h_._ startled. ,, t
animals and they steered forward,tak-
ing a cirenitous mento through the grain,
which soon brought .'thein into Contact
with a rail fe ne, where tliey-swerved
to one side, breaking the hinge°, some
castings, and otherwise shaking up' the
A meeting of the couples of Huron`
Perth, Grey, Dremit lid part of «'ellina•
ton was held iu Listowel Iast week. All
, tba delegates niloiitted ' the'' supoi°iot
• quality of this yjenr's wheat crop,• but
cornplained of (lie quantity of chess that
J was mixed with .the grain, and agreed
to buy, es.fae es possible, at the.atah.
dard weixht ofsixty'pounds to the bush-
- 'el, making a it�dtletion in the price when
it did not come up to these figures, and
when it exceeded the standard to hive'
the ::riper• the benefit, • This was con-
sidered the fairest ova• to ell parties,
andet a here m' doubt but that the sys-
tem will be adopted everywhere before
A Miner'* Lice.
A correapbndent'Writing ,from Scranton
to the Philadelphia r4ime8, gives Kom& very
interesting facts of the dangers,. privations
and pleasures of the anthracite Workers'
lives. As follows, are a few eittritets ofhis
From .the time the miner seta foot on the
carriage that whirls himdown in " the
hell of the deep -sunk mines" until he
emerges again trout his work, the specter
death is his constant companion, and hie
friends above ground do not• know what
moment they may hear the terrible news.
of his being crushed by a fall of roof or
torn to fragments by one of those wild etc-
plosions of fire=dainp, whose destructive
powers no pen can adequately picture.
There Is a poetn in the life of a miner
which awaits the touch of some inspired
writer. who will give it adequate express
. u * ;.,
On full time a miner earns from $2.60
to $2.76 a day, and he is fortunate just
now if his earnings average $1.25 to 8)1.50.:
Under favorable circumstances, andwith
plenty of work, a laborer 'earns $1,75 a
day generally, but he does not earn much
more than 75 cents a day at present, * ar
The food .of the ruiner . and his fancily
generally censiet.,. of .plain,.. substantial
care, meat of some kind being used ityari.
ably once a rday. ,Much of this meat is
bacon or '• shoulder'? which is bought be-
cause it is'cheaper .than "butcher's creat."
This is the staple article of diet, and'is
supplemented by bread, potatoes, cabbage,
when inseason, anda good deal of salt
fish and cheese. These constitute the
main articles of food on the miner'a table;•
but when work is steadier and pay•better,
the love of luxury extends to an occasional
cake'or .pie.
,r as *
Some heartrending scenes are often wit-
nessed in the [nines. An intelligent.mther
told rine the other day With tears in his
voice," of the painful andSorrowful death
of his comrade, a short time ago. They
were working together in the same cham-
ber when a amass of rock and coal from the
roof weighing several tQus--felL on the
comradean] pinned him to the floor. The
great mass lay like some relentless black
monster across - the iinfortunate man's
body, leaving his head out, and 'assoon as.
the men frbga the. neighboring chambers
rushed to his rescue he begged the in
piteous tones for God's sake" to kill him
and end bis misery. The. men, utterly
heedless of the peril to their oWn lives
from the shaky'•-ract --tytrr.lked"bravely to
extricate the sufferer, but it was useless.
The grinding mass of rock lay in tons'
around him, squeezing his: life out by de-
grees, and-.it.was impossible to remove it.
Contact with a piece of coal that was grad-
ually yielding: to . the pressure prevented
°the big, black boulder frem, crushing the.
Man to• death instantly. •
" For God's sake," he would cry, while
the rnitiers, bythe dim light of their lamps,
struggled hard to extricatehim, "knock.
me in the. head." His pitiful pleading,
made strong hien cry like children, :and
bemoan their helplessness to save.. him;
from :his fearful fate. • Bre died while his
comrades were.working•.to free him, and
"it took several hours to break•.up the huge
boulder: se. that his body could be 'taken
to the little home where' his. wife and
children:-itwaited his coming, and did not
know of their terrible bereavement until:
the remains of husband and father••were
!brought to •their'door. It is such accidents.•
as this that "drive little ehildrea from the
r..1 1E-1xi'
1p. cp
0 M.••..•"
......, Ti OI
Last spring we bought a line of Fifty suits, as an experiment,
and have found that they gave' very general .satisfaction; and
that the demand foribis class, of goods is increasing.. They
are cut by first-class' cutters, . 'veil trimmed and carefully made,.
and compare very favorably with suits .made to order • while
t'h a "p�eices-fie z r--1 OEw
A Very: Fine Union Tweed Snit for $5.
A Serviceable Tweed Suit, All 'Wool, $8.
A Fine Black or Colored Worsted Suit
Bound & Einishedin a• l style at $13 to $14'
Don'tbuy. your Fall Clothing until you have 'seel2 these goods.
I Have now on La�id one of the Largest, Best and most f owplete Stocks of
BOOTS and SHOgS,ever displayed. in Clinton, and will sell them at the very
Lowest possible Prices. If you want good value in Boots and Shoes,, call on u
and you will notbe disappointed, I am still making the
Oelebrated Hand Sewed B •
which'ai'e sa favorably known to require no comment. All kinds of
work promptly attended to, and at reasonable.rice ; eastern
Cal! on C. Cruickshank, tine Iloot Maker
is flog surpasrcd dor: completotss. io lloe colloiy,
Prices consistcn miff' . fine wort..
The undersigned has opened' a New DrugStore •
p . juste
p t„ .in '
'a aeksou''stTe:w' 131:crtcl . H tit rarlt , ,ti re eta
:T'wo-doors West of the City .Book Store, wherewill be feen& a complete assort-
ment of Rife DRUGS and CHEMICALS;. also ,PATENT MEDICINES': and
DRUGGISTS SUNDP„IES. .All: -:that the public may ask for•in:these l:ftes.
P..S.—Olice'channetl froma'esidene'e to`Drun Store: -
schoolroom to the .coal -breaker fence .be
IN: r:TON,.•CUnto ..,:
fore the years permitted bylaw, and !hose °Ci33 - ryiltgO --i
acquainted with the facts say nothing, be-
vent,thaii, to permit file little ones help-
cause it seems a greater hardship to pre -
ins •their sorrowing mothers to keep the.:1IELLE,BOr'i.E }
wolf from the door. Y •
Dave you over tried : 'McGregor ,'i' Farke's
'Carbolic Cerate for . sores of any kintl'Y, It is
boyetuttleabt the very best -preparation in the
market /or :ltealing and curing ..Sores. Burns,
Cuts, nipples, I3lotohes, and is the only proper
method -of applying, Carbolic Acid.. Soidt•ryt
Worthington's Drug Storefor25e.,per box:
('mtis ToolisiitheasY
A-hntel clerk says :-Two or. three years
ago, �I was bight clerk at the Betel Nan-
tasket-at .Iyantasket Beach One ,night,
-Sohn L Stilliian,, with Peter McCoy arid'
a few of his other sporting friends, -Caine
in' and • wanted si,mething to , drink:: It
Vas after 12 o'clock and the bar was clos
ed, but the head- barkeeper happened.tdbe
near' the: desk, and knowing Sullivan he
opened the door, and the party went tn.
They sat, ht.the table .for some••time,.and
drank •n- couple of bottled of wine. They
.had evidently had some before corning to
the; hotel, and they felt, the effects of it
prettystrongly As they 'sat there,"a dis-•.
;pute•arose 'about:some point' or other which
I�clid alit tin`deriitand ; and Sullivan finally
wanted to het $100 that he was' right.,
0h,cnme off," said -McCoy, :"you havent
grit $100," "B'aint' I ?"retorted Sullivan
in aloud voice, es he aroso,froni the table,
"I'll show you I've got tnnney. • See here,"
and'qutek'as aYsttnkhe drew a magnificent
rs61 Lw .0' from his vast pocket, released
sic frr,ro the guarcl and threw it with his
whole :sIrength anainst the partition which:
separated the winernom from •t} e -lintel
lobby. It.snnnded like a ballet from a
gen-stilt struck the wondwprk. Of course_
the. -watch was reined. - rl'het:wasa sample
of the reckless and' fnnlish -display%. which
he fregtieiitly made -iii those days; But it•
is not only the "plug uglier" and `.'thugs"
who do these.thiegs:' I have seen e:thibi%
Hun equally nonsensical on.the part . of
some of. the highest toned. bloods, of the.
Hub. I happened in arich hotel in Ens-
ton one:. n aparr,:beuss, yti•,tth--swirci?occup'rt
place in the " best ''snciety" came in and
ordered wino for himself and-' ffiends,
They sat at ' the table in Trout of rho
and after the hectic had been cimptied,'the
swung man deliberately picked it up, and
•pent it crashires through a rnagnifceiit
French mirror whioli filled the whole wall
hock of the bar, Then he drew his check -
bet* from bis pocket, signed,a blank and
before the proprietor lead time to grow an.
ttry, asked him bow much he should £11 it
out for. The break coat him $1,5011.
Fine line of
fancy 7.lualte '; cl.Qap:
PURE PA.EIS'•GRE r'N , rPEARS; BLo01I 01' NiDT•.y.•
'•' ' :.. -YEARS (&n LIsx1) . S•QAP •
Wo pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the count,..
Best i :cent." CIGAR in town.
JA. L1R S H C01V C•E, `.. ;.,.
CfEuIS'T ANll:1L1 aG(lIS1', .: ,.._
En` the i le•has very few e..cceptions, that every one who buys
.a Sui*, a Pair of Paint, .a Vest or Overcoat or •ally covering: for •
the body at _the: h
"• - i6USE
Are so well satisfied with the. Fit, Make 'and . the Trimmins-
that when they s'ralit another suit theyalways come back to us,
and senator brim' 'their friends 3 our
�.. lez�cls «. Lth' them., .This is : why
business. luis.int reased So rapidly.
TERms . CA8'11.-I ,H`
�l. rs. A Fisclser Prop*,`Manager.;
a , g
� 1 ��. F'���heil I�I��ir��� erg
:1'`Essus;:'.••,EsrABLllsnE1 •
The only ` nanufltct vrers• taf EI, E PROOF SAFES 'Wirth•.
My horse was lame for eighteen months,
the chords from the knee down 'were .swol-
its and haul, a briny deposit around the
Iv of similar tort ringbone. I treed eleven
$1 bottles of Spavin Cure and one 50 cent
bottle of .Gjb a' IriuinientIodide Ammonia._
Obtained mar., lenient from the urie`iiottle
flan from all the others •Continues the
Don't !leek, 1rtek, and l.rnw, blow, clis l r' o et the Giles' Liniment -horse fe now
gusting river:0,l ` .1c, I•ttt iso Dr. S•rl,e's' we•11. •,Y't tfr•-c •t,,.,,a,;`.,t_r;eY Malan
atter h I„ r:id . r• ndon. .t later
Ci,, N, Y. Kehl by all dlrnl;t;tsts..
Injthankiiug his; numerous eustcnlera Torr, heir liberal patronage in the past, beg to ann'nneel
that he has just received a splendid, asserts ent of ' •
lema ais1w T11Ii LA,TEST NOVEL'rtiiS
Ti' Wil 2S :a,:spseialty, and a first -cissa Tailor who guarantees •a fit. A full 'supp . ly os hand
made ,1300T8 and SHOES 'jastanived for the spring trade. A fresh assortment of �t, A,LI,
pAL'LP, newest. patterns,
kly,Stoek of GROCERIES, is.New and Fresh. Try our °a: cent. Young 1Iyeen TEA., boat
Value ever offered to the public. HARDWARE, , Ci10c4,41l1.` and GLASSWARE, a full
supply. ' LAttDIN1S and CROWN •OIL for machinery, always on : hand, and everything
usually kept in a first -close country. stere, - .COAL OLfa • 0 coltsper gallon. ". Highest ' market
price paid iu trade for UTTGP,' 'EGGS, OATS, to. Come tine 'mut all and inset et lily
c • x+.:.• ---stools i1.0-Ottaceei'E'! tfrtltte'terals,
N I3, 1 have also purchased a large'rtuantity of the B.LU1. TIN TAG I hist rt.,
hest in ilia market, which 1 cigar at the lowest possible tate.
VAIt1vA, March 5th, 1886,
11 our. new.stvles.of Fireproof Sates are fitted with an ATR CHAMBER to' -'
prevent damptiees•to papers. A•largee. aseortmenii of 'SECOND HAND SA.rb.18• "'
for:saleat.low prices and on. easy teems of paym'as,t. Catnloguss'en application..
117 and 1X9 .Front Str 3et,. Toronto.
'Offl •iii .ii. _
ttop�r. .
lufactul err of SA I' C . � , ,' • .,
S I, Dooms, ELINI)., ..1�I,OOZLI.r•C.• �IDIl�
s , , Cly,
Ct;IL1(`G , MOULDINGS; , +
1v Gs, �`11AlIES, PECKETS, c�.t,,. tl.11flall li:ill'ris'tif
Interior and ixterior. Pinishillgs:: L" rl'rI 'alld SII7.NGI,Es kept ,
on held.Mill r
all '�Vtll'ntin 0t: a �csit(1'�
► Pl L calico Mill.
trtl. ✓oi`le'r„
fir' Qii. *ow afiteid. •
4 '
en.)stzni , a ofusine.ss
1lfi11Y1Lt111;c!n,., t....
The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton 'and vicinity that he has bought the
T �`y
j �1ESS fl
�.�� �i� �� ��� �� � �{� � 1�� USINSS formell orrled 'gli. Newta
O 0Y3.1d Ottt 3x� . Etot1ICn"TB lazodlc.
AXIS tb 'A o :v1;1tAL A9Solt'1'31Is`T of 'x711:; Vlil` 3t'3v tirwtnn I'TTt',,Mr"lTITIIE
1teASONABT 3 ?RXC'1 S.
And that he is irepared to furnish,
Harness, Cellars, Vahips, Truliks, Valises,, a iffaio-ao ea $lankats;.
ads !
And everything usually kept id a first-class Harness Shap at %Tic'lb,rest.floes. S eoia
attention is directed to my stock of Lsuti'r 11,ttises4, whish. I will make a specialt I.
It,'EP: ,, : tlIVG 1=41101.61PELY A,tT, vDZD TO.. •.
I By strict attoution to husiness, . nd carefully stu•lyie the wants of my tostotnore, I ]ho
; merit a fair share of atroona f;Wv _ 1 s patronage, o iri& acall refer& Purchasing of etvhere.
d •
•GEC . .& r I` r•l r . . `