The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-27, Page 7FRJDAY, AUG, 27, 1886, A. Noted Burglar's Death, Gilbert Yost, the: Aoted safe burglar and, ittventor.of bueglar's-.tools, has just died, so DetAcave ]E1 o, , rt .tai, Pinkerton earn ,in'tl, NortheV3udia1la-Prison, where he was saving a fourteen years' imptisont ens. He was the inventor of a set of burglar's tools that weighed less than five pounds, which enabled him or anyone understanding the tools to open any'ordivary fire -proof safe,u less than fifteen minutes, without making the slightest noise. For a number of years, Yost worked with these tools without the..p,�eecret of his invention becoming 7fnoslrn to other par;iea outside of those who were his immediate associates anti' worked with him. This whole set of tools could be carried in an inside r -at pocket without being noticed. ' Yost and hisconfederates with this set;, of tools' ccnfined,Wthemselves almost entire= ly to robbing safes of country jewellery stores, and so successful was their work that the wholesale jewellers found it ne Cesa iry, in order to protect retailers, who in many instances were their cre. ditors to large amounts, to form what is known as the *ellen, Security Al. Hance, for the purp)se of„ following up and punishing burglars who robbed its members, The Alliance retained the Pinkertens as their detecti.es. He. was arrested for• a. jewellery robbery in ' Indiana, for -Which he wasp ser*ing out • his sentence when hediet* .-,Yost had • a great habit of feigning insanity when arrested, and on this dodge succeeded several times in getting out of his trou- �ble." .Wliep sent tri p.ason in7Nonthern Indiana for tho Veil'buiglary the keep- ers'recognized him as a former inmate of the prison who bad feigned insanity, and this time, although Yost had pre- tended to be -insane, and reused to do any work, he was kept-'in-elose -confine- ment from the timeof hos arrest rnt'.I his death. Spring.-aud--Nummer:- Prppare the body for health' and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liver Qure. No spring Medicine equals it. Ib stimulates the sliver.: aids dige. ti n, and purifies the blood Large bottle and Recipe Book,. y�'1.:' Sold, by a!1' druggists. Remedies For tike. Ainslie-\Vo'ru,. >, -- ', An absent=minded. Congressman once As a large share. of the fruit, with,,,the dost the vote cif an entire family by his worm still within it, falls' to the•ground, carelessness:. ' Be hada way of saying, "I' the picking up of these windfalls and feed. would be glad: to have you do so," and ons ing, or otherwise destroying them, or. a1- -day a:constituent-, with his• family paid Ilia lowing them' to be •gatheretiChy swine, Will respects. TheCleogressman was busy,•and naturallysuggest itself as an efficient me- after some talk the visitors said , • .• thud. 1Vlanufacturers of vinegar find .it ' '.c. We wi1'l ;mein in • the city: several profitable to •pick •-up-'and-press' 11 wind- '.days." • falls .; -they yield a juice which will make.. " I should 6u glad. to have you`do•eo;"'. vinegar'. •The fact --than' alattire worms kepi -led the member of Congress as be search for crevices in thebark of the trunk fumbled•a pileef papers -on his desk. in which to Spin and undergo; their.•trans- : " We- will come 'in. and see- you every formations, has, supgest.ed providing them now and :then," chirped the :visitor's wife. with artificial shelters for -this purpose,. •" I should be . glad tobave you do so," Pieces of old carpet,or old; woollen fabric; said. the Congressman-• • about five inches, wide, and Tong enough to "'And bring, around, our other little bo go round the trunkand. lap, are fastened' 'you haven't. seen,',' aygbesred`fhe ns and, with 'stout tack. These binds shoe d be.. " I :}amid reglad to—hate. you'doso," -applied-th-o-iast wee in uiae alidiecarn - -still said the Congreiistliati< ined•'the first Week.in July,. and every: ten Then 'thev.rose.; • ,days thereafter. Any .ivor'ms or Cocoons . • "Wolf, Mr. $}auk," said the visitor ex - /that may be -found 'under them • may betendioglii's hand:,_," we mist tell you good: ' killed by running the bands' Through a bye and go' hack t'o.the hotel." clothes wringer, or by crushing them other ".T shoulci he very glad to have yon do wise.. Within'. a few years, the Western so;" said the Oongressrnan, and he ivonder- • orchardists• have treated the apple.•worm .ed fora Week what madebis visitors leave -upon 'HIS principle of "nipping- in .the so`tibruptly. 'bud." As soon as the young fruit is set, - • ' the tree..is sprayed with a mixtitee of Paris ' '.Daniel• Cunningham,.Ca diver, 'while green-and-water=one-quoad of the -poison down-,irk.Blaok iivelr near Kingston; •to.fsftygallons df -'water.... Thits'i,s thrown looking torn body, stepped'into, a hole into the tree by means • of a spraying .or and went down till the,airpipes brought Sprinkling engine, inthe hope that a drop hicil'to a stop. ;'Ho never e_cpec.ted •to. of the .poisoned • water may .lodge in 'the fret out of it as'.tlie evrrent•was so strong eyes el the young .apples. The newly and was dm:curing . him; down into an hatched apple -worm,• in eating its'way.into , the .interior Of' the young apple, will be so% underg •onnd' passage. The maxi on, th effectively poisoned, that. it must give up' toll drew him; np with difficulty., • its task, • $honld the,entaii amountof Paris • green remain upon the fruit, it would bo too minute to be harmful, but the aubse C A reaking qu.r' rains thoroughly wash :it away, so that there cannot be. the least d na.gi,i; in Is dry;and turns hard, until oil is applied, • ° using the poison in..•this' manner: The after which it moves easily. When the chief remedies used' Ail "England are bar', joints, or hinges, of the body are stiffened. riers, to prevent tlww'ornls frofrothascending ,'and . inflamed by Rheumatism, they eau - the trees to spin. heavy.. paper is fasten. not be 'loved without causing the most, ed aroantl the t.r'unks, and smeared with excruciating' pains.' flyer's. Sarsaparilla, tar ; this andother.moans Ore •employed its ` 'by its action ,on the •blood, relieves ,this• preventatives:=American Agriculturist for condition and restores' the 3olnts-to-good-- • September,• a :> I working; orders • '.g'. A few days ago a farmer iii,,St'P lire:_ -1"%i ymunsamostremlE�trkabl urea;unuour 1. parish, Mani o . .,was as . onis, e,' ; o , n er o w ich baffled the efforts of the do'a moose watering•with 1.1W battle- near inost:.experienecd physicians. Yer�"it`" his home. • o . I . necessary,1 could give the names ammo:- individuals who.have been cured by taking this. medicine. In my own case it has cer- An extraordinary e:cperinent, unpi c -• taiulyworked wonders, relieving;mb of • was „ono through at Brussels in connection with • the case of. the •w:Qman .eut to,pieces• by, .the Mid wif'e•IRodelet,•and her lover•,1Ias- P 1 qu ,lto . ` Rodelet, ;tvho denied the ao• emotion, tried to throw discredits on 'Masqueliers .statement, by stating lie - was. physically'incapable.of cutting up'il. body in— I-►e-mit-nner•�•d'escl-ibc(1-by-hiur7 self. In consequefjee Masquelier was requested by the authorities to cut up --�--at•-tlre Rospitirl--d Saint' Toa); the body of a dead woman lying there for d'issne- tion. Mitsquelier- assented, and tile's perirnrnt took.' place bolero.. the jddges and :a crowd of medical authorities. Masgnelicr•Was at first very. mitelt.'up• Ayer's Sarsaparilla, set, bet recovering from Ills C11101.iO1 he Prepared by Dr. J.C.Ayer StCo.,Lowe'' Mats. took up a ]ritcllen'knife and chops 1 '' seldbyallDruggiste.I'rice$1; six hotties,$0. the legs, arils and. bead of the dead body e� actly as he had .described, • The ter ro'''le operation lasted`tiventy' ininutos and fined t11e -witnesses .with' "horror, ' ° while convincing the judges of :the aceu- racy of 1`Iasgtlelier'e confession.. In Jeeaty, 100x, when In Brendan 111nnanha, I doetracted ` e fi se, er cold shit nettled on l.y lungs, causing hronehltls nhd eonsalidatimi of the tipper portion of troth innfts. l Word Brent pale find became very weak, and though t tried rnrldin niedletnas and ennsulted many eminentphysicians and Ontario, : rndnnjjytlnrewla. MVO. Staten. R u ed t versa. In Rep. timelier: 1883, was induced to try the Nellie coast; lehere I spent six menthe in Imo Ankelns Cal.,- San .Jose, Monterey, and other noted health resorts, bat deriving no •honeft, returned to Ontario worse than when I left 11, spent nearly $$,100 in being of • health, and beget to think it was useless to try aeythleg. more when W, li, Magee, of the G. r. It., lnduond roe to sty llr..lag'n *Wine rind fills. After ening two bottles my appetite he,1air to return, else ntrongth and 'weight, nod stn now an well ns ever. 1 believe Or. Jon's M..bemn aaeed ntw Carried to ,the Buttons or she ,Sea. A, curious adventure, as well as a mar- velous escapee was that of 31r. Gerald Mc- Carthy, of this city, who 'was recently carried to the bottom of the Atlatitic•in the hold of a capsized vessel. Mr, MO - earthy, who is a . t'lewber of the senior cTass at the Deaf -Mote College at Kendal Green, and wbo has already attained a considerable reputation and standing as a :botanist, has been collecting plants dur- ing the summer vacation on the pine bar- rens and banks of North Carolina. Wish- ing to visit Roanoke Island in order to carry on his work there, he recently took passage in a schooner thither bound. The schooner, a small wkssel in the set- vice of a picnio party from Roanoke, was to. have sailed+ homeward at 7 o'clock in. the evening, but it.w 11 before the crew came on board, when they appeared to be highly intoxicated•' They:set sail in the teeth of il Batteras storms, and when well -out from land they began to quarrel oyer;. the contents of a jug they had broufrbt tvjth .them. ,-•Meanwhile• the ves=sel was struck by a gust from the. cape, and from,'. want of proper management, capsized» completely, and sank to tbe•bottom, when about two miles oif the coast. it was about midnight, and the cabin -having been given up to the gay party, Mr. Mc. Carthy bad gone down into the hold for shelter. He nes dozing there on a box, and being deafwas not aware of any dis- aster, until he suddenly found himself pitched headlong to the opposite side of the hold. Instantly comprehending .the situation, he jumped for the hatchway, and succeeded in grasping the casting; but was torn away by- 'the inrushing torrent and carried to the depth .of the hold, i whrej he was banged against the aide of 'the vesbel -.with such force as -Jo nearly dislocate his shoulder. Thanks to his familiarity: with *water, being a fellow of temperance _principles, And an -expert sw inniee,=he realized t`1se futility of attempting to escape before the stoppage of the current, and remainjng quiet where be had been dashed, he care- fully husbanded the little air in his lungs, u$til be judged the inrush of water had ceased. . By this time .lie • was nearly.. strangled, but -with.' no little presence .of mind'h:e groped, his war to the hatchway, and'diying• through, rose to the surface none too soon to catch the air. Many of -the-party,-were drowned.' After swimmi ng about and clinging to the for a halt liour,,,hhe was picked 'up by reclaim:,; small boat and taken to Roanoke Island, where he was hospitably entertained,—Washing- ton. Star. S,hoilcl- Be. Gin�L bra >EI>Lsu. You-lDo-�o. cedented in jttditti�il�anna]sr " crone ,R he urn afl after being troubled with I ter years.: 'Tn this, and all other <1ia0tri s .0 i,ing' from impure blood, there 18 no remedy 'With which I a iacfunultrd,that htords such relief as .flyer's 'Slu•saparslla.---It: II. Lawrence,' M. D., Baltimore, Md, • ; Ayer's Sarsaparillacured' Me of Gout and' - liheunuttism,, when nothing else; would. It bus eradicnted. every trace of_.:ot •cii.casc`fi fii -'T ny system..11 sh81=t;"` Manager Hotel Belmont, .Lowell, Jaltta5, -... ili-i•Tr many months, a swearer :"fain iI1 1 Uii1titiaitt. The disease '0100,1 (rl r.^''•counly, in spite of all the •, rt nieuies i. Could find,•ttntil .l; commenced Using Ayer's Sarsaparilla.. 1 took several bottles of this preparation, and wasspeed- ily restored to health. -:-.1. Irreani, Inde- ' pendence,.Va,' D"JUGS MEDICINE FOP LUNGS LIVER & BLOOD. W ER THE COOK'S BEST FRIENO S. I Ats:ON• UEtll RAL BEAM 'ik TMWAa , &C.. I�YGO OHAS• CR,Ui:CK'SHANK, 1_1ON'DMS1'Q O. - --T .L -ece2ved this Werk. 25 Pieces of TWEED Suitings. '5 Pieces Fine -Worsted Coatings:.. 15 !ieces rine STRIPED TROWSERINGSo The .tier's and Colors of these, goods are. very attractive and the 'quality...is good: , X have now oa hand one of the Largest, Beat and 'post Complete_ Stooks of BOOTS and SEOES, ever displayed in Clinton, and will sell tbem at the vet, Lowest possible Prices. If you want good'. value- in Boots and Shoes, call on and you will not be disappointed', I am still making the Celebrated: Uanc Sewed Boots Which are so favorably known to require no comment. 411 kinds of custom ' ' work promptly attendee, tp,. and'at reasonable prices. PER CENT OFF FOR: CASH.' Fogs TAKEN IN J✓''SCUANGE FO avow. Call on C. ,Cruickshank; the Boot Maker,. -ALBERT STRET, BRICK BLOCK,CLINTON•„ LO NDESBoR®. ...DRUG The undersigned hasjust opened' a New Drug 'Store iii' Jaekson's. "New- .Block, Huron • ire .� Two doors West of the:City Book Store, where will be found a complete assort- ment of Fiiie DRUGS arid OI-IEMICALS, also PATENT MEDICINES ;and DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES: ;All- that--the--ask-m-ay'lisk -fain these lines. I?. • S.—Ofilce changed, froth residence to DengStore, ._•• �R.TIz • m on, JOB .'DEPARTME NT uo( surpast4 for 9Mp!ifliSS phi comity. Prices consistent. with fine Work. WE ARE NO SULLIVAN, Bu's' the rolehas very few exceptions, that' every one who buys a Spit,. a Pairof Pants, a Vest•or Overcoat or any covering for the body at the HALL oLATHI[IG - HOUSE .Are so well satisfied With the Fit, Make and the Trimmings, g, that When. they want another suit•they Y alwa,s come back to us incl Send Or 13ring their, friends with them. This, is why. of r business basrinereased so rapidly.. • OAK TERMS CASH. PRICES RIGHT FOE THE' TIMES. tr•R S;H ARRIVALS THIS WEEK.. HELLEBORE ' : (S&SIIraERE BOQUET PJiRFUME CARRIAGE _SPONGES Fine line of .lulEl/upEl/upMERnoRs, cheap. PURE INSECT POWDER BERTRANDS' BULK• PERFUME rt TLA' , ri . SLA SALT . CASIIMERn BoQIIET -SOAP: rut PEARS (ENGLISII) SOAP FRJJll I.I141E JUTCF�, PEARS VIOLET : Pownklis PURE PARIS,. GREEN - . PEARS BLooAr or; NI1 ON. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have :the. largest stocl, in the' county.; • . Best 5 cent; CIGAR in town. , JTATViFS H. -'COMB E.' CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, O1tiT. ' JOI EIE"I3 • ThEO1E HOW' • -Iii-thankiug his numerous -customers for their liberal patronage in the past, begs to announce that he has just received' a; splendid assortment of 1\T'UW' .SP al\TC+ GOODS doMrltlsose. Tire LATs9T.NOVELries IN . • . 7wEEJS, DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, IVITS I S.GINGHAIS, 'LACES, ES, Cu i01TQN. 0 s.ATischer-,-Prop. M Fischer, Manager. j YEARS. ESTABLISHED. 'The only manufacturers of FIRE PROOF` SAFES: with N.oiz-Coyn,du,ctirsg'- Steel F1arnge` Moors. All our new styles of Firopitof Safes are. fitted with.. an. AIR CHAMBER O. prevent dainp:nessto papers., A. lar assortment Of 'SECOND HAND SAFES for•' sale at loty_'prihes and on easy;terms'of-paymont•;; Catalogues=o- n '-application . 1].”:7 ana..1 9 Front :Street, East,. Toronto omi11ion Planing Mill. 4, 00 er & Swaffleld `O • . SUCCESSORS TO ��. STvENs & SOK,. Manufacturers of SASII; 4JUORs BL t$.' FL.: � , , .Il•`I _...,. OOItING, SIDING, WALL CEILING MOULDINGS,FRAME K_ s PICKETS, &c. and ll iii Ts of EMBROIDERIES,.SIJIJtTINGS COTTONADBS,'DUCKS &'DENIMS „TWVE) DS a specialty, mud a first-class Tailor who' guarantees a fit. A' full supply of hand 'lade BOOTS and,SHIOES•jList arrived for the spring trade. .al fresh assortment of WA �.... _ _ . . . ' PAp111R,,. newest pattern.g_w, .:• . My Stock of GROOERIES is New and Fresh, ,Cry our 50 gent Young Ilyson TLA, best value over offered'to'tho public, ' HARDWARE, CROOr EltY, and 'GLASSWARE, a full supply. • LARI}INR and: CROW f OIl; for machinery, elwaya on'• hand, slid everything usually kept in a firet•cltiss country storey COAL OIL:10 cents per gallon Highest market price paid in trltde. for I-IUC•r1ll, EGCIS, OATS, &a. Clotho one and. all and ,inspect my stock. No trouble to show goods.' N. B. ---I •have also purchased a large qudntityof the BLUE TIN TAG BINDING TWINE Best in the market, which I offer at the lowest possible rate. VOSEP 1YA.O11, 0 VV, Jit tt011 8'rlLI i.T, (i.rNTUN. 'Rep irm, ;,11 1,1104 Frolit,03' ittenderltoattoason. lila. 1 1101)(11BS, 5traltrd 1117:51 rate,. ,' trial soltr•its,l, Interier-and Ext -erre ,Flnlshings. LATH. and SxxNGLus :.kep't • on hand. -Mill MillonWellington St., opposite Woollen Milt. PLA,Xs:• �:,bt SPECIFICATIONS >?REPA:RED. . WT. �!!. �49waffiej . VARNA, March .5th, 1886. NEW FIJRNIT.URE STO(;I� Oponod but ' .75 ELLIQT'ZIS. • $LOCS. NEXT DOOR' WO TI 1'J CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON, 'BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR :' SETS,, LOUNGES, B O SIbE BARDS, • CHAIRS,. &c,, , Allis A Gin1HrtAr, 'ASSOIVPM NT 01? TIM vvity` btfo ril;t»r VURNITURE AT RA:AS9NA13L11 PRICES, ' • r • ,r ............. S. '►S!^ . <Co per, change of Eusiness lliiiiLiOttttttitlllltitriri.11lill! The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that lie has bought the RABIESS' BUSINESS . formerly -,carried on.••by L . L No" And that ho' is preparedto furnish • Hornets* Collars* Whips, Trunks; Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept .in a8rst•elass Ilarness Shop' at the lowest rides.. Specie attention is directed d stock ed to my of Lzoils HARN]SS,'Which I will make a specialty. 1 •REP.A IE,ING PROBEPTLY ATTENDED TO. i By striae attention to business; and carefully studying the wants of my customers, I h;s A I crit 'a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere.p p q. P g� { l I'LEai.Liill3BR'THE ST'W—OPPOSITE TEX MARK1tT, i l'- i0i...c • S. .A..IC1 Aar- ' 9'