The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-27, Page 6FBIDAY, AVG. 27, 1880 - died suddenly at New York .on Thursday, avg. TatOP, Qe AoltIeffraum Ar aged 78. * - •stD oNT,tiaro aunreoraztatar,voraisee. Exhibits of North-weat and British•Col- The United States agricultural press has u m bia-products-are being prepared forthe taught for MaPY years that"Graeo ieriang." Peva:imam inhibition. • Thie sound .aphorism is built largely. upon ..A. twc -legged colt died. at Brockville what nature mos, for with all Their age, On Saturday The owner liad. refused wealth and enterprise our neighliora have. $1,500 for it.two'clays before, - done comparatively little. with cultivated p.errcapent.pasture. They find, as Ontatio can also tell In her experieneeethat it re- quires fully three -acres of the average cul- tirated hay and natural meadows to main - 'thin one cow, or one tWo-year•Old.. steer.. This is Ito adeguate return for these due,. when other egricultural •procluots here and eleewhere • are in, finch keen competition; There is no doubt of the fact that the pres.- ent limit of North, .AMericau pastures. is 1,300 lbs. of mdir, oe 85 lbs. of beef per aere per eeason or tiVe and one-half months. These at three-fourths of a cent' and five cents per ponlad give -.$9,75 and 84-25 re- spectively, o an average value 417 per acre, with the very marked difference of nearly 1$0 per cent. in favor of the milk product.. If thee° deserve to be called “King," What maY the future tie indicated by the folloWing ?•••-• , The patiture seeded down in 1884 ia still holding two neWe per Mire easily, and pros• dating at the rate ef 7,602 lbs, of Mills per season of five and one half !pontiffs by com- mon grade cows-covia which under any, conditions never give over 25 lbe, per heed daily. Werelhey Holateins„Ayrshires Or Shorthorn, tffelteilifon's preduce--woulds amount to about 14,Q00 lbs. .of per acre t' The two common eix-yeavold cows in this experiment are 'also adding to their wei•ght at the daily rate or fully three- quarters Of &pound each, which therefore -thay• became -air unfavoreblaleature ,ofthis- pasture ; for so far as known, matured cow's in full -Milk en ordinary pasture hold their. own good -condition weight only,. and may 'reduce rather than inerease in flesh. • • Four acres of these experimental plots were laid down last year withour selected eight varieties of .graeses:and five clovers, the condirt of which. is given in haat year's • annual report. This, year, the first cif their depasturing, one -firth of the area consise. • -Um. of low,laying_apotriaraa killed byfrozen. lodged water in spring. • Eisewheris' the pastureis.very wealthy, The -continuomi heavy. spring ratan clelayekoccupa,tion un- til 20th. May, when two .two-year-old and. two yearling. store steers were: put on; Bad we disregarded poaching and spading Otherwise, the anirnalti.' could •have had s full bite on 30thlrlay ; and were we folloiv- erg of ranch of the ordinary practice we • could have cleaned our cattle's teeth by a feu hoitrs' run -daily 'during the first Week of allot month, when rolling was done.. The rush .of growth became ao atroang :in the last week of May that, rather than mow so early, we aclded three -two-year-old heifers to the feiir steers for a week in or- der to keep. pasture within !sweet. condi- tions. .These.heifers had to he'removeci to avoid the seasoning trouble, but we now realize that it would. heiwbeen better_to purchase Mx steers in place of four, asun- der proper.mariagethent 'heavy etocking,:is better than allowing plants to seed and lae7 conce•rault.'.. Aa.it Wits we kept under by moWing eta cliirtgAlle4arly giastoSS on llth June. , Pam otopinion that our mix- ture Containsto.o• Much clover, and as cat, tle .prefer•good grapes to *vets our.futbris recommendetiona- will hare to • tote this among other thing's. , :Why cattlu. also of-., ten choose dandelion en& prefer. the 'ma- turer but unseeded grasses. on the outside of a field as against.the• • retire tender and less branoby oneatattlytilike:hinds in the closer conditiona of the crop, we have yet to learn preCisely. The four steers are net able' to keep diown-the-fouracies' (or:rather the three:on& and one-fith athea'of fully Covered ground): which are divided into two , Acids of' two. acres: each, the cattle beine;Totated weekly and receiving enliftited Water and 'look • salt, No grain and no •tbp dressing' has been given. The rain which 'fell On seven.: - teen days claring.the perked, arneeeted 5.017 inches'. maxithum temperature. in the shade. 80.'8 c,-mininiam 33.30 ; :mean • • • These ordinary Sliort-Horn grades stoats have madean average daily gain of 3 C3* Ms: per head frcan 20th May 'to '81st Jul. • This is at the rate or0,79 acro per day, or 625 lbs. Of beef on foot per acre per sessot of 165 day. That these facts will surprise many we • do,sincerely hope, and•that•they-playAnive- to ba.reduced,wh°n' 'several years' experis • eine la gathered is not. Unlikely.. Mean - tune is the future to be.$58.fer dairy pro- duce, or831for beef per site per sprat:110r? A British authority in 1872 said that • "first-class grass land is that. which Will preduce twenty; inaperial atone. (280 lbs,) of meet per ack'Cwithotit artificial Rosie- tance."; • and in the public . press of last, • month it was atated that "in Spottend.the average .of pnrmatient pasture and notation patiture reqintes••.1.66 acres •to'each dairy cotv." damPare--these With the results we have obtained for nearly two seasons at thip experimentallarm. • •• We have •in vie* ,to teat' the value as pasture of several of our beet native grass- es, and though not Imiking for •yeaults equal to a. proper mixture of varieties, there may be other qualities that Will show how much they hre-deserving attention -by seieetioli and proper mantigetnent •' 1 subnait to the 'Ontario farmer,. under. every measure of caotion • that our 'pasture • teats even Cow are etfough in the sense ef theWing how thech we' have yet to learn of certain. lines of 'iber.profetieinti, and ,that the priesibilities of dantiditm 'climate and soil are but beingleuched ' NEWS Nons. 311314 and Illeerfrinfl Perwm"e" lenitur° John Denali, editor of the Wittiest!, ••••••••••,, 60.47 ° . II °red ty Illaysisea. it is the general belief, if either a male or female anirael has met With 411 injury on any part df its body or limbs duriu2 the pregnancy of the female, this, injury On Sunday eveping a threelear.old son of Mr. John Alcisfulty, hotelkeeper, of Port Dalhousie, obtained: possession of * bunch of matches, and wandered up to the third storey of the. hotel. The child had bee) will never be shown by the offspring. But gone perhaps fifteen minutes when Floret we have lately heard of several instances inmates of the tiotel heard hieseesesgs,,kag to the contrary,ofinjurieribeinglfully trane- on going to the room fogad the however, from little fellow writhing in agony, his clothing mated, there-partMillarly, the female ; ao that they oughttO be guard« a malts of Are. The Mimes were imee eci mail* in breeding, as weltaii egeinst scaothered, hot net WACO& flesh on the disease in the .parents, The latter to so chiltl'e breast, mini*, and face, had breu generally certain to be developed the burned and. blackened almost beyond recognition. Medical aosistance was anemone& but despite all that could be done death ensued at'rnidnitht. Attention is just drawn to the fact that offspring, ell sensible persons agree .that he Chicago Anarchist!), bent on the de- neither male or female shouldbepertnitted otxuction. of life and nrpperty, are loildele . • Co a man, • • The prohibitionists of Illinois have de- termined to start an agitation for a prohib- itory amendment to the State Constitu- tion. • The writs for the election of a member to the Dominic n Parliament for Bald/. wand, have been issued. The noraination will teke place en the first aid electioa on the eighth of 'September. At Providence, R. 1., on Wednesday, Patrick McCarron, while insane, out the throat of Jas. Crosby while shaving him, ' Crosby ran into the etredt, but died On the sidewalk, "What and When 'to Eat," is the title of an exchange. The" when" never gives us any trouble in our eating, but we have been compelled to da a sight of skiimish. inf. after the "what," , Young a'middle-aged men, suffering from premature decline of power however induced, radically_eured. Illustrated book for 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispen; sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. to breed when diseased the slightest degree. There are immense losses annally suffered in rearing young animals boru 9f such parents. Heaves, curb, spavin, side - bone and ring -bone, are the roost ordinary_ ailments that are shown in horses, while scrofela develops West surely and disas- trously cettle. Parent animals of every kind should'he in perfecthealth andcondi. tion at the trine of breeding, and theyoung should be judiciously Jed and attended to until full-grown, , and then they will be fit for the best ot service through an extra length of life. Our farmers would add millions of dollars annually to their in- eometi if Aheyl 'would presistently adopt tbe• above suggestion in breeding and rear- ing their domestic aniniale.-4‘ B. Arivesr, ir .A.merican Agriculturist for September. 'Live Steak Miffistananao••• • dth #.111 40 - SHEEP on good pasture • gain rapidly.' Ewes, to bring early lambs, should run with the ram. Their period is about 150 days. Drenthe and idiot ,pa.sturage ,in some Imogene always -make -store •sheep plentiful in the markets and low in pries) ; good opportunity is thus offered to buy ; good breeding ewes are thus often picked up, as well as euch as will fatten well, turn the straw stacks into good manure and sell -,avell-hrthe epring. - • SW1Ng. -The best breeds of pigs may be fattened at a profit,' when common, coarse breeds net a loss, or no profit.- For store • pigs always use good grades. Yorkshire or Essex or Berkshire, Poland -China or Cheshire are proses that Will, without ex- aggeration, save one- third the feed. '• • Cows on good pasture, supplemented by •a feed of porn and 'oatmeal and bran, will Lep.up their flow - well into the winter, ,ands good butter may be made' in_Sers.. teinher and Weber ad in Jithe. Winter cows -should be dried off tire months, and when dry kept gaining in. flesh -it will all Come hack in milk and butter. A few days before calving,. reduce feed, giving leosen- ing diet, or physic -not enough to wesa4n -to avoid tendeney .to: fever at calving Evangelist Sam 'Tones says ;--‘ 1;11 be. glad when preachers -will pay full fare on railways and full priced for every- thing-thPrgetl-therr-they1.11-be-indepen-, oelleinctbtta2nd not .a.7r•.aid to preacb as they A respectably dressed man about fifty years of age jumped into the' Termite. Bay on Wednesday and was drowned. This body Was recovered shortlY afterwards and taken to the mergue, where it lies awaiting identiOcation. - The beet inecbcal authorities acknowledge the value Of Ayer's Cetbertie Pills", and • frequently prescribe their -use With the ut- • most *confidence, is the most effectual remedy for diseases caused by derangements or .the stomach, liver and, bowela. Gabriel Dumont, thefighting lieutenant of Louis Rid, was presented by five hun- dred • French-Canadians aseeinbled • at Woodcrest,• S. L, on Sunday, with a hand- some geld watch, in commernoratien of his bravery during the rebeilion, • • A wimian in Albany attempted suicide • the Other day because her husband was out of work, and she thought she added t� his burdens. • She was sent to the • House --of-Shelter-,-and when her husband -returned - with employment he found her glad to he alive: Another shock of earthquake has. been felt at Malta.* The_ciaptain of a steamer which has arrived there reports the(' on Tuesday, 200 miles east of Malta, he wit- nessed the. Upheaval of a column of water SO feet in diaMeter to a height of '200 feet. ' Ile on' your 'Oxford. ' Doe't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop° itself into Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents, A few applications will cure encipient Catarrh. One or two boxes will cure ordieary Catarrh. - • One to five boxes Will cure chronie Catarrh. Try Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure -it Will mire you. • Sold at 25 emits per box. • Although jackSen, Mass.,' gave a major• . its, of 300 againat Prohibition on Tues- day, the county was carried by the POW- • bitionists by about 800 .maioritY, Glees &lora are coming bite very general use in Paris..-:' Although they cost More at first, they are cheaper in the end. The rooma below can efteh dispenrie with artificial light and there is far less fireyiair, • Graham successfully navigated the whirl, - pool rapid's at Niagara Falls, with his head protruding •from his barrel, Thursday.af- ternoon. ' Scott, a fisherman, of Lew- iston, attempted to swift) the whirlpool rapids in a cork suit the same'afternoon. His t•)cly was picked up at Lewiston ono hour afterward • YiinNO.CATTLe' ehotild.come to the win- ter in first rate order. The years they ate coining One and' to years old settle theis conditiOn' for life. They will be tindersiied and inferior, or wellIgrown, and fitie;' and the autumn • isthe thrie -when the beet :growthis• inade:=Arnericarr-Agriculturist- for Septerriber. ' 4 • • saospitart,y tvesa ieeposd. • • - • ',Nen ty-five years ago, writes a Troy c.v... respondont_ofthe_NeWirorkAimes,_Chria-.1 topher A. Burdick,. who has been eagaged in various parte of the countrylis a teacher' of penmanship, came to Rennsselaer coun- ty and lived in. various tiarts of the °entity until -his death; --Which occurred lit; Eagle • Bridge about.eighteen. months age. . For some time: before: his, death be had not been at work, and though lie .wart supposed t) have seine. money;nobody•seemed;t6 care to make a home for him, . and his reqUeSts. to be taken in weret'ref used by ileVeral Poo. ple. Ile^liad been several times 7ii.t the. bowie of Nahum Newcoscb• in'Tittatown. Mr. Newcombe felt sorry for the lonely old A. tramp a'room in a tend ' bacnelor, who was a pleasant man and merit house in .11alitazt, the alter day) kind to his childrou, and told him he might seated himself at the table and demanded come to hie hokum as Often as ha &Pee and Stay -a -s long-ara-he-pleasectr.----Burclicks SotneWing to eat, -rkliewotnan, Who oc-. „ .„ , , „ was plenum. at tiffs, ana,useu to go tom pupied the robin left it.on the pretext or 'quite often, .".A.f ter Nis death it waslound getting- the: teapot, and returned that Burdiek had made a will,: and -had two other women, each armed • with a given 88,0,30 to each of • the T.,.TetYcorrib's, pair • of acissora. „ The stranger 'didn't' frier children. and some nioney to. New trouble'himself about the teapet, • bat 'Comb.% wife and hie mother. Mr. Neib: ' ' comb applied, to the surrogate office to -clay left tit epee, ' 1 ' ;.• ' for lett-ere of Anardianshipjer his children . - • Early Wednesday' tuerning, the public s� that he alight take theit: bequests in .school building., Bine. To refilthip, was burn- trust for thens. The estate is' sufficien t to ed to the groend. t' George Richards, ef pay the hequests.. . . Toronto; hearini that innocent people had ' • been charged. with settiot the pince cu fire; A. Touch.' of kitithiresic gave.. himeelf up and was committed for • ' • trial on a .charge- of arson. He -states he " Tho rich and poor mcietiogetlier the •went into the 'school-house._,to • !sleep ota „is --the maker _of them all:" It is something fine le see the faehionable Tuesday night and built a rausing fire . ladies -the Sroye. When he stroke the floor was exethPlifYiug..Alm. rule and. aliirit of Pue blazing all around him, and- he cleared Book that permits no caste distinotithie. out. - - A reporter of the Philadelphia Press Saw . • ' • an evidence of this feeling that " makes A little white hearae that. passed PP the whole world kin" in a littleatreetsecene- Main street, Hartford, Conn., Tuesday af- between a soCial belle and a ehild-pedler of terneen; conveyed maniature-Ciaket con- :the curb -stone ining.the remains' of, a two months' Old " Ma-a-tchia, misses? ina-a-tchis.. Three y .which weighed at birth but three for _ five,. Ma-a-tohis !" cried a child's do, and at the time of death but two thin voice du Obedient Street, just belew. ndi and eight °urine'. The child, .a• broad. The *dee belonged to a girl less e, with full, expressive eyes, was of than a yard high, who bad big pleading t form, but so wonderfully small es blue eyes and a pert mouth, The street inble a doll more thew a human be- wail crowded with .poople. The child per - The front hoofs of my bore°, also his legs, were in terrible condition; the animal was use- less; applied to) Doctor Giles, who gave me such instruction that With the Use Ohio meut Iodide Ammonia af perfect pure wee obtained. Advise alrwho are troubled in any way w11 their cattle to consult the Drafter. Rey. A. R. Glaze, Fayette, Seneca Co., N. Y. Sold by all druggists. On Thursday a remarkable, surgical operation was performed at the Massachu- Bette General Hospital. About a year ago John McCarthy swallowed set of artificial teeth. The passagtrof food to the stomach was alfnoot wholly prevented, the patient grew einaioated and weak, and it became °violent that unlewelief was hail he meat seen die. Dr. Richardson Made a transverse cut in the left side of the abdomen, through which the man's stomach was drown out and then out open 'when by the insertion o: his arm to the elbow Dr. Bichardsou was able to reach and remove •the teqth. -..Thainternal-ppening-Wea then, closed; with fine silk and the 'Stomach re.. placed, 'the external eti4 wag closed w, itti atitches. The whole' operation was completed hi 45 minutes: The patient is doing well, and his complete recovery is now considered little less than -Certain: - By -Law No, 8 for 1886-. • •111011111 MIDDY 20112 1110W .A.N-01-76 Uti Has the finest and cheapest GROOMES intown ciz and At prices which downs them all., ViTANTED. Anndyl-aumtdityoof Apples, Pettit Plums f Farm Produce. a CLINTON. ANGvs, ..••••• LISER & CO. FAMILY. GRObERS. WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, P.A.mir..alemliz• az • co, drat From'. 'CA,SH -'#DR, EGGS. sy-Low to raise., by .vray of lean. the sum 0( 82,000, for the purposes here- inafter mentioned. , . • WITEREA8 a auecial concthsteadiacl.by the Municipal Council of the Towanf Clinton, in.the Ceunty of Euro14 has made a repots to said council, recomnoending that the sum ot 52,000.th/be relied by the issue 02 debentures as • heroin:trier meetloned, -for:the puTilinige7drit •Tow i'Park; and for the meamentation and beautifying If the same Awo winzneas the said Connell has resolved to raise the said sum of rnorey for the purposes azoresaid;" . Arm withatAs the totat. amount of debt in. tseded to bee -rotated by this by-law is the sum of 52.000, • . • , Atte •IvtinituAs ill require' the .Sum of $160.4ato be raised hanuallY, by special rale, fer the payment the' said .dettt and., inteeest, ad.hel.-einafter iniffitiOtted ; • . • Arm witatfEca the; amount -of the whole ra able•property of the said corporation, ireeepee.. nye o! any future Increase of the same and irrespectlye of any Income in the nature n same, intezest,.eividends rents or fees from the said pmperty. and altio'irgeopeetive et any income to be derlved frozn•the tenopotary laves:Meat Of the sinking ;illed'hereleafter mentioned,- or any part thereo..according.to the last rev‘sekt assessment ro,k o.t the said corporation being foe - ttlAcuYo•ea;III8S86tsrl 5416e117a1;OUtl't• 0 istiag' debt of the said emporation is as follows; For principatthesomof$27,500,togel her witIna wrest.' . o o the sum of saga from the tat day of Jane A.D. 1880. and on the sum of $10,000 from the Ith day., Tir:June A.irrtfail.-ati-Vonthe-suwrif85,0D•flem the' 715 day of :Daly, A.D. 1886, and. ou. the aunt of C6,000 from the 17th" day•of June,' A. D.. 1885, aml no principal or mterest is in arrears... ; tAu na.losoNev.:10:iteas for piwiiir the:intereSt . and toe said sum of 82,00(raterinterat; as here- ereating an equal yeaety einking i'mart for past, lualter men tcloantir ('),r titil7eielltreengthustroota4nTneenul ("1411itt.in additlen to all other res to be levied each. year • • . • ' wIrEdvAs ie la made necessary by law that this hy.laW shall, InVorC the final cassia n: :iliereof;reeelve the ithsenl of the. electors of (Moll ded 1.0 vote. npon the same, and also ter that puto,thse to appoint the time and place •"oe Viking the votes of the so ; d electors at Such tLrie and place Be it therefore eneeted by the Corpoi anon of the Town of Clinton,..in the -County a:: Mixon. 1. That 11 8111111 lm !awl)] i for thellayor of the aLd enmesatioa to raise, by way of loan, faun - any person or persons, botly-or bodies culler ate, who may be w ite lig to advance the same' up on -ti re -e -edit -of debeiTtMs rel al moo tiane,d, a sem of money not e:meedi .g. the whole. the sum Of $2,0ti..and to mils° the' same to be paid Mtn the hands 01 1110 Treasurer of tIttl said Corporatiop, for the purposes ahoy° mentioned: • • : 2. Viet it Shall be lawful -for the said Mayor - to cause Misr number of debentures to be made • for such sums money as maybe required, not lessAhan,$100 kach,....atattleit :the' saltirt' leben, tures shall be Sealed with the Serd 'ot. the said . .portferntlon, and . signed by the Mayor and p0 Po fere perf to re .ing. fee; days after being born uglily - ski developed and ,the little creature suf- fered till death.- • • A bloody tragedy occurred in Cherokee Nation, Ark., on Sunday evening. Lock Laugley and Thomas Monroe had had trouble about steer breaking into a field. OriSundrifftrening Monroe and his family started for chiirch,•ancl were overtaken by Langley, who ' was armed with a double, - barrelled -shot go)..Langley began curs- ing Monroe; wASeepor& aionroe told mat that if bor..had his guo with him be c ould not treat Mai in that inanner. Laugley replied, "Go arid get vier gun," Monroe told his oldest son • to go and get it, • The boy 'Started, but had only gone a short dis- tance when Langley shot Iiira in the biol., then turned and shot old man Monroe. Both father and goo died irnmediately. • An,old oil train consirittng oftwentv-fonr cars cghile descending a grade on the Jersey Central Railroad at Casten, Pri,i Thursday morning parted, and a few minutes later the separated parts collided. The comma slot' caused one of the tanks to explode, and immediately 10,000 gallons of oil were a mess of fire. Eleven cars were scattered about the track and all were soon ablaze, One explosion followed another until the oil in the lower cars, estimated at 101000 gains, wail cite iheet of flame. Tile heat waft se intense that it was with great dim. poky that, four ears near the end or the train were aaved. All the iron on the care and on Ur) railroad wasted hot aced twiated into eYdry conceivable shape and could not be got at te be removed', The tom cable, too, will ontwear wood many times will not fall Short d $50,000. silitentlY offered ber wares to a man who wai walking with'a very stYliehly dreaded young woman. • ".Go away." said the man in a vely gruff tone. • "Ah, the poor little thing 1" 'cried the woman, "Why don't you buy some of her !patellas, Fred? do it myself. Here, little virl," opening• a sealskin rat - code Lind fishing ont some coins with her daintily gloved hand. •.• "She's very 'neatli clad, and looks as though she had 4 good 'mother. 1 just be - Herb I'Jl make her a present," and suiting', the action to the word, she openddlier fur coat and unfastened a knot of bright cherry ribbon that caught up a loop in.her black -dress; Then she quickly pinned the knot on the child's gray hood, and pattitig the pinhoheek tureed away. " What to the world made you do that?" demanded the Man, evidently much an- noyed. 011 4 it Will please the poor mother so P3 think someone has noticed her sweet- faced child,» wail the Indy,s reply. 'A tall, red-faced Iriehrimii had been standing on the curb, watching the perfor- mance with keen interest. "That Young' lady is better nor the Quane of Biaglend," he remarked looking after the couple, "Be the porters, Oi dould go down on top Ionise and. worship a beautiful myth= Ira& that, as isn't ea - hatted to do ahoind act to the poor with hoowzi swat e halide." For the prompt and certain dare Of ors?. sipelas, use Aver'd Sarsaparilla the spceifie endorsed by eminent antiontlea, Treasurer thereof: ••• • • ' ' 3. That the said debentures shall he made payable . in 20 years at furthest frem ths day. tioreivatter mentioned for this bylaw. to talcw' elfeet. at the ()Mee of the Treasurer ef the siiid CcoenponraostZiii,,t.akinedp,asylroutl6lnlit1;:;vf einTetraceshte;(1 to them. 4.• T net the said debeeturee shall hear I nVerest at and aftee thereto of eye mar eentum per an. mini from the date thereof, which interest shall .011f0th7saabitIlTrielarltart-tSrPear:I'Y. on the loth days of' March and September in eiteh 'year, at the oace • • 5. That far the purpose orienting. a Oohing rand for.the.payment• 07 the sat(' debentures, and the interest atthe vita aferesailf,.to beeeme due thereon, an equal special rate of. three - tenths of a mill in the dollar shall. In addition to alriftlierfatke, be raised, leylectand calleeted Hi each year, upon all the ratable propeety in t'aetudd Corporation; during the continuance.of the said debentures or any of them; . That the votes of the dub, qtutlified eledtm of the said municipality shall 'be -taken 411. this By-law on MONDAY, THE 13rd DAN OF SEP- TEMBER, 'ONE THOUSAND -EIGHT HUN- DRED AND EIGHTY-SIX, e.olliniencing at the hour, of Sto'clockin the niorning,atidfrom thence untilthe hour of 5 o'clock in the •afterpoon, at the following places:- . •• ST. ANDREW'S WARD, in the TOWN HALL, Edward 'Moody, Deputy -Returning °Meer: ST IA MILS WARD, IbT JOSEPH CIIIDLEY'S Deputy -Returning Oflicer. ST JOHN'S WARD, iN FRED. RUMBALL'S• CARRIAGE SHOP, Wm, IL COoperz Deputy- Reterning °Meer.. ST. GEORGE'S WARD, IN JOHN LESLIE'S CARRIAGE •51103', 3. CAStevenson,, Deputy - Returning Officer, • , • 7, Thatthe Mayor of Haat atuticipal Corpora- tion shall attend:at 111(1 TOWE Vali, in. laid town, at 10 o'cleek MEI.. Oil SATtfit,DA.Y, the 111)11103' f SEPTEMBER, . ONE' THOUSAND EIGHT UNDRED ANT) EIGHTY -S IX, for the p511'- -,.Otte Of oopeintiag persrMS to attend' at the various polllog p180008 00 at the final snlninitig . up et the votes by the -eierk retipeetivoiy, on behalf of the'perinnis interested lit arid proinet- jug or Opposing Abe passage of thie By-law re - spec, Ire) 8 'Diet the (limit Of Said Manicipal Cement - Moo 1ia11, 61 1115 Mr the Towit itt said OWL at the hour 0,12 o'clock, noon, 00 Wed- tiesday, the 15111 day of September, ono thou - Sand eight hundred and eighty-six, mum up.the number of votes given for and agaiest this, II2si law. • • 9. That Ms Brialy shall take erect and corne 135 to operation upon the 20113 day of September, Otte thousand eight 'hundred and eightysix. wumiriVit wsatr,uooalS, Geo. Diehl, sr., TAKE NOME that the above is a true copy Of a proposed by-law, as the same maybe taken into eottsiderayon and ultimately passed by the inuniefind couneil of the corporation of the WWII of Clinton, atter one month from tho first publierttion thereof, the date of the firet putet- (tattoo ot whiell in the Cuttrox New ERA 110W8 'Paper, was Fridarethe 20111 day Of Atignst, ono thousand eight hundred and eighty six, add that the votes of the electors of .00 said munieipalitY, duly. qualified to vcitoulion tho same, tvia be taken thereon 911 the day' rind at the ;Afters in the Said bylaw Set forth, and the poll will be opened at Inc said polling Maces ate of the clock in the morning, min remain open till 0 of the clock in the afternoon of the same day. Aaid take notiee that the 'minion Of the cor- poration of the town of Clinton have Appointed MONDA.Y, the 20111 day of SEPTEMBER, OM) Monsen(' eight hundred 1E14 eighty Six, as the &Lysol.' Una ey considering the said by-law. `"".)VILIAANI COATS. Clerk et said Municipality. Great Inducement. . • • ?Having bought Tuthill's Stock of asuista.0 cozoCizzar-ir-isc---azifitiasswiamm— • At a discount, will sell at Wholesale Priees until all iaeleabeaTout. A FINE ASSORTMENT or J. S. Kink% of DiSioAdo 'FINE TOILIET SOAP; FLEESIIMA.N.tit CO'S rEA.sT,' fortherly kept by Tuthill.4k Co. always on ban • • JOHN CUATINGHAME GROCER, CLINTON. AND REFRESHMENT -ROOMS _CLINTON__ PERSONPr�prietor J AS.ANDElt$OZT NEXT GRAND 1J.NION' CLINTON Pan-- EORE—FAL,• a Gal* cheap cm.00Exams and Cheap PRO7ISIONS., • Raving ti; large Stock of Salt on hand, orders will •be fillpd, at the lowest prier's ever offered in Clinton; Bs the Salt.Werka will be sold when airange- meets are conipleted: Will biiy and Sell TIMOTHY and CLOVER kEED. A lot Of . •SALT•SAOKS and GRAIN BAGS for sale. SI LAItGE BARS OP•N. P. SOAP FOR,ONEDOLLA.R.• - . - JOHN: ItIrGA.It.37A cLx*iroia. • WE ARE NO,W OPENING ONE OF TETE LAItGESP STOOKS or BOOTS and SHOES. at Remarkably Low .Prices. HARNESS.. TEAM HARNESS $24. SINGLE HARNESS 410, 13413Y OARRIAGES just,arrived, latest Styles; very Cheap. TRUNKS 86 ITALISS.1,3y the hundred, Cheap High land' PINE tied ClIDAft. SHINGLES 'it Lowest Pricea. 5. ribWrile.IFIAMI..AL, 13 Laurance's SPEOPMIES and EYF-0-LASSFS , — 4 tP' Are the only 13.1ennine Englialc Articles in ;the Canadian AfarliOt. , • , • Rent Petioles arekept snick. Tests are given to purchasers to prove icon. rieuealt• They are reemlimended by endIftese'testiffronials have been received from the President, via- Preeldeat,EVPresident and Ek-VicetPresiderit et the Maul Association of Canada; the Fulfil; neat ot the College of Physiciane atel kitrgeOtts of tattehee ; the Dean ot the Medical iraeultyOr Laval UniVereity; therresideut and 10 -Presidents of the Medical Connell Of Nova 800tia. dee.' Those recommendations oughtlo110 eufilefeet to prove their qttalities, but .if further proef IS s needed, eall on - HOB; W. COAT, Wateinnakor and Jeweller) Clinton.