The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-27, Page 117 "••••••••••••••••••• 4, 110.f. 21, 1Y9. 35 T,ER.MS 41.50 Per Annikm In advmage few Witertioenteab. ClOOD GENERAL SERVANT 'WANTED AT MTGE %.-Jf Apply to MRS. -11. B. PlIOUDFOOT, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. Eousu AND LOT FOR "SALE.: ---THE UNDETt- MOM offers for gale that conveniently situated House and Lot on King street, opposite the foundiz The house contains 0 rooms, pantry and hall, good well onthe premises. On reasonable terms, HANG) liCHI3ftT305; Ink 36 - QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.- - kJ Lot 57, on the Maitland concession, Goderfch tows - ship, dentaining 87 acres, is offered for sale or to rent. Frame house with stone cellar, two bank barno,stables. dm., good large orchard; plenty of water, about 80 acres cleared, and in good stated cultivation. Situate on good rolids,•about six miles from the town of OW ton. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For portion- /ars apply to the NE, ERA Office, or VI 0. NESBIT AUCTIONSALE -OF- *House Goods and Mao am! Lot TlIrTOWIsT CLIXT-ON, ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. • The undersigned lias instructed Mr. T. M. Carling to sell by PublM Auction, et his residence, Oh the above j date, his Household Furniture, Jonsisting of STOVES, CARPETS, BEDROOM SETS; TABLES, die. Theae Carpets and Furniture, are all in first-class condition, t having been in use only a abort time. TERMS CASH, At the same timeand place will be offered the-HOURE- and LOT occupied by the owner: Terms made 'known " on day of sale. Sale' to commence at I 14 in., sharp, CU JOHN CAMANDER, Prop, es M. CARLING, Met d • IIENNALL. BRIERS,—About thirty tickets for Nia- ara Falls & Grimsby were sold here On aturday hist ; the most of the excursions sts steeped over to hear Roy. T. Dewitt,. almage• and Chaplain McCabe; the re - urn excursion train passed through our V —VW leXottiapitip anti Village Istlattero BRIEFS.—Mr. Edward Rosa bas it Atie piece of fall wheat that in eight days cov- erer' the ground. Thos. and Joseph Fox Ilene just finished a large frame learn with stone basement for stables, for Mr. S. Downey, of the Huron Roel, Mr, Jas. ,Evans threshed 550 bushele ot fall wheat, one afternoon botweert two tted abe &dock. wen, WA WANOSII. George Agar has pro- cured a traction engine, the first in this neighborhood, A young son of Mr Ed. Fowler found himself in rather a strange position a few days ago; the lad was en- joying a ride on the binder, unnoticed by his father; Mr:Fowler, happening to turn around, noticecl the boy At the top"ot the canvas badly frightened but none the vorse of his perilous ride illage Sunday morning; is it itot time hat Christian people discountenanced ex- rsionti that Cantle men to work- On Sane ay The Methodist Sunday School of this pace, had their aneual picnic on Tuesday, beside Lake Heron's cooling waters, neer LakeView ; those present re- port a very enjoyable time. Jas. Cbare man is back from .Wiarton, where he was speeding his holidays. Frankie Klauson es very ill at present, and alight hopes are entertained of his xecoverye • wm: 000pE4's BEAM.' BLOCK BOOKSTORE IS THE PLACE' TO BUY none Tyigil&n I nf110 ICelC11001 Books. Modell* supplied at Lowest Prises BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE. MI. COOPER, CLINTON • Read Thisantbe . I have opened In Clin%, a first -Woos ' BOOT,out ZEIA.111•TES$,SECOF '1 Make and blend:all kinds of .fleets. •ond Skies. and keep an excellent stock on hand; First-class work. . . .HARNESS hryou want • anything this . line it will pay you to come and gee me. I keep from a hame 'strap to a No. I set of SINGLE or DOUBLE HARNESS, best of stook and • workmanshap may.. always he expected. Please give* - • . C. • YATESi. ---1.'issvOocos-Noirrirtir-STocit-ib:Ct.tANut., MB% c Si. • crAirrots.7. Vellestemteftwee Beier BITS.—Our esteemed teachers, Messrs. Their. ShillInglaw and W144 Doig, 'have again Opened school,And areagainbettiY::: training _amen MOW- -e)11105e4ttstas Melli' e of Kippeti, has openeeLsOnnsie tress here, those who 'profess toe.Warissay she is it competent teacher. r..clealte tittle son of Mr. J Latta''met wittnegOiccident last Sundriy, he had climbedWee in the Woods and by, some means lost his hold and fell to the ground, under, sthe.caritof i a doctor beis tnproving 11.8' fa9:t as ould be expected; The majority of. fanners have finished harvesting fall „wheat, and threshings are now the order of the day. SANFIE14.0.. From au occasional correspondent: , . Baxare, -Our village has been honored by the preahfice of a large number of vesi, tore Who have come here to escape the hot weather,noise and bustle of the cities, and enjoy a, few weeks quiet bootleg, 'fish - of lake -Huron ;• prominent, among whom we might mention,: the Misses Fannie, nnie-and-Ftoeenee;Chturtbers,e:,-jennt and Edna Richards. all of Detroit'e Mr. and lairs. L. L. Wheeler' of St, Louis,. . Mr. W and Miss Louisa Richards, Chatham, letr.e.C. Chambers, of East Maw, Mich:, and Mr. and Mrs. P. S. pratti-of-the-firm-If-Pratt-&-Gilbeit, Bar - era, Bey City, kWh they have been king theighome at the Commercial;. profess to have had a.m.:m(1'4nm, and ak in very flattering; terms of Mr. and • Fort FIRST-CLASS-7-DRICK— STOREg rist Suitab:t for any beiSine.s, . in Block, -on DIR Long Tw•ins of Credit, ; Alsu - • an One 1)Weiling SPO Centrally :.:itualed. For 1:urtber partroglar,s amily io VC ON 'SEARLE y 0.014*OP41. ana t :do ulroa Traicer-tAdekci... Through Excursion Tickets to all. . Points .of the Dominion. , Rill and gel. our rata 'Radian. .bitennation '4ors aU , • ' points er-trarel-. - WM. AAMCSON, CLINTON-AGT. ALLAN L T o 110110111 Partiesgoing to the old.couotry BUI take this popular_iino. The boats aro th Mote the-mlantfe, and aseonsmodation an,,,taaP nem should 0 Most corn. tlfisnrpatsed Ci%JJJN,-FA RFS VERN' LOW.. • HEAP EXCHIUSIOR It . • STEERAGE • PASS ' —, Call and got all particulars of A.O. PATTISON, CLINTON; .ACIENI' 0. o prat -bee here a couple of months ago. As showing his standing in the profession it might be meutiened r that he held di- ,plonias frorelanidone. England; Edin- burgh, Scotland; Berlin, Germany; Ve. el enna, Austria, aqd Toronto, Ontario. He body, and gave premise of it Career of unusual 'useftdoeseg, His father was the late Ree. W. litToFer, a Minieter the B.C. Church, 'weal:flown throughout Ontario; 1 his..Mether, sister rani broth lying, s ea . tiat a brother died un- \'cleeeirailair circtieuttancee, sonie years ago, he too having pit' finished his college 'Obtuse, His funeral, on Sunday, was one of the largest even seen here, over 150 carriages beteg in the proessioo, end the Masons and roasters, of which orders he was it member, walking also. His un- timely death has tended the he-trt of the *TES. - AGE . CLINTON, ONT., VRIDAY, AUG. 27, 1886. I-- - T110.6.4,10,111ITU., --- - ' .. - 1.0NOESHOGO.. Ilikik.F8.—On Saturday last,. a valuable Bataas.—Itiessrs, Braithwaite, Isaac cow belongtngte Mr, John Thorp, becatne Lawrence and wife, R. Stephenson, Miss bulk of the gee* Will be stored away in f last„ and report the meetings to be a regu- 1 entangled in a barb wire fence, and was Mary Hites and others, left for the Grime - badly torn; her xec.overy is- doubtful. Tbe by -canoe, meeting int 'Saturday morning the bares this weelt, %Use isho are not ' lar jam, tee to eleven thoueand 'persons through harvest by Saturday night, can't being present on Sunday rasa and it was go to the circuson Monday. A good deal impossible to find storage ream for all at of thrasbing is being thine. Fall wheat is night; the sermons and addresses vvere all yielding from 25 to 80 bushels 011ie acre. that could be wished for; our friends•re- Mrs. Tilt, of Blair, (mister of Mr. N.Cosens) turned this week. Wrn. Callender had and her daughter, Mrs. Reynio, of Weter. his wrist badly sprained by A horse, last leo, are visiting friends In this vicinity, week; his father is jest getting over a HAney CatnaHT.—A young farmer liv- • ing ineiouthern part of this township, has broken and dislocated wrist. to the Stanley girlt fell into the hands of clued 'tte ashes'. It that a spark been paying attention to two young ladies ' "ANLEI. recently, One ofsvvhom resides in Tucker- 'No.:tease A Fean.—One day last week smith and the other Stanley. All went the dwelling of Mr. Neil McGill, near &mate until a letter, tvhicb was addresse4 Hill's Green, came very neer being re - to the rival. The farmer, not knowing that his manuscript had 'heen iron the chimney set fire to the roof, and before being observed theteflarnee had lost, called to see the-Tuckeremitli naaiden, made considerable 13 eadwar a However, _bet much to his ehagia, was shelve his with the•aseistaece of his netelthers, Mr. letter,wisicit he thought was safe in Stan- McGill succeeded in putting out the fire, ley. In despair he vowed by the siars and done., but not before considerable damage was all that was in them,. never to play false , again, hut all in vain, he was quietly Botuas.—Mrs.Wm. Patrons and dau shown the bele the carpenter left, so he ter left on Monday on a trip to Michig decamped a sadder and we hope a better kiss Parsons hae not been. well for ad man. • • time, and it Was thought a change of might improve her ondition. Robe • _ WILLETT, of Mr...Tames Forrest, has not be BRIEFS.—Mr. T. Brown, ofthe 6th, has w6711 for the Past f(4 weeks' -Owing two weeks; with inflammation of the been confined to his bed during the jest the eery favorable season, farmers ha been enabled to get along rapidly w bowels. . Intelligence has just" reached their harvesting; a number have alrea his friends, of the Sudden death of Mr. R, Brown in Kansas; be formerly resided on fieished, and are prepaying ground fallewheat. . • the 6th con., and 'left here nearly two ' s... e es* ,.. ... years since, One of his sons followed him ardiPs•Kicaa r "WrIS.""P : about a year ago; the family will likely Fifteen head of cattle in your oat fie return to Ontario. Mr. J. Shanahan reported to have cut 16 item °Coat; in 8 is in the morning' is not calculated ,to Ma a Man feel very pious or first rate, y hours this fall. Ruiners 'says that a mar- riage Will shortly come, off on the second nothing comes of' it, the pound remai concession Of; Hullett ; ther names of the empty, and. the cattle roam the roads u molested. • .parties will read well in print.. CEOPS.—Several.ef the farnterti -have. ther bite been making some of the *filo W.9-Wstatielifeettla.=The-unsettled we gh- an; rne air rt, en to ith dy for Id ke et nS 11- a done fall wheat. Oats are, on the whole, - .an -excellent crop, and most of them are in geed eider, though there is yet consid- erable in the field. Several have peas in the field yet, and many are shelling them oot.in the 'field in order to save them; they are an excellent yield. •A few day s of fine weather would see all the crops housed, and a good crop at that. Potatoes are stria% owing to the dry weather early in the season. The bugs have done consid- erable damage to them: It would pay farmers to look after them better, as the bugs are decidedly getting the best Of it on Many farms. The root crop is picking up considerably since the late xain ; and both turnip and carrots promise an ever-. age yield. There is not unrch 'marigold growing in /Ids anwnship_ethis year ; we ink there should be more grown, if we are to keep up our reputation fer fat cat- tleelid good beef.. The apples will be a. good average crop and more, though many are felling Off the Arees during the late, heavy. winds. They will likely be plenti- ful and cheap this fall.: The annual Yiald of plums is getting less eVery year,throttah the ravages of black knot. The crop this year isbetterthan we expected eanier in the seasen. Pears will also be more than an Average yiehl. —•••••••— moat nes. '. s. Bailey, who have attended to their . temme...-eas, saturday ,evening last, a its in a znanner that makes this hotel young min •narned Burney, living near y popular tiS.it suinmer, eesort. Miss Beigrave, after diechargirig oae shot from McLeod hasYliSen severely afflicted; a revolver, tried& he second one, Which did hae been confined to her bed for.27. net .go aft but while be was examining it, rd. Mr. J. C. Myers has his new cider to ascertain -the cause, it went off', the' ball I nearly completed; he expeets to have grazing his cheek arid penetrating his hat. Imni-ng.by4he.end-of-the.M.Ontla.,..„3,usign7-Mr:-.R7Agne*-a, grad-trate-otthnF-GlintOn-Hr lb- held division court here lak'Sittiii- $ has bece engaged as teacher for the ens• , and the Markseend Aldsiyorth cattle stiing Year in S. S. No. 3, Morrik. it a sal: 'created'a good dear Of interest; ' Mrs. ary ee eeee ; we wish him every tmeeese , Marks has been laid up for senile, as his predecessor,. Mr. Clark, has had, e'iher roany friendswillbe glad to hear who has proved.: himself a very efficient e boys had a Chineee lantern with a she is recovering. Last Friday night teacher; and we, eafieet but adraire Mr. Agnate/ choice of a echoer, for netwithe t initeseettaclied•to a kite, which the standing the darkness Find troubles which le breeze wafted high in the air Oyee are in other Sections in the country_ea.: village. Mr, John Sweats, of Clinton, alifile ',Away* in No. 8. ., bought.the River rHouse, of Mr. Mors .; - a_. .. . . , aed expects to take possession in two • • eieueceeiteeent,. , te :Mr. J. 0 Meyers. carpenter and der, Bayfield, says: "1 believe White rituii'°11YERE4'''''T,he apple teen ate ze is going to bathe Mona:neat, of _going their . mend, again, but a -great uture;" from my knowledge ofineta. many farmers are not inclined to dear, 'II' with some of the former buyers, owing tO Ire every wafidence in the -durability ., tic. Mr. Dodald Campbell; of the them net giving satisfaction. Thilleyearr perhaps • a little more ropposition Would go of BaSfierdt , has aahl his PrenertY make things better, for it is too , bad to mit his son, who reeides. near ,that . g"d'a-U in ; he has gee't° l'ineardine have orehards abused as foeinarje,; .. able horse last week. , Mr. Jolph LaW. ver C. 'ene yea nal 1)0 eiter day case J. T ti133 that stun ligh gent the has, -gen, weett 11111 -Brcin the f 1 ha zi villa for a to v phic , belie wisely deeided to-beild a new town this summer. Tea hew water -wheel is hed, the by-law appropriating $8,000 for giving good satisfaction thi&sairnmer, so that purpose, has-ing been carried by far scarcity Of water is tt thing of the east. majority of 91„. There Was some ooeosi" Misteetessie-Keitle-iseat-preseizter-Visi • ionto.the by -'law, but it Iva e foregone friends this neighborhood. Mr, Sitneon r conclusion that this would be unauccessful, Stales is seriously sick at,present, with Sunntet Deenrer!--After it Elbert Illtiess inflammation. /runes Cassidy, .of G'oder of about one month, Dr. L. L. Hooper, a riche is visiting friend" in this village. Most promisingihung man of this place, The Methodists are,putting a new fence died on Friday niet,a ire had eery recent- in front of the parsonage. Some of our ly. finished hie 011ege course, and started villagers took in the trip to Niagara which they enjoyed splendidly, Mr. Heleig bee got a new apprentice; burin hese seems to be rushing with him. The potato crop does 801 appear to predict heavy yield. in this eneinity, owing to the dry weather. The Lutherans had service teething and evening, .last Sabbath ; a stationed minieter is expected aeon. JOIS Stalker intends going to the Goderielf Mode' Sehool next term, when it opens. The publie wheels have Opened wIth• Minn.—Mr. John Cullis lost a valu- • Eximax. son is building a new house. r. Cuilis of the Manchester•Mills, is doing excel! NElv Tewx nArle—°ervillegere lent work since he bverbauled his mill i8 5 APPLES,PLIT&PEA r.p. -rt000y, 19200E/t .411n ST8,7101sTit • • tendert --meeatinyttite Colborne it visit on Friday ast. Beadle is away to Europe, ,fdr another home, The late wet weather has not de- layed harvesting eery much, as most of the farmers are just about finishing, Miss Blair bas returned from her holidays. Will Habkirk paid his parents a visit On Sunday last. Mr. Rutherford, of St. Her. , is expected to oceopetthe latinsbyteritin ' community as no othee that has occurred purple next Sunday evening; there will i here for a long time, • be no service in the Morning. . • 11 V • • offes work to get their crops in, on t -cut line, lanterns being resorted to in tw or three cases. Don't burn the Candle at both ends, boys, or out she soon goes. ACOMENT.--Mr. W. H. Steea met with a, painful accident a few days since. He was carrying a scythe on his back, and in. •passing through a doorway, struck one mid of the scythe the point of the article being thee forced his leg, causing a :wound that has prevented him from doing his work as usual. • . ys Personae* hfiss K, GIBSON, of Toronto, is vieiting friends here. ' Mu. GEO. WISE, of Cleveland, its home on A short visit. • • ' MIss Nzeies Monuoit, of •Goderich, is visiting friends here. Mos. SIBLEY, mother of Art, B. P;Site, ley, is bent on a visit. Mie H. ANDREVH6 is visiting his old friends in the Ottawa district. ' Ma. S. W. PERaX. and family aro spend- ing the week tvith relatives at Brempton. Wentenneoeme aed daughter, are spending the week with friende in Michi. gate — • ' 1104,1,5014BOBBIOINBAYBIBBILBPI,,, 3111.. RAYFIELD and family, comesissioP merchant. Montreal, are the guests of Mr, Jas, Fair. Mess M, MORTER, who has been visiting friends in town, has returned to her home in Mitchell. Mo. 1, FOXTON, who has been visiting here for some time, has returned to Ktngs- ton to attend the college there.. Mos. C. CARLINE left on Tuesday on a trip to the old country, going by way of the l)orainion Line of steamships. Mies DAVIS, of Goderich, who spent several *days among, her friends here, re- turned home on Wednesday eveuinn. Mee. J. LESLIE and Miss •Leslie, Who have been spe•nding sortie time with' friends at Belleville, returned ta town on aVed, nesday. •• • Muesos. W. JACKSON AND -H. T.RattOE, returned frcim New YOrk, on Monday morning; they repot t haying , had good in the) trip was more than they cared for. date but the, amount of travel involved A Bette ALBERT correspondent thus re - (era to a young Clintonian :—" Dr; Reeve, of thia place, bas a large number of calls and patients to attend. The (lector seems. to ,be a clever fellosv and well posted le his 'business." ^ litOBEWr TOIGIKES ‘si LICCAIre.„QHURCH CHIMES Rese 31r, Denby occupied the pulpit of Willis Church, en Sunday last. Mr. R. 1), Bayley filled the pelpit of the Victoria St, Church Goderich, on , Sunday lest, The monthly bueiness meet;ng of the Ws T. II, will be held at the house of Mr, Thos. Slevenson, on Tuesday after- noon at a.o'cloele The Kincardine Reporter thus refers to a well-known Clinionian :—Iti this con - notion we congratutate Rev, Mr. New- ton, pastor. Sinceins arrival here he hes been indefatigable in his labors, and has now a congregation united in their efforts and earnest in their labors. He is a good preacber and a • grand pastor. The Bap- • tist congregation is on the high road to greater .prosperity. • On Sunday eveuing, Rev. Mr. Legear, taking the ehArieeter of Daniel as the basis ofhis remarks,drew acomparison be - tweet the pun* men of the day, and the life of Denier; not at all to the credit of the fernier. Notwithstanding thet he as- sumedahe.Reforrnere were just as corrupt - US the Conservatives, (an assuinption we certainly do not agree with.), and that he showed no more partiality ee his remarks to 011Q side than the other, some have als. sullied his remarks were a elite at the Coeservittiveae Mr. .legear was born and raised a Conservative Ans relatives still - being such, and if hejhas sufficient, hon- esty, as he evidently has, to point out the errors of his friends, no fault .should be - found with nina for so doing: , EDUCATION NOTES. Aids Helyar returns to her school at Essex Centre, this .week. Arrangements are being zmide for holding An educational conventiOn in Moatreal, next a • • . u y MAR. W. SP4aZtivb has "Seen at the Jas. Dempeey, son of Mr Johneye bedside .of her only brother in London ,of Usborne, takes tile pc,sition.of teacher Of ' 0 no ?pea whatever of his recovery are en.' . Mr. Nell Gilmour, Stanley, has gone to ' •tertained, aced his death looked for at Any Stephen to teach for John 1VIeGreger who• thee. • : • is too inclisposed• to coptiedelia work: Me. G. H. Weticure. of Berlin, is atop- , The German Ooirernment has effered pingwithhis friends in this section. He bonus 0E1;1,000 to any teacher whci Will open has Rot been able to do any .work since a school at the Oamercons, fer,tho iniitruction last May, and is 'trying to recuperate ; he of the natives. bas, apparently, no special ailmen,t, but Miss Orgies, and Miss &regory leiton Mon.. his system appears to be run down. day, for. the Norinal Scheel, Torentce 'Time Me. H. • S. OnoPEE and wife, • returned • have taught in -',Exeter Pablie school'during from their wedding tour, Tuesday even. the .Peet Year- • ' . is ing, and have cosily settled down to tlid No one was' hick d" t the: et stere realities of Ides --,LA pleasant. roe'', second-nlase exatninetion teleeetn.e: The e. :eion Was tendered theta -on antiakiecebtaitied'on that piper wereemintede - ilea eight. , • • • 4 he -for several days, his illness1313ing such, tha; sohciol in Nielson. . ' Beaare.WAlt.—' " Yes, he can't deny it th for. evereehe Saw it. Bob will g s neelebrokee if he don't look out, b 'fore ,he gets to Chicago with.his TOntine That te.a eogvereation correspen den t overheard, and he learned that it referred to Mr. R. WittOM, W o a. a ra er ug y runaway last week,frem Mr. D. S. Mc- Dougall'e, where he had- been •for a jack:- len° he as s u e ga e took fright, upset the buggy and broke it while turning the corner at Porter's Hill, and threw the jack some distance' down the road. , • e and the bend•Serenaded- them on Wednest :fie a bOlins., • • ' . • . • Mr. Jahn' Latt"ii, who taught -in seation e • W Its• IC" n main Ine,-aa.a presen • running on ' this! - a 140 HELY, at the Stertnee, during the past four yearl; has:been . inceesifel in seenrilig it third elms non pro . , _ breech of tha,G, T. R., in order that Cone fessiehal ocrtingate: ' dubtOr Stutbrook: may enjoy a NAV . • Thos. Porter is the t gmtleman' Ir. R.loPitell• 'about ,, the you ngestonan, who has been • speared for e pogition. ef as: BMWS .—Mr. _Dyke is building: a new house on his farn3. near aieter4 mre C. Carter is buildieg a fine. residence on her farm opposite Thos. Jenkins; Sitars field & Cooper have the contract of beat jobs, Mr. C. Tebbett, of the 4th beenscomplainieg for about e year, find et present he no better; nearly bait' the time he is confined to hie bed.; A sheep that had been pretty badly worried b dogs was found on the 18th 'con., lase week; its throat was so badly torn that it soon died; diligent ire:miry failedto find soutewhoeitebelonged-tose--The-yo got badly left. about church tirne, 'o Sun- day last, at a house on the Gni concesSion: Miss Connell. of the 9th concession who has been sick with inflammation Of the bowels, is better. , : . BLYTHE . Bezegsee-Re,v. J. B. Taylor, of Morrie, preached in the Presbyterian chtneoh 1 Sunday; bid sermon -was well thought out; Rev. Mr. McLean. was at Grimsby..., The band .purphse giving a concert short' y. Work is progressing rapidly on the foun- dation of the new bridge, to be erected. a short distance from auestation ; a large number.of min are engaged. The wife of Mr. McNally, we are glad to say, is im- ptoying in health. Mr. Hector Buie was home on a visit. Division Court met on Mender; several cases of considerable local interest were tried and dispsoed of. Hon. A. M. Roes .held a private political meeting with his supporters last. week. The Choral Society is making good pro - gross, and intend giving a concert ni 11 short time, Next Monday morning the urchins wend their way up to the big brick buildin on the hill. All interest lesbeen os in It o wrote HENHILLEIt. . BRIEFS.—Out new bridge is nearly corn- pleted ; the contractor expects to ffnish early next week; as soon ste he finishes here he „es to Zetland, where he has the cone tract of another AO oden bridge. We an. derstena Mr. SfrEfratutner has made up his mind to move the gird mill a few rode i farther from the river, and intends starl- ing at it vete soon. The farmers are busy preparing their ground for fall wheat, while t waiting for their grain to get dry enough s to 'drew • all the grain is eut in this neigh. t berhoodexcept a few pies of late oats. p Our merchant says" he on boot any and L every mon in ..the neighborhood. Our irrintirstr- iv y ; • • • on the road, whe enjoys' the distinbMe 2istatit Q,odel school teacher at Grodetht, for . conductor" the -next three months. „ " • , • s eon • . The -Clinton Public School will Wpen casual. COMBVertiFttIOttg. Tueiday, the t a s ,Aunsge e erns al t th need t will commence Se.pt. 14. • Those interested • ''t-Eve-eyeeoted.everecastea-siticta-e-ortain govern thetas -Om accorn. person, the oelier day, " was for a Censer, ingiy We. are plaseti. to see that awslalg those. ; I've always, supported the party, vho v,•ere miccessful in obtaining, cor:ifiCates; • gito:oadinyinmanoyre.tuTrighse iledaodne,rts:anhdavvve9d4,7:na_, •_..... hut 1 frankly adritit I don't feel like doing esee_e_ ,...10:.r:t ts 64,cl; si8,1„).. ,,.i4ct.10:h ther__aol . mnticibbriern._riema18.!eoaunrro,se,f owidinror:,_,,.. dtirse, but at the same, time I ean't gOsever 'master than my owb, but the change is too great of l‘tille. GS0dPe.r.ilikchaiPrstibroeScPbooPoull,aPrasliteeadathrqugh. 'entirely to the Grit party"; it niay he better fora man of my age to makee! • e' ? , here ,o,n Wised nwe shdearye,b 10 had ahaiswlsevnaysieontna joug•frtobtses s have wondered for a' Icing lime, why holidays wi h.hia brother! it is sa a regn1r marlot .day eannot be There Was a pi-Odom:sc.:Mg Contestheld in • 'establ isheckin :Clinton saidan individual Crimesey Perk recentit_IlmAILL,Prize-jyas er p aees.. no arger ate awarded. to, T. J. Parr; Woodstock ; the see. , one, and r am Satisfied that if once fairly ond to Dr. Withrow, Toronto; and the thirci'. started here:it, would soon be tnitde•e per. fe Miss Edwards, Seaforth.. • _ • rnanent Mimeos., and then no one would 1tt addition to the 29. -previously Mentioned, wish to dispense with it. Some one Should as • having passed for thirds and secondsat start it thia fall, and I will be Willing. tc:/ the jab? *oiarninations, Wm, MoTaggart, H.. do "what can tovvarels it." • , Statibury, Wilbur Manning, D(Exeter) and A. Tuoth patised for the Chauniercial Course. willbuildyou ildth:iPteh inrtileineato that heC'P.rrt Lake tHuron" sitinici ' kr, • J. W: Mbrgan, Principal of the a peommerit railway man the other,St. .2 Helens -School, ha ti resigned his potation. He nay. ." Not a bit of it; they have no object in hee secured it position in the Harrison High &heel. Mr, Brown takes charge of the St. doing so e neither from their Wingham Helens School, for the remainder of the year, Onnnection or by the new line to London They have connections at ' Owen Soundas it is, and will possibly seek an outlet near Detroit, but nowhere else. 1 know what 1 ani talking about when I say that the C. P. R. will not pass through to Lake Huron." , "I've visited a good many lake ports," remarked a cornraeroial traveller the other day, "and it is &singular thing that every one of them seems to be decaying. There's Gederiche for. instance, Kincardine, Port Hope, Cobeurg, Ganannque, and several other places'and, in every one of these towne busieeas is flat, while in interior • torn the businesseemes to be progreesing. Itsui v. fact, -tezt I atteibutelt to are-deratee of the shipping trade, tied absence of pro- ductive territory on that side of town occupied by water." " "Tito Scott Act may not he an entire auceess here," said a traveller for a trshole- sale liquor house, " but it has certainly diminiehed the /mount of drinking. And do you know, one house has never solicited an order in -any county' wherethe aka is n force, since it Was carried in that place. The great hindrance to the successful arrying out of the Aot is that professed epperance people do riot give it the moral upport they should. inyeelf look upon he Aot AR a hembug, but were / *sup- erior of it, 1 would feel bound to do all could do sett it enforced." we have been visited by reeves, ex -reeves; councillors, lawyers, Ministers,commeroial travellers, 0011 tractors, horse buyers, butchers and others too numerous to men- tion. Mr. A. Joyes, who is now foreman for Mr. Itoissier,has moven into the house on the Snider fern). J. 0. Letouzel has moved beets into the holm° on, Cherry, dale farm. A number of the natives iti- tend to take in the citeue at Clinton ori Monday beet, . . • , • Industrial, Toronto, Sent. Ohl° 18111. Provincial, Guelph, Sept. 201h to 25111, Etay, Zurich, Sept. 20th and 2I81, West Huron, Goderioh, Sept, 21st and 22nd, . linilotto,Clinton, Sept. 2atd and .24111. South HurOn.Seafortb;Sept. 27113 atid 2811i. Contra', Hamilton, Sept, 27t1110 00 'Mt, COthorlR0,81n1th'a Sept Sahel-49th. * Weatern, London, Sept, 2715 to Oct pd,„. East Huron, Brussels, Cot. Stli and Otti..- • Listesvol, Sept. soth and 00i. 181.' East Wawanoah, Pelgrave, Oettst, tifsmatin mid trauerne,Axeter, Oasth tied tab." itiubert. Stara, Oet Oth. Morrie. /Myth, OCt. 7th and tali - • Mi. C.' GrantNrthistown, has been en. ed to eetich during the niodel term, in SankleelJTJ ,Mddel..-,,School, 'at a salary :of $130 for liOnterig. Elie% well qualified for the position, and. Will inidoubtedly give good, satisfaction, - Judging from the advertiseitiente in the, daily press, these will be it lively competition among wholeettle booksellers ih:the disposal of their editions of, the literature for certia• cates for 1887. Prices aro Advertised from . 20ots to 75 ets, per volume. • At the ris.opaning of the Toronto Normal Sahool, Principal Kirkland addressed tho students on "Examination." Hon,. G, W. Ross, who hag just returned from a transat. 'antics vieit. occupie'l the chair,and in it tempt address, remarked that ho hoped tke sisuferfts,„ ifoulddo some hard work durinr tfie terikr. Whether the amount' of hard work done is not too extensive for thorough.work, is a , question of doubt with very many. Mi. R. W. Murray, recently Principal itt' the Picton High School, ansi who with his vvife.ancl froisity have been spending the mid. at:tamer, months among relatives in Op coun- ty, left on Thursday for Brookville, where he- haa been engaged as priacipal teacher...et...a salary of 000. Tlie position isalike' an honorable and respeneible One as Mr. Murray will have the superintendence of some 15. other teachers and an attendance in all of about 1,000 ac'holare, but having recently gained grad* A. in a Ettst Class, he. is well qualified for the tapir, And will doubtlese thr honor to Huron county, k which hefirst taught. •—•••••—*•6•11•116 • ao, • MAnital NOTES.—Very littlela yet be- ing done in the MoVeMent of grain, and quotations are telly nominal, the price for new Wheat ire/ening from /0 to 75 cts. per bushel. in the grain line there is nothing thee Moving hut wheat. Eggs appear to be plenty at quofatioes. Plums Ilene dropped in priee, being now offered at 750 or blue, and $1 for groom, With the p708 - petits of being lower. New potatoes And it fairly ready earelit,40d a bushel,