The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-20, Page 8F CLENTON NEW EVA fl FRIDAY, AUG. 20, 1886. LOCAL NOTICES.. *Smart AetiveBoy Wanted at once. Bewley * Eo. HIGHEST MARKET1'BlCE, IN CASA for any quantity •ot Wuol, at the CLINTON WOOLL1N If' *s. a )s the OLIPR7'n of Ho v!'OiY best place to the Comity of Huron to trade yqur W001 of, A lull stock of all Miele ot cloth on hand at low- est rates. Don't pose us. • great Itedactlon in Fuenftare.—it you are inrieed of anything in the furniture line, before buying call at the Bed Booker store. . is.. sBEi - NETT, the Cabinet Maker and Undertaker chgap. The best is the chespeet. ,,filbert 6t., Clinton TWO EXalTRSIONE.---aotoNiagarapallsand Criinaby Camp on the 21st, by one of the 4 day excur- sions, come back same night or lay over 8uuday; cordo and go by London or Stratford, as you please. This isareat chance. 3 allnage and Ol►Wain McCabe will apes at CrimtbY comp, Train leaves Clinton at '1.26 and 8.03, a.m. Tickets Only $a. •'rilE W$YTE- B*IO6.: These. justly cola. brated.Singers bevebeen secured at tremendous cost,. to (live one of their far -tamed concerts, in Cltgqton, im- mediately at the close of their Grimsby Camp"engag0a meat on or about Wednesday, Sept. lat. I you mis. hearing them you will miss the treat of the Sealant - Look out for further particulars ue't�Peelc. Zoo TikePtc0.. DISLOCATED,—A small boy namedWil- lianas, who lives with Mr. McBrien, near the base line, was letting over a fence on. Monday,when be ell, dislocating his arm in two places, and also fracturing the same. He is under medical treatment,. and will .soon be all right again,. ACCIDENT.—On Tuesday eyenrng, tvilr;le Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop _happened to be'. out of the house, a neighbor's child came in, and while playing with the. children,. accidentally overturned a bureau on which stood a liehted lamp.. Although the lamp was broken, the: ori did not take fire, but one of the children picked up the lamp and threw it outof a window. The clock and several other articles were badly broken. THE Minn Hues. --Local .arrange- ments have not been quite completed as to the ooncert•to be held here on the lst or 2nd of Sept., particulars, therefore. • are scarce. It is sufficient, however, to say_ that__those__remarkable singers, the Whyte Bros., wbo have fordo long led the singing at Grimsby Camp and most of the other promioentmeetinga in Canada, will take the greater partet' the programme and some of the best local talent will assist. THE OPEN -Ain CoNoEa'r.—Owing to the heavy rain'of Fridaynight the.Do- berty Band did not come out, but it took. its place an tbe following evening, and rendered the programme announced to the delight of all. This evening the fol- lowing programme will be rendered ,—' btareb • ' Hasson Memorial Hr11' Pettee Wilts "True Love' .'.... H Round Overtute: "Polyphonic" Puttee Waltz "Loving and Hoping' 'Ii Round Overture "Das Bleu"+. Pettbe. Waits "Dream Faces". , .,I Roabd Serenade "Nellie's Dream" T`B, Beyer •• FELL OFF TbE.TRAII+Y.-One day- last week several Germane from- Hay tpok the train 'here for Berlin; in 'order • to attend the Saengerfest. After the train, had left Sebringviile, ' oue of them : was' passing from one coach to another. when his hat. blew off,"a id without stopping to think ivila't-1 erwas--dobag e-'owner-welked-od- the car steps Co recover it. The train .was. running at thirty rifles' a;n hour; and ran' over a mile before *could be stopped;',iC was_ba _ the-nccu.pan-t .to find the: old man a corpse, but be Wits met., running alnna'. to catch - the train. • His face was: badly cut up by striking the gravel' at the side of the, track, and he sustained. a dislocation of the shoulder, which was reduced when he gotto Streit - ford • • Artistica A CoUNGILr ox.. On Tuesday Mayor Williams was colied upon- to settle: a charge . of blasphemous and abusive language,' the puttee to the cast being residents of Exeter. It seems that Mr.. Johns, postmaster there, is alito a member of the village counnil, and asidewalk that was laid down by the council'rgave offence. -in some way to a DIr. Bensons, who'ex-• pressed his opinion of Mr. Johns in lan-, guage said o.be much more forcible than• polite: ayor'-%Villiarna did not' wish toI Court on the:27th inst..•A farewell supper: have a• thing to do with it,'bua finally aa+'i'ntended'to.be given to$:Mlessrs. W.D.• cense - ted -to do so. . Tbe'defendant plead Fair and F. Irving, at Anderson's restau gui y to the charge,. and'a fne of $5 and 'rant,'. on Monday evening, but tlireugh c.: ts, or $11 in all, Was.imposed. If•the.'some misunderstanding. 'the former way . ouncillors of Clinton were to treat all not present; a. pleasant ,time was; spent,: who abuse them, in'a similar, way; nearly however,' by those pre ent, '1\]:r, Gco. A: ever'p one in town, •ex.cept the •editors; Sharman being in the chair. Dr. Wortli-; would at one time dr another' have been Weed has recently received a very neat called.upon to pay a fine: operating chair," During the month of Je ul liearl five thousand tickets were %3�INDLED. A certain well -known --i udri£ Clintoifstation forvarlotts pOlnts, when it is known that two thousand -is s- late Monthly average, the amount ':of extra travel in that month cad be realized. A horse tied in front- of a store got its leg overthe, drawbar of a buggy, the other day, and caused considerable excitement without doing •any damage.' The .ship- ment_of plums to '.Toronto.hass already commenced ; the crop here is said to be a gogd one, but soricesrun at $2 a• bushel all the sane.;• Master • Jahn'. Rnmball . bas started' to leant the jewellery business` with. Mr. Rob W.' Coats. A Goderich. township correspondent states'that.a real! Flout of Clinton; while' driving'along the cut line the other: day, actually: whipped his' horse with the butt, end •of hip, whip, for nearly a mile; the'. man. who'would o Ansel a thing shelled •be punished, for cruelty to animals. .A butter buyer took four hundred tubs of butter out bf Clinton on Wednesday. Mr., Isaac Carling, of 'Exeter, is a man ' :,o was closely identi- fled with the early history of this county, political and otherwise we were informed yesterday that be is suffering from a severe paralytic stroke, from the effort of which be is not likely to recover;. his friends in this part of the -county will be sorry to hear -it. A. young man named Nelson, ivas yesterday committed to jail' •by st Magistrate of Hay, because be could not find sureties to keep the peace; it emits that he wits"w-Strang ,d wee working. for a man named P, O'Brien, •wi r he had a trifling quarrel ' the young Ulan slid not seem to be evil -disposed, and his committment to jail appeared to be an ex- trema penalty for the offence. Mr. John Smith is'buifding sin a'dd]tiontolitel Bites, on Rattenbury street, Complaint hoe been made to us that the town hall was miserably lighted on Tuesday evening; Willthe caretaker make a note of this;and see where the fault lips, One of our en- terprising youn business amen, in the person of ge Mrto. ?. SuCsy oopOhidley erwas united arriaMiss .(fdurth daughter'of Mr, Jos. Chidley, Clinton,) on uesday, they have our best wishew for their future happiness. Another young business man will do likewise tlext'week, NEw WHEAL,.During the past "weeks large quantity of"new wheat has been dc. livered at Fair's Mill ; on the whole it hes hemi of pretty good quality, some of it going as high as 621bs. to the bushel. Of course it will not average that, but, if what has been brought in is a fair sample of the general crop,,then farmers willbave no reason whatever to feel disappointed,. The price varies from 71 to 73e. per bush- el according to quality. Acorna:N't.--A very large crowd gather- ed at Stratford, on Monday, on the deco• cion of the A.o.b`.. demonstration, not -s withstanding the constant downpour of rain. During the day a bad accident happened. Several parties were in a cab, smog UMW being` Conductor. McKnight,' of the Grand Trunk, and are porter of the. Stratford Beacon, and by some•ineans the Hinges became .frightened, and tan away, overturning the cab and throwing all out. The reporter had his lig broken,. and Mr, McKnight got his face cut and bruised. ESPTANATION.--A. contributed article, over the signature of "A Citizen," appear- ed'in out columns last week, which, from the- way it wits ,Worded* we . much • regret was permitted lobe inserted. The in-- preleioil, ie given•irt itIthat diiferet o1* employees of a certain machine shop in town have ,taken delight in scoffing and hooting at passers-by. We oannotthink it was the intention of the wrfter'to asae! t - this, and for our part, we would say that, neither ourselves; nor any others in town, would believe them goilty.ofsuch conduot, as no mere'respeotable body of men can be found in the place. Such a charge scarcely requires a denial, as we do nut think it would be believed by any one, in the first place. On investigating the nom- plaint om plaint more• fully, we find the whole mat- ter ter arises from a pritlate.grievince held by "A Citizen," againetone of the employees of the machine sho•p.referred to, and our columns were u d unknowingly to us, to give vent to• his sleen against him, •':Had we supposed that the -article referred to anything elect ,than:a grievance of interest to the- public; it would not have been in- rgeited, as it is not. our, intention to•i ave oar ool.umne used to, ventilate the ill -will. which parties may hold against each other, over matters of s private nature, • BnIEFs.-- r. W; Cooper has some in; tention' of bur ing a couple of houses; on his. property near the station. To -day is pay day on this section'of the a T. It Mr. T Jackson and wife, sail for home on the 27th inst. Mr. Durant, who has been employed at the Organ Factory for some. time, but whose family have been residing at Seaford); has rented a house- here, and expects to make Clinton bis permanent reaidenoe Mr. D Cantelon."has• already commenced• the shipment of apples. Mr, McLennan is making. • improvements to his property on Victoria St: Mr. jos. Copp has been.brightening'up the external appearanre ot the 'Queens Hotel; About et' dozen; tickets were sold- here for. the Stratford demoustration, on Monday.: Mr. W. S. Harlandhas •rioved into his new The reat Discount Sale • 1 i�kSon's Eo�kstore • C j.INT 9+ Q 11%'x4 Will be continued until, the. 31st of August. On POCKET 1300ICS we will give a discount.of • • JEWELLERY . 4< . r, SILVERWARE• - • 4` MISCELLANEOUS' BOOKS BIBLES 44 PHOTO ALBUMS . AUTOGRAPH; *ALBUMS TESTAMENTS .r CUPS and SAUCERS • . 4C SPECTACLES • • • ' 4f PIP -E2 • -41, -VASES and CHINA GOODS `` • VIOLINS a 'd FIXINGS 4.' CONCERT _ el S •and ACCORDEONS "WALL PAP R • t4 . -20 ' NGERINC7°YARN'; ,4c2Q RUN •W OLS, Ex . D.A.- B,00ks, Journals, -Led erg &c 10 �TT RG.ANS we Will ive'a discount of 25 • ::�Z� tJ s•H,Q r .� BABY CARRIAGES " " 4, « 15 ' Ladies HAND`SATCHELS » 4` • o • bs Writin v� s and Workboxes Combs, � VELVET FRAMES an( DOLLS `4 BASKETS 25 per cent rt' 10 25 25, 25 + 25 .25' 20 • '25 • 25 20 4 f 1 30 ''4( • 20 25 15 c4 i;• 5C all other goods atproportion sly lotv'prices. This is the greatest opportunity ever offers „ to secure goods below wholesale :prices._ Ourentire stock, must beamountin to nearly X20,000, reduced to $1.5,000 within, the Beit 0' days, as we commence • STOCK TAKING on the 1st of Augus a balance our books on the 15th get our prices, whetheryou Val- or see oar stock, and Y or not. No trouble'to show you the Great Bargains we are offering. Terms cash, or 3 months credit to responsible parties. rC > 31 I DIC,'' Q.N, It1C. ,•�Glintotl,.. Augat',, 1886. . sirods of 'letting his• friends in ;the old countryknow what kind of fruit eon. be. raised ;here -,-bas ordered a couple of barrels of first=clitss apples for shipment thereto; eachapple Will 1 -Wrapped in tissue paper, in the 'same way in• which oranges. are wrapped ' when they arrive here. Sofnetlii_ ng not often seen in public, was a woman sitting in the Grand Tr.unk Wait in inr-e esday,'calmly. smoking a clay pipe A.quantity o new machth ry has been'put in the Woollen Mill here. Mr. Thos' Johnson will have a very nice house.onn Victoria St,, when the building„ fitted up by him "is comipleted, as.it soon.will be, and, we understand, he intends to occupy', it himself, There are not many Gasses -to come -u before the. Division stock -raiser of the County -of Duron, re- eently went to the old- country for the. purp+•se of importing stock ; he came back without any, and report•says...that his reason for. so doing. was • because of his be, ing swindled out of between fifteen:hun-:: dred and two thousand dollars. - Itis the old story, of putting confidence- in'strang- ers. It seems that while in the old coon - try, be fell in with a couple of young men and thoughtlessly confided hisbusiness to them, so.it is said. Of course they were Canadians too, and Were also over for the burchase of horses, (so they said,) They ecame quite intimate with the Buronite, who foolishly became equally intimate with them Wanting to.makea purchase one day,.tbey found they bad no money; they had plenty of, ckecks•and;drafts, for an unlimited amount,but no hard cash, Would the lduronite lend them some, tak- • ing as security the drafts, until they could get them cashed. Of course he would. He never doubted but that they were as honest as himself, and without hesitation fie loaned them all the money he had, finding when' it was too late, that they were swindlers of the meanest kind, and his money gone beyeed' the possibility of recovery. o FO FMOBE01111110111111111111g • ' WE INTEND TO GIVE THE PUBLIC ST. MR.Ti WC 13A1ZC -AXiVS We do not want to carry over SUMMER GOODS if low prices will be the means of selling them. ' We. show ,soma, lines in DRESS.GOODS AND PRINTS That for value and low prices have neveebefore been reached. Come and see them. Compare our prices and we can give you. positive proof that we are selling. cheaper. than any house in the trade. Cittin, Gingham, Mn:Mii,Irii: igoh apt Pitt; Are among the many. slaughteredgoods with us just now. • • COME • AND GET CHEAP GOODS: • COME AND GET GOOD GOODS. FIND OU WILL Y T � THE11T AT . • EMPORIUM O1' CLINTON THE DRY GOOD voile as,lready. been :Felt and there are Hotter Days Ahead, are you' ready,for.,dhcn1 `!. HAVE .JUST 1.17 AT YoU: WANT IN CLOT •: THEY HAVE A' 'FEW OF TU. OSE I Left that they are selling`at a Big Heducton; CALL AND SECURE ONE ele THEIR .NOBB.Y x�IlI3'S Before they are all gone.. We have passedinto stock for early fall irade Two Cases of. the latest styles in English and American •; Comprising the latest goods to be found in the markets.. We are the largest dealers in the county, and we shovvan assoirt- went that cannot be excelled outside the dities, All summer goods are being offered at less than half the regular price. 0. 0. RANGE & . 00.; TEE UUB iLOTHI] ,S, OLINTO1V, Three Doors West of Dickson's'Book Store JACKO BROS.,