The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-20, Page 7r
FrODA.Y, AUG. 20, 1886.
j'e%st: of 111win s,,a "teen.
R>t )OR,RI$LE, s'rOnv or 'fi B eQLORAAO
],DENVER, (Joh,Aug G. ---The trial. of
Alfred Packer tor murder and cannibal-
ism, which was ,concluded at Gunnison
yesterday,, andwhich resulted in Pack-
era being sentenced to forty years in
the penitentiary, was one of the meet
remarkable eeees,lknown. The la 'day
Packer himself was planed p i th+ati„$ d
end testified in his own defence. He
loQoked pale, his cheeks- ' Were•hollow and
114 eyee sunken. He stood up during
the entire statement, which occupied
two and a half hours. At time he be=
came excited, and emphasized his words
with gestures and, not.unfrequently whir
•; Tathsuntil refrained by his attorney. Asp
old by the defendant, no story could be
more excitedly interesting and leryitle
than the bare recital of how hd his
five companions wandered ' aimlessly
about the wountaine without food, rev-
ing wad with hunger, eating their moc-
cassms,, willow buds, rose buds eed
ally devouring each other, Thin; after
the death of the remainder of the party,
the cold, unfeeling accognt of how he
took flesh from .the legs 011ie compan-
ions, boiled it in tin cups and ate it,has
never been equalled in the• history --of-
. jurisprudence in Atnerica; He admitted
that once or twice his stomach refused
TO EEITAIN.- sem A FEA;ee;
Finally- his will conquerg t1 pn teal
weakness, and he prepared the toad and
ate it without: trouble. .d11 these gin,
cumstances were listenbd to with. the
closest ..attentton by the • essemb]ed
crowi.• ; It wad only when the cross Me.
amination uncovered the weak points in
the narrative, and the witness. testified
to the impossible circumstances whic
he recounted, that the -trtitli. of the
novel recital was questi,ned, Then it
was;dtgiat he story , of stervatiotnc' wad
doubted: He testified lei TfolloWS*
" My name ie Alfred Packer. I have
been in the mountains many years. , I
was in Utah in 1§72,• and'I worked in.
the mines there until I became :leaded,
(This is a formof lead . celio .pecgliur te'.
the men employed in the.viainity+ ilfl the;;
etee smelters, in UtaIi, and N'et aria,) . Then
X Carrie to `p5'alt''Lake and there Z,;w orli;ed
awhile in ' the smelter. I was still of
flirted, and in the fall of 1875, I joined
a party. at Bingham Canon for ttie,pos
pectin; trip to the San Juan country,in
Colorado Territory. I travelled , with.
McGrew,to whom I gave $30 for my
passage, and 1 was; to work, for •ties'bal.
lance: of my fare. . I had $23 -left. • •We
reached Dry Creek, ,near -Chief ,Onrey's
camp, in January, 1874. Here the
patty separated. Israel Saran, :George'
Noon, Frank Miller, JamesHunaph-
reys, Shannon Wilson Bell and myself
started from Ouray's camp . for San
Juan: It Was cold, the snow was deep
and travel difficult. We -gave up our
boots 'and tied blaiike.s.around our feet,
We• had to do it to keep. them • from
freezing. - Old • nian Swan, gas'o out
first. He was old and in thin flesh. •
on'.tho ninth'day. We'• had, only eaten
one meal a• day, during the last few day"
because it was •stormiii and blowing, so
that We could not see,•e few feet'betore.
us. We were keeping 'up 'towards the .
summit of the hills, aitiiing for. Los
Pinos.,Agency: Bell'.first: gay.e'up.hie
in.oceasins, and; we made our meal; of
them, boiling diem. .,I;.I ext'gave up'
mine, and then the others. :Bell. had a
hatchet; Noon' had a gun, .but I carried
the gun_ about half the 'time.' I' think
we mus have been `nut in the moun
tains seeral week's -,after running out vf;
food. The men were getting desperate,:
' and" Bell seemed to be •getting •crazy:
His eyes protruded from 'leis. head.
While the others complained and talked
he remained silent. • The men -cried. for
salt.. They did.not ask forfoocl; itt' was
onry salt, salt. 'We. had been' -eating:
willow and rose,'buds fareSes erd des,
having found sone in the valley near
the lake, where, '"Lake :City nosy stands.
We hail run out of'matehes,'and cairried
'fire With us •in a ,coffee. pot.' One 'day
we, saw a game trail up the nionntaine,
and it was agreed that I • should go:'on
the • trail, as I:; was the:• strongest: I.
took the •Winchester rifle and searched.
In thelniorning' 11eft,'the met, crazy
with hunger: 'In the evening 'when 1
returned•I had found'•a .bunch of rose.
bushes, .and had a good - dinner from•
them, but no game. I felt" stronger.
As I approached the. fire,; T saw 'Bell
bending over the .Piro, cooping ,some.
meat.. I spoke to him, land immediate:.
ly he rose and
• STARTED FOR sie 1v1IIi AltATC11,171'.'
r ran bask dawn the hie, but I fell,
and while dow i"--T-thot..itiriie hrough the
side as he approached roe, HI fell and
the hatchet dropped by lite, : T snatelied
it tip and threw it at Mina. anti strtic
him in the head. ' I went up to. t e
camp again • and found that the rest of
them were dead and.t'hat the` meet : ell
* was cooking wits flesh iron/ I•Iuwphrty's
leg. I stayed in camp the rest of that
night. I then, made my camp off e
short distance, and stayed there f r pos-
sibly fifteen dayik. During this' time I
was crazy with hunger, and cut the
flesh from Bell's Iag,, and boiled it in a
fin cup and ate it, It nettle me very
sick. .My stomach was' empty and weak
and I vomited-vcrteviolently that [light,
After thins I ft'e'1uently tate' the meat,
and several • times 1 tried. to get out of
the country. I would climb tiir to the
moteitains but tilling to ser; any hope 11
wouId retial .again• to• camp, arul nrtrtin,
cut the flesh from 'lits limbs of tli(dend
men and eat it. 1 was about forty
miles front Los Pinus Agency, .and I did.
net know the exact direction. Tbja, :watt
along in April."
The,' witness then narrated ;at great.
lerlgtb; how lie w4n4erncl from dad •to,
day ever the mountains, having a sup-
ply of human flesh along, and finally, zn.
the last days of April, he found his way
to Saguache. He continued :---r" Here
Major Downed gave me my first food,
whi.ieli wee brandy and a light diet..
soon,•laegaipei ' icy' appetite, and took up
tiay;3adgtug. t+i,'e1T Larry Dolan, a saloon'
keeper. Gen. Adams had gone out to
Denver, andwas expected back every
day. Finally he carne, anti I met him
soon after and told, him I wanted to get
bank to the Los Piuos country,_ to. Gen..
Adams' headquertsts, and join my 'com
rude, the parties that I left behind. He.
agreed to tyke me, I had bought a
horse and saddle from Otto Meta for
$75. Returning to the agency toy etory
was told, but not es I new tell it,•for I
wee µshamed for the world to know how
I had lived,. Gena ,tdatns got me into
his office and induced me to make the•
confession of which Iii, told.yOu ..i1 did
not think it was pii't iii "writing. To
prove my story a party started with me
to. find -the retnuins,;.but I got lost and.
:could " not find nt,F. wNy.,r It was s0
stormy when we want over the ground
•'m. -the whiter ,that ecnelrl..�not see the
landmarks. The party thought ,I was.
playing there false, Sind they began to
ager, qed ei re, of entrdering the men , ti �
i ti icteatn,#>, and I teas nrke,4ted
itiid ken tjo• Saguaehe `"e ' "
The prisoner related howhe was .treat
ed by the, offger, how he was provided
with .a key.. to hie shackles and a sack of
ri nwhile g t,kz..a d hate the sheriff was gond.
from Lome, -he released'. hicesel ' diad
maile.hia i ay to Canon City, and from
Thereto Pueblo, where be stayed that
summer and rpised a dine and sold it.
Mien ',he went to the mountains of Wy-
o1 i g and • Meeeina,; are elliug nteler,.
t11e -;tme Qf' + a4tn Swat tis tt art
Ing ir'those,phrts of°the harrative which
be omitted, Packer siiid :----'X ant
• Yes, -•I did''tob the • dead when 1 out
the flesh from the bodies,' preparing to
stint :out over.' the it`.anee.;in sotircii of
tbe%t tool: $5 froth Swttd's
1>iocl*e,t; atiifty-dollar Hill front' Bell, and
air O'ftom•Mitler. Here is where I slid.
wrong, I ,robbed the dead, hal knew
the money wvoulii'ido' niy. dead ,cotnrades
no good, and I, bfiing yet alive, thought
'the money ,might•'helpto save my 'life.
1. ate willing to take the blame, for rob -
bins. the dead, for it was wrong.'',.
On the cress examination the prisoner
`vas confused by the cunning questions
-put to him, and' became enraged and
branched off in a fearful tirade of•:tbuse•
against..newsp:iper men, the.prosaeuting,
counsel, and finally tindi a up .on the
judge and l'e y who hero d .the first trial,
when he was convicted and 'sentenced
to lie':hen;ed: ' H ci rsed:Judge Gerry
in the most wiolt t1 terms Cknown to the
English'. 1nng.wige. . His counse], ''the.
judge, i.ndthe sheriff, all had to inter -
'fere to'hush 'hint, and they did'. it With
difficulty. ' Fle•'became fierce, and rising
to his feet, 1;:r; looked the demon that he
has 'beim pictured, arid' his eo>ticlnet;
caused e'cltial to.pass.over the -audience,
which remained breatbleasly silent. Wit.
was a' relief 'whet'. Sheriff :Shores. •tbek
holdof hint, and :compelled himto iliiiet'
dovq. .. •
For fire hours Packer.,oecnprecl'the
stand,. and „proved the : most. i•eetarkable
.w.itneas•that; wits ever placed upon the
stand in this country, • if old attorneys•
maybe'belie%ed. He would alAdel by
no rale, and Usually be Teltapt the attor
ney on the.dofensive•or tired gnestions.
at' him in arc: excited 'ni;.tianer, and fre
quontly to the amusement of those•pre-.
sent: He provett'itcorrigible, inconsis-
tent, irrepressible' and violent, andhe
was finally exoused,-:•l,rale wrist tr'efebling,
yet defiant.
RvAlvoan, Jiine atb, 1085,`
Eor several years I was greatly troubled
with asthma, sometimes baying to alt npsoveu,
r eaehtnight, hi anUCessinn, sleep
tad aannat tumble to h:eathe, A friend rennin.
nendedl>r. Jug's Medicine and Pills, The
irst' bottle gave -prat :relief, and after uamg
As bottles wasnured, and can new• sleep and
work as well as ever. •
1'ATninK Fid,:oaAN, Lamer, Downie.
A Slruggish : Liver.
Causes the.Stornacli •andvBowels toment • of disordered, and, the, whole system
to 'suffer, from debility.,. -In -7;11
cases Ayer's Pills give'prompt relief,
After Minh suffering from Liver and
Stomach troubles, I'>ave finally been
r'ured l,y taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
• I always flair'[ them prompt and thorough
all their artiun, and their eccasiona'l use
keeps 'me in a perfectly healthy' condi
• tion. —Ralph i�, eeman, Annapolis, Md.
Twenty-five years ago I suffered froth
a torpid liver, which was-restiored to
healthy action .l>y. taking Aycr's Pills.
Since that time I have never.hcen with.
them. They regulate the, bowel's,..
assist digestion, and'`lncr�ease the appe-
ilte, ore surely than any other meds•,.
au .tPaul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. '
Iknow of no retneLly equal to Ayer's
Pilis for-Stotnaeh. and •Liver disorders,
I suffered froth a Torpid Liver, and Dye
wapssiyellow, r eighteen
tongue Coated. ig
had no appetite, . suffered. from Head-.
ache, Was pale am. emaciated.' A few
boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in tnodetate
doses, restored the to perfect health,
"Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio. . •
Ayer's Pills are, a superior, family
v medicine; They. strengthen and •lnvig
• orate the digestive orryans, ereato . an
appetite, and remove flit horrible ale.
pression and despondency resulting
from, Liver Complaint, I have 'used
these fills, family, for years, and
they never fail to give entire satisfar•
tion.—.Otto Montgotnery,'(lshkoslt,'Wis.
Prepared by ri.t.; 4. C. Ayer k r'o., Lowell, Stave.
Sold 1,11 all Pruggista and 7'ealors is :.fcdlaitie,
C)"•Gr �J
Received'this eel
25► Pieces of TWEED ,Sutra s.
5 Pieces .Fine Worsted, poat pge,
15 Pieces . Fine STIIiIPEO; TRQWSEtINGS,
The Patterns, and Colors of these goods, are
ver, .a
, S ttractyefintl the quality .is gootl
, 4•
The . undersigned has just open•
ed a New Drug Stole•in
Jn,ckeon's New :TIi iron 'Streiet
Two doors West of the City Book Store, where will be found a complete assort
inentof Fine DRUGS and CHEMICALS,. also PATENT MEDICINES and
DRUGGISTS. SUNDRIES,, All . that the public' May ask; far in theee ;lines.
P; S. Office changed from residence. to Drug Stole.
NC�t-TON, Clxntor..
� .•
9F51N'TR.T4 ]RUG- STOR►Mi.:
CIA1tRIAf,1E SPO NGES Fine line of HAND 'M>lxxons, cheap.
•: PU:it•.F INSEOT P0W73EF BtItxltAicitl PERFITiI81
Canimeite .BOQUET.'SOAP.
• PURE PARIS GREEN . ..' ."'EElikts ,BLOo3i OF NI.Nori:
\%re pa, -special attention:to TRUSSES., and have the largest.stook in the county,,
13est•5''centACI0.AR. in tone: ., ' •
J.A► I j - S ;• H. 'CQ1V.L12{E+
Iti thanl iug his numerous oustoinere.fjrtheir liberal :patronage'ia'the past, begs to annulus
'that, he has just received a splendid assortment of ` .
' l\1 -4M T SPIRa G-Q0DS,'
CUJreRXSt\C}' T115. 1,AtT>±ST NOVEL - S t'\
I have now cin hand one of the Lar?eat, Beat and most. Complete Stocks of
BOOTS and SOBS, ever displayed;tn Clinton, and will sell thew.•alz the'-,_.
Lowest possible prim. If you want good value in Boots and Shoes, call -on xi
stud ygu will .not •be eliseppaznted, 7 am etfll making than
elbra d
8wed' ►
Which are so favorably known to require no eomtnent. All binds .of custom
work promptly attended to, :reasonable prices. .•
5 P;sR; CntrT OPT 'FOR CASR. 'nos : TAKEN IN &CHANG& FO 0t00D3..
Call oit C. Froiektsha�n.h, the •foot: Ithhe r,
8 uol 'surrpass8d for aha couaty,
Prices consistent with line work.
But the rale has very few exce tions that.. .
p overylgne' who buys,
a suit,. k Pair of Pants,.a V.est=.or Overcoat i5,r any covering for
• the body at the
Are so ;well satisfied with the Fit,,Make ,•1V.1 the.Trimmings,
that when they want' another shit: the alwa bine back.
Y , nd to us
and send or: bring " their friends with them. This is' whyovei
business has increased so rapidly.
Mrs. 'A Fischer- pM. Fischer; : + is .. .
rop. Italliger:
The : only, - . .
rnanufacttlrers • of •,.
FII>vE. ' PROOF :� SAFE � �•
0 S 1ti1
Non-Condu.oting Steed Doors.
All our new styles of Fireproof Safes arefitted•with an AIR CHAI4I'BE . £o–
prevent dampness' t� papers. A Iavge assortment of SECOND HAND. SA.FE'S.
for sale at low prices and on easy terms of payment Catalogues on application.•
117 and 119 Front .Street, . East, Tnronto.
n, •
Pl .
HrTGwS. . Of,•Lf"TOS
.EMBROIDERIES, SHII.•tTxNCxS, C07.'TOl+7ADES, DUCKS iC I)1NII►iS,..; •. •, . •• , .
TWEEDS a s eoialt andfirst-class Tailp. 3,tanufactiirers' . of • S B S,
p y, a fi lassT tlor who guarantees a fit, .A full supply of hand ASII, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING SII)INC.
Interior and Exterior F1nishings.
LATH and SraXNALES kept
on Band.Mill on Wellington St >.oPnosite Woollen Mill.
ATIONS 15Il,lJP)) S1',ED.••
lar S.
.. _y
soap l�, tea. -1 a e1d.
made BOOTS and SfLQES just arrivedtor the spring trade. 'A fresh assortment of WALL
pArkp.., newest patterns.,•
of GROoE1.IES is :New. Fresh, Tryour •GO dent S'oun II son TLA boric
value ever offered to the pnblie. Het tDR"Allg, C1IOC,C11.Y and G�ASSW kBE, a full
supply. LARDING and OROV', OIL for 'machinery, :always on. hand, and: everything
usually kept in a ifrst•c1ass cdunti•y store. COAL OIL 20 cents per gallon. highest market
price paid in trade for' BUTTER,' EGGS, 'OATS, ' dc, Come one and all and inspect my
stook: No trouble to show_ geode.
N.. Ii. --I Clave also purol>ased a large quantity ofltho BLUE'I'L TACO ,I INDINO Tt"i'.ILV'E.
Best in the market; which /offer at the lowest possible rate,
VARNA, Maralr 5111, 1880.
J" O EP 11401133.01V,
9petLod dot i'n FZ Isuzu,' $1110,04.:•
Aim ••A tt•l;:vnitAl. Aseon'r tr:N'' Or Trllt Vrltt T3nst uAlprs PtTRiSTITt;TIrl M
• I"er•,A$ 0
_.- trrtrtltr Ltliiila
The'indersigned begs to notify the people
eAnd that he is
Harness, ;Cof(orsr'Wtiips{trunks,.
And everything usually kept in, a first•cl'a
attention is directed td my stock of leen
By strict attoiitlon to business,. and carefully
merit' a fair share of patronage, (sive
.Rg41J MBER THE STT '11)
1.." a