The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-20, Page 4foOt. Vivtvitottotnio.
Vor O. Searle.,
Shorthand-Wlieo M. Peke.
Boy ,wanted-Beetiley et tle.
Testimonial -:W. M. Giffin.
New,goods-n, a Better &CO.
Who'e your hatter-aselteen Bros.
(leafs, .
Porepa.uglea $bow-*AdaM Foraletnfill.
FRIDAY, AUG. 2O1886.
The chaaabfr toleessoi.
ihe ammo of the Literal citudidate at the
recent Domimon election for ObamblY has eist
the Couattrvative press wild. Xn the effort to
account ter tbe radical change in the opinions
of the electors a great Stress laid open the
fact that the matter of the exeisueion ni Reit,
the rebel leader the late rebellion, in the
Northweet, was brought up, ill the 'contest.
But it is a mistake to assume thee each w es
the hiene before the electors. The real quer
tion was the culpability of the Domluion goy.
ernmeet in bringing about the , rebellion
through their pereistent ignoring of the claims
of the Motis to have teeir riglinsernireettlere
upon unappropriated lannesin the Satiketche:
wan valley for mauy yearn inquiren into au&
the lands allowed them as homesteads. Had
-this- beat done there would haee been -b6 -ii;
hellion aud no occasion ereeteug the leader of
those who toOk part in What the French
Canadians feel is, that he was huug, not for
his partioipitton in that rebellion, seeing king
Dun:mist and all other halfbreeds Who teak
part, and were equally giliftyeetiave beet an
ready pardoned, but that ;lie was sacrificed
as a Nape goat to the strong feelings monist
bim ainong the Orangemem for bis. participe.
tion in the murder, of Scott in the mute at
Winnipeg in 1870. The Metis claim that this
had been condoned for ber,Sir Sohn A..when be
adaieecl Reit to remove repress theborder, and'
oupplied him with the means to live there in
peace for many years. Hence the use of Reins
nanie in the contest as a sort of cry to dia.
tinguish those -who -oppose the present imbecile
apd corrupt goverameet, fr,oni those wile are
no steeped in pollution as to still support
them. The Liberal party in (anoints tnie
no stook in Ake Riel matter, beyond.
making ime of the prodjudinse.of the French'
• Canaduins in such a way sato teed them to
v'oto nor better and honeeter men than those
now representing thein in Parliament. There
is nothing in • thoniciions of elne Liberals of
Quebec that those of Ontatio notel.find
with: They have to impose. the Conservitiies
s in Quebec with different weapons to tbuse
that have to be used against them in Ontario.
Tbe Conservative -papers bring forward the
utterances of the Hentingdon Gleaner on
the Reil matter, as the opinions •of the Eng.
lish Liberals of tanebee. That paper ill either .
very ignorant of -the causee of the releellicin
the Northriest, or has been recently biniglin
over by the Conservatives to support their
iniquities, and make the English settners of
the eastern townships appear ridicelousin the
eyes of seeable people.
The nnatarim Teacbers Association held 0,
Meeting in Toronto lest Week, to ooneider the
advisability of terming it "" Temsher'e • Urtiont,',„.
for the Province, about 60 teachers were pree.
is prefaced thus: --Tee rosulteof the
exandeation woo carefully revieed, by a spe-
cial ceramittee, aud in ell deabtful capes the
paper* were read a second time. Every fail.•
tire was treated as an impart and rlgid, r ales
were pot Applied. Oandulates who failed be.
a few marks in not more than two eithiesits
Mtn A good deal of dieenssion took place, Were paused, if their general etanding wee
sunlit Waa agreed to- Organize as " The On-,
-Ayspygthro-Etiowli .sootetye---Thfinoejoetain_— It le said that only 97 per tient of. the'ean-
be, to advance the ogoio a otwition, to afr doeiarZtatiawtells9wwerroete foreetrud an
Th'ird ()la"
ford all minutiae ;tuck information as may All schoOls in towns and afillegeti re•open
mow mom to apply intelligently for otne• on the 30th inst. Thome in the ebiletry were
tions,to diegonntenance advertisements inking ""rnentlin *liar IA"' '
appliaant for eituatione to state Botany wanted recoMemelide,erditilal: thtehrAetemanlei ttar8a nye he oE xwaemr e -
to discourage the issue of permits and interim illation, hive been nausea by the board of ex.
certificates, to give 1501319 0:300,0re of 55e9tra emblems They will mak. 6 frosni13101yrtthh.schnol,
emir the examination of teactbers, to, ave a l'4roormtveColinnttre:rnadA112 11;7.1
yOice in the selection of text books, and to Of nioderieh, de attended the naeeratrogglarft
purge tbe professina„04 nowort,ht,therobero. Ontario Teaebers' Association ; it was, there.
The evident tendeney of tbe tear:here was to- freltion"11Yett,12:elkgbtto thing
°hot odroa 171: epBe siittit 6
ward making their calling a close profession Preside;
• the Fame as is doge by the lawyers and tenth- Labor must be made respectable in tbe eyes
ere. A college of preceptors was atnong the ot the young. It is honorable to do anything
objects in view, but it was conceded that toh4ittetanieteedpouto be done.. Any -school that edit,.
pile to despise nioneet labor and
there were difficulties in the way, and thet necessary toile should he wiped out of exis.
many years might. elapse before legisletion "nee at once es a public. etiisance. • •
Winos Smoot, BOAno.-A meeting of the
favorable to that end could be obtained, Oue Model School board of trustees, yrafi held Tx
speaker advocated the ereetion of teacher' eig last. Tne flallowing accounte
residences in proximity ta sebools, as much nn
osvMonori'Dedt, Monday
to be paid :-W. H. Hine, ac -
10 be desired. Tide seems to be a good idea, 30 ; Nsi.orf blinds and election enemies, $15:-
• .
laornton, building fence and repairs,
espeeiel/Y in countrY districts, and by en- 836; A, Campbell, plestering, lf4.50.; Mts.
clouraging tho employment of married teachers /frown, r6pairs; dzo., $o. Seven appheationo
focthe pointien of assistant teacher diming the
would do much to render .tbe situation of a Model tom were reemeed, offering to perfoem
% els ais declrahio and Permanent. If the the duties at sentries varying from $30 a
ministers aliclubl have their parsonages free Month to $140 for the term tif thitteen. After
at the expense of their congregation,. why not "refutlY °°"iciering the applioatione, the
board, eleeided to engage Miss Maggie
ilthstelet Meeting.
The financial district meeting of the
Goderich district of the Methodist church,
was hold in the Methodist church,Halroes-
vine, On the Ifitit cononeueing at
10 30 Rev. J. R. Howell, M. A.,
District Superintendent, in the chair.
After devotional emircises and the calling
of the roll, the recreate of thet;tnissiona on
the district, for iniseionary grants, were
Considered, end recommended to thie fav-
orable consideration of the General Mil-
siopary Board. The missionary meetinge.
$o be beld during the winter, on the dire,
trict, were the peat subject for discueoiou
the circuit,Withitwo exceptions, electing
toltuake their own arrangements as to ouch
meetings. A circular was read from Dr.
Griffin, President of tbe Guelph Confer -
Wee, urging an increased support of the
educational interests of the church this
onferenee year; the meeting expressed
to. approval ot the circular'and regom-
mended additional effort on the various;
circuits, for the maintenance of the Edu-
eational Fund. The arrangements in re-
gard to Educational meetings, were left
with the ministers, to be made as each 'in
his. judgment deems best. It was men-
tioned that Rev, .Dr. Griffin, President of.
the Conference, had arranged to preach in
Ratteribury St. Church, Clinton, atout
the endlof Septeinber, on behalf of the
educational interests ofthe church, and in
poderich, Sunday Ogt. 10th., in t#e same
.cause. TO* expectation is that he With
sPend a few days on each of the occasion,
visiting the circuits adjacent to Goderich
and Olinton,,in the educational inlet:cant
also The tobrning sessio'n• then elesed
the teachers anthe expense of the school gee- foe each time as required, salary to be at the
dons. By making them feel settled' anti corn. rate of $100 for thirteee weeks. -
fortable, in a home they could. cell their a'nen, UNiveeerre ExantrtiwrION.--,. 'For the first
so tong as they stuck to their .peats ; they time in its history, the Univereity of Toronto
has this year thoroughly decentralized its
coulcl afford to take moderate sedation and if matriculation examination,sending the papers
a good half acre or so of garden Was allowed to each place where an examintitionwas to be
to each residence the spare time of the teach- held by the Education Department for the
Certification of teaohers. , The result is the
ors could be usefully ana profitably employed passing of a °less of one huncired and seventy
Whilenadclingto his or her tomiortin in the Fectilty.of Arts, a very rnue,h larger
numbertlian is recorded for any prevines
This is a step in advance' that we believe
• year. The effect in tins direction will be still
Wouln greatly cenduce'to the iotereats of eau- more marked in the future,. for the ithange
_tone ancf permanency to the life of the
and candidates had not become familial with
1 • f the- Province
't TI tl
eation, in the country at any rate, a.nd. giae this year Was made so recently that the sohoole
teachers, and help to make them feel that have folnievecnthe example set by tbe Univer-
. ie o ler universitieso
they had interests in common with: -the rest. sity of Toronto, and have rather improved' op
of the emunienity, among which they labored, , it by combining their examining hoards into
and give thenibettet thanee to winch tb ° • one and sendiem out only one set ef papers in
s„ i .. • - each subject for all thiere universities. . This
arrangeinent had the double merit of being
progress °Renee pupas. '
b, xpense of proviniug such -homes Pr economical end of giving the publicluereased
T o 6 '
teachers, efiednonbe great; a•neat Cottage of oontidence in the examination, the entrance
Queeeo Provincial elections •evill 'likely
be held in October, cvhen conteet
is expected. ' •
IN one of his British Coliimbia epeeches,Sir
John spoke of • the- C. P. as s `extending
front tong -Kong le China, to Liverpool in
England." This mint be"thennaterstretc'hear'
that have been so often referred to in.oOnnec-
tion with Canada's higlaway, • '•
ee:ss•ai '
WE have authority for 'snyi4gAht e
Ontario Government will "st-onbeigrOt
the request of Beet Huron Scott Act ens-
seciation, for the appointment of Mr. A.
lnoventock, as Police, Magistrate. fel-. that
THE Mail recently alleged that a tuene-
het of the Ontario Government; asked for
the dismissal of Warden' Masaie, of the
Central PriSon. The member the -Gov!
erne:lent emphatically denies the asseitiOn,
as does also Mr. Massie. This placese"
Mail in rather an awkward ,dilemma, but
.that is nothing new. It can wiggle
through a pretty email hole. '
Seveeavarties havt9been apbroaehed by
the Cronservativiss of West Huron, ((eking
thetn to stand in opposition to the preeent
member, Mr. M. C. Can:mien'. Porter
was one of the number), but he thought the
case was hopelesa, and ..p2Oitivelrrefused to
stand for' a second time; Once NVIis tOo
many, probability it will a local
--inan, wbo will be so badly beaten that he
vvill.want to.hide hiateelf after the'Clection is
ener. • '
tbree or Par rooms, with a half. acre garden,
Would , quite within the wants of (wheel
sections, road its emelt cost would be more
than repriared in a few years, by the mitring in
the teacher's salary,. and the gain to the.
'Selma children 'by the greater, progress and
,effiniency developed among them.
Tne question of the utility, ,awarding
prizes was also brought forward, and tbe sys-
tem' condeinnecl in the folnuarieg preamble
and. resolutions. ' •
Whereas the Prize eystem in operation
, .
in our Colaools and colleges involves the expen-
diture of a large amount of money, that
should be nevote& to better uses in advancing
the interests of education ;end whereas the
incentives einployed and Motives thus ap-
pealed to tend. to retard rather. than aid the
teacher in trying .to .employ the ,, higher
methods of culture; whereas competitive ex;
aminatione are not sufficiently, reliable in case
of awarding prizes,'and whereas the awarding-
of -scholarships, ostensibly to aid needy
dents,is ineffective and misleading.
• " Resolved, 1. That it is the opinion of
thin- assoCiation that prizes, medals , and
.sitholatehips should be abolished in all nut
educatonal institutions. 2. That publio
netnitsynnow devoted to this purpose should
bail -net Wiecrease ehe general efficiency of
the Prinalicial aljniversity. That prize
money now derived from private sources, sup-
plemented by as much more as may .be
ablo Should be used: a To establish a bene-
ficiary nind for uee y atedents,to e cleiburine
athording to a plan manlier to that in oper-
ation in Yale College, including the principle
of loansto such students, leased on moral
Worth, . :present need and. reputable scholars
ship, and independently of dempetitive ex-
ateitiatiOns; -(b) • Any available' purples to im
used to -encourage original' reenarch and epees
end pest, warden: mirk.. 4 That instead of
theptesentheystem of prizes, echOlaiships and
medala, honor students,. should be classified in
seek a wan that the hifiheit distinction in the
university Shall bre attainable by all. whose
saholatenip reaches a eirtain standard -say
that of preseittegisid Medallists, egbOrdinate
honors to be degided in a similar manner the
prineiple here apply also to m •
illation and orditiara exiiiiinations.
.5, That a copy of these reeolutions be sent to
the authorities Of each university in Ontario
as the expressed opinion of the association."
• This does not appear tr., apply to the prizes
Otto x,ErrEfik.nox, aceecee a *Olen 'tweets in the dap; of artlont
Other Okla of Ova altshieet.
TO the Editor of the (Matt. ',New gra
StAr4 have been handed a copy of the Blyne
Advocate', contahung *letter signed "Dann"
direpten pepsins t aletter of " Observer" of the
Week _previous. On the eubjtet of AMueetnelats.
Who l-fata and Observer are, I know not, enly
X am told that locally the latter is said to be a
Methodist, 'n only a Methodiet, etc If it ie
true that Observer is a Methodist, is that a rea-
son for attempting te hold, him up to Indic*?
A man that ie a member of a church adhernin
to the nrinciplese of the Welders. a church
whose annals are embellished by the eame of
Benson, Bradburn, Bramweine Macdonald,
Newton, Piinshonnand .91ark;-.18" " on *hie
ground to be treated voth Korn?,1 do no
think it is a valid objection; the Methodiet body filled the great either'
tent last °mieWAS a
POssess Men fanner tor them eenctified cennnon remarkithly nage one, notwithstanchog thehr'''
Rends, mental vigour and, fervent devotion. I meueoirrg weather, end at the very opening
here make acknowledgement for (meting from a of the enjoyment 'ail boa- occasion to annra-
Bata speaks f Observer in tbis term
well-Isnown Methodist layman, • . .
orate the improven fealties for thating them
"sumo gaid," blessed and enlietiteneci, stincti‘i promptly. ha exhibition of aelmale in the
indement, soll-conentuted tritic, Inieudogio tent where the vieitore enteren the great can-
narrow-rainded, reeve to spiritual pride, stolen- The two rings, supplemented by the raised
enbterfune, Phiariattical egotism, prejudiced,. *as auditerium, wait very large and interesting.
monieles arrogance, etc., Does not Such platform, were kept constantin in rennlaitien-
writing discount its value at nearly one hundred Among heat
par cent? Dina says he bite not the "least erg.hooting
ht: kBi nog a faregut: reawrse ymoyr,
jection to Observereor, any other selneonstItute
fortnine pewee the boxing elephant and the
(?) critic, cleclainuag, agalanstreal or imagist -
bicycle, .Perhaps themorst remark -
ern social derelections, arid because Observer
Iia expressedshis convictions "social dere- sn
a e instanoe of trmoteg, conthined won am,
lection," Data shouts to Obstreet, sanotinien. mai instinct, was seen io the performenoe of .
iously arrogant, spiritually Pined I and ad- the Blondin Horse on 0 tightrope, The pro-
-monishen Observer to beware of that pride gramme cemerised !Tree eighty acts to all,
Whereby man sitS in qsailerplaee to judge. Is and was heartily applauded,emesially the
it not manifest who barithe arrogance? riding of Miss Carrell, eliss 13elinenn
InObserver is the name of an anonyineue ads, Wate,on and Wm. Showles. A epirited end.
round o ctai ft yeobhf04-religiousoprvnuer leoven, i tiept, roundill td, s at so ol elnnirna atit:
'hipptottottriAintooe.a.0 As enw_hbaole ttheillits4phrooas-
ing wag' given to tfie performances by the
s defender of the senelled amusements of Pe° " X,r9 *newt eve Y 7-*
juxentittY, the firoattlingPentes, lbe nieletural
thioed elephautes and oil the attendant ele.
ptiaete down 10 the diaphemoue pop -cora and
the lemonade with P. Payor of vedette* in it."
After alt there is tnueb oA a charm in the ever
recurriag, °Irene emoyment of which the ends
lese ring itself is a @WOO aymbol ; end even
with thole matured persons who rosy have
fancied that their entnYillent wise uscsaparily
thipg of the peak the earent of a show so
cousummately eq ipped ao that of Adam Fore.
Psughi which opened at the *Union l3ase Ball
"Grounds yesterday, reveals the resources are
perennial. It roust be allowed that the (gr.
(sus of to -day le richer and roander than that
of the past, having Much a vlded attractions
in the abuudence of material and the novel.- e
tiee in modern. invention. The andience that
the da,y.
witb the benediction. Busi nese b ng re- But 1 wialito atAareference to the enema
reentsn Data sa s that 'Mundane .recreatioe
sinned at 1.30 m. After some mi or fin-
ancial matter bad been dispooK1 of, Rev,
E. S., Rupert, M. A.., presentecre motion
which was carried,that tbe Sunday$
Convention of the•Dietrictn be heldin
Clinton, in nonneetion with the annual
district meeting, inllay 1887. The ap-
portionmept of amounts to be raised b
the cirenitti on tbe dietriet, in -aid of th
Su peran nue Lion Flint* Was th en; 7 Seel.
The Thomsen) in the assessments. tins
:connection gave rise to consederable dis-
is not incompatible withlenntualesfe,
" This
remark moat be understood as referring only to
Christians. Men of the world have no reed for
spiritual life ; their engaging in the ernenitf the •
ayna in perfect aceord eft& theirjuoiessiofi.t
„fully ems with Data's -remark;'- Then thii
gimationenseenerhat 'do chriettans tinderatand
by-necreatirant Ansnredln it is nothing.thatin
theentiartinipation it Will lead or tend to lead
:them down the broad road' te deatb. Recrea-
tierenn them Mint be in keeping with their
stand. for Christi- 'Whatever recreation
lead thennfrom the true and narrety waythey •
-cussion nini pretest, but the' apportion- attest shun: dshat way
Mincer°, that not °MO everything which will
is so narrotethe roadtso
merit Was imally. passed .airith revising.
The regular work lui`Ving 'beep accditi.'
Plished, the following:- tesoteition tvas prea
sented, and carried- . unanimously amid
enthtisiasni. at
"Wheriaan tbe Canada t emperaehe Act of
1878 has been adopted; in this TiQr Uhrist ; themes noentand thin nie. can ta e
nnantY 14 an innehech Iib can serve mammon As well as G,od.,
overwhelusieg majerity, and whereas, it -is a Every man that is a Christian is -tit war with
1:m0nel:is/act that the provincial of that act those customs and usageg, temptatiotis and
are being violated almost with impunity; and vices whienaruin Man and extend Satans king.
whereas,:our County' Council, at its last Seg. dom. . It being thee a fact inniperable thet mail
sion rejected the petition of the Huron 4040ttake e positionin which he mar serve
the world at the Sainejtirne that he aerves his
1VIelsgr ? whatekind of recreation - snoulds a
ChrEtien avoid thae will enable hien to (nand.
true to hie high aline •• They are plainly ,
those that develop . man's' evil nature, thee
. arouse the base passions of mankind, and inchide
OW Meetink assenthjed, benefieg thiettip- those that are attencted ;byogambling, violent such', an 'filfieer to he a prints,* sencetement, fondness for drerien Mixed conapany to be derived from the• temporary invessment
neeeesitynif tho law is to be enforced, 41afici'S111.'-...iPawbichtliie.4.rapure taints the .pure -that Ten of the hereinafter mentioned, or •
express otir Very sting disaptirobation °Nein if'an amount of am in'attiandingenst pay- slaty part thereof: according to the 'last revised
course taken by the County Comm% and sten:eine, attention, to them, thatethe ditties Of. life are assesamentron of the ciaideorpotanon neing for •
'neglected ; and 80 on, the list mightebe greatly
the hope that meth diactitnination will•he used
. ,ta Anon to defend? But for enpressing my coin
extenned. Does any one of these tit the eerie Da,
by the electors of Hurainat the apprVenhing
municipal elections; ae. will re d 44r the ralr vietion, and Data says he lute nit "the least ob-
Wien of auSli a vote impossible. 'Further, re- *non to any man, etc.," I shall he called,with
solvhd, that we recemmend thatineetinge .be Obseener, a "'morose aseetio, sneritually proud,"
held and addressee seven in the different and toldsehat I cannot enjoylife's pleasures; I
draw 'down theemmil from its high endeavor.
must be shunned, buit „also everything tending
thaeto 'meat be wateldully avoided- On 'this
subject there is no room for doubt. The bible
emphatically declares that there is no,ground
of neutrality ; man that is for the woeld isnot
beott Act Aspotiation cielative to tbe
of Toronto only ninety of the candidates wrotp 'Mee 'Magistrate, therefore, resolved, that
County '
test Pr Queen's, Trinity and Victoria being
•tliunebsoletely ideetical. In the *University appointment bythe governuient of a ealaried
tee ministers and laymen of the Meth°.
at headquarters a surprisingly small Proper- wa•
dist Church-oGadencte district,. in Dire
titre .in view of the short notice nun of the
fact that only those writingtin the UniVersity
building can compete Pr scholarships, The
dispronortion. thus early manifested will,_no
doubt, increase until a time comes when the
'scholarships must, be either abolished or
offered for general nompotition. Female
candidates have .held their own this year.,
Eighteen have passed in all the subjects and
'become undergraduates, and a much larger
number have taken standingrn one or more
subjects. Of those who matriculated, a con
siderable number will attend. lectures this
year in LTuiv,ersity College, making, with
those, in the higher years, a total of probably
not less than twenty-five; about doubles the
attendance of any previous year. Now that
thelsystetti of mixect classes him outlived all man
position, the Menem in the number:offal:Jule
tindents will be more rapid. The mite of
roomineet apart for their use io the College is
admirably adapted for the pureesn, and only
a good residence is wanting.- T1MS will, DO
doubt, in time be provided'by the aid of
friends of the higher education of women.
,hleanwhile the pressure on the accommodin
tion afforded by 'University College for stu-
dents of both sexes is likely to be great. The
attendance last Bannon was over 400, this
year It will probably fall little, it any, short
Recently whbri Sir John A. was attending
seen It.C.pic nic at 'Charlton, he denied thathe
was over an Orangemannir that belied ever sot
. a foot inside a lodge room. • This sieich
has paused considerable comeneetTe number
of }Atties showing the falsity of Sir John's
statemeut, among them beinif Mr; Robert
Flatter, Ithrwho :asserts. thanhe wal
initiated inn) the Otango Lodge in 1844; tbe
thine night as Si; John, and he , sons, "1 am
Minch eurpri. se and pained to hear that Sir
John should deny that Ammer, was' an Orange-
men." 'Untied not be, for Sir Jobe Would.
deny anything if he thought be could Make
Totes by it. ' '
A correspondent of the Montreal' 'Witnelie
hints that the next inove'Sir John man make
towards solving himself in pewee, will he 10
. repeal the ballet ect • and go .back to open
'voting. It is thought by this Mean the
immenee patronage in the bandit of the: gov-
tanment could be bthught to beareetiffirsiently'
heavy on eleetote to &moot vete for
government canaidatee, even thouth opposed
tothem. 'While we believe Sir John would
do anything that he thciught Wonla aaa t�
his strength, we 'cannot think he would ex -
to gain anything by is ineve of this kind.
Mikes sve aro Medi mistaken, 'public. Seai.
meet would go strongly egainSylien bete.use
A otrogade moVement of this kid Wetild rte
b„,1 tolerated evee for party perposes,
given in the public schools, butto theee given
tea the- NormalAiaVilodel Schools, . Where
teacherts themselyee Otani their edunation as
teachers. "
We give the report 'of the examinatimi or
.certifieethe ens •
sCetrineen-SecOed MoDongell , G.
G.'Browe, Giintour, A. MoEwen; E. Rich-
mond, A. J, Plummer, 0, A. Taylor, 3. Hun-
ter, 3. M. Sloan. Third-classn-S.131aokwell,
J. (login, MeXampbet1,-0--A-entanidage
Plitininerr C. Robertthre.S, ritath, R,Ageew,
D. 'Clark, Wr. C. Hartley, F. It. Hodg.ens.
Jenkins, Z. IT, Lowery, Landesborough, 3.
-Morr-avisliy-1141-Iliehardsonf ;a G. 'CV nem,.
nohneon, H. V. Kinsmen •J H
Total 29.
• GennitionesnSecond elessenE. E•
who attend' one of the beet that ever came
The war in ocean steamship rates haa
brought down the price cif a steerage pass-
age from New York to Liverpool to $12,
Albert Tobin, an old resident of
Windsor, Ont,, was foetid death on the
street,. with a bullet hole in his head, on
Saturday moining.
By -Law No. 8 for .1t486.
Ity•Law to raise, by way o loan, the
suns or sm000, ror the purposes here -
thanes' men ttoneol, ' •
iguanzitispaai sopoeueinaolneoortrublettxeoesvatre fo cn lopclohya
• in tbe County of Huron, has made a report to
said Council, reimmuiending that the saw of "
$2,000.00 be raised by the issue of delimitates as
haeinafter Mentioned, for •tlie purchase Of a
¶l�nn Park', and for the ornamentation and
beautifying of the same ;
twArNaDis'eWtililiTilldsettibine osaf iidu0Cifetrfeoitt lias pruesrp°1ovsee(le
:t ItAA:$rdN2N1081 °a wit: °I11- .;11 esevAaa83s tehidta betotal
t De8 r nribiY:111.11elalvt dh:lelba 18t n1011:
.$160.440 bieraisen annually. by speeiel rate, for
tile paynaent of 'the said •debt. and interest,
as hereinafter mentioned ;
. seen wrienteas the amount of tbe whole rat-
able prope/%y of the said. corporation, irrespec-
tive of ay future iperease of the same, a,nd
irrespeotfve of any income in the natureof tolls,
interest, dividends; rents or fees from the said
propfirtY. and.also irreepective of any income
neighborhoods -teeeralusse-the-people tin take can. talro sphrasurenin thels. of life.- rito
and hope I never shall be, one Of thine morbid,
action in the right direction," neither pessimist nor naisant ropist. ane not
Jeanie, oreaturee that cannot bea---------------
." Plflay'/Ocealiansila- .: .0
,anss Anica Cowmen is .honie-ona, visa. .-
llia,likri'STANBOAY IS visiting at Port Albert. • -
. 'Ma. W. D. Stevan, ot styrain here on a visit; .
mitermo.nteur, left for Croswell, Mich.,.on Thesday.
Miss ,s:A STEVES$01‘ is visiting frionaa at Hainan,
Mug, R. •CALLASSER, on Arehona,,is into on. a yisit
'WILL IV,ESOS, 01.GUOlph, is visiting his old
friends bore. '
miss AMENS. Of Orangeville, is visiting her stater,
;Mrs. D. A. Forester. • . • •
Ma: Jens TOOTII, of the llolson's nitakp.Torohto; 16
hereon his holidays. • ._ • ,•• •
sins nem ROVEtit le;ives this week On a Vitit so
friends at Peterboro.
Ida; T. Famsesnie, and a•ife,• of Tikiswater, Were'
here last iveek on a visit. ' - ^
MESSRS. W. JACKSON 0.nd H. T. Rance lett on a trip
of 500.-eMontreal Witness. -
. . . , stesretw York on trendily. • • .
• 111045a16; and wife, of Muskoka, patents of lIrs, '1,.
the year 1886 was 8683,670, •
.D ' 001 the sup of$27,500,tegether with in terest
4AINDPIWthieltSt180A6,00trhpeoraalatioonuni! tia° t follows;the e
on the Kiln of entsfrom tire est day of Jim° Asp .
Ism and on the m of Slaw from the nit day
of June A.D. 1886,1504 on the sum of 05,000 from
the Ith day of July, A.D. 1886, and ou the Bum
of SC 000 from the l'Ith day of June, A. D. Me,
k i
and menntlinnienTor inter:eat is in areas.
AND witEriaAs for paying the intereet and
emitting an.equal yearly for pay-
ing he Raid sum of $,0N and interest, as her0-
. natural outburst of exuberant healthli the mer -t inatmonad, it will require an eirel an -
neat special rate of three -tenths of a lid 144 the
ry laugh er hearty innocent plant Purl of heart
dolianin addition to alt other rates to be levied
In each year ---------------------
• AND wilitROAMatery by law
tbat this by-law shall, before the final pasaing
leered, receive the assent of the electors of
salildnunicipalitY, duly qualified to vote upon
the same, aed also for that purpoee to ,appoint -
the tune•and place for taking_ tee 'votes of the ,
.said electors at eueh Mine and plact0;-
413e it therefore enacted by the CiMoration of
-the Town of Clinton, in the CountfothEuron•-
A: That itshall be lawful for the Mayer of
said corporation to raise. by way of•loan, from
ailyp�rson or persons, body or bodies corpore. •
ate, who limy be widing to advance the [same '
upon the ofedit of the debentures hereinafter
melitioned, a sum of money not exceediag in
the_whole the sum of $2,000, and to (muse the.
same tabs paid Into the bonds of the Treasurer
of the said Corporatien, for the,purpeses abeye
eompatible with,joyous cheerfulness. a e
who created all. thew, and is the source of all
good, intenns all conscioas beings to be hanlifs
we hsve abundant evidence to prove • both in
His word and hisinvorkse and thee happineas. is
the best .secured by a willing compliance with
the writtee and unwritten requirements of both
physical and naoral laws, peace with God
through Christ, evidenced by a life. of heefien
bour for Godraglory Middle good of others; se.
cures the highest possible felicity in this world,
and anything or everything that tends to en.
crease or strengthen this highest of all human
• pleasures, must undoubtedly be right ; and this
ought to be the guiding star of all our ections,_
the regelator of ail our pursuits. end the test on
•all our indulgences in eating,drinking. dressing,
Mrs. Wm. Battler, of • the Babylon line,. ° , eine .nArrenen Of", ot mr. A 10.Pat•
ItsV. J. Tammuz and wife, of St„, Marys, spent
several days intoith last '
Tuos. EAs,r; who has-been. visiting son at
. Won is here on a visit.. • .
Hay, died, • on Wednesday; of inflammation, . •
sof the bowels, .
• -Mrs, John "White, of the 41h con,; Stephen,
was suddenly stricken by paralysis, on 'plum.'
day e • 'Slightleopes Of her recovery. •
•• bliss Lydia Link, of Zurich; neat wieh a
painftil'accident .1ftet week. She lives with
: BriowSixo, late an employee of the Ns*
her gran&father; Mr. Wein SchvNre, and 'ASA, OW holds case in the ployeland header.' •
while getting over.a fence iii three way Sha*, °therein, assistant master of iestowell,
breakingW4i1V-; • High School, spent, a few days in town this Week, ,
The 4xpesitor • mays : Gilbert
116; 'tart°. Culla. DunnioN attended a meeting of the On-
sr,,:•of Hallett, Was in town on Tues-
day. We are sorry to see that the old gentle -
mail has entirety loat his • sight and, is quite
blind, elthough. etherwitse enjoying geed
ealthn ' • • .
• Ori Sunday Mra. Finlay Fraser, lot 14 eon.
2, Grey, paased over to the great majority.
at • the adeanned ageof72 .years. She had
:been -a -resident -of GT tawnsiiiii for the pest
Assedation, 41 10105150.
Qn'the farm of `Wm. White lot 13 con
• . , •
Min JAS. MCGIOWAS, 0.1110 /IRS boon for a short time
Gre john White cradled one acirfiricerVr -
empleyafiheofflee of the Bureau of industries, To-
lle. J. r."-tralife(formorly with R. M. Ready) is
MIS his 'Parkhill, returned on wedeesdri., . •
Mri. D. Other, of the Organ eatery staff, is enjoy-.
inwa week's rest, and has gone east.--
20 years. Her nusband stint survives her.
all become 'a joy and a Winning, •
• If Observer nee mutilated a, text of scripture,
win; does Data not thew the correct import of
it, He certainly should show " the •latinade
given to it by oome of our greatest commenta-
tors." . - •
Dens is in entapathy .with the results ef
" fraternal getheringin political organizations,
athletics And the thouaand and One •ether
things.", . Ile thinks " social mechanism would
be parelyzed. the relations of life would mine to
exist," if the view e of Observer were adopted.
Seeing than from-maa no!sthcse. amusements,
• --thigh.
itt serious injurious rem s , 18
-tier•II.,-E.--Paotioroari• who has-been erigagea.sui- Altne,that the): shoend cease to exist? Is there
veying in Algoma, for a Month er so, is naek to town. ,*ot About rnanirol Wein ntiniiiiiiirtinnIihninn
iorM‘Evg:ileril084'01HOnnsi 474 gwtrl'o' ljoitifTeirseVTouronntilen,aOnj '31COIDI Monday bettyieadreeedep.tbioyn • Ganodd.feecarrruingptimone,n ?whiIehn sphaotualds
Morning, • phrthe are they not traps to ha& to perdition ?
Mari time Menowexesthe has been visiting at Tata That there is mph scepticism in thenvorld I am
for some time, has returned to town,- accompanied by ouly too well aware, but that it exists owing to
hor cousin. „ obedience to the laws of God,•I cannot concede.
muses. h. Baylepand Prank Jackson ATO at- Whore, shall we fire) among them fb st are drifts
tending the annual meeting' of the Canadian Photo ing into scepticism ? Thine who pursue it
crease of life outlined by' Data in his niolitical
organizations, athletics; base nall, ete," whose
hutaility is so small that they will not do beat-
en° to a higher Being, whose recreations include
a sup from a friendly glass," a round on the
&on:accompanied by the Penn and violin, whoa°
midnights find them at cards or "poker," whose
censitiencee are so seared that finally they are
linable to discrimithite between. right and wrong.
J. F.
August 120, 1884..
(The above letter was received pee late for
:last wenn]
fall Wkeat and Neil Miley, of Brussels, bound
it, the work all beitig done in the space of one
hour. These• same two men bound Ir) acres
of fall wheat in two days, after the reaper.
W7 B. Dicksom• lawyer, Brunelle, arrived
home• from , Montana, on Friday. On the
honieward trip a collision took place near
Minneapolis, The engines of both trains and
several tsars were badly wrecked bet the pas.
eengers had a miraculous escape. 5810 . was
tante, came home on'Tuesday. • -
now on 'the road in the interest of Warm.* & Co.,.
and paid a 'visit here last week. . . •
aossru Tanen, of Toronto, who had just return-
ed froth Ertgland, accompanied by his wife, epout a few
days Nvith bis.aarents here; this week,
Mits. s: float; awl her daughtet Emma, ale visit-
ing friends in Elgin county. Miss Doan has galleon a
visit to frieads at Dowagiac, Michigan,whemahe...port
osis reniaining for some time. '
badly- shaken ujs but -not seriously-injuredra--, two sons•of lir .W Ball, of the base line,avact,
left on a trip to the old country aboot weeks ago,
On Tuesday evenhig as John Beattim of returned on Monday ; they enjoyed their trip, but are
table in his office the top of the lamp fell from mons, WissAtis of 81, Thomas, and 0. 0.
Seaforth. was raising a large lamp frbm the not in ra315. peures over "'the old land," •
--tbii stand to the ifoOr. 1-*VITO-5-firk—elf e an ln a -Itrfokondon, of Lowien;.(both former Olintonnesn
nete in ienenoo. passed-throw:it hero oit fiAtorday, on their way. to
few seconds the whole room owe the steamer Saginaw ‘'alley at Cloderich.
'With the assiatence of Otlicr toemprits of the Da. Sto.e.s, of Blyth, aceompal'iled by his wife, left
household they succeeded in heating the' fire here on Monday morning for Quebec, wbere he goes
' ' to attend the Mooting of the •Domlnlon :Medical Asso-
ciation. Drs. McDonald, of Whighani. McLean. of
Goderich, anti Smith, of Seaforth, are also attending
the same westing.
'owe. 3. Amen, M. meLeocis .A. matey, T. nut with. matet het not before everything in
Bolpb, Third Class -N. Alice:lead, nel
Beecroft, L, Wilson, H, R. McLeod, Isfl tne room was 10 15 cheered condition..
Verguron• Reek, E Wiggle's W. V. A vestty meeting, of St. George% theca;
Robertaon, W.:Struthers, Q, WifliArns, Goderieb, was held Monday evening in cots -
Whiteley. -Total 17.• . •
8EAFORTLI -Seo6nd tlass-B. Barr, M.
MoKenzie, Killeran, A. Maclean, A. Mc-
Intosh, I, MeFadzeale, It, Santini, 3, Nicol,
H. Beattie, W. McLeod, 11, Campbell L.
Edwards. Third elass-M. Cash, M. Morel.
son, .8. Couch, V. Elliott, 3, llogg, A. McCall,
A. /layman°, 0, McLauchlan, P. McDougall,
A. Andersion, D, Dallas, F. Wood, -Total 24,
11. notion with 'the re-engagement of Rev, W,
Johnson, whose year of pestorate expir
On .motion it was uniiiiimousty debided to re-
title the rev. getttleman hinpresent -salary
until the beginning of the next church year at
Easter. Rev. Mr, Johneon hail proved to be
an cornea and painstaking pastor, rand we
rejoice to learn that ins Christian character
and faithful work is therougly appreciated by
the peciple erilonget Whom be.labore.
Considering the severityof the examination,
out aehool has taken a highlyereditable stend,
and we again utilise the oppertunity a bring.
ing itS Merits before the people cnthe county,
We West now that the (reboot Of the tranie
forming of the sehod into an Institute hi on
the tapinits atipetior standing Will lasi borne
in mind by the ratepayetsi.
In the 'lid of Fir ets ebtainea a the lets ex -
meditation, sae see the names of Messte,
Ilowlands, S. Y. Taylor, C. Callander -all
old DIA School students here -for Firth 0
arid for Vint Ct. fehrivisaam Conaolly, for
First A Robert W., Murray,
quite re commotion was mooed in Zurich,
en Priday noon by the ery of "Vire." It
apPears Meath, 'Jackson & gardy, 1:nitchere,
Web rendering tallow in Mr.-11apple's
slaughter houoe, Mr. J. and hie son Willie
being in charge. lira. having occasion to
leave the boiling tallow for a short titne,gene
Strict injunctions to the little bcy not to builn
any more -fire under the kettle, • However,
the boy akt ivtt obey his fathern ordera, ried
in consequence .by some means et other, the,
tallow caught 'fire, and it Wes otly' by the
timely efforts of some of the people whorushod
Ma. 0, Douserv, formerly et Clinton, who has been
',veiling for Warnock itt Co., Galt, for wend ARTS
past, has 'severed his eohhection with that fain and
areepted a better position with Adam Hope 84 Co.. of
Illunilton, Eph is a whole -Honied, genial fellow, and
commands a good salary. Ito d wife hare been
*ending a few dayawith relatives n Clinton,
ata.W. It, PIUNOLU, whe remesentis tabor, Ellis,
Torouto, and who called here last week, had an Ian.
pleasant experience on his way up, et Moho% After
opening his samples at the Hicks HOUse he. left the
-rofilit a few minutes: A lamp it the room'in the mettn-
time•exploded, and before the pre Was got under con-
trol, hall of Mr. Vringleal samples were irretrievably
ruined. - 6
The London Economist a jnly 31, esti.
watts -the appropriate area:under wheat
in the 'United Itingdorn a abou1.2,890,000
acres and the probable Siield at not to 'ex-
ceed '25 bushels pettier°, which would give
a drop of 57000,000 bushelo agelnet10,685,"
769 busheis'iti 1885, and 82,0136,961 bush-
els (official estimates) in 1884. Tip united
Iilingdoin alone will renuiro to ifdport be*
t 162 000 000 rind 160 000,000, hush.
2. That it e a be eAr o r 10 Ban eyor
tett% stbsta11.00be
for moll sums oeile
to cause a,ny number. Of debenturee to be Made
onabitralatsudintaahvy tbsteearise 4(10i:di:the doe baneanout_f ‘
corporation, and signed by, the' .Mayor and .
Treasurer thereof; •
. 3. That the said debentire's 'shell be mede '
payable in 00 years at furthest froin the day
hereinafter Mentioned • for this to take. •
affect; at the office of the Treasurer.of the 'said
Corporation, and shall haVe attached to them • ,
'cOupons for the paymeht.of terest; • ' • '
That the Raid debentures s all bear interest '
at and after the rate of live pe eentuin per an- ,
Man from the date.thereet whi h interest shalt ' :. ,
110 payable payable lialf-yearly on the seotarecaryseeettenen-
emerch and Santember in each y ar, at the•othee ------_• '
of itiredirTrialitrafr-77 . ' ' •
, 5 I That for the purpose of forming a einking :
'fund for the payment •of'the said debehtbres, • •
and tbe interest at the tate aforesaid, to beeome .
due thereon, an equal apecial rate, of tUree-. .
tenthsof a mill in the dollar shall. In addition , .
t� all other rates, be raised, leyiedaud collected
in 'each year, Upon all the ratable property in. . • . •
the said Qaporation, clurnig.the continuance of
the saidnithentures or any of them ;
'0.. That the votes (gibe duly qualified °looters
ott110 saidanunicipality Shell be taken an .this '
By-law ou MONDAY, THE Men DAY OF $EP, .
DktED AND.EIGHTY•SIX, commencing at the • ..
hourof 0 o'clock blithe 'morning,and from thence
until tee hour of S o!clook in the afternoon, at •
tile following pitting:- _ • ..• . •
• ST. ANDREW'S WARD, An the TOWN H&Lr,, •
Edward •Floodn. Deputy -Returning Officer,
DepitYaReturning Onieer.
CARR/AGE allOP, nruis nt. Cooper, Deputy.
'BeEllEnillg °nicer.... •
Centallentne-eftOlseennnenteirenactin. Deputy '
IleturninnOnicen ' . .
sent. That tbetnayor a said eluvicipal Colsporne '
' tioneban attend at the Town gall, le midtowns
at le °remelt anneen SA.TURDAYI the 11111 day- . .
HUNDRED. AND EIGHTY-SIX, for the Mir- ' '
pose of apPoltiting pennies to attend at the '
varlotie polling platten and at the num 801.00allig
up ot the srotes by the 'clerk reSpeatIrely, 011.' ,
behalf of the personsinterested in aud prompt.' .
lug of 'opposing the passage nttlils Ey-law re-
epeetivoiy : , • ., .n. _ , .
8 That the Clerk of said munlcipal 'Corpora"
tion obeli, at hiS 00104151 the Totan Hall, in said
to WU, at 'the hour Of 12 o'clodk, nonii, on Wint-
With/ay, the 15111. day of September, one Mow
Sand eight hundred and eighty-six . sups tip tlici
11111111)6T Ed VOWS aiten for and agrithst this By. •
law, • ....- .
0, That Ws Eni
ilawall take effect and come
into ogieratien Upon the 20th day Of September,
Dee thoueand eight hundred and eighty-six,
__,•Tnine, Metros tbat the above le a tone nape' .
Ora proposed by -lit% Methresione marbetaken -
'Po 1111 Ectildr of the :Arclo
Sin,l-Aa I have heard several people since
the ineeting.of the Salvatioti Army, iii tile,
tevvil hall on Tuesday lad, express wonder et
something thee alao astoisished the writer,
I would. like somebody mole ietimate with
the matter to neat week in your non
anis, why it is that a Man who, adoording 'to
his own statement, had 'been a resident for
about five years in India, arid for two years of
that tiro° ban been living there (treated at Tk,
%Cadge; avvoitrs iti'OUl• Midst Withea . skin far
fairer than the niejohty of,people in °linters?
I do not wiskto throw any discredit upon
tlie gentleman in gestation, but think this is
9. aubject that shoeld have some light throwe
upon it: Your obedient servant,
: : • ,
Olhaton,' Aug.
POrepainixlea, latiOat Effort.
• Of thfrpepular an --(1. widely knotet
time of Adam Forepangh, which CODIC$ to
0170tC11 OD, the netth August, the Beanie Jotitz
nal, of June loth, who° statemente are ever
accepted as literal plain tehtla, „retakes the
folksy/Trim glowing' Ann merited oeiticism
" What a commingling Of mereoties and anti.
elpatimie :ter Old and yeungesof the pleasant
and the pensive hiending, of long.wornenterry.
. Meting, and yet every frealmeing merriment
ia wroileht in the exclatnatien of boyhood*
els to sit4ly cousuniptive Tequirements for The circus has come . le t ose o a ge
to the then° of action, that a very thrione eta
the coming cereal year, • ration jest lapsing it bririge but the reinini-
The, ropliii of the exianithation, juat atto dangeret14 fire was prevented.
,thez.maibliftecifwV-Anlyebtplitittibbiof the .
tOwn *Clinton, after one mouth from the first
pubileatige thereof, the date of the Met pnbli,
Catkin Of tablet' in the CIattrox atEW BUM news-
paper, wite'Friday. the 20th day Of August, one,
thinfeand eight hundred and eighty sig, aad
that the votes tlf the eibetes of the said mail -
Motility, duly' qualified to vote nPon thesatne,
Will be taken thereon on the day and at the
plederi lb the said by-inw sot mon, and the veil
Will be opened 41 1116 said polling placer' at o of
the cloek in the morning, and retnain even till .
5 of the e1ce1( itithe afternoon of tile Sanie day,
take.notiee that the council 01 1150 cor-
poration of the town. of Mouton have appointed
MONDAV, the 20th day of SEPOINthillt, ono
fliouthed dein linndred and eighty six, as the
day tot finally eMitadering the sate by-law,
• Wil,o,tarsi COATS, .
Clerk Of Said gunioinalitY.