The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-20, Page 3FRIDAY, MT, 29, 1886. , Demuth Day and the iittchwttY Cew. -- Tbe beet o' bein's will hey their cares - There's alwns autoPthin' to erase our way, 're warry an*frat us in our strai son- An' h wue the lot o' old Doom tety; Be bad hie trials -I'll tell. you. low wus tempted are tried hy a highway cow. .• The hue re her Lido rtili a dusky.brown ; Her body vrua lean, an' her neck aIIm; One horn turned up, an' the other down She wus sharp o' sight, an' wus long &limb, With a peaked DOSS, an' a shprtstump tail, Ant ribs Ulm thethoops on a' home-made pail. Many a day be she passed in pound • • Nur meanIT helpinl herself to eorn, ?Arany a cowardly cur an' hound lied been trensfixed by her crimpled born, Many a tea-pot an' Old tin pail lied the farin.boys tied to her stumpy tail. Old Deacon Doi was a pions man, A frugal farmer, upright an' plain ; tnany 4 weary mile be ran To drive her out o' his growin' grain, s• ' $harp were the pranks that she used to phy, To it her till an to git away. He used to it on the Sabbath day - With his open bible upon bis knee, Thinkin' o' loved ones far away, In the Better 41nd-that he longed to see-. When a distant beller borne tkro' the air, Would hang him back to this world o' care. When the Deacon went to hie church in town, lite watched an' waited till he Went by. Fa never passed her without a frown, Are arievilileam in each angry,eye, Re -*mild °reek hie whip, 1.'1i:would holler "Whey 1" Ez he drove along in his "orielioree ehay." the whole WWII that MI11.• Agnes Kerr, widew of the late Daoiel .1'err,. has t1 passed VI ay from thie community. Al. though she bad only reached the allot- ted term of three score and ten years she in that neighborhood as ttVisitation Of 1 . 01 To B S ' 1 Providenee in punisloneot fer defiance 1.4;ii)„,,,e Tier Repeam in 'n 1 of the piety, 'The story. as told isllthat 1 Vel...1114UW-h0 A HI II, - ril(10 AMM9111 in 1861 there was a scourge of diphthe- ria. in that ueighborhoed, and the phy. wart the oldest settler in town, havive %eau waS kept busy treating patients come here with her husband about 44, years ago. At that time :this place and the eurrounding country wits a cotnnlete wilderness, Mrs. Herr and her husgencl firet settled ou a filen in the inunediete ueighborhoad bat shortly afterwards moved into town awl took op. Mod and built on the lot on Main St., now oc- cubied by the Herlburt blacje and ad- joining stores, At the time of their settleiumM at here the late r. John Flicks was the only settler in: the place. Mrs. Kerr had through life to bear more than the usual number ot trials which man is Leir to, undhy hor kindly efforts and aseistance helped many to bear also the hardships to he endured by those corn - to country such es this was then, She bore all her trials with. Christia,0 fortitude,:,Whitth is an example to all. She was always a member of the 13ible dbristion church. Mrs. Kerr leaves surviving three sons, all of' whom are married and doing well. a MeGrejgor itaawhos Carbolic Carat.), Move you ne Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Plmple Blotches, Rough Bands or Pace? If so there' ts but one cure, namely, McGregor and'Parke's carbolic Cerate. I y try itvrin convince yoll• Then at hit homestead rlre loved to call, It costs but 250. at WorthineionwDrug store. Liftin' his bars with her orrimpled horn, Brother tiewanees short hPeeelses. Nimbly sealin' his garden,wall, Helpin' herself to hie standin' corn, Eatin' hie cabbages one by one--:- Scamperin' home when her meal was done. ()Pen the Deacoix homeward came, Thltnntin' a hymn, from the house o' prayer, i His kindly heart n a tranquil frame, • Ilia soul ez calm ez the (weal' air,• His foreheademooth as a Well-worn plough-- To find in hie garden. that highway cow. His human passions were quick to rise, An' stridin' forth with a savage ory, With fury. blazin' from'both,his eyes, ' Ez lightnnes flasli in a summer sky; Redder an' redder his false would Ake after the critter he would go--, Over his garden; round and round, Breakin' his pearandapple trees, Trathpin' his melons into the ground, Tippite over his hiVel o' bees, Leann' him angry and badly stung,' • Wishin' the old cow's neck wns wrung: ,The znosses.grew-on•tbegarden:wall - The years went bY, Wiih their -Work an' play; The boys o' the.village grew strong an' tall An' the graphaired farmers dropPed away, • One by one ez the red leaieslall- ' But the highway cow outlived 'mit all. The things; we hate are,the last to fad, • Some cart are lengthened through niariyyears, The death o' the wicked Seems long delayed; But there is a climax toall carers. An' the highway cow at last was Slain, • In' runnin a ram with a' railway .train. All into pieces at once she went; , Jest like savin's banks when they fall; Out o' the world she woe swiftly sent; Leetle was left but her ownatnrop. tail. The farmer's gardens an' corn -fields now Are haunted no more by the Higliway-eow, • EUGENE 3, Ilia,. • Lanlfies only. The eomplexion often rendered unsightly. by Pimples, Liver gpots, and Yellowness. These it well known are. caused from an ineetive-. Liver and bad blood. Dr. Chase's . Liver Cure purifies the blood and whole • system. See Recipe Book for toilet recipes hints and euggestions on hoW to preserve the eomplexton, Sold by all druggist. • ..• , • .1?--EBTII.--NEWS, in List6Wel the: ohl and Mr. Sutherland'sstable were burned down last .Week. • . Mr. Thos.: Jonee', Mitehell, •.WaS •ree. lievedfof a liand'scime4old Wetch hy the' • gang Of pocket invaders 'that swarmed Listowel, on tournament day • . • M. 3. W. Woodley, of Etilleiton; has sold bis splendid 'team which took the s tea -stakes' peewit -t atehe last fa11;161; the handsonae sum of $500 On Saturday Richard Babla, son of Mr. E. Bahl), Mitchell, accidentallYfeld' from. a beam in the new Methodist chhreli, and brtke. his arm near the wrist. • Miss 'Campbell, ferinerk teaherj 'the Mite S'elroll of St. Marys, arrived home from British Columbia A few days ago, whither she had gone in match of health. •. . • Mr: W. IB.:01iVer, of Doviiiie, Wherie . spine was injured by a fall front P, 'Mtn- . mock; is stilt -alive ".114.htte. now some sense of feeling lulls hail* and his prospecteuf living are much better than atrst anticipated: •• The larents bylittv• offering *$12.0,044 • carried at Stratford, on Friday, for the , Grand Trunk locomotive. Works and•car shops, by 868 Majority, only 12 votes being polled against the by.laye. • There is great rejoicing oVer the result, as this • eecures. to Stretford all'the ebove works west of Toronto; • . . ' No lengthy advertisement is neeestatry to bolster up.Dr. Saget'e Catarrh Itemedy. The sad intelligence hest reached here of the death, on the 27th olt; at Win. • dorn, Minnesota, from the effeete of an accident; of Mr. •Thomas 'Fawcett, a former resideut of Fullerton. From the Jerticulars 'received from ' his rother, -/flr, Wm. Fawcett, it appearit that en. the 24th nit., while the deceased wee • "driving a team; one of the horses tam • away, end he was thrown to the ground. The waggon rett over him, his arm being . broken. He alio was badly • bruised o0. the head and other itarta of his body, hut although his injuries Were neVere no eiiii-thouglit they would terminate fatally. "But on.tbe 27th, three days from the tiine o e -accident, the de - (leased had a paralytie ke, and in haff an hour aftee he teaoived the stroke hie death took place. , ' 1.• The Mithhell Advocate .Says is with feelings of the deepest regret to ltam easier ttt &fern a State dan tuber% a Sunday sohule picnic. • De man who gives you thirteen cents fur a abillip' will burry yer, tea an' eoffy an' pay nnflin back.. • • A photograph !dean !thew de deviltry io • a man's eye no de temples on the Woman'sface. • De mo' good clothea yer kin heap on yer 'heel; de ye r laid:grammer.willhe wear; mended on. • - • De 'public neber :atop queshnn de troOf olivicandal, and de man ,who climbs above oa am nabber quite forgiven, !' De aim of the philanthropist am not to preserve de good eggs, but to work de bad ones over an' palm 'ern off again. • De room whieh a -man takes. Upon de sidewalk am- no oriteron t� judge of de amount of brains in bis bead. • You can't ••.h'ar .de jingle of gold pieces half as fur as you kip lear.de rattteof Unpans The man'who announced his own hon- esty sometimes ;gits into Canada wid de boodle; and ainnetimes ant „caught in Detroit or Buffalo. • . Let two lotig.live frame begin is discus- sion as to de color of Adani's hair or de Elio of Noah's head .an' de chancels -fur a rOw am fust clasii., -What men doer) know am . what they refuse to let go of. •Sift down de 'talk of the world's greatest men, and whet -Lyon min tO extragt,de big - (soy? egotism, prejudice and self-interest, you will have to look tar •de gnotiente wid -a Spy -glass. , LuV •arn a beautiful' ilentiment,.jin' de game of three-keerd morite atn.a !swindle, hut fifty. people are drowned by luv fur ebery one siettelledby• the keerds. • Industry' Am a rack in whiehdar im al- ways a peg teang up.cine Ina' workin'man's coat. e When yon 'teem to let de gas. out of s. Balloon you am' Surpz:ised an' disgueted at de_ehrinliage, • • . One-half ,of the great men expect deir speeches f6 be read by posterity An' deir clebts•to be paid: by deir Free•Fress. waterlog from that disease. He W48 very succeseful, and gained such confi- dence in Lis skill that be began to boast. that he could Cure any caae, and wept so far thstt he defied God Arthighty to proddce a: ease of diphtheria he could not cure.' in less than a -week his youngest Phild wait seized with the die- easarand 0.10ougji be exercised his Skill to"ther-iatioest, having not only profes. sional pride but a father's love to u.rge him to do his best, his boy grew *arse and died. One safer another his child. ren Aid:citedand died, until all were gone and laid side by side lit the little graveyard near Fallsburg. But one child was left, a married daughter, but in 4 feW4eeks. slie, too; was stricken down and beearee a victim ef the dread dis. ease. • „ ft. Practice* Lesion, I bear that Smith has sold ont his saloon,' said one of n couple of middle - a ed anon who sat ‘sipping „their beer and eating a bitof erackepin a Smith- field street saloon the other night. Yes,' responded the other slowly. What was the reason r thought he wasjut coinine• money there.' •• The other nibbe% a cracker'abstraet. 'edly for a moment and theo said ; It's a ratites! funny story. S'inith, you know, lives on Mount' Washington, right twat; me, where he has an excellent Wife, e nice hem, tind three as pretty children as ever played eut doers. All •boys; the 'oldest not aver nine, and all about the same size.. Smith is a pretty respect, able sort of a eitizere tiever drinks' or gambles, and thinks the evotid of his family., Well he went Lome one day last week and found ,Ids wife mit shop- ping or something, of 'that sort. Ho went ou •through the house into the thee under an apple tree ..wero the three -fellows playing. • They had -bench and some betties; and tumblers, and. were playing "keep Sal- oon". He noticed that they were drink- • ing something out of a pail, and they acted tipsy, The youngest, who was be- hind the bar, had a towel tied around his waist, And Was setting up the drinks pretty free. Smith walked: over and looked the pail. It was 'beer,and two Of the boysstaggered. A. neighbor's boy, A couple of yearS elder, lay asleep: be- hind the tree " My- God, boys, yeti meet not drink that," he said, as he lift- ed the Ryear-old froth behind the bench: We's playire &loon, 'papa, an' Was sellin' it just like you," said the little 'fellow. Smith poured -.out th'e beer, carried the drunken. boy home; and then took his•°oWn boys in and put them to bed. . When his wife crone home she found him crying like a child. tie came down town and sold out the. business, end. says he will never sell or drink: another drop •of liquor. 'His with tord •Mine .about it, and she 'broke down cry - int; while she told This is ,a true story; but the name is oot itehigan Foretit Vire. ' badeyard, and tl • • A Si guidon _neat frorri heart diseaSe is now quite ethannon, • Dr. Pierce's Golden Uedical-Diecovery is a certain remedy. Chronic irritation, pal- pitation, excessive or defectives action of the heart, shortness of breath,' and pain. are removed by it in a short period.It also cures all the diseases relating' to the liver stomach, bowels, blood. and ,Dfot Afraid •of • It's joke•on me, of.cotirse, but give it to you felloWs; Said,a Cass:farm man to a little 'group intlie City Halt. 41...have a' great fear of burglars. When 1 go -to bed wantito know that every dcior and window is Securely fastened: About a motith ago we changed Idred and the new-emner was .,very_care- less about the doors at nights. On two or three,eceasioos cattle down Stairs at midnight' to 'find a Window . up er the back door unlooked.: I therefore deter.; mined to tint np a job on her. I got some, old; false whiskers andan 91dirig, And one night about'll oserockj. crept up the back stairs to her room: She was snoring away like a trooper, but the, minete I struck a match she Awoke, I expected a area:felling and screaming but.'nothing cif, the, kind took place. She • bounced out of bed with a" You, yil- lian on her lips, seized e chair by the - hack, and before I had Medi; a move she knoeked me to my knees. Before I could get nut of the room she Struck me again, and it was only after I bad tem.: bled down the back stairs Shut she gave. 'the alartn. Then she went. through to myroom, rapped oh the door and pertly announeed ;- Mr. Blank, please get- up. I've killed a burglar." A 'itertbre A gentlentatt residing in isiidfiletownr who was visitieg in Sullivatt •county Jas t week, wee attraeted by eight head- stones in a tittle .grass grown cetnetery near Fallsburg, all of which stood in a row and were eareetly alike. He got out Of hie vva,ggen to look at them, and found that they were all *Oren of tt; well known physician, and that all were grown* wheal stricken down, •and that the dates,oh thehertristoees showed that the first one died Nov. 23,1861, and the other seven between thet datesnd Dee, 16 following,„or thet the entire family Of eight children Lad died witlith three weeks. •When epeaking of the matter to friends that day he was t oki the history of the case; which is regarded 7 ' • 4: Milivaukee telegeam thus refers to the late fires 'Miehigan the forests in the northern tierOf coun- ties in thie: State. are still ablaze, and are likely to retnain .on firTsinitii rains . quench the • tianlee, .the • clinger *to -the Tillages and towns is over •triless behvy gated should.. Sweep down upon them. While not:ever a dezen cases of human -4Iren-Tifiou are-reporte4 - ts'-believed- that innof hapkwciodSinen apt? families remete from settlements cannot possibly have escaped. The fatality to live stack has been terrible: litindreds of charred :bodies of cattle lie on the blackened' a track of theidevastating cyclone of fire, b It is estimated that galtmlt. Marathon andfew--idjaceot comities t 5oe families are reodayed homeless and destitute, and will suffer adesa immedi- ate relief is sent thein Man f th . • • o ese people had narrow pampas frtina death, h • having hidden in • wells or. submerged )`' themselves oref&theirliefilewie streeinn The epeedieet relesilleeriata medicine M the •m Weali 11A Ili KAI: I of rret4 lead ot tEs IPTtiralYSItilt neeemattant, Nearetata, tdehtherla, Sciatica. Prolapsus there", • • Petunia Weaknolfs. abiThe best mai only certain remedy to relieve pain of all t'tede"(1.1'4434411tetae!°Stel/VIvenjualogs1.1,dtn'fr.kolart34"Vuetinraallefitgetleaeri LOrfleeecit: 8writinleuttlisconir.ache, No oil ot greaae ni ,jteen 514' 4 parnalentloo of the !fifteen', Erlalft's Diabetes, Incontioence• lei'lL81;43,146'19,13; only Liniment 1 the world pi/miming alterative powera. Can be taken in ternally; «u -ea Cramps and Colic, Diarrhea& and Dysentey. SOW by all Druggists. Trial Dottie, 25o. • VirriteeR. box 3,482 N.Y. P.O., who will give advice on all diseases. " re -Beware of unacrupuious dealers an' d counterfeits. The genuine hostile pame blown in the glen and facalmilo of the dissoveroes name over each cork. DILE$ IMPROVED MANDRAKE PitL,-Safe sure re., liable and elfective, purely vegetable. For the cure of ell banns of tho Stomach, hirardlowela, Sec. Sold by P. drugglate 21c. per bor. .es,tern vs:T.Yair, AND INDUSTRIAL and ART • EXHIBITION • - LO N COORIOANZ-IDA . Sept. 27th to Dot. 2nd, 1800. • LIBEICAL - ?REMITTALS. • • Dordoctition °pert to the World. The 'Western Pair ls the greatest" pvent of the sciman for the people of Western Ontario. ' The Directors are determined that the.fortheotning Exhibition shall equal if not surpass, any of its predecessors. The commit- tee of attractions are preparing splendid programme ler each day of the Fair, fullmartioularr of which mill be publiabed later on. •Write to She Secretary tor Prize Li.sts, Posters., Programmes, or •any *information required. R. WHETTER, • :GEO, MoBROOSI, Prt3sident. Secretary, SLT_TG- SHOT. Insects and Buge.-Slog Shot will Kill Po- "tao; Baga and Qabbage Worms, Inseetwon Rose boshes Rbwers, Planta, Sm., and is a good PlAii; Food. Orely 10 cents per lb. I have else a let of • NEW . HONEY 'at 10 for St 41111ES STEEP, : CidsrpoN• Blyth Pump :Factory. • • JA.IVIES FERGUSON" Having removed his business to the promises fox•tnerly' known as THEItIOUNTOAS'TLE MILL, would thank all old patrons for past favors, and is in a better posi- tion than ever to promptly flit alt orders entrusted to him: • A STOOK OF OOOD PUMVS ON HAND.— Ordered work a specialty., tirells dug and completed shoWnotice. All workguaranteed. •Prices reason able. .01IDERS BY )(Mb 3.110111LY ATTE:CARD To. JAMES .FERGUSON, -RUTH. • irlILDEN-- -or ' 4*-4rtistaittlY .ror Crom.Y Fat EeonSi_m '1' on Moo ° ., . a. Salr-rlireuna; Ali HUMORS .ic!nnp.,:tgii.:00,:ta,,,,,...,,,,..,...diti:esed.:,,::::::,,z, n:::,, o:u.18:.:pn tg:ioa::: • .contolored by thi-,;f3y,c'-us-t-I har bad blood are Eg,:cirani_,yrialiraMV. mulatto' stit:gtillijillger%t fl1 vii:t s: :iv. i_ t_3"1111111::1119s°, 1112-coafesrl 01141-181OPP: tires;u2:11‘111;11 cil,poya .. e ,: R:;':?, centaln s'failed Glands'. S •sunlunt for a treatise on 1 ,.. e c An ka ored plates, tampsnSukrin4 IDarigsele4osterctiosr°1t1hvolt.hga%le 1-trgettito,ra digit .11/*?kteie 44:Sfr;alitifielle:Itt4olidg Tfi4MialgTiLl 1Jfe,,01°,3, isi ° : CONSUINIPT ON alitt:sizu;erd,,aiveseriisi . its, vital ria- constitutimorne:wlgintbge ,rartrtvidehil.,IsisScprooftitt.ones. • Disease of the r mptiy and. certain] ' arrested • nd g,.f: r 112 ibatsetth,....is Glodifiven rerne4, it tak n Nivise)rdlogletse are reachil, m•efaalinditssetts7,11wA3h;;Ien2ni0P-sot offerintittitsnteowrricb r 1:17ravgtehdt raven: joeduysi to ithe ,pubile, .Dr p eo- • Mg, alterative. or blood -cleans! 81 t1122:11111494)" bnilconttialitObanntnidel!otirelliEdits6t.beni44;:fellnitil;14 ontlertuloomilretkrold" v411°14 from im trowel, and nutritive properti:sf leiglettlitet, 04Zirti.nrr InneclY for consumptien 01' the 113,0111C DISEASES ., -MY STOCE... OF Wat•ch..pol,JewOlory., ATED. E.Orks and Spoons, „.40,o1-41AWK.S. Is now co e. Agent for B. L.A.vRANcE's FREOLICLES and' t Y3 - GLASSES, ltA.P:111 im,y.eint.ata- a specialty. All Work promptly dohe. ROB. W. COATS Watelunaker ad Engrav-er, ajgalosifi foe ory WE ARE XS—E1417.171:G—L---.A..FINE NSTONE CHIN A SET 3 44 Pieces; for log.t44,17 1",kice, These Goods'are strictly firstelass, and are the CheaPest ever:Oflered in Clinton. .• Call. find' see them. Thos. Cooper et Son, OLIN TON. ,,,-- - ENGLISH LAWN TENNIS SHOES In Great Variety CHAS. CARL! N E with wet blankets envering their heads until* the fire passed. In some places the fire swooped down so suddenly op- en the people that they had threly time to make thii method of safety. In other places the roar of the flames was heard' for miles, and the terrorstricken People fled madly before *he flames to neighbor- ing yillages 'teal tow. The 108ti cannot be estimated. • Hundreds of homes dozens of sattomills, lumber, camp and mflhione'of feet of lumber 190 in ahes Acres upon acres of ripening grain wore laid waste, Cursed .-astAL, • carbolic cerato into 00 • 2,4xt eesnale.cogrz,con been PRICE $1 Salt ' Rheatti, •PlInplea, Miotehes on cie tried and mund to be tho only positive for. " • face or hands. Cuts, Mums, Bruise, or aliy Sore Vioild's Dispensary Medical Assocla on , that nothing eise heal. Try meGreaor & Parke's Carbone (0ru,t' i3 ePtir box at Weir- liington's Drlig Steve, ° .Liver,Blood and Lungs. • • If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have. . salksw.color of skin, or.yenowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi- ness, bad taste in mouth, interim/ heat or ehins, alternating with hot flaithes, low spirits' and gloceng borebodings, irrbrar appetite, and. coat^i TA ering frOM Ind'. o 1.271411 Ighgri part or iggletSigt4PVIn' 141r1e 11,r_periented, ' As remedy for all sum eases, . Dr. OlOrce,ii .6Ideit Medical Discovery • haft no 0008]. • or1Vealk Longs, Spitting 01 Blood, Shortnesit Of •Breath, lirovichitis, Severe Coughs, coussuraption, ' and kindred affections, it is a -sovereig.n 'remedy. 'Send. ten cents in • stamps for Dr... Pierce's beak On Consumption. Sold by isuggists, Pr.oprietorg, 683 Main St., BerrALO, • . ,-......... • •—• -. • A ' been dead 4 month; and' wboisi shelilitl epEt I.." 1111\41a9•41Cli-liCi7-tit LIVER1441.II714E A.' young widow whose husband had 54 always elipposed te be free from mill sai,),Avi, 15 PILLS. vices, was overhouling his clothes the- aNirienenteites nna cuerintAirno. J3thet ' day, She found a, large -plug of St)14:1". Dr.". 4.18114 ° ce"t4 g Ilak • ' tobaceo. in a coat pocket. '0, Geerge ! George l' she exclaimed despairily, $500) REWARD (you 4,td 1 will never meet in the good is. offered' Sags Catarrh itemeay by the proprietor% world!' In another pocket of the saroe germefit she Canton. life.ineurance policy iyou have a discharge ffor a case of catarrh which they of Dr. e' for $5,poof of whieh, do had before cannot cure. ... rom f known hothing, and ehe burst fatal OR- the nose. offensive Or other- . wise, partialiosSof SMelit taste, ttitantly ;.:-.4 0 or hearing, weak eyea, dud pain ) yes We win 1 wo win y or preslort.In head, you nave c Antrim Tuott. ratoiliaty:Itt will. forgive him his one little , el A- 1 I 1 n, 0 8 1lie;AVOrat "VA' 8 g e g fr' t 7 PAT i It I 1; it " Pi it'll' i••=s,'T,,I,) fr! . vato,,f,f,Vittnyeliz,,. "Cold' in the 31101UV' raid Ositnerlita 1 ilendat'itc. ea cents. COM ID.4 BOK. CLINTON Central Grocery, 1=t0r1E313':%4 COW osta ( The sutscribel.h is bought 'int the Stock- of R. Robb, .:onsisting of GROOERIS; OROCE.TRY, GLASSWARE, itc.. Whielr, being, bought at;love rates, he islenabled to:offer at the very eloeestjars : Patronage respeatfully ;solicited. . Akordel s preruptly filledlloems'to let.1 H. . WALKER CLINTON GREAT ILLIER- e EARING 0 X' mr.......*•••••••••,.... BEESLEYS-MillineryEmporitim ,--vormagswrt WYE fYELIEBRATED . tktvpiletimes BENNVTT, v• 'DANDELION' r,..10413RAItc IMIECTOrl & Ellibolmor. A large stook of •Pirst•Diass • DAS- RUTS and DOPFIXS, SHROUDS, &a., always on hind. TnE RGYPTLiN BALBA.LMING FLUID used in all Mode. ALBERT STREET, NEXT HARLAND BROS.— itesideure• Oroturo $t, tteitr tit methodist Church* (Mitten, -FOR LIVER AND 'XIONEY DISEASES " TVAen. an intelligent man Woks to par. tehlt coil! 8, ellebratcyseafthogargz4s gtt;,1 atoisuelistlecetnafoilriga quality of their teares:' This sterling motto is doubly Otte in regard to patent medicines, buy 'only thoim made by praetwal professional men. .• Dr. CluAtun is too well and favorably known by tiosn.reeeipt boo_ks to require any reconnuenda- . Cure has a rdeelpt book womeed around ovary bottle Which is worth its' Dit. CITA8104 Liver Cum is true TV' " 1" OTO:0 all diseases arising from, a torpid oi inactive liver such as Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, lullioustless„ Jaundice, Bend. ache, Liter Sinus, Sallow, complexion, etc., ,-.• 'THE KI-DNEYS",,,, THE KlDNCYP • Dms-Li n. Oan'ver (Jure is a, &Wain caroler all derangenzetas of the kftlneys,such as pain in the back pain in 10tVer portion of the abdomen, constant desire to pass urine, red and white • sediments, Shooting pains in paasago, Bright's diseatid and all Urinary troubles, etc. Try it, take Mother, it will cure yen,. Sold • by all dealers at 0.00 pet Pettit. EICIM4,11TOON Ile Co., soLE afartiTs roe 'CANADA« 0 seattroito 11/41 tleATPO., 1)1114106 *116 Watr-LY • 011801hAMMOritAndrMalhOrMilrrorroo rro, full informAtmo nb6nt work which., • • 11, 1• thexeit do.and.liveat home,t1Mt WM DAY • •them from 0,5 to $2,4 pet day, Somh ItilY .. .„,. „.. ,..,,,..._,,, .,.., .. ._. ,yr,...,s- Ortlifft oltgtin ii as, J.:4hr I. ellt yoong.hr, ord.. rapit!1 A• -, ;.-AS- - ... .•:-- - - , _ . 7., '_. 1 1101. I...polled 3 on Ill'OPtlitt,01:1 tiOls T136.1,01tIo,FIttil 51 Or.1.4 . vd..-...,..I.Vi-L-....4......Z.....,••46. ,.-4.....1......-- ....-.--....--..4.,....-1," ^ 'Alt tibSr, dte'y sate 08514. 1,1110 rorreeur. A .i- is r.4% . . .