HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-13, Page 8CLINTON NEW. ERA
FRIDAY, AUG. 18, 1886.
Subscribers and otherwho are in
arrears,will obligans14 settling the
. same at once. We have altogether
1000 many amounts upon our books,
• and must insist upon their payment
without delay. MET. MLLES,
for several weeks, but is now recovering.
Miss Lynn Young,of Brarnpton,is here on
a visit to old friends, & few Inghts since
the store of Mr. A. H. Loft, St. Mary's,
forraerly of Clinton, was robbed of a
quantity of dry goods,4e. Miss Mabel
'Baker, who bas been visiting her cousin,
Miss Minnie Cantelon, returned to her
Lome in Mitchell, on ':Tuesday. Mr.
'Runes AlcMath has a new house nearly
completed on Joseph St, ; as Jim is an-
inamed, he must intend to keep bach"
or— Mr, W. McLean shipped two car •
loads °fatale on Tuesday.: Mr, R. Hay-
wood is pushing asp the brickwork of Mr.
Tisdall's new house, on Rattenbury St.
Tho progress of the town is shown by the
LOCAL NOTICES, building improvements on 'this part of
Rattenbury St, ; three years ago from Dr,
Dowsley's house to the Episeopalspassen-
age was a blank lot, now ~ it is occupied
by buildings to the value of about $25,000.
Miss Simpson, of St. Marys, is 'visiting
relatives here. Mrs. Geo. Cochrane left.
for St. Thomas, Dakota, on Monday, to
join her husband, who has been out there
some time. Miss Peacock, (daughter. of
Mr. Robt. Peacock, London Road,) left at
the same time, going on a visit to Mr.
Stewart, at Vivian, pak. The members
of the Salvation Army are wearing a badge
ofsnourning, for their late comrade, Miss
Cassels. The July number of the Farmers'
Advocate contains a letter 'Von's Mr. J.
Ransford. concerning short -weight salt,
the August_number of the same Journal
contains a se -called reply from Mr, J.
Kidd; we do -not know a great riealahout
the matter.in disputesbut one thing is evi-
dent to the most ordinary observer, that is
s"-th-ecap-fits,"! for Mr. Ransford mention-
ed no 'name whatever, and we are much
mistaken if he 'does not.give his,' critic
such a thorough -flaying that he will wish
he had left the matter alone; Mr. R. has
a habit 'of handling, without gloles, ques-
quantity of Wool, at the CLINTON WOOLLEN
'best place in the County of Huron to trade your Wool
egl. A full stock of all kinds of cloth on hand at low.
sett rates. Don't pass us.
'Brent Reduction In Parniture.-1f you
are in need ot anything in the furniture line, before
buying call at the Red Rocker store.. A A. BEN -
NETT, the Cabinet Maker and Undertaker is selling
:asap. The best is the cheapest. Albert tit, Clinton
TWO SEEEBSIONS.--00toNlitwaIallsaad
Grimsby Camp!con the 21st, by one of the 4 day excur-
sions, come bask same night or lay over Sunday, come
and go by London orStratfent, se you please. This
is a great chance, Talmagcf and Chaplain Mccabe will
speak at Grimsby Camp. Vrain leaves Clinton at 7,25
sute8,03, am. Tickets only 82.
THE WHYTE BROS.—These justly cele-
brated Singers have been secured at tremendous eost,
t ogiveone of their tar.fanted concerts, in Clinton, imp
Mcdtately at the close ot their Grimsby Camp engage-
ment, on or about Wednesday, Sept. 1st. It you miss
hearing'them, you 'will miss the treat ot the season,
Look out for further palliculs.rs next week. '
gown Zoplo.
MUTING OF 1.013ERALS, -A meeting of
• the -friends of'• the Liberal .party of the
town of Clinton, for erganizatien, and to
• meet Mr. M. C. Cameron, M.P., and Hon,
" A. M. Ross M,P.P., will be held on Mon- tic.ns upon which he writes. Only ten
cows were in the pound on Tuesday morn-
ing; we hope the poundkeeper will run
in every vagrant animal, for the • gardens
are just in a condition •when their value
is apparent; and a cow getting in, could -
do a lot of injury, Mr. D. R. Menzies is
makings extensive improvements to his~
house on Princess St., having put a stone
foundation beneath, and is now adding
another story -V� one - pita of the house.
Seaforth- Civic holiday will be observed
dend of ten per cent. was dec•lared payable on -Monday next ; the chief attraction is
forthwith. , •• -an excursion to Toronto the fare being.
day evening, the 16th inst., in the Coons
oil Chamber, at -7.80 p.m. 'All who are in
sympathy with the Isiberal cause sre tor-
slially invited to !attend. •
'Cumin% gams Co. -A meeting of the
'Curling and Skating Rink. Association
• Was held,last .Thursday, when Mr. D. A.
'Porrester wap
as pointed President, Mr. J.
' P. Tisdall, Treas.; Mr. A. H. Manning,
Sec.,• and Meisrs. Forrester; G. McTaggart
inPay, managing committee. A,• divi-
. • '
SEIPPED.—W: C. Roberts, ',Wire- Vas
carried on a carriage business; a1 Blueiale,
forthe past three years, " levanted".be-.
tween two dept' -Monday and Tuesday, of
last week, :andhisnumerous creditors
.mourn his absence. About 4500 is the
• placed at $1.75 from that place, good for
five days. Mr. Albert May has contracted
to supply e'orepaugh's circus; when here,
With thirteen hundred pounds of fresh
meat. It will be gratifying news to. the
G. T. R. employees that the Company
••- amouisnt of his the felloarrearswho wanted to sue the -Exchange [And haYwe fullY re eemed O -Pledge by re-
this- -Storing the -balance of the 10 per -centre --
NEW En& for libel, because- It exposed
his meanness in refusing to fill a contract
made with some fairners of Stanley.]
AMDENT: -Oa Saturday evening last
aaMts. Albert Cantelon and Mrs. 'Steep
. were approaching town, they met with a
decidedly unpleasant accident, .though it
duction which ivaErsnade some time ago;
this last increase went into effect from the
first of julazid consequently will be re-
ceived next pay.. It is anticipated that
telephone communication with Wingham
and other points north, will soon be es-
tablished ' The Blyth Advocate has
entered on its thirdvolume; it is a very
was fortunately accompanied hy no serious fair paper considering the.!size of the
results. They were driving leisurely along place in which it is published, blit
might be improved by dropping' the ad-
vertisements from its local columns; and
filling their place with localoewS, •Mr.
• Jams. S. Walker .is putting up a new
around quickly, cramped. the buggy short,; :house on the site of liis old sawmill,
• and threw the oncimants out. • Mrs. Steep, burned down some. time ago. The •
who held a baby in her arm's; had her impounded in,ciinton Ins been elm ed,
„wrist severely stained, but, heeYundr this • by Mr. Jos. Izzard, 'from whose place it
no injuries were 'received. ' .
• VEity Low.--4he friends hereof Mr.
W. W. Wade, photographer, Seaforth,
• will beSorry to 'learn thatre lies in a very
precarious state of health, with but slight going down hill, one of the holdbacks
chances of recovery. He hes been:ailing unsnapped; 'seeing the. situation, Mr..
for some time, but only lately has been ' Govet caught' one of the wheels and
confined to bed slis galleiywhich, since brought the horse to a stand before the
his illness comnienced; has been conductbuggy had touched it. Mr. Ingersoll, for
the Bayfield Road, and had got quite close
to the railway hridge before they noticed:
the approach of the evening train. As
!soon as the horse saw it coming, it wheeled
had strayed. The other day Mr. John
Govet prevented' what inigbt have been
an accident, by. his quiekness; he was
breaking in a colt in .a buggy, and while
ed by...a lady assistant() has been closed,
_ pending 'hie e:.ecovery. -Enlargement Of
the glands is the cause of' his illness, and
his father in-law, Mr: A. Knox, informed
us the other day that his condition was
such that the chances. of getting better.
were all against hica., Still, so long as
, •
many years- Registrar of Oxford, died on
MiQnyjas1•;iaLsaii that_his_position
will . he given to Mr. ' John Douglass;
(father of Miss M.:Douglass, Clinton.) who
has for years held the office or Presidenti.
of the Reform Association of Oxford, and
baagood claims • for party recognition.
n4ssyes.trpst the Miss Nellie Turnbull is attending the
mi_sruftrises Sue-get:feat at Berlin: Ur. Thos. Jackson;
-a-rd—oaf1.raf,171, --Every news- Huron by a trip on the Saginaw Valley.
paper in the land is pesterechvith requests
for free notices of some sort or another,
the worst offenders being places that get
up. Caledonian games and other like de-
. monstrations. Notices of these are ...sent •
to papers with the request, that they be
inserted' free of _charge, and, in a good
many instanees, the newspapers have
good-naturedly cbmplied. Now the NEW
ERA at any_rate is going to close down
on this spedies of free advertising. A.
Mr. and Mrs. W, 'Foster, Misa Foster and
Miss II, Lsbb, of Holmesville, all left
here on Tuesday morning for Des Moines,
Iowa. The family of Rev. E. S. Rupert,
'that has been away for several weeks,
returned to town on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr—J. Robertson and family, Miss
Buchanan, and Miss Kate Williams;. arr.
camping tthe falls. Mr., GouinTock
shipped a couple of car loads of cattle
here,sansTuesday. Misr. Archibald, who
newspaper is a business enterprise, the
has been visiting here for some time, re-
sameas a store or.anything else of a simi-
turned to Dickinsanding, on Wed-
' ler ilitturerand eannot afford -to' work for ilesdaYs • Mr. Will.Jleaves net
a trip to New York. Miss Reeve
nothing, any more than a merchant -den
afford to buy goods and then givethem has returned from her trip to Kincardine,
away. We a sr very philanthropic in our
disposition, and like -to work for the good
of our fellows in other towns -but w,e. like
it a good deal better at ten cents a line,
advertising Measurenent, • '
a precisely similar nature; happened in
town within a few days-ef each other.
The youngest child of Mr. Jas. Anderson,
a few days' since, was Creeping about the
house, and during the monientaryabsence
of its Ingther, it tumbled into a large pail
,of water; it could trialsno outcry, and
-it was a few minutes bate e it ivas found,
the water having in the meantime hearty
strangled it. The sevicea of a medical
man ivere necessary to bring.it back 'to
consciousness. On Tuesdayst two:year old
child of Ms. W, Leppington, while play -
having spent a very pleasant time. It is
the intention of the cricket club to form a,
county team and play Windsor and De-
troit on Monday and Tuesday. Mr.
Marks, of Hayfield, was in the "Hub"
on Wednesday. Mr, John Warner is on
the sick list. Miss Sarah Mulloi is en-
joying her bolidaysin Wingham. Miss
Noble leaves next week on a trip to De-
troit. Miss Rowly, of this place, sails for
the old country, by de Vancouver, of' the
Dominion line on the 2Gth inst. --Mrs
G. Swans ssentoying the round tripof the
steamer Saginaw Valley. Mr. Geo. A.
Sharman wascalled to Goderieb, on Mon-
day, by the illness of an uncle, who was
suffer ieg from * pars lyticsstraketwestrms
derstand that the uncle has since fully
recovered, . Mr. T. Odium has, we unclet
stand, accepted a situation in Guelph, and
ing about. tell into a large cask that was
will take up his residenee there. Some one
sank in theground, and about half full of threw a stone through one of the stained
,' water. A. little sister saw the accident, glass windows of the Presbyterian church
and ran crying into the house, telling on Tuesday night ; it was a rascally act,
what had oecurred. A doctor who hap- and if the perpetrator is discovered he wilk
pened to he :attending the Mether, sue- he severely punished Mr, Collins, for is
• eeeded in resuscitating the little one. short time a resident-oftown-hae return-
RainFe.-The other day as Mrs. W. S. ed to Walkerton, where he Las taken a
Harland was returninghome from Toron' situation as book-keeper. .A small boy
to, she had the misfortune -to have her named Oswald Ingalls residing with Major
hat carried away by the witid'as he was Murray, sprained his foot so severely the
passing from one ear to another. .1klessrs other day as to require medical" assistance
Wheatley As Greig, of:this town, Who have Mr. Robt, Grey, of Tuckersmith, leaves
ben in business in Pickering, have die- on Mendel for British.Colunabia, having
solved partnerahip; the latter will con- secured hid ticket from the .0. P. R.
tinne the bosiness. The directors of the agency here Messrs. T, Foster and 5%
3feehanies' Institute granted the Libation, Hillao, bus.beys, are away on a trip to
Mr, J1troett Scott, a week's holidays, and Detroit, their places being taken by those
the Library and Reading Rooms are this two old hands, T. Carling and J. Wheat -
week Closed in consequence ; they will be ley. The Whyte Brothers Nmous vocal -
re -opened next Monday, as usual, Mr. ists) ivho aro at present at Grimsby Camp,
S. Plummer Moved into 111:4 nevrhotwe,on will give an entertainment here nbetit the
Queen St., 'hat Friday. Ms. Horace roa-- 1st of Sept; they are worth going a Tong
ter is away oil a couple of weeks holiday, !my to hear., Mr. D. IL IConnedy has
Mr, Will Gattley, of Denver, tsob of Mr, just added a couple of aloe sorrel horses
W. Gauley, Clinton,) has been qtriteAck NO a pretty grey to his livery,. stock -
. .
'he Great Discount IIe
AT • •
Dickson's Bookstore
C11.4 I INT rr 0 1N •
- Will -be -continued -until the 31st of August,
on POCKET BOOKS we will give a discount of 25 per cent
PHOTO. ALBUMS ' " " 25
' PIPES-- 20
• WALL PAPER ' " 20
DAY -Books, Journals, Ledgers; &c " • 10
•„MOUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of 25
- BABY CARRIAGES • '• " 15
a'• Ladies HAND SATCHELS . " .• 30
Combs, Writing Desks and Workboxes 20 "
BASKETS 15 • "'
CC •
' .
all other goods at proportionately low' prices.
This is the greatest opportunity ever offered, to. secure goods
below wholesale prices. Our entire stock, amounting to nearly.
$20,000. must be reduced to $1:5,600 within. the next 30 days,
as we commence STOCK TAKING on the 1st of AuguSt, and
balance our books on the 15tb.
, , •
Come and se our stock, and get our prices, whether you,buy.
or not. No -trouble to -show-you the Great Bargains we are
offering. Terms cash, or 3 months credit to responsible parties;
• . • Cliatcyn, - Ont.'
Clinton, Aug. 13; 1886. •
11/I R E
. " •
err.A.meirtimawa-*-: 33.A.R•CEI-A.II\TS
We do .uot want to carry vier SUMMER GOODS if laiv
prices will be the means of ,selling them. We show some
o ° • lines in
, ..
That for value and low prices have never before been reached.
Come and see.them. Compare our prices and we can give you
positive1-aroof that we are selling cheaper than any house fti
• the trade.
Are among he many -slaughtered goods with us just now: •
. • I,.
• . '
. .
• ' 4
• -Ass. s
asalready been Felt and there -are
Hotter Days --Ahead, are you
--ffidy -for ?
• • .
AuguAt is 'generally looked .upOn 'as verydull month for
liercluintS,'-when -eve17body-SeeMS-to' get -tired-of-busirss---- —
ancl in the midst of' a look through their bill book, •they pain e • .
and wonder why they selected the Mercantilebusiness for a
calling While the farmer cratherincrin his abundant harvest,
figures thehundreds of dollars he can vain on his pro-
ducts, the merchant sits down and tries to figure out where
he can.realize to keep his bills -payable account square. With
binpltnnnering-for holidays and cash, he feels! but hold
on, we startecroftrto-write'an-advertiseinen-t-abeut--a-*onclerfuL
Left that they are selling'at a Big lUduction.
Before they are all gone.
• *
0. C. RANOE & 00:2
• Three Doors Wost or Dicks() it's Book Store' .
ettcatte A?-0,4,:to
Which we are offering at. 30 cts• a yard, which •
has been sold for years at •65 cts., and the rea-
son for this tremendads reduction is exactly
what we said a few months ago. • •
We believe in advertising., and'we spend a: good deal of our
allowances in selling goods less than the Nyholesale cost. Some•
people laugh at this, but it is a fact,, nevertheless. We say
must particularly that if people could only believe this..adver
tisement, we could. sell 5,000 yards in a few: days We have
only got about 300 yards; and the people who try it will get the
greatest bargain -ever offered in. Clinton. Just figure it out.
5 yards, Boys' Suit, - $1.50.
7 yards, Man's Suit, - - - 2.10.
yards, Ladies' Ulster, - 1.50
•••14 „
• • ciAtiver iv. c