HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-13, Page 7FRXD4•Y, AUG, I8, x886. Ire doho:GteellllpoOd. The New York herald says was not until yesterday that .it was learned who were the occupants of the boat seen by Fisherman Foster to go down •off the point of Rockaway Beach, • during the heavy squal of Friday even- ing. The facts show that: John ;Green- wood is a man of courage., had take]? Was Nellie Peters, to whom be is engaged to be naarriedeand he younger *lister,'Miss Ida, out for a sail in his lit- - t1 -yacht:.-_They_ startecLfrinn a .heaps•. ]lead 33ay village, where they all live, srnd;„were speeding before the wind into the west channel, nearing Rockaway,' when they were caught in the squall..' —4 The yacht had her jib and'mainsail set, and befofe Greenwood had a chance to reef the boat careened, and was soon bottom up. All three were thrown into the. bay. Greenwood is an excellent swimmer ; he seized Miss Nellie first and swam with her to the -boat, telling ber to hold fast to the rudder; then he z. seized Miss Ida, who was fast becoming exhausted,- and swam with her, to the - boat, cautioning her as he had her sister. — y� The4oat--ivae•caught -ln•_ the,.tider and,. was fast being 'carried into the channel,, where the tide was running so swiftly that it world have been impossible for tl}e.,glrls tp retain• their hold • Green- wood k>}ew tbig, 'and telling his afa'anced to'release her hold, and autioning her sister to keep up her courage and bold • fast, . swam with Miss Peters to the 1' Marshes, a slim t distance from the up. tarped boat. .Leaving her to 'wad'e ashore, he returned for Miss- Ida, and she too was brought to a place of safety.' A signal made of one. of Miss Nellie's white skirts was raised on a pole, and after the wind had subsided at•bayman gai<1ed overteam F( lflie ,]3at and . took thern off'. A itoi lance Jai steal Lite. A romantic Indian story' 'coins from the Pacific ;coast, savoring of the tales appearing in ;the boys' weekly papers. The affair came* to a culfninatin'oint' about_ the ..,Qty ult., when a .desperate • encounter took. place between the In- diana ,and a small bsnd_of• li'lexieins, near Nogales, Mexico. It seems that ou the 37th April, last the Indians, un- ` dor Geroniuio, made a descent on the. .]dace of Mr. Peek, killing Mrs. 'Peek: and her child, and taking into captivity Mr.. Peek and his niece, li 014 of twelve years of age,. The Indians belong to the Apache tribe, and'have been hotly pursued ever .since both by the United • 'State civilians: It troops and Mexican s p is to the ,credit of the • latter that the `rescue •of the ,captive girl is due. The band of Mexicans; 'but• ten in,: number,. struck the trail of tile Indians, and foj, • lowed it up with great determination • and energy. There wero 42 hostile In-, disks: .When near tile. summit of the , mountain on which was•.the Indian. en camprnent the Mexicans were' fired on, and three fe11 dead, .a. feint!' being se •Merely woueded.. The remain ;•six'sprang •into the bush and endeavored to outflank __ the - Hostiles: aud,obtain an equal .eleva• ' tion. ' One 'of- the • Chief's' squaws, in • charge of the girl L'eok, was sleeping -in, a creek near to the spot' gained by the iltexicans.. One of the lndlans ran.'out to call the squaw •in, but sire :Waved him ' back, and With a rifle fired en the Mexi • •taus: She was hot dead; and,•-to,sa>;e: - ': AT $2,10.._.l'ER CWVT, herself, the girlfell tothe ground, .feign- ' - ' • ng death: .The. Apaches,Dearing he BRA by tO -.OF CWT . fixing, rat1 out. The' leader was shot -.dead In- ,attempting to .carry of the' body, six. others were shot 'dead- also; The Indians carried: of their'oornrades, but •could 'not regaia'i.ijthe bodies-:ottlle. 'romp). The Mexicans .lead taken Up .a position over• We bodies of the :squaw anthe girl Peek, - both. of whom'tele, sty osed to be„deacl, The Indians were . put : o flight, ' and it was then four d that the girl was:,ilive. The poor crea-• tore lip naked from the. waist upwar4 and appeared, quite dazed. Sho•could. scarcely retool -Ober anything, but that she 'had .been captured near, Nogales a long time ago. Hor oyes well sunken' in her Head: She had livedon raw horse desk, and had. not tasted ' bread since iter 'eaptivlty .Her body z was mucli. lacerated by viding..throngh 'thorny • bushes by eight. She had been dashing :almost constantly through bush,. rocky 1 creeks, and over motinteins dayand night ever shite her'captere. ' She had always slept.'on the aria of Ge eninio's 1 �ir'iiw,--anis-- apart from • the. sleeping ' .�sq , l sleeping Trlaee-of�-t'lie--Indie.tis: - Tho-sgstaty 'lied”, been detailed to guard a larl`-ptotectiaer, (• Tho girl Irrierr nothing of..the -fate of her. unele, 'who reds captured the Satin) .day nf; she was ; , but it appears,'he escaped from the' -Indians, The girl was being brought' to Magdalena by her brave res- tiuers ivben the despatch was cont off: Iter, uncle .vas then on his way to reeeive her.- ' • , - rr' A`Hartford, tJoti'nr despatch says:. --H. 1 W Dickinson was the station agent at , Deep Rivers; and Was $20,0 , s1Sort in' his. accounts: • The railway - mended that�a settlement nt, bo made yes. �j �_ urn t h n r ■IlinlitorBurio!BBT de- terdaynlor ,,,y e <n accountant vas C to visit Deep! Elvers and transfer the ff office to Dielttnson's'successor: The t HEAD QUARTERS FOii. FRUITS,- &c, agent bad arranged with a rich relative living three miles distant to let him laavo rr++ ■ I31. 1'Allttl., OA 131,1:,-'1TmUg.XNfi the honey', and he was expected with it .l+�G�Rt�r r,ASStS, NOItSIAC sA3. i , ,at $,30 a'elock iii the morning, but did )'' , allozr LOT 01 , ISII'ES, CILEAP. . not arrive •on that traits. He feared ar- ., • rest, and :as the relative, slid not inft in Lt on �tit P 11oti 1�4/ •1 e an apleltaeMidi after the ti1Clhe toebinitallt tong tine, 11C' Ilanht'cl 111ni':iCll"r '""-yial iv, Ler Cls. (hilt .1A5$, (:1I1 ,C1' •ScrofUIa 4 • iit f> a,,p;t ..til_e most 'fatal scourges, which' afflict mankind, It is often•inlierited, but', may be the result of improper vaccination, Mercurial poisoning, uncleanliness; and various other .causes. Chronic Sores, Veers, Abscesses, Cancerous Runners,. And, in some cases, Emaciation, and ,Con. $utnptiona result :from a scrofulouscondi- tion of tllOslood. Thts'"'dlsease can be Cured by the nso of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which eaused a derangement of my whole° syYstem. After taking less than #our betties pt Ayer's Sarsaparilla I am Entirely Cured and, for the past year, have not found it necessary touse any medicine whatever. I am now in better health, and stronger, than ever before,—.O. A. Willard, 218 Tremont st., 3ostolt, Mass. - I was troubled with Scrofulous Sores for five years; but, after using a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla the sores healed, and I have now good health.--• .:Elizabeth.' Warnock, 04 Appleton.street, ' Lowell,-. ass. Some months •ago I was troubled with • Scrofulous ,Sores, on My leg,, The limb was padsp swollen' and inflamed, and the sores dksebarged large quantities of offen- sive matter. .Every remedy failed, until I used Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 'By taking three bottles sat this medicine. the sores have been entirely healed, and my health is fully restored., • I am grateful for the Ann O'Brian ,lti$ullivan.,, st„Now York r.s25 ieces7 o""VEE S ulog5 -good-this^nedielne-has •C ,ASy-, ORWOKSHANK, I have now on hand one of the: Largest, Beat and ]float Complete Mocha of $QQTS and SHOES,.ever displayed in Clinton, and will southem at the TestyLowest possible Prices. If you *ant good value. in; Boots and Shoes, call on us and ,you will not be disappointed," I am still making the ••a•..1O1IDESBO0r Received this Week. Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla, - a iigaesYr,y5' Pieces Fine orsted Coatngs,�R; • - • .3 0 o &Oo. Lowell, Ikea kARiKS FOR SALE; 15 Pieces Fine STRIPED TROWSERTNGS,. AR31 FOR SCA—PART OF LOT 28, ON,T17Fr F 14th con. of the township of Mullett, containing about 46 acres. Terms to suit purchaser. ' Apply'to CaMERON•,UoLTaCLligue ,Barristers,tloderioh. ARM' POR SALE — THE ESTATE ::OF THE '�'{ Fo � A J late John• Lawson, a8acres 01 good land, on the north side of lot 4,Maitland block, Rase lino,llullott. There are on thepromises, good frame house and barn build- ings, aboqt 3 acres orchard, well watered, "1 mile from Manchest7r, 9 miles from Clinton and 7 from Blyth. Apply to JOHN KNOB and JOHN SPRUNG, Execu. torn, Auburn: 3,n . * 1.AtuI FOR SALE. THAT VERY. VALU- AnLr farm cetnposed of lots Mond' 30, con. 8, .Hullett, 200 acres, of this 150 acres arc cleared • the •- balance good hardwood bush, Bearing orchard{ of 3 acres, Ordinary dwelling house ; good fraise bare, and outbuildings. Farin is well watered, and situated abouts miles fiomthe Town of Clinton. Terms easy. Apply to Id, McTAG.GART, Clinton. • • tf _,IAn3I TO RENT.—THE SUBSORIBE1t 'onrnas P: ' to relit his farm of 86 acres, being lot 36, 9th con. of Mullett. 1t is 0 miles from Clinton, has 80 acres cleared; With good spring creek *running through it. •. . Small house,' good barn,shed, orehard,s:Cc. Ona of the bestgra iugfarnis In Hullett .' 1Ylaibo rented.for a tern of years at a reasonable rate. Possession given as soon as harvest is over, so that fall Wheat may bo . J. put in this year, A. DODSWORTII, Clinton The Patterns and Colors of these goodstre • very attractive and the :quality is_good,_ 'WARM SALE. -.THE FARM ' ON THE IIUR- ay. Itoad, 103 .6 and 7; Goderich township, -tori, slating of 144 acres,, is offered for sale on reasonable terms. About 120 soros clearedand in good state of cultivation ; balance good hardwood; good frame house, kc., general buildings, plenty of•water,bearing ' orchard ;1} miles'. r' from the rising town of Clinton Particulars may be obtained on ..tthe premiseS; or.;b,t atldressingJAlfES-PE1RDUE, Clinton e, O: , F,ARSI FOIL. SALE.—TEE :SUBSCRIBER OFFERS 1 for sale' his' splendid fltrm of 100 acres, being lot. 44, 2nd con. of Tuokorsmith. • Good new story and half frame .house,' 2 acres -splendid orchard, .good buildings; 85 acres free from stumps; 15 acres in, fall Wheat. Tho whole under good cultivation, and well under drained, live spring on .the ;farm and has good well's. (lose to churches .and schubis, Sinailea"froni the town of Clinton, 5 from.Seafortb. Wiitbe sold, on reasonable terms. IIUGII McDONALD, on th premises, or CliutnnP. 0. . • ' `IPLENDID FARi21 h0R SALE. -THAT EXCEL - I•0 LENT farm cif 15.4 acres; being lots 68,70 and 71, on tn. Maitland' concession, Goderich township, About 135 acres cleared aud'iu goodstate of cultiva- tion. On. the premises Is a good brick house with all conveniences of stabling..bank barn, well watered, &o., good- bearing orchard, church on the farm and s.hool AAnt°far away, about 6 mile's from the town ot.Ciinton. This Will is one of tile best in the township of Code.. rich. Possession given,at any time. 'Fullparticulars on, application to the proprietor, JOIIN RUDD, Clin- .ton P. Q.,pz-of-titeNEW ERA -OFFICE, (Tinton. LLEa.:FLOUR ar fi0,:1's. PEit, O%S., • Delivered any where i•u•town free -o£ charge MRS : • JOIIN. 1tA'Y ON l iib net P� rioz� �rirll��t�� a «3 TaOMs ts3,• n N'OiAK! • The suls6rihekeep.; the Stick ' "CASKETSalld COFFINS • 1j Iwaya-on 'h'and 'unerals furnished at ,the shortest notion i4nr1 lowest prices. A CALL Si) 1CITED. )r,eatllin 'i5ntterinig r. .REUE11131 IC TIl> I'LACL, OPPOSITE TOE TOWN 11Aii�. THOS STE:VENSON- r ' LON DESBORO. NEWDRUG . STORE ��ebrat�d iland Sewed �Qots VW) cI) are'. so favorably known to require no eminent. All' kinds of custom work promptly attended to, and at reasonable prices. 5 Pmt CENT OFF FOIt CASFI, EQGS TAKgifi IN :+iX,OlIANGF Fo i,3OQDs. Caul` on, C. Cruicksha k,. the Root • Maker, ALBERT STBE1'+".1:, B#lltlK .BLQCR,.: g7rD1 The undersigned has just opened a New Drug Stole iu -• Jackson's..! ew • Eglooli. lJtiron Sty Two dooiis West of the City Book Store,' where will be found a comp]- : •ort ment of Fine DRUGS: and CHEMICALS, also • PATENT'' MEDICINES 'and. DRUGGISTS SUN'DRIES'. All •tha't the . public may ask for hi these lines. P. S. -Office changed from residence. to Drug Store: :A , W ORT E3IN GTO] Clritc�r . ' e a N'TR.A.L DI UG- STO E E• FRESH ARRIVALS 'THIS WEEK. HELLEBORE • CARRIAGE SPONGES ` . PURE:INSECT .POWDER • ATLANTA SEA .SA, LT ' FRESH LIE JUICE PURE PARIS GPtEEN CASHMERE, BOQUET PERFUME 1' Fine, line of HAND 'MEnnon s, cheap.. F YERTRANDS • BULK PERFUME CASHMERE I30QUET SOAP mans .(EN:GLIsn) SOAP . PEARS . ,VIOLET PONAEIts • PEARS BLOOM OF NIwo . JOB'DEPARTMENT. Is 11d surpassocl fot compleicitss. Ike coua�y. Prices°consistent witlt fine' *oil. • WI, 4R”NO SULLIVAN, • it the rale has Pants; few exceptions, that. every one. who bu s' nit, a Pair of Pant ' a Vest org ' y a 1•: , • .s, (}verebc,t or any cove>•m� :#oi.' the body: ;at the O K - HALL' CLOTHING - HOUSE Are well satisfied with the Fit, Make and the. Trimmings., want Trimmin s•, that en.they. anoflesuitt�ey always come�.lno13, to us; and 'se d: or bring..their friends with them: • This is why our: business has •increased so rapidly. ith TERNS. CASA. PRICI!s•' RIGHT .1!tJ R : •13,L` Trams. T Mrs. AA. Fisch er Prop., �T Frs�ier, �n�a er. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock 1n the county. • Best 5` cent CIGAR! in 'town . JA31.]F:S Iii "COMB E, CIHL"MISST• AND DRUGGIST, , CLINTON, ONT. JOSEPH.1 ern ww` oranto TAYL! 31 YEARS ST i.I3T ISH:E1?;_ lie •Dilly. n anufacturels. _of' FIRE ]. iROOF SAFES 'Ali.. Non Consduo-ting $teet":'F'lari '` a boors. A11 01.1P 116W styles of Fireproof Safes • are .fitted with. en: AIR CHAMBER to prevent dampness to papers.' A large assortment of SECOND. HAND SAFES , forsale at loll* prices' and • on easy terms of payment Cattlogues,on .application. • . 117 and 119 Front Street, 'East Toronto.• on�.�n�on .Y�ani In thankiug his uuin roue customers for their liberal patronage in they pant, begs to announce that he has, just received a •splendid assortment of Oooper Swaffield, "DDf�J5. .. Ile had been dead only ;t fete 'minutespea. •, when the relative arrived in the ctira'i'1nk1 `A '+ * • with the motley, • •!• 4AOI2SOIl B1.00i4 lirrtoi- srnaLT..t"LI rrox, / TWEEDS, DR "C01IPI2ISINO THE LATEST. ROYALTIES IN ESS' GOODS, PRINTS, 11XUSLINS, GINGHAM s, LACES, H. STEVENS ''& SON,'. CLIN,TON:. EMBROIDERIES SHT1 TTNGS,• COTTONADES, DUCKS tC DENIMS ' SUCOESSOI S TO '.. . ' .. - _ ,., ;, sof--hand !, .as as , r of SCALL matte 1300T�3 d SLIOES just .vesl< fox t4e.apuugtratie A fresh assortment 'TWEEDS specialty, and a first-class 7.ai,or who guarantees, a St. A full supply p Y , and _aha firri, _. • PAPER, newest patterns,- i Std k f CIROORI:IES is New and Fresh. ',,Cry our 50est 'Young IIyson TEA, hest sappy. LARDINI';'and CROWN OIL for •machinery, always on hand, and everything .. , PLATrt1 An. S• 'ECYT±'IGAITO. TS P;['tit,,3t�:l��RTk,'3i: pp 1 � t CDA1' OIL 20 cents per Rasion Highest market trade � , �. � •, , � . .•, _,. No trouble to show geode. �'� ► .• Croup► » �v�. *"�, siN•war (eld IVCanrlfaetmrers of. SASH .:.I QoE5, Bess, FLGORING SIDINo, C.EILINCx NOULDINCiS. I+EAI'atRs PICKETS &G. skirl all kinds of Intortor and. Exterior Finishings. LATH allcl SHINGLES 'kept; 011 ]saner ' Millon Wellington St.; opposite Woollen Mail. value ever offered to the pub ie. fIAItDlVAi3l,,.,C1lOC tJlkS and.GLASSWA'.RE, a full ° r. .• trans] y kept in a filst•clnss Coo .try store, en e price paid in t d forBUTTER; EGGS,OATS dm Come one and all au . inspect my stock, • N. '13:—I bare also tool -eased a large quantity oldie 13TAIJE TIN 'TAG BINDING TWINE. `may .d.... /111111111, ante cif Business Bea in the market, which I. offer at the lowest possible rate. •. • .10$1C15132 1401121.0V 7, VARNA;' March OtTi,' 1886. MFURNTTU RE STOCK C eened ,•.out in EZIZI1CVI'S $LOCIE. NEXT Anon, To TiIE .CITY 'BOOK .STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS,' PARLOR SETS,'.. LOUNGES, SIDEEO•AHDS, CHAIRS, 40.1�_...._ " .Ti -7.;T arc van VX:RY T3 sT HA»l; 1 t'11NITURE AT A1.0 ,a f11,Nt,RAI. ASsoR .11: ReASONAIILD rl'tIc S. JOS- C 111-4113V. tdtrltcct tui tl,rltlllittlitt]tot tier - The undersigned begs to netify'the people at Clintofiand vicinity that he hall, bought tko IIAR 1ESS 11lS1HESS,• formerly carrici.' on , -L Newton... And that he is prepared to furnish liarnosto Collars, Whips, Trurks,,Yallses, Buffalo -Robes, Blankets. Md everything tonally kept in a ; rst•olaes I3al'ness Shop, at the lowest prides. Specia attention is directed to my stack of LlaIt'r IIAS1iR'4 , tt'Ineb I wilt make a speeialty. .1;EPAZRZNG PROMPTLY AVTENDED .TO. By striota.ttention to business, and carefully studying the wants doily customers, X hope tllerit a fair shote of patronage. (live me a Call before pnreisasina elsewhere. �1RENIL\iEElt TEfp'l; iT2%."10-�»OiPOSITL 7IIlj IvtAtlItla7., GEQs5p• rms •