HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-13, Page 3or Southernorrespollelice, 'SNUFF DIKING" AT TI4E .$0131 chew, toillit wool, beef, mutton, pork and 1 . egge. In this way he keep all the refine Ou the farm in the dove of manure, and a besides annilallY improiting and enriching lhis land instead of depleting it, be secures a better price for the manufactured -pro duct than, he could ever hope to realize tin the Taw material. In improving his farm and his financee by such -a change the far mei. would, be much more likely to inter. est his sons in farm work than by adhering to his old improvident methods. Nine • boys out of: ten will take much noire inter- est in live stock than in inanimate objects, and a stock or dairy farm is much more apt to excite the interest; of the boys than a grain farm. But it it; not merely the fact of having live stook that 'ought to satisfy the farmer who hopes to make formers out of his sone. He should excite them the desire to equal or surpass the neighbors in the matter of farm prodoce, If he Cannot afford to at once stock his farm with finely bred horses, cattle, sheep and pigs, he can at least take steps in that direction. It will not cost much to buy ['thoroughbred bull calf, whether Jersey, Ggernsey, Holstein, Galloway, Hereford or Short R. and a pure bred ram lamb, or boar pig is always obtathable at a low figure, while the'ser vices of a valuable well-bred stallion vrill always pay better at the price, than *ill those of a ,cheap tortib.,. Let the half -bred produce of these acqutsitions be well-nur; tured, warmly' housed; and liberally fed, mid the very marked improvements in the farm atook •can hardly fail to excite the intereit and ambition of theboys, and moan if the farmer had no boys, such sniall in- vesttnents would be among the moat profil table..he wield make, In a short time:hitt- liall:blediefilidarilrbe ready for breed- ing again, and their produce &gm a tiler- ough-bred, male would in all probability be nearly or quite as geed for beef or but- ter production as animals that are strictly thoroughbred, and at all liventa one more cross will make them indiatinguiebable from thoroughbreds, so that only a few more years of this upward breeding Will give the practical characteristics of thor- oughbrecle to what was a hand of inferior unprofitable scrubs. Such progress is eure to secure the interest of any ,boy who has in him those qualities which go to make up the successful farmer or -stockmanranoi in all probability the father will find thal the change, while it has. made hith a.rIcher and happier Man, brut. also enrefintiirboys of a dangerons and hurtful lonqing after the excitement; the temptatiene. and the ultirnate poyerty wa'ting for, them in the city, and set th'em fairly" -oh the road to wealth, and distinction in,that calling to, which nature, cirministances, and the con- ditions of the country have called them. ATtTa, .GEORObt, July 20, 1886. asNitor 0/ the New Ora. . Taknig up one a our city papers th the; day„ Twigged. a Blunt paregraoh're errmg to:the rapidly-increasingtreitie nuff,and I hevesko authurit.y Of the At aota Qoustitotien fur informing the, pobli hat the annual sales, in this cittoiclone ow reach Upwards of thrtio-honcireol thoo and pounds (15 tons!) This atetement Southern paper, among Sonthernere,wil Wad but little. notice. het Northeruane re left to wonder .what heoutuea...of it all guff eel:Wens in a 'eitigle year, one wool onjecture, to aepply 4111041,4a, and hal be northern portion of the .1:hilte4 State ora dozen yeare, Aa iiiis isby.n.o Mean .orlarge. city, haring wily a population. 0. about MOO, it will make the 'riddle stil more difficult of solution: But it is no •alt consumed in the city. Passing by oue of our 'wholesale tores lately., I. noticed 'One drays-. well laden with "alecaboy,' nicely put up in tin cam!, elegautly.tabel led,. and destined for shipinelit to neigh; bornig town, tiod such- shipmente, 1 inlet!, are quite couunou. , .Go to any oity of note, either in Tennes; Kee, Alabama, .Georgia, Virgtnia, r South Carolina, arid you Will find Bina to be. one .of the.ataple articles of trade.. What is it used for? I fancy I hear you oak. ,How can such a prodigiouti-quantity be mode Sway with? Men do, not uee it-fleapit:gal on .earth will sot it, and eurely his not used to adulterate either' cigarettea or apioa.L3Yelli.a.man.muatJhre.in.the.anntb. aome time before he gets a glinipato"Ne; hind the scenes," to lute a theatrical term;• nal I ani now going to run the risk ..of. ratifying your turWsity, even should hereby lose prestige among thefairetot ere. Will beautiful, chaste and, pious omen corrupt the veil, inatiodta dr -their efined ' natures by its daily and habitual se Even so! although you may never atoh them at it, for they are athamed to wn that they use it in the manner they re accused of, and it is only: when..yeu ncl among the rubbish or the ashes_ in the. re -place, .the unmistakable •rividencea Of heir-011yrthat-you;iieceine-convineed-of he truth In the charge: • Assembling together, or alone, whereto) u rines' or obtrusive Pre of the sterner sex an disturb,they stealthily•draWfroth their osomelhe hiddeu and coyetedano,reel,and ith a small hard -wood atick the, size'of a atoh or larger, chewed a little it one end o make a swab, they thrust it into the well-filled box, theo'beantear with it their' .gnme and once pearly teeth, seeming te' enjoy theniselves exceedingly,, and after• becoming accustomed to it will spit at a ;mark as accorately as the inostainveterate tnaamiline tobacco .chewer., • This caldera of "snuffilippitigVrain014 almost universal aniong.the worn -web( Tennrasee,...and Alabama, Virginie, and Georgia areatest following her example. • But, Seriously; 'On:Mid we Mame them much, after all? For when they become the wives of. Southerners, -who atmostin- variably use the weed,. theatnen do not Oh-. jinn, and easily become rebOaRiT.,iird tb. what would otherwise be- most icipognants and .distateful to them in their new 'Sphere of .life. Need we at the ..north -,Tot: nha:V:ery distant day,,be surprisedtodiectiver tl the use•of tobacco, in ewe° inVitiog forth; will be resorted to by. our Own fair - danglv,- tent—for wherever the disgusting .custom. becomes popular and general among Men, he. opnosite sex are driven tu its .usa.in rdet to conquer a. naturalmtipathy* to. it • nd tuts is no doubt' the reSecin,why se any of our worhen,both w1itd,llaok, reresorting to its use; and ions it is becoming aimed titilyetical, mong.tle women of the Southern States. • ..CANARIAN. A ..Prontante Life. •'Few men have accomplished.. the same mount of Work and in this. world:as the elebrated Dr. Chase.' Over -500,-000 of Ms orks have been sold in eanada.alone. We ant 'every person troubled with Liver Com. ∫ Dyspepsia; H eadactie; -Kidney orXrire rti Troubles, to call in at' your. doeggiat's nd buys bottle of Dr. Chase*Liv.er Core, it • ill cure you. Medicine and -Recipe lidelt.•81; How to Beep 'the Boys on theParnii.-, --* • . • 11 the farmeravants. his boys to stay en the farm, let birn work •with his head Se well as his hands and teach tilt= to. do. likewise. Let him show. them that it lea calling that.requires braios as well as num- man. SOInetintee When more important' ole. A few duple aiel-orairp-arirtikelY matters worild not touch -it."-•:•-blin'ty ne. .expensive labour saving. contrivances will -pais:journal. • by the elloulder, vvheelecl him about, and, taking, the chilci.out of the mother's arm?, made him carry it, and thee put the big can into the nian'e band. The fellow. grin" nedeaud made a motiou as if to rid himself . of the child and only darry,the can, but Peliceman 1,422 by deterunned gesticalla- Lions gave him clearly to underetafid that He meant busineali. The little woman at first looked startled, but 88 ahe realizedahe eituation the gave the gray -bearded, blue. coat amass of thanks, and the crowd that had gathered arplaaded him enthusiaatt- catty, "gen like him abouldo't be. per. witted tcoecome to thia country at ell," muttered big-hearted No. 1,422 as he mopped his bruw and looked daggers at. the Polish immigrant, "Why," add he to an enquiriug by-stander, "It was only yesterday that a wee bit et a woman came along here with a trunk on her back, and the loafer ef a husband was walking at her side smoking a bigpipeas quietly as you please, and not giving her a 'mud. Did I make him help? Well,. I should smile," and No. 1,4.22 stepped into the gutter. to. give hie hand to au old, man on crutches Who was eroding the street, • ' Politest. Nothing but pure extracts from plants and root are .used in •preparing McGregor'," Lung, Compound, the, mo den) an d now popular reme- dy for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Asth- ma, and all affections of the„ throat, lungs and chest. All mineral poisons and dangerous sub- • stances are avoided, which renders it safe for child, en or adults. Sold at See and ill per bottle at Worthington's Driiir'Store. • t , trying to 'shoot a ' Bebe'. , 'Men get hardened in war to a point Of immorality that seems incredible even to themselves in after peaceful years.' .. Col. Goodnow was -indulging, in reco- lectiona of the rehollion :aiid 'went on thus,:— ' • - `N.! 1 .wouldn't try to shoot a manIow. fe[41 the meney inthe Perth, and yet I renieMker °nee In -Vicksburg, shooting at a rebel for,the pure Sake of seeing if I' could: hit. Ilitnj. putttng, in 'a double ..liarge antclefrigAll sorts of tricks, 'and. •,..iirikino.t, no inOre efif midi' was the in- , fluence %of the a, surroonid. gs, than • if he ns.. had been brute insteadx' a • brother,%. 'The campaign iti the. •stir1 rig 'before:. we captured •Atlanta,' he cotiti ' ued, WaS a very hard one,'oor boysflghtmg 87 out -of the .120 dayS, and so Many o thorn were killed'hat oyery man Winne to lave the feeling each morning that that inight be his last day, and so grew reckless and almost abandoned'. --Why, over at Deiatur :iitaiuly our troops had a big :fight with the johnnies over a. blaokberrypatch,, arid a .goOd teeny Were killed on both sides over the foolishness. We got the patch, theugh, and Our boys ate the.berries with as pinch g,usto as irthey. hadn't been bought with blood. Such things bring out the heroism in it not only pay for themselves in a short time, but greatly interest the boys as well. Instead of dragging the horses amd cattle out of their dells to drink, one-after;ano- ther, out of a hole in the ice of some creek or semi -stagnant pond, let him at-, tach a windmill pump to his well and have ' a supply of fresh, wholesome water for house, stables, collar and niilk-house,Which. can be turned op and shut off at Will. The machinery will cost but little, the laboar can be furnished ny himself and his boys, and then one of the most intensely:doll and disagreeabl., portions of the "winter chores" is narrowed down from one hour's • • The lionsekeev'esos Complaint. -an dieCOUragecl., have .too Muth - of it. • I 11.02 tired. ata trick. I suppose I was pot into this house to keep it-oltan, but it is too much work. I won't try. • I will go to'sleep. 1 don't dare OW becontes of the house:" • • • The abovejs an allegory. The discour- .otted housekeeper is the liver, which,incleed its often called the housekeeper of 'our health." If it does go to sleep as it threat- ened, a Crowd of diseases are all ready to spring tip ae a consequence. Dr. Pieree's "Gelden Medical Discovery" nets upon the to two minutes' work, while the live stook liver and asaiste it in it work of hoese- will greatly benefit by the change,. It coats I !awning and house-cleaning. It is the but little to seourat he machinery n6°138(117 1 greartn t liver reedy and blood cleanser, and to the craCkirg of the grain and the chop- cures all the long traiu of Chronic tuafadies ping of hay aud straw for feed, and a resulting from:a torpid or Sluggish, sleepy wouden tram can be laid down in the alley liver, such as sick -headache, serofulona ia front of the stalls so that " chop" can be ..cliseases,•auch os !Tortola swelling," hip- tru ndled from the granary and thrown into joint motto, eensumpiien: a the lungs the feed boxes with a light scoop in a few (which is rosily oniy scrofula reanifodiu„e minutVe and yet this does away wichant- itself in the delicate issues of these cygans) ther tedious and disagreeable portion of also oll skin diseases, • as blotches, pimples the " winter chores," saves feed and makes and eruptions, and till, blood taints,however t' . etock grow and fatten more rapidly acquired.. • :1,..1. they would under the old-fashioned, thriftless method generally in vogue among' A Broadway incident, those farmera whose sons are moot apt to • long for the excitement and bustle of city life. "" And it often happens that the system of farming pursued by the farmer may be ex-, tremely dull and distasteful to his boys, The farmer who sells hie farm 'produce in the shape of grain, roots, hay, and even straw, cannot expect to induce his intellia gent boy; who has an ambition in his com- position, to remain at home and follow the footsteps of his father. • 'Voile by year 'the aninfa4 faith product is sore to shrink, and to the boy who looks ahead c‘elit- or tee years 0 e proepect is it Jolla nigh hepelese cue. Let snclt farmer cease to akin his farm by selling off the raw material, and dispose of the manufactured. praduce in- stead. Let him sell his farm produee after has boon manufactured 'into butter, '• Mellreginos Lung Compound,f Rave you abaft Cough, a Chronic Hoarseness, a feeling of Lightness in the Cheat, Weaklunge, or any similar complaint I If so, Inly at once a bottle of bleGregor's Lung COmpound. cure you." It contains entlrelY now sPealaga) of which one dose is more effectual than a Whole bottle of the old time retuedies. It is put up m 50e, andal bottle'. Sold by Worthington, druggist. Try It, and you win never have rea: Cp to complain. • , ti-sts• Berious accident occurred near Alerrit- ton on ]Priday. As the 980 train was _cumin north on the Grand Trunk Rail- way it ran into a team driven by a man named Elliott, who was hauliog atone, The engine struck between the horaes and ihe wa4gou killing one of the horses in- stantly. . The driver was thrown on so the cowcatcher of the locomotive and had three ribs broken and. was badly bruhied about the ,heod and body: • Theaather horse aleo fell on the cowcatcher on top of Elliott and was badlyInjUred. Elliott is not sop. posed to be dangerously injured. Why Misplay Doctors, Consult a doctor, for a 6 or 8 oz. • bottle of medicine $1--eonen1t your diaiggi will give you a 12 as. bottle of Dr. Chase's 'Liver Cure for $1, , and a valuable Recipe Book free. • • To Owner n of Stock.: ENGIISHIAWN ' TENNIS In. Great Variety • CHAS CARLIN Ei, Coma BLOCK. CLINTON ,s1=111111188111M11.0111811.119805111111101111111111111011111. entral Grocery, liC):113 Et* *;*-4. 1A1 014 t4%114, * The subscriber has bought out the k:.00k or P. Rohl), coosisting GROOERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, So Which, being bought at low rates he ieenabled to offer af..-the very elosegt prices Patronage respectfully solicited, 'All ordets promptly.fillied: itoome to 10-.1 H R. WALKER, CLINTON. 1 GREAT • CLEARING 1-: )1111111E4.1.,.- 0.1 .S.1;c1.111.11...,:. GOODS, . • BEE $14E77 Gilet Immoilt Iodide • Amnia e • Removes all Unsightly Donahoe. Cures L1114.110S8 in cattle Spinal Dieningiti .1 Founder, Wesk Sprung Knees. • • . Spartn.-Ringbone Quitter; . • ' Wiudgells. „No stable shOnld be tilthout it.. Railroad mining andex press companies 511 use and- lathe great rse Ing stables of Belmont anti . Lori Ilard 41 has achieved ..won - den. One trial Will convince. ' • 0 • Write DR. GILES, Box 3482,: Y..P. 0., Ny•bn will, 'wit); out charge, give advice' on all dineases and alp on the Hutu tigeinent otrattle. Sold '• 11 dreegistsat 56e. and $1.90 a •bottle and in quarts at $2 20, in which thero is 'great saving* The Itimment 'White %%Tappers je rot family use; that in yellow.foreattle. • • ' Iodide Ammenin IforSe and cattlq. • . Powders. tilted by All the leading horsemetten Jerome Park, Flee' wood, Welton Beach, ilbeepshead Bay and Bulks Ilea Never disappoint, are tome, Alterative and Diuretic, Destrii Worms; cures Indigestion. Colic, Dots, Sore Throat, Catarrh Founder, Pink -eye- aull•Rhettninfism. The dose is small find_ the power lagreat. The.Powders itre Guaranteed and pup . chasers failing to obtain a cure money relunded. Sold. hy al1. druggists at 25cts. per box, . . ." • . . . 33e -ware of .4...ionn.terfeitia I . • • , • , EXECUTO WS oto TICE to CREDITOILS —. • , - - Notte is hereby kiveil, in 'personae° of $00,24, Chap. ' 107,- of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, as amended ' 1.)y 46 Viet., Chap. 9, that all creditors and other -per- sons Avail, claims against the estate of Margaret Salt, WO of the town of Clinton, . in the County or Huron, married roman, deceatted, . WI1O. ditd 011 Or. abodt,the tenth day of June, 1886, are hereby required to sere:thy Post, prepaid; Or otherwisirdeliveeto the undersignli Exeeutor of the last will 'and tostament... 4%0,11 'atlas said la -Margaret Sti/t,-at,Clinten,Thitaliir, on or before the,t14 t day of August, a.- D. 188G. ' their • ,christian names andsiminames; addresses and deseripe tion, the full partieulati.,,of their claims, it statement of their accounts, and tne,neture of the securities (If any) held by them., And tfiAkimmedlately after the said fourteenth day of August ta-kt. the assets of the estate of the said•lide Margaret saitaret to dietribtited among thriNftres entitled theretadieviog regard only to the claims of which notice shall have beekreceived ; end the Kxectuter. will not be liablo for the milkmaids, . or any part thereof, to any person of whose claimhotloo shall not have been received by him .at the spine of Rich distribution. • ' • - . Dated this 20th esi of.rens. A.D./4386. • .' • - • , ' It IfillARDitga.VIN, ,- • • , .. . + - --Execin'eMilitton p.,0. estorn - Fair ----: A D INDUSTRIAL and ART EXHIBITJON L. ONpoN,CAN‘IDA , sei)i.P211h to Oct. 2nd, 1886.. LIBERAL -'13RE1VIITIMS. -EompeiltIon Open to the World. . _ •The Western Fair is thogroatest ..ev.entof.the.nasan for thopeople of Western Ontario. The DIrecters aro deterhitned that•the forthcoming Exhibition shall equal 11 hot stirpass, any of its predeeesears. The commit- tee of attractions are preparing aspletalid progranItud for each day of the Falr,full, particulars of whieh wilt. bo published later en. Write to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Pastors, Programmes, or any Information regair WHETTER, DEO. HolfROOR, ' President. 4• soorotary, SLUG SHOT. Insects and Bugs.--Slii.g Shot will Kill Po- tato..lings and Cabbage Worms, Insects on itose bushes, Flowers, Plants, •&c. and is • a good Plant Food, Only 35 cents per lb. New York Borah' .—It was desperately • • • ! het, and the little wonian! yesterday after - have ,also a lot' of noon trudged painfully up the west aide .of Broadway undo, her'burdens. These were NEW HONEY at 11) lb for $I. a huge bundle, apparently Of' clothing,'- which she held under her right arm,while JAMBS STEEP, - MANTON. in her right hand she Carried a big tin can thatcould hold a gallon. On her leftarrii; resting spindlier shoulder, was a well - grown ohild, ehowing great exhatiiition from the heat: Calmly sauntering in ffont of her' smoking Ilia pipe, with his hands foldedbehind- him while he leisurely gazed at the wonders about him,' was a strong, sturdy man. The couple were husband and wife. Policeman 1,422 flaw thetn coming along. lls face darkened with an ominous scowl, and, triding up•to the man, he took him • OM."( • Blyth Pump Factory., • 0 JAMES FERGIISON . ° Milting removed hit !niftiness to the premises fOrMerly knoWn ta Ttttt illOUNTOASTLE MILL, Would thank all old patronii for past favors and Is hi a bettor pes1,. tion than evet to promptly fill! all orders entrusted tO hint. A STOCK OP GOOD PUMPS ON IIAND.- Ordered work a ePeolahl. Wells dug and completed on short notice. Ali workguaranteed. Prices reason able, Ofteititil int MAti...rsomrILV ATTENDED TO, JAMES PERGUSC.,.;, BLYTIT. • NN OW.KIN.° DE THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND. S. WILSON, GENERAL DEALER 111 TINWARE, HURON' $Tft.E.F.,T, cialvrox. urpairageridtkiiids proinptly intended to in reason, ••• . • ablo rates. .A. trial sollolted... ' • • . . • For saleb# the GRAND -RAPIDS & INDIANA R. R. CO. Sager maple the principal timber. Advalsiages:. Railroads already runner-. bus towns and cities, one* of the healthiest parto ' of the United States, .purest Writer, good Market:PI fine fruit, gootUroads, schools, churches, large agrieultural.population best buildieg.mater:til At IOW figures, &MI soil; low prices, easy mum,. ' perfect title. For booln, maps, charts, aud additioual information, address: „ . W. 0. HUGHART, . . %Ind Commissiou,, . • Perchero.it . . . HORSES.. ' . IslAnd Ham SOoli.Fatla -orosicasteraiatio . C11-stock-seieetee- from the get ot and, -dams., of belled rt--potativa and raisin tore,: in dm • Fi'enelx- and American Sted 'Booka.. 1 av,•.!"..a. - "vorY large number '.of iroporled. and • lions .tual broo& Wares' en hand; Correspontleirm soiicitod. -lustrated. (analogise, 17100. bY ItAIL .1110.1.. • • •• • IllvalidsloteliSurpal Institute •ErETFP.A.T.40, •N. • organized' tvlin fail Stair Or eighteen Experleiteed'and PhYsicians • and &Odeon% .for the trentnient. Or • , Cyronle DIsimsee. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS., Chronic Nasal ‘Cittari•lt, Throtti and Lung Disease/4 Myer and Kidney Diseases, ISIndller nimendes,•DIsesses of AVonien, 1310 oil 13 isease21 antl.Nerv. ons".'Alfeeliono, cured 'Itere_or hom% whit or without seeing the patient. Come and see ue, or eend ten cents in :damps fOr our 64 Invalids' Guide Book'', which gives all partietklard. • Nervous Debility, ImPo. teney, Nocturnal Looses, nod all Morbid Conditions • caused yonthfut.• Vol. Iles am.• ••-• loos Soli. tary Praetteu..: are repeedity .. and permanently cured by our animists.. Book, post-Plild. NO& in stamps. 'ilupture, or Breach, •radi- ROPT.1111E, DELICATE DISEASES. • 71TE C'ELEBRATED , • • CHASW V4Pni• 1411116:6*-1------ FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASE • : When; int 4}icen• to4nts •Go ..eitace, lie buys ii,ontparties whose stariciiing,im their. seveval a otairantee.for Ike ' '410710110 tlieir wares." • This Sterling motto is Iloubly true in regard:to Tattont Medicince, buy . 12.1i3r!Igi=tOMMIX-4;TOggrigligg1P31-7.7 • me .receipt books to reclaim anreecommenda- • •Cit;tsn's 'Liver, Curo has a receipt book wrapped around. every Laittlo whichis worth its weight In gold. . lin. Citases 'flyer Care is guaranteed to cure .• all diseases arising frog' a • torpid :or inactive 11 -err such-as_Llicr 1111.1idasnesa, .J41,11111111'9 Ilead- • • ache, Liver S!'ots, Sallow compiezion,nte.,,, •TH E 'KIDNEYS •THE KIDNEYS .' • DR, ClIA/4P'SJ.,iveretute a 'certain 'cure for 'all derangements Of the kidness,such lispain lit . :the beer 'pain. in lower portion of theabdoinem constant desire -to pass urine; red and -white ' s_ediments, shooting pains in passago, Bright's • disease and all urinate/ trouble's, etc. • . it. take ne Other' it will owe, you. Fold 14 all dealers at $1.0apor bottle. IpuntAIKNON. &Tea.; 401.t AGENTS FOR CANADA.. anAorpao • eally cured, without the- knife, - without dependenceu on trusses, and with very 1 ttle stamps.• pain. Book sent for ten cents PILE I'VVIOUS and riTatiCarulitka treated with the greatest success. Book sent for ten cents in stamps Address' Wonw's DISPENFAWif MEDIC; ',....mt,01ATZONt 663 Main. Street Buffalo, -N. Y. . The treatment of many thousands of eases of those diseases peculiar to VII' C., WI XI 111r at, the /uvulas' Hotel and Surgical Institut% 1818 af- DISEASES .0F WOMEN. , forded large experience in adapting remedies for then.' ogre, and •,DR. .pmenciet.s . . • Favorite -Prescription is the rest& of this vast experience, It is a powerful. Ilestorative Tonic' and Norville, imparts vigor and stOligth to the syst' em and mires, as if by inagie. Lou. corrhea, or 46 WhItea,93 oxeessiv 110WIllir, painful menstruation, un- natural* suppressions, prolapsum or falling of the utertis, Weak back, anteversion, retroversion, bearing. down. Ise/nations, chronic conges- tion, inflammation and ulteration OK the vroinb, inflammation, pain mid tenderness in ovaries, internal' heat, and "female Weakness.” It psemptly, relieves and cures Mailmen. and Wealtnessi of Stoillach, indigos. tion Bloating, Nervous 1Prostratton, and Sleoplesinessvin either sex. PRICE $1.00 fowitt. Souvags. • Sold by Druggist's everIerhere. Pend ten Cents in Damps for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise.on Diseases of Women, illuatrateck WorleaDispensaryliedicalAssociationo sea Main street, IgriPPAIA •SICK -HEADACHE, miaow' 1143adache, COnstipa. tion, Indigestion, arid Bilious Attack.), promptly Mired by Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgatite Pellets', 20 -- cents ti.Vitti, by Druggiete,, • A A BENNETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR & Entailer. aoa' A large stook :,f re•sotii. -; K Fa' I'S and COPF1 S ItUirl)S, .1 ,te.; alweya onlontd, / ! • Tot; EGYPTIAN. .11 al 11ALNIINO I Ll'ID used in all Outer. '1 AL$ERT STREET o' texil •HAR,LAND BROS.;: IftsAilMilre Orange Ht.' 'tette tite Clintott‘ •asr.rat.. •