HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-13, Page 2a._..pio.osirsss.n..sov.u4•....uom'''!"'"'nussswo.mnsrnnonaorlmllolmmll".1"M"."""m"Imll"...0 • inner *Mee from Dick's Rat, and 110014 at zogItt, and broken of your rest by a Sick SELF OR ISEARER now You meat ObeY Me, and; Pal shall be :14 , • r Worm' of PaPer written allover br Yen balte• linderlifeed, if we remember that the lire- waelllaWallelewelsainmeilikea been thrre--inst tor eve minutes, whlt hall Mtn 156t'llierf whatever could tie Soon of the Ai4ivice yo Mernians.-Are you dieterbed. 'le bat efflo piekeaup anti gemmed teeetber the from the other seat. This will readily child suffering and crying with pain ot Cutting CR!. pr fathera hendwriting. A. dangerous bey "I w:lit I had biethere." "whet will you dot:torte "I wen t home again " said Mk. pOtner. I will introduee you, and .1 plaCe, was en the same sidafOr both rooms, PlaY alitalse. 'like the foolt; tat the tahle, and that Mr. acfutTidge. at near the the cense the cursed loos of 'Any linger prevent' his room, end, Dic14 between the fireplace me from playieg any other way. But you awl, the vindow in his, while. .the office boy .,--yea-r.,you shall play With, every advantage of science, skill and Courage." • "Oh." cried -Dick "let hat TesCh wadreamytel ga°11irti::IT:13 l'Oht" Dick, it is fair to eay, had. no ob. Imeti""' (1)""t: trestea his owu rowers. “Oh. it is impossi. suritylzir please, , 1 was a toot uot trgillei:irl _ go and more." Oanbeyhyou and be your sesvaut, or your JoOtiorIS On the score of hortestY, but be dis- mate loletwtts t o oThereit sh , fRaeed, because; guessed the truth .4A. healltilui dl‘arn. Everywhere the no along.st,ate many Ming men who do these, Ett .0Y are always found out; then thero ir silly boy mest. delifhtfel li,fik.alatfillitafilliealn•eVery.” iithe foels eliZo sit ithatit'the tables, and who ea.. bornlorolnylyott 411:1701clivnartirdtinEtifietttosep.craBtutit expect to -Win. Perhapti 'a time may mune 70e enc,ditterent when it will be ray, area* amt•almaessayes 111,:e_od 01 if gra:ZS' getened; 70E. Dave col,. an I want; therefore 1 The meat sighed, and •Diclat sloe kindlet wm map youp. divine life, IOW:everything that can be DIelF me:inured Stnnethilig about grata d bought, and always money at your lingerie "10•" oad the Collin; "do-aot talk oftlgeritItude.• n ...n ._ 4...4 ,,,_ rst of all. yOu will,etsr, heftier a while until I at, ends. You might. ,h0 MY pupii t ,f Ready. While you ire bOrel you must not leave thlr '1;51141tiltitDgi0ellsig taiii tnes hiii 1 F,(111 out to (leuraRel on. bave Urned your boats; you have broken with he past." . =Oaths "I would teach you enough. The* we Would begin. YOU sbehld he the young Digitaltn= of fortune on his • travels. Ice one enspectsthe young Engliehmart of for- tune; he is always a qOl1�alwaye, the CHAPTER XI, prey of the profession. Would you to be that young Xnglishmant Ile loses When"1114 CP" q4ANCI3 '14"' - The blackest cloud sat on the. brow ot the stakes are low, and he wins When the , stakes are high. ' Would that suit you," • Iffurridge, BusinesS was before him.whicb The Bpldar' has Manytlandishments. Te wanted his clever clerk, and she was gone. the tly he talks the language of innocence, Wonaerfull unheard of! She confessed what o fiettOrY. Othehad, done, and she went awepavithout f disiaterested friendship, end wend of excose, without tatty appeal to mercy; of IOVQ. But to brother spider he uses I different kind of talk. just as if somebody else had done the thing, ' emild; eels get' ititeid' he Sea aim Never WaS audacity more complete. for the city, I hate itt It I CoUld only get . mulct forgive her," said Mr. Mtirriclge. away!" "I feel it in ma to fergiVe her," Perhaps the "You may -you shall- My dear young thotielit of her cleverness, and the loss of Mend I will help you because you mu help her departure, Resisted hint to this Christian beim a mind. "Yea I feel that. L could me. 'Tim& is the foondatiOn of every friend - forgive ben I could stop the IiiXty ?anode ourT?r,ifer salary, and we could, go on josh exactly. the sameas 'before, Only I should lock up the check book, if she'd only tell me rad she did it, and say she was sorry,, And the little devil goes off with a tee§ of her head and a glare in bee eyes es If somebody --elsa----hasLtalrea„the...rheelests-It's avlanderful;, It's wonderful!" • I Meantime bow could he replace her? • "PlImake her come back to 'me," he said.. "If she won't. accept my terms 1111.prosecute her, even without the checke. She must ' have nken them out of Dicke drawer, .too, Women will do anything-anythingi But • that was clever. What will her father say? I don't care. Tllprosecute the Honorable Norah -Cream', cluttgliterofeVis' count•Olonsillarfer forgeey1 That is" -he paused --"if 4. can without the cheeks; and theta she'll be glad enottga to accept my terets." While Mr, 3Iurriclg,e was thus breathing fury attil fldines be received a cell. A young gentleman, whose anmserance was Un- known to him, *knocked at thedoor and walked in. ' "Mf IMMO is Aquila,'" he said. , ' understand why «1 liRve called. when I tell yoit that I am engaged to .Miss Norah Cronau." ' , . . _ -"Ohl' Mr.'. Murridge replied) with a -snort; "you are, are. you? And, has that yoong • lady seen -Yon -since yesterday morning?" "Ye.; I have•seen her." • . "lia she made any kind Of statement to •you? Do you Imderstand what has bap-' P.neci3" • . • : . "I learn trent her that some kind of charge her heinfbreight ageinet her" • "She •is accused-ecit by', the, but by an- other -of theft and forgery. Sixty, Pounds is the fetal: I have been rebbed in my own 'office of sixty pounds .by five distinct for. &Jos. She made no bones of confessing the thing to inch 'Laughed ,at so to Speak. Langhed at it! 'Told ran tO .kpd out • the truth for myself.'. • ' •"Confessing? Norah confessing?" "Certainly. • And if, young ,gentlenuto,. Feu. can explain how she Came to cenfesS without theleast shame; should be glad to hear that explanation ;Ponta" "Let ine amderstaud. How conkl ehe non'. ' fess? "Whatdid she say?" • . " "She confessed that she cashed one of the checks herself, and that • her brother cashed count would really do what ne iiaa KM-.• another. • la not that eoufessioxt. enough for ised-beconta,-his- friend and partner: lie- youp , . • 'shill. My secrets are yews, and yours ar mine for the ' future. We 'must trust each other,' beeause we can be of service to each eothet.., Hands upon it:" • . Dick gave hint his hand, "So," said the count "Now, my friend, • Ihav•busine1-w#1. leave you here. .1 sball return in two hotitir7. Voit-itair-sta'r here,* for the first time beaseumed atone of tOnimand. "Yon will Rot leave. thb house Until my return."' , • Ile'put on his 'hist and lit a cigarette. "By the Way, have you got me another check?" • "No," said Dick shortly. • , "Those iii•st three cheeks -they were all right -on the squarer _eat ,_„„,,mm_they_wera,.., should they not be all right?" • • ---. , "Good -very good. Your secrets_ are • mine, and mine are ,ydiara. Tattriers such as we shall be have no secrets from each ether, havathey?" - He laughed plepantly and, went away; • Dick, left alenew beg* to iiiingitie that • e. His Own had been. so dulitheLhe had n e least idea what it •would hiit- like.. But there IN ould lie no city work; no Once, nb drudgery copyink-and: of , making up • books,. "rhere would he 'Change 'and excite- • • . ment-in iti-.4herewouldheinozieyindt,:itnii_ • • gambling (on the safe side) iri; it. Was the count serious? • Vet he tad spent, a great deal of trouble over him: • He was not likely • to spend thartime and trouble for nothing. The chances ot leading sueli a• life .dependect • upon hirnself. • •• - • ' He seized the pack Of cards and began to 'practiee sortie Of. the paReeNtinti-triolcs-whiCh- the count had taught hint: But he wai ex- • cited and nervous. The most that.he dared to hope that morning Was safety fer a4intec what wee opened up tor him now- was Mote • thin safety for a time -it was rescue.• . The count said that the .trouble. was corn. ing.tha,t very day. Well, he knew that the • checks were burned, 'with the check beak. There can' be. nolorgerk unlese, -the: docu- ments. are produeed, and' they Were gone.. Oh, what a fortunate ohattosewas ,this. that • placed in his hands the very # proofs • of hit own guilti The cheeks were buried. If -hie father discovered 'the trutii,; he .would do nething-,nothing.at all, There Would be a • row; there- would certainly. • he or rim'. Well, the greateet,, Few .breaks no bones. Andhe vaatild,. perhaps, be turned into the streets: ' Very perha k the leeth? 'tee send. at once and get a bottle o "Me. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ren Teething.r_He value is incalculable. it wiltreheve the poot-rlitt o titer item a Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mist e was acCOMmOdated with a table and a.cham about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhceis, • rsgalaters the Stomach and Bowels, ouresyind on the other side of the fire. Co°M4Ci:?WiftellenSlOt:IveZ•luoerntsItt, rd7Scyttles IP7,11"arafOnir 7hili711 of",tVbserysitgoorOyIrlosatluxyhUi son tri liTi;stisrpeorsaint and, (Win tono and eneru to the whole svrtem frclal ewe Place through the PavtlY ren teething is pleasant to the ',tote and is the oPenestdO°1% Nwir, in order to her, he preecription of one of'the oldestand best female would have been ohltecl te leave the seat pkyeeaa,ee and ngysps tn,theibt,itecl Elt4t,ea, end • and geiinvertO the Other side Of the mini." is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world. 'That makes no .difference," said, Mr. Price twenty-five Cents a bottle. Be sure and Nurridge• "The Pettit is that he saw what Sek for "Mns.1ViszeLow's gloonixect Slump," was being done. He may have been stand, and take no other kind. 20-7-9. . ing-or ,prying and peepIng--that -Inatte1'S " kt• .11.W.A.It `VIA= CAIria nothing. .- do not agree With year,5! seid Hugh. ' •••••••••• 41Tho point is that, uot being. curioue. . Traine leave,Clinton as followe:- • sgsw 'without taking the trouble to spy." (Marin TiMINE RAILWAY. Going laffl, Going West. - 018tm, )20 difference. Why shouldn't he „.,.s5 a.m. express 10.0 a.m, mixed spy, A man doesn't like to confess that, he 0, i,,-,0,1 p.m. mixed Going exprees was prying and spying." • • 4,30)p.m. mixed I " 9.15 p.m. express Hugh. went on loanother polot. „ GREAT WESTERN ItAtiiivAY. "He says that Norah folded, the checks and placed, them in her bosom, 'Very good. Lot GoingNorth. , Going South, 9.5.5 a.m. express 8.03 a.m. express ns see tile Check...5r • n 7,01) p. in. express 4.13 li, m. express '"They are lest. They have been stolen. "That is unfortunate. Did you see them?" ' "Of course T dtd." . • "In what manner had they been folded?" . MANNING 84-.300%1' • It was a bow arawn at a venture, But lialtisters Solicitors Ur, Murridge changed countenance and . - looked disconcerted. uONVEYANCERS c. ' "Strange," he said; "I. had forgotten. Only OM was fOlded. • The others had been COminissioners for Ontari e and Manitoba, • rolled or &11Tied flat in a pocketbook. on'ICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON' noticed that they were nob folded, But one s - was fokled. I am certain that one of them -ayes _ teems makes, you. see, the second mistake in this document." ` "What de these little mistakes matter in so weighty a charge as this? My son says that he saw with his own eyes-,lt doesn't signify to me whether, he was peeping througha keyhole -he actually' saw Norah tear those citecke out"of the book. You can- not get over that plain fact." Al•Plainly, then, Mr. llurridge, I don't be- lieve it. If that is the only way out of the di 'culty I do nob believe it." *# " ou think my'son-liodr am perfectly mire that if he charged Norah With theft, he lies." • ' ----ti•You-are-engage,d-to thay,ouogintly_Xou amebOund to sev tab. But, young gentle- man, get over hermanfession 'if' you: can. I tell you I ant ready to believe that my son was Mistaken if you caii get Over the plain facts -that I have been robbed, and that Norah confesses." ' , "Let•us wait till Daffodil comes." He sat dowo opposite te Mr Murridge, •and they,waited. There was nearly half an • hour yet to wait. To sit opposite tO man calve, you see, Dick had 'as yet none of that "Nothing tvould be enough for ma because • . . ers in iniquity. That had to be creatd ny him. rof-'my"-Osvp--AilliCts renra-lirmly-,-iu-fact-be- rds. -He -He-coul • threw them down, and teoll up the paper.* It - was The ThneS, and . On • the second column, his eye fell upon the following advertise- • naent: , sene of honor which exists between broth - t am asfirn1y coot:liked of her innocence as for half an hour . waiting for a question th be asked, It quailed ha which is concerned the honor of the girl you love, is .awkward. While they waited, however, there came • another visitor. _ Mr. Murridge's deer v'as standing:wide' open, and the visitor waled in. was.an gentleirtan; vfhite nnistache, very neatly dressed, With soldierl beari g He took off hts hat:plitely-Intd-nr-, he did -so Mr. • Mar- - ridge started, because he reCognized the•man for whom he hadetliat Morning advertised. • At least,' this man was short of one -finger-- the forefinger of his right hand was gone. , "You are Mr MurridgaV he asked, and in a slightly foreign accent. • "ram, sir. Aod.you?" • - --71"MTiFirriiiilariblarithose desertptiOn is given in The Thnes of this Morning." "Pray go on; sir." " "It is, pethaps,"usual to advertise -Or a keii0.emati under the promise of a reward as if he wes.a ' . • ' "If he is wanted for evidence, why not?" "You mtty withdraw that advertisement, sir, and you May save ypur money: I .ara the man who presented three checks at your 'bank, 'and for twelve pounds, and each signedby yourself." , • - "Oh!" said Mr 3Iurridge. ' Vote we shall see." ile turned te• Hugh. "Perhaps, as _you_ feeLile_strongly in this business; you would like to. leave no alone withIlifs-;-this On the contrary; I feel so strongly about it that I must ask your perniksion to hear what he hes to say. ' an upright, n 'Finnan V005D8 Ittarano.-vhicreaS,.on Hien the fith and the ilth sdaya of. Jun% respectively,.tbere were presented and: castled at the Royal (Sty and Provincial • Dank, Finsbuty Moils branch, three thecka, 'eachfor twelve . pounds, payable to sae Or bearer, and purporting. to be eigned by nwielf, tho above -homed reward will be :paid to person whp shall discover the Wan who preaented them. WIS. described as nu elderly =ay, w,e11. dressed, 'speaktf With a foreign' ticeent,has short White hair and white mustache, without beartF,7-and has loaf the fore - - anger of his right Moult . 0114110d) ' • ."3011:4 . • • • "riitsbary .•?, • • • Mr. Murrldge, in short, was a ptct3caI. man. Tito ease perplexed andwowied him. Ile could Set) no way out of it. Noralt took,the checks; that was eel:. tail!. She and her .btother•presented two of them; • that was certain.- ,Wity? 'And whopresented tho otherIbfee?.. . . There cannot bo niany•men.- In •London with the throe distinctive eltaraeteriaties of rage, n foreign' tic. cent, and the loss ef the prefilter on the right hand. The mania) wOl 5ed.nit 0.5hU acceintdice MAIM robbery, ot hce nplarhave '1,0e-orr33r111371Then5"witit these eheeka Itrthe f orator ease he might he die.' Severed by some olio mkt, *childate the advertise. mentf inthe Ritter he might himself eomo forward. He was (Mite right; the advertiseinetit produced the . man. It did more: Thero4were, think, fifty-two • members of Outdid). .1t wns,rthereforo, remarkable that, in tfie imiirse of . that 'day and the next, Mr. Ilmwidge reentved fortY.six.lettets, all from the Iwo mediate neighborhood of Et. Pancras, King's Cross, and Caniden Team, and ail • Wonting hint that the writer 88(1 15 In his bower tO produce the man tid• vertised for oath° receipt of the promised reward'. "which might bo sent lir ?dant' post. Thirty-six of . , the svritors followed up fife letters by n personal atm twontroIX werejottsiVo,when they foetid that • they bail to go away with , nothing -net 'even their tempers, which they Iost in the Wilco -and ten wont away sorrowful, There votild heti° boon fiftrone' letters; hut, on ortItuatolyrAlie-reinaining-avoctW Nettie() The Times'. . • • A. simple advertisemt en., Nothing mere. Vet it • knocked down at one stroke the whole of ChM's areful construction: -No •itiaeo,wal, left 01 11 aftes. the advertisement appeared Mau remains:of an lee 3!5 .11110 hithersinninpr. l'll”o• knew 1111#8, 'rho Moment itu etmeiTrra vertisemcnt he understood what would happen. At two o'cloCk.the omit returned. :••ity Weed, he Sate, gravely,. "yeti have- tiOne wrong.' . • • °what • i dotter , • "You have not trusted me. • A deign times have .1 Red you if those checka Wefe Sight," "Well, they nrO--' 110 began, -neve done with ilea" add the , count, 'roughly. Understand, °flee and for all, that there am to he no more lies betweea us. Von aro to tell. ino the troth -always; Do you hoar? .Elso' yougo yew' nwn way, Even this. Moaning I gave you another chance.' "Volt ought to have shonth mo the paper," . "Wm nufflithave seen tliti name "Have you been tomr father's?'" '1 13151.0. In atty ease 1 sheidd. 'have tone 41 him . What! Ara 1 to be advcrtyed fdr?-Mn / to go into . hhiltig? Resides," Ida fade breito MO a sweet Smile, amine this document with a little more.eare. cause Norah eadid 4Let de this thing, Cott• ; $1 er, r. urr go ,---the young inan'evoitti- trembled"this is a very dreadful charge to bring against 'tiny one, and most of against a girl Yet you talk of it as if it was not only a possible 'charge, but already' proved." : "Every -day • in this city," 'Said Mr Mur - ridge, "there • are •rehberiesof this. kind. They are all committed by perfectly innocent persons peevimply unsitspocted. Wheathey are found out the first ery 18 that it is im- -poggible, Now, young' gentlentailf1 anti very ferry, for the girl's salsc-1 don't know an. Other person in the world Lor whom 1 v'otild, say so notch.. The thing is impossible, fait not? Yet it has happened—. . ' ' '"Is.that all0 Tell mo exactly, . Is it; 'all • that Norah said?'" "She said that she ‘voulkl anssver inoro• gitostions.. rls that , ".'Oet quite. That she sttid then; -I can't understand it -was that 1 rettstAincl out the truth for myself„ What do yoW.nialtp• that?" , ' • ' : ' "Only that you haVe not got the tritth yet. Stay;„ let us send , for, hee brother. Whl •you let `rne put .a question to him inyour presence?" ' • •_ ' . ' "By cal ineane, Send the office boy in a cab." •. . . Hugh hastily wrote a note, and dispatched ilia boy in a hangout. From -the 'city to Gower street a tolerably strift cab takes, iwentY minutes. . They had, therefore, forty imitintes at least to Wait. . "And now," paid Mr. Murridge, "your relatious wfth this paling lady aro, so ititia -mate, #utal-yotr-krioav so imich, it would .bci just as well if you knee/oil" Ile opened his safe, and took front it a roil of paper. , "This'doettinent," ho said, "was pleced in --•ny-bands-by-Ato_ether_than-my-own_Son- tlead it, reniembering that the girl is his sisi conmation and friend from chadhood." Hugh reaA it through, slowly end dellber- dely Then he read it a, second time. "You accePo this"statement," he asked,• 'without question?'' • "Sereiy. It is a perfectly plain statement my my own 800, who canhave nothing what- ever to gain by litisrepreseeting the facts. You observe that he suppressed as long tiff he could the most leaportaat fact." 'igh made do reply-. But he Teed. th he paper a third time Then he looked ears* fully about the room,• "Come, Mr, Murridge," he stikl, "let us eX- you think that, for fifteen' tfounds,„these gentleinen Dick'says that Norali shut the door; that the "there aro our worthy friends, .th0 members. DO Wdilld riot rlish tO deb.:Mitt° titer num without the door, as sometimes happen, Was not quite forefinger? Therefore 1 ahneipated them. Will dote, but stood ajar; from noir th t the p11500 where be sat he e031181 see through this Diek waited to know what hapoettea, "I took (101551. /drove to Finsbury Meta I sent my card toybur father, He was not atone, but 115 tolinitted 010 110 ItTintlateir.i' • "What did lit say?" "Nothing-yoer father Said nothing, front which I augur the worst. roe herself, as be might wish to ifeartroin Inc fattiter, 1 have fril.tell 1)3311 Mr nettle aelaPliy,address-diet at Rita lionse." ' IctibWs that 1 gave Yom those Cheeks,. Did lie .ny nothing?" 'Ile mid nothing, Whedyett hchne thlsovenIng, he will, Without. doubt. bare 15 great deal 50say, Inn to ine he said nothing rit all. Then) As inert, bbwever. 1 waS not Al000.7 • ..Who WAS Meter ' "Vont father knows 'nosy that ybit gave two morn t.ie *stoic- eashoa. •more was Another Ohtek bah Stied up.' &1507 lb Um ofileclifes found it enct given lt. to your finer." . • "/ knew the iltITe devil. luta got if. 11110111 hall partly open door. Come into the othet. vyitlt me," - He cattilly adjusted the door so that it should be ajar at an angle of about eleven anti a half degrees, which is,• so to speak, 01. goo 1 largo jar, "Now," lie said, "if it WAS /dal', 15 cer- ainly couid not have been wider than this. ler° APO MVO tftblell tWO,Chtlirs; 1 utpiitisti .0 illUstivive beau sittimr at one o 10111 fill 0 101!•130/ the cloo • '11114 1' Inv eon's elm ir. ' oa bele,. Hugh ' eiteon. ell nm 'f() LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. l'erfeot IndlealeS a natural and itealtbir condi. tion. of the scalp, and of the glands bum& which nourishment*, obtahted. When, in eolieequenen of age and, di.s; ease, the hair becomes weak, thin, and gray, Ayer's Tlair Vigor will strengthen restore its nelginal color, remote: ite rapid" and vigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness ot youth. "have -need Ara's, rfair 'Vier for a Wig time, and- furl convinced of its value, When WAS- 17.years of age my` • hair began to turn way. I commenced • using the V_gi or, and was surprised at the good effects it produced. It not only teetered the color to my hair, but 80 stimulated its growth that. ili,ave now more hair than ever before. - J. W. Edwards, Coldwater, Miss. " Ayer's -Hair Vigor, Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. over J. Jackson's store, Albert Street ' lUrARRIAGE LICENSES. -:-APPLY TO THE .LY1 undersigned at the Library Rooms, Smith's Ed ' JAMES SCOTT, iuroNNY LEND IN faBGE Olt SMALL LLL sums on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. RALE, clinton, DH. DOWSLEY, M.D., R.O. 8 ENGLAIID .LY Physician, Surgeon, etc. Officeand residence twit idolson's Bank, in arket 'square, Clinton. APPLETON.--15FFICE--AT RESIDENCE. I., on Ontario street,Clinton,oppositethe English auron. anrcanceby side gate. F:I. p.rint.ial and Dominion Land SurveYor • • • Architect wad Draughtsman, Rennin BLome, Clinton. tENmiLLER IsTURSRY. OMIT Ab D ORNAMENTAL TREES, NOR. WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND • ASTRACHAN rINE, TUX LATTER or WHICH vna WEE* IIPEOL‘LT " LARuE, STOCK ON HAND i'he above ornamental trees. and shrubbery will be acid at very low prices, and. them wanting anything in thia connection will save money .by purclisaft be. • Orders by Malt will be promptk attendee to Address, JOHN. STEWART, BEIM Mlit IF YOU Ans ethrr EARN; from'clebility and loss of apiletite; if your stomach lans„ out of order, or your mind confuse; • take Ayer's Sarsaparilla: Tltie medicine will restore physical force and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any toisio yet discovered. For six menthe suffered from liver and atomise% troubles. My leed didnot nourish me; and -I became, weak ,and very much emaciated. , took six bottles •of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was cured. -Julius M. Palmer, Springfield', Mass. Ayer's SarsaParilla, pared_by,Dr0110:12:1-- totto, $5. . 'Bola- by Drugging. rrice-$1, r 1456--sisnnsTa- Imp ' Before buying, gat out stagiel,pricettor.„,, Balls, • Marge, Lacrosse Sticks, . Ex.press Waegons,Doll Oartiages.-: CROQUET BASE LIAM, • CRICKET GO 3138. H. Nelson 84 BERLIN.. MAETIPACTUBERS STEAM gmailf s, 0.01.1.ERS, AND GENgTtAL MA0H1NPRY; . • ORDERS •:- PROMPTLY -:- 'FILLED $50,000 To LOAN at 6 per Coot. Why pay others 7,8, 9 and 10 per eetst, when you can get money from us at 6 per c, -T-ERMS-made tnettitt:horrowerdmOdut Payment ERfil period of loan, Apply te FA. RRAN TISDALli • BA.NR.ERS, CLINTON. • TILE NOLSONS Incorporated by Aet of Parliament, len. • , CAPITAL, - $2,006;000. , • - THOMAS. WORNMAII, .; President, . - •J. FL R. MOLSON . -Vice-Pres. P. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Qeneral Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made. Drafts Waled, Sterling and American expisnge • ,bought and sold at lowest chrrent rates: Interest at. 4 per cent allowed on deposits., IF.A.11•Almnt4. • Mqney advanced to ferment on their own notools:nt'oith.nan iirMore endorsers. No mortgage required as 80- 1 .uarstitnyu. ary 186 II. C. BREWER manager, D-Rti EIEVE.--OFFICE RATTENBURY ate.— Murray Block, two doors east of, Hodgens' en - tritium. Residence, opposite the Toniperance Huron Street, Oljnton. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 6p;0). VERS. WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. PUPILS T l aftonded at their own resideneegneoessary. Re- tidence, John Robertson's, heron Street, Clinton, Rice's new method taught if desired. TAB. STA.NBURY, GRADUATE Olr THE MEDI •.11-/ oax,Dopartmentof'VictoriaUniversity,Toronto,for- merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries,,New 'York loronorf or 51)8 001111(7 et•Euron,Bayneid,Ont. vaANif POIYELL, BailinirkEn,raOLICITOR, NOtary Public, etc, 0ffie, SaARLE'S BioCII, DEO STREET, Chagrins*, Toronte agents; Messrs. Bic- Carthy, Qsler,"Floskin Cretin:tan. Private funds to oan at lowest rates of interest. . • •-•- R1V .. WILLIAMS, B.A.', m.B.,GBALtaTE OP •.Toronto University ; member of theCollegeofPhy Onion P and Surgeone,Ont. OFFICE 64 RESIDENCE the hOnseformerlyoeoupied by. Dr. Reeve, Albert street Olinton. • • roll. WORTHINGTON., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON Aceoneheur,Lieentlateof thtiCollegeofPhysioian. an d Surgeons of LowerCanada,and ProvineialLieen, Mate and Coronorf or the Oonntyoffluron Ofilecand retlidenee,-The building f ornierl y occupied by 1311 'Charades, Huronatreet. . Clinton, Jan. 10,1871. OLINTOV MECMANICS" INT -11U715, LIBE VARY a.nd ileadnie Rooms, Perrin block, down stairs, About 1,700 vo•unies in the Library and all tho Leading New,spapers and Periodicals of * the day on the table. Membershiplickettlper annum: Open frem 2 to 5 p.m., and from 7 to • 9 p m. Appileations for niemaershait reeiVod by -the -Librarian in tn the rooln. UNION SHAVING PARLOR sErAviDiG. HAIR CUTTING'. AND SHAM- ' TOOING done very neap and to suit THE LARGEST an J$EST IN psE: BEAVER RLOOK-BOOKSTORE. WM. COOPER, CLINTON . RO.gERT 1)OWNS9 CLINTON,' Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Sa w :diet Dog in use. Agent for tho solo and application Of the taltr.FISitHa PASERT 'AUTORATIC DM= CLEANER. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on short 4, Doitersi, Engine's. rind all kinds of Ma at cepa r e e hi 6 al • i ed • s slitl•malY and • , ,,. ..•, • . in a *sittisinetevy manner.. , Farm implements nianufactu red and repaired. Stoani and Water. Pipes furnished and putin position. Dry Kilns fitted up on application. Charges moderate. .. •PENNYROYAL• WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly witk perfect enccess by • over 10,000 le.dies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask_your drug - gilt for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or hiclosepost• age fersealedparticulars. Sold by all druggists, $1 per box. Address E CHEMICAL c�, Damon, Mice: Sold in Clinton by J.. H. COMBE and Druggists everywhere. • "I must:hear what he 'lias 10.say.7 "As you please: 1518 the next step in the. inquiry. 'You understand- that I shall' ,con - not thee three checks, 118 Weli as the Other two, with Norah or lier .brotheri" • • ."You will try" • ' ,"Tho question isi" said Mn lifurridge, • "first, whertayou got those cheebit and next; forwhat consideration?" "Aa tegards ,the first," :replied tha stranger, "you ought to know tie whom, you gave them.' '• ' . eI did tot give thent to any one. Those checks !svere 'stolen, and •the signature ie a forgery." ' "Really/ ,That 18 aWk ward, • It Very 'awkward. •• .• "But tell us," cried ilugh, springing to his feet; 'Tell 1.0 niant" • "I, am mutat distressed to hear this," said , the strattger. "L coufess when. I saw this advertisement this morning, that I feared there ate tontething wrong about the checks. I am most distressed.". "You have not answered nly question yet,". ectid Mr. Murridge, "Never mind yom distress.' "1 °ani .distressed on your accoune, sir, HoWeVer, the porSon from *hem 1 teceiv,ed this checks was yOur . own sou ./kr. Richard Murriclge:" • , "What!" Mr; Murridge shouted, - "Yolir Orn lionl-ne other, cer trtinly." 4firl lingh eat down. "Why-ewhy--for What eonsiecration did you receive that money?" "In part payment of loan, I had lent ntY young,friend, front time 54 Sums of annjey anounthig in 6.11"-ita produced a pocketbeek ansi lOtiked . at it,, entryr--"tu ' ferty-nine pounds nineteen Shillings, He ' has paid Me by them instalments of 'twelve ;potteds enelt-thh.ty-six pounds. There re- mains, therefore, the sum of thirteen pounds nineteen ShIllings-thirteon guineas Wo Will 1.9 ;DUN FAIMUARSOliro 'San Wes Mack J.. T. WILKIE, • • IIRGEON DEMICIST. . • Hold'the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd process of administering cheadcally pure Nitrogen blenoxide,which is the safest and best system yet dis- covered for tho painless extraction of teeth. Charges moderate, satisfaction naranteed... awes, EL- LIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor Shop, Huron, S treetk Clinton. .THE MOAT ENGLISA PRESCalltiON • AsuccessfulmedlcInetestedover 80 years in thousands of cases Promptly cures Nervous Pros- tration,Weakness ofBrain, Spi- na/ Cord,.and GenerativeOrgans of eithersex, Emissions and all illscausedby oration orover-exertion. Six -packages is gleam?, teed to effect a cure When all othermedicines fall. • OiNgrists.rage $1. six packages 85, b"yrnail. Sold Y Irrits foe Pamph et. Address- ..•IMERA CUE5110AL CO,, DETROIT, Mon. Sold In Jaintodby J. Et. COHSE and Druggists r everywhere. McKillop Mutual 'Firs insurance Co. ' NOTICE. -The undersigned aro appointed' to act as agents in the townehip of Goderich, ter the CompollY# Any person wishing t� In- eure i nthis old and ?reliable Farmers Company, will appiY to either' THOS. NEELANS, Har - look. or SAMUEL CARNOCHAN, Setiforth, Prompt attention will be given,. • PROTOGRA.PIIEli ics'EXCEIASIORORGD • J. ,33:I.DDLECUMBE., Watch and Chick Maker, OPPOSITE imam miaguirr, warren „ , Where he keeps eableet assortment of , 4K4TCRES,. CLOCKS;' JEWILLERYI • • • ' Which we will liell a,treasenableratea • •• . , . . Repairing of every: deseription: promptly , tended to,and ahl workivarrented. - J. BIDDLEgOMDE, Oditon,Nov.1882. Arta. the severest testisi-the-lita-fairin- Clinton it •was universally admitted that FOR PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, . BEAUTY Oy FI13US1L AND SWEETNESS' OF TONE the EXCELSIOR, was* away ahead Of elf oth- ers, and destined to. be the popular instru.# ment Of the day. Thie,,along With the fact that a sPecial ptize wasawardad it, certain. 1Y speaks volumes for the insteuments, and partieg purchiming should see. the ,EXogr2.. mon before buying elsewhere..1 GE. I'. OAKES-,--knotImion. Foolery three.doors *est of Melloy's Pump Shop-, Ratteubury St. Clinton'. • Tho sou's real Estate Agent CLINTON ONT. • The undarsigaed has opened an agency for the 'sale of Reel Estate, and will be glad to deal with lutrties having proper - to dispose of.Tervait 'two pet 060( 00 all amounts up to 3(310)1, and one'per cent any amount after the first $1000 No charge madmfor advertising. cirmi no charge whatever nn• Jen a sale or transfer is effected.. 1 have now the following properties for sale • Lot 14, Lake 'Road east, Colborne, 100 riereL,45 cleared and under pasture, 2050108 .alashed mul can easily be cleared', halimee of bush light. Will be soldcheap. • itOacr0), good land, 214 miles tram noweanteact, Dakota. 40 aoree tinder cultivation, small house: Pricei$1.0 an acre. • -West half 'lot 28, And eon of East Wawanoili, 110, acres, 80 acres cleared, balance good bush,18 acres of fall wheat, springcreek nothing through the farm, batik barn 40150, two acrett of orchald, one Mile fain Auburn: Vila- $0,000;:. qt1200 or $1500 Marva, balancato suit purchaser. ". 'Lot 006, 14 of an acre, on Buren St:, situated tril the east side of Mr. aldout's rhskienee, well fenced, Prise, *200, to mit Purchaser. . • Splendid baildingillott4de-aala-opposite# the Conancrelal Rotel. 40 feetfront by 60.feet deep.' Price reasonable„, CLINTON • LtPR•st7.0 worm. A SPECIALTY. , EN TI COATSBLOCK BLOC , essernieseeminaiew horn it is," Ile handed Mr, Muralge a slip of paper-- " 0 T.T drtiwn and signed by his see. Mr. Murridge examined it, As he bed it, #1, . at • ran '40 in 7OUrownfli c • , c()NIrstil!o 4aume 141111.11016111111=i11011111W - • OHARA AS MoosisArit. ' L T 0 N% HURON "AND BRUCE Loan tn d iirvestnient Co'y • This Company is loaning Money* on Farm •Security at Lowest Rates of Merest, ' 114 0 RTGA G - PultalIASEI; SANINGS BANK BRAIS'OH. 4 and $ per Cent. 'Interest Allowed 0» flopOSibt, aero/ylitto 113<mum& ' dna time let; o -0c rho r of Mane Sonar e tl r th Sere° * tIORACE.I101ITOg# 0 timantit Poderieli lAtt15llid5tli IS. 84' k COX1 SA.VE 20AlElt. CENT ,SE, MI•EIoNTrETNHNST.A14-1i386. T GORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO CM-24100.Pd IMO; On CaSliand &Utast Plans.: . HON. JAS. YouNG. M. P. P., President. ADAM WARNOCK; Esq., - • - ViRo•Froilident R. 8. STRONG, ESQ., - - Managing Director: THE' GORE•• Enters ..upon itS PIFPIETH YEAR 'moth strooger and niore prosperouti 'them at any -previous period, baring 8218,896.•Of Asset s • • and katically NO LIABILITY exeept a Re- insurance Heserve of $30,009. - There are $20,-; --,i- 000,deposited with -the Ontario Government, -and--ever $00,000 held in Mortgages, Deben. tures, and Oash,ml imoesclei6asty available .to meet- Mutual Polieycholdercrill- the '‘Ckiire" save 20 per gent. with undoubte.d seeurity. #. For fall particulars aptly to HEAD 077I0E Or WARDEN R1D010.1!, nikant, Cilnitoet. commissi0 pitoRER$. • .11embers__TorontilStitalExeltallgO, PAW() wires to TORONTO, MONTABAL, CHICAGO. isiniv YORK and OIL CITY B100118, BONDS,.CRAIN, PROVISIONS, AND OIL liotOilT AND 805,0 K3171 awn on MARGIN . . CLIIrTOM OFFeing Consita liArrssnotv axe, • ALMMT &Mu _— J. THOIVIPSONg MANAGER. Clinton, July 14, ISM <ILAN GlaT PLANING MILL JO - D Y RILN! SUBSoillBEn /LAMJUST GiOMPLETES L and furnished hls hew Planing Mill With inaehin* Cry Of the latest ImproVed patterns, Is now prepared to attend to ail °nista le his line in the most prompt and satisfactorr manner end at reasonable rates. Ile would also return thanks te ail ehapatrottised th'e old eras before they vote burned out, and now being 0513 better position -te-eXenatte- Ordera expeditiously, feel_siee _ott...itc„it.ut edit glee. satisfaction to all; PACT° It V. --N ear th Ormuz Trunk way; Clinton, • , 7II015A3 sicEENg/ S. • Rt,..SOFFER1FROM WEST'S LIVER PILLS • WIII thbroughiy cure you. Tholf • .da -not gripe „or purge, but act mIldly,:and whenever used *ortnidernd Atria& • feels. • They 'hava inoian to be the GREATEST BLESSING OF THEl—AGE To all sufferers' from ind1goition8 Dhsordered Stintach. 'OF THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE • use them and 13e relleved front • your misery. 30,1,111, in a box. 260. per box, 6 boxen,for 4111 FOR SALK BY All DRUGGISTS AND DEALERI EDICINES Beware a Cott rfeits and se,,Iinitations. Genuine wrapPea only in Bin with signa-, tem off eyery box. Free tria package. o;.' #.• these Celebrated Pills sent to any. all fri,ss' on Meeipt of a 3 cent stamp. J00. O. WEST . 1301.1 PROORIETOe: 81 AM 83 it.040 STREET V.: rni111111, OP;