HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-13, Page 1ss.
. •
YOH*• 21, lig. 33
1.4IIIHR4.50 Per 0.4num in advance
FOR SALE., -LOT An House ON 31ILT, ST,
• Terms Mr. Apply to Mr. Fair, at the Mill, or to
vk 001A/iNING &SCOTT.
. Fenn aecority, interest ,15} per cont. kayahle
Carly. Apply to 0,A. HARTT, Solicitor, Clinton. tm
_. Role and Shafts: in Splendid order and will
1/4 Sold olleap. JOHN HIDOUT. Cliuten.
for Salo thp.t splendid building lot on, Queen St.,
just north of her residence, will sell cheap on reason,
able terms. MRS, 13. COATS. •
• .,
.LX.11. Private and Compaq Funds. Lowest interest,
Also an approved otea for short dates. C.A., MARTZ,
Attorney, Clinton. *Im 10
Seethe County of Huron. Salm attended anywhere
M the !bounty, at reascneb10 ra.t2s. ReSideriee,Albert
Street, Clinton.
Driver, $ years old. One-goodGeneral 'Purpose
Horse, $ years old, weighs about 1,2QQ,also an aged
Horse. pi, E.• CRAWFORD. • . 32
•That large and well situated house at pram-Lao-
cumed by the undersigned, is offered either for sale or
to rent, on very reasonable terms. Every convenience.
Poasesaion given 1st, Sept. JOHN OALLANDER •
Elm Lumberfor sale, and will he eta
der for any person sending in their order boil
fore the 20th of May, JAs, WALLIS,. St Con.,
Cloderlols township, Mayfield P. 0. -
holding not less than Second -Class Certificate, to
officiate as Assistant:in the Clinton Public School dur-
ing. the Model term. Applications, stating salary,
giving testimonials, &c , to be sent, up to .6.ugust 16,
to W. II. HINE, Secretary. 31
V' sell Nursery Stock in Ontario. Must furnish
gond references. Gn'ed salesmen can make big pay.—
Nurserymen; Colborne.Ont. alfr Nurseries at Ro-
chester, N Y. 31*5
undersigned offer for sale a halt or whole in-
terest iu their Portable Steam Saw Mill. The
boner is 30 horse -power, engine 25,.and the saw
at 54 inch. All in complete running order; WY
in use about three months; doing a splendid
, business ; satistaetOry reason s for selling.' Cost
over 81,500. will be sold ecu bargain. PERDUE
& DONALbSON Clinton P. O. • ,
1 leEftS to rent her farm -of PM aereerhoing lot
18, Otli con., of Mullett. It is seven miles from •
,Clin to». three froin Londesboro. Fit'st-eWis
land, frame house, good orchard and -running •
stream,,outbuil dings ; About /0 anres cleared.
Will be rented on reasonable terms.. Apply for
'partionlars at NEW ERA OFFICE; Clintoo, or
of MRS. M. TIGHE, Goderieb. • lm. °
1.1 TiONZD against purchasing anything belonging to
the estate. or upon the premises of the late Joseph -
Sperling, of Goderich toWnship, except from, the .un-,
dersigned. Nb 'one has any authority to act for. mea
I will not be responsible, from this date, forkny debts
contracted in my name without my written order.—•
Goderich township, July 31st; 1886; '
• 1112 ANY or, THE FOSLOWING-PlIOCIaTiSS. niitits-r:=Ttot,
32 and Maitland Goderich township, abotit
130 aeres ; good briliffingS, orchard; plenty of water;
_nearly all cleared. Part of:lots 26 and 27; outline,
Goderich township, 80 items, 70 cleared; geed building6,
Ate. West liana -lot -15, Iluren.road, Gederfeh, town-
ship,. 57 acres; suitable for grazing; .no particular
.buIldings. Any of these propertiosill Of•which are
well situated, will bo rented'en re.asonrble terms Po.'
session given ist of ' ()debar,- if desired. JO$EPII
'PROCTOR, Holniesville, .••
offers for sale, in Egmondville, •an sere and a
half of land,.on which is meted a story and a half
well built brick house with nine looms, and all conven-
iences • First.blass stable and ivoodshect,plenty of. hard
and soft water: This place is planted out with fruit
mid ornamental trees, . making a verv 'desirablo. resi.
deuce for retired farxnere or othera. Also, in the same'
village,n five acre lot about onelnindreci Snit& frenithe
. other. •Theskproperties are only about 10 Lein utes walk '
from Seaforth poet office, ana will be sold separate or
together, on very reasonable •ternmi. Particulars On
application to D. McMILLAN,, Sealortli. 1m* • •
aid:: Fad: Bliilroai
Through Excursion . TiCketS to all
Points of the Dominion.
1)011 and get 'our rites and full information upon all
. points f travel, . • -
Parties going to th6 old On'untry :this surrinne should
take this popular line, The boats -are themost, com-
plete cn the Atlantic, and ac'dennuodation
CABIN Fitts tefilttif .1.0W
4 ilE./ie esieU1411411V RATES.
Cali mid get all. particulars "of. • •
• . AGENT' G. If. R.-
• •
E. 171.001rir.,
leocien Alen STATIONNI—
CLINTON, ONT„ PRID.A.Y„ AUG. 13, 1886.
Mrs. 'Atte) is 'mending sleWly,elso Mr.
A son of Mr. HMI of theI1.tb COB, has
got diphtherhe "
Walter Baines gave therung folks ft
dance, one evening last wee
Mr. Thonapaon, of the gravel, is not aa
well; and his friends are less hopeful than
they were of his reocisrery.
a due 4•year-old mare, paeingtn the neigh -
r, John Shanahan recentty purchased
[jerboa of $200 therefor, °
Mr. Francis Little is penises up a nice
NOW brick lionse on his farm on tl.e 12th
con.; it will be a great improvement.
Mr. Andrew Cook and wife, of Lincoln
Nob, are visiting at Mr, John Kilty's
they expect to stay recouple of months.
A young widower limn ellipton, takes
occasional walks on Sundays and dark
nights, into this township, we underatand
he thieks it wouldsbe meth nicer to foster
a web in alittle house of hia own then to
keep bade .
• 14TANER1
...s-CorstrcansseThe-Comicilsmets et-Veses.
on the 7th inst., according to notices
Deputylteeve in the chair. Minutes of
previous meeting read and signed. Moved
by A. M. Campbell, seconded by Mr. A.
Thomson, that this council, feeling the
great need there is for 'a standard salt
barrel, heartily endorse the action of the
Heron County Council in -that behalf.,
Carried. Moved by A. 1i. Campbell, see
by Mr. A. Thomson, that this council is of
the opinion that the bill introduced by Mr
Bishop, of South Huron, regarding the
widening of sleighs, would be greatly to
the benefit Of the travelling public,-Car-
The fence and buildings of the new ex-
hibition grounds are being rapidly COM-
There are a numbeeof despicable rascal?:
who prowl around the village after dark,
insulting ladles, stealing fruit, overturn-
ing straw stacks, &c. We wish to call
the attention of our constable to this fact.
N'Yhile returning from Clinten last Fri-
day, the team belonging to Mr. Gemein-
hardt, ran away overturning the buggy
and spilling its contents, Mrs. and Miss
Gemeinhardt and the little boy, into the
ditch. Fortunately all escaped uninjured.
Hurrah for a railway! If Bayfield is
desirous of gett1ng a railroad note is the
tints for her to exertherself a little. Len -
don is red-hot over railway, and would
grant almost an unlimited amount of mo-
ney, and the C.P. R. is anxious to obtain
a port on Lake Huron, Bayfield pregents
every facility in having a commodious
and easily accessible barbel', which, with
a little dredging and fixing up, would be
superior to any other on this side of the
lake. Of course if the Bayfield peopledo
'Tot bestir themselves, the golden oppor-
tunity will have passed, the Q. P. R. will
have selected some other port and we shall
be left again to Pillow ourselises"in the
deep Sabbath of Meek icilecentent.'" '.•
Baznys.-W. W. Eleostp who recently
had such 4 narrow escape in falling froin
a building, has recovered sufficiently to be
able to get around without the use of his
crutches. 'The farraers are now in the
throes of the harvest, the wheat and bar-
ley are all in the barn, and the oats and
Moved by Alex. Thomson, b
peas are being cut rapidly. We again
aeo. y
-A-ssitts-tsternspbsitl1s-th_ _ilts-the olerk be and is
ereby authorized to draft a by law to
levy and raise a rate of 2i pains on the
dollar on all the rateable property in this
township for township purposes, and 21
jileotheo ar for county eth°
2nd con. has his new house nearly
elis us that the threshing season ha/ bee
gun, School reopens on Monday, theldth,
ing,„ which will be a relief to the mothers
generally. Mr. Archibald MeGregor of
Carried. Moved by Wm. Clark, seconded
by I. Erratt, that the clerk be and is here-
by authorized. to draft a bylaw to levy
and raise MI all the rateable property in
the otwnship, the .sum required by the
se:hied section corporations. - Carried.
The Council then adjourned to meet again
emniferaff e young folks ofthe neighs
borhood intend to warm it for him this
fall. Mr. Robt. MoLeateof the 12th con,
returned from the old country recently,he
visited' the Colonial Exhibition at London
and other -attractions in England and
Scotland, se bran new shoemaker hi.,.-
on Saturday, Septs,4sat,a4seeloclez pitched his tent at Kiepen.,•, ,A.s.seerse,
-iiii•Ceeriefiireibbritlill is con - ducted at
S. S. No. 9; Mit• C: Robb is superinten-
The East Wawanosh"fall show will be
herd Ittl3elgrave, Friday Oct. 1st.'
• John and 'Geonge Taylor are now out
with their steamthreshing niachin
Ur, James Laithwaite cut 20 acres of
grain, in two'days, with one. teamand a
are doing well. . -binders-- ' .
Miss M. Patton, daughter of Mr. James
Mrs. Wm. Adair was taken ill on Mon- Patton, has accepted a situationes
mil -
day with inflanjmatiop, of the bowels, but liner, in -the Crawford Houses. London.. '
is recovering slowly. . MitBaker, of the 16th.con;, 'had this year
Mte. David Ferrier wont to, buffalniest 60 acres of fall iheat, which it is 1tntleip4t-
week4o spend several Weeks tvith her two. • • •
ed yield at least an average of 30 or 95
sisters, who reside there, , . .
beshels to theacre., • .•
Miss Taylor, of Walkerton, Was visiting
her brother, A. Taylor, last week, arid he
drove her home to Carrick and returned
on Monday.
Mips Westman,•of Wingham, and MM.
Wm. Elliott and .son Were visiting rela-
tives tied friends in the eillage.and
last week. . . .
John Meiklejohn; of Morris, who is a
first-class blacksmith, took .charge of Mr.
Vanoiman'a shop for him :during his
absence, last Friday..
A row started en Siturda,yevening from
sealing. When derree one -Young man
was slightly injured about the head and
minus -4 shirt sleeve. 'When will they
learn to quit scuffling about shops.. -
John Ross, has gone to. Belmore to take
his brother's factory, who has been sick
with a 'fever but is now on the mend.
John had to engage another man to.fissist
Mr. Loekhert in the large cheese factory
Forepa,ugh's Merl were pasting bills on
Monday advertising their splendid i
menagerie and circus to beacon n Olin••
ton on Monday, SOth inst.-7-Everybody
should see it, there will be cheap railway
fares,' '
Several lengthy discUssions take place
each week on the rocking chairs in the
evening at Tillers shop, much to the
annoyance of the Sick aud others, as there
is .no sense with.% but loud talk for
nothing. .
- Edwln Wightman And Thew. 'Zeeman
started to thresh last Thursday for •Mr.
Creelail, of Morris; the first in this vici-
nity this ieresati. They are eeperienced
threshere and have secured tiro services of
Richard Wilson. -
A new Separator passed through here
last week on its way to Glatomis, in
Greenock, It was maufactured in Clin-
ton, which speaks well for the makers,
Messrs, Ferran, Macpherson & Hovey,
having purchasers from so fat north.
A wedding took place in our quiet vil-
lage, early Monday, morning, at the ref
sidence of Mr. E. Littlefait, when Isis
aug ter, Mery was married t ' inchrintintslot W. cote 5. into No. S S
ld •
We are Informed that Mr. W Wale -ugh,
of the,Ilth con., is 'dangerously ill. with
inflaremation of the langs. As he is an
old•iiiap it may go hard With himSt• ", •
BRIEFS. -,Peter And James ° Perdue, of
She Huron road, are fairly rashing things
this setoion ; they. are in The field with two
threshers, and farmers may expect to get
their threshing done cheep. : Several
farmers have threshed their fall wheat, to
niake room fahheir spring crepe, And
express thetneelves well satisfied with the
yield. It is splendid weather.foeharvest-
ing, but .root crops are needing ram. ..
Feestacion,--Those . boys, who Were,
accu-sed of entetieg Mr: Gee. .Rufithall's
new hoose, add of writing ,all Soft; •of
filthy language on the walla, are entirely
innocent of sueli-ft -thing, and .they knew
nothing about it until they were Wormed
concerning it 'though. these • columns.
That young Man, pr 'should we call him a
man, who had so muchte do as to write a
piece to try and lower ' the reputation of
other, we think it will be plainly seen,
carries no reputation hiraaelf.. •Had he
attributed the° tact to himself. it would
have been nearer the truth.--Cioar. •
' Couttons-Commil met on the 2nd inst;
purse/get to a•djourninent. Member!: all
present. Minutes of last meeting read
and peased. Letter from comity clerk
read, stating that- $4209.10 is required
from this 'fitwiiship .for cpunty purposes
for present year. Moved by John Beacom,
seconded by Ed*. Acheson, that 2e naills
on the dollar be levied on all the real rate-
able and personal property in dhe rown-
ships.for county purposes. •'Also that two
mills on the 'dollar be levied On eame pre -
petty, for township purposes. And that
the clerk levy the several sums requited
byschool trustee:I for their respective sec-
tiops.-Carried. The Clerk stated that•no
reply to his notification to outdoes of No.
.g school Section, regrowing Mr. Lloyd's
peti rhad lasen 'received. R,sply from
No. 6 S. S., received end read. It was re.
so ve that tio action be taken at present
Mr. Grisdale, an artist, rtOn:1 Shakespeare;
they left on the early train for Clinten;
' 'h
as been very dry, hot tveutherefois
She past two weeks, and the farzhers are
kept very busy harvesting. Thefall wheat
has been all saved, and several farmers
have it threshed to make room in' their'
barns for the spring crops, which are bo-
i»A cut now and promise a god yield.
Robert Huddlestone left Oh Tuesday for
the old.eountry:
Mt. Helivig has been improving his
dwelling house, which looks quite nee?
. again.
Mr. Washington retUrned from the old
Oeuntry lately, where he had a very pleas
, ant time.
Henry Beadle left this week for Eng-
land, where he intends to purchase acnne
horse fleah.
A* lawn social will be held at the resi-
dence of 11, titer(' on the evening of the
18t1, comineticihe at V* p. Admission
10 cents, Proceeds in aid of the W. M.
as trustees of NO. 2 S. S. have not sea
any Official reply to 'the Qierk'a notifies,
tion. The 'Reeve and treasurer were
authorized to borrow from the bank of
Messrs. Farran & Tisdale, Clinton, $800
for township purposes. A bylaw 'was,
drafted and passed, legalising the levying
and collecting of the county, township and
school sections' theca. The Council ad-
jo,urned to meet egain on the_seannd Mon-
day in September. linos Petrol', Clerk,
Our merchatits declare that trade 18
good in town.
Sir. and Mrs. W. 0, Bainton aro visit-
ing•vvith Mrs, Schoides.
Farmers are getting along well With
their haryest; they say self -binders ate
,the best helps•yet.
Miss Begot Hodgins, who lies been
visiting friends here, for the past few
weeloVreturtied home on Tuesday
Me Sohn McMillan reeeptly sold a
'rely fine heavy draft filly to Mr, S, J.
Snell, of Harrigan. Mr. Snell lands
keeping her for a brood mare, and we
since/111Y !INV Site will prove to be e
successful rieim al.
Dr: Woods is around again,
James Woodman is laid up with diph-
theria. '
Our blacksmitha removed acar lead of
coal this week, for their own uae.
Forepaugh's circus bills decorate our
village, A .great many expect to. take it
inan30/19)7 IS scarcer
The boys amend look awful sour ;
school commences next Monday t; The
holidays are so short.
Mr. Ouimette has got a new dress put
on.his house. It looks almost as nice as
the dress goods he is selling in the store,
Mr. Liao Barr bought a London binder
from J. Brunsclon, thus week. •And Mr.
Little, a Maxwell from Kr, S. Woodman,
It is late, but better late than never.
Mr. Wm. Stevenson cut with a Maxwell
,binder, 5 feet cut, a trifle Oyer five acres
of opting wheat In two ' hours and forty-
five minutes, on the farm of his brother
John, at Londesboro.
Ur, Wall and family left, for their
home in Illinois, on Tuesday last. The
well wishes of all that were acquainted
with theme,: -goswith them -to -their -homes.
Mr. Wall 'is a quiet, inoffensive person
and will make many friends wherever
he is,
A lightning rod peddler is doing busi-
ness in this vicinity.
Mr. Clawson,. our popular saddler, is in -
London on business. • • •
The Rev: A. McKibbin, of Dungannon,
paid our village a flying *Mit this week.
Rev. Mr. Torrance • has beeir asaisting
in the quarterly: services on Milverton cir-
cuit, but is now at home again.
Miss Maggie Chapman left on Wednes-
day; -on extentiedsvinitsto-ftiends in the
vicinity of Hamilton. •
.Dr. Macdairmid left on Tuesday even-
ing for London to attend the Grand Lodge,'
Os°. F. He will likely be absent all
week. •
Fall wheat threshing is now all the rage
and the.shriek of the steam whistle makes
morning hideous to the average small boy.
The crop this year is a fine one.
Wednesday last, our Civic floliday,
passed off. very quietly. Some of the citi-
•zens spent the day at Bayfield and some
London would, 130 doubt have been larger
had the G.T.R. acted more liberlaly in the
'matter of fares. As it was it was cheaper
to go from Kippen than here, although we
are pearer London.
• reritents.• , fal
Richard- Arnastrong, ofthe rd con„ 01
hes just finiihed 'a very large frame barn,. wh
With stone basement for stables and incite. tan
The Telephone Company is putting. pp the
pole?: betiveen Wingham, Brussels and ski
•Listewel. - Soon the Brusselites will be S
able.rto hello to . the Winghaniites and Is
tistowelitess ••• " lioin
Ono jast Week David Errington, of sha
the 2ed con., Was drawing in . hay on his :we
farm, when the. loed which he was build- hay
ing 'upset, and be fell upon a fork, one tut
tine. Of 'which went through his thigh. Fla
He 'has been laid .up for about a week; sgi
shitela gerthig, ut again. • •
George Hen Meer', of the 4th enn.,Inid Joh
his frame hou 6 hurried to the ground, • on a ,t
Tuesday, Aug it 100. The fire broke ear
*out about noon„ and consumed the whole
esostiestw intox,rte$s
tire. For three-quarters clan hoer, and
bell, clashed by hands that never seem to of the
their sleep by the deep tones of the fire- Forest City.
ing,"Our inhabitants were startled out ot causedLhoicso
She teniains were interred. He' lbtives
death.otive 13:et:ear:to:: be; bwehr m° f
Lodge, I, 0. O. F., end else
long after one-half of the population of wife and sway. .
She town had assembled, on the spot, the
clanging of the bell continued to notify
Shat the Are was still raging. Following
the crowd, the sleepy tipectatora found
themselves:on Victoria st,, near Sloan's
warehouse. It was the biggest -fire Gode-
rich has seen perhaps for years, though
comparatively little property was des-
troyed and no lives lost. Where the fire
originated, and how, will continue to be a
• .
mystery, but it swept the ground from the
old Temperance hotel to Armstrong's
blieksraith shop "as clean as a whistle."
The engines Were out in good time, the
firemen all on hand, but their attention
was devoted to saving the adjoining pro-
perties, ratheethan to subdue the existing
flames. (duces, who had been engaged
Tainting round the place • the day before,
lost a lot of ladders, etc,. Mr. Morrow
suffered from the burning of his imple-
ments, and.the neighbors 'lost a goodly
-postionsetstheir seinrettririlit. The ero-
petty was rnortgaged to the extent ot
$1300, and insured for about $900. At 8
o'clock Wednesday the engine was again
playing on the vele:seed remained ors the
Spot until after six o'clock, R. W.
McKenzie and half -a -dozen other neigh-
bors rendered invaluable aid by their
decisiveaction and indefatigable industry.
Additional Local News,,
Band intend giving an open air concert
on the market square, on this Frida
evening, commencing a •
March "Collingwood" ' • Pottle.
Waltz Queen of Hearts" FM. Goetz
Fantasia... , , "Joan bf Are?' , .. IL Round,
Waltz... „ "Mountain and Glen" —
Fantasia"... ."The Witch Dance", F. R. Goetz
Waltz ........ . ..•.."Helena" ' • Pottle.
March... ....'....„"Capiscolus"
The district dneeting of the Methodist
churches within the Goderich district,
will be held- at Idolmesville, on the 18th
Rev. Prof. Gregg, of Toronto, coupled.
the pulpit of Willer: 01111r011; On Sunday,
Mr. Stewart supplying for Mr. Macdon-
ald at Seaforth.
. The regular Meeting of the W. C. T. -(1.
will be held an Tuesday, 17th inst., at 3
p.m., at the residence- of Mr. D. Carr.
4 large attendance is request. . •
Revs E. a Rupert and Mayor 'WillitiMs.
attend the meeting of the General Con-
ference of this Methodist church, et. To-
ronto, the feetie-pintofnext month.
' •
,• ,
, Ur. Rantsitg.sthe young man ,lately put
on the Blyth eocuft, to assist. tee. Rev. '
Mr. Mills,•has thrown up his position and
gone home,: owing to the illnesa of
brother. • i • . .
• •
The Hindoo'epd •French contingent Of
the Salvation Army, now inCanacla, will
take .part in the services • here, on the
evening of the 17th inst. They met with
.a. wonderful 'reception at Toronto. ..
The squarterly ' meeting services of -
Londesbore Methodist churches; woe •
held at Kinhurn, on Sunday last, A very
gracious influence prevailed, and the
meeting was. one of much spiritual power
APLaar:06.fiwteek the, it,ON'.... A. .Stewart began
thernintlryeiwnfine pastorate nt Clinton.
o 0 00 • During the week ' 'be was pleasantly stir -
prised by . receiving through' the . post
office it purse ' of $176 from the•co,ngregit- '
tion as A token of their gond 'will and of • •
their appreciation of his past services •
. Thepicnic of St. Paul's church Sunday .,
School waeliela at •Goderich yesterday.
WESTER14, FATE. --1.0 'Our. .advertisieg: A union' solenic Of Settforth 'schools also
columns will lound the announcement being held -at the same Piece, consequently
of this fahe which' is to be held in London there Was:a large .0mM., • The day being •
front the 27th of Sept. to the 2nd of Oct. ',fine, though. warm, all eeidently enjeyeds• •
This is the fait which the -finkintiti or theraselyes in the Ostoinaty manners
be better than ever this yeareno- dOu
reaiteasattends-and as it promises .,to
• Rev: • John Gray Managed- On Sunday •
ton for the show, was considetably .orest- yet nen?: lisktetioilrigtiaastliicto: wilt
ForepAugh's• employees were billing Min-
uet of Seaforth, :Who Was in town while ortonvd4eedelfilromm.shAisitpecoeungthillekthenassp bfaeirilsyntoet
Mtge number wilt,ge to attend it. - '
• TsrXx Dow'm PASS ,TItt fitness -A citi- being particularly pleased to again. hear : •
back here. for.. the purpose ci•f• 'getting.
len and annoyed, when he learned that
e4reek.' . ', • •.• • • s. • close of the service. Ins-text:Wee "13e-
ichthe show thought auffigiently irnpor- • Rev.. Mr, Howell, of Seaforth; preached -----
nton was- the only town in Enron weelterest et an 'eatlyclay. . ..
e god stock, . It was .ebout'95° in the
t to 'visit.. He haeltivideeVY tergtittOn in Ontario St: church, on Surelay
t Seaforth was only h way-statieti_on.a ing, and adminietered sacrement. at ••the
Roil,. ,aropg,...Mr; 'Cifix,' horse -dealer, dlonythed.nnootte y,eatreit. pet; etahrewsboante owfeG.sehlt,itanbae.tt, ,.
_ 0 fiivaiesi nt. 4,1 niiflog, his
niets. ehAaxerpt:t). first,osi Io, 1 itta ii,iime. fle ..,t,i.,, ohis,siae co or several weeks,reg4ti 0ut to .
'He •ably 'showed the benefits and privis
attalykeis4, ctionutlpilte oil, ..:..• tk.
nionStfation, to -day, Friday, 13th inst:. • . ,._ . s_s
in :l Iteremmd.hri
xfor)Jr,..E 'TillieoNKonits'ht7Rot L'illm3x9;.DatettivOlt.o'rd'r.. • •ritralis:cgitisat4niooir witteari4tetfi'Stiej4ahfoerdthAytTeteltipty,43
uld. do. good' last now. Faruthel4 .wlibboi
ned 00,4 F.03. :as they anticiPated,--s
tighten; M oh rt.visit tn.ifer sOnS,IJOhn.
riP., tn. 11.1,1.c.11.,igeti •• Itir...T,e_cl. fistii,17 .A;
de, :on 'Tuesday. A' shower' of rain ,..o..tlheege. weeirenjoabto.heoro;srAee.asmirity.4..hn. Ao..at..n,c.Tto,iteilrli_pdotir.r,tEeesed....1L(3:eadr.... IL.. : ''•
x• is 'ogling.' in.: ...Mrs. Jackson,. Of
are helding e Geand'Representstive
e threshed, 'say 'fall- Wheat
n Tedrord, and Mt, C. •Carlipe, left on • ' . • ' .. --s-:-se*--.4 ' „t;•-•
.Isaa.c.• • Yesterday,'• Mi. and Mrs.'
tileti"P'''''7.*xtinitei•Irh ..'Yeri'e‘tsettfa*tie plareSe:rotllt;ci
• ineri'a would ! tee hkeerciewaiye_ledrg.e. itviliel 1 .tpielliOniwo,nwsvh.it,•ast
; 1 '
lodges attending represent,•St. ThOV1- ! .w.•
Ingersoll, Aylmer, ' Tilsonburg , ane liftmen:5h is • becoming' 'pretty thiek
I•aceotmittTee,he steleereettear thief' ' Na void .frotalhe Seaforth Sclub. yet,
around Seeforth,,Wooa'stock. Times,
jetty Baitd-to lead them, 'but business sseatdieg the.:seturn•match, theseawedhe
g so pressing; they were ribliged. tatter-. 'boys• here. - .* ..• - ... • ' •
c: the proffered, honor, as theeDetterty.........,„A
n sells: where others •are.eefused.) genie of base ball Was 4idie'rtisectio
y hate: also' eii invitation: *ern, Mrs Illefl'e•13.1)ul eavcae le •sher-e,en-, lost 1 n Saturday,t °nclubs, . bbeuttiv et the
•,' manager and secretary of Industrial Mamie% .boys failed te put in an 'appear-
ibition of Toronto, -to play,. at. their snot,.
bition next month; this muet also he 7 .
feeds though 'if they had••not the free.; Thesecond base ball match between
She east and. wed •side s of Albert St., wHl.'
hotel aceieliodation, 'tied $40 as well.
Of th.e eity offered Ahem, they ,have•
tekeplace on the show .grOends tn-dy ..
, (Friday.) • An 'exciting gime IA expette , '
CANAtuAtt ix .. MienipAteseTne. as both sides are evenly inatestateL 1 ;
wing is .from Mr; W.Shier - ef Mar -
bath* .one. of the fineat sumniere I nesday lag. • .
, itlichletieret yfi ' lThki—illett ies.We' Lucian club; to play a garnet there On Wed!,
The boys receiVed 4..elialicitligei.froinrthe.i.:„ ,
keliroeuvther ,118sawe'thaenrt.loalreseentttnssuroefrittke
.11-celigdel.Y, aansdki•Onfihttben woutd do the Same. :
A reply was: sent' back,
emsto fellow thee. cliei..
try are. Last week we had several - .•.
t alieWers ; ftean the 15th to the 20th• Out hoystave diallenged.the *tit B.
.une we had vein? heavy tains, . the Bot'0 , three. times . within the last week,
r was asligh as in spring andinjeted t Pitt3' e. game .0 BlYtbi but haver' not'
g crepe some. Our hay crop suCceeded in 'arranging Once With them
y heavy and need in fine conditiwona! yet; Perhapsit Weeld be es Well for the
wheat is only a medium crop ',being Blyth nor i' ondetit dfthe News•Reord
er killed. in, spots, °nosing Ii.. to be .tePUts uPr'';r1j.,s.h. u.' up now, regarding. his
.uneven, the berry is plump and has great ease •m""stsi . .- •
• • .. ...............—..........-e..........---s. .. • .
aoking, well and :are niftiest ripe. :TO1t6 I
' harvested in good. •eenditian, Oa'S .11,0 ,.....N,Dimpitut .FAin. .... ithcr
y ie being more generally .grown success which has attended the 'InclustriAl
and seems to do tvell ; it ia e fair crop, Fair in the ,pasti .appea.te likely to 1 o,
doe: -not promise a full crops The eclipsed by the Redeem of the ong for the
ls...very fine,. I nine binder on my. 13resent Year, Which opens at 'Toronto on
this year. ' What *do you think of the 8th of Setitember next. Already the '
AorT: buos14if ,f.a.kriux)Pluilat....:..
'Mr. Peter of ;:the exhibite Will be far ahead of thete
• spade in all the large buildings is nearly
, • taken up, and the' oharacter and 'novelty
er, an old express driver* on the of previous years. The lateet,inaprove,
o & Lake Hump division, died the mote in farming implements, machinery -
day at his home' in 1' ort Erie. He and all. 'kinds of manufactures, will'be
et last of the old etail Of the road round there, and the number of entries '
a.s.the olden eggineet on this por- already made in . the Jive steel; -depart-
? -ihrited,',-h-evtng • run between mot ensure a magnifieent .displayin this
ich and &Milos with 4 pessettger teapot. Old space -will • not permit us to
for a mitither of years., He Was an partiolatize„ but an excellent programme
can ' of Getman extraction, and .of special attraction's ITU 'been .previded,
living and workingne the .hither and the reputation of the Toronto show in
the line,. was loyaBy Attached ' te dila - yeetrail-tystirusras-in saying that
tiee country. ne Fati blunt and they will be ,of en ihteresting and'hovel •
in 'his Manner and practice, and character. Oheapexcursions and reduced
military in his bearing, loolcing fares *BIM) given on all the railways. 'A '
r than his years. No more popus largc. number of onventimis end other et.
n "drew a throttle" on the toad, tractione will be going on in the city et -
her engineer, Who WAS knoWil in the time of the Fait,end Any ofour readers
dim], and .haejuat died,- WO Mr. who conteinplate. taking it holiday, will
town, , of London, Who tan a pass- not have abetter opportunity Ofspending ..
train 011theLondon, Heron & it with pleasure and.Prefit tifail by taw', g
ot some tithe„ but was so badly in- a. trip to the Toronto Industrial rate,
it the collision at Hensel], 80/lie Entrie.s in all departnienti close ott tee
ars ago, that he has been tillable e8th of August. For prize list arid ell
y dale° wet* Sinee Tie tieeun't, particulars, drop a boat end to Mr, /lin, .
ut..two months since, A I 1 the Secretary et Toronto. .
so quickly that they saved very little.. „ A
The cause of the fire was a defective stove- 1m
,pipe.' No insurance. .- -,- - stile
. —se - • • . De
. . tili VTR. •••• * The
Jahns Barr was fined 84 arid costs for as,
assaulting his hired man named Knoacks Var
Mr, Wm. Young, of Paris, spent a the
Week's holidays with friends in, town and po)
ceuntry. • . nein
Mr. Wm. Brown has gone on o 'health elle
and pleasure triple. Arkansas. He will orga
belavbhsielen tasomsone ornf. omn trlt.ssDa
father was untwisting, in a barns befell e'xhi
to the floor, cutting himself severely un-
niel Moore of
or ....}.1Tililel
Morris, Was climbing a rope which his it'xh
have proved fatal. , •
der one arm. A cut an inch wider Might dem
The band Concert of a week ego was A
well attended and much enjoyed.. Many 'folio
of the best vocalists ot the town rendered "tette
their services: R. Phillips Else., men- are
pied the chair. The band is making a thin
vigorous efrort to make progress in their from
general- equipment. jackson Bros., of coun
Clinton, recently did the graceful by. pre. ligh
senting the dram major with a handsome of J
cap. - [Jackson Bros, are noted for alweys. write
doing the grecerut thing.]: spin
. Clucas is•eainting the terve round the wint
Victoria St, church. very
. Mr. Frenk RoberM is walking round been
agaln, after his recent illness, ' ' ' are 1
Tlurrahl Hurrah t The Whyte BriiS Bar%
ate e•xpeeted 'in Clotierich and ()Beton, here
eatly next month. • ' Corn
We noticed Mt. Thomas Jed:sobs-et loft:
Clinton, at church Stinday night, taking feint
in the praise service, that f
The Salvation Army officers gave their
farewell lag night, and one of ,thena de-
parted on the early train this :horning. Schry
. The. Knox chttrch picnic on the flats, Buff°
last Friday, was well attended, end Most
enjoyable, The town band gave their set'. other
SAD Aeon:testae-On Satuaitilast, tvell
Vices for a short tinie, free. •
Ittalcolm Sinclair, a boy ahead eight years
of age, lost bis life while playing in a boat tGrelee,r
in the harbor. It appears he over bit)- Ameri
ended himself and must have struc.k up•on
his eubmettion, and A bruise on his head his na
side of
something sharp, for he didn't rise after
betokens the fact that he was first knock- honest
ed insensible before death almost
The praise service held in the seond Yeuege
Methodist Church on Sunday evening Ist.Ta4.
last, was remarkably well attended, The .itnet
solo singer from Clinton, (Mr Sibley, hi this se
the Dolietty Organ Factory), fairly capti- .6e°' B
voted our people. tie is One of the flISSEit enger
singer?: it Godetinli cohgregation evealise Bruce f
tehed to. The pastor asked for A Oiled- jil red i
tion of $45. and was given
the new fence expenses, $60.18 towards three Ye
About 2 °Week oe Wednesday morn- 1)) clit°ba: