HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 8CLINTON NEW ERA. I
. • in A.shaeld. The wife of Mr. J. qj Cole
gone on a two weeks' visit to his brother
FRIDAY, A.V(3-. 6, 1886. 1 ia I/Wan g friends at Galt and other eastern
•-•---------'---------"---- points. Mr. Thos. McLean shipped.
, couple of cars of cattle on Saturday. Rebt.
--74-11j) T I eB E. Todd, of the Woodstock Standard, was in
town on Saturday. M. P. W. Hayward
- Subscribers and others who are in will move. his carriage manufacturing
orrears,will oblige us by settling the buothees to the old Presbyterian chuch,
which be has fixed up and altered consic1-
$11” at once. We have altogether erably. A brother of Mrs. D. A. Forret-
too plan accounts npon our books, ter was married at Orangeville a few days
Pince. Rev. Mr. Tully, of Mitchell, passed
and Vaud insist upon their payment through here a few days since, on a bicy-
without delay. ROBT. MIMES. ole, on a visit to a friend at Londesboro.
Mr, S. Wilson, commercial traveller, has
severed his connection with the wholesale
house of S. F. lkieKinnon & Co. ; we have
t, ynatSunday Satan' nent° and
not learned what he purposes doing. Miss
siil a
Excumion to Coderich on Thursday, Aug. 12, rickets goftleY1 elf Seaforth, was this week visit
as USUAL ing friends here. While attending the
HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASE for any Presbyterian Omni), on Sunday evening,
4, quantity 0 Wool, at the CLINTON WOOLLEN
.111.LS, 32 Mrs. E. Holmes was taken suddenly ill,
and fainted, jug before the conclusion of
A lady left a email parcel containing some wool and
handkerchiefs, at the BEAVER Ewalt nooEsroRE the service; acute colic Was her ailment
She allay Weft by calling, W. COOPER. and she was confined to her room for a
curfrox Nivooimmar• silitoi.s. a eit
couple of days, but is now all right again.
best..place in the Count g of Buren to trade ) ourWoolfew nights since the store of J. W.
egt, Kitinstmk-ot•all•-kinds-of-plath on, hand at lowhesswor4 orontO,_1brotkeLbf Mrs. F.
est ratei. Don't pass up. It; Powell) was entere by burglars, who
great ItedVietiOPI in Furnittsre,-fl you
carried off goods to the value of about $75.
aro in need 02 anything in the furniture line, b >s'e
buying can at the Red Rocker store. A m BEN. Mr. and Mrs. McGarve, who left on Mon -
NETT, the 0411241100m and Undertaker is selling day by the White Star Line, for the old
,. country, were accompanied Hrs. Rogerson,
cheap. The beetle thecheapost. Albert St., Clinton
Irwo Exergnalexcessi,otOistsgararalisand Blyth, who also took her ticket by the
Erimsby Camp on the 21st, by one of the 4 day excur- of
Mons, coma back same night or My over Sunday, !ewe same line. Mr. Paisley purposes occupy.;
and go by London or Stratford, as you please. Ws ing the new house on Mary St. himeem
speak at Grimsby Camp. Train leaves Clinton at 7,25 The roads around town, with very few ex-
. . . ,
is a great thence. Talmage and Chaplain McCabe will
end 8,08, a.m. Tickets Only ..ceptxons, were never in better con 1 to
than they are at back streets, they are in good order; a
few "Crossings yet require to be repaired;
,and then there will be very little to com-
plain of; two crossings on Queen street
should be fixed in some way at once._ Mr
John Cooper has a slightly discolored eye.
the result of attempting to stop a ball,
with his faco.• Mr. Peter Cole, whet has
been helping his son in Michigan with
his harvest, returned to!town. this week ;
he says that the crops in the :vicinity of
Peck, Michigan, are as good as could be
desired, and he thinks they are equally
ZO•ttin ZOPIO.
HrixErt Acinrcumatir, SoOrETX.-
A meeting of the directors was held on
Thursday. Iitet,-velieri the prize list tor the
coming fall SUN, ,WAS carefully revised.
Preliminary steps were also takenlowardif
having some attractive features in addl.-,
• tion to the fall show proper. It Was de-
cided to hold the showhere on Thursday
and Friday, the 23rd arid 24th of Septem-
MAoisTRATE's CAses.--An alleged as-
sault case, Coats vs, Young, was heard good in other parts of the tate. Mr.
before Mr. McGarva on Friday, but was Cox, of Detroit, shipped on Wednesday,
dismissed. Three cases, all arising out 19 of the very finest horses that ever left
Of the ownership ofseine horses, -came up here, be was assisted in-eurQbeging them
' infore the Mayor on Monday, heing set- by lir. T. Tipling, who generally knows
. tied by a One of $1 and costs in each, as where to put his band on the good
:follows -:-Sk Sohn vs. Wanda, astaidt ; of the -county.; they'w,otild average about
$215 in price. Several ladies from Hetisall
bound •for. .Goderich, got carried up to
Winghani,by mistake, on Tuesday, they
neglecting to change cars when the train
arrived' here. Messrs. T. Jackson and W.
McTaggart took a bicycle run to Seaforth
on Tuesday, and had _ pleasant .epin
around -the recreation2park_there.
G. E. Crawford is improving bis residence.
by the addition of a Oat of paint., gr.
Searl.s was busily engaged Making a good
sidewalk in front of his buildings. last
week; he Should be made local Minister
of Poblic Works ; more menlike him in
town would do helium. Mr. G. N. Davis,
"cif Goderich (brother ot Mr.iSilag Davis)
Miss Gath vs. Beattie, assault ; and Smith
'vs. Warwick, trespast. ,
bet, an old resident of this town, died at
the house of -his son-in-law, Mr. Jelin
•'Cockerline, Morris, last week. and -his re-
- mains_wereinterred in "Ball's cemetery,
base line, (Mr, W. Ball also being, is son-
in-law.) Deceased kept a boarding-house
here at the time the railway Was building,
iand several -years ago left town and made
his home with his daughters.
ExonnstoRs.,--About -12Q persons. left
here -On Tuesday morning, to take in. the
excursien for Port- Hurob.; the .-boat wag
• late _arriving in Goderich, and consequent left for the old country on: Teesday.
ly it was nine-o!clockbeforeM'Aft-Gode, ame .rumer -states that an estimable
rich, where a great many got on board ; young btiginessniair-has rented -Mid -Sur
. the wind was so strong that the white caps rushed ithouse; andbefoie the end of the
*ere rolling oyer the piers, and before the month will' be united in marriage to a
boat got outside the -harbor, many of those- most excellent young lady. We under-
- nn hoard:were' casting up tieceunts," The stand that Mr. "Samuel Crich, of Tuek er-
• smith-, has rented 'a house - in town, and
trip doWta the lake ,was .pretty cold, and it
was three o'clock before the - boat touched Will-fitke up .his remdence here as soon ..
the piers..at Port Huron ;-she left -on he ' :es he finieheaseme.werk on,..bis farm ; ho
return trip at about 12 o'clock, (the ride will notregret:- making:his home in Miff-.
• up being macityincire pleasant than the ton, for it is 10: all- respects, the most der
ride down,) reaetieg"Goderich -in time.for- sirable ' plsee i b. whieh, to reside,' ' in. "Fitt-
- tbe early train .east.. , A. -few of those who roil. We areinformed that' the health of
made -the, trip down, :sooner. than return Mr. and Mrs. David .."Elcoilt,.. (who Pvent.
by water- went to the. expense Of coming to California some -time ago)t has not beer
home by rail: .,NisiirlY two hundred 1.‘geled recently, as antimpa ecr,"1-Ard there
persons left here for .Toronto.' the tame As a possibility of their returning to ..Ont. -
day ; 120 went frenaGoderich, and abont. arm ; when they first went out they in -
150 went WroirYtorc,---beildei-a-gootl-manr-Trov_ed-wonelerfaly,: ned. gained in -flesh, . ... . . . . . .
others to intermediate points.. • Consider,. 'butlatterly-they have failed perhaps due
. .
, • xitig that so ..matiy wentaway...by hea,t,. the . fo '1.',0f.Y.• wartil . Weather.- Mrss. Ltly-Mc-- . • •. . . t. . •
11#$: illrOVOIY ,;•,1)t.ePli.,:•::;Vejlt;
' excursions here were , very succePsfel; .aad ICawerf la :visiting in "Goiderieh, , . gigs
: Mr. Pattison is.. to be copgratalated upon Clara- Crcill; of . the 4istowel Banner; . is
the result his effort to provide low tame. home for her. holidays, Mr. Geo. Diehl,.
"• for the rtAeModafion of the public on a . sr: "has some idea. ofmoving *elm Plinten„
holiday. Tlle:reeei.pts of Clinton station and is on a prospecting tour in •
.on Tuesday+were over. $550. -' ...,- • . Michigan ; We trust be may deeide.to..rar" .r.,_,..._....L. _
... main with us. Mr: A.- H. Manning re-
- BRIEFS, --The -house of Mr, A. Callen- presents. Clinton Ooddfellowes, at the
- der was sold by:auction,' on :Monday; Bte, meeting of the 'Grand Lodge, in London
:John Johnston ,being the purelias. at . next week. Mr. W. , H. Hine has the
• 46251 this is considered a very *fe,ir price; Index -finger -of the - fighkhand in a band, , :
. - Mr. Callander hae;since re -purchased it. „age, , bethg troubled with :Whatis kuown
- ' . " The families .of Mr. S. Davis and 1\-lls• -ti.e "`, Writer. s. oxen -115i" it is '.very painful.
• Iledgens, are camping- on the Alaithuid,.... Mk. F. Bakes,' ef. Weodsteck, waa in town
- neer Holmesville. Miss S. Cassels,(daugh- last week;:we have an • id(e)a • who be
ter of Mr. S. Cassels, 'Victoria St.,) died came to see. I1iss Allie Voegler, of Both.;
on Monday-, -after -an .ilitlegg of -,C;pfer7. Well, is visiting friends here. Mr. George
-months; she was a Member of the al-va- -Holmes lid for-Daketa this week;.he has:
.tion Army, and it is thought:that during a .farni out there that is being werked,
011e .of- the marches -she caught celd„Whieb. .,sea.resi- andrbetventto_look after it. Mr.
Settled en herlungs, reptilting•ig above ; Elliott, o f Fetter's. Hi lli.sh ipped . a ear: ' of
she was a ,proinising young girl," warmly cattle from here. te' 'the "old country 'on -
attached to the :Cause of .Ohrist, and a -Wednesday. Miss Reeve is enjoying the
great deal of sympathy was manifested for • cool breezeSof Lake Huron. at Kincardine.
her during her illness; she had -an army • Numbers of our ladies spent an enjoyable
• funeral on - Wednesday; the force:turned ..time at Benmiller,. on the 8H: Mr. Geo.
out strongly with muffled drunigi': Mr. R:..oreeinn4tii.. of Hallett, recently °reign -T:1
cLean,ofEgrdetitlyille,calledandrenew •: a horse,'i3 recovering. Mr. Ranisferd- has
-id is subscription to the NEW ERA last returned froth histrip to Kincardine. . F.
Pride' ••heitione of olir oldestsubeekihors, srtinbink is awsy
, for his holidays. , The
g.'paid in.advance, and has hard, judicial sale of the property of the late
• we..:had many more. like wine in Hallett,
:Archibald Welker, consisting of -several
was fairly attended on
day during the .past tiventy
, iiirn); he reme erg Clinton,53.yeara ago, Wednesday; offers were made for all the
when it had but asingle building, the re- different lois, but they have not yet been
inainder of this now Osperous town then accepted, because they did not quite come
being a (lease wilclern cr. Mrs: Pender•;. up "to the reserve bids, • but it is expected
..,gast,_OL.S.trattord,_,(sitter__ f 1,40..••Whitt) Oa. tbey wilt be accepted by the court. -
is on the sle10147.. Miss. - enning's, ot: Mts,'"John Taylor refk-yeiteeda:r;ou-B41.4
Goderieh „ sister of Mrs. Swine 'purposes to her son at Lexington, Michigan. : Mr:
taking -up her residence here, A . Caller 'Peter Straith is about -to .0M thence • °per-.
way, of Wintlipeg, .tew fernier resid t of ations on his new house on James street;
;Stanley, was thrown out of' a buggy • Mr.John Scott will dO the carpenter work,
his residence the other morning, and ha and .111r. AttiailY ,eantelon the reaseary
-one of his legs broken,:, Several persons ork. Mr. E.13utt, of the base line, fin -
in town received mail matter on Monday, id, d cutting all his -grain on Wednesday,
:that had just been. recovered from the. :-bein artier than he ever knew it before.;
wreek-ef the -Oregon; it had •been iii the he iiaout the first to get through. Mr.
bottoritof the Atlana for nearly five ,fns. Cho . lis, (forrilerly with S. Davis).
month's; Mr.. M., Sprang, of the ha,: line, late . of Par has taken charge of the
brought an organ to down last week to get triandfactuiing epattment ofJeffrey Eros'
it repaired; investigation showed that store, Stratford, „there's a magnetic
mice had got info it mid built a nest there, influence . that ws. Joe - towards
eating seine of the 'works'. Mr. Rowland this town, gigs ry Shipley 'has
Jenkins, of Goderich township, honght a gone on a visit Co' friends t Exeter. Miss
handsome Excelsior organ,- of Mr. 1+. F. Jean Glossup and :sister, ,. o have .been
Oak's, last week. 11r. Will Thomag, late visiting at mr. t A, moon% have left. on
of Cleveland, this week was in town °n• their return to Breakville' to ma it eisit,.
...--- ....-..
his way. to Chicago, *Owe he enters a and then go to their bone in Per . • It
new wholesale and retail house': bein is reported here that early en Wedn day
' - started there. Messrs. Will Fair •an of
the brick house of Mr, *lir. )
v , ' Frank Irving bm'e also accepted situations of MelCillop,, about three tni16s. from Sea.
in the 'same house. garland 'Bros. have forthrWas entirely destroyed by- Am; no
%foie re brick addition eta:bout twenty- further particulars were learned:- Yester-
live feet to the rear of their store, increas- day was ;Mitchell civic holiday. and the
ing the space of their wc,rkshop by this citizens to the numbeWabout 750, spent 1".,,•__
anrount, 5ift tall e6" Of Pasflengers Passed the day by an excursion tobeilerrieli. The:
upto Goderich, op Saturday, being an ex.= other clay See Wheatley taught 5/ trout
eunion 'Or tho employees ofJanes Hay 4; in a short time, near Benmillor ; a few
• Co, 'Me,. W. Robertson, (of Racey s) bas days heeore.. lie landed 71
roat - Discount SaielFOR •• 30 -• DAYS
ickson's Bookstore
,C- 11.4 I INT 40:
• rprr,•••••.4".."•••••!,....r.r.rerrrr , '
On POCKET BOOKS we will give a clisconnt of 25 per cent '
' JEWELLERY 44 • 4. 25 •"
SILVERWARE ,i (, 15 " .. .
BIBLES;--- • • `` " 25
-' --25-.:.. --IT—
c=r)...M../LiVill—ill\Tal- — 3E3.A.MG.-A.,IINTS
TESTAMENTS • " 25 " - • . .
• CUPS and SAUCERS " • - 20 " We do not want to carry, over SUMMER GOODS if low
si:$0TACLES ' " 25 4 prices will be the means of selling them. We . show some
20 " , lines in
VASES and CHINA GOODS . 25 • • •
WALL PAPER ' " ' 20 ‘4.- •
•--B-E-RLIN WOOLS, FINGERING .y4k.rtii; eze 20 ,
VIOLINS 'and FIXINGES"7-7.---4-- • '25 •
DAY Books, 'Journals, IedgerS; &c " IC -"• -•-•• - •
OUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of 2-5 " That for value and low prices have never before been reached.
. •,.,, . .
15 • C‘. • Come and see them. Compare our _prices and we can give" you
Ladies HAND SATCHELS 30 ' positive proofthat we are selling cheaper than any hous.e it,
e . *
' Combs, W-riting Desks and Workboxes . 20. • thtrade. -• . .. • t '''"' , - , _
BASIC, 'IS . ,..., . ; " . ' 15 " COttntjatilitt Mallill D1111 UtiOil all hiatt .
..,____.___,...at, other-geOus at prop,Mtionately low.prices--•__. - 51_ . . ' ,
• , •
This ..is the greatest opportunity ever offered, to -secure gOods Are among the 'many slaughtered goods with ns lust now.. • .
below wholesale:prices... Our entire stock, amounting to nearly
$20,000, must be redueed to $15,000 'within the next 30 days, ' ' . ' . ••
• '
. , an
as we commence STOCK TAKING on the lst of August d COME. AND GET CHEAP GOODS: • ,---•
c' bllance our books on the 15th . • 4 .
. • • . • • -.1
• . • • • ••
Corned see -our sto-clt---and-get-our prices -whether -you -buy - •'"
or not. • No trouble to show you the Great ,Bargains we. are V011
offering. Terms cash, or 3 months credit to responsible parties.'
• • •
I •
4C)4nt; '
Clinton, July 1st, 1686.
••GEQ, E. .PAY. &
• . * • . . •
• '
ly varied
years (we wi
.•..`.1Hlotter. bays. 'Ahead,
. 'C yftfl
ready for .then).?
Left tbat they are selling at a ,Big Reduction.
:• •
. Before they are all gone.
, .
. •
0. 0. .R,A.1\10E & 00.,
iihree Doors West of Dielson's'Book Store
n .
• . .
• Wi \VIII SELL THE n•BALA*qg OF ti•B•11.S'N,091t._OF -•• .
At exactly half the regular' prices. All onr 50c.; 65e, :and 75e.
Hats, at 25c. a piece. It will pay everybody to come and see •
•• • these bargains. .
x x
Shirts, Underctothing, Summer.,
NeckWear.antall classes 'of
We are.passing into stock this week, the contents of five -cases .
of English goods, purchased by Mr. Jackson, sr., who is in the
old country markets. They are, without exception, one of the
finest selection of woollen goods ever shown in Clinton, and.
nobody should buy a suit till they see these goods. .
We will have considerable more to say about them in a •short