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The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 7
E.tIIDA , AVG, 0, 18$0, CAN4).1,Vel 1110111. CQiltlf'M1istlItaNii1 . It rs saint -official!? announced. that Sir eh Pelea;';f'upper is to •.sail for Canada on Fite 19th sof Aygnat, oil important busineea. What the "important public business" is no one seems to :know, but it is altogether likens - to be on..sop a new political !nope. went. To oneeven seems to !mow what VW he has done by reading in London, . t excep to he a heavy iteul of mange to 'the Canadian taxpayer. Should he re.entez' os Qoliti here he would be a fermid;bl ae. oppo nt; for be bas no coneoientioua igirnple s whatever, and has a certain n on t of ability, (such as it is) that finds in favor come quarters. They evidently, have not formed the most exalted opinion • of his abilities over in England, if the fol. lowing extract kora an article by. Mr. Labou here, editor of Truth, referring to a dinner at which our high commissioner was present, is a sample•,oLpublio opinion "Aa to Sir Charles Tupper, Fortunately ' his sPeech wait shade while the inmate were. at the supper table, so they could peacefully eat the good fare, that was provided for them, and drink the good wine, without paying the etiglitest attention . to his har- angue, But why be should have thought lt.lgcn ubeut uponhim to Fant at the top "kat his voice for a. lengthy period, on Bub- iffdtshavibg but little connection with the oecaeion that had brought his hearers' to8ether, and which were of na interest to anyone but t himself, I am at a loss to un- d-eretand. , tie was•aelfed to perform what Alipuld have• been.. an easypleasant tt', viz.;; to thank' Mr. .0 Making. ieG 1ujtfl%tiye in ,welcoming t various ..--sepresentatives of the colonies wlio were.-. over in this country in:eonnection with the •exhibition.'• Thia he ought to have been Able tp.do.,in a few simple words ; but he ass so•.delighted at finding himself on the' L ru.ry'L ane stip that he-bored hishe ar er s stndWade•hims if abs rd, by alengthy address wh ien. (oit.of respect, I presume, for the . place in which it was ' delivered) •combined the dullness of a tragedy without its literaryworth, the absurdity of a coin. 4dy; without its wit, and the nonsense -of a; ,ttunioinime witbent its cleverness.,,; When, will such people understand that they are not invited to ,such ,entertaighents for. their own glorification 'and 'self wirer. 'tisement."• . J • The tPre'hibl;tion , 4baestiee. : The following extract from the Toronto: •correspondence' ot•the Montreal Witness,. -s-by-•elle-of-°lie : est--tvr-itei>s-ul'the-flay; who,' however; is now 'renioved from the arena of politics. The'arsticle contains ,number of points worth consideration;^ Your Children • .Are eonata#try exposed to danger fropi Colds, Whopping Cough Croup, and diseases peculiar to the throat and lungs. For such ailments, Ayer's Cherry pectoral, promptly adtninis. tered, affords speedy relief and cure. .As a remedy for WhoopingCough, with which many of our chilren were afflicted,'fP used, during the past ~vin. " ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's Cherry PlaStelial. For this affection, We consider this Preparation the most ofi1- carious of all the medicines which have vane to Our knotvled_ge.-.Mary Park- hurst I'recegtress, Home for Little Wanderers, Doncaster, jectto attacks of Croup,iand I failed to find, any effective r fanedy until 1 corn, tnenced administering Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This preparation relieves the difficulty of breathing and invariably cures the complaint. —David G. Starr,. Chatham, Coluuibia Co., N. Y. I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for many' years, and have found it especially valuable in SPhoopiug Cough, This medicine allays all irritation, prevents inflammation from extending to the lungs, and quickly sub- dues any tendency to'Lung Complaint. — , B. Wellington, Plainville,. Mich. '• I find nti'medicine so effective, for Croup and Whooldng Cough, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It was themeans of sayingthe life of my little jloy, only six moat old, carr ing bins safely through the' worst tweet Whooping Cough I ever saw.— Jane Malone, Piney Flats, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral1 Prepared by Dr. J, C..Ayer & Co.; Lowell, Mrue. Sold by all Druggists. ),'rioo'$1; six bottles,$G. AIi11iSTOP,. SALE. p&itsi FOR SkLE..-PART OP LOT 26, ON THE 14th con. of the township of 1Iitllctt, containing about 46 ogres. Terms to suit ppurchaser. Apply to CAMERON, HOL'r& t7AMEItON, Barristers, Goder lilt,, 1J1ARAI MR-. SALE. -'THE ESTATE OF THE ]a o late fin Lair's n 0 09acros of good la ml, ofYt north side oflot 4, Maitland blook,Base line, nullett. There aro on the premises' good t . g d fra uo house and barn build- ings, about 3 acres orchnrd, well watered, • 1 mile from Blanchester, 0 miles from • Clinton nut11 from myth. 'Apply to JOHN NIXON and JOHN Spttl NG, Execu. tors, Auburn. 3m MIAMI FOR SALT - rIAT VERY' VA.Lt•- • A nils fano rcompotelr of lots 20 and ,0, roti: 8, _Hullett,..00-.t4cres,--of tIIIs150neresare cleared, the balance good hardwood bush.. Bearing orchard of 3 acres. Ordinary dwelling house ; gook frame burn and outlriilldhigs. Farm is well watered, and situated nbont5&miles :torn the Town of Clinton..Terms easy. Apply to M. McTAGGAR'r, (1Int41 _. _ if • A113I TO;SENT,--•ri1B SGB)Citll:rsit Ui•ft7sRs- to rent bit form of 80 acres, being lot 80, 901 con. Of Mullett: It ib 0 miles .from Clinton, him 80. acres .cleared, with goods ring creek, tannin; through R. '4Inali..hnpse, gond arp..sh yi,.un " AT., • nuc of the l;estgrazing len Is' in ilullett. Will be rented for n term .of years at a ensonabie rate. - Possession given a as soon a9 harvest is over, so' that fa3 wheat nigy ,bo • put inthi.syear A.'nousiWO'RTIT, Clinton.. , j J 1ARBI FOR SAI.!•:,--THl7 FAR\I'.UN. THE MIR ' L oN !Load, lots 4 and 7,. OrodorIch tutrnship,.eon- , slstine. of 144 acres, i, offered for •stile an, reasonable. terms. About 120 ¢ores 'cleared and in good. state of f cultivation,; balance food hardwood,, good frame house, &c., genet'a1 bullditigs•,plonty.of water,' bearing orchard ;'Ir utiles frim the rising town 'of Clinton; Particulars :mai he:obtained on the premises; or by addressingJABMEa'PFRDL'E,•ClintonLs,`i) • • For better or for worse the tomperance workers in.the Liberal:ranks seems de termined to commit the . Liberal party to prohibition, and a considerable section o that -party will etrenously resist any such iimovement. The knowledge that the ones*. tion is au 'embarrassing one for the -Liber- als iber- als of course prompts their opponents to ',endeavor to throw on the Mowat Govern- ment the responsibility for the efficient en- forcement.of the Scott Act. That reapon- sibility:is not openly'• declaimed, but -the Act is not properly enforced ;'nevertheless, and there' is much andgraving bad feelings amongst the Liberal •prohibitionists- Whatever .the maybe the result of •this tendency it sure to effect more or less ex. tensively the seieetion' 9f candidates for. both the Flouse -of Comons and the Oa- tario Assembly, m„Thereinto Many constitn encies in which the temperance vote forme n large and, what is of more importance in this connection, an uncompromising fac- tor, and strong prohibitionists will find their way into the most, if not all of •the L bsral conyentions• : and caucuses. 'The sitnation.is complicated still more by the comparative unworkableness,of the Scott' Act itself, as well as the ecntroi'exercised by the Dominion Government : over the fines... Whatever may be done if the flues' are handed over to the Provincial,Govern" mint to be applied tothe enforeeriient.of the Scott Act, .dertainly• it will never be. energetically* enforced until,this 'is' done, as the Dominion 'Alliance reconimends. Neither the Ontario Legislature hor the bounty municipalities Will; provide funds for putting in force a Dominion liquor•law, and if funds. are •not speedily 'forthcoming from some source, the SeettAct will be- come in certain counties til nnpopnlar ilia it ia ante to ,,be repealed salsas• or two 11 rRBI FOR SALEPILL SU m:CRIn it orrrRS �forsale his splendid farm of NO acres,. being lot 44; 2nd -con,, of 'luckersmith: .Good nein' story and half, frame house, 2 acres splendid Orchard, good buildings, 85 acres.. free from stumps,as acres 1n.fall wheat. •The whole under good cultivation; and wof und8r drained, live sinr}ng.on the. farm and. •hos• ood thc�ts.,Close tO Clrurl'fi'es And .schools. a1; Miles from town of Clinton, 5ft,orn Sonfortli. \VIII be sold on reasonable terms. IILGIT. B30b0ALI), ou.. tie. prctnioos, or Clhitno l.', O. •`iPLEN•DI.1? FARM FOB SALE , ---THAT: FY0nr,,,• ► - te8r.fann of 154 aeros, liningg, lot, 08;10.. and 71, on the Maitland concession, •Ooderteh. township,; ' About 135 acres cleared and in good State or cultiva- tion. ,On the pt entises'is a hood brie!- house, with all conveniences of.otitbling, bank barn, Well watered, &c., good bearfhgorebat<l, badreh on the farm and sshool not far aitay, about.0 miles from the town of Clinton. This farm is one of the bc3t itt the Winship of Godo rich 'Possession given at. any time. Phil particulars onapplication to the proprietor, Jour,- num), P. 0.,' or of the NEW ERA OF1 i'CE; ClintotL,. , A1' 132.100 I'Ei3. rkVT. BRA` • L y.,'l1Or` AT (th'i's.1yL+"li owl.'.; ,Deli\ erecl shy wherein town free cif charger, t hence by •popular: vote..tndeed, many temperance it is not a men t edin tls he lip of the Jdeclare amieat - son $f11t,the,soorier it is either destroyed by Parliament or dropped by the people the better, so that the campaign be fought oiit on the issue of a general prohibitory law: An:impulse' is likely • to be given in • this direction by the presence of General Neal Do'w,.who is billed 'to Speak here during the Exhibition weep, en the working of the • Maine law. There will bo a great deal of. curiosity to gee and hear thevetern !Pro- hibitionist, for never at. aily prgvions time .was pro hibitio ts''rsen tment so strong, i Ontario gas• it is to -day, ' An& the tike is eteadily'rising in every direction, A. Jilted Lover's Will Red Bank; N, J. Jrtly 27.—For several years John Henderson, a youth possessing $10,000 in his own right, .had been court ing Miss liyerson, who lives nn .the' Mia' dletown side :of the `Shrowsbtixy• River. Some. time ago the . young ' couple had ti quarrel, and all the efforts of friends could net bring abouts reson'cilisition. finally Henderson, as a Iirlals,: appeal, wrote to Mise Ryerson, requestitig to know if there was a chance of ever regaining her' gffec tion. The youngWonia" n answered ; No,. never again can 1 love you," Thtt,0espon. dent lover did not attempt to do (;n of the rash things that despondent lovers' do,'but came to Red Bank and had' a will drawn u7 giving $1,000 in cash to Miss Ryerson to be received at his death, and setting r 13011111111 mmory'00f the eyoung 'woman when she copy• to oY died. Titre will tvas drawn u on Monday' MRS. JOiiY li:A:TSON 4;,1•l). Oa Pa sloe irljitLi1!e Watwooms W �ND�6mANINb, 4 The s'ubset;iln r'kee is the ittipsy . CASKETS and,CC:)7+FINS- Always on stand, r trndrais f itrnt8•he(t•nt .-the-sheriest notice !trail lowest lid et•r. _. • A. CALL SOLLCITL'D• Leading410 15,krr. REMEMBER, `!'IIP: PLAGE,' , • Opeoj3rrE xiis TOWS' IiA'll;. THOS, STEVENSON last. After signing it the testator said that it *aa his intention to spend the're- mainder of his little -fortune in drowning his abrrew.iii. drink.), A fetal days later, however, `he had the will ,destrciyed and another inatrUntent drawn tip by which 52,000 was left to the young otnah at is death, while another $1,00o s as. divi ed tiramo. . h a few friends, ion among ds Hen son making at the 'time that the $i, he had left would suffice to drown 'bis snrrowa, It is said the feting man has", rit1atii°ea, and Mat the will, aS devitetT, will stand oorl , READ QUARTERS FOR FRUi`FS, &c, CIl ARS.;t Ef pAnRE, CABLE, HIGHLANDc w. .1 LARSIN,.. A"oliAra7.14 ii.DM,.. pa3s . o ' .t 3 ELL Cnofa3 LOT of PIPES, CItRAP. • } VE1'lt. DOOR TCI.. THS; t')a THE POPULAR HO i ■0NDES,3ORO X X --�. Clearing Sale is a Grand,- Sucre . __-, We have much pleasure in tenderingour thanks to . the public, fer,the prompt manner in which they responded to our an- nouncement of a sale of summer dress, goods at clearing prices. All last week our stole was crowded ' with cwitomers, all of whom We trust were pleased with the bargains g we offered,. E :STILL • IIA1rk A VERY . NICE LOT OF PRINTS' sold at 12*c. per yd. now offered for 8e, Still a .few pieces of EINE •SATTEEN PRINTS worth Abe. to 18e. New Goods Choice Colors and . Patterns, .• now - offered for 11c. Don't fail to see ourlDress Goods at 10c. worth 20. are t es of gnvinced'by our large sales REaaY.MaQE. CLOTHING that-wehave the right goods at right prices, -the cut and workmanship 'good, theualitY of the cloth' first- cls SSal1 Cl • resare Prig very loW. ; full line,, of :FRESH GROCERIES, Remember this ist the -only place ill.. the: countyo3 1 Il C boy .' � .f I ,.1.1011 where an Uity _O poirpds.of Pure. Raw Sugar. for $I.. O LON DESBORO. W ,�R' .UG QRS ` The undersigned has ;just opened it'. T''etv..Lh,nn Store in ' - .. Jtek oii's'INT F+,w ]E31ocl‘Httr,t:i�><',! treat Zr\'o doors '\Vest. of .fixe City Book Store, where will be found nicht of Fine DRUGS and CIIE1t1ICALS also PATENT •a DcoIO Ne S and DR'ETGGISTS SUNDRIES. .AII: that t ' rosas MEDICINES and he tu'bllc play sags. for in these Tinos. I'. `S:—Ot]ice.changecl nom re$idence.tti Drijg ,Store. , WORTI ING-TOS.,.' Olinto ',-. 0301\7111R1414-- : D R,UG STO • , D•� . FRESH ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. II LLLBORL • ' CIAs)1:BIERE BoquE '1'LRF`UME ' •..Finn line of HAND MERnons, cheap. r I3EitTR %NDS: I3 Unit.. PERPUM I4 Asfighitn Eobv> m SOAP 1'I'.F.S]I LIME' JUICE. .VEAits. (EN� L,410,SOAP ' PEAIis.Ir p, Poivn_�,t�ttc a:e • PURE. PARIS GREEN P.f. its -&0O)l OF:.Niso r.` CARRIAGE SPOT' GES PURE INSEG?T. PQ3\?J I ' kTLA.NT.: S1 A•.SA.LT,. I have now on hand one of the Largesf,...Best. and ilrloat, Comp BOOTS and SHOES, evel0."displayed in Clinton pieta stooks of Lowest possible Prices. If' you want good 'Value in soot will Sh err at call „ nela „and you will not be disappointed. I' am still malting th�' cal! „on e Oeiebrated • Hand Sewed . Boots %lob are so favorably lrnown to require no ent. All kinds of e tsto mwork- promptly attended to, andat reasonable prices. 5 PER CENT oro FOR OASIS., �.,'ocis ?iiIfiE$ Z''CCfIANGi iv0,G40Df3: 1 Call ilil . C. Cruickshank, the Hootaker ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK; CLINTON JOB DEPARTMENT Is=llot s��-:-fOP complelo(ss t1ii collo� ' ; P']ices consistent' . t' with fine work,- .._ ARE NO SULLIVAN, But the rale has very few• exceptio s, that n.. everyonev,Tho atysSrt,ft ofPa,ints,Vdst or Overcoat or any oireringAnr • the body:�at ' ie: OAK HALL._ _CLOTH G HOUSE Ai.'e so Well _�.th... • e Fit, l aa,tisfiePvlt thatanotherMake a d:the T��min�ins Alen- they va,tlt suit u ' they allay..- come back to' us and send or' bring their-. friends: Withthe'nll:why ' is: 1•S• • ourr sIn�,res,fseci business. has '' sci • l ti' idl ; P Y TERMS •CASE.. - PRICES RiamIT . roti, T Mrs. A. Fischer, Pro` . : •M.'. cher lager. ;vt We paty special attention to TRUSSES,and have the largest stock in'the,county, Beg b cent`CZGAU.-in CoRn. JA:!vi s` Ii. .60 MTS C13E7tI1ST ANb . DItt7GGIST,;. CLINTON, ONT, - • ir�a Nost otticc St 1 In thanking his numerous :custcners for their liberal patronage iu,the•past, begs to announce • • : that be has just received a splcddid assortment of. ..... rifr111K7\i Til)' LAPC3' ront •p1. YEARS ESTABLFiOkti). Thp only marrufacttirers.,of` 'FIRE PROOSASES, Nos-Coiducti.ig . F1ge'Dowse ' sv' ir.itlr All our new Sty' les of Pitep1'oof Safes are 'fitted With .ail AIF); CHAMBER tom'': prevent dampness. to papers. A. large-assortrien:t of SEG'OND, kIAND SAMS . for sale at'low prices and on, easy teri'ns-of payment, Cataloatles on applications --" 117._aii4119 Front Street, East, Toronto. omnon a►ope�r Y' . 0\"I:LTICS IN .--- - - 7'\V E1S,' DRESS GOODS, PRI1' 25, 111 TSLINS, G1Ni ITA •ZS, LADES, . EM13lllIDERIES,. SI:IIR'rI.NGS, C:'O'i TONADES,,DUCKS L DENIMS •'i'Wi lilDS a Specialt•y, anif a•first-class" f Specialty, faller rvho guarantees 'a fit: ' A full s ' reade.BOOTS and 5I1OT35 just arrived for the,springtrade. ' Afresh assortment o . hand PAPE!), n'owestjatterns. of. WALL My, Stock ol.G11,001;1tI.ES'as XS* .and.Fresii..Ltrey our -5; -dent Young IIysoir-Th;Ar-best. value otter QfTered„to the pubhe, }TM,WWA1113 CllOCi .l' Ily and.(i-LASS\VAEE, a full Supp?y, :1,ARDI1;ig and.CRQI�fi OIL• far. uiacliiner .., alwa s :olL is 1 _ ' • ing usually kept in a iirst•clrtss eouutrt< store3' l'ib� y o 1 nc , and est market AP. OTt. ( conte per gallon..iHighest market price' paid in trade Cor 13U'rTLIi;- EGGS;' OA`TS, Bcc. Couto ens anti nil and inspect my l ,a lapin . S>ICOESSORS TO �.” STEVENS. & SONCLINTON.CL Manufacturers .of h ri T:l, all ' S..As n, , DloSii>?3S, PLAITNI.,I).,tI L 00YltiG,CEILING, MOULDINGS,. FBAE,'PICKET's, &C', and all kinds N 0Gr1y; 'Interior.anc� a1cl SIIxR5 rOU : on.yellllbtox St., opposite Woollen M111, - - ,FLAT; NS', .. SPEC•%T' • �cATQNS Pr��c�.��.�1+,D, . stock. No trouble to :above .goods., : ► ., CO i aper, • ' .1V. I have also m'ohaaett a lts o•c tiantity of the Eti 11 LI:DI�(TWINE it' in the market; which I offer. at the lowest possiblevate,•. •. 1 iuro ,est _. .. Change -:of. *e1TVA March nth, j , t, 16th. 1 ER�FUR• NITURE STOCK ICE � v ECU. r � g• �Y 1` Aiil '- - 1 i]�U.IL�.'. 1.1RtlE LOT OP f;I al .TAli4, (1ti Al' 13 Q z' ' 0 Vis_ . ,),ttitrsrry 1lt.rn ac. ITr no'.r :rrtht:�. cializ o,, tittirrrrtrirtirftitrtirtiitrtirrrr Tho4underaigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that bo•lrasbong -ht the 11ARNESS BUSINESS,, formally tarried : 011 by W. L Neto • . And that furnish 6 BLOOM Cir2 �,e.!: at Ito is• prepared to •,.., •a ,azizz �coN. ' .1 as4711iiars 'Whips* Thanks,4Vaiises, Buffalo. Robes, Blankets.' .EI�R9 Efi ; PAAt �o SETS L6uNG S STOII Andv eerkept everything ng nsnally in a first•alass Marness.Shop, at the lowest prices. ;speafa; I. attention is directed to thy stock of Lleifr ,Ilan t ssr, whioh I will niake a specialty.. L '.7i'►Afl I G PkOMp'T4Y ATITE;IITnE1j TO. ' I 13 strict attention to business;and carefully atudYing the wants of my eustonlers, I hope tier Ar r :!merit a fair share ofpatronage, give moa onil before purchasing ©'lsest�licra, , • IIE�f1;;<"1BEIt `]'1 E STB `1D-• OlsPOSITIST.IIL•;1iA1;IiEir .SIDEBOARDS„ CHAIRS, &zp., t1 vw'..A (iExtrt4t, A'ssollI IIUT' . QI•` 'Stir; Y'rl#v Ilrsx 1lli)7 ISI"RNi'x I'> fi REASONAfltr, I''1CXCI $. 4,„4401`..••:, • M1