The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 5r NEWS N,OTES. Texas is -bet g visited .by:diaaetrouel floods. Lord Salibury'a Cabinet held it$ first meet- ing. on Wednesday. - It fs statid that. the Quobee .elections will be held in Qetober. Au inch and a half of spot_ felih Mount Waehiugton, .on Teesday Twenty miles of country. in Dakota. have been swept by prairie fire, Samuel -J; Tilden died Wednesday morning at hja reaidence on the Hudson. Frosts, have, caused damage tri -plants t e vicinity. of Cheboygan, Miobigan; �Tbe Toronto ,rate of taxation for l8$6 has' been fixed at 16,i• mills. on the. dollar: The latest snake story is from Port. Repo,: where William Epwd'en killed 76•at bis barn last Thursday, - Mrs. McPherson, of Artber Village, Was conflicted of an offence against the Scott Act, and was, fined o$50 and the coats of the COnrt. It is stated in Ottawa that in the hope of pacifying his French•Canadian support- ers, Sir John Macdonald has promised to seve}:..his connection with the 1Vlasonic body.. • ' Mr. Gladstone stakes in a letter to Mr.. Arnold Morley, that it is' absolutely nec- eseary that he should forthwith seek change and repose. T. F. Brady, Inspector of Irish Fisheries, , bas been knighted in recognition: of the able manner in which be administered the funds for titie_relief of' starving fishermen on the best Cciasi of-freland..., ' - Mr. Chamberlain and the Birmingham Oita s will oppose the re-election of 11 Ra 1 pp 1r. b Matthews, t,,tie new Home Secretary. This =° is regald-ed as an indication of a breach in the Cons'ervative-Unionist compact. On the first occasion that .Lord Ran. •do1Rh; ihurcchill ,addresses the Rouse ht. r ' will be met by a hostile 'demonstration from the Gladstone members, as a token :of their distllppreval of his manifesto. :against -the ex -Premier., ' • Near Peterboro' a young lady was iltand- ing on a wharf saying good bye to' some friends who were leavingy. ,,,a steamboat. A spark from a smokestack set her dress on .fire. The flames were,extiaguished by a _oung man, -who grasped the blazing calico in his hands. Good water is a scarce: eomiuodity in Winnipeg these dayar and the. dealers threaten'to raise the price to 35 dents a - barrel. It is little wonder that the Winni- Roggen are able to supporta greater num- --""" bel'~of-i'i'`uorael1ers n rty o tionto o ti= lati, D, than any other place in Canada, .A. Cleveland girl whowanted, to make a :sensation, eloped some time ago with a tramp; but as nobody paid any attentiots,. to tho matter she recently applied to char- •itable'persons in Sandusky to give her some decent'cldthes to replace the rags -to which she had been reduced,, and send her toiler parents. She has gone back home •considerably sadder but with a large store of useful experience: On Wednesday Mr. George: Luxton, of Peterboro' County,.aftetii,lighting,the fire in the stove left his somewhat aged wife who was crippled with rheumatism, and had lost her eoice,sittinfein.,a chair a:few fe@t from the. stove. Returning in. a! .few. minutea• 'afterwards he found, his wife • 'envelopedan flameslying ori the floor.She ) -died a few hours afterwards. "' , . A lady cashier .in Guelph: had a: lerrible experience on Saturday, On -returning from dinner she opened her desk, and was horrified to find it contained a live mouse. ;She fled screaming to the dcor. Twoother young ladies caught sight of the ibfuriated animal, and with .admira`ble presence of mind, mounted the counter whence they - refused todescend until they had made -sore of the mouse's escape , On Monday a distressing fatal accident occurred at the, village: of Napier; about twelve miles'frooi Strathroy, . when James ..:Or Sutherland, aged about 17 years;second son of the late J, G:.. Su herland, dost his life in. a very sudden f canner. . .He was • in the woollen mill of his brother, :and while trying to.adjust a misplacedbelt drawn in and thrown around several tithes, striking against a staircase at :each rev(Ilu- tion. His anis was broken and he was otherwise : so bruised that in half an hour be was a cbrpse. • . Now that Hon: Mr. 1lleakenzie'a gime. ` prevents him from taking that aggressive position in the Liberal ranks which for so many years be so honorably filled, some - of the Conservative organs aro expressing bogus sympathy for him, with theobject of minimising the work of other -leadore. These shedders of crocodile team:Seem to think that the public aro a pack, of'foole that they do not know hew East York has. been ,gerrymandered" and the' voters' lists manipulated witli the object of stealing the seat from Mr,: Mackenzie, The tactics all round are contemptible • Private information indicates that the Manitoba grain crop this. Season ,has been largely a failure, rind this view Of the case is -borne out by the latest Manitoba crop aie bulletin, issued: by the provincial depart- ment of agriculture, though of course the document puts the best possible face• on the matter. Speaking of wheat, 'it says "The yield will not cqual that of tho peat two years. and an average crop, is not gen- erally expectal" _tl'his ii__ -putting the actual state of the case very Mildly indeed;_ Tho drought and Beat have also affected: the oilier grain crops:. The oat crop in the • eastern section "wiill"bo light and co laid erably below an average," and thefavolable anticipations professed as to the prospect in Other parts,are modified by the state= meat that mo Istirewas ma 5eqlire d. i . The dry season has also injured the barley The recent hailstorm in° :Illinois was .a r,tei'eor. A farmer, writing, from Clifton, in the State, says:—1 hare lost almost everything in the way of crops by one of Hi'- --tiftr rrst®htrilstorrfitrikever awy atrd-tlre ]i'ke of which I hope I may never see again. It took our crops Olean.. The hailstones game down es largo as teacups, and aver- aged as large as hens' eggs, My hotieo-is just riddled. Thoso of my neighbors who had blinds on their windows found them no protection, the liailatnnea' passing through them and shattering, theta into splintera. In some cases' they Went clean through siding and plaster, and penetrated through shingles, °The hail sounded like ;falling briars.as testruck. tho'house-tops, kin ver the wind was•terrible to k 0 and ioV ri f t • t r 1 r e� tree. in its 0 1 a q t even the a ,,h n>;,g r path. a. Tiff S h �pyy;��f IaiA', HA rtinnn An nto ad'tt5o.' ,LLLJ. ,L. .14 •1',iewetistCoa�lwrnan.i° Advertising Burn tilOOftpritoo Stratyvhornrt ,•r; •:7^. . ontracts• zuoiy bit tttastA kex RAM 1 fI11t y.:f1FT It,.r THAT BINDER TRIAL. Tug OTHER SIDE OI' THE 8TOItT._ To (he Editor of the Clinton Neto Era, Sin, --My attention is drawn to two communications,; which appeared in the Ex- positor of the 30th nit; one over the signa- tur) of Geo. A. Moffatt,, the other signed by Geo, and Thos. Shipley, and both referring to the trial of binders which took place ou. the farm of Mr. Thos Shipley, on duly 19th, Now, Mr. Editor, as those reportsare both very misleading, 1 oak your indulgence to allow me space to answer, in defence of and in justice to myself, also to lay the matter, in its true light, before the public. In the first place Mr. Moffatt -asks, "Wily did they bring in a machine that had run through the harvest of 1885, with an experienced 'man and teamto handle it, to compete With new machines out of the shop, just .Ret up, if it wasuot to take an undue advantage.?" Great Scott ! "Take an undue advantage I" Did the thrashing be got smart so hard -as that,. it must have been a very severe one for him.. "Take an undue advantage !" see how he adknowledgea hie defeat, and limps offwith the misleading and childish excuse, " Why dill they take en un•lue advantage?" The reason we slid not take a new machine into the field is as well known to Mr. Moffatt as. to ourselves, but for the benefit of the public I will just explain. The Binder Association (by which Mr, Moffatt, as well as myself, is governed in selling binders) prohibits agents from entering field•trials, on any considera- tionr and as both Meeers, t'Villiam and Thos. Shipley had previously bought a new Brant- ford binder, we, of course, could not enter their field with a new machine for competi- tion, and in this emergency, Mr. Churchill, who bought a "Toronto" from •me last sea - sen, being confident of the .efficiency of his machine,, entered the field on his own respon- sibility, and -the result is clearly proven by the testimonial 1 append.' And now about "the experienced man to handle it." Suoh childish •'twaddle 1' Mr. Churchill's experi- ence with. the Toronto extends only as far. bank as last season, while Masers. Shipley,. iii their own letter, boast of having six •years experience with binders, and this in connec- tion with the experience: of Mr. Moon and Mr Moffatt himself. Does it take an expert to work the "Brantford ?" Mr. ,Moffatt would lead us to' that belief.Again Mr.. 'Moffatt says, " 1Ye knew nothingabout the arrangements until Monday noon, and the machine was at the 'station:" Yes, Thomas. Shipley's "machine was ' at the . station, but where was Wm. Shipley's machine? I Mean the one they were making such miserable and very inferior work with, on .Saturday, and after,whieh' they had to go•with a scythe to mow the lodged.places, which their Brant- ford binder run. over,. I ask what -became of this machine on Monday, why did they not bring it into the• trial ? 'Suppose they knew from experience, it could not Compete with the Toronto, .in the field, and there was.,ne use of expusiilg its inferiority; but •kad vague and unfounded hope. that Thos. Ship= hay's machine, ..which was,at.,We station, might do a little better.: Again,' Mr. Moflatt says, ".,We set up s machine and started, and wound up by selling the Messrs. Shipley the; best binder n the. field," My, how crafty; wouldn't he like to lead tlie.public to believe that he sold the binders then and there: This is purely false,'and'is,caloulated, While -smart- ing Under •open defeat, to mislead-.'those,who' were not aware that the two binders,had been rayl us p o ly ordered, N.iw, if he, denies .that. the machines were "previously ordered, -then :he implicates himself, and is subject to a fine of $25, ,by the rules of the Association; which plainly state that no binder shall be delivered without a bonatide' order from the purchaser. Now, as for the Messrs:: Shipley's loving .epistle, it is simply a'robed' of Airy Moffatt'a misleading epistle,-. and was, 'undoubtedly, penned by the Same hand,therefore, requires no further comment, excepting the last part, .in which they say, "We might mention that. we could have:bought a Toronto mlithine for the same price, or a little less." Now,' this' is not correct, as Mr. Thos. Shipley; ontwo. or three occasions, offered'ree $150 cash, and, his old binder, for a new Toronto Binder, in presence of two or thteewitnesses, and stated that ho'could get a Brantford binder for that amotint, but `preferred: to take a Toronto,, if he 'could get it on these terms.,.; Thanking, you, Mr. `T'lditor, for, space„ I, remain,' yours' truly, WIr STANLEY, , • Clinton, Aug. 4th 1880; •' To TIIM MASSCI' 11rAil"C•rAG0t'0t,\0. COMPANY, •Gents+Being present at a test of binders held on the farm of Mr, T' Shipley, near Clinton, on tho 10th'• of July, between' the machines of yourmake and those of a Brantford Company, and. having seen a letter in a Seaforth paper,-in•reference thereto, which is, directly• contraritte tho facts of the case. we deem.it our duty Wylve a true 'version of the. trial as it took place, The test was In a field of badly tangled grain, and nol- therof•the' other. machines managed to get through without being choked at every round, while the•To• ionto did:its work .without any inconvenience what- ever. Ill our opinion the Toronto did infinitely better, work than. the Brantford', and any -statement to the contrary is not iu accordance with fact, and is made by those who have a purpose to serve in stating it; ' Wo belletie.the Toronto to bo •a more satisfactory binder all round than any_ othor•reachinepresentthat day and have no hesitationin placing our signatures here- to as proof of our bellof, ,, GILEERT MAIR WM. C. REED JAMES REYNOLDS. JOHN SHEPPARD, BEAU' CIIU1tCIri14 GEO..HANLEY •• J.• G: ELLIOTT, RICHARD BARER, M. TAYLOR. • JOHN JOHNSTON,: T, W, HALEY, •• LACI( KENNEDY. During' the, recent storm in •Fenelonitwo men attempted to close a barn door. The' wind' slammed the door against, them' fici "violently,that-both were .thrown several. feet, and one. of them'had'four ribs broken and• the end of the upper bone of his left, anti.split. TATE JOHN HCDGENS For- the next Days ys we will offer ey and ow, large �' � d attractive stock el a�z zt,. AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE t 1zmer ,every dejharireGoods H,FA R.D OF zn . Clintan. Our szoc% is well assorted thzrouaghout. a ILLINE We have made special ecial reductions in this de partmelit in order to clear. 5 per cent off for cash:- JOHN WISEMAN,, Manager. r) Estate JCO�ET'a t.: 0 ILLI 'CLINTON' Thursday afternoon.) +' ' Thursday, Ang. 5, 1880. tVheat, fall, 1 $0 71,' a 0.75' •. White aiici .red 0 0 7 • a ' 0 76 Oats, : • 0 28 a 0 28 Barley, a ' 0 50'' a • 0 dli . fens,.: 0:.50 a 0 55 Flour, per bbl, ». 4 (i0 ti 4. 60 Potatoes, •• 0 -25 a U 26 Butter;' a 0 11 . a: 0.11 • llggs, . . 0 10 a 11.12 Pork,5 50 a 6 00 Hay,..,-- .• .a 8 0 a .8 00 Wool in trade, - • ` 0 20 a 0 22 ' 'Wool for. cash, - . 0 18 a- 0 18 Sheep pelta „ 0 50 is 0 75 Lamb situ r a - 05 0 G 0 80 Clover,per bush, - ' 00. a 7 53 SUNDRIES.. _TnOO' SALE.—LOT AND IIOESE ON.. MILL ST; 1 Terwar'aasy A yslytcriq Pit artlrtf-Mliftb'f't MANNING & SCOTT, • !t/TONEY TO LOAN. -PRIVATE r'eNDS, ON £YL 6atni.security, interest 51. per cent. Payable yearly, Apply to C.A.HARTT Solicitor, Clinton. fin MEAT' COTTAGE 'FOR' SALE. ---A ONE STORY, • Franco Dwelling, Hoar railway station,,Will bo sold cheap for cash. Apply to W, IV. PA [MAN. ' "tt'''AEMOCRAT`" WA.G lON VOR SALT: WITrI L,P010 and Shafts; hi splendid' order and will be field cheap, JOAN P[DOtTT, Clinton, ry7� oTPOR SALE,—Til[%'UNDERSIGNED MEM of J J ! r solo that splCndid building 1 it en queen at., us north of hot residences, 1 fwlll �e Isltea on reason- able p able forms. MRS, S, COATS. • _ ItirONEY TO LOAN OA I?,ti st JAL Frivolo and C ii i. 1. . totwo.t intore4t, � approved nom; for hho t •, also on a i tett . C.A. II.'11111 ..i11t•irn0y4.(7ifuton„_,..,.,, f..11it. 119 CLEARING `r: SALE O F 111111\ERY 94\16.111(1 44El .GOODS. Dont Forget to Attend t`'r CO etior l- EELMillinerYBmPoriumiBjgS EY S l$laughter Sumin.er Geo -ds See their WHITE :FIUSLINS at 5c. per yd. - .�. See _their- 12ic." DRESS Go0DS. t ; ARIES'HATS •at HALF PRICE `to clear.• them out. e PLUSHES .tTu sOpened1t., eeezvea.7. this Week'. 25 .......Pi,'row eces Q flVED Suiting...,s • Fine Worsted Goat�n s�. i ..Pit ees Fine .STRIPED TROWSEI IIIGS, The Patterns. and. Colors of these oods ai'e, '<<ery attract'lve'and the quality is: bock, LONDEStORO. SLUG stio'r. Insects and Bugs, -Slug Shoti1 , will Kill Po= tato Bugs and Cabbage Worms, Insects on Lose buShes,•Fiowere, Plants, �itc. and is a,good'Plant Food. Only Uents',per ib. I have also it, lot of : . se* -RONEY at 10 Ib for '$i•' J'AOIES STEEP, CL1NTO14. V886 --MUNICIPALITY LIST, 1MUNICIPALIT Y O1' TimwN of CLINTON.—Notice is here by given that 1 have'transmitted or delivered to the portions mentioned . i'n the third and fourth sections of -the : Voters' List,Aet,' the copies rogaired by said. section to lie so traits.mited.ordeliveredof the said llstmado nano- ant to said.Aet; of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Itotl of the saidmuni- oipallty to be entitled to. vote Ili said mimic'. pitlity, at elections for nlumbers.'of the Logiela- tiye.Assembly, and at XtunlcIpa1 Elections and that said list was first'.1posted rip .at my Wilco at Clinton, on the 21st day of July, 1886, Anil rn- malls there for inspection. Electors -aro called upon to examine the said fiat, and if any ends- Wane or other errors are fortndl:thereon, to take lmutediate proceedings tohav,e the said errots corrected accordlug to law, W. COATS, Clerk.. 01!S>61 AND LOT T"ot'_SALEOR TO RENT. T'it;ftdargo an$ w tilt lateniiouno a€ present oe- enptod by tho undersigned, is offered dither, for said or to rent, on very reasoitablo terms. Every convenience. Possession given 1st Sept, JOIN CALLANDEO PORTAHLE SAW MILL I'OR SALT;. TAE undersigned offer for sale a half or whole in- terest in their Portable Steam Saw Mill, The better is 80.horso-power; engine 25, and thebaw at 54 Inch. Allin complete running order; only in neo about three montes;, doing a Splendid huskiest; ; satisfactory reasonsforscllia Cost over $1600; will be sold at a. bargain. PERDUE' & DONALDSON, Clinton P.O. -T1AI1,11I TO RENT.---TIIE SitilSCTttBEIt oI'- J' l'EttB to rent licr farm Hallett. 1 0 r 1i in Irl, 0th eo., of ullett. Itis sevens miles to from Clinton. three from Loudeshore, Firat•cias8 land,• frame Iionan, good orchard and running sterol/I,outbuildings; abont'40 acres cleared. Will lin reiited on reasonable terms. Apply for pltrtleulnrs at NNW Js`Tt t orralt::, Clinton, or of liths• AI, T.'I(TIIE, (lollorlch. lin.. • • estr , a ern n. :air: • - —:.:AND 'INDUSTRIAL and ART EXHIBITION LONDON,CAN CA •Sept,'27th to Oct, 2nd; 1886;i' I.I13ERA = I'.1iI'3MT 11'[S . competition open to the World. , The lyestorlrl`ait• Is the greatest 'event of the season forthD i)001)10 aP N'oxteru Ontario. • Tho. Directors are :detonated that the forthcoming i,XhlbitioTsliarl oijfial if not surpass, any, of its predecessors, . The commit - too of attractions aro preparing 0 splendid programme for each day of tho Fair, 0,11, particulars of which' will bo published later on. . Write to the, Secretary for Prize Posters, , List. I r 9 OAEC 9 1 CC I' 1111 Y a no, ,information re lire g prany n d. 11, w1ILTTha (1110:•McnR0oi, • President. Secretary, 1 xrie1119r'culls VO'I'SCii to Cttia)ITOIS i tiro is horob,y�tti i, In. plitIllanCsl.of.see.3l, Chap.. 107, ertS Rovi8o0 Statutes of Ontario, as amended by 46 Viet., Chap., 0, that all creditors and other par- sons having claims against the estate of Margaret Salt, late of the town ot. Clinton, in the County of Iluron, married woman, deceased, who died on o- ab'otit thb tenth day of Juno, 188(I, aro hereby required to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, Exocu r of the last wilt and testament of alb said late Mar c . salt, at Clinton, Ontario . on or beforetho 14th a . of u st A. 1), t; d A u I886 Ibtr . Christian names and suinnntcsg, addresses and doserlp• tion, the toll particulars of their claims, a statement of their Accounts, and the nature' of the securities Of any) held by them. And that immediately after trio said fourteenth day of August next the assets of tho estate of the sold lato•MatgarotSalt will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only t0 the fittinis of w•Irfcli notice shldl haVo boon reeoCvea;and the Executor will not be liable for rho said assets, r„ i claim Cr any port thereat to an potion of who.* c alt notice ph r Y1 a aIt t have boon received by tiot at theo time of 86i . so . . welt tidlst It ilii W, nnr ' D. 1)ated+tlti otlth il.ty of .jun . A.D. 1.850, - - UW1114111) IliWONT, . • ;. , . 1 \tu t'r, Clinton P:J'. t relay: F 4ed i."L wAtsw a �. °tee* s 4 R & YC 'We have .boon uiarking°downr rtithlessly,.during . the:past few days;. being determin edto clear out THIS SEASONS•• GOODS A'1' OUNCE: `This.is no newspaper - ' wind, but Sc �LII')''I+AOTS' THF PROOF OF THE PIE IS TUE EATING Great Bargains ilil)ress Goods at 5c. Bargainr'itt Corsets -at 50e. Bargains in Dress Muslims 'at 'iOc: worth 15e. . . J.lig cut in Ginghanis, your choice ()few immense stock.. for 1O -- Stuck .orGell.ts-Socks 5e worth 10c,' Your choice of 300 pair _ 1 1 a ._. Silk Gloves, Black Color at 25c. Big' Slaughter in Hats. and Bennetl4 L few of those ' Wonderful Parasols lef :A 25t. r C h� Cat � I i ton . ash -S •�iore,, C °n GOTS-and SIOE' • A ivivaiIF'XC NT, rum, LIN oV C+0 0213S IN STOOK ATI St. CL�DSE PRE � ..�e'ar.e'closing the balance of our TRUNKS -at COST, "as,we require the 'mein for Boots aiid Shoes ' 1 Orders taken forAaak s Celebrated Hand Sewed Shoes. 5 PER C. OI+']! IOP, CASI'I. EGGS TABIttsT ANCIIANGI .