HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 3't7
AUG. 0, 18S0T.
Miss Fanny Stuitheringalo, ' of Mi-
ebelJ at this point of death at Hes-
peler. He friends have been telegraph-
ed for.
While Mr. John Tilley„ of Alitchell,
was shoeing a horse, Thurscl-y, the ani-
mal knocked- hint down, and. stepping
npon him nearly broke John's leg,
A son of Jacob -Wolf, Logan, got a
fishhook into the ball of hie eye thg oth-
er day, and he has since been a frightful
eufferer, The book has been removed,
but the eight is gone.
Another old landmark of Mitchell has
.been removed by the hand of death. On
• Sunday morning, while sitting in his
chair, Mr.George Kidd, sr., quietly pas-
sed away to his Heavenly home.• .
, Mr. Alex. Mitchell, of Mitchellpnr---
poses. moving t� Toronto in the fall,and
his handsome residence is for sale. Mr.
and Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Ferrish will
be moth missed, as they are .among the
most respected cthe. ,
.After ari absence of twenty years kr
James Hill returns to Mitchell. Mr,
Hill, twenty years ago, was the leading
merchant and grain buyer, not only in
Mitchell, but in the County ef Perth,
full of life and eeergyourcl well adapted
for business. Twenty yearaago he took
areiclenintalle head that Uncle Sam's
territory Was a better country than the
• then Upper Canada was, and he carried
•lris idea into effect, leaving. Canada •and
anakingliis hoard aeross thiThorclerS.
Have you Toothiche ? Use Fiulatightniag•
Have you Rheumatisui3 Use Fluid Lightning.
Have you a taitionit ? Us, Fluid Lightning,
Have you Neuralgia / Use Fluid Lightning
Have yeti Lumbago?.Use Fluid' Lightning.
Are you troubled with Headache Use Fluid
Li htuing.
• ve.you any pain.? t• Use Fluid Lightning.
• It will cure you the instant it is applied. Try
it. 25 00tItg per bottle at Worthington's Drug
Sir johe Mecdonald's' health has bebn,
much benefitted, by . his trip to British"
. Columbia. •• •• • • •
Leander Moody was lynched: Sey--
• mour, Ind., last Friday night,. for opt -
. raging a ten yeareild giri, .
• Last Thursday afternoon all tier pris•
oners in the °minty jail at Fort Scott,.
five in number,. escaped:.
' While the...officials of thejail at
Wheeling, Pa.,_. were eating: dinner -an
Thursday, • t weive prisoners sealedthe.
walls and escaped. -Teri of them were
Witured. • • • ••
• John :••Busbline,. of Authur
• pleaded guilty. to A *loud offence pinst
the • Canada. Tat:Opera-nee' ACt:' Of 1 878,
• and Police Alegistrate Lewes,Thf.Both-
- say, filled hire $100'aeci.costil' '
Peter S.. Tucker., a Western newS-:
• aper correspondent, , wasislehl it NOW
• York,for eXamination„: charged With
hataeg-xlebauched a little girl, when; ho
employed in, his :office.-• Tacker is 52
years old. .
• A number ofoutrages have recently
been perpetrated by negroes -Om:White
women and „little. girls in the western
• counties of Texas, Mrs. Benj:Stephen,
of Coratinche Countyrwas. cruelly mur-
dered a few 'days ego. All negrees in
the county. have been .ordered tek leeve
oorthe penally- of death. • • .` •
• Darman Matheson; son of G.
• Matheson; live stOok dealer" at East
'Buffido, was drowneden• Thursday while
bathing at Qtrebe.o. , The "S,iiiing -man
was oil his Way to. Oleggew with • a lierd
"of Stock, and intended to take the.steara•
er Norwegian froni that port: Hewas
• a eretirbetor tii9 firm Of-071).Matlieson,
the lamest Canadian cattle dealer in tbe
• Buffalo*markets. •
A. 13ohemian living in the7subarbe Of,
Pittsbutg, birtehered a large fat 'dog the
other day, and: served it up as a feast,
to which several'�f his .friencle Were in-
vited. All heartily ate of the fiesh,corre
sidering it a luxury,. but nearly all.who
• partook <gibe meat were taken eicik,the
• symptoms redembling thoSe &used by
• poison., The doctors think sorne of them
will die. • • •
•----At Brownsville, Texas; en Thursday,,
Emanuel, Chiarez; a boy of 16, slew•his
stepmother with an exe while she was
sleeping. Her head -Ives alirrost severed
from het hodY. The boy. Wad foundby
har-corpse---weeping...-7-11e4aid • lieqra&-
b000lnei enraged because she would not,
let bir go to the circus, and that When
hetta t•ke this morning the devil told hint
tn. eut 'her head off; Ire ,is now in
• gaol T— „
A te, riLle auoident occirreed Thdrs-
e4ay aftetireire at O'Llitgliliels: wheicsalo.
warehouse, Wineipeg. Mt. O'Laughlin
who re,pleeteets la powder tornpany, and
his emptt.yeo, James McGurin,--were en -
tied ill sOgilirrrhp tbocofcaps when„r
it is suppb..ed, that ta it -struck one of
the 'caps ,and the Whole box exploded
seettering Ur. IleGurin in a fearful
'manner: •lte only lived it shorttime
after -the accident
*-4 The ellieerti o tbe Imperial army
who twe at present in Canada buying tip
how, for the British army waited upon
the directors of the Toronto Industrral
Exhil»,:on last Wednesday evoning,and
• suggested that the board should •offer
prizes at the forthcoming exhibition for
bOrat boat fitted for cavalry purpOseet
• It wait decided to offer five prizes for
• the best riding horses fitted for light,
naceliunt oe imiyy cavalry.
The Last -Year., MSG.
After the tiboVoyetir 18 ended I at need be no
Penner 'suffering HMI Nptipti. •.1, Toothobbe,
flOadatibe Limb eta, or ,ny vain. a they
will only porches, rt. bottle Of
tia it co,.o •ALalli Pditi cannot stn. ,rbere
BM need, The name 18 Plaid $014
••1/Y Worthi ninon; Druggist.
Texas crops, as a whole, this year ar
better than last.
A swarm of Dakota grasshoPper
stopped twenty minutes for refresh
ments and ate up a 50 -acre field nea
Fargo. '
The eldest daughter of the Prince o
Wales was, eoneidered the wort dresse
"girl present at a let° London assetnbly
and this was because she was reall
Delicate diseasee, as nervous debility an
premature weakness, however induced
radically cured. _Send 10 cents in stamp
for treatise. World's Dispensary Mealier}
Association, 003 Main Street, Euffalo,Now
The most deadlyfoe to .all malaria
diseases is A.yer's Ague cure, a combin
Oleo of vegetable ingredients, of whicl
the most valuable is used in no tithe
',repetition. This remedy is Aaaldso
lute specific, and succeeds when othe
remedies fail- _Warranted.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla i .designed 'for
those who need a • medicine to purify
their blood; build them upj, increase
their !appetite aid rejuvenate' the whole
system. 7No other preparatilan so well
meets this want Its record of forty
years is one of constant triumph over
disease. ,
• •
.The body•of a pet dg that had died
abroad was on a recent English steamer
that sailed into Boston harbour. • The
:owner, an American woman, of course,
could not bear the idea of her belo'ved,""ea'
nine being buried in, a foreign land, and
accordingly bronght the body home for
Man's work's from sun to son ; • „
Woman's work is never done." '
Work is a 'necessity to all; but upon
how many, women especially, does it fall
with the burden of the "last stravi,!' and
this, beeamie their peculiarlY delicate con-
stitutions are' so liable to functional de-
rangement, Wacannot lessen your toil,
ladies but we 'can make it easier for yeti
by malting you.stronger and betterable to
do R. Dr. Pierce' " ravorite Preacrip-
-tioer will relieve you of nervous and other
weainfistia,s, and all the many ills voctilia?
• to your sex,. ' , *
• AV. II. Tarton, of 4.mbelsburg,jumped
from the steamer .A.lberta, on Thursday
at the Sault and as drowned,. He was
unable to swim, and coming to, the sur-
• faee managed to paddle about -and keep
•afloat for some time.' The steamer was
stopped ire quickly as possible and a boat
lowered •and put out after the .suieide.
:TheArelp..ate____ed too late. Before the
boat reached ,hun lieTIM'SiMk beneath
the sut face of _the_ water, never to rise
again. His body could not be found and
theenen-returnedeto the steanior.
e George Simmons, or Westfield, Ill.,
was awakened by someone walking in
his room; without investigating further
be seized hia pistol, blazed away, and
shot his aged grandmother.
At Brantford, Mrs, Towler went to
cemetery and took two ounces of lands
num with suicidal intent When discov
ered she was insensible, but a docto
brought her to. Her husband deserte
II: lately and she is despondent. •
ThercAis a hand of Free Methodis
revivalists stirring op Pekin, 111. On
young convert gave up a good. positiet
to join the band, and the women -eon
verts are discardiugejewelry, ]aces ant
On Tnesclay, Milian). Gould, of Deli.
mice, Ohio. while fixing a belt in a saw
mill fell backviard nu the circular saw awl
was cut in two, That morning he had
told his wife be had Oreamed in the night
that lie went to the mill and ivai cut to
pieces.. • Ms wife tried to persuade him
not to-go-to-worki-but-little thought the
terrible dream would so soon become.. a
The Chicago' Price Current saps :
The condition of grbwing, corn averages
well east of Illinois, and is corisiderably
Modified,ltiethat;state.:,,by the -effects_ of
the dry weather. • •TheetoPealiave been
and ate Wieling More or Jena seriously
west of 'Mississippi, with a moderate de-
gree of relief from recent reins io
sas and :Nebraska. ' 13ut the ,nverage
production-Went`of the conld
hardlybe reached toider favorable con
ditions to tbe end of the season. 'The
aggregate area • reported apptoxiniates
700,000;0.00 acres. • Unlesil something
more serious oceurs than is • now appar-
ent a .fairly •gbod production...way .he
. . ,
• ,
The : 14 -year hitt ilsagfiter, of. john.
Pfeffer, it farmer living t tro tniles from
Washington .Ohio. arose at the usual:
hour Thneschly and breakfa.sted with the
fa re ily -4 'Apparently_ good health. -
Shertly'afterwarde:sbe went :in the dii-
ection of the berm Net reterniegin a,
feW hours metnbers of the Thirdly went
out to see if any. ac.cicleet bad befallen
her,' On opening the door theY :were
greatly horrified to' find, her lifeless
body still warm banging by a rope from
tl; beam overhead. • There is nothing to
indicate why she comthitted
seine neighbors elaitia she 'Was the victim
Ot-tt-foul Murder. • •• -r•
The hard fight fUr the enforeenienof
the Scott Aet la the town of Teterboro:
is still going on, The liquor dealers have
raided a large fend in ordertplurevertt
the carrying -out of the law, thus mak;
hig clear their antagonism to. law end
order .when their interests lie in the
oppOeite directien. • The su*p_A et peo._.,
f))e areSEI;u41111;i. Vigorously, hoWever,
and fines•anfounttng to thousande.of
Tifif-ra=velbeert'Tniffosed and-norriew
imprisonments "for. violation of the Act
have taken place. The prohillitioeists
have the Conscience of the county with
them, however, and the violence -and
lawlessfiess of the liquor -dealers will
only hasten the day of theft, exterrninaei
tion: • —
From one of Sam Jenek' Sern1011S.—
•Yeti take old Georgia. • I'M protol of
her.", If anybody •,eskikyou whore 1 live,
llietn I live'lliGeorgie., •yon
hear I l'm proud of that, • Ouy Geyer-.
nor is a constitutional teetotaller; he
won't touch it in any shape or fortn, Ile.
is a deacon in the Baptist -church, and
loves God and keeps his commandments,
The Chief Justice of our -State will pay
all night with A penitent or a poor sin-
ner that is tryingto find God, And I
want to.tell you from the . top doWn to
the bottom; old Georgia is not only a pro-
hibition State, but she is living on the
plan of the ten gommandments, We''de
got decent 'people in aitthority in that
State. (Applause.) A voice—Demo-
ergs: too, ain't they I Well, they were
until they got religion. (Tremendous
applause and laughter,) 6
• A Liver Cure,
One single trial of Dr, Chase's Liver Care
will eartelece the most skeptical and Con&ra
;Fetter thin thousands testimoniale that it hi
a sure aloe, :Nferlieitio and Itecipt • Dook $`1,
a .
t . 'et
Kelni: ;nem
Oregon. pays a bounty of 2o for every
spuirrel killed, and one man was recently
paid for 12.3,000 squirrel toile which he
had cullectecl,
To 0 wnere of Stoek.
,On Friday evening Mr,S. Corrigan, a
Toronto tallor,was gemg,west along Carl-
• ton street riding a bicycle. Just as he ar-
rived at the corner of Ontario St. a gen-
tleman on horseback came down the street
-at a rattling pace. A,collision occurred
and both riders were thrown heavily on
the ground, the horseback rider break-
ing hie wrist, Corrigan received a sev-
ere shaking up_and his bicycld was:- bad.
ly damaged. .
.A large bulldog owned by a Toronto
hotel -keeper is a great • treaneer;, %The
otheiday, it is said, he cornered -a Mouse
among_ a let of eots,pans, etc., and while
upsetting these one after another, to
reach it, frightened the little thing se
thereeghly that it at•iast jumped into
his open Mouth and raft down his throat.
Not counting on thie sudden change of
programme, the dog- turned and rah
etching and sputtering in great agopy
towards, the yareli zhich he no Sooner
entered thap the :mouse, (also tired Of
•its new prinniees) suddenly leaped out
onto the grass and made off again, fol-
lowed, how,ever,by • its pursnek, Which
.this time captered and killed
• li'rom. the Coletebua 'INapittch: ' "Sena
bit," teti4 a strange. gentleman,: addressing
'the Hon. John .Shermin on a train the
other day, "the conductor of this -.train
ho lost his pooketbeek :Containing $260,
oind unless he finds it he is a ruined
Now, I believe you liav it in Your.power
to relieve him .0f. his ,embarrassment. Iri
enator, b-elteve-, yeti have OW
-picket-honk': in -your
claimed the Senator, rising to hip•feet.
."Pardon me Senator, I do not aoarie you
,of anythtnft. It . was all a mistake
ell, sir, let as look,' said the Senator,
still very indignant. The valise was thrown
open, . and there, sure enough,'. Was the
pocketbook. ' The. Senator ha ct • gone . to
the condecter's rpoin-to thalto•.a change of •
linen; and :.had polled down the blinds,
1.n-the-dar-k-ness--he-had-gat.hered_up, with
• thwcast off linen, the 'poekethollt,which
the conductor had carelessly left upon the
seat. ; tOoklats of•nervo for the strange
gentleman to seem t&iectuio the Sentrtor.
of theft; but he was se- Emily convinced of
the ace a racy 'of his *nbeing made'
acquainted with the facts, that he under-
took the task. • ' • •
• '1' The ' •Awful . Matt. • .
• sere was a chap hanging iiimitTd-the
.railread .jutictieli at Union. Springs,
• where we had to wait twOhpti,s, rite was
• terrible tn. look at, 1 can't, begie mike •
you understandheW much fiercer and more'
bloodthirsty than a common.pirate he
p_eared. The butt .of..a revolver peeped,
out On.his light.. hip and another • On his
;left hip, and the Isaiah) of a bowie knife
.stuck out of:,hisifiTie in .front. . :11w wore -
,a sombrero of gigantic size,andhe had
.his. pants in hie boots. He had a 'fierce
goatee and muetache, -and. his •eyes *ere
black as tni'dnight: ." .•• •
. Vila awful man'swaggered op and' clown.
the platform and spit ,:rurch smoked . and.
swore. I made a calcUlati n in pencil on
the encleemy trunk, arid 1 tijured that he
could get away yvi‘ththe siafus innboet,
se.venteen seconds. It was e fraction over
seventeen,. but [gave him the benefit of
the d9utit.. .There ,wearer iieven of as, but
the seventh man teaelso-shore and alien and
sickly .lociking,that. I didn't count him: in.
In crise,af .a.riot and -the six of us:being
killed he Would probably be spared as not!
-worththe..ammuntion neceesary. to dis-
patch him. •
hatf.41... lielir pee' by..i
the awful man viith the arsenal; .stopped
before the little Man, looked down upon.
'in -supreme -conlempt-ankgroffly
mended, `.4We11,. chicken, what 'brought.:
yoti here?"'
"None o' your business.. Was the
prompt and -emphatic reply.
" W -what 1" . exclaimed the raarekiller
in tones of astaniehment, ettd 'moving e
Step.trearer., • • .....
. •
..• .
' None DAlene busineae,
• For a 'fa* seconds the •awful mac was
.atuntred at the little man's temerity. Then
ho rolled his.quicr, ()liar, collected a mouth-
ful of tobacojuice, and deliberately eject
ed ,it across' the little' man's boots, .
olock-couldn't hard ticked terriirnesbefote
the slim and,sickly chap was tor his feet;
had a Derringer:within four feet of the
.big man'S nose, and to a voice which was.
a sort of.a hiss, he said : tip with your
hands or rli kill you stone dead 1", •
There was a slightdelay, caused.bithe
big man's astonishment. Then his :big
Inane went up, anda blue white look chased
all the other color out of his face.. •
Xeep there up if you want to live,"
cautioned the little man, and he advanced,
picked out the weaponone by one and
flung them °nee his head into the grass.
When ha but finiithed he "Now go*
and if you corealack.here Iql,kiayou."
The big man went down the platform
without a word, jumped Off at the other
end and during the half Mile we hed him
in eighton the track he never turned his
head.When he disappeared the little
Men re' turned his, lighted cigar, and as
we looked at hint -with open m uthe he ex-
claimed i•-"lio might have hurt some of
trs heron he 'quit, fooling arotind.”—DA-
trek Wee Press. •
• • PL7 •
ROT Liniment Iodide Amnia
:01,:lt,eere; ell.thooghtly Suarhea, Owed beam:teas in Cattle
sgpprtiniaulgaxleat erls2.itt • Fultildstilra„ v1171:11,1 kintibton.11:
No stable Amid be wit hoot it. Railroad mining and ev
ureter companies all use Olio's LI airfield, Dud in Om great roe Special:certificate signed by tile Compiny, lccompa,niON
Mg stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has aehieved wet..
dere. One trial will convince. ' • each watch..
Write DR. GILES, Box 3402, N. Y,1'.,(1., who will, nith
out charge, give advice on all diseases anti also en the Mau
ligament oroottle, Sold by all draggiers at EEC. 9114 $.1.00 a
bottle'itEtt quarts at *us, In which there is great saving
TilMirtirientutis white wrappers.is for family. ; that in
piles Iodide Annnonia Horse- and Cattle
Used by all the loading horsemen on Jerome Pork, Mei.
wood, Brighton Trench, Sheepsbead Bay and Dents Ilea' :
Never disappoint, are tome, Alterative and Diuretic, Destroy
Worma, cures Xudigestien. cone, Bets, sore Throat, Catarrh
Founder, Pink -eye and itherunatiam. The dose is small and
the pnwo it great. Tip le17•vesi "
neware of 'ConntO Irfeits
drnggats assets. perbei. 43. P
• & Embalmer.
• All
A. large' stock di First•Ciash OAS; ,1111
always • 00 hand. .
. • . '1.11
. .
r. iGYPTIAN.EM BALNI.1. NG: ;1.1
FLUID used itt all eases.
1111f4T STREET, -NE.,
•Roolillmottri *Orange Sri,' near Die
•;ifernodiat citurcii, Clinton: •
1 • I
• ton ;Hi
Agr We have the lalgest stock of Aurora, ol.u.m.bus,
Springfield. Vcraltham 'and Stviss,
Ncresttehes in the county. • If you want a good assortment
call and see ins Atock.
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Engraver,,
13.•.taltraiic•e's.: gPECTAOLEAS 4nd EYE-GLASSESAro the ei0:Gemline English Articles in the Canadian 111.arket.
. • . . .
.1..tonirpobb n reurepo in smelt.: rrestli rare given to pirreleitsevt4 to prove genuineness. .
'They are re 1lflAii,le,1 hyttnclICE°. LesLiTO011ialS have been rocoivild iron] the President,' Wed:. '
President, .x-Proshiont and Ex•Nice-PresIdent.ofthe-Iffedical- As:Wn-On otaOfDanaila ; thh Profit.
dent of the College of Physicians and Sargeons of Quebec the Doan nt the Medical Faculty:Of :
Laval University; the Prealdent.and Ex-Presideuts' of the Medical ()outwit of Nova Scotia. deb.,
These roomiimendations ought to bo sufficient to prove the+r /monies, nut it Maim:proof ts .
- •
-needed, coil on . • • .
ROB. W. (OATS 'Watchmaker and Jeweller, Clinton.
Great Variety
QALicoMBE alno0:1•‘,..C.1:1114:TON- •-•
--natral. Grocery,
11,01333,N ()Id giAtand.
'rho subscribe', hes :out the- eatoek consistirrg of
from a common.: MI °ten, . or EruPtiatt, /*Ant
to the worst Sc r °fill a.. Sal t-trlf 1111, klAtt,‘
IlEcvcr...sares,II Sealy Or Bough • '
1,:1ioing7-1rniTeiTat low :hUs, Iieiaeuabled to offer at the)-verY cloirest prices
.. •
...in_stiort,.alir.ffiseases.ma used -by biul-blootherorviliej
comittered by ties •Pewerfla, „
g. mr.L
e: eat atilfg• Di. •. rat],
eers rapidly heal' tinder its benign infliience. '
EspeciV. •has it manifested its potency in
urnng otter10Ba.ontige ehpeutle I kol Led A 11 _owlets proniptly filled. , :Moine let.• •
ci, 1.Alit sh,. • I •
uncios, Wore Byes, Scrofulous Sores .1 H... ..: WALKER, CLINTON-1i
and, Sweltings, Ilip • ;
'Whitt 'Swoilialgsr G10100, or Thick
Week,- and Dram:god Glands. Send ten I
.cents stamps.for alarge treatise; with col-
oretl „plates, on Skin Diseases, or• thOlarae l•
amount for.atteatise on Sorofulons.Affections. • t°
;Thoralighly cleanse it by using Ifir. Piereels '
Golden Medical ,Dtanovery, find good '
'digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir-
,It,S,.v ital strentb, 111114 Setio if 4 Ile h0D
constitution, «91t be established, .
•. which is -Scrofulous Disease- of he
Lungs, is promptly and certainly .'lrrcated
and curcd•by this Godralven remedy., if taken
before the last"stagesof thdisease are reached. .
1301V' .egl ' 101CLIVill AND KIDNEtOISEASES.- '
-.WOW its wonderful power over tl I terribly - -
fatal disease, when first offerliii•thiles
• e rated ronody to the--publick Dr. ',Macs
'thotight seriously of calling. .it his, "Con.
anunpti on Cture,Il but abandoned tbatniime
as too limited for It medicine whialm from. its
Wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthen-
ing, alterative, or blood -cleansing, .
pectoral, and nutritive properties, is Inleglulled:
not Onifr reinedy for consuMption otthe '
bungs,.but fOr all „ '
, - •-• • , • •
•. Tr yon_eeel dun; drowsy, 'debilitated,' have
sallow oolor of skin, or yollolvish-brown spots
00 face or body frequent headache or dizzi.
noes, bad taste in mouth, intettifil heat or obillsi
alternating with hot flashes, low,spirits and
gloomy borobodingS, irregular appetite, and
coated tongtic,,you are -angering. from.
gest ion, By,spepsi a, and Torpid 141:6 err
nr 6, sr it to nett lir anany OttAJII pttlY
part or these' syinploarra expo &Iwo, As •
se remedy- ler rill slieh eases, lir. Plospg'll
GOldien Medical:, 10IscoVery bffewoo
-ger :Weak r g.frOn St/Haiti of Blood,
ShOrtlicse euxii, ronehitis, •
Sevof Constiniption, and
kindred Mk:miens, it le a 'sovereign • remedy. •I
Send ton eolith in DitfiglIgt for Dr. Pieree's
book on Cousuniption, Shicl bY lit ggisto.
" jiThervelN intelligent maw Wil2118 to puir. •
chase; lie buys frampartics whose standing' 111
• their several callings is a paarantee for the .
quality of their tilareR.7 Thiasterling niotidiff'
doubly truo human' to patent medicines, buy
. Wilk. those made by practical professional men.
. Dr. eltA011 is tod wellitnd favorably known by •
his receipt hookSto require any recolumenda-
• •
Du. Cnisn's Mot eitire has a receipt book
wrapped arolind Emery htittlo which is worth its
'wtVght in gold.
...Dit. CUAsit'S LIME :CIZEO1S guarantoeittOcoro .
till diseases Arising from. a torpid or inactird • -
liver soon as 1.11ver Complaint, Dyspepsia,
inalligestion, Biliousness, Jaundice,
ache, Liver Spots, Sallow Complexion, ettb,-
• Diti CHASID'S LiVOI* CgrO ig certdin cure fOr
For saleby the el F.AND RAPT Cr. INDIANA
li..0O3--Sagal, mapli the Principal lisn•v'tr; •
iirivantreges: Railroads already hi itt; :tamer. ,
dtta i0wna ad cities, one of the healthiest parts
°Nile United States, purer.t crater, gond markets,. •
fine fruit, good roads, .selipols, churches; largd ,
agricultural population, best building Material tz._
towlguret, good sow pYiEdE4_314•`7-torail,•,.=
perfect title. For books, .maps, Cha:, tad 'all,
donatterdfmation address •
0. EIUOli J.%
• %tad Commissioner Orand M:
EtuA FarA: • •
Grosse 1810,111A,
All stOCk seleeted.
from the got of sires
and ' dattri of estab-
lished rep, din to and
r c,..its ter ed the
all derangements of the.kidneys,such as pain in . n lid AlIggielat 1`-'0
tho back- pain in lower portion. of tlio abdomen, v'Tv 1•11' rt' 1 Or iiirPerte.1 .."I" Mai*
COOSESSE SOSWO Etr pasSIithic, red encl. white ‘It.1.8 met br.13,1 mato% re. :mill toot. .1..a.iun.•• •
Sediments, shooting pains in passage, Bright?). Corr" 1"' '
diseaso and urinary troubles, etc,. '`),TrrttA
, Try it, take 110 01.11t11!, It will euro 3.ouC. Had .4.4*•1`
aiX dealers at$LOO per bottle..
SOLE eccers roe enatieorte
PRICE $1 00 On. Th'IT
i 0 rOU Es.c• 0.
World's Dispensary Medical Association,.
ProprietorS, C63 Maltt $t., Demo, kr,ir.,
----- • • -
vo..!..tatiAVo ,a -L&
00;teiv‘.olos rttLs:.
Sold bS, Druggists.. 24 &rote a Vial,
vatews LITTLE
Is offered by the proprietor
of Dr. Sage's Catatrh Remedy
for tt Case of enterrh Which they
• cannot mire,.
, If yon have a diticharge from
it0I the nose, offensive` or other-
wise, partial loss Of smell, taste,
or hearing, weak eyes dullihtin
or pressure in heall,voirlitiVe etitarrli, Thou-
sands of caselt
flr Stigrett CAlbillit nit int nor co ree the worst
resell of Catarrh, d I It ilio 1tend)1,
Stith Catarrhal ileadriebe, 50 eentlf
''5 •
, .
t t AVSS ateaeRed aluiut two years ngo ,
with asthina, and' r was as bad as at
tortl?cninValiell'aboet'rcIllteiPnitrir)rittictrte.41. It°7• • ''
the second bottle,: and ofter taking I
soften bottles feel ilmormd no trouble: '
' JOHN MolIA.I.j..1, Strut ford: 1
. .. .. .
P .
For 'sale by Worthingten, 0.1tiggIst. ' .. • I, W.
--7- ' -7- — -- - - - — -.- . - - --. THE COOK'S BEST-FRIE1VD .
SA WILS0116 9 - 4 • 4-:,,t,TINT. rrolv
nee:erne ot sil ktads promptly attended to at reason
ablarates. A trial solicited,
Blyth Pump-- Factory,
Having, removed hist biutiness to the premises formerly
known as THE MOUNTOASTLS MILL, would thank
oil old patrone foe past favors'and is ha bettor posi-
tion an ever to oronnalytril411 orders entrusted to
Ordcred work 5 specialty. Well§ dug and eoinpleted
on short notice. All workguaratiteed.- Pricestottson
1010. °MARS StAth PROMPTLY itTymIonno TO,
. .
luid'iumiAboa as new Planing 11111 with antehin-
ory of the latest impiroVoci patterns, is )tenv prepared
tdattoulto all otders hie lino 10 the tnost prompt
andeatisfactory manner, Mal at 'reasonable rates, Ho
would also return thanks to 511 Who patronised the,
old firm before they wRo harried out, and nntr being
in a better position ta tr.teetito rexpeclikieuSly, '
feels coniidni hetsrA ow: %Abbott, i all. • •
OPOPI";-..Aroar usa ('rTint
ranton, •
TIro tflteNtNZTE,'