The Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 2- • SELF QR IBUA11Ett these two checke, castled by tlie voieng lady and by to boy. were forgeries? Oh Mr. Merritt* :think. It is a dreadful eherge to riving agate it enyterly. Were they reallY forgerieef You sone( neve forgotten, you know. Thee may been been your own. Holyo you know for certain that they Were•fergerim r What did she in. cant Whitt Kt earth did she 'weep by Waiting this WaY ? • "They were not my own. They 'Were forged." he repeated, stoney. "I know that from the dotes and from the number of the cheeks." "Ranh," 10 sald, presently,' have beret a good girl to neet, a very elever and good. girt yott'vo beet tome fee five years. I ackuowledge it -t feel it. easier Meer/used Tour saterr.betore. You deaerve more;' Y("I've hyena terYgood gilt You have eat, ried through mellY diffiellit cases for me. I dent know,what Ishouiti have dope Inlets O uses with. Mit yoUr he*. Tide robbers' flan -east* mei did mit thfek 1 count have eeen sotnucht distressed by enYthbi • 11111Y it le a most, illstretiaing thing•to me.f' He repeated Ids words, and aecened at o 10343110W to eXprette-himaelf. "Now I will give you one more On . t311Vconaaence lresou-a complete moot of reycon- eidence in you: 2 will pat this ease, too, into your .hattd14., Pe• sett hear? Yon Alma errY It through. for ree,o ' She made no signwhatever, *eleven welt to you for your on investigation. You shall tied out, Norah, wit° tock the cheeks item inr cheek nook, who Riled them and, signed thettl, Who preeenteci them. Youshall l'elp, me tq bring this villain to justice,. The (did at before fdin with Poe cheek and eyes "lown•timpped, and Rite trent. bled.' Iler bands trembled, her lips .trentbled, her aboulders trembled. `tit eindi be emir task. Will you undertake It?" sho inadettoidtat:^ "It may be -I say it Amy be -that :twine extuses, whet men pall exeuses-idkrildrigs, bet they are sometimes eccenteil- may be Wand. The thing may have been done by Houle one to hell) another person. in trouble, ole tnere tir,c people eo foolish and weak that they witi even Meer the risk of mime mid die grace and punishment for others. . women nave been known to do smelt things for thele- prodigal" lovers' and thelr unworthy brOther4, Find out, if • you gall, sueb an excuse, and when. you brim; me the nen* Of 'the guilty person, 1 wilt consider how. far that excuse may avail in saving fr punish. ment " 'NA!" nea cried. This is Itadish; tilla Is abetted. ' who Cell iiiiveatemsed.herr • "I do not itnow. But 1 win fuel mit bee r• Ian." 'she hes left Mr. Marriage. she tells me." "Then it Bann be alr.eturridge-oreineke" , "Ittighl Con It be that Diek has hintselfrtew't 1 Elm did not finish her questlem, becaUee Iltigb powered it by A r..eponalve fight in lde eyes, , "1 will go Presently," be staid. °This inert** there if too hoteh tO do, but *tile afterpOon, or to.morroW 4-will1er and sea lir. idurrldge myself." fitiMahOWOr-- oi he4 t.ltslista. eve will get to the bottom or tele" "'Diets acedd not," said caueta. 0h, it to impossb Net (topsider. We have always known Dick. Re Is almost a brother He has been our frieud and companion all the (lays of his 8r. /le thought he was In love with Norah. Cap a men make leVe tea ,girl, and ask hey to hs his wife one daY, and the next dar accuse bei‘ of eboluinanes and shameful thinge? It In luipottAble, Hugh. Don't let Us 811ePee4, ' "WO. 1 in ie die be give ytM that, warping, Celia*? Yrt wofl3 A% 61151leet ntin. until 1 have nen Mr. 11.1irridge and learned an that OE be learned, mull' time, what are we to do with Nennhr "Leave her to me, Hugh." wi't'Sbtlituelibi, is crying and unhappy. She 'thou* be "Leave her tvith me, Ulnae for teelar. when YOU be veseen Murrldge we tan consider what 19 to be dons. Perhaps you, will he able to lay 'ads Ten - re. Theu you can see her and eoesole her AS much as you phase." orals eat OR Cadatitt$ bed, eryllIE• rreSently sbe 1er1. off eilleir and began' to wonder how 8 roan eould, be SO revengefineend sti3PEe4• Reemme ufm. she underStoorl quits clearry that the thing, Ines; have been done by noother than Diek, who, in order tO screen himself and divert suapicion, lied (Willy', tardy, and in cold blood, accused her. this was her old play -fellow, the man Who had told her he en -caber: :he fat there until the evening: Then site got Up, bathed her teatful Nee, brushed her hair, and went "I am ettnne al work,' Ciliate,' te;* dear, 1 - TT ,d e mit. 21. 0)1.) do me ecem to sit oil ao 'lien t• "„ 4 09 ilOwn I shall beer voices end see figures, • Let me stay here 901(1(191110 hebies hod 110114 30 nurs'e.” The day unrses went 'away and the night ruitiei -ante to take Melt pleees„ and among there Norall stood all the brief *Miner night till the euriymorre Ng, when the Sun 10:10 OM 3110 etient city of labor, ; mullet° at dewn a their aim fell fast asleep. nye chyle Caps* maw out in her dressing •*. twit, in* the nurses carried Damen to the olstera- te 40 and laid her on the bed„Inst (*3 she was, in her - "sews, and sleeping" beavity. "Spare ene!" cried Nun*. "0)1, 1. )Vinds). tku•thing out into the ward• else that you Ask me -anything eletet but I e nnot do 112i8.4 • :4--- "WitV Pot?" 'lleeause I ctiunot. 1. elm give yen 1111 reasell.;' .."YeIr refuse 10.110 it, Why? 1 don't ask, 700thtS -ilinet-Morafz--1-eonnTnald l'3fl17'•If•Y0u nudnintry-serviee, undertake this Investigation." 'X win nots..1.meenet-eleeelliserrithereeleaeosfoure eerelee.". - ',Then, before We -Dart, read inta paper: tt Wag placed in my heeds HO 'horning by my son. Reis your old friend, atul emapabiou. Your Mother is also his old friend companion. Your *mill, have all heelt kind to him Yet he Ims been com- pelled to Write -the report' for me, Read* Think of lhe'paln. it must have given him to write it; and the pain, yi A, the (leen pain, it gives nie.to read ite Reran read it When she came to the place where tho writet, spoke of herself sho read slowly, not abie. at first 10 understand it. Then she cried aloud id amazement from the pain of the blow, whielt Was 1lito the Stahl:the; a a tiOAnOAtnettO. But she 1ee(0., ered, and'ivent on to tee ced. .Wheh she had (mite finished it, fitastink into 1wl'.j1ai113d_.-burk'4-1*ei feett In her heeds, sobbing 'Mel trying without re- straint, The man who Itad fold lier he loved 1101( 10(1 had Mileometer, te fteitlY hi* 0110 (*.ftdoiie this thing the next. The -boy .in the .oublr ailed heard her 'crying, met w.ondered whether mow the nine had arrived for Ws own elmearanee. Not yet, 10 thought; 1101. 6(1. Above all things an opportune appearance alai :L dramatIo offect! "What have yea to sty:" askedliir. etueridge. lt *001 1111 she' had.. ta'eny. ..14nnseally she dried her derStnnd, in spite of " kis Own untiintse . , head Rod (lashed away her thaw, an' iwoudly gave bow the girl. perild possibly have doe ft, • , TILE ADVKitriszligNT. Ile the whole of Diek.,,Murridgees Iffe,,e.whetherilat be, long or short, one day e°1)-3114-4.1011.04:einebbsrdehztOrIetireetilleeraosteute .lte Bvery man who liae been weak and svben Ceetstne •aftlee Meting tat everybahlt was coesfer,sablee and Itee ,Tiig exitinined the thermometer and necked to the ventilation, came to her ; "tt AV% a;:lt into, Calista, because 1 owlet tell yen, t ean Tell no entee "You haVe left M's. Mnrridge, deart" "Yes. I have left him I can -never neWer.ge baele. te./Illa .sgain. -And, •oh, Ca - *tat IMast see Hugb as soon as possible. -- directly,",', . "He h somewhere in the•hospital. I will send for him.f te can see you in the cord. dor or * eteluire, 'Yon are going to toll n hint t happened?" e" arn g ng to tell hint, CalLsta," eaejet ' Nora -frtgidtee-othittlet.rilrover btittreen it% I em going to give hiu bade ins ring." "Ole Norah!" • "Please don't ask me wily. I gannet teL Yee. It is net PlY f atilt, Calista,n she said, whfle the tears mune again; "it is teet my faint!" . ..,•••••••• I ADVIOX It't Marlins. --Are ;you disturbed et night, and lei.oleen of your reet ley a rick "' Coiistipation nhild Bettering and evyirig ot Cutting wail 311 36,1) isattian'ai 8116i 3 re, 1 eis Ow ii 0 Irg Syrup" Or. I - ren Teething. Its value ie , incalculable; It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately; Depend upon it, mothers ; there, is no mistake about it. _It cures Dyeentery end Diarrheege t regulateethe Stomach and Bowels, COME Wind 1 Colic, softens the Gume, reduces Iuflionmation i and gives tone and energy to the whole syetein 1 " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrtip," for child len teething is pleneallt tu the taste and is tlae 4 prescription of one of the oldest and best female ' physiciens and nurses in the United Statee, and iOriale by andruggistirtbronknout the world. Price twenty-five Vents a bottle. Be sure and aek for "Mils, Winnow's Sem:luxe EiTitve," 1 and take no other kind. Szesseeee-eeeee'es..."------S--;:,.*- _• 7...- 1 .:- ' .-:-,,_:-' -- 0.ArLvirair TimE CARD. ----- Traine leeve Cliuton as follows l- oite.ND Timex nsirms.r. , Going Bast. °ding West. : 1.05 p.na, • unxed 2.20 pm. express I 1 745 min. exoress 10.0 a.m. inias'a 4.30 p.m, mixed" 9./5 pan:'express eiteAT WESTFRN rtenetAY. Going Noeth, Gettig South, 1 9.55 a.m. express 8.03 a.m. exprees , 7,00 p.M. eXpresi ... 4.13 p.m, exprees " ..e. MANNING ez stioTT Barristers,. Soticitors , 13? (131631 bet f • Calling _remembered Dick's strange words on Sunday; "WhateiVer happens it will be her fault." • "Tell me," she said, "what; has Dick donee "I cannot tell you." Then it was something 'done by Dicie HoW had he corttriVed te Make mischief between )furridge and Nonni/ Calista reserved upon, taking the earliest opportunity of see- ing Master Dick, 17nfortunatelys the'eYents of the next day' made that interview finites- sible for some time to coine. The corridor in the Children's Hospital, Shadwell, is a, qulet place for a lovers' tryst, though not like a bosky ,grove, entirely' secluded from obserVation. h•nd there are no flowers or hedges in it, and the VW breezes blow not over cottage gardens,' but over the Landoll doeks, which is, peiliaps, the reason why they are sometimes very wit:Ited thinks that the . day when he was found out is the Most unlucky day In his life. Or course be should tionsidee that the day n hen he first lefe the path of viten° watt, 3 rally that day; 3A1e to -arrive et that conchs.. elms innilies retOrn tosthat thorny path v ith what u-eed to be called' hear t and soul, w hi. 11 is, I believe, rare. The wicked man not infrequently turns away f rom his wiek- eittuns, so many forces actin upon him in the direction of righteousness; but it is set- -dem Indeed- tbab fegards the dodges:, trieles,' cheats and deeepttone of the past " ith thitelit but coMplaceney. , There Was nothieg, .at first, to reuse speelal apprcliene Mons His father was gloomy at breakfast; to bad lost big clerk as well as his sixty.. pounds and 'the clerk was by 'far 'the more serions lois; rilsee he could not ten hook the. Miner to Mr, Merrldge. : - ' ' • • endwhat she- meant by- avowing the watt ' ..., have nothing te, .say,e silo Melted. "Whet is " .pleciraf evidence. against her, and' tlittn bid - 1311(010 say!, ding hine take up ths case hituself. ' But to • "Here Is te fustalei 0,4416 M;ainstami. A 10e31 his son lie said nothing to Marin him; Dick be made ,,,,,, Ina 3.04,„ .. accorded his father's silence as a proof tht a serious thieve. .Tho 1110i3t 809100p. charay•-•31114P,C°91.C1 "I levee noehme to 6ny. stay: Yes:-.fluelit0. nothing more was going to be done, , Nonni clerk, he eate, can identlfy two persons wifi;' ire. -.would en forgiven, he fondly thought. .As . seated elienks, lie 1,11(4.003be ealled' "men to'dO Xr. se. if StIt_m_gid. s was the kind of autnete sit . eihey_were yureeit and mybeetberftlyaeinth. I hal e a 4.40_1V11A a nothing more inisay. I will ansWer no attestions. _ Catlett with. so strange a 'thing as • You must do as you please?. •' ibis unexplained! Dick like, many pretty "1 have 6010511 I could for y oft; Ioireill son roue'. eisreous, was a. great . fool. .In fact, the • ch"" °I. e°11test°"(114 4'sk .cxeuei--. ' • '• .- WI'el e I -hi' tory Of crime shows ,a yemaykable s "Confession! . He seys eonfeesion!" "And you meetine with tbe daring avowal...that ' development ef the imaginative faculty gie- you and your brother presented those two forged • ing .parallel • with great craftineess whieh cheeks. Is it possible? You!" , "rile two.checks. f• lid mit-say the two. r'twelVe poutideith - cira,' 44 . prevents ith possessors f100113 eeeiug thingon rheskeIt is mete true their right proportions • so thee they fro- - . ',I drew w • • ,•-• - • • one cheek, and DaffM111 drew tn..elye potouts -with ,quently* get .caught in their own nets.. Alia 91,01.11w, -a4014, to deeept . r repea ed (1 avowa , , 0031 119 511'. 911(1. Arise straight .1 n. tho•face, Withoet the least shrinking . , forgiveneSSI . • Or shame. . , . . • , He spent the niorning, for the third 3)1310 "Forged tit not, it is the same thine. Sthen you tsithethe count, 'velio.was showing hire' most have owned so much, 011135 3111 rest.. Why 01(1 700 • stfrPrising things.. With, the cards, • thinge take those theaksT, • • ' • - • • 'Why did I take tine cheekii? OM' 1 have been which, heelearly'perceivech might, in the . emends man for live years, and nOvv-Alow be asks nut why I stole his checke' . . • • . 'Tell me, Nomit. Yes, you. havaeireet-with ine nee . year.. You havebeen scrlionest mid feithfid,that I . eannot mnderstancl it. Tell:.;ine1,1001,..litt': Illk,' derstmet it." ' • , ' ", ' "1 will .answer itu no estions." 'Take-0*i ' Yourself, Mr. 91nrrittge.. Yon will anti ing Mother's'(*with, Calista, whert you .want the. You Inust take It up. You cannot lot it stay where UM. You shall not. When you have dome to the teeth, you will understand Why 1 refesea to speak." • ' eren ine'the trathnow, then Notah.. ,••• , - 111. Murridge,. ielie trusted' no one.: rind, thoeght love nett friendship fond ana foetal,. things, seal, strangely inoVed by Ms Intainess. I* had thought ' that when he could laylits lientle•upon the perm?* . • who bad robbed him, ho Would. straightway ;hale that person before tbe magistrate without pity, and, indeed,wIth lei -engem joy. ' But that perm* Stood befdro itim, convicted 67 11)8 6013,'S evidence ancient! • of ber own Mouth, and he Was.nieied. to pity. • • , "Tell 1110 the truth,. ,Nerah,"...he 'repeated...1/0r God's sake, tell thethe tnetii; raid thindimanore:shan . he sold about it! ' 110 000 atoll Ittirily'r it ktialt,bp be- tween es two.Mee wilt ria go (90 tie before. eclat, . my gill, 1011 nis the tram," • .. • . ' "1 canizotes. cannot. I oa must elm it yOurself, 1 presented ona of those cheeksanel. my brother iire., *, st, tern of the wrist and witnoue a movemetit ' senteel another. That Istill 1 can tell you." .., of. the- eve he has indeed advanced far, .end (she was 1101011)1(1 pale. She did oot um:lid:deafly . 1 ' - ' tr• ttra e More. :In her cheek theee it'aS a blueing spot,. which *fay oe usted to en• a very oeene and plight have been the dutWa rd and vielbie sign of istin- 'ootritcirfable maintenance. - But, there. are . betties guilt. As such Mr. litureitho read it, 'Olt the ' bigher•fliglits, and although there Me many, ether hand, it mirdanceekeu a wrath. too deep foi • -, wordq. But iis such !teak! not reed ft wiiatevet ir .t?irery,lis about the_ -ea° _ening ta, bias -et., here never was, her eyerwero ethane as, 511..e-:10131e6ber-faeo-,,„-V03 0110,-.V00 -b1",12-ffiglIt.-,o, ..th'.3--PTC4130•Oti 4 Imeo *ore to Kr., minitldge, as slte 'stood with the kaeuer intelioct, a more cookies resonrce„ a . door 011011. • • • . oreater Wealth of ttiekery in ite highest and --------1-11711Tee" yea for once 'Li follow your On'll• Maxims,. 0 ' You have aiwayb advised mete buskin', one, Yet ,txtost pecult braechoSetb an the Signor- Ghe- nt, ems but yourself. • when you *110 satisfied, yoU seine's Piranesi. • .. You hove sore etirees trusted me., In thls case trust "'And' when 1 Ineve learned ds all this, what will ask me to come beret to you. . Tilt then you WM ' 1 a 1,, kenof on who mend do them dexter- ously, lead to surprising, resents.- • • Net,"There wa$,a time, 'said the cetint, when could do these things, before -I lost myhexer. Do yeu theili I lived in alilatelike 1116 the cempamon Of .suchm mpa as coe littreevery night'? 'Now can.sliow you bow' we do them. Anybody mai learn how they :are clone: But there.ate few, indeed, who. Oaf de them go as never to be suspected or., eeinght. have- weteheds you, friend Rides rd, and I ltnowthat you Can learn,'I wilt make you', if yeti please, and little by little, a nmeter of the great art • ' The great art, ofcourse;- Wei the practical . apPticatioa of cientille legerdemaiirtoseard .playing and ganiBling. IniteSiinplerforms. lOneans turning, the kiug, forcing a snit, ' ntitking thelnidge, palming a card,. givieg • your adiorsitees tbe 'worst liends and your- • sell! the best. Who a young man has lectraed these thine:es. ncl. can do them' with • • ere rae here no.longer." . The office boy listened. - !`Long before that thee'comes, you will. be "011, miss,e•he said, mate closed the doer, "are yo** ' glad .ot tho. protection which f can give you. going? He's gone, too. Hes done etenethiltg. .414: nee when the trotible coutes1" 1 know very well!' Are yeti ttallygoing?". ,TicallY going for a thue, fide; perhaps altegethert "16 there a row, miss? * Ile", -:116 Jerked 111 the tit reetton of Mr. Richttrd's chate-"is he in It?" • ' -"You bad lietter ask MM. , Joe, good.by." • olnes-bgerreryingr--.ThetearS were Oil her ebeeka Ltvontler,' said 1-119 1207, "whether1 Ought to go In now? 0/1, 111 vottld go in wee. a eut nes tine *9116(0 01 ma he wax errata. ' • . iq unpassIble," said me litursidge.• eseleti Mug have done it Why did she 'turn 60 3)1(19? Why d elle tremble? Why were her cheeks so red? She must bevy donettl ',Why did alto refuse to takeup 1110 0380? Sh0 Must: lrery wtie ethen. There is. 30020(11111)1 11011111(1 it -something that Melt can't end out. very welt, them thetevegot me, to item with now. , will ilnel out the truth ter mysti '. LL CHAFTVIt • '4118 anoitrn a ava, i "Callao, ' said Norah, half _Mr hottr later, wanting into the infants' Ward, "I have mine to stay with you a little" • "To stay '41131 1216? My 401)11 lioraw What has happonect1" "Nothing. I havo left Mr. Mueridge, tha1 alt. 1 nin conic to stay Wilil you." "Tell Me, itt" "Nothing."' 3 - In proof a this assertien, elle biii•st Into tears and fell Upon her. sister's neck, '1701 me, Norah." . cainfo-tytit, Write' to mother, and tell her that I mn hero -say, if you please, for a holiday. Yee, tell bee I am here foe a "Go into my robin, dear, • I veill be With you directly, and then you shall tell 1316*11 vetch at pm please."` - The sister's room is at the ender the ward, so that elieh when she 4, asleep she is 'never' really away rent her cliatge. 13 15 at once her bedroom and elaing toottl, ttlimished "lVliat do you mean Ise,. the teellble? ' You are always talkiag.about _the trotitile," Dick tbreW the eards•upon the thine, ."I telt.you anore is-notronble Coining." . . "And I tell you, yeting gentleinitn, there. ie a very great treuble Coining upon you, and , that very soon, -I have seen it coming day After clay, a• t lase, 1.3 has come. I- be - thee it has :come upon yous this -eery day; I believe ,you will not go Wino t� year- hither'e 'thisoven hie - Dick tried.not to•therniale, but heiiteecedecl 91. Ho tried to laugh; and there Came a die.' fuel •cdeltle. Ile picked tip the Cards, but kis hand shook.- - Was the Diall a prorletl• •: • • -"I hatfe had a dreani, lily son, said. the •eount, softly. dee/tined 'that age and youthe exPerienes and inexperiettce, might help each other." ":What has that got to (lb' With inc *3114-. 4114 31)0 ti•onble1" ."•W'ait—waiti and listen. 1,1y ,arettan was of- at old man -and a yoting Irian. They tegethee, and were partners, Otte know le, They 'worked to he old man knew where to go, and man how to Work. He bad been . highly spiced. 000 '18, however. safe. irons being overheard. Wherefore, when Nerali Wont out to meet her lover there she began gni* •O.Ornfortably, to cry. • • "Thigh rehilerealtr,-"Tnieolfe (You will be sOrry?" ' "What for, diner' "rwonder whether you 'will console your. self very "soon? There are lots of. prettier rid bittter girls in the world. Oh, you .will soon be balmy again without met" "My dearest child, what ybe mean?" "1 inean,• Hugh, that it is all over, Titke •back. your ring. Our engagement is- tankful • Hugh put his hands behind hint . 'You Must take it, Hugh. I am geriOuir "I shall pot tako it, Norah. I am serious, too. It takes two to make au engagement, and two to break it , r refeee,. my date • ling." , • "Hugh', it most her • ."Tieltnie why it IrtUSt .DeJ!, • • Because -because- ' .canoe youl Hegle betievii mei I calf.'neveg marry you now, aira I can neVer 'Timely • any one!" • "'Why-why--Whye ! 'Hugh,?' she turned. Uporilim a pair of the most genetowful eyes ever. seen, 4 'would you litte to marry a girt &silenced forever?' "Disgraced; Norah?" . "Disgraced! Go away, 4ugi.4; I can 'tell you no moral" • . "This is truly wonderful," said hoe never. "Who dares to speak of diegeeree and any !Torah in the same' ineeatie? :-Myelettr, when we two plighted, our troth -and kiesirdVaelt other flret, it was like. the 'church service, yonknow-for betterifor Worse, Perhaps a' - little -of the -worse has come at the, veribe- :ginning, • Let me share it withyou." . • He took her tearful face in his hauds-eone on each sido-and kissed ker forehead and her lips. ' , • . ' - "T.here is -trouble In these dear eyes," he , said, but no .disgr rice. Norah, flatly re- " fuse to break. it off. . What will ':'you CIO ,e then?"' • "Nothing:" she replied: ' Calede •nethe tags But I am in serwes-teenhly sertonee-, earneet, Hugh. • ."Thea tell me -tell Me ' _ • . ShelaSeetatect gtia' -who licait tes is • net always baste.- ee, • ' "I have been cliargod _with a 'terrihle cusatione Hugh -sea 'dreadful accusitiOn, '1 liaVe nothing to: meet it With. but -my' oWti _ denial." • . • ' • . "That is enough for thoetslenehe Idea you, • Norah " •• . 'It is a *charge .for which people etre every day sent. to' Toisou."' She 'shuddered Mel tremblecl. ' "Do yeti onderstMed that, Hught You are engaged ee girl who may even 11 , sent to prison, because I menet prove that arn lnmeeeat. , What :can. ionocent people do" whenotherpeeple tell lies about them? 1 ' am disgraced, lingb.": •. "No, dear; you caenot be disgraced More itemisation.- Tell'ine alleeeXedtli happenecl.'•" . • • ; We. I cannot tell you --4 not. 'Let: him find outtlie teeth' for himself: . If it it . hardforentoto beer Mee- falsehood;' ie wilt be • harder' for bun to 'bear the teethe" • . "Tell Mettle truth then, Noertii." • • . "Nee X Will' tell no 'dime -not even yeti," ".Norah dear, it is rny right to est: it." • "Tbeni Witlidranr the. right. We ate not engaged.auy longer, Hugh. ...• e. • ' • "Tell me this, then." bit something top; 1 lieeted with thirriclgai" • • :serail made uo leans . • "ten anythin't tOdo With Dick?" • • Still she w as Anent. "Dick eame here on 'Sunday, grumpY and inieer , Norah,,Iet me bear your burdeus 01'4010. "yeti menet beer MY_ burdens._ take awartbe nugh, aseiong lie this elting is baneing exer . *ere, until my aectiser shall Withdraw ilia Obarge, 1001. 1101 engaged tO yon: Oh, Hugh, I ant 111 dreadful: termed" She drew Ills ring from her. finger and kissed it -a- pretty,. fragile little thread of odd, set -with pearls and innerakis. "Take .11, Hugh." He ra, fused with a gesture. "reit must -oh, 11,1911, you must! Owl wear. your orig. when might have bandeuffs• on my wrists? • Take it.' • Again he re. rased. Site twisted. It'vette, her Angers and the gold snapped. "keen ring, le broken, Inigh. No -let' ple .ao-let um gees,- , VEYANCEIIT .0. OtanitS8iOners for Ontario and elanieoba, Dquit Nit tits, CLINTCN MONEY6 . over ,s, Jackson's stets;; Aifear °ffie2 T...,JiA%'.1::v303,tfORTGAGES no. uuirr, TAIIRIAOF: TACENSESee-APPLY Intel ett, melersigned at the Library Rooms, Smitlea Block. en ---erecereestilz LEN -Et LA114GAI7EOSI18S°:1ATTi'L sunni o good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. fisfaid, °Anton. rt DOWSLEY, lg. D., ISLE. C. fe. ENGLAND. „Ls Physielan, Surgeon, etc, Office and residence not Nelson's 13ank, market square, Clinton. ArninT031.-OFFWE-AT BESIDENCE Ion Ontario itreet,Clintoe,oppoSitetne Engiisb &Amen. ei t eauco by side gate, . - it. Pi .0uDPOOT, CIVIL. Arehlteet it iia Draughtsman, Pannrs Dr.ocK, H. Provl i ,•i al and Doreen on Land Surveyor,' -----:rin, itenyE.-oupTCE --RATTlinintIllY Clinton . • Jer Murray Block, two deors emit ofeerodgene" eh - trance, liesideneee opposite the Temperauee Sall . Huron S treet;011 n ton. Office hones, 8 a.m. to.6 p.m.' 411 attended ut tlictirojen residence,ifneeettea •iler RS, WHITT, TEACIIElt OP MUSIC, damn°, neheresonet, •Eturon Street, ,alinton. Rico,a itew-Inethod teught if ,desired. • ' • • Till. Ta.N1113•11Y., O'itAnDAT'B .0P TRE MEDI letcde nopartin en tot Viotorienniversity,Toronto,fini reerlY 01 tlia Hospltals and DleponsarieseN6 York boraneff or the Cou ute e f Huron ,13asined, 0 n t • RA,* 11. Powzrz, .nannrsTongibitirolt,, Notary Publipeete.. Seeatiee Beetete MAT STalthit, 01,161elkt; Toronto egeets, .Biessrs: earthy; Oster, Hoskin kereelniale. „ Peivate feeds to ' oan et leivest. rates' oe letereet. • • . R_Acr" WILLIAMS,43.-Ae-emen„ GRADVAITE-Ole • •Toroeto Calve it Is a Unfversal and &east ithublesoniejlis. order. It causes Ilegehte fie, Mental De- pression, irapairs•the and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, Mg, when, long continued, cameo Ealargernent of the Liver, Inflammation of the BOWele, and Piles, Constipation is speedily eared by Ayer's Pills. - For a nurnb,er of mouths I wigs troubled with Costiveness, in conse- quence of which Suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and it disordered liver. My eye* oleo troubled me. was compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was. unable to bear ex- posure to the light, twee eutirely CURED BY USING • three boxes of Ayer's rills. have nO hesitation in pronouncing Ibis medicine, to. be the best cathartio over made. - Jame Poland, Ohio. • I suffered from Constipiatm and, &an - sequently, from Headache, Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Ayer's Pine, W.Iliell I took at the suggestion of a friend, nave given me effectuel relief, I commenced. taking this remedy two months ago, and aut now free from Constipation, the re- moval of which lias emitted my other 'troubles to disappear, and greatly im- preVed my ge ieral lwalth,-W. Heeler, Amherst, Inas.. e - I eeffered fr Consttpation, which assumed stick tuNobstinate form that feared it would Canso a stoppage of the bowels. Two bees -of Ayer's Pills cured me, completely, -P, Burke, Sago, Me, . Ayer's Pills, Prepaied by DK.); CI:Ayer 8: Co., Lowellslidass. e bold by all Druggietit and Deelere iu Medicine. Isse-pritzNa--3.2386 13011111LIAR. NURSERY' FRTIT OBNAMENTAD TREES, • • WAT .SPBUCE, SOOTO11 4040 AaTBAORAN TIM LATTER et, WitICH we MAIM A SUPIALT LARGE.STOCK ON HAND aboye ornamental Voce raid shrubbery will be sold titt,T-ecreyerlioeleYtiir saaTie Orders try .41fial be promptly aapalig $o Address, • JOHN STEWART, Sewn !tier H. Nelson & Co.,I BERLiw. mmiurA.0TultEns Str STEA,M ENGINES, HOILEG$9 AND (MINERAL AT-AOHINERY. ORtERS -:- PROMPTLY, -:. FILLED $501000 To LOAN at 6,per Cut. • Why pay others. 7, 8, 9 auclo 19 per cent, When you can get money from ns at 9 per c, • TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding payment and period (4 loan,- • Apply to Before buying, get our ;special peices for Balls, Marbles, Lacrosse. Sticks, Express Waggons,Goll Carriages. CROQUET; $411..t C11.01! 03 V./S. WALL MAPS . TErp.,1 LARGEST mil BEET I:Si. BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE. ' tyst..0001,E11, CLINTON ROBERT DOWNS •MailufactUrer andi'roorlet.or fu'r the b'e.s:"Sitsi.v Matt . '' . ... . ', CtINTON, '.• :. • . Deg in use. Agent for. iss sale Mal .anplication of the re-ir Pisii Ka. PNINty .A,VTO3I ATM lIcaLER CbittEltiti STEAM F CPT INOff furnished, mid applied tili titiert • • ' liotice, , .. Boilers. Engine/4. and all. kg0041a Xsi ichiatary vaplitaed avpadIttnnaty'and • in a sitti*Inatory 'Hannay, • Faun implaincoui me nefeete red mid roPtur4chegfilint mei 1Vater MVOS furiTsbed and put in position.__thys 131Ins fitted up on n--WYclition. Charges moderate. siiiftne and p nrgeons; Ont. (Irma & RESIDENCE the • ' re y ; member,of the Collegeo1Phy • . • iniuseformerlyeecupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street aureole • ' ' WORTETNCTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON LeAceoucheur,Lieentiateof the Collogeof Physician - au (talisman of Loecioanada,audProvinciamicefl. nate and Coroner:or theconntyofHaren. 016ceand reeidence,-The,bnilding formerloconpied by 111 Thwaites, Heron etreet.. . • • Clinton,/an.10 1871. ritallsTON MECHANICS' II;TTITCTE. LIRE' %.../ARY.and ReaditigRoonee•PerrIn block, down • stairs. About -rape volumes in the Tolbrarrand alt titeLeading.NoWspamers.alid Periodieels of the dayowthe table Mother hi ti PENNYROYAL' -WAFERS, Prescription of a physician who has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10;000 ladles, Pleasant, safe, effectual.: 'Ladies ask your drug- gisit for Pennyroyal .Wafers and take tio substitute, or inclose post- age for sealedpartieulars. Serd by . all druggists, $1 per box. Address EURETA CHEMICAL CO., DETROIT, AIME. ' Sold in chime UOMEE and Druggists • everywhere. 0311111111. Open from 2 30 11 p.111., Rad groin 7 to I 9 p in. Application§ for mentherelisp reelVed4 by the Librarian in ar the'rooni. • irare ed though I gather, the yeu g taught by the old man. They went where. oval' the money is.,-tliere only.a dozen placea in the world worth going to --whore, ;•Atlitit is, there aro rich rating fellows WhO fools enough to think they cart Win at the genie table, Do you begin to Understated this dreatn?" 'Bub whet bee it get to do with, troUble?' • "The trenble May be.the atools a making this dream a reality. It ill, a beautiful dream. There is the life of litsany, and Of (91.0, .and Of love," Diet: hoard of tho with a tnble Mid easy chair, as well to .a and lexury without much emotion.. llie former moved him Lift little, the latter 'bed, in Caltsta's Ceee-but this, X believe, 4 at tut -Anda life of getting mono, hi is a miitter individual tasto-thera wore iny 0124,:- - I col eyos ih up. • • It 4(2)33' 1 geteceedery for you co 014 .e‘ "ni atel to 1I ; 11'13.. • books-e1e. case she Might find this° to react . ;ittle.-and Dirttires awl wort:, Hera No171th eat flown and took op: bat And jacket, won. derieg 1pw icing people live wild are 9021-193.1 of flee:Orel r, eltimertil things, • 2931';1. :Ile why J ani li4e," eta.: aid , "rote must -oh, Iluolt, yoa must!" Ito trled hold her; he implored het ((1103 hint speak, but elle broke fro* him and fled the corridor toiler sister's ward. Presently Colima mune Out, and tomtit the reskient inedicei shuttling beside Iles oeten window, contused and bewildered. "Do not coteradiet hei," goad, "Let her have herown way, She tells me that elle has broken oft her engeginneut, and the its ctying and sobbing til roOlo, TIMM, It Is nomothieg *het Dklt haft done, 1 ant torte* of it. He 2048 3101.0 On Sunday, &elm and careworn. Ito told too -"no wstnod Inc. he said theewhatever heppened watt Nerah's fan% because, Yoe know, she refused him." -emit he use those words? tie Is 00111, Calittal Ite was a rutin wheel, and 16( 1912 eur still: Illit What Wild he (10 or toy? She hes beet% accetted-hush, 3193131(13 (11', very whinier reakee times cheeks hot*. the Wm been tieetteed ot sclurthiug, -something, she Sark for *Melt pe0Ole nee sent *prison. Think :it that -one poor Notalt•-our poor child:" Vidista latigied - - (To colgatatlio UNION SHAVING PARLOR SHAVING e. • ETAIre CUTTING exo SHAM- l'OOING done -very neat anti to 51l16 every person. _ • JOHN IVA lEttlIAsenON, Moak' • • • • . qp. -WILKIE, suirkimo.ti bald th ant usi vo right for the counts for the lintel ig°42cle•'t tilvta,c0est:Ireneefge=allilLt 18):,isrteeniNerig:- e9veredar Tile pain ess extractioe of teeth. Chargee tnoderate, satisfactien • guaranteed. times, LIOTT'S 13LOCE, over Ranees Tenor Shop, litiron 11 treer, Clinton.. ; THE'GREAT ENGLISH PRESOEIPTION Asuccessful medicine tested over 20 years in thousands of cases. Promptly cures Nervous .Pros- tratiott,IfealenessofBrain, Epi- • 3. ' aal Cord., ive roans of eithersex, Dm issiousand all ills caused by Indis- • cretion erover-exertion. Six packages is ;pavan- teea to effect a cure when all othermedicniesfaile One package $1. six packages 55. bynzail. e Sold b,ydruggIsts. Wrikefor Pamphlet Address e, • Emmet CusurciaeCoe-Dwraorr, • Sold In Clinton by 7.11. COMM'S and, Diuggists • everywhere, • , • .McKillop. Mutual fire Insurance Co. • • NOTICE.e-The. underaigned ate appointed to act ad figeats tit the toe/nettle of Goderiele fel' 3ho ColtilianY. AnV pereou Whilting to In; Miro nthts otd and reliable Partners- Company, will apply 'to either VMS: is1313Lato,:1111-0- i . CARNOLHAN, eeaferth, prompt attention will he weep; tun ED After theSeverest test at thu late fair in Clinton,. it was universally' :WM it tea that Foit.PhIWECT AND' EASY ACTION, • BBAIITY OF FINISH, AND SWBETNtSS OF • TO9TD, %the. EXOEMI-0117fia a`'--,V/'-rta0TM•Vr:oTr'-`,y. ers, and destined to be the poplilar instru, meut of:the•clay; Thie, altnigwith the fact that a Special prize wee awarded it, -certain•-. ly speaks volumes for the instruments, and: parties. pueehasine should- See tl •ExcEL. • srou before buyir.elsewhere. GE04. OAKt$, P.U.Opelvi2641. " Factory three clooreWeat Shop, Rattenbilry Clinton, — Thollipson's • realEstate— happy, CLINTON, ONT. The toolftsigned hatl'opeaell no agency for 'the sale it rRea. ,Rstats,aaturnt he glad to deal. wall- parties bavink 3)0031e1,- t1)_i313p93g_o1',tuLS,f per-nont-no-all—ainounts-op-to- • Hoe, 'sod ono per relit 00 atty amount rtker the first $1000 No charge. made 101 advertising', 8161 Ito charge whatever nu, 11)ersospnerotlire4reorxt,,sramanatte‘Lis effected. I have, nate.. tleu, toitowl_og. Lot 14, /aka Roiel.east, commie, In0 acres, .15 cleared and under pesters, eoarrea slashed and OnI* molly he idea reil, .balance of Moth Matt. Wt1l he soldeheate 4, • • 300 acieS, pied land, 21:, miles tram nowesinount, Die:06s 50 :Ores under cultivation, small houSe. Price $10 (1(1109*11 ' West half lot, 2e, end 000 ef East Wawanwili, 1131 acres, 80 acres 'Cleared; balance good hush, 10 acres of fall wheat, spring creek running through the farm, hank barn 40z60, two awes of o1011801, nee mile' from 'Antrum. -Price $3,1100".• 1200or $1500 down, 1181(1116( 30 stilt Muriel set. Lot 806, 1.5 of :macre, on Huron' si Mated on the , este 'side offer. aisoute reiiidenee,•well leered, erlocesese, to. .8111reunidt rilalu selli 8ptling Int for sole, opposite -the Dn1nl0erein3 lintel, 40 feetfront 60 feet. deep, Pelee re/wallow. . OS13-42111 'elefiehefel-ZieeVOItlfekelefeeletLTY.7 . . . „ DENTIST, • ...COATS BLOCK etetilenS 1(01111111413, 11` -- 11-1134RON Ap,ip BRuO.g Until itidIllirestatent "Co'y • YU; alpally It •Loo ithr .31b1'y on Fctr Seenrity at laneest Palos or Interest, 1.14011,TGA GES : PURCHASED -- gA.ATINGS 1SAIST1, and 5 per Cent,' Interest Allowol Deposits,' clecording to antounf an31.. time t. ' ()ewe. 1,0rec• 111 maTe s'epare llerth.Strec • 'tioilAelt 11011.ToX. , MAxAmet God Grist t tienst 1.11, 14S'L .cox °C0:4311810N Members toronto Stock Exeloroger • 6 PrIrnte ITO to Tortoz+rro, YORK, and OIL CM' 4TtiCi<14. 110.11)8, 011AIN, 1,110V1:310,N11, Ash OM no) 1.119 if SOLD Yon Will 011 Ctrs rex OP141121 Comm 1 .1AT FI:Slit'irs' 4711 Amost" tins?" • FARRAN ILISDALL, BANktERS, CLINTON. TIE MOLSONS BANIi. inCorporated by Act otTarliement, 1825. • CA.PITAL, - $2,000,000. 'READ OFFICE, MONntEAL , 10 nA.S ,11/60LEsKolINI A. 1.1,, .. .. .. ce es ler ett , 1'. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Mu/WO; No1es cliscounleri, Collections anact;`, :Drafts . issu,ecl,. Sterlit.:10:nend I Arnazieor =Amiga 1)9414 alul Aga at lowest , Interest at 4 per cent. allowed on dolmens. - lErate-14.1‘4EWie . Money advanced to farmers on theirown notes:meth Jenuary ,.000r more endorsers, 71,,Td1UOrkOO7 that: ire:1:11st sone, Away. IL C. :1111E•Wdelt Manager, . ' BIDDLECOMBE' Watch and Ciock Maker JEWELLER, cte., • • 01.PoSITE 11111.11,111KET, CLINIXON '• • Where he keeps a eeleet assoetinent of WAYCHES, CLOCKS, ,JEWSLLERY,.. SAVER" • Which we will sett at risaeonable rates. • . WARB - „ Repairing of every description proliptlY tendea to, and en work svarranted. ' , • , .3. BIDDLEGOMBE. ' • Ciinton,Nov.188S. • • . • • . SAVE 20: PER CENT :1836-SEMI-,CENTENNIAli-4886. ve.10.- or ; • Go!E DITHICT.FIRE CO. ic o CLIC' 1111 (3 Mutual Plans. . . HON, sns. yoinso...M. P. - - - President. AnX3r: WARNOCK, Bag., Wice,President ' • R. :S. STRONG, Rs., manfitinp Director. ::".-HE 0 Eetera upon itS. FIFTIETH YEAR' tee& - stronger - and more prosperouti than at any prienous period, laving , 8218,896 ' of Aosta andieratioallY NO LIkB11,111pY except a Itee insurance ReSerVe of 380,000. There are 320,- • .000 deposited with the Ontario Government; and ever 39%000 held in Mortgages,. Deben- tmes, and Cash, immediately available to meet losses. . " :Mutual Poliey4uilders in the ".Gore" save. '20 per cent. with undoubted seeurity. : yor 'run particulars apply eo Hem) °FMB GALT or .to JOIItet -Agenti•Clinton,- ' THOIVIPSON, MANAGER. 411r3' 14, 1384. ALLAN LIi4E T 0 loop ol,todoirry, Patties g011ik to the ola mutiny this mutineer ahould take this popular line. The bode are 1110 0)031 com- plete re the 'Ad:retie, mid aceorniondation inassod CABIN IVAiitEn . ( 'LEAP EXCIIIIISIHN IthArr,s. NTIBERA,10112 PASSAGE Al* mot TON 14(411.11tE ond got n11 pfttdanlari *13 480.PATTMON, cLINTON, T. lt• ' WHY SUFFER FROM IntPEPSIA OR:INDIGESTION, • WHEN 'WESTS'LIVER MILLS. - Will thoroughly oufe you., They' o t . 6211id134 and whenever :seer Vo considered, pries. • leas: They havo proVen to be the • ..9REATST IBLES.S:ING OF THE AGE / TO all sufferer:1 from Indigestion ,Ditordered StO:fiacit. THEY IiRE AN ABSOLUTE AND " PERFECT CURE usa thorn* and be, telieved from your mkiery. 36 Pills In box. 25041 per box. 5 bOxeis tor Si POR BAL A' BY ALL DB11001818 AND DEALER. IN. AfEDICINEB II1sware,of Counterreith and Base baitailons. Genuine 'wrapped only in 13111e, with sigda- tarc on every hoe. e'ree triel pankev these Celebreted sefit 11. on receipt or 11.3 ecnt stamp- JNO. O. iVEST P,14: OO. aoaa Pacoaw" , * /11 AND C.! 11F0 svo.e.T . oto, mkt!, "0