HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-08-06, Page 11
Vete 21. !Q. •2 '
onets-4L50 Per Amulet in advance
see, —
oLINT0N1 CoNT., FRIDAY, AUG,. Et, 1886,
Zetvuoltiptflae VIat1t,t0
ateenetelai Towle:ewe •
Hathes,-George Hewett of the -3* -cm'
. bee been blind during the heat five or six
'years, and it is a matter of shrpriseho his
neighbors the emount, of work he performs;
he eaten:low hie. fence corner weeds and
hoe his carrots and turnips, in fact do any -
.thing about big farm but drive a team.
We were handed some heads of barley by
Mr.. Beevers, let con. wheals were very
long and extra full.The fall wheat bar -
vest is over ance the boys are examining
the threshing machines to see if they are
all right; we expiate, to hear theni. next.
. Charnel* have been an extra good crop
along the lake. A poor miserable: sped -
neon of humanity, DB dirty and ragged as
le is possible for a tramp to be, went' the
• rounde emong the farmers oaths 2nd on.
'but, was a very unwelcome callen Mr.
James A. Rowden has talop down his find
vrinsimill constructed a few wenn ago and
in its piece he has'erected a greater size ;
it thews that JaMee has beep employtere
'his brains for 8021101ilile in order to bring
out such a model- windmill. ehlre-sHavide
Derives ef the I4th con. has been on the
sick list for sonae time; We ere pleased to
heir of his recovery. einGeo. Runthall's
• ' 'new house seems to be at a stand still just
neve, perhaps ,some one has been going,
back on Georgia, or Le enter bo waiting for
the "fulfilment of time."
' parreenes -Christopher Lindsay .W1.38
° born to Fermanagh County, Ireland, in
the year 1803, and emigrated to Canada
in 1882 and matted on lot 28, eon. e, Godes
rich, in leen on which he livedmeth his
death OD Jtify 27th,I886, 13.0iierved for De
Own •time in the entitle in 18.37 at
. Sarnia. He- weei-of a riebust, healthy cep-
' stitution, and never required 'the service
of a doctor until the Sabbath before his,
death. He never wore spectacles ane on
the night before his.deatli he sat up in bed
and wrote his nanetehylansp light, and he
,e_cmiti read the fineeprierof iFo Montreal
Witnees without glasses: . H e lived •fi fty-une
years nix the above farm' -raised a family'
of six children, (one of his sons has seven
children . on the 'same farm), and his was
the first feinted that weer •loft the fatra.
Hie illness only lasted three days. He
watiof a quiet turn 'of minds a kind htue
• hand- and father,. and as good neighbor.
Hese:as tereatglite-fipealider the Ohurcheor
• Englaud, but. When The Primitive Mahe:.
dist eause in he id/ached ,himself with that
bode/ and went s th them, in the Union,
'with whenn he ran 'Biagi notilehi s (leper.
tuna. .
. • • • •• • .
. BE,LogarF. -
Goete To len :111:eitee0.-Itliss Maggie.
Ruddy; ef East Watvitioeb,'lefe here on
the Monday afternoon train for Dakota,
• when* she will meet her intended, Alec.
Stewart, brother of Mrs. James MeGee, of
' Wawauosh. They will be manic/rt.:end go-,
Ste. -Dr, Woods is laid Up With a
fever:at the residence of Dr. Y(D3/3g. We
hope be will soon be around again, as we
-miss the doctors when they are not on the
war path. •
EatsT WAMANotoi,
BETEPS.-Xisses Maggie and Nellie
Young, of Pane are the guests of Miss S.
PieGovran. dr 8. Robertson bas -hired
with Mr. Carrick for some mouths at the
rate of $12 month. letise A. R.AcGovss
Leisnoviere.-Mr. John Thomption, re- an is s ending her vacatton at Mr. Mc-
siding on the gravel toed, near here, has
taken 0, fevorahle turn.Bis friendo are
now hopeful that he may soon rally, at
least for a while, though he is not yet oet
of danger.
Accannerk.-Mr, Alexander Callreader
met with an accident last Friday.While
unloading Wheat he fell from the load to
the barn floor, dislocating his wrist and
breaking the bone. He carries it in a
sling, and will have an enforced rest this
• DEATH.-eWe are sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Owens, who, with h* hus-
band, moved away from here last spring .4 fine horse larst week, Wilde Mr. • L.
be a home near Kincardine: -They lead MeGowensevae gelid to grind a scythe he
resided here for some Mae, andeherelesese •was passingeetlkoefgh a door, when the
• ree carried on a oboe sho hereeelthilese sheel,41,110 blade caught on the door and
they were well knownand reepeeteet, -dretveiethrough his hand, cutting three of
leaves behind her seven effilIdren, bin a his fingers to the bone.
them an infant. Hr. Owens and the
children will miss -her very, much, and
they will have the sympathy of this coins
triunity in their affliction. • • •
Laugh Ws. on the base line. Mr. J.Ellis
had a lean-to Weed to his barn last week,
which presents a yery fine appearance;
after the raising they had ball playing,
which is tar ahead, �t aalance. Mr. John
Bradnock, who -has' been suffering froto
dropsy, is again on the way to recovery,
Mr. A. Henderson, who has been „Will
health /or Some yeats, is now worse than
mouth Most of the fanners in this tendon
have begun their harvest; „the wheat as a
rule is very good, barley is on the short
side. School resopened in S.S. No. 10
last Monday, Aug, 2ud, Mr. A. Dey lost
Bnieis.-A little son of Mr. Hough, of
Toronto, (nephew of ROY. Mr -1101%9
died a few days since;'he was known in
-this yillege, having been up here on a.
visit a short time ago. Mr. Jno. Lashana
returned from the North-West last week;
he reports the crops as somewhat light;
the drouth not being as bad in southwest-
ern Manitoba as in the Northwest
territory. These ehent eveninpsand early
menial stock is going down very fruit; seine
of thetie will be left 'behind if they do not
hurry up, harvest: or no • harvest. The
announcement in the last( NEW ERA that
Mr. S. 'Woodman was 'arrested to satisfy
a judgment summons, is false; Mr Wood -
Dian isnot that kind of a man, ' [The in-
formation was furnished us by a local
magistrate, so that there is some blunder?
ing, but not on our pare] Several of-ceer
villagers took in the cheap trip to the
citiee, amongst them Messrs. Bell, Lashaw,
Meyers, Mr. and Mrs'. Oeinsette, and
several others; Mr, Wall, who is visiting
here, took in the ti•ip also. Threshing
.Acointere-Mrs. Leech, an 'Oki :lade
who reeidespn the 6th eon. of Hellen, met
with bedew/ accident last weak; she had
been suffering for ramie time with a dis-
abled leg, and watt just beginning to feel
well enough to move around, and while
walking around the other day she slipped
down, dislocating her hip hope, and also
breaking it about tie inches above the
knee. As she hi' an old person, the acci-
dent will go hard with her. . •
BezieseMiss Kate ••Flemin of St.
mornings are against de bus, and matte- • Mazes, visitint On the 4th and 5th cense
gang were retuthing to town,- between
101intori and Loudest/w/o, a black fox
crossed over the road a few rods ahead of
the lig; beask foxes are very rare, 'and
their furiraluahle. Miss Fear, of Gode-
,rich, is visiting on the 4th and. 5th eons,
Mr. A. 'Cantelon, mason, has walled a
barn 60 feet square and it large root house
in addition for Juo.Lyonejr. and one of
similar dimensions for Mr, A. Taylor, also
one for Ince F. Reynolds, and is pow
,wallinga barn for Mr. Walter Haines. -
Mr. John McCoy is doing big work with,
his self -binder; he is putting Isis ohm
results. Several of our villagers' bgrain, IW:_attlyerts lost 4as_MeConnell.e,_
eing the grain on 400 acres.
Ins commencedie this vicinity, with goograin,
Wizard Oil concerts and pronounced
them grand; . if the oil iseas good as their •wINHELim.
One day last wee as A, Cantelon'smasone
performance, luck ge with it I --Th
• „ VAgri,a.
PERSOICAL.-Mrs. James Metelymont
and her niece, Miss Lindie Tindall, left
on Wednesday for Manitoba. Mire McC.
expects to remain for two or three months,
as she gam en a Visit to her father and
mother, who moved west goincetime ago.
'fielre will be missed about 'Varela. They
secured tickets from Mr. Joe. Thompson,
Clinton. Mr. Jas. Wells, of Staolee,
went with the same, taking a quantity of
stock along. . •
Cintitott.-.At this official meeting of
Varela Methodist church, this week, a
resolution was unanimously passed ex-
pressing confidence in and satisfaction
with the labors of Rev.A E,Smith." This
gentleman has been zealous to build up
flee interests of his people here, and while
he will doubtless fully appreciate the
spirit of the resolution, such- was not ne-
cessary to show him that his labors nave,
met with the approbation of all.
Cienneu MATTERS. --•The leepthOdist
quarterly 'sleeting held here was largely
attended on. both Sunday and Monday.
/Considerable interest was manifested in
managing the finances: The ipereased
expeuditure necessarily caused by the
&tinge cafe -pastors, furniture and repairs
•for parsonage, &c,. will require additional
effort on the part of all; but as WO doubt-
less have energetic and devoeed pastors to
attend to the Spiritual welfare or all, we
bespeak a corresponding effort financially
on the part of the members,
lb -inns -Several of our town -people
took advantage of the. cheap fare to visit
Tel -metes Harvesting is the order of the
dayjust new. Mrs. 10. Disney is suftering -
from -a swollen face; the ailment begun
about six months ego and. is now. no bet-
ter. Mr., 3'. Miller and lady from Godes
rich, are visiting friends here. Fruit
prospects in„this locality are good. ' Our
villege boys are engaged pulling flaxerget
through( boys Before the. 160, as school
opens on that day. T 'Murch has
bought Me. McLellan's farm' near here;
Mr. F. Whitthigham returnee -from
the Northwest; he gives. a very gloonay
accounrofethe prospects there this year,
and anticipates a pretty hard time fee
these.whose mei have been destroyed by
drouth and got/hers.
BEEEEX, Baeas.-Nothing new this
Well hinders are giving grand satisfaction; week so fat in the wayof scandals' or
there will doubtiless be liege sales of them. runaways; the-Williams-Sinalliforn affair
next year around hero .• People would 's beginning to 'get old, or rather every
imagine, to hear the -train 'whistle some- body believes it trueehat they,haieelopetle
thnes,, tbat the'boets were coining up. the and therefore goseipe has spent itself for
river. Heye'eaerying on and .hathing at the present:. The excitement caused by
the deer had better be careful, or they the letter received by.Mellete has sudden -
will have to suffer- the consequendes, for ly died .ut; about nine Out of every len
they are ordered to he watched. :•• Ripe of theacitizene believe it to be only.a fraud
of the first water; got up and put in !Print
to cause a littlefiutter-and it caused only
little; Hume has it that oue of our
business then is soon ging to take note
himself a .pertner in -life. The Willing
Workers' Missien.Band gave a concert on.
Wednesday evening, in Williams' hall;
of Blythi; is own visit to .friends in this ice main was served , from 7.$0 to 8.4e,„.
Icicelity-e-The-Illeeth-brels talk- valialiette . after whiohllie audience fes treated 7 to a
about base ball; whose turn' is it to stump? eery .nicepregramme ; we are sorry to eay.
that the audience was tide so large as it
should have been, when the object of the
band is considered -that 'of raising funds
to educate two natives in India, the nais-
sion band in Winghaire have. undertaken
tp ply fee the board and educations of a
young man and svornae of .fhat far off
India 'surely their. cause is worthy' of a
liberal support. • Mre Thos. Bell's new
inickregidenee is nem/lug coinpIetion, and
when finished will be one of the finest
residences ie town. -Mrs. Pattison, of
East Wkwanosh, died . 011 Wednesday
morning, aged 67 years '; funeral Thursday
at -2 p.m. Sometwo or three citizens from
IyOlVer TOWD have been wandering about
our streets .ef Tate in rather a pitiable
plight for a Scott At town ; a great many
are woridering what has become of the
Inspector, or if there is melt an Officer in
reality, or in naine.-only ; if In is wetting
.to do any business, Wingbam is tbe place.
for hire to come. .
, • . BENMILLEtt.
• Biliense-e.Mrs. Jesse •Gledhill •has re-
turned from viaitiogher daughter, Mrs;
A. 13. POtt r, in Manitoba. We are
-eethised: -to „Dave Gledhill, stroinal-
Again; after b enfiuied to the house
for 31 few days with an attack of inflamma-
tion. Some of our boye took in' the ex-
cursion to Port Huron ;: they tell us there
Was a great:deal of Free witness among the
passetegers but they Were not among. the
suffering tense The farmers in this neigh-
borhood are very busy 'drawing in their
.wheat, and it proneiees to tern out well.
S.oree have sterted threshing this week.
'Our interChande Mr. Thee: Gledhill, is do -
as e9neerey ; ood_444417sitkingAyeete ing a rushing business Judging by the
•-lediertingeling o reel interest, • .1 loads of goods that are coestantly artiving.
Nr. Job n-Efliott,eifeand children were
visiting lase week at Thos. • Elliott's ;
John has secured a situation in Brock-
ville }Egli -School at a salary of $S00; his
duties continence after theholidays.
apples are peening in.
to live op a 'farm near Grand Her
sister accompanied her es ear. as London, • ELYTH:. . •
where she is. employed -es actileress he a Boeurs,e-Mr. A. G. McGowan, Inn,
large shop. • . • • se • , • McGowan and Mrs. J. M. Hatniltcn have.• • returned fron, atevo dayeeholielly aeStaffa.
41E1'8.-411es Alex. ,Galbraith, tea0110, JMiss S. Keith, of :A%roodsicink, formerlY
is visiting on the 9tli con: of Weevanosh .;•
the boys are jeciloes, as he is paying some
• atteotioe to a couple of fine youngladies
on the Hee near the old schbol hotisee-.
John McCallum ..solch a fine Pare lest
week for elle. Aileen Budge, Edward
' Caepeell, and Miss Sarah Dunbar, teach-
ers, are speeding -their vacation at their
- respective homes. The anti•Saptts causo.
quite an- eieitemente occasionally in one
but -no dynanilte.is- used. Thos.
.Nixon has secured a horse and has started
a lieery renew the lads days get mm rig to
tette their sweethearts out in. Mr..Qeo.
Parks, of Goderichedrove to Belgrave on
Sunday, and Mrs. Parks rettithed hOpie
with him. 'JAB. G. Stewart's brother' aiid.
sister, from .BluevaleS, spent a few days
here and in the country. Miss • Maggie
Wilson, of Perth, is back again visiting
relatives -in Morns toweeteips----The Rev.
• Jai. A:. Anderson, of Whitechurch,
preached an eloquent sermon -last Sunday
to a large congregation, in the Presbyter-
ian churcb here. The bridge on the Oth
con. of Wawanosh, near the village, has
been overhauled and repaired by Mrejno.
who made good job of its-
A.'Tayler .took in over 800 dozen eggs du-
ring the paet•week ; who has beat ;et ?-
The dellarsaee (leg and, the •masons are
busy building the toendatioes of the two,
new dwelliegr in course of 'erection. The
Ree. Geo. Law arid family returned home
on Teeedaye eft*" spending over three
_weeks at Iliagarat. Several gypsia wag-
gons with their attendants Were here: on
Tuesday. • • •• •
• Ilneens,-The: brick work of the new
Presbyterian church here is rapidly ap-
proaching, eons pl eti onewhen emu pleted t he
: church will be a very fine one and speaks
welL-for-the-goal and-liberatity-er
members of Mr. Thomson'e eengregation;
it is expected. the church will be ready
for divine service id 'December next --
R. H. Barithy, of:Heiman Nortlepreaelled
afternoon and evening in -the Methodist
church here last Sunday. Mr. Sas.Chaps
man left this Week for Whitton, on a emit,
to friends in that place. Miter Lentiox,of
London; who has been nvisiting friends in
this vicinity, tett for home on Thursday,
Mr. Kelly, our popular jeweler, returned
home on Saturday; he hag travelled over
a considerable portion of North Western
• Ontario, and reports having a.good time.
It is expected that Wednesday next will
• be keen our cilid holiday.
• -%••,-.•••••••
PRItSoNnt.*--. Mr. elershall returned
from his trip to the old nountry A few
days since., he.did not enjoy it very much
as it 'was toe Wet and disagreeable, ,Messrs;
E t Beadle and R. Anderson expect to
leave thie week teethe old country, where
they go to purchese stook, Farmers -aro
all busy hail/sting; crops are good, hi
this locality. The Ntlit HU. is regarded
here as the meet neessy pewee _Huron.
A yoking lady, well-known here, recently
purchase a 'handsome gold watch,from an
outside jeweler; it is said that a young
then from the West ises-eithat's up. The
Misses Young,Of Parheere visiting friends
in and around towri.In his morning
serene 'pa Sunday,' Rev. A. McLean'
preached againsethe violation of -the Sib -
bath by . railway excursions, pleasure
drives, precessions for show,: etc. The
• eVlorris Branch .Agricultural Society is in
• a flourishing condition; the number of
this year's members ts, 306. Rey. Mr.
• Mills and his assistant are spoken of eery
highly by his congregation. Miss Carson
of Clinton, has been visiting •friends in
town.. . .
. • 2.
VIsiToRS.-A good -many peoele from
other places are visiting friends in town;
as is always the case during theholiday
seastm,. and Many of those who visit our
town from time to time say it 18 the liveli-
est town of its stze in Ontario; especlallh
Huron; not excepting the "Hub." We '
believe IL [Our con has astevid imagina-
tion when he supposes Seaforth to be
ahead of the-e-Hebe'e No, no, Settforth is -
only a way-stetione • •
CHURCH NOTES: --Last Sunday, for the
first time, the singing at the Presbyterian
church wee accompanied by a handsome
new organ. Rev.' Principal 'Gregg, of
Toronto, is announced to preach in the
Presbyterian courch next Sunday. 'Quar-
terly service, conducted by the pastor,
were held at the Methodist' church last
Sunday morning; the leve -feast took
place at 9.45, instead of after preaching
• -•-••-!
TEMPERANCE .-At a regular meeting'
of Huron Lodge No. 308,held
last Friday evening, the. following o'fficers
-were elected to serve the ensuing tu nu -
e. E. Kent, W.C.T. ; Miss S. McBride,
W.V.T. ; 0. Sperling, W.S.'• Miss Ida
11 unt, ; Mies 3, neid, 'Wer. ; H.
Beattie*, ; Moran, W.C. ; 11.
J. Meyer, W.O.C4.-' Miss a'Shente W. R.
H.S.' Miss M. A.Dorrance, ;
Miss 'M. ; Miss Ida Hunt,
13ernirs.-Since the cross raga boards
have been removed, Alain street now pee -
send' a much improved appearance. The
Woodstock base ball team cattle to Sea -
forth last Saturday to trytheit hand with
the ' `Seaforth Stars," but•as stars our boys
did not excel. Our lacrosse Wye went to
Woodstock last Friday and played a match
of tbe national game with tbe team of
tint .town, but were not success/tut in re-
turning home the winnere-they were de-
featedby 8 games to 2. A good manY
from, Clinton visited out town last Toes
they. Building operations ere If6ing car-
ried on.exteusively bete this- season,
ACcMENT.-A few clayseince th e young •
ast eon of Mr. Thos. Keys, atilt), Parr
Line, fell' from a fence and broke his leg
above the knee. He is only four years
FATAL ACCIDENT. -On Saturday hult
most lamentable accident happened on
the tronson Line, whereby .Mrs Chas,
Tenet), on old resident of Stanley, lost
his life: Deceased had been to Hayfield
during the day, and evidently indulged
in more than was good for him. Ile drove
home all right, but just when he reached
his own gate, fell out of the 'buggy, his
heed datchieg.hetween tbe front wheel
and shafts, breaking his neck, and MS*
log instant death., lie was generally es-
teemed, and had he net been hie otvn
worst enemy might have beep still living.
At onetime he WAS President of the Stens
ley Agricelturel Seciety.
Cht0P NOTES. -The fall wheat in this
neighborhood is mostly all in the barns,
it, will be a _hoed average yield and in
prime condition. Spring crops( have im-
proved'gteatly since the late rains. Har-
ley will be a little dark caused by the rain
and heavy dews. Peas are he best crop
there has been for some years and free
from mildew and bugs.' Mot crops bie
general will not be up to the average, the
dry weather gave them a bad set back.
ieleeiwitees.e-Aelionse trade here caused
quite a commotion for a few days, but it
is cooling down a little, Jas. Ef. Elliott
is shipping a fine lot of cattle direct to the
old country, also his thoroughbred short
horn bull; we wish him luck CM his ven-
ture. John Cox sold W. Mctean most of
his fee: cattle at a. paying figure. The
threshing machine's on the hum again;
the.MeLeoci Bros. have two weeks thresh-
ing fall wheat spoken for; some thresher's
are talking of coming down in their
peke; so theyshouldraraliewegee-are-so-,--
why should not threshing. Jas. Colvsellie
house is about ready to occupy; the car-
penter work was lone ,by C. Myres, of
Hayfield; the work is a credit to the
butIder. Two sons of Mr. Geo. Campbell,
of London are. spending the holiday,*
with grand' parents, Mr, and Mrs. James
Cox.. Miss Petigroire of -Pittsburg, is
visiting her aunt, Mr's. John. Torrance.
Mrs. Jas. Torrance is visiting` her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Geo. Dike. • Mrs. Dr. McGregor
and. son, of Chicago, were visiting her
cousins, H. and C. Newton, of Porter's
Hill. A couple of detectives have beeh
scouring thee neighborhood the last four
or five days, either their hied has flown or
they are on the wrong trail, but where
ignorance is bliss it is folly 10 be other-
s .
Additional Local News.
AecoxstarvirrivE Also recently returned
fromthe northwest, stated to a represen-
tative of this paper;that Mr. Thos. Green-
-way, the liberal leader in Manitoba, was
concermng the corn-
ing election :in that Provitne. And that
Conservative even spoke bopefelly of Mr
tireenway's prospects • , ef getting into
pcfwet, although be also stated that Mr.•
Norqueey wouldget the haleb.eed vote.
f3aint1?s.-2•The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was administrated in the Metho-
dist church last Sabbath, to a large num-
ber of communicants. The fanciers are
pretty well through- with their fall wheat
harvest's the spring grain is latelhie seas-
on, eseing to the coldness ef the first part
ot tbe season. Last' Thursday was our
civic holiday ; quite a number of our cite
zene went tp Listowel, to attend the Mili-
tary review and band tournament: At
the :recent "Toronto University examina-
tions, W. A. Baird, son of our station
master, stood first in the Juilior Matricul-
ation examinations, Mee W. Treleaven_
was in Tara last week ettending the fun-
' A AGED' PTCLENT:-:L-Mr.'W:G. Scott,
oelerticetield, who was in town- on•Wed-
nesday, Mentions a circumstance -shoeing
it is neer too late to learn.' Mrs. Step-
henson, ot Inc Gothen line, Stanley, had
never le/tined to read up to the age of 72
years,. but a shore time ago she resolved
that she would leans this accomplishment,
and industrausly applying herself, she
einceeded. se well -that shehas been Ole
since to almost rend the bible through.
. A Coot. Joke. -Two ladies at Staple
ton, telet week had the privilege of laugh-
ing et each oils*, about the lose Of sense.
s de went to hunt berries and :left,
her bouso locked up. Seine young scamps'
midMrs...I. Treleaven, daughter -in -la
ot in, made a fire, cooked and, ate a dozen
of g
• -'49 • - the other lady went for berries, and left
„ .
1413...-A•praiee _service will be held in ic
.toria St. church next Sabbath cloning,
.The fence around •the . Victoria Street.
church is finished and is a :great improve-
ment to tife-edifice. The pastor intends
taking up a special collection next Sunday
to pay -for it, and is asking one half the
met (cost $90) in a cash colleceion; Un-
less $45 is taken without mi itingle sonata -
don, the money will return into the. con-
tributor's halals:.
alelr: R. Treleaven, Dungannon: • w
• rot two eggs . for :trereeeekedey oelwe,after
AeorneereeesA serious accident occurrecl-
yestereay ate/enter., IVIr.Strachae's tester
and daughter, 'mad a lady visitor, were
driving froth- the otmuitery eith a restive
horse belonging to Dr. Strachane when the
animal suddenly ran away, overturned the
Vehicle and upset ,the occupantS.. The
daughter and visitor have stIstailLed ser-
ious injuries, While Mr. S.'s sister had her
leg broken in three places, her face cut and
-body so bruised that doubts aro held as to
her honee locked, and the same vafirantl
ate two or three dozen more eggs.
ledy, whee they found both had been
treated alike, ought it was it good joke
on the other, bue it will be in joke at all
if they happen to get, their hands. ,the
ything scanips. - •
entereedsher h"deek
ouse end else) e ,en •
forsakeh ',awl. desolate on the -face of the
teethe' (places where a man's life was al-
ways in danger, and where he would not
live under any. circumstances.) He reas-
oned that patients of this naturtecould be
hater cared for among their triode and
acquaintances, than they could among
strangers, and was very emphatic in ad-
visingthem to stay at home and. do the
best that could be done for them under
Circumstances. Had he been ipaid agent
of the Canadian Government, instead of -
an " American citizen, he could not have
lauded Canada more plan he did, and it
was refreshing to hear such remarks from
thee, whose interests certainly lie in, build- • •
iog up the neighboring Republic., •
TEE Coma, Aneetre-The Mayor,
Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and, Councillor
Manning, took a trip to Listotiel last
wails, on the occasion of the Hand Tour-
nament, and were cordially welcomed and
royally entertained by the civic authorities
of tint place. • Listowele not beteg...ineese„.
Scott Act county, -thIF may account for
them having" a high old time." '
A Heine Seeeentreee'Oneof the hard,
est sepecimees of humenity that ever struck.
Clinton; Was, George Moyer, hatter known
among prenters as "George Pi," e who
landed In here on Monday. ;He is a prin-
ter and a disgrace to ehe fraternity, foe he
is as erepulsive looking, as can well be
conceited. His clothes were in.the worst
kind of tatters, and his general appear-
ance the most Woebegone. He is not a •!
drinking character, but epparentiy hoards
up whatever money he earns, and esever
spends any so far ea ltnown. The anther- •
ties Of any town he strikes; should make
him clean himselfup: ore comnilt him to -
jail, ,fekehc. is. disgrace in hislTresene.
condi:thin, to be at lerge.
Rev. Mr. Howell, (chairman of the • .
District); will Preach in Ontario Sechuich
next SundaYsemorning, and tonduet sac-
eatnental services.
The Quarterly needing: for the tentless
boro Circuit; is announced to be held at-
Kinhern next Sabbath, at he a M., ite. the
• Methodist church. :
The following persons have been elected ,
to the official hoard of theltattenbdry St.
Chureh e -Messrs. Lough,,Feeter, Searle,
Ru mball,J3ailey, Beeslensand Ms -rte.
.Sacremental services, In etattenbury St. .
church last Sunday,. were well attenceede, :
an excellent feeling prevailed in 'the fel-lowship . meeting, and merits. testimonies'e •
Of Retie .Tehn Gray were
pleased to see him in his owe pulpit the,.
Sunday evening; he was not able to fill
his afternoon appointment, latitexpectstp
do ep next_Sitheathe ' ' •• *•-• •s
- On Sunday last 57 periods were eecbiv-
ed into fell membership in the Methedist
Kinburp. They hint been pro-
bationers since the revival rneeting'held
last winter.. Several -pore stiliremain on.
Mr. E. Odlune, WA., at present heads'
pester of the -Penibroke High Sehoolaeill
go about the end of the year, undendireee
tion of the Methodist Church of Canada,
to take -aerate of the preparatery.depart-
ment of the Tokio College, Japan; lie
will be accompaniedrhy Rey, Geo., Wheel,
01 Michigan, as fin • assistant; both ofebeee
gentlemen are brothers of Mr. Thos. Oce-
lein, of .Clinton. • • .
F. Woodhull, well-knewe.„ in this..
oeisi.eyeettesieted by Mr. • Motu/hen, hiteie
jest closed a very supeeesfpireelvel meet- .•
ing, 'tibenit five Miles .east of Clifford.
Though theepeople were jest
of harvestthey crowded the T Inas& every • •
night, and -many were brought to the
Saviour, They are wonderfully successful
•in this revived svorke 'They couatheteed .
meetings in Clifford last Sabbath. ' • e •
• ,
• hiansens iet nen Wesee-e-Weele-e• A.
Giffin, teacher, Crystal eity, .Man„. (son
'of W. M. ifflri, Clinton,). welting July,
25th says :-The Wheat in this part ofthh
cetnetry is looking well; but, west of bete
the gophers have been at work; they are
abeat the size of a chipmunk nod some are
es large as black squirrels. Some farmers'
have been eaten. out by theni. The foxes,
badgers, and skunks are being killed off,
they kill the gophers, andeas a result we
are Over stocked with gophers. The pett
ple.ofthe west have hue some severe hail
storms. One hat' stone measured 21 in.
amend one way.end 7 in, the other. They
were something berrible,
her' recovery, she is an invalid, and. was DIED cm Tern TRAIL -The St. Thomas
Nisitine Goderich fortheeake of her health. j•ournal, of Monday says, ;me& Graham,
wife of Mt. John Graham, a farmer living
ten miles .frore Goderich, with her eleven
months old son, William Franklin, te-
tently went on e yisit toehge brother, Mr.
Heigh jolaeson, of tbe firm Of, Johnson
B:cs. , . planing mill proprietors, Essex
:Centre. The infant had been •unwell for
Some time, owing to teething, but no den -
gee Was apprehended, and this morning
Mrs. Graham boarded the X. 0. R. 'nail
train for this city,' en Tonto for home.
The child, shortly after 'getting on the
train, grew worse, iirid was seized with
convulsions,expiring between Dutton and
this :atty.. When the train arrived Dr.
Smith, tvho lied been telegraphed for; was
' waiting, huteshis-servieeseivereeneen• -
quired. The body wits taken into the
station master's offiee, and was placed in
a neat coffin,and tetrs.Grahatti left en route
for home, with the lifeless .eemaine of her
little 013e.
(the agent of the Wizard Oil Co.,) in hie
eddrese on; the Square on Tuesday night,
gave those people a lot of good advice,whe
ere always disposed to regard otheretilaces
or localities better than the oneethey are
in. ' After stating thathe had travelled
with a rope after the -Web had Started. through nearly all of the States) in the
Tameese-The town was nearly empty
on the etc' e those who forgot to go to
Port Huron went to Toronto and other
neighboring villages. The town has
-scarcely its wcntcdetaritibertit tette rs • on-
accoent of the remarkably cool weather
we are having. Mr. Thos. D-e-wes just -
about to hang out his huffalorobes and
at/hater blankets as we paseed his well
stocked store this morning. Mrs. Doty is
still visiting in town, Miss Add& Fisher'
is visiting in Port Huron and Chicago.
. Miss Jennie Martin left town for Detroit
013 Tuesday. rnornjtig ;, she intends taking
permanent situation there. .
Excenerox.--The steairiboal excursion
run by the I. O. O. F., aural -Lotiga-; On'
Civic Holiday to Port • Huron was finance
ally a decided sueeeas, About 600 persons
availed themselves et the opportunity of
going to "Europe," and most .of then]
wished ditty had not ventured so far from
land before they et/ached their destination.
The lake was very rough at the start, and
nine • out of every ten; felt the sad abet
thereof. One brother; who ie rentarkably
loquacious, and comes from that talkative
city down the line, gossiped too long on
the wharf, andshad to be hauled on board
Seeltenels Ceittnale.-Last Su inlay he-
ing the fifth anniversary of Rev. W. '
Craig's tninistey in Se PauPs-Olitirebethe
lethal sermon was emitted at mattingy
prayer andlan address was eiveieeeviewing
the work and result of the past five years.
They were considered on the whole terbe
satisfactory. .Debts had , been paid; ini-
provements had been made to the church
and rectory propertyia new sclioolhousehed
been built and nearly paid for. The com-
municants had increased nearly one-half,
and the contribution to cleggh work had
on the whole been largeelhan during the
previous history of the. parish. The rec-
tor,. in Making these statements? did 110t
Wieh to appear to cleim credit for himself,
mentioned ehene as reasons for thanks
and praise to be given to God; and 'for
encouragement in the future. After
Speaking of (1) some advance in the /nat-
ter of gooducting the setvices', (2) of ser-
mons; (8) of church goitig, the Rector
thanked the congregation for all the con-
sideration -shown him. He could not
hope to hav tA_g..qeatisfied them all, that
.1e—W.Wto he expected, He -had al-
ways been perfeat frankly with them, and
he thought he would be borne out in 'rety-
ing that lie had not at any One worked
for himself or his OVVII advantage, but
With greater or less ability and energy had
sought the interests and spiritual edvanee-
teen t of the congregation. Ile said this
while coascioue that matey times he migh t
have done more. While they had Inver
heard hint, cainpittin of hard work -ea
clergyman's Work was much harder than
some people imagined -there was a ner.
volts exhaustion in earryieg on services, '
in preaching, in -thinking and studying,
in dealing With men, mentally, and in
heating, as any faithful, sympathetic
clergyman must beat on his heart, the
trials troubles and difficulties of his con-
gregation that few realated, yet he
thanked God for the past ftrid took cour-
age for the future. The Rector stated
that he 'had baptised 119 children and
adults. ' There were 140 commuriitants,
went hi/i way a Wetter and a wiser Man. 140 heads of families. There had been 78
With inch interested incidents as thorn gumption, or persons threatened with cons, deaths, 38 marriages,. and 2 eonfIrmation
the crowd could Inehe otherwise than sat; SUmption, seeking warmer elimatese hes serviees, which there WAS a total of 54
isfied with the nominal enarge made for the -said a gteat many of them nude an
geous persons confirmed.
e' -
idertniement, endnearly everybody (() mistake going down into Texas or Mexico
Another of the eXcnrsiOnists talked too American 'Union, he expressed it as hit
long with the barinaid on the other aide
and was left to increase the population of
Uncle Saint/ domains. A young hie,
Hodge by name, thilakitig he had had
enough of the ftin attempted to jump
sailor° before the boat reached tbe Gode-
ich wharf/ and wag net. a little stirpeised
to find h/ eeelf plunged into ten feet dock
water, lle wad however, fiahed out, and
firm belief that a finer section Of Went*?
did not exist under -the sun, than what
was to be tound in the imendiate vicinity
of this tome He had taken it drive out
in to the emus try that very dateand thought
the beautiful wheat fields, orchards, eta.,
were ahead of anything he had evencame
across. He admitted elute the climate
was somewhat severe, but it was a healthy
one at any rate. On the subject of eon,
erieleed themselvel Immo/Seely. ' Whieh eittede in tented 4' thiS MOH Goul cr.t:Tows tontr,m101 int nnall paita,)