HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 8CLINTON NEW EflA
ERI)t7A,V; JUDY 30, 1886.
Subscribers and others who are in
allTears,will oblige us by settling the
same at once. We have altogether
• too many ,Accounts upon our books,.
arid must insist upon their payment
without delay. ROBT. ROL3iES.
• GREAT CLEABINO•'SALE of Millinery and Sprmg
and Summer Coeds. BFESLEY'311lillinery Emperiunm
qa a}vTON WOOL LEN 111YLLh ,s • the
best place in the County of Huron to trade your Wool,
off. •°A full stock of•all kinds of cloth an hung tt low -
oat rates. Don't as us. to accompany his thresher. Mr, Lawrence
BRIEFS. --Mr, A. McArthur and wife
are visiting friends at Woodstock. Mr.
Pobt.Gray, of Tugkersmitb, later teacher
in S. S.No. 1, Colborne; purposes.. leaving •
for California is a few days,. wpere he
proposes continuing in ilia profession; be
as no situation secured,' but does not
anticipate much difficulty in geting one;
be.baa-plenty of "push" and "sand" in
his composition, and we have no doubt
whatever' but that he wile succeed out
west. Kr. J, Ireland. teacher, also of
Tuokersmith, is taking in the round trip
on the Saginaw Valley, Mrs. Weatherman,
of Detroit, is home on a visit to her mother,
Mrs. Bay. The Misses Kyle, of Seaforth,
haverheeri visiting relatives in this lot ality,
Mr.rThos. Cooper has been confined to
the house by another attack of erysipelas,
but is now better. Mr. I. V. Fisher,.
of the Base lane, has nearly recovered.
from the effects of his accident last fall,
and has engaged with Mr. r, Youngblut,
Don't ,for et lis Monate*. E
10 Port Sure"' on. tli
by the maguifieent Palace e,teawdr toe able fe- work for some time, owin
rafted Empire. Tioketa, $i. erysipelas in the face. The Doherty
Great Redaction in Furniture, -If you concluded not togo to
are in peed of anything in the • furniture line. before , Llstowefl ton
buying call at•the Rod Rocker store. EL A. REX- maut, on Thursday, as the members
' NETT, the.UabinetMaker and Undertaker is selling all too busy in the fadtory. Rev.
cheap. The'best is the cheapest, Albert St„ 9linton ,Turpbull and wife, of St, Marys, were
rano TUNING.'- town, T. BROWN, Piano' this week on a visit to the moots of
Tuner and Re Iter will be in Clinton Aug, 2nd.. TUTnbni P P
Recommended by" T. W. mover, general' represents- Mr, and Mrs. J. Steep.,
tive of Qotavius, Newcombe do Co. Tuned 83 Pianos D, • McLaughlin left • on her return
iE enndded Orders lett at NEW ERA (Mee promptly Aberdeen, l)ak., on Tuesday, and Mr.
1! 1plVlX SONO. .. .54 White, left for,,Winnipeg on Wednesd
both took tickets from. Thoitipson's ag -r''
IT •MUST BE THE wATER.-Steve Gal oy. Mr. Thos, East, of the.brcikyard,
bt:itb; of the Winghani Times, has been burned one"Kiln of`lirieks; this year,
one of the most staunch advocates of the another One burning; ' and one ne
Scott Act up north, but the way lie talks ready to build; he burns about 150,
1.. ..e.. about. iiowing snakes, horned at•ii time. ' Mr. John'Govett has bon
toads, and "sick" would convey the in- a nice driving mare from Mr. Clark,
ference that he'has fallen frern grace. Smith'b Mil • it is only two years old
, Wingham water never was good anyhow. Mr.'' Thos. Watson wears a bland em
IMPOUNhan.. The_pouudkeeper has these days; his first grand -child was b
u -a little lax forafewjdays, and -Con- 'the other day at Port Huron,. "iii
,s ently, Parties who bad hitherto ;kept 'being the happy father. •Mr. Tho
th ii.• eews shut up, seeing others out at Coventry., of Westfield,
other daye went home
night, let theirs out also: Luke was eve- with a bran -new Climax sepa only setting a trap, for on Wednes- for of the well known make of Farr
day morning nearly.• a dozen "cows were Macpherson & Hovey. Exeter is ab
.inmates of the pound. A rigid enforce- to build a new town -hall, and on Mond
ment-of the cow by-law will do good, the entire council went up to Kincaid
ACOIDENT.=T•be other day Mre. Donald to inspect the town hall of that place
' Ross, of• town, 'filet 'with, ii :.peeu'liar And ba • Jas:Scott, of the Mechanics' Ir.stitu
i sbe
an 1 en
fu acct
dent. .:
She P S e wa 'n unable
Was feeding someto attend to leis- us
qx a.noup e.o ays,.owingto i
ns es xe r. ion ann ng} of the base line has : not b
e "le
8olit�ay, , ,
g to
chickens,.and 'stooped down . to:piek up .n nese b i l '
pet bantam rooster, when it flew. up in c ?s about . better. Mr. Garrett, ,
her face, its spur entering her cheek and • o, the gravel road, Hullett, hadtbe end of This is the greatest opportunity ever offered to secure�
tearing a;gash about- an inch and a half lila index finger, right hand; cat off by a , , g"OOcl'S
mower afew days below wholesale rices. Our entire stock, arnountin . to .earl
long, alio 'catlrng a vein, 'froth which the y since.' ; , cu Colville,
p t, y
f w
. ays,
real -,Discount
��,e�,�on's Bo�kstc�x
C T11'rJV400W.
JEWELLERY r • tg. _ 0 5' « cent
On POCKET BOOKS �� a Will give a -discount of 20 per
• WALL PAPER'' .. °r : 20
DAY R onlzs 10
't t
tt .
• tt
15 «.
• .' 25
• 20
25 tF
• 25.
MOUTH'ORGANS, we will give ' a discount of 25
BABY -CARRIAGES • `t ' ._. ' `t ' 15
Ladies HAND SATCHELS tt 30
Combs, Writing Desk's and Workboxes 20
•BASICETS . tt . •: 15.
titles f i d - all :other goods at proportionately low prices.
blood flowed pro usely. . The wound was, hose husband •on Saturday returned to 520,000 must be reclnee to MI5 000 wnthin the next 30 'd
e necessary to call In a lI k � ,- called away on 1V1[onda
yp b. t _ g . , .
so bad thatit was n e eo uk .Ill, Was
doctor and have it sewn y a telegram informing her that. he Was as �Ve.commence STOCK TAKING. on the ' lst of•August, and
. ,taken suddenly ill:• • A detective,' from balance our books 'on the .t Stll.
THE NEW BUILDINGS•=1Vi11; D. A:. -1"r Pinkerton's, agency, Chicago, was in town
rester hasjfinished theimprovements co' bis few day's since,taking h •
h (which eut building), and is now comfortably set , prizes, el you U
recentExpress robbery at -Or 12uu• . No trouble to show- o. ,the U'�•rettt Baro'aills e -are
for Glencoe. 'Mir. John Joslin was the first
y. � � , • �
an well-built residents. The frame Work
Of Mr. J.P. Tisdall's new house, next.to
Willis Churcp, is now finished; and the
brick work will make a halidsome_ house
of it; it a` very large` building,, :'Mr,
Thos. Johnston bas a. new house'nearly
• 'ready for occupation, on Victoria --street.
• Mr., Thos. , Cobper's new brick house on
: Albert street, is. about finished` externally,
and will bea decided improvernen.t to that
part of the. town. Mr.Paisley's ' new
house on-- Mary street is also nearly
completed. . . . , •
cues (w is made It altogether a differ a ing t e evidence of a � +•
party who knew something about the Come and see our stock and get our prizes whetherb'
tied therein. Mr. W. S. Harland's .new: American. n bb
House on Rattenbury street will soon be to purchase a ticket of the CP.R.. agency offering. Terms cash; or t3 months credit to responisible parties-.
doccupation; �t is a very n' = here he-tak ngoue-for-Vtrcierroirliftusd :• • "
Mrs. Ferris and soo,of Godesrich township,
are also booked far the same route, for
Portage la Prairie, where Mrs. Ferris
p u nos es -r emaini ng -for- som e-tinre—RPh
wife of'Ed AVorthington left for berlome
at Port Arthur, -last week. Mrs. Aiifirew
andiVirs George Diehl, jr., left on Toes-
day'morning to join their husbands in
Michigan and Chicago respectively,• .a17r.
S:• Woodman was arrested .a few' diiys since
to satisfy a judgment 'summons.; be paid•
the same and was released.Dennis Dria=
coll, takes the position of night ivatcliman
Coors :IN THE . WEsr.-Reports from nt the organ factory:' --Mr.. VanEgmond,
parties. in the Northwest are not et all .for some timemenager'of the Grand Uniori
favorable, and • unless recent rains have has severed his connection therewith: The
done much to repair the 'tnischief wrought wife OW P. R. Powell was dangerously
by the drought, agreat deal of suffering is .:ill several days last week, and was at
likely to be the result. Mr, F. Goodwin, times so, low':that•her recovery` was doubt
.• formerly of Stanley,,'writes,-.from,.the f�l'; we.-areglad.'.to-bearthat she i's'again
neighborhood of Qu' Appelle, and states All right; her .illness was caused by eif-
that his crop' is entirely.. ruined ; no rain cessive hemorrhage, resulting i'rdna;,an
has fallen since the lst of ...Mar, and .in extracted; .tooth,. Mr. A • T. Darnell;
addition the' gophers have sucked. the father rn law. of Mr.
• ( r a I�v?.IaiL has ta.he. juice from wbatever.stalks were.not previ- !Ong 'letter in last Fridays Mail on the.
ously,burned by the drouth.;• he gives .a- :question of Home .Rule; the Irish goes=
very despondent account of this year's tion is one on whieh this gentleman • is
prospect, • As an c-yidoace of the -extreme well informed, he. having held. an. import
dryness of theseason; .itmaybeMentioned ant office'in that country 'for, some time..
that a lake'hitlierto twenty feet deep,. and Mr..' Malcoliti. 'Campbell,:formerly with
covering'several acres, on the•farm of 16ir. Mr, y, Davis;' butnow in the hardware.
Th.os.Gorrell, Qu' Appel] e, has this season business atWinnipeg' with his brother, is .
dried up entirely. • Mr, 'John Joslin,•of here on a visit; Mr, Austin. Callansrler,'I
Virden, Man., when here tlie other day, Who.
has been travelling in Eastern
'stateTthat the crops were sufferiirg badly. Ontario, selling his Patent IIarrow.fork,
for want of rain, but he had reeeiyed wer., has etur._
Fsincebgawas in' Ontario, that. rain' bed • Esq., of Fingal, 1 w s thie eve k?ons
• fallen lately, which would somewhat int- .visit to the members of bis family here;
prove the prospects. A son of Mr. John helooks just as hearty as ever, Messrs
Cuming, who is located in'the Londesboto Johnston and Robson, are this week
settlement, not far from Crystal City; came making a canv rea-lc wards 'tbo prise list
down to Ontario a few days since, and be of the Hullett Agricultural' Society. Mr..
reports the crops in his section as never •Geo..Harnlin., of :Seaforth, is'visftinq bis
,-- --looking-betters—We-trust--that the dasister;- Mrs; Ja s --Steep. Ml's. M. Y,.•
anticipations of -those further west may •McLean, of .Seaforth, is visiting friends
not be realized, • for what . between frost here, Rev., -Mr.•McGregor and -ivito ..off,
and drouth, they have bad. a good• deal to Guelph, are visiting at Mi,D, Buchanan's,
discourage them. •• • Mrs. Jesse Smith has sufficiently recovered
THE DoittnnON STUn •BO08.-A.freest . from her recent• illness to be about,again;
Mrs. Holland, of Detroit, who, has been
visiting her' brother-in-Iaw,'Mr. J. ,Carey,
•fora ,couple of weeks, returned home
yesterday. •Miss Stanbury is visiting in
Bayfield The train coning south on the
L i7. R B.,;, on Wednesday afternoon,
=frilled• -•it coWf#tthe=second-nrossing'S10-rrtl
of Clinton!;. we did not learn whose. it
was. Mr, J. C. Stnith,liias gone upas far
aS Wiarton; • in the interest of the City
Book Store ; this . house is, establishing
quite' a wholesale business. • The Odd-
fellows' have set:tired a Apeeial train 'to
Connect with the • boat nt Goderieh, next:
Tuesday, for, the excursion to -Port Huron;
it will leave Clinton at G A. ,m. Our rural .
readers should remember that next Time -
day being the Civic Holiday, business in
town Will be generally suspended. The
\Vizard. Oil Company's concei is on the
__ham already, been demonstrated ••1141 t -market square every bight, draw, largo
oases of several animal"s t h ch, since their crowds of appreciative listeners. business
registry here,havo changedhauds at high- leen who object to advertisiug should give
er prices then would otherwise have been their opinion of this, tar the concerts are
paid. A former ,resident of this country,- only for the purpose of advertisement•-
now of Illinois, in forwarding . an entry, and they are good :concerts, too ; a Com-
' writes: "I still take an 'interest in the paey which can drive fournragnificent.
good stock of Huron, and I know that liaiises, and keep five men employed every
many a fine horse, and well bred is night, must find a profit in it somewhere
brought here' from Canada, and rank# Mr. 1'. Stritith this yeitrtaent out from his
r . only with the cmm
oon grades raised. here, Clinton ofliceover four hundred ofhis!tow
for the simple reason that it is not regia= er Knife' Sharpeners, among which Were
tered, and thus money is lost both to the, twelve sent to Glasgow, Scotland, and
importer and to the farmer, who raised &nttmberto British Columbia. An Assault
the horse in Canada," This book pro- ease, Smith vs. Beattie, arising "otlt of the
vides a responsible registry for good horses ownership ofd team of horses, came up
having two full erases of either Clydes- .before the Mayor, on Wednesday evening..'
dale or Shire blood, on .certain conditions but teas adjourned until next week, Mrs.
which guarantee an honorable. pedigree, J,O.l;.iliott,ofGoderich township, brought
every animal ahpearing•on his merits in cabbages and cucumbers to town fester,
the certificate of registry. Any infanta day, of her owrr growth; she is early' with ni
ii_desierl"tie 'rdiiig tlleSdcie the latter, \'V a�_x e
hitter, _._ pulsed ,.learn tlialy
promptly furnished on applieat sit tol A. the wife of Rev. A. Stewart, eoncertling � Y
Mel), Allan, President, Or to. James ivhose health various reports .have been
Mitelreli, Secretary, Goderleli • current, is nate very ranch better.
410,. - DAYS
()it Eg
We do not want to carry over SUMMER GOODS if low
prices will' be the. means of 'selling them. We show some
lines in
a . _ -- --*. — --,+•. r b.+w+v e+vvu-a vw41i l7Cli •'..
Come ,and see them. Compare our prices and wee can give you
positive proof that we: are selling • tinea, er than • ane house in
• the trade. y
Got$:• L
o ho M
sus Dross • .�:
...o dP�.
ini2y slaughtered goods with - us just now.
Ci +'-
..._..,.il AP ' G.00DS.
Are among the
cord: AND
ing of the directors of the Dominion
Draught Horse Breeders' Society was held
at the Queen's hotel, Seaforth; an Tues-
day last,A considerable amount of busi-
ness relative to the working of the Society
was transacted, and a number of applica-
tions•. 'oi-registry of-nuirlrals r f based-:
upon. A committee „consisting of the
President and Secretary, and Messrs.
Smillie, Mchrtosh`alid Innes, was :appoint -
•ed to prepare a circular •embodying the
rules of the Society and other essential in,
formation for general distribution. The
directors rvill, make personal efforts to
bring the society and its •objects before
', farmers . and others at the varioiis• fall
shows, and a general meeting will be held
at Seaforth on the first day of the South
- Huron fall shote. The practical benefits
of the Society to .breeders and dealers
40I3RIS ID1C;1-KS4N";*
Clinton,: July. 14, ` 1880. ..:
Ras already leen Felt .anti ;there are
otter D��ys Alfie d, are. y6 u
, •renrly
•HAVE JUsr :ztAI>.You WANT IN:: '•
win .offer a.. tine ::ci ••
l ..
At 38 cents per yard worth 75 cents:
Left that they are selling at a Big Reduction. -
0 8 • SUITS
Beret%) they are all gone.
tier .LVA.Ltf O CO
B.::trill LOTIi 1 04,IN'TON:4
T ki ec,Doors West of ..:010‘0..,110.4 sot '/ .BBo. origote
Which a,>r-e the greatest' bar-
: Kine ev-er ,•af n d'
lit (liniont . . . m
peopleouId . onl :..be� a .`�tfiis
.-. Advert sement.we •could:rseII
:..thousands of .arid
Come and see , what it: Means,