HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 7FOB FIGHTINQ FLAMES. " Unproved Methode for Extingutsaing con, Thigrations.,bwes* ,appleances. ileelaeelotect Itulleteref A Creaking Hinge Is dry and turns hard;nneil oil b aenhede After which it move e easily. When the jetties, or hinges, of the:body Are stiffened "I am always very _pertfeular about and inflamed by Rheumatism, they can- . ---Tllgtf.iiiWOWr OTC, PIbe Matette-Tn. - -- not =vett viltheut :causing the most houseem says one man to another, " for don't kliew Anything more disagreeable exeruciating•pains. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, than a Ore, In the first place, the police *dl= roti Teolaessly through your 11.011611, and 11.mwhen the fire companies arrive, -ion sections Of dirty - how nee drag through the hallways, and, Level:ter the, re be but a alight one, the Piece leedeinged, with enoughwater to float a Maneofeivar. - Such is the current:Opinion that exists regarding tires and firemen. There is opt= basis. for it, to be sure, but in- the *min it is Wrong. There areraatay things Deere pleasant to have about the house than a fire. Wen the ames once -get a headway it is•a tight between water and , fire, and while both are quite damaging. to property , the first helloes so than the lat- ter. Water injures to a great extent; fire, if left alone, devours entirely. But the most general mistake psope maW Is con- cerning small Ares. They believe that a heavy stream of water is eurned upon the tiniest tame, just as it is throve upon a raging fire that bas more than gained con- trol of a big building. This is not the cases and the false.ielea ia dueto the want of knowledge. as :to the prOper• equipment of the fire companies. In the first place the .nozzles'Ot the hose • now in use are so arranged 'that any sized stream of water can be thrown and con- trolled by a thumbscrew at the side, which. weeks at the slightest presure of the finger. By this the full force of the water may be allowed free vent, or the • size of the stream may be reduced to a' very tiny flow, even smaller than that whielvacientiset1e4 ordinarketreet; sprinkling Lege. -Thee- urpo*, gibes es • obheisellei WhisiNnfire =meows:Fe lead • the eiaginee arrive at their proper destine: • I.• tion the first thing to be 'done is to get aABU FOR SALE,PART OF LOT 26, ON THE line of hose out and attach it to. the en- fil14th eon: of the township Of 'Haat, containing gine. Unless the fire be a large ontethe about -46 acres.. Termsto suit purchaser. Apply to OAIIERON,HOLT4 OAMERON,Barristers,Goderich. ,nozile is closed tightly, and the firemen . dreg tlieleose alongenetd, the trees found Tretatm • me, biE STATE 03' TR T and then urn thowater upon it, regelat. 'late John Lawsom68 nem et good land, on the north ing the sire of the stream- by the size tif side of lot 4, Maitland block, Base line, Hallett. There. the fire are on the premises, good frame house and barn build- ings; about 3 aeres °milord, well watered, 1 mile from The nozzle epoken of serves still anothers Manchester, 0 miles from Clinton and 7 from Blyth. • purpose: There= times when.a smolder- ,./tpely to JOHN SNOT and 40,11N SPRUNG,. Deece- mg fire so fills ft room with.smoke that it tors, Auburn,, 3m * • , • 1G1A11bIr: FOR SALE.. -- THAT VERY VALU-. IL! Ast,U,I,tfarin, composed. of lots 29 and 80, c6n. 8, Hallett, 200 acres, of this 150 acres are cleared, the balance good hardwood bush, .11paring orchard of 3 ares. Ordinary. dwelling•houq ',vete frame barn and,putbuildings. Farm Is web watered; ond situated about Similes from the Town of Clinton..Terms easy. Apply -to Iff-rMoTADGART, Glintonr , - almost instant suffocatime and triiiiin,on7 a heavy stream of water and throw &into the room would mean. reckless 'damage to preperty. To obvjate both: these Ob- jectienable features the nozzle of the hose ewe • is so in -Winged 'tbat by the Proper applica- tion ofn slight pressure of the hand' the • water Can be sent forth in a spray, • and this clears thp atmosphere enough - and drives the =eke away Outli- • ciently to allow the men to enter. There is a joint in the pipen-fewe einehes.beloW - the end, whieh; when - loosened, Offers the water to escape on all sides, .throwing • it forward in a shape 'somewhat' similar. to • - -aneirabrellae--This drivesethe-.the fore the men and makes the entrance cora-% paratively easy. • • Once at the origin of the Are, the water can be turned directly: upon it.. In many • of the smaller fires engines are notbrought into play' at all: The Insurance petrel an. buildings, 83 acres free kern stumps, 15 acres in fall . mere all. alarms, and the light Appfttattis" wheat. The wlmlb under good cativation, and well they catry is especially adapted to =ill 41M -drained; live spring on the -farm end- Ids good, Close to elinrehes and scbools, Sinaloa from •' fires, and they extingaesh •them With little cmees from Seaforth; Will be sold on or no damage • • to .surrounding property. ie:ete7aillaV terms. HUGH McD,ONALH,. on .tis Tbe inaproved nozzle has been used by ppinises, or Clinton P. O. • the fire department for eeveral year, but, strange:to . many advantages . are: either unknown. or not appreciated by ' the people. • • • by its action on the' blood, relieves Rib contlition, and restores the joints to good ' working order. • AYeeff Sarsaparilla has effeetedeen. our city, many most reenaricable cures, A •• be* which baled the efforts of the meet experienced' physicians. Were It necessary, could give the names of many individuals who hay e been cured by taking this medicine. In itny own case it has ems. tainly worked wonders, relieving me of Rheumatism after being troubled we; 'er 'year& In this, and all other diseum sirisino• from Impure blood, there is no refuel with •vvhieh I am acquainted, that-affor s such relief •as Ayer's Sarsaparilla.--It.1. Lawrence, D. Baltimore, Md. A.yer's Sarsaparilla cured me of Gout and Rheumatism, when nothieg else would. It 1iue eradicated every trace of disease from my system.- R. H. Short, Manager Hotel Belmont, Lowell, Mess. 'vie. ninny menthe, a sufferer from •ie. , unniti,m. The (libellee' •afflicted . : Apito orall the remedies 1 mink! thnl,until I commenced usiik4 Ayel.'s Sarsaparilla. • I took several' betties of this preparation.end was speed- - fly restored tb healtle-J. From, Inde•., pepden6e, Va, • • Ayer's Sarsaparilla', Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Mum Sold by all DP runlets. 'price $1; six bottles. $3. FOR -SALM - • • • is imppesible for the firemen .to entee. It •dote/net Ake a: big fire tofclouci a_rool,n, • •withleinoke; and, often Wherethe amok° is. . -densest die fire is smallest. HoW.to enter . • • such a place is then the question -which the fireman has to answer. To go in bodily with hiskose 111,band would mean riARM.TORENT.—THE SURSORIBRIt OFFERS L to rent his farm of ee acqui, being 10.36, 9th eon, of Hailett. is 6 miles. frOm Clinton,, has 80 acres cleared, with good spring, creek mein- through it: Small house, good barn, shed, orchard,, ere. One of the best grazing farina in hill be rented for a term of years at a reasonable rate. Possession given isa soon as harvest is ovei, so that fall wheat may -be •put In this year. • A. DODSWORTH, Olinton. -OARM FOR SALE, -THE FARM ON' Tile HUE - 12 ON Road, lots 6 and 7, Goderich township, con- sisting of 144 acres, is offered for sale on reasonable terms, About 120.acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; •balance good hardwood, good frame hoes°, Soc., general buildings, plenty of water, bearing orchard • lf miles from the rising town of Clinton,7' -patticulars May-tre-obtainedron-the Trenusesror-b1 addressing JAMES PERDUE, Clinton.. 0. • • ---- • ‘11AkrlisaPlrltrisSnE'fillE,rpplgaIBER eFiF,Eftos, 44, 2nd con., of Tueeillt,ersin'L. '°Good newer' st,:rny66nd Half frame house,2 acres splendid orchard, good THE POPULAR HOUSE, • LONDES130,110; t X • 0 Clearing Sale is a Grand Success We have much pleasure in tendering our thanks to the public, for the prompt manner which they responded to our au- nouncernent of a sale of summer dress goods at clearing prices. All last. week our store was crowded with. customers, all of • whom we trust were pleased with the bargains we offered. WE STILL HAVE A vEmr NICE LOT OF PRINTS sold at 120. per now offered for 8e., • Still 6. few pieces of ME • SATTEEN PRINTS worth 15c- to 18c.; New Goods; 'Choice Colors and Patterns, now offered for 11c. • • ° ' poll fail to see .ou.r1Dress' Goods at 10c.'worth 20. We are convinced by .our large -sales -0f READYNIADE CLOTHING that.*e have the right goods At right prices, 'the cut and workmanship good, the quality of the. cloth first- , and prices are very' , •• • • • A lull line of FRESii GROCJERIIES. • Remember this is the only place in the Cou:nty of Huron Where 'you can buy 20 pounds of Pure Raw, Sugar for $1 eevei,ENDID FABei vOlt SLE.--Teeta •EXCE1;- . 1...7 um farm ot 154 acres, being lots 68, 70. and 71, • on the Maitland ooncession, Goderich township, • • • - .. • 1 CMITIIIIR/4..X.J 3PIRITCA" STOIRal 8 - A ng0 Slave pen, tioti. on the premises is a good beet: house, with ail About 135 aeres cleated and in good state of caltiva- • #3 conveniences of stabling, babk barn, well watered, ttc., There are rows of dirk• nakeilness, re. not far away, about 6 nines from the town of Clinton. • . •,: FRESH 'ARRIVALS TI -IIS WEEK. ., . ; ... . i Stanley's RoOk.•] mod. bearin orchard church on the farm ana srhool of-naked-formarupriglitestanding-or-movee' ton v. oe Or etteeliewP.e.11A-oFelleD. Retell— - ee-CA-Bar-A-GsrE-SPONGE-------e- ---.:-Eine ---litle-o-feell-A.14.31-ME11:11.0Rse-c-lreql) Or -• b ms N.,. opetio!,:p Et bdst irt the township of Gode. • °to Chvoennrea HE. LLEBOR4 ' .. . . • OierotERE 13oquET BERRI:ME .. ..• . lieved here and there by the white dresees of the captors There are line or group,. 011; In'epitrasai rteTort,ilue. cOtireqtvtrt,ctarb,: f LOIVDESE3c)R.0 . • CHAS% 'ORLOOKSTFANK: Celebrated. Hand Sewed Boots hoe ucnv on lino one ot the Lgult,eo,. Best and moat cbmplete Stocks °f BOOTS and SUOES, ever displayeam•Olintans and will sell them at the yet, Lowest postibls rries. If you. want good valuean Boots xild Shoes, oall 012 us • and you will not be clia9pointed. I am stin- making the • WA are so favorably known to require so comment An kinds of custom 5 PEN, CENT oeT .ron Omni. • Call on C. Cruickshank, the Hoot, Maker, • .A,LBERT STET, BRICK • BLOOX, 'MINTON work premptly attended to, and atreasonahle prieee. • - Gat3, TAKEN IN. EXCHANGE FO GOODS. NEW• - DRUG - STORE The undersigned-1ms just operred-a-Ne*,-Drtm. Store in' • Jai New Ellooli, JETuron Street, Two doors West of the City Book Store, where will be found a -complete assor ., Ment.ofaine DRUGS and CPIEMIOAIS, also PATENT MEDICINES' and DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. All that the 'public may ask for in these lines. .. P. S.,0flice Changed from residence to Drug StOre, - A.. WORTHINGTON, Clinton. • • • SAS ANON. • . • �Br ,• • .01 .siiii)a.soct.•.foil.,:collii)letmi(iss Prices consistent with rine work. E ARE N ULLIT-AN 131.0 the role has very few exceptions, that every One who buys,. a Suit, a Pair of Pants, a; 'Vest or Qvexcoat or any covering for • the body at the • . .• OAK HALL - CLOTHING' :HOUSE .Are so well. satisfied with.the Fit, Make and the Trimmings; that when they wantanotherAnit_they_always-come--back-to-us, - and send or bring their friends with.them. This. is why our • business has increased so rapidly:. • • Tmois CASH. ' PRICES''.RIGHT FOR. 'THE TIMES, . . Mrs; ,Fischer, Prop., 111. Fischer, 1!Ia.iager. • J. • ing about listlessly:- naked bodies are . .• ' • .• • • • '' • • •• ' • • ;• • • ' • e . BentenANeee' 13(liee I'DitFuetel PURE INSECT POWDER ' , _:.,., , SOAP ' • ' . I . shethein all. positions; 4 . • • ' '.. t..A.S1131Ertri .DoclUgr , naked legs • innumerable . are seen in the peespective of proetrate sleepers; there roc countless naked children,. many•were in- •LL-.1..F.I..0...1111 ..,,ATLANTA.'•SEA SAij :• '• . . : , • - .. .kt-A-R§ (Ebtoran) .sphkp ,.... ., :'..4:••: ,. . PEARS' it,10i.4T POWDens ''' :. . • fants, forts of boyhood and girlhood,: :. ' ' • -PURE: .TARIS. GREEN - • • •PEAns Btoox or 1•110,)1. - • We pay specialatteniion. tniTatsgs, and hive the largest Stock in the ceenty. ' 1' ... : •••• • ' . , ••• e , , ., Hese 15.• cent CIGAR" in. town:- :, ' . '• • •. e . • • • PRESI-1 LIME JUIOL • • and occasionally, la drove .of absolutely. .•• AT $2.10 PER c WT. naked.old women bending under A•basket. . :.' • • ••`,• - . • • of fuel, or cassava inhere, tie banenes, who BRAN' 1)37. TO "'or CWT. are driven through theenovmg groups by • two or thice. musketeers. • • .• On paying more attention to details, I observe that mostly all are fettered; youths with iron rings areund their neck, • through -Which ft. chain, like one. of our boat chitin% it rove, securing the captives - -• . • - . by twenties. '2lege,,cleeeledmeree,iereeer • ten ar . eeee/teerr.xx .if,.. 1),„AxsoN secered by thetecopper rings, eacriiiiRd •• 11.11.70. eutfAile.3 AI leg brought together ,leyethe central ring, • . • which aecoluete. 'ler thengravreat listleese • 60oes. PER OWT„ ' Delivered any wherein towraree of charge mess of niovetnenrIF-Ple ed coming in presence 68 tbo curious sone. The mothers, are secured by • shorter 'chains, around where their respective progeny of infents are grouppd; hiding the cruel iron links •that fall in loops or festoons over their Mamma's breasts. Tbere is one Adult .man captive .amongst them. • effeives Arable Soil. ' . iFrank Lestiws.ltiustiated.l • The arable land of Egypt is about equal in.extent to the state of Rhode Island. The. White leTile, issuing 'from lakes • Albert and Victoria Nyanze, is broad and deep, never above few feet, and sup- plies the permanent 'source of the 'river of Egypt. One of the Niles eribotariee -coming from the mounteiris of Abyssieia; brings such vast queutities of soirwitn it that it ie slowly raising the: bed of the • river, as well as extending it on each side. • flo the plain of TlibbeS the Sail foreied. by • deposits has in 8,500 years encroached upon the desert a third of a mile, while :the ruins of ilierapolis,in _the delta, which once stood above the reach of the inundation, ate now buried in a reed de. posit to a deptlisf 'nearly seven feet • ' • Ottltur the ihmelan Uri isli. • ' ' • . Leslie's 1.13trute ' , • Caviar, the well-knoWn Russian.rolish, ..1, made from the roes of large fish, especially the sturgeon. The. p; oeess of • 'manufacturing • consists in thoroughly cleaning the roe -from eits-enembranese ••'. esale-le - then. emixedeeue-autle.theeltquor... pressed out, after which the caviar , ia •• • dieed-and packid for sale. The best kind is usuelly. packed in kegs, While an inferior quality is media into small thin cakes. Although Rusela almost mottopeflzes this branch of setainerce, Hamburg has also taken up the auclustQ; The :Host Popular lieinonies,• •00* ,T• xellenge,1 • 011Eld.leT AND:. DRUGGIST; • • • • • .••., CLINTON; ONT. . • . . • • . .211. YEARS ESTABLISHED. • • The:..only manufacturers . of FIREPROOF SAFES with Z170Cor4uptizt.g teel TiagoDoors. •' Alt our new styles of .Fleeproof Safesfire fitted with an AIR,„01-1A.MBR.1.to , provtnt dampness.to papers. 16rge assortnient of SECOND. HAND SAM , for s'Oe at low rice's and on easy terms of eayinefit. Catalvies on application, •• • • 117 and 119 Front, Street.,. East, Toronto. • Cabinet, Parlor • f11111111116. Wamroht. • The seeseriber•keees the tin eat cA$.1‹.."Ers and C.C)1I'INS werys on head, : Funerals fitritalied itt the Shortest 'toffe(' and lowest priqes. • ., • , A CALL, SOLICETE.1). • ' Leaditig Untlertnateir Unirioinflt TI1E PLAGE, ,r--" • • 0 iseosiTZ 'ntri Toftt 11•10S, STEVENSON wSTIL,1:174111 fig •Xcie Cream., . A medicinal statistician in Boston took the trouble to extunipe 8,70 prescriptions at a drug store to see What remedies were the most popular. Quinine look the Jong • by making part of eee prescteptions: ' morphine eanielleXt, sa lie; bromide or potassiufll was in 1'11 ; iodide 'of potassitun I Marrilrie Z4. 33 r iLl. •FIRE WORK S Foist July at • • in 155, and intieiftie of iron iu 1114... The • total number of artieles in the hartrieco. 0'$ nzt - a -thanking his numerous custcniers foe theirjiberaLpatronage in the past, begs tp adnounee • . Cooper , Abet he has just received a splendid assertreent of • SRI -OODS, wael 9 ••• • , " . . ,cournisreci elle Le.egee NOVIMTIM IN • . „.. ' "-- ' TWEEDS; DRESS. GOODS,: PRINTS, MUSLTNS, UING1I MS L'AGES • EMBROpERIES;SifIRTfNGS, OOTTOXADES; DUCKS. & DENIMS, TWIIEDS a.speeially, and. a first-class Tailor who giineantece aflt. • .A full :suppli-of habd made BOOTS and SHOES just arrived eor •theeepring; trade: • A fresh assortment of NI ALL . • - :. PAPER, newest ,patteten.i., • . , •• - •Nly Stock of onoonrays-ie New and Fred). ' Try our 50 eon t YoungIlyson TEA, -beet value over offered to the 'public. HARDWARhl, CROCKERY and 'GLASSWARE, a - full supple?. TJARDINE and CROWN OIL foe. machinery, always oil heed, ated everything usually kept in a first -lass 'country store, GioAl, OIL 20 gents per gallon., 'Highest market pricepaul in trade foe BUTTER, EGGS., OATS, fte. Come one end all. and inspect my steak.. No trouble, to show good. . • . N. 1.1.-1 have niso purchased a large quantity of the BLUE TIN TAG IIINI3INO TIVINE Omit in the market, which I offer at the lowest poseible rate. eArnt•1102L2LOW,, VARNA, March 501, 1856. '•. lenatiteirietheo-••• VERNITITU• .STOCIC Opened. out in,' I.:OXALIC:MHZ'S ILOCIC EXT DOOR TO THE CITY, 13001 STORE, MANTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR . SETS, 'LOUNGES, • SIDEBOARDS; CHAIRS; vo A eireeltnAL ASRORTAIENT- or TOD 'Vrteit lieST efAbie14V11..NIT,URE, AT H. STEVEAIS 84' SON. 01 -INT ON.,L • , . , Ma RilfaCtilr er of SASH., DOORS, 13LiNDS, FLOORING, SID/NG, CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRAIIIES, PICKETS,. &C, all kihds.of Interior:and 'Exterior Finishings. •LATII ' anC1 SHINGLES kept • 011'hauct.Z.Mi1.1 on, Wellington St, opposite. Woollen Mill. Pia A.11S AND SPEOIPIOA.TIONS. PREP.app. S. S. Cooper. W. Slvvaftield. ange of B:wiliness • The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the. 1lApiES." BUSINESS forgerlf • cant' 'Oil by 1, L Note,. fiend that he is prepared to furnish ,• • • Harness, Caltara, Whips, Trunks,',Valises, Butfaio Robes, Blankets. Anil everythingeustially kept, in itlrsbc1aell IlarnosseShoneat.theelmiteetpeie.ea.......Sneeia • attention is directed t my stock i31 Lane HAttettes, which I will Make a specialty. , ' • 1EPAIRING PILODIPrLit 4.TTENDBEe 13y strietattention to business, and carefully studyingthe wants of my customers, I belie ta • Merit a fair share Di patroeage. Give me it call before parchaeing eleewhere. e • p s- v4• •(.l o aSAC -t• for in one form or another.. .3'.v.310's ,')g, in. nos s CtitNros. • 30s.. C 131L. ' e4..A. • 0.