HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 6ay:
.... -, ,
1FRIDAY, 31ILY 30, 1880. put ou sailing vessels from japan tq the
railroad teranque on the Paciffe. cf,
' PEItau NEWS'. "Every year there le a race to see :whielt
o o in thelnarket ahead of ita coMpetitor,
Ipout° nget 4he en first invoioes of the dew
;''' p
%he race has been more than usually close
and exciting this year, and the close com-
petition for business has put down freight
-to a lower point thaii ever before, The
Patifio Mail has wonthe Mee, Teaswhich
left Japan in the Hyderabad on June 7 are
'now in, New York, having come across the
contineut by the Central Pacific. The
steamer Glenavon, which did not region
her clock until this morning, came by way
of Suez; and lett. nine days earlier than the
Hyderabad -May 28. Her cargo will not
be inthe market for a week yet, ,;•
"The market will be remarkably well
stocked with the early tea crop. The first
crop is always the beet. The leavea like
our spriug vegetation here, are teiider and
juicy. After the plants are stripped a
„senend-growth-enaues„ haat is nMaso Juicy
as the first:. The effect on the trade of the
large aupphea of early cop will be to de --
press prices, but as the supply ;s taken up
by the consumers the market will resume
its usual conditioo.",
Mr "%Val; Challenger, of Mitetell,has 1
, disposed of hie shoe business to Messrs.
Cole & Thorne.
Edward Gamble, who' fell from the
stable loft of the Collis= stables, Mit-
chen, died 'op Satitfday.'
0 A few days ago, a wild eat of large
proportions was seen training at large
Mantopli's btrab, Plans/lard.
• .
• During, the half-year ending June
30th, 1886, there were registered with
Mr. W. Williams', town clerk, St,
Marys, 33 births, 21 marriages and 21
Mr. Wm. Hanson, of Fullerton, has
sectut'eci valuable. propertf.„-Lcit.-1,„0,
the northeast boundary of lisborne;con.
Wiling 100 acres; he has:just purchapd
from Mr. Jas. Barr, for $6,500 cash.
5Iessrs. Dalgleisb, of Chesterfield, and
MeFarlane,; of 'Shakespeare, returnedon
the 7th iust,, from: Scotland, -with four
entire 'horses and a two-year-old filly of
the famous Clydesdale breed.
The ouratiye pow ortof Ayer's Sarsaparilla
is too welleknotvn to require the specious
aid of any exaggerated or fictitious ma -
Seat°, „Witnesses of, iWtaerVelous °urea
are Co:day living in every city and hamlet
of the land. Write Dr., J. 0. Ayer & Co:,
Lowell, Mass., for namme,,
Monday morning, Mr. W. Rnsiell,,
Mitchell, discovered that his house was
on fire. He quickly aroused the sleep-
ing family, and gave the alarm of fire,
which had the effect of bringing' some
of the neighbors to the 'risme. The
Messrs, Griffin 'and Russell put out the
Last Friday Stratford received ano-
ther unlooked-for addition to its popula-
:tion: This time, Mr, Wni, Donaldson,.
On Gra'ngest is •the happy (I) recipient
of the favor.' On the day mentioned a
lady g6t Off the east -bound train; took a
baby carriage from •the baggage:oar,. in
which she plaeed a child; and -proceeded
up town. On sear pretext she persuad-
ed a little girl, wholushe met on Grange
street, to Wheel the , baby over tia-
Donaldson's house,: and there it rein:loins.
The baby is about eight of nine .months'
old, and is well, supplied With clothing
and other things, including'the carriage,
It is said that • Mr. Denaldson,intelids
to adopt -the waif. ; - •
,New York, JulY 22. -The News says,
Gabriel Dumont; the brave and dashing
° lieutenant of Riel in the late Noith-wesz.
Rev. Guy B. Frazer, of Jersey eity.
attributes the rebovery of his wife from an
attack of Peritonitis to Giles' Liniment
Iodide Ammonia... Sold by ell druggists.
Nola particle of calomel. Mi any other
deleterious substance • enters into the
eardlynlitiou of Ayer's Cathartic) Pills. On
thb contrary,-thoile wife -have used ealornel
and other. mineral poisons, as medicine,
find Aye r's Pills invaluable.
On Saturday a very sad event hap-
pened in the vieinity of Fortnosa, on lot
21, concessibli A, Culross. johro Seh-
wartz, a 'highly respected and -esteemed
farmer cominitted suieyle by . hanging
hinnielf: Reasons tiiiltiapwat.„ *
'An Italian named Seraeho undergo.
irig:imprisonment fora Murder commit;
ted near Cornwall: has been released on
the order of the Minister of Xustiee, re-
cent festiinony going -to prove hie lone -
°wise. The actual murderer escaped,,htt
Seraglio was ..convicted as an accemplice
'and. sentenced to be hanged. Thtesen-
tenet) Was afterwards cominuted4o-ten
years' imprisonment. •• ". • '
*Merchants and the publ le generally of
'Ontario, should be on their guard against
• bogus inoney. number of cases of the
presentation of counterfeit bills at the
banks are repotted from Montreal. These
,connterfeits-are not•confined to the issue of
any one bOok, but include representations
,of several issues; and it is inoM than likely
.thatsome of- the spurious will be put in:
eirentatimi in different Ports of the coon-
Archbishop- Croke,of Cashel, IrelaincV
has aen flo the Treaturer of the Notional
Leagne; a•ParliaMentary. Vtind
tance containing contributions Irani
tern rebellion,.is a prominent feature of nearly all. the .priesis of his diocese., The
Buffalo' Bill's Great Wild West Camp : Xrellibishop says : There is no ground
on Staten Island. When the: joyful in-
telligence of the- geperal nwnestygranted
by, the Canadian Government was re-
ceived hi tife can, Dumont, 7bo had.
beerr eXile ever since he was• with
Lieutenant Dunias1 fotiehtlis WaY out
when surrounded .by General Middle -
ton's command, .and .eecaped to the
for 'despondency, , have.the greatest
politieal strategist; at onr: head. The
eoprage of out' race vratzeyAa,r" higher'
nor mere, hopeful. • The. sympathy ,of the.
whole ciiilfzeil worldis with us..
have a .comPact' party •.ot 300 meanbers
of the Commons 'And nearly :1„50.0;000
.b.riglieh ;Voters for restoring our tountry
United States, became among the .deni- vightse.
zens of the Wild West _settlement, more., :...,,tbe.i*lgOiria Pioneer states that re-
cently t seven year old son Of Moses
Granger, head sa,wycr ip WelsVs• saw
mill West Bay City was caught in the
•endless chain of the sawdust elevatpr ef
the refuse burner, and dragged up the
incline. His 'plaid cries attracted the
atteutibn of one of the firenien, Who run-
ning t� the .spot, 'saw .the unfortunate
child' being taken.tO death on.the aleva-
tor,: The . fireman 'Tran Up the ;'walk
alongSide the elevator, but•when almost
within reach of Frank the turn was.
sincerely congratulated hint. • The sol- "rc•tched, and the boy was .depositdd in
dier was visibly ;affected, Tears coursed ' the furnace. A stream of water was
down his -bronzed cheeks, and he seemed
of a ' hero 'than, ever; there "went up
perfect howl of delight.'.;The Siou;
Arrapahoe,• and other Indians lip - the
camp,•who entertained ;the .hig1.1* .ad;_
miration for the gallant Soldier,itad.'the•
news 'eonitnititicetecil , 9: them r arid gaVe '
. vent .te their gladsenie.. eentinients .in •
!War 'whoops.. Buffalo .Bill.. and hie part-
ner„ Nate Salsbury, . together with -gen-
eral. Manager Birrke,. as soon'. as the.
news %yes received, propeded at..enee•to
Damont's 'tent, ••,and shaking his hand;
immediately 'thrown . on the fire,. •but
for a time, perfectly untharined.' When the little fellow was burned' to death
he had sotnewhat recoVered,Messis.Gady before he eourcrbe reacn.ed„.
and Salsbury , blared to releaee-hiru •
. • i. .n. B.epternber ' la_st - a.; young 0. olore.d ' man
A te eivram from Kingston says :-In
his engagementi in. view of the altered e,
state of ,affairs. Dumont rep fed.). -.
Mimed Wm. Bayits, of Windsor, --came
stoutly :-. ., .
'to the penitenfiarS,T: to serve a sentence
' No. 'When I Was an exile, without _
of five years for cattle steHe aling. was
home or shelter, and with lant. few
in bad health. When he arrived, and be -
self, you nobly offered me ittltilliasylurajr;• corning worse was sent to the hospital,
friends, and they at unfort te as mi.,
and a fetV days age, was pardoned, His
your.camp, btreated me as a brother with father Came to 'Kingston to be present
kindness and courtesy, 'and so long' as
at his Son's release and. to, escort him
my poor services earn be of- any use to,
You2.3103t so long will Tremain with you. heme. On Friday Baylis arose, appeared
to . be cheerful in • ,disposition, d,ressed
Yesterday afternoon Buffalo Bill g. ive
61,3 himself in the presence of 'his father
a dinner to, Dumont, nt which all
and started for the Warden's. °Mee to
Indian chiefs were predent. Who pipe
receive his discharge, but before be
peace was handed around, and the &Ai -
reached it he faltered and Tell.... Death
. vities_ lasted until it * was time for tim'
was alb os 6, instantaneous. ', The deene
evening performances.. ; Dumont had
the Dominion that was vai„ . wah an Unusually sad One,, and.the dead
property in man's father, is ' bowed in grief and
ued at $80,000. It was confiscated. It
surmissed that under the anmesty it
. . youtig man Hying about two miles from
the oreat Tea Race. : ‘leorgOlow11,, WeS TUlTre'd in a well 0, ft.
• _._-__
below the surface of the grauud. It, ap-
Win TEA VAN' ItE Mon; ITT FROM CHINA i , , '. , •`
i liOltra t II ri t t i) D yonlig elan Wt'S CIO WI1471
OP SEVEN MILL'S, 1 the well trying to repair dornething that
'will be -reatored 'to' him, , ' The :other. day ' Rufus. Reid, a'
(New York Herald, July 21.) had ,,ane out of order, whenthe stone
work edited in and buried hitu deep down
It co5ts,$1.50 to, have &trunk aent from
Breoklyn to Coney Titlatid, & distance of 7 ,in the• earth. It was not long befoSe
a '' miles; but the frteght MY a pOund of tea the well was surreencled by sturdy
7 brought from Japan to New York -half i farmers who set to work to dig the Am-
way round the world -is only„Ope cent and fortunare man out,
Ito all the wbile
a quarter. Tstfaint11, hia is a state of ' cheapne8s '.,, 1 --
every nerve to loop the stones
never b for known in the history of transand earth at breathilig • distance from
portation. It bnmes about because of the
rent "tea race " in which the competition hint. 'One of the men shottted c Are
to get the first of the new erep of teas in
the American Market has become closer
and eharpet every year,
"Formerly," suid Mr. tsvley, the tea
importer, of Carter, Hawley & Co., yeeter-
. day, "teas came by way of the Pacific Mail
• Steamers to San Francisco and thenee
acroas tue continent by the Centtal, and
Utak Pacc, and also by the old sea route
bj sfearaer though the Sella (label Last
year the Northern Pacific entered the core -
petition, put on seiling,reatela front Japan
to Tacoma and got same of the carrying
trade, This year_ the Canadian Pacific,
Railroad is tn thd field. They also -have amino ole utm,
you. there, Rufus 'V !the answer catne
firrnIY, Ye,&2' 'How long can you stood
it V 4X can stand it about three hottrsi-
but dig away' with 1l your'rnight.' It
is simply, wonderful that this Victim of
what tniglit haveteen a terrible acci-
dent hanging for, two hours, with 7 ft.
of ‘vater beneath him and a mass of
atoue.and earth crushing arotied him,
came out but MO the woese for `his
unutterable experienee. Only a' feW
SlightNieratches and bruiaes could he
A'Port Bigin man apnt a dollar for al
' RQ)1-SLEEPERS, lightning Potato bug he'
- ; saw advertised paper. He r ived
tWb 1/104a lit Iv -
printed' en them as follows';
PORTABLE, AND WRETCHED, 'Take this_block, which is No. 1, ifi
right hand, AMC the bug on No. 2, and
preSs.themt; toget4er. Remove bug and
proceed as:blffore,'
A. horrible story comes from Oregon,
Oldham county, Ky.:-Sorne time ago
a man named 'Watson, took charge of the
district school there. II° appeared Wu-
cated and gentlemanly and made a fel/-
tirade impression with the parents and
children. Everytliing went smoothly
until last Wednesday, when it is allege,
he detained three of his pupils, little
girls, seyen, eight and -nine years of
age, after the other scholars left. When
the room was cleared, he locked the door
and deliberately outraged the three chile
dren. He let thein go home about dusk',
and they told their parents. A mob
was organized at once to lynch thehrute
butte escaped,going to Sulphurostation,
five rhilei ailitant. News of the outrage
had preceded him; and • a crowd • caught
Jiiw thele„, pped him naked, , tied him
**tie and gave hini a hundred ifishos,
ao was then given five Minutes t� leave
the - country, and made the most a his
time by cutting threcukh the was. The
',little girls are all-iira-precarir
Mediolue and got relief after taking
Teireka attaekedahollt tWO
With ustlinia, and T Was SS bad a
Minion ould be; T tried •Dr. 'Jug's
second bottle. and after taking'
Seven bottles feel fine and no trouble,
JOHN MOITAtE, 'Stratford.
For artia.wr wortetngton, Druggist
Author and Family on the -Warehease
,Tp-:-Tenints of ethe Rlat ruvkle
Their Terrttory—•SwarMS front
.. the Te_aement
lioward in Boston Globe.1
Well-to-do people, who have found it
'Just this side of impossible to exist derieg
the hot nightseof the heated term, have a
• Very faint conception of the discomforts:
• annoy ance. and positive suffered, endured
by scores of thousands of people, to whom
a second room Would be an extraagance
and an individual room a luxury. Of
New York's 2,000,000 a large estimate
sends 200,000 out of town, leaving at a
modest point 1,50000 in the stilling city.
(if Mese, scores of thousands cannot sleep
at all at.night, and other scores of thou-
sands steal their forty winks at a time ly-
ing on the sidewalk, sitting on the stoop,
resting against garbage boxes Or utilizing
wagons; but amore unique bed -chamber;
than:any Of these are the roofs of !houses.
where, if we can credie the police •for -o
general estimate and a, personal observe -
tion for incidental discoveries, not less
than 50,000 mei; WOMea Children Seek
the repose that is denied- them 'in theli
overheated •and utterly uncomforable
apartments, .
There are three kinds of roil sleepers--
Palatitki. Abel gomfortab1o,_ -atid_the
Wretched. Certaia sections of the -me,
tropolis are occupied almost- aelusivitly
by htfge warehouses which stand solitary
. in their stupendous proportion% their iron.
doers 'barred, their,:tron windows close
shut and locked, and a silence, so op-.
pressive thatit can almost be felt, reigns
front early in the evening until stirring
hour on the following morning. These
warehouses, like the, trentendous build-
ings' devoted to offices for hire, whinh ere'
also silent as' the tomb at night, are
guarded by watchmen or janitors, welt
-paid, • honest men, who, with their
families, occupy the upper portions of
the buildings. These tontines arewhat
may be milled the palatial reef sleepers.
:They may be seen in the early evening;
and indeed far into the middle of the
night, sitting com.fortablyin attire on
the vast tiu-covemd roofs of these mag-
nificent arehiteetural enemies, .8414111g,
drinking beer, chatting withfriends anli
neighbors; dialling with neighbors on ad-
jacent roofs, the children playing about in
• neglige costume, while on the very hot-
test of hot nights a healthful, invigorating,
delightful breeze fans their fevered brows:
and cols their heated blood. Ea-temper-
aneous beds are prepared there -a
simple mattress, with covering; some-
times nothing but a pillow,- and eften-
thnes elleily handled cots -but always in
• exeessively warm Weather these people
:are more comfortable than those who own
the buildings on the top -of- -Which they
sleep. ' • •'
ej:I.TPTelAIA SI:411 , •
The-SecOnd-claits-,-7tho4ccirnfortable. ".,
Blyth Pgnip FactOry.
Having itaicived hit; bilsiness to the', ireinisesTe...nerly:
knOwtt al THE 9 oat,/ ro.sirts 1.11,LL,,woOd thank,
pstrs 207 pt favors, Pt a better -rosi-
Mori than ova to ptomMly fill OAIO s entrUsted, to
STOCK cit 0030 Pdfils)S ON HAND:-
Ordered wiArk_apeeinitv. Wel's dug and, completed
•760 shot., notice, 41.11-Workguarallthlrd:,-?I'etsrepot
epairng of all kinds pronmtly attended; to lot reasoi
able rites.- ,A trial solicited. •
are se only by comparison. They are the
occupants of houses divided into fiats,
where fromflve to ten:families occupy one
building. Persons living in fiats are fam-
iliar withthe fact that While the occu- .
.session of the yard, the roof 'a cenamora n ownship of Hid -lett..
pant of the first floor hes exclusfve pos- ..[ the,c •
property. Sometimes the roo ...is utilized
for drying clothes; but the, better grade of
medium nats use' philey-ropes, while the.
'mote expenstve apartment houses have
regular drying rooms „ attached to the,
laundry. lt Is obvious that eight or ten
families, averaging' Ave persons in a fain-
ily, could very easily kick up a gay and
festive disturbance on a roof when every
member of each family is disgruntled, un-
comfortable, uneasy and. in • torroeuts for
want of sleex so that rare diplothacy and •
comfortableelass of roof.sleepers.
, • • •
11.1DRSUANT TO -AN ORDER TO a At...N in4
.L •DI'Vision of the High Court o: J st c made in the
action, of Sawn Watuout, an,: with the approbatiot
of the Master in Ordinary, there will be 30111 by Public
'Atietfon,..en . . • „
• •
At thehour of 12 o'clock noon, by p. Dickinson,. ,
•, A iietioneer, at the •
'town. Of Ctintoni
perfect goo :feeling are .essentials to this The waiving valuable property in tbree parcels :
Parcel 1, -,Let nuniber eight' in the .second conces-'
shot of the 'said Township of mitt, containing one
hundred acresoncre or less: • , • • • t
Oftentimes in one of these 'Alehouses
there'will be tontines who couldnot . be
. persuaded to go upon the reef under any
' eireurastances„ but there ate tens bt thou-
sands Of people 'Iivitig in that style of
house -,-the house not being eriginally in
tended for Otits-who make common
'cause each with.the other and divide -the
roof equitably, so that fifteen he compare-.
tively Comfortable. The police regard it
as one of the marvels of life that 'even
this class of • perfectly reputable and
meaning citizets so few. accidents occur
by reason of night exposute..,At all ,events
there theyare, each roof lowing -from
tWenty to•thirty of the forty or'llfty peo-
ple in the house -sleeping there night after
night with the full moon shining as their
()Wu light• . - •
• lint the mot interesting Class, the most
complicated, are the third -the Wretched
'clastrof roof•sleepers. The -people Occupy
the lowest grade of tenement houses;
where' not only scores but hundreds are
huddled together as sheep Were formerly'
littildlifroirears and wagons before 31r.
• Bergh's; interference made .such outrages
to four- footed animals impossible. There
are tenealeurhouses within a quarter of a
mile's radius of the city' hall whose every
roora accommodates from one to three
families; where men and women die and
children are born; where beds are hudi •
dled, meals are cooked, clothes, are
Washed, dried and droned. • There the
sick toss upon their cots, the young play,
the old drink and sraoke,,and the whole
panarama of existence, • troni the first
breath ofLamy babyhood to the final gar7
gle of dying old age, is unveiled in the
presence of indiffersnt spectators of t dif-
ferent ages, nationalities and sexes. ,
. These places are bad enough in the
winter.. -In the summer, leaving. aside all
question of health, cipeency andcMorals,
the 4utter wretchedness physical is some.
thing utterly and., absolutely be ond
deseriptioft or conception to t ose w
have not been an eye -witness to it That
these people should swarm uppli the side.
walks, sit mem the eurbstones' or walk
the streets 'is not strange, Who, then,
can wonder that they maltitudinously
:rush in hot bch
aste for oice places on the
root The roof of a teuement house in
which hundreds swarm is no larger and
Can hold no 'more peeple than OM rOof of
a house in which, one family decorously -
lives, or half a dwell eomfortably reside.
'Nightly squabbles, lights 'and disturb.
micas occur, and wiry it is the children.
are not precipitated to the pavement, and
that drutikeu breeders don't 'hurl one or
the other over the gutter, or that brutal
assaults, more easily imagined than de-
scribedam hot nightly oCcufrenCes is One
of the mysteries a this wallet misery.
Every uight during (heave& these popu•
bus diatricts were noisy with the people
in the streets and noisy with the people
-on the roofs. It is a fortunate thing for
New York that in the very hottest nights
thereare spots were seine kind of a breeze
can be obtained, aud these roofs are those
happy places.
'rho Destrttetion of the Tein1Ple.
A very peettliar roinridenee, and Ichieli
feiv even of the Jewish race know, is
that hotli the first end Sen011d destruction
of the tempie at ,Ierusa`wat happened ou
the . tit day of Ali, Tielei-lleab.
. -9
8. PAIMithanR, & CO.,
.A.. .A.1\To-ITS„
-Having leased the premises now oequpied by Us, for another term of 7 years, we are
repared-to give-the-BEST-BABGAINS possible, We have on„hand a large and well
;selected stook of
BLA.41KING, BROOMS, litus1-.1` Es,, BASKETS, BISCUITS, cvNFEepoisz-
We have the -largest stock in town. 'Combine quality with-rprice, and We
reai- Indiicement.
Illavieg bought C.4. TUthill's Stock of . .
031111114tir, C111.0031. /Tilt Arc CiLASSWARE
At a diseount, will sell et Wholesale Prices until all is cleaned Out. .
FLEESHM.A.N.-& ccr.s YEAST,' formerly kept by"Tuthill.ct.:;Ce. alway:tira heti
. • ' • . •
. •
Parcel ii. -The west half of the south half of. lot
miinber ten, in the fifth concession of the said" town-
ship of IIullett. containing 23 acres, more or less. , •
Parcel .3. -The east half of lot number eleven, in
the fifth concession of the saul township of Liullett,
'containing fifty acres, more or•less. , •
retract' No..1 .is situeed but miles: from the
iTown.of Clinton, on a. trood_i•ood,_nnilin
part of the Township of Mullett, withinhalf a Mile of
u. schoolhouse and 'withitt two inee5 of it post office:-
This pardel is nearlyall cleared and in a good•state et
cultivation. Tbere is on It a dwelling house, part -brick
Mid per fraine, rnd in a fair stat,o of repair; also a
trains barn in good stt ,e,of repair: This parcel is
also W0111 tarleetl; and has an orchard of fruit -growing
trees. l'areol .2 and 3 are all builr:.Situate obottt. 51.
tidies front Said town of Clinton, 00 a good read: Tim
ipropmitywill be sold subject to reserve bide.•
. .
• Ten pfreentof poreaaso moneyto be 'paid on the
day of sale to •the vender Or lila SoliciLirs. and the
balance in thirty' clays thereafterp-without 'interest,
Otto court to the credit of this action. 13 desired by
the purchasets, or either of them, onehalf of the
amouut Or the purehase money may remain. Wined
h.31ruortgage over the preinises purchased by suclipur-
• chaser, payable in 3 or 5 years, with interest at per.
gent, yearly. tacit event the Of/erotica between
said 10 per rent and the said stuns to be so Secured by
mortgage, is to be paid into court to the credit of this
aetion, 30daysafter sale, without Interest. •
..For further particulars apply to the AuCtioneer, 66'
Messrs, Iffa:NNfRo dr SCOTT, Solicitors, Clinton.; or
to Messrs. KERR,MAcDoNALD, PaViusoN
PATERSON, 9 and 10, ,Masonie Buildings; Toronto,
Plaintiff's Solicitors. •
Dated the 213th of June, 1.88d. • n. '
& Embalm0.
largo stock o? 'Pirst.Olitss CAS.
0 &c.eatways �n hend,
1',L1311.) used in all bides. •
Residence Qringc asearsite
Itlethedle ChOrdh.
—A141:YERS ON Pro prietor
I .
ice Gre.ainef: NVELteir etc.
.,it-A,a:41.1•TtiEltscriI,. NEXT &RANI) "15.N.TON CLINTON
. .
.ChamipChedvp .9nponniEs a.
, .
.pheap PROVISI0178.
.Haviog a ifwge stock Of a11 on hand, -ordet s vt1l be filled at
the lowest priced ever offered in Clinton, ,acethe Silt Works will be sold when arraride-
reenta are completed. Will buy and sell TIMOTIfY and CLOVER SEED. .s A let a
.-k SALT SACKS and GRAIN BAGS for sale. ' '
LARGg 134.11, :OF -1C--P. SOAP FOR 0.NE DQLLA.11.
'C333 S..
0 •
BOOTS and SHOES at Remarkably Low -Prices.
_BABY dAltRiA.GtS just arrived,latest Styles,1veiy chew
TRITNICS & VALISES bPthe hundred, Cieap
High land PINE end OL4R SEIINGLBS at Lowest Prides.
• .
We have secured 20 half cliests of ver Y fine Oct. YOUNG' HYSON TBA
which we will' sell fa' a month at 45ctsby the' tilb. caddie. This
-ace value ever offered in this connty. Don't
fail to go tt caddie before it is all sold.
yr,„(thave opened a full stock of
New .Valentia Raisins' Extra Selected Valentia
Raisins, ,Black Basket Raisins,, Seedless...
• Raisins, Sultana Raisins.
FOR 235CTS, Call and Lisped our Stock.,