HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 5CROP NOTES. The *might in Celorado Imo been breken. No tuitional damege to crepe is now apprehended, , dispatch front Canajoharie, New York ° annotitexia.tbefObsplete failure of the bop crop throughout the State. good '85 hops now bring :30 to 32 cents, against 6 aid 10 cents six week e age. Reportfrom 50 stationa along the Untie of the Burlington' Cedar Rapids and North- ern Road,Iowa, Show that most smell grain has 'been harvested with better retinits - than anticipated, .Wheat is better in quality than ithart 'been before' for ten year.• The yield ie equal to last year's F.' Major Fronting:, railroad commissioner of Dakota, take tt a gloomy view of the crop situation in Dakota. He nye the storms of Friday and Saturday in North Dakota, destroyed about 1,500,000 bushelsief wheat. He places the total yield of the territory at not more than 12,000,000 bushels. Thou- sands of cattle and sheep will be brought from Montana to Dakota this winter, as grass on the ranges- bas been entirely burnt out. The Chicago Tribune's despatChes about crops are summarised as follows: --The cutting and threshing of grain reveals the lass to farmers. Grain in sections of Minne- been eyetematically carried out; or where wheat lute been sown on wheat stubble or un oat stubble which had been the year be- fore badly affected. Of coUrsts the 'Three of the rust, like the seeds of weeds, were left in the straw and 'stubble, and only needed the proper temperature to bring hilinireds of these paraaitea into eXiatenee. Thorough drainage, more mineral manures and a rotation of crepe are suggested aa the Only remedy for counteracting the baneful effects,pf ruitt, • This Scoaa Act. `1••••.•010 . CONTItIBUTEn. • • Notwithstanding the large majoritiea. by which this act was carried in manY countiett, it is found that in the endeavor to put its provisions in fbrce, but a very feeble help 40 given by the people them- selves. The net Wati.prImarily designed by the Tory`Dbminion Government, not , as, a help to bring about enforced temper- ance, but as a sort of menace to the Pro- vincial governments by creating a Tay of deprivingthem of anticipated revenue from the issue cif licenses' and at the same time making the LocalGovernment in power unpopular by throwing upon them either the onus of carrying out the act or practically allowing free trade in spiritu- ous li uors aota and Dakota is hartily worth reaping. When the vc`ting toSk Place the temper- . For Michigan and Wieconstn there Is also much damage, Dry weather is general, and corn is now 'undergoing injury, •The drouth began in Dianna and is now In Illinois, where corn is- suffering seriously. Savannah, Ga., July '27. -In the lower •„end of .the TatnalltIouetiy a negro -woman • engaged to prepare dinner for a colored picnic murdered opting child which had been TM tribei•-abarge, She cooked half Orthe-reitutiei ent&. twitted them to the people. The otheibelf was found salted. down fin., aherrelorThet negreesibecanie ifrOzie(0.dtx, .01134)YeYYY ancil seizedlhe *Oman and 'Sinned her at the staee. The report appears to he authentic. ,ance people in every place where it was submitted; tttelr Up arms in ite favor, and brought all who came within reach of their power to vote for the act. On the other hand, a large number a the people who were opposed to the forcing of ei utterance upon an unwilling conmpUn.7 ity teffeinett from *pang, knowing well that the saving Clause allowing any- one to keep stimulants. at home for per, soual use would . save them. from, :Won- Veriletide. Renee the _eel” -ones • wilt) mainly suffer from the action of this- lew I -011104e countieg"eit, kero it 10 Worded are „the LOW Governthent);andAhek, Mitnici- palities which have been bY it deprived of a t%itimate -source of income. Add to. THE United States Fanners' Reiie tit.% the fine,, &c., that can be tollected - issued this week, is decidedly blue over under the operation of the act, have been . the crop prospect, which it says has in no laid hands upon by the Dominion Govetne way improved eine° July Othi It knoelte ment as itspercptisite, while it is endeavor - off 10 to 18 million bushels from its last log to throw the costs -:and onus of en- • estintete arthe ['spring wheat, which would forceittedt upon . tke kloCal."Goliernment thing the whole wheat crop to between and the nituncipalitieee • . 405 and; 410 buth-ele:-/treports • 1:To wonder that -they refuse to Under - a probable shortage 'of the ' corn gel), teke• thelasine'ss -of pulling the chestnitte :which is still badly in deed Of. rain; an: out of the -fire for the Tory •Dominiett oat crop only half the average; thepOttito Government to feast Upon, ahd that the crop threatening failure, and the .worst. County • Councilsrefuse •-tb• saddle their damage ig done to the bey crop, whichof people who elect them -with. the Cost of. greatest importance. The northern fruit . providing machinery to carry out an act crap seeps to be the only One about Whibii that it is the business of the -Dominion the repOrsts are good. • Gagernment to enfbrce. and, hear the on the ha rop reports from various part PP°13/0. The .119) iltin Times tfays,,Consegeent thetneelvea refuse or neglect to odlarn of doing so: :.The • temperanne • of the cou try, the price of wheat has to- provide the funds for enforcing -cempli- day zore titt froth two to three cents a bush-• ance with their Views or to bring., them- . eL The price.is atill fer below what the far-• selves into bed odor with their neighbors mere regard as givinadecent remuneration, by.bearing witness against them. • for-thetrAabereThese of7tlietr-number-whe .onereither prohibition_Pneenad - have been asked to pin their faith on high 1 simple, or a etrictlYeenferced high license k taxation of clothing and. other necessaries natehe brought CO'beer,.; Ole ,better. of life as a means . of increasing the price Temperance in the abstract ie a.. good of grain should take note that there is tiow thmg: But it Must- carry pubhc opinion with. at to a much greater extent than .it no pretence that the. P. helps the -farmer. If at anytime he obtains an -increased Priee •does now beforelt can heconie the. genet. al law of the land The cOrniiiiin sense et for his product, he hae to look for it frain• two sources --poor crops at boles and the people must be enlisted in anYcause less • yield or poor crops in Europe, and there- before it can 'be, made a successful:one. fere an increased demand for our produce. The time *income when the manufacture, as well as the ceneum:ptiontlf spitlts can be All that the high taxes do is to restrict the effectually' put a stop :to•an d stimul purchasing power of the etericinturist--tO prevent him, by increasing the cost.of what tants only made use Of. -• he has to purchase, ftom'obtainine the hill fA'44; 4i ' " '4. value of what he precludes.• • ,(14enyort has been celled to7i,:speeeh of • ...t.Ohe Bright's,made I886, at Dublin PUSlftte(lby1iniJsoue5 .par cipgly id layer of Henan ..Rute for Ire - "De'e'r • ClJl2• • land. . • : ' ya,rcild• Son of •Richard Iler, o,f u., uy 5, -"The diehibiL -412" South-091604er, is -suffering frotn what along the Platte River anct plains :to the. font' physieans who ,are attending. hini be - cast is ended.. %nehmen now have hopes • lieve to be ilydroehabia in a :mild fotm. of saying the crops,. „ • ' The boy was bitten by a, dog s'ererat years St rant, Warren ago special says, in -the tecent stwni ennrninn'. . At the Toronto Polibe Coda Wednes- hailstones fell in Maeshall. comity. Pigs daki James Lennox -was charged wtth sell- ligtiot without' a license. A fine of $50 - , •atid costs. or three months was imposed, tliatbeing the mininanni penalty. "Surely„ Your Wership, that cannot be !rieht," said the' defendant's seouesel.-.4'Yee, it teplted the Magistrate, "they are gradgallY crewling. ape and sopa ib Till he penitentiary for • • On Tuesday -afternoon a.tramp: met with 'fearful fate on the Grand Trent; railway. fle t -.with- two cdnipaniens;• get. aboard a freiglit train, at Windier, and when about • thre'e miles out they got off at -a crossing. pneof thole, however; ettempted • to get' on again, an tieing hip hold, fell With his neck acmes the ils, and the. train -passing overit; the head . as completelysevered from the body, • The parties 'who were with him say hie name was Robert Bell, lately from London; England, a .baker by trade. •" • - „ . . ESTATE.. JOHN HO GENS. F Ikl••••••• tof For the, next Thirty Days we will o er out large and attractive stock oi Summer Goods in every department, AT P#ICES NEVER! BEFORE HEARD OF in Clinton. Our stock is well assorted throughout, ILLI MILLINE • We ha,ve made Special reductions in this department in order* to cIear. • 5 per cent off for cash. • , • 'JOHN WIShItt4X0 Matiager• ° Estate J. 110DCENS. • III - GEARING:. -:.SALE , .P11,1NG SIIIIER GONS. •BEESLEY S Millinery Emporium '•.SUNDRIES. • VOR SALE.. -.:LOT AND HOUSE' ON AHLT, ST; Terins easy. Apply to Mr. Fair, at the MW, or to MANNING de SCOTT, ivroNEY TO LbArr..- pitivATE FUNDS, ON .1./1. Farm Accurity, interest '12} percent. Payable yearly. Apply to 0.A.H.A.RTT, Solicitor, Clinton. im OHEA1.5. COTTARE FOR SALE. -A. OgE STOUV• Frame Dwelling, near railway station, will be sold' cheap for cash. Apply te FARRAN. • and chickens were killed and grail destroyed. A, Mayville '(Dak.) dispa h says the . storm struck the very best oupty in Dakota. From a mile north..of t is place to about three miles south and bort west. twenty n.3iles not less thee 25;000 fie :of wheat will be a total loss, while a grat o deal was partty destroyed. Several person were badly cut by hailetenee. St. Paul, Minn., July, 23,-A Grata Dak., special says: A. terfible bail toitif struck the village of St. Thonias Saturday afternoon. Tt-desEroyddTiverything-in its • . path. Front St. Thomas across the Bed' River into- Minneapolis. in a belt .four to six Miles wide and 30 long, -1000 met) of grain are totally ruined. • The village otSt, Andre-weyres destroyed Sonars Of the bait stones were as 'large as hen's eggs. It us estimated that fully one- . • third of the grain, as been destroedby hail within the pesOnenth Waishinge •--ton'conntraleneethe-dantitgefro re -thee Lorin will reach fully $50,000. Many farmers . will be left entirely destttute. •_natst__.tn genital ....--_, . DEMOCRAT WAGGON FOR SALE, WITH poleand Shafts; in splendid order and will be held oheap. JOHN BIE;OUT, Clinton. , • • LCT FOR SALE.-THEUNDERSIGNED OFFERS for sale that splendid building lot bo:„Qucen St., juit north of berresidence---, Will sell cheap on reason- able terms. AIRS. S. COATS. ' • • • MONEY TO LOAN ON FARA- An. Private • and Conipapjr Fundi; Lowest interest,. also mi'approi•cd notes for, shoLt dates: C.A. IIARTT, A.ttorney, Clinton. , *•101 . ' • , -FOR SALE.- HEMLOCK, AND Lumber foreale, and will be out to 'Or- der for any Person sending in their order be- fore -the 20t1 of tety. JAs. WALLIS, 1St Con., Goderieh township, -1.3aTaeld P;•0- : LOT Olt F . _ SALE OR TO REN Tar OUSE A 1) T..,- 1-1:That large and well situated house at oresent ot- cumed by the under.igned, is offered either for sale or to rent,.on very reasonable terrr.s, E Very convenience; PO11011101), given 1st Sept:, JOif...i.nAnna lingeioes- • • , -PORTABLE ,SAW MILL FOR ;SALM-THE A. undersigned offer for suie a half Or whole in- terest in their Portable' Stea•m. San Mil -The boileris 30 horse -power. onging'25, and the Saw at54 inch.. All in complate running order; only in Uso abqut three months;. doing a splendid :business; satisfactorrreasons for selling.. 'Cost over $L500; will be sold atabargqiut_RE19:ME & pONALDeltN, Clinton .P. 0. • • Noiwithstanding the Warm, dry season .there is a considerable amount of rust in fel wheat. And this factgoes a long way to upet the generally -received theory that gregath population of Now York .woeld rust is caused Solely by rides and a high, thenlYe,over tivo millions. moist atmosphere. • Rains and heavy dews • Georgia has a strin,gent'prohibitory no more supply these blight Beetle t� grain watch came into 'force the other day. t It than they aro responsible for the Potato has given a groat deal of bother tolhe cone firmed topers, but they are not to be baf- fled, They have secured from the Post, Office authorities a regulation under which not exceedino four ounees of liquor can be e sent through the mails, The bottles are to he enclosed in tubes.of tin; papermache or Wood, packed in mirk crumbor felt, . • A committee his been appointed by the New Yettr. Board of Aldermen to take into consideretitin the adviaability oLunidng the cities of Nei, York and 13rooklyn, Yonkers, •Long IslanerCityeand-stich adja- cent territery as -may he thought desirable,. ifitb One municipality. ,,IfJhe propeeitien meets with fa.veran the other cities, which ,is dnubtfulrlegislittion Will be promoted at next messier] of the'ALegislatareavilitethe View ef'corgiummatieg the itninn.".The ng- • cuttings that are suppted to the gardens,or the wheat or barley that goes to' seed the field. Eustis a sporadic fengi, and Will develop wherever the (seeds are, whether there are rains or dews or not, although temperature and moisture may greatly • influence the development of the spore. , For no doubt rust is developed faster at In this way liquor can be sent to any city this time of the year, when the evenings or town where there is a 'postoftice,uo mat - are cool and foggy, or when we have a , , ter now strict the local laws may be. .soccession of storms followed\ by inteesely hot intervals. But it iit only,a matter of --- CLINTON MARKETS. time, whether it isWet or d4, foe thereat• (Corrected e -very Thursday afternoon.) spores to germinate, under certain etindi. Jy 2 tions of the boil. Low tinderdrained lands Thursday, ul9, 1886.. where there is an eXed08 onumusvegetable. Wheat, fall, •. .72 a 0 75 . siI 3, is, a favorable habitat for rest. This 0 72 a 0 75 White,.•and red - 0 28 a . 0 28 suggests two thinge as a remedy, first Oats thorough drainage and tigain an increaged naE,erle' Peas., , 00. a 65050 a515; . • 4 00 a 4 50 Flour; et bbl. p Potatoes, 0 25 a 0-26. Butter, • 0 11 a 0 11 0 00 a 0,11 gi3gs, 550 a 600 . Pork, • , Hay, - ' • • 800 et - 8O(3 , Wool in trade, • 0 20 A s'aupply of miteral elenaelets in the soil, such as potted), soda,. telt, &o.. Salt, is a well.known destroyer of parasitic fungoid growth, and it inay be noesible thetsowing salt on land; Or even on the trot! in very • moderate quantities,. when the vreather is stuitt....ad teeder the appearance of rest Probable, may net ite • prevettive of its' JWool for eash, - 0 ravagets. From carefal obiervatiens nude Sheep pelts - !'6 0 0 50 e 6 75 this year it has been found thatialefitattiore Lamb skitte, • • 0 60 a t) 80 prevalent whore retation orcropo , U10 Oar, pat hnmim.. • 7 01 a 75) MURAT TO RENT. -THE SUBSCRIBER OP: .12 TEIZS. to rent her farin of macros, being let I Oth. Qom, of Hullett. It is sevenmites front ton, three from Londesboro. • First-class an , rame house, good orchard and running •strea , outbuildings:. about 70 acres cleared.' -Will be rented on rationale° torma. Apply for particulars at. NEW ERA OFFICE, Clinton, or M of RS. M. TIGHE, Goderich. inr.. • • SLUG .SHOT. Insect's lied Bugs. -Slug Shot il1_Kill Po-. tato Bilge and Cabbage •Worms, Insects on Retie binthes; Flowers, Plants, ttre., and is a good Fleet Food. Otily 15 cents per lb. •`' I have also a' lot of NEW . HONEY at 10 !VI/or-St:. JAMES sten'gr, •CLINTON. .7..Don".t...Fotgot tp, -Atken.c1' • Olqr E310- 13ig. Slaughter 111 suompr..0-000 .CLIITO1 CONFECTIOEBB See their WHITE DIUSLINS. at 5c. per yd HEAD QUARTERS. FOR FRUITS, Ho, • See their 123c. DRESS CIGARS" en PADRE; . CABLE ,• LA , HIGHLAND • SS TE, NORMA- SALADIN, ' CHOICE ES, • _Hi e at;HALF PRICE to -clear LOT OF • pIP • theth_out.. • . . ICE C.REAM.,.. PARLOURS'. • LtnGE LOT OF GCM JARS CHEAP Just Opened. J. C. DETLO B.:• 4.0-1DEMSOIE'S. XACICiON-BL0011Z,HURO$ STREET. dLINTOif: ..ENECITTO.R'S NOTICE to CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given, in pursuance of Sec, 34, Chap..' 107, of the Revised •Statute, of Ontario, as emended .by 46 Viet.„Ohap. p, that all ereditors and other per. • sons Laving • claims. against' the estate 01 Margaret, Salt, late of tho town of Clinton, in th,e Oomity..of Huron, married woman,deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of Juno, 1880, are hereby required to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, Executor of the last *111 and • testament. of the said lato Margaret Salt, at Clinton, Ontario, on erbeforie,,iAth, day- of -August,• A. D. 1886, their ohristian names and stunanes,. addresses and descrip- tion, the full particulars of their claims,, a ' statement • Ortheity-LIVAriitiNfliti - ligicature of the secunties Of any) held by them. • and- that immediately after the saktfOurteenth day of August next theaSsets, of the. estate of the said late Margaret Salt will be distributed: . among the parties entitied thereto, having regard Only' ' " to the °Wins of which notice shall have'been received; -tied the Executor will not be liable for the said assets, • or any ptit'st thereof, to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by klin at the time 0,1 .such distribution. • ' •, Dated this lith darof Juste, AD. 1886. • .• . RICHA.RD IRWIN, • EXecutor. Clinton r.o. TER 'DIST 1086 -MUNICIPALITY OF . TfliprOVAT-OF-CLINTONt--.1•TEttiG1348-hater. • by given that r have..tranenetted•Or delivered to the perSons Mentioned in the thit d and fourth seetionS Of the Voters' List Act -the co ee required by said seetiOn to bo so trans- nsittad or delivered of the saidmatinaae puma. ant to said Act, (quit persons appearing by the last revised. Assessment.Rolr of the said mem- cipatity to -be entitled to vote in Said nruniel- pality,-111-e1ectloti8 tor metahere of the Legisla. tivo Assembly. and atMunicipal oeetions, and that said list veaS first posted up at my oleo at cuntoe, on the Pist day of July, IWO, and re- niains there fog inspection, 'Electors are Oiled upon to exaMine tho said list, and if anY.Oniis. alone or other errotil are found therein, xi) take, immediate procee,dings to have tlie said errots. correeted according to law.• W, COAT, Clerk. 'VOTERS' LIST 1880, MUNICIPALITY OF STAN- LEY, COUNTY OE' HURON. -Notice 11 hereby given.' that have transfnitted or delivered to the per. sons mentioned in' the third and fourtifsections of the ba so transmitted or dollvoroa of the sold list mado Voters' List Act, the copies required by said section to pursuant to said Ad of all persons appearing by the last. revised Asessmont Roil oJ the said Mitnimpo ity to be ontitiedVi Vote in the snid Municipality, at elections for roemhers et the Legislative Assembly,••and at Municipal EleotiOns, Mal that said list wasfirst 'posted -upal my office, at Varna, on the 1.2th day di July,188d, andreinains there for inspection. Electors aro oiled upon to examine tho said list, and it any -.Mission or other often are found therein to takes immediate pro. • coodings to have the said errors corrected Wording to Ilee. •GEO. STEWART, Clerk, • . . . .Two Youtg,ilotses Watited in exchange .for Monuinents .; will give purchaser his choice of White Broitte, Granite or Mar ble., Apply to W. M. GIFFIN, Clinton. IIORSES WANTEP. 4 . Wo have been inarkines e- dOwn ruthlessly during the past few days, being determin . ChM Civic Holiday Agist •3111 ed to clear.out THIS • SEASONS GOGDS• AT ONCE. This is no newspaper, t • wind, but SOLID FACTS.. THE PROOF OF THE PIE IS TH,FlEA.TING• -111THEMI!IOIS OF, , - - - ' - — ' .77 -- . ' Great Bargains InDress Goods at 5c. The Grand Trunk Railway will issue on tue above . • day SINGLE FARE TICKETS, front Clinton Station, ... . to all points, good to go and return on .that day only __Bargains in'tiwsets at 50e. Tickets will -also be issued to tbe followlug places, , - . good to go on pny train on day of iSsuo, and return at, • . '' ... - . _.... .. .T. ,..'-". any time within the specified Ihnit, viz:- -Ilurgains in-nress matins at .wc. . • . ". 'TORONTO, good for 4, dayi,' $2.00 PORT STANLEY. 2 days; 1.25 LONDON, good for 3 days, 1,00 GODERIC " • 2 days, `. ,.40: • • Worth 15c, 'Big eut in Giughams, -your .choice SEA.FORTH, ." • .2 days, • '25 ' Of One ithuense stock for. 10c: STRATFORD ' 2 days,- ,,,78 • 2 days„. , cutlet= HALF rear • . • , • Tickets may, bo had the night before to avoid the' rush. As these aro likely tote the-lowest:rates-that-wilt bo ..issued this season,, all who wish to Visit 'any of -the Maces named, should go on this day. • First train for Toronto and all pdints east, loaves Clinton Station at 1.20a4mL and_lreillgiffintlatil. Vorrfurthor particulars apply to A,PATTISON:, ..Ofand Trunk Agent, Clint:in • •; ...,•• ' EDGAR, General Passenger Agent' ' • • JOSEPH HICKSON General' rlififfitler , .MOI-0GAGE - SALE ,2 OV „ rat11111)1P 'Town Property, • to thel Town of canton. . • — AND BY VIIITUE OF A rowpn t..J•of sato contained in a certain mortgage, hi h nlortgago wIll bo prothtced at the ttsno o sale) there will be oftered for sale 1)3' PttbI1r Atictioil, at tho RA.TTENBURY HOUSE, Clin- ton, on MONDAY, Ind day 61 AUGUST, 1880, at FLO.eloekslA.M., the following prOporty, viz: beingliem»petee of 102 nut -ober 7, and the east part Of ibt.nnualmr 0, in Gibbings SUrvey in the ToWn of Clinton, in the county of Huron, and situate on the smith side of Itatteneuryntreet, which said east part 01 101 nittaber six MaY be more pardemarly described asofellows, that is to sar, ommeiteing at the aorta easterly angle of said lot number six, thole° westward along the torthern limit of said 161, seven foot six inches, thane° southward partdiet with the baatern limit of said101 1$2 feet to the sontilorti Breit of euid lot, thende eastward itiOng the maid southern limit of said lot oven feet six irk:heti, 10 1116 southeast arigio of said lot, thence north- ward 132.feet aldng the eastern Unlit of said lot to the place of beginning, Und containing by admetteureinent thirty.five and Sevelt.eleve,nths square perches of land, be the same more or leas, mis property RI pleaSantly Situated, and there to theteon a IltibStantial Mine dwelling 0 Parties intondit.g to purolutse a monument should can en or write to W. id, GIFFIN, canton, or JAMES OaLLADHER Gedcriel, and take thcif ohoico of the eve ma rut s. qins /*Apra gage ton:le tt ft re MGM% wettrig 06 Nerocr0)11D: 0 AdOrt5singliureatt(108prnee 'MX xte when. j centrum may eo made fur it 11012VY 3gosio ! helm, with stone foundation, eellar, &oTunt18-Ten per cent on day Of sale, and balance in one month thereafter, Wklitout 'In. tereSt. rtirthor tcrina and oondi 1smtn,a e undersiefied. .TAs. .110M0X, Atte t fencer. mANtrixfi; SCOTT, Clinton, Jilly 11,1;384. Vie rid o Solicitor . :., • . . Stacks 9rGentsSockS 5c. worth 10e Your choice. of 300. pair Lisle and - Silk Gloves, Black Color at25e. Big Slaughter in Hats and Bonnets. A few of those: Wonderful Parasols, / left at 25e. • • — h&:Great Cash Sto're- Clinton. 0.. A„ MA.OrNIFICENT FULL LINE 01!: IN'. STOCK - AT' CLOSE PRICES. We are closing the balance of onr TRAINKS at COST, as We. , ...04grequiro the room for Boots and Shoes. VAIOrders taken iferibek's Celebrated Nand Sewed Shoes,. , EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE..- 5:Pta C. OFF FOR CASH. . . CLAIN rir 0 INT