HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 3st gralltaiNNOMP' rn MY, Jay 4)686, _ NEWS NOTES. • -„ . • TheSeettAct is laeing strietly entire • hitt Grenville coenty.,-4:" • Glencoe 9nt., Presbyterian' church, has been burned down. Han. T. F. Morison 4 member of the Nova Soda Government, is dead. There ia a man in °Frei:114in caunth Ohio, who never voted. He venom. bers when he told Lave I;ouglit phteno r. for a coatis:ion sbirt-butten. Fifteen years ago a Man quip Berlin; Canada, owinea $10 ;• beard bill. 'ne other day be returned:found. that the creditor was dead, hunted up his familys and paid the debt with interest. ' Robert Smith, of Lexington, In., lost his nice black hair as the res of typhoid fever.- Now his head -is -cover- ed with hair three incheslong, eery kinky like s riegre's, but as Vhite•as mow. • Young or m• iddle-aged men suffering from nervous debility, less el reeraery, Prema. t ire old age—its the result of ba4 habits, should send 10 cent in atampa for large " il'ustrated treatise. Address, World's Dispensary 'Medical Assoeiation, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, A.r. Mr. T; H. Llerr, V, ,TS:; stirtea that hog cholera is spreading to en alarming extent. in Simeoe County. He alleges -that-many of the,farmers do not linden- _ --as-S-LarKLY1-118kii-AMIJAKV---Yals,09-sh-QC • and after the animals are dea4 they leave them lying around, thus spreading the disease far .and.'near.. Among those who have stiftered most 'heavily is Mr. W. D. Stoddart, who has tost between • 0 460 and 'TO hogs. by this dishase. , The annual races �f the Troy bicycle club took phice en Friday: In the five mile straight away between Wm. Wood- side and the trotting horse Kittie the mare took the lead at the first tern • and -held it to the finish. The time of Kittie F. for the fiVe Miles was 16 mins. 32 secs. Woodside crossed the line..in 16 ming.' $5' 1-2 secs.- W. .j. Morgan, " the Canadian profeegional, beat the trotting horse Blondin in two stlecessive ' half mile heats, time 1.30 and1.32. • . , . "1 would not live alway." ..1\ro, not if disease ift toinake uni life a dilly burden. But it need not, good friend, and will not if you will be Oise in time. How 'many of oer,loved ones are intiuldering in the dust • who might have been,saved for years. The • slight cough w.as unheeded,the. Many symptoms of didease, that lurlied .within were slighted and death came, Dr..Piercei "Golden Medical Discovery" cannot recall • the dead though it had snatched numbers • from the verge Of the grave, .and wiIlcure consumption in, its 'mullet, stages. The 'Scott A et.Associatiori of Halton -county are tnakingLa 'determined effort to stamp out perjury in Scott Act pro- secutions. With this cud in :eiew war- rants have been issued charging, R. Ben-. , nett and George Lindsay,Of Georgetown, with wilfhl perjury, cored:lifted while' under examination chisr,ged with vielat7 ing the Sett Act. The detendahte, Who has decamped, are wider sentenee Of two months' imprisonment for commit- • tine a third breach., of the Scott Act. • Irlormation-has -beevlaid,before Police Meoistrate Young against a htro number of witnesses for Perjury in: sini . far cases. ' •••••••••••, . . Clay Allison; a •Lis Vegaweewboy, or, as his -ad -Fencing years cleinand,. a ,cownian, sind a lot of steers' at Cheyenne' the other day at a goott Profit, and: then went to a dentist to get an:tiching teeth attended to, •The dentist Seeing a &awe to make something, bored u tele in a sciund teeth of Clare, and attempted te fill it, but, being a bupgler, broke the tooth.. Allison got mad and went to another dentist, who: told liitn he had been the victini 'of -a quack, The cow- man went back to the'first dentist, a picked up a pair cf_forcerier• knocked Mai downs, yanked * his mouth open, jerked out a sound doublestooth,erabbed for aniina, caught a front too°th and -a-pieee of' .upper-lips-i•and--vies -tugging away at these:When .the:shcrieka of the squack drew a erewd; who tea the en- raged cattleman off, . and ended the per- formance. ,• - Here's a story of boV steMping for Congress- was conducted- "years -bad -Blackbarn-ands-Mataindl-Were---rune. for Congress, find, as usual eabli said hard things about the other,' .At IAA the personalities becante se bitter fliat it was feared eri entiounter would ensues Finally, to smooth matters, the friends of both parties made there promise to go ingismecl. 'As was 'customary: iti those trays the contestatits.iounueyedtog,eee, and it so happened one night that beth Lad to sleep in one bed. • When the hour for reth ing earn; both appeared rely°. tant to disrobe: • Looking at each 'other in silenee for a minute or two, Blaelt- ,bern spoke and amused Mr. Marshall of being armed.. This was indignantly denied, but in' removing his clothes Blackburn caught sight of the butt end of a -pistol, .and Calling Marshall'e 'attn. dm to it., said "Now Marshall, you see I'in uriattned.' Thhfcas Blaekburn pulled off hie coat two •piatols and a hong knife dropped to the floor. Joe gave them a sad look and skid "1 vender who put 'them in. My pocket l'" Both men then shook hands and agreed that Loners Were even, and the best of feel- ing existed throughout the reit a the campaign. aneiraine twit spritisntinteetts: Al] pains Or aches will be instantly removed by a fen drops of Fluid Lightning applied over the affected parts. No time lost; no nauseous medielnes mated; no poultiting or using greasy online/as, It Will net blister OrdiScolor the slim SeId at.25C. a IMMO by Worthingtcht Druggist. Sefferers front Neuralgia assure us tbat they/lever fear it when their 1101180 -Con- tains a bottle et PlUld At Peter4urg, Va., jOhnnie aged 22, accidently shot and killed bia brother Willie, aged 15, jonniereturned home and informed his Introits of what had occurrOd and then hectiale.a raving taaniac• e • Hon, Oliver Mowat has so fer re:my- ered from his recent severe illness that he was able to leave on Thursday for the Adirondack Mountain% where he will recuperate Lis health. The Premier celebrated -Lis sixty-sixth birtlidey oa the- 23nd. Henry 13redemeYer, of Covington, Ey., died in bed Saturday night, shortly after he had been knocked down with a brick- bat thrown by his eon„-age4-17, The son ciairns that he threw thia brick' in defense of Os mothet, whom hie drunken father , was chasing _with a hatchet, The 'Last 'Year. 1$S�.• After the above 'ear 15 ended there need be no Person. suffering trent Neuralgia* Toothache, Headache, Lumbago. Or any acutepain, If they wilt only purehase abottle of Fluid Lightning, as it enreifhistantly. Patti cannot stay where it Is used. he name. is Field 14glituin3. bold by Worthington, Druggist A New York man advertised that for .$2 he would advise IOU 4 *HOW to get to California' without aTent for trensporta- dee,' A Michigan man stinted 'his' Spending titiOney and sent, when there came as the answer a single word printed on a strip of paper, Walk.' A Pierre (Dalc.) • desputoli sayg ;— Miss Lizzie Yates,' 9f Sully county, while out horse back ...riding near Fort Sully, fell from the horse, and, her foot 'being *caught in the stirrup, wasdragget1 efliemailess-4- .-When,fraratilitOterct-Vtir beaten into a jelly, and nearly every bone was broken. • • The organ of 'the Salvation Aimjt in London, callled All the World, bas the following :—M.. Gooderhani,of Toronto, whose- name and--.4ce have grown fa - miller to sci many of us dnrieg the Ilitel* national Congress Oates his determina- tion to found n ileuse of Reit for the otficerS'of Canada, e says they shel• l have Allis, eien-- though I should haie to sell ...my own home ;to •provide the means,' • ' •• • God veiny, . . Many, !offerer's, buying . Medicine hart; been disappointed, don't give up,' buy a reliable article 'like Dr. Chase's Liver Cure and with it you get 'a reciicebook sleep worth the looney': • ••" About three weeks ago a young man, J. Carty who kept a livery kohl° on•Ontario street, St. Catharines, left, taking with Min a horse and buggy., which be sent • bottle fro,m Drummondville, where he was last teen, with the Message that he would be 11M:tie-next day. 'Since then, Fitbough diligent inqmiries blive been made, natrace0 of his, whereaboute has been discovered.• . No reason Can be assigned fel. his leaving, Soine_have fears that he may have been foully dealt With.. • melancholy aeadent. by 'which :a young man lost his life, happened ..on the 7th inal; at lot 11,'R. S,, Caradoc.: largentimber ef.persons had atsserabl- ed en 'thatday to: assist- Cherie% Bittetrian in raising a pew frame barn. All:went swell until the, ,firat bent was: relied to the beieht 'Of -about six feet. Owing to the slipping of . the 4 foot' Of one of the corner posts, the bent au& denly swerved' to one side, and ' Came down with's. crash: •, Thieresulted itt ths instant -death of Er John -McCracken, who was, caaght between the bent and the -sill; • Mrs. Sulilean, wife of Theedore Sulli- ,Vansa prominent lawyer and physician, .of Trey, Q.,. suspecting her heshanc't of, infidelity; liired deteetieei; She learned that.he waS at the house of Ida •Hamil- tense b.eitutiful blonde, and. preeeeded on 'Monday night, wi.th her 19-yeat-old . @on arid two Of his friends, to the house. They ',gained entrariee. to the second 'storey by a ladder; and found Sullivan. in a room With the woman. Mrs..Stilli- van eeisecl.. her, and while her .son and. his friends *kept -the. guilty pair covered. with revol.Vere; Sulliven turned a. bucketful of mixed tar and creosote Over •-Miss Harnillon!a head und .shoniderii, gotcapl*Ay covering her person with the mess. When the; ter 'cooled it could natio Cleaned teeth ,h_er_head, snd__her Lair was, therefore,. ahaverL Off apse to the scalli; :she eight. Rations wliy yousluitild vivant/se rend Light ming in preference.to all ether roan:idles ate :— Rapid insult-L•eures linstantlY; It is easily ap- plied—no trouble—no lost time. , does . not require conetaet use -one appliaation,is effect- ual, .One bottle Will remove•more pain than ang.other remedy in existence. Try It for Neu- ralgia. Toothstelie, Preadatolui,_ Itheitrnatisuw-r. o d at 2eo per bottle rblitngton, uruggea ' OreTeesday last, a farmer 'living„aoine 'Mike beyond Steuberieille, Pa.;tiit a-A.4d of cern. The cornswas very fine in qnality and promiied a litrgayield, but a susidets -wind and rain storm prOatrated it,, and it was only good for fodder. This threw the farmer into a fearful. passion, and he •pour- ed mit a torrent of the twist terrible pro- fanity. "Yee °tight not to talk that Way,'' reMarked one of the workmen; enough to make. one's blood curdle.° 'Let it curdle," retorted tha•ferluer. Jthins, Christ were here in this CornfisTa I'd eta hiin up the eame way cut this om n," The: man Steed up erect as....h'e spoke and 're- mained motionless, • His eonipanion, who was a quiet church -going 'countryman, wee greatly shocked at the apeech, and contin- sled his work without peyirig particular. abilities! to his employer's • MOvelneete, At the end pf a faw moments he 'turned to see why the farmer hadetopped work;:an-d" he saw that he waa gill standing erect, and looked rigid and white; Receiving no an - ewer a question as to what was the matter, the workman approached the farmer, and found to hisehorror that he was dead, his eyes glaring fixedly upward. • • A Pree Around each battle of Dr. Chase's Liver • Cure is a Medical Guide and Recipe Bok centainirig ineful information, over 200 recipes, tied pronounced by Doceore and. Druggists as worth tett •times the cost of the medicine, Medieine and Book $t.. eheieitt. raging' to an alarming - tent in .Bottehart and several other cotinties of 'Virginia. tai,inets have lost 100 hogs in a, week. I Sir Charles, Dilhe bee ordered the 1 stile of his honse at Chelsea. He will leave England and reside permanently in the south of France. During a severe thunder $torni on Satiarday ofternoen,, 'lightning struck hen-hoese in East New York, and 300 choice, „tender spring chickens were roasted as brown as berry. e.• A. rather interesting case is tie ven- tilated in the Division Court at' Eimer - dine. A hotelkeeper in thitt, town who •stibticribed a pertain sum towiuds the firemen's touriiament,.pbjectod to pay the amount subscribed, end the matter is to be settled ia court, • Thonsanda of people in Georgetown County, South Carolina, are said to be ,on the verge of famine on acceunt.of the floods caused by recent heavy rains. An effort will be made to convene the Leg- islature to olstain Belo you i•oethache / Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Itheumar ism I Use Pluid,Lightning • Have yott a atiffjoint Use Plitid, Lightning. Have youNeuralgia I Use Fluid Lightning. h Vgatilide LMhtning. • Have you any. pain 'I Use Fluld. Lightning, 18 wilreure you the instant it Is applied. Try it. 25 cents Per bottle at • Worthington's Drug Store, - Stephen Broodie jumped from the Brooklyn suspension bridge for a $100 wager, and escaped eniriart. The dis- tance is120 feet, and "no , man • eyer jumped a 'distance of over 100 feet be- fore, and lived after it. _ . • The BrairtroTil-Preebyterian cher* Las- decided brTrifate - orp-2 to If to introduce an organ to assist in the choral portion ef 'the service. The nse of the last e' whustles'• is 'becoming general in the Presqterian--- churehee throughout the country. • • In Chicago, on Thursday, two little boys; Herman Jacobs and Ed. ltrencke, while playing in an alley found a small tin box. • On foroing it Open a fearful exploSion :eceurred end both boys were badly wounded. Thebox had evidently been filled with dynamite and is sup- posed to have. been thrown in the alley by Anarchists. • On Tuesday evenieg ohe-orMr."Geo. teinhardt's .deughters, of ,Ridgeway, a girl alsOut i p years of 'age, was helping to unhitch the hems froi a reaper kiss being finished cutting a field of wheat,. when one of the horses started' up, and threw., the girl in front Of the machine. Her left 'heed was coinplefely .severed it the wrist,. and the =Chine Passing over her, she ..was seriously injured in -Other parts of thObody. . ••• • 4' Mr. Noll McIntyre, a Wealthy fanner residing on the.+3id ,Conoession of Dan- wich, ' on what is known . as the Back ,street, One and a quarter miles • Nveet of IOW, died Friday evening froin the ef- fects -of Paris green, taken, dtirini a 6t . of Mental aberration, . to 'Which the -Uri- lortunrite ; man. had lately been au hject. He had toed: an active 'member of the . South weld and . Duni-job ' A:griCultural Society; and for two• -years Was -its, pres- •ident, an °trite he held . at the time of his death.....; He was:also very prominent in sclionl affairs,. and , wasa trustee' of No: .5 school section, Dainivich. . . • .. • ' Petei- Snell a young -man • abont-eigh-- teen years of age, arrived at Pittsburg, on Friday; on a truck of one of Pullinan'S sleeperanttaclied to the Neie. York•fted Chicago:limited express, Lay, big, ridden frail! • Fort -Wayne, Ind:, ii distance of820Milea that way. He Say§ he ie en route to Washington to see his Mother, who is seriously ill. He tells a thrilling:story of bia experience and narrdW escapee as thatrain rushed along , . at a rate of from forty to fifty miles an Nair. He suffered much from cold,Lis :hands at thine becoming s� nronbilie could seareely bold on to the truck: A' nbatription was started 14 the :pitmen - gore Which netted the young man qnite,i' handsome slim, and after,arbearty break- fast, iteeterted., on ilia way to Washing... ton'insa Polirean.bar. ' '- • ' .•- I'lito London -ieT.0 i News, eininneeitng -on. : . _the -Verdictiti_the Craword divorce case, in which. Sir Charlet Dilkpaves, involved, .attya -:.' We would be:Mily ton- ghid. if •weeould dissent frOna,the jury's verdict, betsinifortunetery, there is no.room for :sceptieisin any longer to • ,asserb itself, and the lamentable •ctO•eor of this :able .statesman is thus preinatutely 'ended. :-We-are cot -4410 to .sorrowfully. admit that no, more skeeking outrage upon the 'ObTfliatieus of friendship, the peints 'Of. more*, the primary instil -Hite of _decen- cy, or the sanctity' of fainily tieWas ever :drlig•geti 'before ' a disgusted coin, munity:" The Chroniele Says :—"Tho veil has been lifted and a career of the blackest* villainy. and -MOSt inordinate lest is *revealed; Sir' Ohtirles.".Dilke took advantage of his eminent ifosetioli and wealth to practice- the most d iabol is cial deceit While being,it appeare,steeped 'in the "kindest iniqnity.'.' • . . Ft atik Mom, ahlacksmith of 13arnel'il vijie, 0„, is the oWner of iin English brf terrier deg, that is reit '0 a wotalei„. - The amp. is now ten Menthe . I end font -early puppyhood has been reered by the side of the forge, When six • months old he. trod en a bot E Plage i f iron in the !then aini barned his foot. This ito'angered the 'pup that, he seized the piece of iron in his mouth and began to °Lew it viciously. This was the be. giniiingof his salamander anticsaind it is now a daily occurrence to see him grab pieees of red hot iron and thew them. He bag been. known. lojtanp inti the forge. and seize a mouthful Of :red mils and grind them between his teeth with as much, complaceney as a,. they Iwere temps of. bread and meat. A 're- merkable fact is,, the dog.ttens net seen) 'in the lead to sutler from his feast of fire. ' - ifitIvIt, sUffer dizziness. indigestion, inflommaWni of the eyea, heislache, lassitude, inability pit'9meutel sink tied iiiiiispoaitiee for l?..dily labor, .ttrid annoy end diaguit your friends by your nasal twoug and of - Naive hnnth h WI constant eirOrril tri) clean your toise and t hroat, when Dr. Sage's. "Catarrh Remedy" will promptly relieve you of discomfort and suffering, and your Mende of the disgnating and needless in- flictions if your loathsome disease - .trzLININIENT iodido Ammonia. 04"441..-0"4""1"0.!•44'wo0,0e." • COATS IS AGEn :AT CifINT011 Fult TUE he speediest aud Nest mom tuediethe itt the wart ALL rarsiLios USE IT. Weak Bark, Enlarged JaInts Phrairols, • Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Deplitheria, :Sciatica. Prolamine Uterei, • . • Pentair Weakness. Tue best and only Eertala remedy to relieve pain uf all kinda, no ;natter of long standing. Irritant relief guar- •la5 ii:steileeettd; dub r ra rgi eitis ism 4clean e: ander 41nsammatten et the hidneys, Disease, • Diabetes, kneoutinence of Urine. Isthe mar Liniment 1 the world possessing alterative powers. Can be taken in ternally; cures Cramps and Colic, Dlorrhtee, end Dysentey. Sold by all Druggists. TrIntliottle, 25e. Write DM ITILF$, bus 3,482 X, V. P.0., who will give Wilavice"araeilo lldflural4 :iiewnloes &aim% aPd counterfeits. The gekobiotairtkohlWhieWelti tijegiais and facsimile ofthe '-chs0u5reit4rdaraltlifiVrir liable and effective, purely vegetable. For the cure or all titiesses uf the Stomach, Liver, Buiveln,,t tot. sots by all doweled at 25e, per box. Invalidslotelihrgioal Institute 1•1%. • ' — . , . Orgicalzied with a run listen' or eighteen ' Extiltrteinced and •Skiliful.Physiela• ns and Surgeons for the trealnsent • • an chronic Disritsers.. _ • OUR FIELD oF SUCCESS. • Christi le Nasal Dater Os. Throittnnti Lung Diseases'. Liver and RlaueY nitiettacar. Madder itili.ettses, Diseases of Womeni !Blood Diseases and NOVI/. ' OUS Affections, eured here or at home, with or withont seeing the Patient. come end age us, or send ,ten cents in situnpb -for. our 66 Diva, Idiet• Waldo Boork,to which gives alt purticultirfs. ,NervionsDeb113typtinpo. • tummy, N VIII 1.1111.1 Losses, 'anti all nlorbid Conditions cmised by NouthLul Hes and Pernicious Sells .tary Practices are speedily; Specialists. Book...post:paid, 10 eta. in stamps. aesmadtimmvet. Ruillutture„Pt Ilfeteca krnalle2- at.icr perniane,Intl:ilocured ouir RUPTURE.' Algoeuc'edaependence upou • trusses,. and with very little in dampi,. Pain.. Book sent for ten cents • PILE TEM/MRS and STRICTIURE$ • treated' with the greaMst mimes& Booe-sent • for len cents in stamps. .. -Address WouLD'S, DisrEssAirr.lilitnicAL .AssociArioN,' 663 Mithi 'Street• , Buffalo, N. Y. • •The treatment of many • thousands of cases of those . diseases peculiar" tri - • , 'VAT MEM' . .at the Invalids' Hotel. and • . Surgical Inatitute, hes af- forded large experience in adapting remedies. for their cure, and ' • RJR,, PIERCE'S " Favorite. Prescription its the reef* of this vast.experienee. It is a potierful Restorative TOnie and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength. • to the system, and cures, as if by magic, Leu-; torrnett,' or 44wbites,/, excessive flowing, painful Menstruation, un-. natural suppressions, prolupsult or -- falling of the uterus, weak back,. anteverslon, retroversion, bearing. down floonsations,!,Ahronie congests 'Ron, 'Inflammation and ulceration Of the womb, Inflammation,' ,pain and tenderness in ovaries, internal heat, and "female weakness.", • It ioroniptly relieves and. cures Nausea and' Weakness of Stomach, Indigos. tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleeplessness, in eitlaer'sex. one 1001171,kt , oft-_weloaa, • PRICE $1 CO• • EOM by Druggists eve. itere. Send • . ten' cents in Steams Tor r. Tierce's lar 'Treatise en Diseases of Women, illustrate • Morld's.DispenstoModical Association, :eon Main Street,1317/TALO, .'810K-READACIIEI, Bilious. Readaelhe, iitzzinase, Constipa. ttou Indigestion and Bilious Attaeku4 promptly :cured by Dr., . Pierces ,Pleassinit .celextuteranalvialsivetlieyeiDlruegets.ifits26. efELEEIRSTED • CHASE'S IsPnliNtuitni LIVER CURE , FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES " Whop intelligent mon Wants to ptvi- chase, he bu r fropt parties lollyggitpdtti in ThC • r . h ; sterlin motto hi glirefith itioVegs 70 it 'if° Ouhly true on regard to patent Modie nes, buy.. on• Lyr.tignalt1;1?oboywPetltaM=ITI3VITTlitlivinT * receipt books to require any,recetemenda. ortArks 'Liver Ciirti has a receiPt beok wrapped around every bottle which is worth itil ...Weight, iv& gold. lin. 0=8E% Liver Dere 18 gliarenteednto etire alt "115 ari811114 °Viiiittaa torjild or ttpsapatsliva°, gig %Al le as 11 '1 IcoruBneRAP Jaundice, stead. ache!saver Spots, Sallow' temples:1Mb etc., THE KIDNEYS 1Ht KIDNEYS Du. CirAsif 8 Liver (lure is a certain cure for all derangements of the TIL41103,8,811Sh as paha in the heck train itt lower portion of the abdomen, constant desire to past( urine, rod end. yvhito Pediments, sliootieg vides in naasage, Bright's disease and all urinarY 0 roublee, ete, Try it, talm no otherrit cure sold by all deal era' at .91.00 Tier he VDIRANStlilig fic to., ' sots KGCNTSI FOtt•PAN..041..,?. • 1111MACrlifonCi Special certiacate signed by the Company, accon3panie-s- each. match— •' Ogr We have the largest stodk of Auroral' ColurelbuSg sprixiefteaa, Waltlackm and SWiEJEI .watob.cac in the COUllty. • If you want- h goodassortment call and see his stqck. McD2B.. Watchmaker, Jevveller and Engraver% Cjinton.: — CHAS: .167.7A „ TENNIS SITOES I! Great Variety CARLIN EN, g E3 COMB 'EA 13L:OCK. CLINTON... ti Grog Mochoical Maio 13 TT INT B Make the trYlieels of business ham, if yon like that music, %Ciao early the BARGAINS we offer you, • 30 :par cent Reduction in MILLINERY, consisting of 725. Ladlei' -and, • • Children's STRAW HATS and BONNETS, thi very Ialett Styles.: • , „ SEE quit: TREMENDOUS STOCK OF EMBROIIDIERIES -AT COS . • _ • A ;I I I • Magnigcent range iu S.ASH'ItIBI3ONS in Black and "trolprs, , BLACK SII,IK7 RIBBON lar, SASH and DRESS TRITIINGS at 351(1 Fult-":range till Over ORIENTAL I, :WES. ' wide in .30c. per ;Er S Millinery Emporium 13. Laurance's SPECTAHOliES; aAcY.VYE-OLAssgs , Are the only Vennine.EngliSh Articles in the Canadian Market! ' . • . • Real Pebbles are.ite'ot in 'heck Testi are given to•purellasers Se vivre genuineness. • They are reeommended brand ibeso testimonials' have been r&ewed frona tho President, Viee. • President, Ex -President and Ex -Wee -President, of the Medical Assoriation of Canada"; the Pre* dent of the Gollege.olPhysIcians and Simms:ins of Quebec ; 'the Dean id the Medical' Pioulty Laval University ;-the President and Ex -Presidents of the Medical Domicil of Nova Scotia. ao. Thes•e recommendations ought to be sufficient toirove their (pilules, but it futtLerp400t-i8•. ROB W COATS-Vatehmaker. anti• 4ewer, Clinton. entral rocery, • 1P, 14413113.1S 4)1(1.Stnd - - The subseribet; has bought out the kook' of P. Bah, eeneisiiei bf „ . . GROCERIES, OROO1EZ GLASSWARE04tc. Which, Wog, bought at low.rates, he is enabled -to offer at the very elosest prices PatronagoyeepeatfnllY solicited: • An ordersairomptly filled. Rooms fo 11. Re WALKER,. CLINTON. N S WINO ER For sale by the GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R. IL CO, Sugar maple the principal timber. Aelvaohow Railroads already built, numer- ous towns and cities, one of the healthiest parts of the 'United States, purest water, good markets-, fine fruit, good roads, schools, churches, large. agricultural population, best building material at low figures, good *foil; low prices, easy teems, perfect title. For books, maps, charts, and all '- additional info:nation, address • W. 0. RUGHART, 'v...and Comminiener, Grand Rapp:, Mich., Fbercheroit Island Hoe Stock Pant Grano Tale, Rich'. Ail stock Selected from the get of Sires and dams Of lished reputation and regfetered in tee I,• I.., taut can Stud l3ooks,,, We hate a t..i.:..tri.VO-41Vitober Of irsported anti grade slat - :1:4 " 1050111. Pelera reason - •r rS:1101r:r; ..ito 1, 1.,tenq tor large • "•• •••, , • • •t• t,y •4..IN.3.4 • • • • THE COOJS BEST FRIEND CLAIN',.CON PLANING MILL DRY ! riiiE SURSOR113Ell »JoVZO 3ICSITFIVIVPIZ, .11- 4nd furniabedhis new Planing Mill with Maciaii-' ery 01 the latest intpeoved patterns, is now prepared to attend to all orders In his lino in 8110 tatlSt prompt and satisfactory manner, ind t.reasonable rates, Ile ; would 4180 return thank* to all wile patronised the old firm before they•tiatSbaroed out, 50.1 nos./ being In 8 better positicirlo execute orders expeditiously. • •feels confident-ho.ce.r.i.give atisfaetiorito all, ' UPP.P itrafr the Gtatuf ?punk. Pali waif, Clinton. - -• Pitelitse VVI11N24K, ' ' if •