HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-30, Page 1Olsolleminnsmannonsionweiftweronesenganomow. V914 21, Ng. 34 TEEMS. -$1,5Q 'Per Anniol'in advance Ir. /Ittv -•Atittrtionnento. itiSa17n5hip ;ma Villave, Vlatteas 'TRAY nren. Et-mo es° Irmall13SCRIDER_ 'S s. . - DICK r14 LOP. t...7 premises, lot 8, 8th coil. of Hullett. about the 1,.i of June, a two-yr-eld red and white Helfer, The owner BittEn.--:Antliony Glynn was near be- ts hereby notified In prove proportY. Pay charges and ing killed at a barn raising at Mr. August take ft away. W. YANVALItENBURO, Hullett. Henry's a short time ago -he was so near • - • dhe is ' netna.onan WANTED,WANTER, A =AMER that many thought he was dea .... holding not loss than Second-Olass Certilica to brother of Win Givlin who tau' ht th uza e aA sistant in the Clinton Public School du S ing the l;infel term. A pplications stating Baler giving testlmoniala, &c , to beeent, up to August 2 to W. 11. HINE, Secretary, 31 • is .1 eparate School in liullett, and his many 3', friends will be glad' to hear that he is get- s' ting better and is able to be out, although it will be sane, time oat before he will be able to resume work again.. The fall wheat in this section le a very geed crop and well filled. Spring wheat is rather a poor crop, and some think it is rusting. Oats, peas, and barley amen avers UTANTED-ENERGETIO, RELIABLE 111EN, TO- Y V sell Nureery Stook in Ontario, Must furnish• good reff3rences, 4400d salesmen can make big pay, No drones wanted. Apply to CHASE BROTRERS, Nurserymen, Colhormr,, Ont. tre* Nurseries at Ro- ellesterNX. 3j5 • F 11148 TO RENT. --THE s and some pieces are above the averagp.- t All roof crops are doing well now since t I tlie late rains. -The hay crop has generallY • wete very good. son of Mr. Fred. ttitt" lungs, and toady thought he Id :•2 and 13,0r_ _wirarotLeniso 4oUrsgrizis n - o B 041132,r OFFER M al nd eon., Goderigh townshi7,T.abLou 130 acres ; good buildings, orchard, plenty of water; nearly all cleared. Part of lots 20 and 27 0 t 1 , been light, excepting a few pieces h' Goderich township. 80 acres, 70 cleared; good buildings, dtc.• WeetheItellot18,111tren mid, Qederleh. town- filliP,.....47...acres,;-stiltable..for,grazing4-no-particulan.. buildings. Any of thee° _properties, all of 'which are " Well Situated will be rented on reasonible terms Po- i eession given 1st of October, if desired. JOSEPH PROCTOR, Holmoville. . 81k4 - 11-0138E-A-19)-LOT-fic-F011,9k4,=-SiThaelaliER- , . offers for sale, in EgmondotIle, an am and w half of land, on which is erected a story and khalf well built brick house with nine looms, and all Conven- iences. Pirst-class etable and woodshed, plenty of hard and soft water. This place is planted Ma with fruit and ornamental tree,' making a very, desirable resi- dence for retired tamers or others. Also, in the same village,a five acre lot about onehtindiedyardsfrom the other. These properties are only about 10 minutes walk from Seaforth.pest office, and will be sold separate or together, on wiry reasonable terms. Particulars on application to D. MoMILLAN, Seaforth. 11n* Western -:- Pair INDUSTRIAL and ART EXHIBITION, —Ar -- .4 LONDONICANADA .Sept. 27th to Oct 2nd,1886. LIBERAL - 7PREMIUMS,. • ComietItion Open W. the World, . The Western Pair lethegreatest event of the season ' for the people of Westerirt•OiVario. The Directors are determined that the forthcoming Exhibition shall equal if not surpass, Any of its predecessors.' Tfie commit. tee of attractions aro preparing a splendid programme for each day of the Pair, tult, particulars of which will be published later on. Write-- to-tlin-Seettitiity for Prize Lists, postera„Progranunes,oritniLinformation required, • utHETT-ER, GEO-.4foRROOM,• • President, Seorettirs.: • W. JACKS6, TICK -ET .S.C11 Ci.IN/ToN, - ON,T. - . Tannin th or PartArthur anti return 525 To Sault St nitric and return 012. 80 Winnsipeg and .retnrit $50. • If you intend trayolling to the old' count6,, be sure you come,and'Isea eillfitivgit tickets issued to all points in British C011inntiikA_Viledtp_acifie Railway. Tick. ets isped to HontrearaffeicifirPoltits • east of TorontO. For all Railway, Stainishirand Lake information, , apply to . WM'. JACKSON, CLINTON" AGENT. BIG - REDUCTION • -I-----... 51citoryi akar -The-undersigned having purehasedthe stock Of. Mr. Geo.. Sharman; , witi clear out the stock • of CHINA), CROCKERY & Glassware; AT LESS THAN Wholesale Prices, . - •• •. • , . . . . ltlust .be run out teiLdays• 'Don't .. . fail to give nen can. Wooten give you . prices to suit yeti. • ••• .-,, , • • . . . Batter, & Eas ill Exchange. , — E. rLOODY. Inootta A'ND STATIONylt, TRY THE CLINTON .1.EW ERA PO El, PRINTING. B • AY, BARN Suntraps -The barn Of W. Arm.. strong of Hay; near Rogerville, Was struck by lightning,. en Sabbath °Yawing last, and burner] to the ground. It eonteined abOutlezi ton of hay.-- t4PANLEN. • BILIEVS. -Ur. John McQueen, of Cross. well, Michigan, who has been visiting his old friend -there, went back last Friday. Mr. Colin Campbell refines to Winnipeg toeday. DIANOIIESTElt. ItntErs.-Pall wheat harvest li*as fairly commenced in this eectioet Joseph Law- son is building •a Pew house, Joseph Medd has returned from Maniteba, re. °may. --Getirgir coinmented a butcher shop in town agate. The Ger- Mane are taking stops toward the organize - .tion of a Sunday School in this village. Eckert Youngblut has left the employs nsent of Wettlaufer M Kennels not recover; the doctor performedan operation on him and he is now hi a felt way to get all right again, Ur. James IlitIonsialsoilding a. brick house on lot 14, con. 15, --Mtn. Summers has the contrack the stone work is an extra good job; Mr. ()hales Quereugesser is doing the weed work, Mr. Anthony Boyd has raised his barn and widened it 26 feet, and pet a stone foundation•under the whole. Bits. Sweekletotois dying of. a cancer; taut is the widow of the late Dr. SWeckleton, of British Columbia, w,ho also died of a cam- per, two years ago. ssPotatoe beetles Are as numerous and lively as ever, and bound to have their share of the crop; there is a tnew insect, of a bright green color, also& one-third of the size of a house fly; also feeding on the potato tops; and they seem to be terribly hungry. Some of the farm- ers are pulling out the wild oats from their crops; we :won -5a,, theS1 Sewed tbent in their youth; some farms are well supplied with mustard. In McKillop; on July 18,, the wife of Mr. Wm. Riley, of is sJohn Carter /iAs' commenced • to make brick, on the 6th con. near Fulton' hotel; he has burnt nue . this season, and has Another nearly ready to burn;* he isetso making tile. :BitIEES.-Sorne of the farmers ,are pelts ing flax.• Mr. Robert Shields, of the 15th nearly three weeks a o lifting -Urals _ • one ey were put ing in the basement of his father's barn ; a few days since they had Iwo doctors 10 see ins, an • • ey can o not ing or tm ; holes no feeling le his legs, and is pet- fectly helpless; no hope is entertained that he will ever be better, •AIrs. Jelin McLaughlin, cif the 12th con.; is very. Jew with cenieraption ;• 'Mr.•Alcisaughlin.. has , just finished a nest barn. The hay' har- vest is over, and it has been wall saved. -- Pail wheat is ready --many are at it; seine have cut their barley. ' Mr. 'Bowerman, teacherin as. N. 8; Was 0111- last weeJc On ,his:•father's farm, puliing flax Tor change. Parties who were out early Thursday morning Say there was quite 'heavy frost and the ground was white we -will be likely pow' to have frost every Month this year t llear-abeut-Manitob? Wre. Bird is building a frame house on the Itthcoos in the Cranbrook plot. •Mrs. C. Shine, of th6 12111 con.; has a new kind ' ofbeans o use green ; ,the pods ale nearly • the a -foot long, very largeand- tender, and b reak li k e ape at enssaviths.n o„..stri rigs .7••• OLIN -TON', ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 188-6. EAs'O W4:11 Aniosti. Bnins.-ltilrs, Jasper Cook is verysielt now, and her sons were called home to see her, it 111R y be for the last time, Mr, David Scott had another raising last week andtat night gave the young people a dance. John VagOareP will 00(121 have ,his house finished, and everybod7 know what mutt soon fellow. Mr.•Stephen V. Taylor got home from Toronto lately, where he was writing on the. 3$t class examination.; he had been attending the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute since January; we wish hint atoms, Taylor Bros will seen be starting out threshing, as they have everything ready. • B.C1001ELnit 13ate1e.-Parmers in the neighborhood have commenced harvesting in earnest ; from appearances good crops may be ex- pected. Quite 'a load. offiaxtpullers leave her everymornin,g for the fax fields. A -number of people(ramDetroltTtris e eying - at the Commercial betel ; it may be said -t hat all the hotels in the village are pre- ared to gtve exoelient accammodations to umrner visitors. 11,1r. John Morgan Was • uite surprised the other morning to find . is vegetable garden totally destroyed by s ows ; it Must be Very' annoying, after 8 eying spent eteeks of labor not to realize ny benefit therefrom: BRIEFS.-IVIr. Thos. Gledhill has putt chased the Benmiller store and is now in possession. Tom is a right good fellow and we hope to see him do a good business. Mr. Thos; -Elliott, our late merchant is mounts; 1 e held next Stiuday. The ituation love -feast still edmine,nce at 9.45 a.m. T.. work orably; te take ntended ti at he in this k if tEe e late ., Mr. . H.C. , We some lion, of it -way e hold nap un- . and ceived badly cere- was esdays led in the Thir-. eauti- th e ,and etich cottle ter, lig in %and were , but ern - The , last was treet rned rday All ues: still in our midst busy collecting a we believe be intends taking a s elsewhere ; he will he missed. T on the new bridge is progressing fav the contractor, Mr. Hardy, had down the old one sooner than he i as his timber did not arrive as soo expected; Most -of the fall wheat neightorhoocl will be cut this wee vk eat er proves favorable. At th meeting of the High Court 0.0. P G. W. Handy was appointed D. D R. for the West Riding of Huron expect to hear of him organizing new Courts shortly. cothaoliNE. • • AeOinnitri.-A.s Mr. Andre* Mil he 6thsconsi-and wife, -werncni-tthe to town on Wedneaday, one of th backs gave way and the hones beca manageable and ran away; both Mr Mrs. Million, were thrown out and re evere injuties. The buggy was mashed' tiODE. WOO. DECORATION. -One of_the nicest onies• ever witnessed in Goderich tom at Maitland cemetery', lett Tu hen the Oddfellows Of town marc) trong procession, and decorated raves of their deceased brethren. . een graves were covered with the b al floral offerings, amid' prayer e fro haplain,hythiss sung by thebrethren ecred melodies.played by the Gad and. Wo hope the chitora will be n annual one with the I:0,0,P. 13ereits,Mr, Peetam end &ugh rreeily of Goderich, are now visiti wn. Miss Campfiell, of Seaforth; ur Old friend, Mr& B. Henderson, • town. the formet part of the week ft for thekxespeetive homes this in g. Mr. Hititry-Arnold is in town,. gan..reeitetiren by Prof. Clarke ()coley evening, in Knox church, ry,ponrly attended, -The North. ethochst chint; and friends, retu orn their camping expedition, yeste orningi,gloy all enjoyed themselves ensely, in spite of adverse weather. oderich is ging to Port Huron on T ay-rournieg next-trrelloyr e rue ; e is very reasonable, the boat splendid, e:•object very commendable, (beingthe (haws' and orphans' fund of the ode - 11 I.Q.G..F.) and, thereto* eVerybody Tits to go, but as only a limiCed niiinber tickets are going' to be sold, somebody', 11 be- "'left." A neat fence is' in Course 'ereetion around the Victotit street t n° eu ar st ing Ird. nds.• ch's• •ay, vonesensentsostascatelessonattlOnat 11011Ell't lit OLDIES Publisher. LOCAL CHURCH CHIMES 1 nreekCifFil 41.00ide2Wt. Rev W i Next Suzilday is the fifth annivers ry of ' ra g s rectorship or Sdtaul'e Sacramental Ser ice Rattenbury st. - - l'Anour, AccinEm-On Thursday of s last week, Mr. Geo. Crossinan, of Hifilett, W who resides a short distance from the e gravel road, met with a severo. accidetit, was in the stable taking the harness t off a horse,.when the animal, which his a X habit of rubbing, rubbed up against -him; c knocking him down in the stall, and fall-. 81 ing on top of him. Several of his ribs b Were broken by the bend falling on him, a and he was considerably ettt by the horse getting to its feet again. He managed to fo crawl .outside.. the barn, •where• he was to te found shorfly after in 'an insensible con- o ditjQrI.Medicaltsaistance was tailed in, in and he is getting along as nicely as can be 'le expected.- It was at first feared that as he in is an old man, his injuries might result or more seriously, but we are pleased to learn M that this is not the case: . ve BatEt's -Mr. T. SsICelty who recently. M Went to Houghton, Mich:, on the promise fr of steady employment,. and good pay, got m left, and will ton 'returriliome, Steven m Brickenclen eldest sett of Mr. Ed. Brick- G endensof-the-2nd-cons•-has--been-ltdd for the past two weeks with articulated'. far rheumatism; he iis new getting better. th people -of the coms-sheye Inn:Idol': :III ii9 wa of wi of' e w lye certain popular young man from Clinton spent his -,Suodays aimlessly wan- dering. about in that; neighborhood, but. last week heplucked tiP courage enough to call at the lionse of the magnet that'at- t-taseta Win and he has since went aro und ch joyously, witiksthe..wOrds ringing in his S. ears': "Call 'again' Albert;" if would, be a en pity to Make the yOung Man'a nams; 114 .publto. The Voter's' List for his a g township :contains a total of .985 Th names of :which numlser 408 are qualifiea to serve as jurors. Mr., Robert .m.ennel,:whp is employed with Mr. Tre- . , s o work,owing to . erysipelas in the, serin.• Mt. John Briekenden was standing ori 'a rail fence .the other day, when the tail slipped find he was thrown e ground, being Lcorisiclerably hurt rotten), Miss Kate Scaaijn met with a painful adeident on Wednesday; she was sitting in Waggon, leadin a. horse lin •, le0. e orse pu led and she,was. drawn out of the waggon; the halter rope catching one of her fingers and making a clean break at one of thejoints; the wound was dressed by doctet, .:who 'thinks the finge'r Will unite all right again. G. A. Brown, of the 8th cog., near. Kinburzt, raiscd his barn and put stone stables er it; he le bound to keep 'pace.svith., his. John Thompson, of flu lies in a Critical condition at preen not expected to recover. , wiriGuAivt. 13nteEs.--le the account of the present to • lilts. Whitney in teat week's items, it reads gold nitchet ; should be silver; also should be, . organist for about one year,- notsihree years as it read. . In Writing of new buildinge going up last week, we tor - Tot to mention that Di. Towler is erect- -nig a heatlarick•cottage on the lot adjoin- ing bis own -reeidehce,. north ; - be expects .his aged patents to occupy When 11 18 finished. Coats & Inglis are taking' advantage Of the opening being made by Mr. Gregory in having his cellar dug out; They are excavating fot atone foundation under their buildings,(whreh- joins Gregorys') so that the 'one wall will do both cellars: Ur: Duncan AfeTavish is very low -et preseot, but slight hopes are entertained of his tecevery. Business is very quiet this week in town, , UlC1l, The Michigan, a inagnificen guoboatrwas in ha.rbor for few /a Wednesday ,afterneon; sh'e is a • je, craft, carrying; nitie.strus7-includ titling, made at Colts'. works, liartf ere arena hoard, all rold, ninety ha She was visited by hundreds of Goderi inhabitants, •before she steartied aa about 0 P;m: . . _too iqp asu o o . Miss Josie Hiles, who' for the last three' -months, has had liarge of the millinery department -for ltir J. T. Torden, Oombdr Essex Co., has retu red home acbeinpanied by her friend, Mrs! R. O. y Ainale , • • • ' • und •• _ 'Csonaltlefl jititter's.,,-Tliese boys who took -.the lids, lett, liberty to enter Mr. Geo. Rumball's new house, tcS write all sorts of filthy language on the walls, had better slop, as Waste; GNI'. Is on the watch. it would be afer to ise in the Mt -meted .Police than to be caught onunitting such. an uncivilly ed act. Miss -Jennie Redd, of the Malt - land concession, who :has . beets visiting relatives. in Michigan 'Tot several weeks, returned 110010 011 Saturday. The mother of Mr. W. Morgan'oT the 5th bon., died on the -28th insos,•at the :advanced age of 94 years; she has been in tolerably good health until quite recently; a few, dap since seine other children went summoned to see her, owing.ro her "illness, but she WQ8 not able to recognise theta; sheswas born 'near Balmoral, Scotland, and about the year 1849, she, With her late husband, emigrated OS the thwnship of Ooderich, , Where, they settled .on the lot on Which she • has jost died ; she 'was a member of the Presbyterian' chOreb, • and enjoyed the 'confidence and esteem of hr.all who knew • A Goon OUTP.tr,-L-X1r. B, Evans, of of the Huron Road; is again to, the front in the threshing line, liavingrproeured an entire new 'outfit, and will be prepared to do Work in the very best style for all. who favor him with their patronage, while his terms will be very reasonable for first-classwork, ind In ' accordance With the times. The eel:orator is the celebrated "Minneso- ta Chief," manufactured. by Barran, Mac- pherson •te Hovey; fitted with all the ithprovements which have been brought out -by them up to the present time, and guaranteed to waste as little grain ite any other niachiee on earth.' It is also pto- vided with an attachment, new to the farmers in this section, for thoroughly separating any gratis seed from any, Wed Argotic. The cleabing part of the Ma- bakets chine, with the addition of the new chatE prornen device, will enable it to clean the grain lit the Agfor market, The martagethent of the The ha Machille_witIshasinsArs tolass-handiesthe- old and engine being attended tet by Mr. Eyries selves whose.reputatioh as a skilful and r careful englneert is not surpassed • 1oceed t ; /YTH.. • Blistrts..1,1aster, Jas, Gosman, of Myth, isssoffelting • severely flea ,thesef- fects of sprained arm. Mr. Thos Daly, left on Wednesday for Seaforth, where' he- has'opened out in the grotty and tops fectionery business. The Direetors of the Morris, Branch Agricultural Society are canvassing for membera this -week and have :net with unexpected success. The menthership promises to exceed that Of any previous yetar. 1111-. Q. L. Bailey, of Georgetown, who recently purchased the Watery business of Josh. VanAtlato 'be- came possessed of the "blues" atter it few days' trial, sold out his stock, pack- ed his trunk and left Myth "sadder" if• not a "wiser" man. The conclusion ltIr. Bailey arrived at was that there '.fit not hu enoughin lyth to support two profitably. The town cornet hand Ade goncert laat Friday evening 10 tioultdralliall wile well patronized. 11 was densely packed with. both -yottrig-WittileeinedIOIRT6Y-them- t o the fullest exteht. The gro Mss 'ed to Jim ham'1(1813ndso'1(1813Of which, after Pafing tome ex - the remaincitr will be appropri. settlement for tire new uniforms. 111 $6a,0 county, while the separator will be handled penses, by Wm. Dunlop, thretsher of long ext atted on portence, and second to rione 1» Ontario; -Advo cate. Navy--; SEh lIsaN.L-Vhile we have a etaff of ex- Cellent correspondents in different parts Of the county, we are willing at any time to increase the number.' Parties wlio would like to set •11-oblige-ses5011cf . wor e are a so glad to receive personals, and similar notices, from any source. ScHooit Boano.-A meeting of the Modet School Board was held on Monday .evening. The Finance Committee present- -ed their retort- of the esti-Mites for -the • year 1887 -the same as this year,i43200-:- which:were accepted, and the teeretay ie- structecl to apply to. the Council for the same. The Secretary Was inStracted to advertise for 'a telicher holcling'sseconds class certificate, to actes• assistant during the Model term, It will be noticed that while the Board ' proposes to engage another teacher during the Model term, there is no increase in the estimated ex- penditure; . , 1.4y.ttsT LOCAL 'Lils;28.•--A, two-year old son of Mr. Thos. Tipling wassaceiden- taIly pelsooed yesterday morning, by a dose of intrate:oteilver being -given him in misteke for diarrhcea naedieine; at last accounts he Was very. low, and recov- ery 18 doubtful, It is retorted, on What is considered 'good authority, that Mr. John Swarts, of town, and Miss Knox, of Holtnetville, were married At Exeter, on -Wednesday ; we believe he is negotiating for the lease of a hotel at Dashvvood. Mr, , T. Tipling hat -sold -his horset Chestnut Gleorge, to Mr. John Martin, of Goclerich, foi• $210 and a brown 'plate ; Ur. Tipling has male a good deal. • zstste ;outs Yoint Hass -slIere are Iwo items that business, men should ever keep in mind :-" The Man who,sitte down on the road to snecess and .waits for atree ride will get left."' And the man .iyho has saleable goods and waits fei. the people to 'find itsout, keeps the goods, Advertising is the lEeystone to sueeess. -It has ' been decided_ by the courts that if a partner of a dissolving firm riegleete to giV notice through a newspaper of a cl* solution of partnership, he is equally liable with his partner for all debts contracted after dissolution. *Sublet STOPS. -Regular meeting town council next.Monday night. The tido of .Satiday'Was just what was wantecl, "and now the earth laughs aloud with gladness." Flax pulling is in full hi t great many purpose taking in the Oddfellotvs' . excursion next Tuesday, and a great many also purpose going away by rail. Mr. Cox, horse buyer, Detroit., is here. scissor-grinderoMitchell, 19. making his annual hotness' visit TO toWn 80° and 90° 181 the shades The only men Who never take "summer holidays" aretthe editors, and tho reason they don't IA be - CARS° they would have to travel nfoit. There was a tremendously heavy rain for about halfan-hout 012 Vedile,day nights Owing to the G.T.R. Co. not being able to supply cars for theSt. pauPsS.S.plenic, it p yesterday, nail some time its August, • In Rattenbury St. Sabbath School, on. Sunday afternoon, a reaolution of sympathy' with the wife of Rev, T. Brock, was passed, and ordered to be forwarded t .h • A social on behalf of the Woman's F. 11. Society of Rattenbury street church, was held at the residence of Dr. Williams, last -Thursday evening. , The sum of $12 was realized. - Mr. James Thonipsons who is a naember • of the S:S..beard Of this generaTaonferenee o e Methodist church, will attend the annual meeting, which take $ .place..at Grintelsy Camp', 072 the llth ofAug.- Contrary to his expectations, Rev. Jno. Gray was not .able to take his (ma work last Sabbath, and it was supplied for him on the base line by Rev. Mr, Rupert, and in town by Mr. Jest Young, .He will probably be able to get out on, Sunday next. ' Casual. ennversations, . — ..DIPIPERENT 'outman.. osr rirPrisitiga, sunJECTs. . • . IttltO. W. Stewart and Hanghter, /rpm. es43, or Stanley, Bursted to Peath Dakoto. %Vhen death results froro natural causes it is sad enough, but when it is the result of accident it becomes much more lament - e, etter was received from Vivian, Dais -sunder date of the 21st inst whi 11 - conveys the sad Intelligence that Mrs. W. Stewart and her daughter Lu, aged about five years, *bre so tertibly burned that they have died from their injuries. It seems a the llttls attenspitalt to start the,kitchen fire, but as it did not • ern very yell, Mrs: Stewart took the coal Oil can and 'Was pouring oil on the flames, when the oil caught fire, exploding • the. burning oil on both • mother and daughter, setting their clothes On fire. As.° rthere-was-no-one elonaround-the-housw at the time no assistance coidd be rendered them until they werebah terribly burned, their °let/ling being reduced to ashes. As ..0Q00.as.theit condition watodiscovered,--a-- d a ea e but nothing whatever could be done to save thee; arid they both died after seven hours' terrible suffering, the daughter dying about five minutes before her mother, who was not aware of the death of her chiM. The • son, • who wrote thesmrticulars of. this sad affair to, a friend here, states that his father is nearly heart -broken, and the neighbors have been•exceedingly kind, doing every - thing possible to ameliorate his • chomps - stances. • , • Xittr. W. Stettart was foil years a tenant on one of Mr. •Waldron's farms, Leaden oad,Statiley, and only removed to Dakota ast spring,, having the moat cheering prospects ahead of litn. His wife was bout 46 years of age, and was loved as a eighbor and friend. She had any num- er of acquaintances here who will regret ery. deeply to- learn ol the lamentable eath of herself and daughter, and there re no bounds to the sympathy' that will e expressed for Mr. Stewart. " e seriptioe n'o Ole for it. Lei everylsedy giye the thing a lift." . ' *MI*. • t tiA "I've travelled all the way from Win- r nipeg," remarked a gentleman. the other 1 day, "and- have yet to fied a neater, more business -like, or apparently prosper- a perous town of its size, than Clinton." n Said a townsraki; "I'm glad to lee that b something is being done towards securing .,"r a town park, and hope the matter will net be allowed to drop through, • If it ,a was on the other side they would make 13 up a handsom . It is not naueh iise the 4 i gteu tural Society trying to get a."1.ilearowcf here, unless they have some. attraetiou;" said a: businest Man.. "I know that. speeial et - forts must 1)6 put forth to draw the crowd._ We-etereed-do-get-bo goad-A-grion- oral .ShoW here, but something else is wanted. Let them get seine special attraction, and a tremendeus crowd could be got. here:" • 'A: strange Atralr.. On Saturday night last a little g abnatia Years of age, giving. her name Moss, arrived here from Goderichs a , skated accommodation at the Rattenhu .Hotise: During -the :night she 'acted strangely that Mr. Rattenbury thought would be better for her if one of the gi employed in the house slept id the sa o•oorn, Which was done. On Surid morning', in answer te inquiries at to whe she was going, etc., ,she said that s you man had persuaded her and another little girl to start for Rochester, and he would nseet them eere. The Other•girt.failed to come, and so she started alone, haying :With her directions As to where she was to ;kb. The girl did not seem. to. realize her • danger in thus placing herself at' the tlis- The Clinton cricket club intend playing their final aseociatioa game With Seaforth ' • on the eivia The Wanderers et' club has arrange . . sestnat. 'eket elutt,st be played at Lendonsat an early date. s The married and 'dingle members of the Whigham cricket dub played it raateh on. : Tuesday afternoon. ' The Bachelors won b68 • A teturn basnliall•match, betWeen the east and west sides of Albert Street was to. itl. have been played' on Monday, but yaw", nade ..preAytentteisdoitw. in'st Th•u•ro;;,... a- rick. t„ 83" ,•inatch.Wat played 'between the Brussels SO and ListOwel clubs, which retulted •in a ,it victory for tile' home team by 35 runs. rls Listowel„, 113 ; Brustelt 78. . me 'Ws° Ifitta's-s•The standing of the clubs , a.? for the Western Anuiteui League pennant re it Wood.stocks,' won 3, lest 1; London,ng ' wenlirost ; Strafords, won 2, 'lost .8. Seaforth is considered out of the, robe •• games caniret: be matted with • them. Their games stilt...therefore dot • count.-- Wealstock 'Sentinel Reitiew, . .The Dauntles$ B.B.O.,:of thit-town, is in the. eame fik;having challenged Seaforth sev- . era timetto ploy the ,return they Pnaabg-a-sttang itnel ,11/fr T very naturally. concluded' that eyerythi was not al right, so he wiiely sent f' Mt. ?aisle ,ltatho kept her petty ;nue under 'his notice. during tbe day. Th 'child did not seem to- be all right in h mind, •ferduring the day she went to th 'enamercial Hotel and engaged -board six weeks,, taying her mother would pay for it, . Whether' her 'story about toe young man persuading her to leave Godes rich was true, _or the result of an unbal- anced •rnind 110t known, but she •gave very minute minute descriptions of him, and had thesaddretret a certain housb in Itoehet• tet wiltten a. card, which she claimed tt, gate her. ;The naattet wee teiephoned to the girl's mother, and she came dow here on Monday mornirtg; and took li bottle.' • -- :ry .4-nre-tim-bo.,) .3 ng. The Clinton base ball °hilt are trying to • • ----s getsome club in the County to "tread . the tailef their seat" but the papers say withoet'success. „Brussels has no organ-er ' tt,ed club this year but we venture to say, e a nin; can be got :together to 'give • the • 'Olintonians a lively whirl; We beliete he SeCtetay of the "Dauntless" has been communicated 'With. 13thssels Post. Carcittr .111.szotr. -- The Woodateck cricket_ club Was hadlybeitten;otitheirOwn - gritunds; Jett .e'riday, by the juniorcricket club of this town. -.All our boysdoin in saying that Woodstock cannot be excelled • _ p a y. lime of game, 5 hours • ' 50 mintitee Unipire, Fair,j.r. ; scorer; P. Swinbank.. The, following Is the score -which will speak for itself: --s wsanemias - • it Innings. : • Cad Rulings J. Turnbull, b Skill ' 1 b Clabber/son 20 • If. Stanbary, ran nil.,.,,e b Cuthbertsoa 27 A. McGarra, 0 Vert:bareelrerehere Cuilibeitson 0 • Varckere. 15 . • Revaeureedbre,roc Tabera, .8 a Verehere,.b Skill • •• :"Vi0i7iT3VIVtolF11;14. Ire'ertWelibeirt9;.b. le2 ell'iV31111:1:e00411 Vbe:lui:ibrini.e.r,.it 1:61 bt Verdherd 8 .7llarge, ant - 3 1,, .. IlaZ3e1, e Vilhere, •:" Ifert,cre ::::::::::::::::: ski) Ski" 2 11 11 ,,,,,,,,, . .Wide hall,.... •IS it an Elapentent. . The peopinef-Winghani have been en joying a big sensation for several days, but whether there is any'thOre foundation for it aherthan apparantly suspicions air cumstances is not knowh. About two week since, Mr, 8111811110M alltiOR 4g.ent at that place, left en a triP to the old coon try. 'Shortly afterwards his witt disap- peared, as did also an. organ agent Pained Williams„, whom report' says -has, been ritag more attention to •this lady titan e should, seeing 'that bah are married. Of course the disappearance of both par- ties has given color to the suspicions, and %that apparently strengthens them is the reported fact that Mrs. Williams, since . liershuebanil'e disappearance, has ,been (Reposing of everything out.of the house; the lias sold furnitiire, carpets, etc., for fear of creditors getting hold a them, It Was also reported that Mrs. Smallhorn, before her departure, drew $1,000 of h er huaband s savings from the bank, but We iettisnot verify this report In fact, ao Milks concerned, that the lialanee Of the many rumors are eurrent that it. is difil- milt- to say what are true. While it seems altogether probable that ,Williains has 4! lit but," it is hoped for the sake of fat report Will tarn out incorrect . • or. • a - *Oran Presbylery. A special meeting of Ihr011 Presbytery • was held at trucefield on Tuesday, when the resignation of Mr. Denby came up for COnaleittration,A was_ found, lowevert that the citation to the session and con- gregation had not been acted on, came- geently no representative appeared irons citlier. It was agreed to eite the patties anew, and hold Another Presbytery meet- ing tit 'Egenonville on Tuesday.,-Aeg. 10th, at II ATM./ to dispose of th .011°Mt+ ITIlgtvej0,i,j1)14d 111"6"11 ier T i'rataL ......np; .r°°D TocK. , xv.med, • ... Onthbertson, b Kenrirt,tly- ..... ....... 4111,11, ... • • A. verahere, Tuitindi 83111 1, .11,11111weod„ b 11.:,t,Wootrit,olietti,obn,Toterawnibpit'eldi, ......... ., , 101(811 '1,B4"Byeft.. .. 2 Total .. ...... .... IN' ff: Turnbel/ Kenb•edt: , CLINTON NOWLTIN,O. iLdi';Sci.l's a 11 idea Ice, R. W. 0. , , 2 OODSTO OK 0 tAt LIX.N. G4. A NIL f(8t ibeluils SkIllf 1 ' 23 4 12 • 1 3 Yerechere .•. . , .. 1 • 32 5 11 ,:••••• 2 Innings. Bkill 'rid N 1 a outti,Vittlgi;".::: :-..' I - - et 7 11 - 1 1 T. Vereebere .... •••. -• 13 .... i ,... -.A Verenheni .... - - 12 2 •1 A tricket match hetween the Goderich professionals and twenty-two of Goderich amateurs played last Saturday before a vast nutither of spectators, resulted in an easy victory for the professiotials. It, is our opinion that eleven amateurs would bejtist as effective...Of not quints° tunus.r. ing) as fitly, for All beyond thet number are mere cyphers. But if amusement be the end or Objeet Of the tame, why net gather one hundred amateurs and plaeo them on the field, they WOUId cause much MOP, fitfl, and wonitl all atter tlu e lit tif th, game.