HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-23, Page 5GRor TOTE. Caokade lit badly drought -Stricken. The only crot thet Will be above average ---- -this year tn,Ne raska lathe orep uf candi- dates. - The drought has De effect Upon: th'. - The crop, in a small portlen of southern Manitoba and the adjoining section of Dokota have been CoMpletely ruined by •bailstorin. The crops in Blatant Quebec, appeer to be in better siondition then they' are in the Westn it eXpeete4 that ,tho yield ee everything, except bay, OA i light, will bfa above the *Voyage, 11r91141tOf corn, °ate awl" fruit' •in. )Winchester %nutty, V44., were 4,4=74 by a great hail stoemeSenflay afternoon. be track of the storm was nine miles long and half a mile wide. Hail fell the eke of 'team* • At 'Viola, Indiart Territory, A good raio fell Tuesday afternoon, which appears to haVe been. general. The drouth 10 00E130 sections prevailed for over- a year, ()rope are almost total failures, and, cattle We been dying of thirst by thousends. •Front Dakota brop advices are mostly of It discouraging nature, Frore Fargo, as far west sa Casselton ad the Fargo and South-western branch, crops still continue in need of rain, but west of them points the yield will be far belovi the average, There•has been no rain in 'Colorado for the past three months. The rivers are dry - lug up and rancihmen, stook and tope, as well as many families,ere sufferingigreatly for want of water. It rained in the .mountairieaa. wJ114 east_ APO Ocillth SimdayT atid. it is believed-thedrouthrirwt- ski end. This kophers are Said to have • caused ilWage-t-o-the-wheo dietriot then the drooth. Acres oven acres of wheat aria said to have been out down as if cut with a knife, and the explanation is that owing to the exces- nively ery weather the gophers cannot get • water to drink and bite Off the Wheat - stalks to suck out t4e, juioe, The price of wheat in England tlin first belt of the present year is the lowest it has been for a period of 106 years. The low- • est average' mnce 1775 was in the year 1779, • when it was 34s, 84. During the first half of the durrent year it•vras -308. 7d. The. fall in ttrice has been due to..two causes. -- the diminiehed coat of .transportation and the opening of railway communication with the,. Highlands of Britiah India. Nearly -40,000,000, buahels were imported into Europe from India last year, and with a constantly4daproyed mens of ccimmitifica- cation, it is highly probable that the quart- tity of wheat brought front Indian wiil ina _ crease from year to year, for yea' eto come. 3rorropwrriplriTilikbeirlir the Fern:ion-Me-View, Chicago : While lecal rains have been experienced in many • localities in the West' and Northwest, in ENTRANCE EXANINATION PAPERS* COMPOSITION. I. Change the following from the aired to the indirect form of narration 4481000 Mir nitither died we 'have not bad a 'haste happy hour. Stepmother beets us every day; and it we come near hershe ;ends all off, with a kick. We have to eat the *tale crusts that remain from Mesh. Even the httle slog under tho table is better off than we stre. May fleaven have pity on tis Volabine the following elementa MO as to ni oOlittpleZslontelleSS (a) In the reign of Qtteen Elizabeth a adz.. n was brought to Eogland for the et time, The plant was brought to England by Si; . Raleigh. The pleat know very glitch used. The plant is called tobacoo. Sir W. Iftaleigli had eaded to •Americo) in arch of plants. (b) An army in India was Marching up a 1_1. _ The large gang were drawn by elephants. The large gone were very heavy. On the carriage of one of the guns A soldier AS Sitting, %he soldier wait very tired. 8. Substitute equivalents for the italicized rtione of the following :-- We have made special reductions in -this Mont depart .13y sululoton toe reached the neighborhood dying& gated to me of their hespitafity. JOHN WISEMAN Manatzer (b) We reached at last th'e stoma of Cape •• moky, the barrier that for two days itad) enced us of lroin the northward. ^ ESTATE JOHN • HODGErsTS. • 41.• For the next Thiry Days we will o er ow large and. attractive stock of Summer Goods - every defiartmamt, AT PRICES NEVER B.E.FOR.E HEARD- QF in Clinton. • -• Our stock .i.s• well assorted throughomt, • a ILLINERY.. of ho 8 eglieh Town, and began to inquire for •5 per off .for cent cash. Jiciey a time the people of Cape Brbton .-Est3.to 47. czs. in order to clear. (c) Ara ono the light of a ruddy sunset filled the Quit with great splendor and we poL-9,tcpuzvai tlifiltildeteth: 4. Give i4ont, own words the subsea:toe f the following :• • - --01198.0n-e-thrte,-Itiuilop ; I. A man, in winter's iron weather Found on the bare and wind-swept fella A snake; its coils all bound tegether. • ' He raised the creature from the ground, And was about to fling it by, When, lo aome-epark of life he found . glowing in its evireye. 5. , Aa an exercise in composition write the ' 1 ilbstauce of one of the prose literature se ec- : ions-preacribed for this examination. DRAWING, a 1. Draw two horizontal litres 3' inches long and 1 inch apart. Lay:Off the intervening space into Squares.. •Divide gaol]. square into 16 smaller tiquar cts ' On this plan -.draw• any arietrof the Greek.Eret. Draw a tiorizontal line one•eighth inch above and 'below the plan. 2. Draw a square with 11 inches side. .Sketch its diagonals and diameters. By the aid•of these construction lines and any gitidd points you. may wish to add; draw the outline of the Dog -tooth ornament: • • • 3. Draw an upright line • 2 inclie•s _Throggi,i sae.b..extrznity.;alistielLa...boriirditaL line extending i• hula to the left and- the right of the upright line, ' Join the ends of the horizontaleines by perpendiculars. By the aid of theseluide Hoeg and ,any others you • some eases accompanied by destructive hall nioy require; draw the outline of a side view and wind, there have Amen general rains of a vase, walla:leek the height af the body ;covering -large -area, .s_e,ed___hringing... the -the_body.being.ba.sed-uponon-oval, :- drought, to an end.. The winter wheat has 4. Draw the side view of a lidy of a dommon been harvested in all but soue. of the ex- • door lock. . . ' :• tretne northern portions of thb wheel belt. Its condition .has kept Well ne to the promise it iiiaae io early spring, Hay and • oats are being out. Both are below 4.11q average on account. of drought. Pastutes are.getting very .: short and potatoes_ and other rain 'crops 'need rain verg: badly. ' ,Corn Is generally -in fine condition, cleflb •,and well advaneod, but it needs rein and is • reported as already suffering , in, . some •localities. The inning wheat Contintles to run down in condition.'' It is now too far • advanced to be lunch benefited by raina To the injery from drought is added that. from chinch bugs and 40 settle localities • , rust. H.arVest alone will show its real con- ditiOn. ..11,ut it does aiot now :promise • to • exceed. . 60 per 'Cent. 'Of • in' wtoiraie crop': • throughout the:Northwest. • ; • • . - TerowtO Live wteeii tarketN., J.uay2i.TheIcicatt1e inarkets con-. tinue dull, With the', deuiand restricted to the requirements of the local trade,. Late advices report the . British markets easyi - With the prostiects. rather 'Unsatisfactory. • Shippers'are loaing Money; and those net •-having capital' on hand or space on the toots contractedloi.are but of .the market,. At present prieei in Britain exporters Can- not .pay over 40 to &lc per its here, but • they are held higher. The-reteiptis today .were twenty -loads, but chiefly .of •inferior ' quality. • :Choice ateeis are quoted at 4io to 4110per lb., effich calve bring $25 te$4• 5 ahead. •. 7'. '• mitten Uwe Mock *rade. • bloated wood, 11iiches long . with ends 1, inch sguare, is standing In an upright position. Make a drawing Of the upper mid also of ,one of its sides. :. •. . • „ • • •.•,a. • The' inerotiry *on Wednesday re -Scheid reek -into m of 120 'clegreeft: in the shade at Fort K.eogb,' Iliont'if There bas been po.rain for ti -month. •. The Colorado beetle has macle its appear - mice in Kings CountY,.Nova Seotia; already making serious .et tack§ upon the potato crisp. Partners are apprehensive of extensive datnage. , • , A superstitious shbacribpr, who found a spider twills paper, ivaiite7to. know if it is considered: a bid amen, t h trig of the kind," The spider was merely looking over the ,obliiritma of the -paper, to, see . what merchant was not advertising, so that 'it could .spin its web across. .1;tia store door and be free from disturbance; . . ' •• . - LA TENNIS -SHOES • Great Variety° CAS. CARLA COMBEIIBLOoK. 'CLINTON SUNDRIES. -IGIIRST.CLASS HAINES PIANO yOR SALE -IN I ..12- good order. Will be sold cheap. APply to'GEO. -GLASGOW. Clinton.• • . . Toon SALE. -LOT AND HOUSE ON MILL ST, A' Terms oast. Apply to Mr. Fair, at 0031111, or to. MANNI,NG &SCOTT, _IttoNEY TO 'LOAN. - PRIVATE FUNDS, ON pi?parta-sremityrinterosywk-partnITC"-PM1,31T yearly; Apply to C.A. HARTT; botionor,,ClInton. tin Can?ACOTTAGE FOit.SALE.-A ONE STORY' Frame Dwelling, nearrailway station, will be sold olicap.for cash. A.pply W: W. FA RRAN. --IAEMOGRA-T-----WAGl•GON-FOR-'SA-LE,raViTFI AfPole and -Shafts; in splendid ord6r and will beseid oheap....r0118,RIpOUT,L, OT FOR SALE. -THE minktieruemn-ormos for sale that splendid .buflding lot on O,iteen St., just north Dt her residence, wilisell cheap on reason- able terms. HRS. S. COATS.. • li/IONEY TO 'LOAN ON PARA PROPERTY: - Private 'and CompanyFunds, • Lowest interest, alito on approved notes ror short dates, 0.A. HARTT, Attorney, Clinton. • * 1in 10 • , ftee the ser.vicein the Port I:type Meth- Oilist church on Sunday evening lost,' the pastor' ef the-congregetiog stated' the case :of. Rey,. Mr. Hall, of-Vanootiver, B.O.„ who lost everything ,by the recentgreat fire in that -city, and at once: a collectien of $110 for hie; relief svas taken up.• : • War Complaint eanseSIDyspepsio,Indigestion Liver Complaint e00ee8 J.LOk Headaeb,e, Dizzi- ness. • • Liver cornmaint 'causes all Kidney,Troublek, Liver Complaint effuses three fOurtlis of 411 disease.' ••' • LiVer Coniplain,t IS Cured' Dy Dr.:Chase's Liver Ca • ' • C LIN TO -N M ARKETS. . (Correct;ed every Tberaday afternocip.r- • . ;,,Thursday, J.nly. 22, 1886. Adiices:of Joly 91h .say :-There weib about.the ,,nsual supplies; of fat 'cattle m Edinburgh. In Glasgow the number of home and Irish cattle wise _much leas t6tin last week, but thiwas more than counter- helot:cal! by_the large foreign arrivels,,, The.English Market, as rule,. being much • lciwer, there wa's apeicnlation of any ipa- portance from Scotland to England this week, soil th country customers operating exceedin.glY can tibusly,, and a very limited • nurnberAVas taken by them. The first Irish grass-fed cattle were on offer, which were of prink) quality, and were take o by Rome of the best buyers. The supplies of sheep and. lambs:at both pieces was again; ( • large, ,IJondoa vendors have euffered se- • rimisly, a considerable portion of the dead meat sent there being_ ukeleles, owing to --tlieb-ioeedifigly het weather., The demand has been decidedly limited, apd lower priem) have had, to be tekeu all round, at a 'decline tif at leilab ict Per lb, •' , • • , • MONTREAL 1.41 -VE• STuGIC MARKET, AMY I.U.-The supply. a butchere cattle ,was :tot neailyeb large to -day ae on last Thum, day, and ir eonsiderable number of those' offered toqlay wets on the market Thurs- day. l‘Ieny ot the butchers bad sufficient Supplies on hand froM last week and did not go ndar the market today. Trade was slotv and prices Without clump, except for • 'the best'beevert which are acme and high- er price. A few choice beasta'sold up , tit 5e. per lb., but the genetal pricers.of priitty good graaa-fed cattle wee' from 31c. to 41. write, .and of leaniali steak from 21ets. atutt. per lb. Calves are plenti-• Int and. very doll of sale) WW1 prines lower than is imual et,' ails time of the year. Shp ana: larnbs are very pieetiftil and Aprioes are still declieing, .Shippers are paying about 4e. per lb. for good lare,e sheep. and betehera ero.paying grow to $4.50 eitaii for the smaller meet. tombs sell at,' ftom $1 70 to $3.25 eaCh. Hogs are rather scarce today, and sot at frOM 61 per lb. re.. • Wheat, fall, •-• .6 75 White attar red - -.0 72 ...a' , 0 75 Oats, • - ', 0,..28. a 0 28 Berle*,• • 0 50 i b 6t; • POS.0 • . • 050 A 0 55 Flour, per bbl, .• 400 • s 4,50' Potaeoes, • • - 0.25- a 0 25 .' • %Ater,. • , ,' N.•011 a 0 11., . - • s ' 0 09 a '6,11 - Pork, . ;550a 6 00 ' . Hay - • • S 00 ' a •8.00 . 010, a 022 .018 a' 0 I& .. 0 50 ' a 075 . 0 AO -s---0-fib--- • 7 00 a 1110 . • . --- VETANTED.-AN .IRON GRAY NAltE, 'NOT ri:M", • ' V yon, Dim nor over Seven years otage, fair. "traVer ler; warranted sound, then:wetly Witco, and fit for a wet= to drive: Appiy atHEW -ERA OFPICE. .EMBER . FOR HEMLOCK Ab IA • Elio LuMbor for sale, and will be cut tO or- der for any person sending in their Order be- fore the 20t11 of..TAs. 'WALLIS, let Goderich teivnship; Saylielt1 P..0.. -•- Folget to Attend odor switsoN, Big.Slaughterin-Sumin.er.Goods,. , GENERALi'DEALENIN TINWARE, Rot. • . . . itlite.N• STREET, 0IfINTQN. See their. WHITE MUSLINS at c per yet Hoehn of all kinds Promptly atlendeii to otrisison- - • • . .; • • .4.1. • See, their 1.2-ke.A3RAESS..-GOOP:S. • able rates. A War .Soliolted. SHO . Inseeta and Bags.-Slu g Shot will 1Cill Po- tato Bugs and Cabbage -Worms; Insets on 'Bose' bushes, Flowers,: Plants; and in a goOS•Plant Food.. ,Only"15' ootHs per lb. , I litive- :oleo a lot of . ' • NEW.. HONEY at IS lb for $1. . • , JAftit. STOUP,' - CL1Nww1N1. J{onsE AND. LOT FOR SALE OW • ' That huge Mid voll-situateil house , fitftireL cupied by the undersigned, muttered e •Sitle dr • to rent, on very reasonable terIrs. ve*" convAnience. . ofsaidlotnulflbnr stie tbenee 'westward along r session given 1.1 Sept. • 'JOHN CALLANDER • the nU ortbern nit: of' said lot, seveneep .six (YR,TGAGE-:7.: SALE . . Viiittable TOW•lt PrOfnifitY ti ;- ' 'the Town of Clinto . -- • . • . NDER.,'AND 33Y viriTun QF A POWER of sale .contained 111 a certain. mortgage,. (Livhiolunortgage wiling Produced at t110111(00 (1T sale) there will be offered for side by Public Auction, at the RATIEV•ItURY EfOUSE,- on MONDAY, .2nd day. of AUGUST, 1888, at 11 o'clock, A.M., the fohowing property, Yin: 'being eomposed of lot number 7, and the eon' part of lot number 0, In Gibbings Survey in the Town of Clinton in tho county of Huron, and situate on the stintli side of RaAtenbitry Street; Which Said ditsapart of lot uomber'six inay be 'more particularly desembed as follows, that is • nointuencing at the north easterly angle LAD1E.S' HATS at HALUnlitigt.to cleari 1110 trOUSE'AND LOT FOR SAGE. -THE 'UNDER. Al; sumo offers.for sale that' conveniently situated House and Lot oil Albert street. The house consists of 0 good sized Teems, -goOd barn and a number of Prat trees the -premises. Will ho sold on, reason, able terms. _MRS:' JESSIE SMITII, Clinton. ' QT1tAYE13..011 ST6LRN imot THE pettts'Es •)...7ot Joseph Smith., fot 12, eon: 5, liullett,-2 yearling IIEIPERS. One Red, With White marks on head' and • One White Spot in under breast ; ' the Other a ;light •colored ono with I3i•oWn patches on its body.. Any ons giving inforniatioli which W111 lead to' their recovery. will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH surrft, 4P, "HOUSElacm*LOT FOR" SALE 'OR TO Wool in. trade, . .Wool' for moth,. , Sheep pelta Lamb 01 vet, pnr bitch, _ ' That conveniuntlykitnatedCottage and 8 lots on Victoria St. House contains 7 room4g000 wood Wed, with hard and soft water. There are three lots in the property, with a number of fruit. trees ; will be sold- orrtated-ehertp, Ale°. for sale, a lot OTt Isafte Street, opposite the residence of the undersigned. 'AO A. DODS WCItTII; Clinton. : . - , P081%13Lt SA.W MILL kOR SA.LI!..-'rtnii. . undersigned offoi for aide a half 01 44111010 in, tenet in their Portable Steam Saw Mill: Tho• .boiler is 30 horselMwer, engine 25, and the saw 45154 inch All in complete running order; maw' iu Imo about.three lxiontlis , dein, a . splendid OuSiff Ons 1 satisfactory reasons for selling. Cost over EAR:. NVII I be sold at a bargain. PERDUE ik DpNALDspN, °lintel:X.0 9, • • - . action Of SMITH TO. want= and with tho approbation , ' • • '""-----"-- the Master in Ordtnery there will be sold by Politic - . 4. • timtni To.:Rtn,--nin• suBscraBEn 01.* mietion, on • . . . • , .. . . 18, DM eon., 'Of Httliett. It 11 seven -uille.e trent •I'VEMSDAY, AUG.. ,.,th... .1fit.46,, -K2 VEnti to rent her farni of I00 neves, being lot • • ClInAoni three from Londesboro... First-class land, frame house, good orchard end runnili.A '. 7.Avriie 11001 -of 12 o'clock Mon, by IL DIC14.1199111, : • WII I be rooted 011 reasontibletorins, Apply for • .. . ... A uction patieuleer, at the: Strealn, outbuildings; 0)00 70 titres elearau. '... ' ,of AIRS- M. TIGHE, G00011011- 3.m. . itattentiary Itouf..;o, toyirn.or pinto*. rars at NEW ERA OFFICE, Clinton, or ineliesi 'theaco liouthward pttfalIel w eastern liinit of said lot 132 feet to the southern. limit of said lot, thenbe eastward alobg the said southern limit Of Said' lot seven feet. Mic inches,. to the. southeaSt angle of said lot, thence north - Ward 132 feet along the -eastern litiat of said lot ' , to tho 'place a beginping, and, Containing by, . sonare pereS Of land, 'be the :same more Or AVp . eve been tip/i7lizing downdownruthleaely during Pte Past fewdiVsSi:beilifi deternaill admeasursment thlrtyinve And eevea.eleyeiltits eh there is thereotS a substantial frauid iliVelling ‘,`. s -i.' - how:, -With stOne foundation,' cellar, ific ' wind, hitt SOLID^ FACTS: .-TI.IFI PROOF . 07 THE' PILAS' TELE,TWING . '. THIS SZ,ASON:S., G.. 00::::. AT 'ONCE, . Ilis is , no neWspaper dess, This property is pleaaantly situritodi and ..,,irt,,‘ ,,leiui ont TERMS -Ten:" per cent ou ay' of, sale, and ,• ''.• • ,halance, in one tnOntli thereat er,' without •10- ' 1 1 terest, Further. terms..and e mlitions Made; • . •.. known on cli4 of intle,nrunini pPlieation to the - ort...toietionser ' , • • - ,..., - ew LUSHES Just Opened. TLOR 7, • CO JUGS MUM N F F OR LUNGS 1.IVCR & 81000 . • Woodstoek,' Mar 5111. 11140. It gives me Inuell pleasure to Wally hi lam of 410. Ingis Mtdreise, it is hideed a wonderful remedy, and to its beneficial effeete believe' • I owe life, I had tried domes of patent thedleines all to 840 propose. -,.fly.systeln had eeingtu letely n down. the hooting cough gove mi rest night or day,' but thanks to Dr. jug. one bottle has emir restored 88rites:0h, OtbliEST SAUNDERS, Sold ty Virottliingtou. Druggist. • . 1 J. M. GAIIPENTElt:Neird From.. Dahlia, July,20111, Wed, 04 Ifitie Vendor'sSlAitors JAS. HOW§ Clintou, 11813 1.101Nite & SCOtt , Gteat Bargaiwi underaignef - - t JUDio.TAL tagaiiiSin'Corkets at 50c. FARM PROPERTY', - , nargnins iu Dress 'Illoslins 41110e. • worth 15e.. •• - In the Township otlItillett. . -Big cut in Ginghants, your choice -vounsuknT-To ANO1JIt OF THE CHANCERY of olio biunique stoe. k for: I0e. Dmmon et the ILO Court of .7ustlee, 'made in the rtactinl.o. jtkivis vEna-tsoll. • . • . -11avineremoved his bueiness the pritidses fotinerly . known na TIT E 'MO UNTOafiTLE MILD, would than k all old patroWf tor past favora, and is in a beitco Fest; tion than over to prof:Aptly 10 all' orders entrasted to. hint. -A STOCK OP 0001) DITNIPS IIAND.- Ordered work specialty. Wells dug and completed 0.0 short notice'. All workguarantecd. • Pritteureasett able. 0015118 nr rfielirrvr Artztiere ,r0. , SA.VIE"FERIGIUSON, ' A E1:111110it'S NOTIOX tO 43tEDITOXIS , jilt. W. X, (11•PIN 0110tOli, < CD,olt 14114 -8411, .V..ft,•Ceoger, It.. ef Clinton, eallsd en me two weeks ago last sistatday attaekeil me about the Paine monument we repliteed, 1 did hot tell Mr, (Mow anything about the monument '00 150151 dew it, 1151,1 Mr, II% ,u, C,cotiet, Sr., in short notice, about the Paine monument and statue"we pet up, that 1110 51144-1 and fate were destroyed I took the statue dowmand Mit kiwi -sate mark on 11 140 214 (44 be mire it *Re the feeee endue -my idea Mot that they might return another statue; but in 11(415 days the ,same statue was retorted 20 310.441 as tem, 31 was on mlubition for a week or mare, and thousands inspected the Work,' and ever?. bode mood $0 he Adige(' that there WAS ttO flaSt Or crS1010ty 10 11100k, Mfg. Paine, the purchaser of this atonement, WAS IterfCS1TY 18051101 tsith WOrk mid dealings of the White Ilroare 00.to think f bat Me (int.! have 4415 statue repaired on sueb Mort notice. / wee employed by 3414, T. Ditrnhain, onto, Mith,, to put up the,montanottt and take the statue down, ma UM no Interest In the trausnetion whatever, 51r, Denham Mot the arm en exhibition yet, on vhieli there ate nineteen Wows of and there wete eight or tot heavy marks of altionater on the fare. 1114-1011 it IA -very small 04 Mr, W, R. (501)11145. 10., to use toy -mune as he has dear, 'Venn t tenwei iv, fnl• JASIT3311, CARDESVER. Vanes lanoline 10100110S0 5 111 11101111011t, 51101101 Goderich. • rope, et, wilts tow. . tarts'', clones, or SAME The' followitig vaivablo' propertmin three parcels t erarcal numtaleMtgliti Mott of the !oda l'owlmIllp Mlle% containing ono -hundred acres, mentor Parcel 2.--1(13e :West ball of the- sCittli Will (44 lot; onetime ton, iTt the fifth concession of the said twit - 911 10 of Mullett, c0ntaini4-1g..25 acres, niere orless.. Unreel 3,:-T11e cast ludf, el 1141 148118t15 eleven, 10 the fifth concession uf the stud toWnsitip 04 114,11011, 'contaleing fifty acres, more or less. • • . " Pareel Yo. 1, Is sittnited about 4 miles from the Town of .0110100, oo a good bad, 5401 111 <5 well-settled part of the Township of ,Ilullett„.wIthin half 11 111110 of a School house tuul within two Miles of a post This pared is heftily -ail -cleared tad in a good state of • tultIration.. There is on it %dwaling house, part brick and pert frame, and lit a fair state Of repair; also a frame barn in a good state 01 1114)814'. T1101 parettl Is also Well fenced, Mid hat an etcharti of frult-grewing• trees„ ?Amin 2-2114 3 ore all .himb. situate about 5l• miles item' stti4 t0001 01 C1.10100i 011 0. good rod, Tho property will be sold Subject to reserve 1,111.: • StiteltrollireitinVivort1(10e Your -choice ot 300 pairtlisle and Silk Gloves, pack d'z Color at 25e. - Big -Slaughter- Ilats and Boiniett.3. A. few ottlinsc, Wonderful., 'Parisols left af 25e. Notice is hereby gt yen, in pursitance el See,34, emp, 107, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,as amended by 40 VIM, Chap. 0, 441,01 4111 Creditors end other per- sons Laving Malan; against the estate of Margaret Salt, late of the token of Clinton, in tho County of Harem married warm, tteceasea, who died oft or about the tenth day of Juno, MD, are horoby required te send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, taunter 04 1110 lost will and tostament of the said late Margaro0. Salt, at Clinton' 044-1084-0, on (YAWN, OM 1411i day of August, A. D.1880i their christian names and mu harries, .addresses and (104414-4)' 111411, the fuil particulars of thew elainni, a statement their 000001114,0.04 1110 01115410 el tint securities (if tiny) held by them, AN that Immediately after the mid- fourteenth day of Aligust nod the assets of the estate of tite said late Margaret Salt will be distributed aineng the patties -entitled thereto, 140.51114 regard mily to,the claims 4)4 80111511) notice shall haw been received 1 'and the ESecuter Will not be liable 401 1110 said aisets or any Wirt thereof, te (Mynahs% el Wbese elaininntlee Molina hatv been received by him at the 1118001 )0 such distrl tom Datej. this tIlidittlal. c,f attno, A.Ii. 1880. TgltillS. 017 SAM. '• Tell 901. pont of phteliaso 1000e7 to Ile 1911th (01 Oil IN. STO OI. Al' CLOSE.ppicEs,- . . day of sato to the Vendor Or Ills Solicitors, and the ' latO roUrt 10 the credit of this 0011011, 1111 0811001 by Mre aro, cloak* the balance Of eenr TRIINKS'at-CO,ST, as wo . boo., In 1114-103' (IVA ,thataafter, ivitlina intoreds 511115 11101301 eI the paretra1onseyteya141(4 1118 e 0trrequire throomforBeets and Shoes.. . l 'tIrt0ttle:(n6rt01tl: byMortgage 0504-' the promiseMuchfedby WeltKu, cent, liallyearly. )n hitch treent the difietenee betWeen TA 0,rders tAkeo for .0ackos Geie6rOod Hand Sevrati Shoos0 cliczer, payable III 3 or a•yeArs, with. Interest at 8 per said 16 porkent and the said sums to. be so'seCured li? EX.'S' (IS. t.EA.ICIAN' IN „DXCIIAN GE, , . • : - . 5 l'Et, C. CtFli' pc n .cAs1.1.. IA nreott._ Knit% IINC1.107NATia), DAVIDSON it . T . A Y OR .ti•k acttou,b180 dap; after Sale, wIthoob interest. • -.. , . mortgage, Is tabe Wail into contt tO tho credit ol'iti g . • e Great Cash Store, Clinton. and 8110E81 A .11A(..)N1FICENT Vat INE 003DE POr lurther nattieularti attpl:(I to the A,trationecr, to Meson. MANNINO & scam :4011010M (I 100111, PATFISSON 9 . and Ill, Masonic flittlaings, Toronto, ' nrenn,tur ntwtN. , manattol so idol% ••• • ..itNecator, mil She ;lath 1.1 190. • CLANTON