HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-23, Page 2father to do, and ttootety-,-thongli it le not 1
,zertai4 how 'she ,Maderstesad that word-,
awned fitting aocontpartintesats to a title.
This -doctor listened gravely'. Pion 110
"At et too ridiculatil," he said, •Itha
if Alt bo. and gtris
are bohorliblei And. eseep for your
another's, Moneys there' isn't a penny in the
world or any of up, What 'do you WW1
shonla let the title tall into abeyance,"
eald Hugo. '1 don't know why, but a title,
'Without M. 4 or money, seems contemptible.
shout opt*
"Neve.;j4 .13116.traeltak With • de.
Odom. ti - vu upst titktt,GPire, up. a thins
thavicaoneaada fax'w.attiifs$VIIOd.
at'ard'brow away s title l Yon must be
Y toting Man AetlitallYi refits° to eni0Y,
IOW' 011ie Ton. utiglic **welt Ma to a haw
quet and paw the•Chatnoagnes But t shows
year • ignorance You - have,' Dever
among lords ane bonorablest • Yea don!t'
itnotiv,: Young ntan-yett•catmok Imere,What I
mean. 'Yon aro only a young. doctor fte
ifumble. Don't resume to, advise, gin On
Matters conneeteti with venleand speitity."
9' know what seienee•MOtlis.'t said DWI, "and.
that's eerie& hie rile, Title! , Who Would nee rather
make grime for himseInthmt bear ktiller •
"Let usi look at the thing prectieallY, eltildM11."
said the doctor. "1 shalinevorMake EMIRS for•MY-
self TONGS "Make a mime ape great tionlmA .tte, fee
the title, then. If mutt allows me to enlarge my
Menne, mid makes a Witter elmsof patientssend
for me, and enables me Et) ride la a Carriage liege:ad
of trudging along the titeeets, (Matto double. all the
bills, and M give up making twiny oven medicines.
rindito have a balance at thethank why then1 win
gladly sport the tiute. aimg only maim Nis
ritliculoue, let us give it up, A Coronet on, the door
of a surgery, where medielneir are made 'up by the
noble lord within, does seem ridlculogs; doesn't it?"
Uncle Joseph: shook ithetrad,. •
"Bank," be said, "can never be ridleulone. But.
if You feel it that vetiy,follivermy advicelZkver. tie
• the.sttrgeri; take a hou$e': tlieeWeSt Btial ane 'go
into society." . . .
The doctor shook het head impittletitly.
"Let the thing slide," said Hugh. "What do yea
think, Norah?"
shall alwaysbe glad, wnotever.impp^;tt,tQ think'
that my father ban, he a vlscoont4e- Its pleasea. Of
course, at first I thought theramusitibe a great tor,
tune with it. I always theoglit that .peers were very
rich men, and I timeent irtvould be delightful to see
iHra resting a little front hishard work, aud sotto
be afraid any more of the night bell."
The doctor kissed his dalighfee.
"Children," he said, eI Wilma contession to make.
Listen, now. Your father has been a terrible don.
Milk it V ntadtet toren ens one -even Soniti-tinth
:Too mist itocute•some ene. it to Yeux 01119 f,
Ty's,r;741:11:2,' havegrntrarave=0!
lAtInC.,c,.. To!Lackilaviled111 that you itiva
or tattier will ii=mitillately take up the Coes bin'. "I don't thlnk," said Hugh, Mat the doctor win
eat Re will advertise autl oder a rewind. He lenSnd MUCIL A.urrldge. I take %Will be. estethillited."
quite eare to Mid out the treth. Yea aornse
seine One. Whore, will YOU amuse?
"It must be some one who has Weis to the odieei
some one who knewe yook father'e habits in draw,.
Me cheeks; imme one who would get at hie signature
cal ,
"No, Not the °ince boy. There cannot bea proot
or a shadow of prooe against the omoo bo . Who
else omen to the officer Dick waited while that
Question was hut to bun a headrest time. "Who.
else but aortal/ There sling other. Noraih Cronan."
Dick Murridge lied known this girl all his UM;
When Me was rive and he eight, they played to-
getheri wheel. ehe was ten an4 he thirteen. he teased
and butlletrher Utter the mitten, ofitoys; whew she,
W$$ sixteen Ond natlatOeihrite ***kw Pe # ande ditch may adorn*?
thaltosindehwearethheateu htlefukohedoni eat fortnAndIgh.Qtw.t•efeorel be tesWera.0. Martin:
harbor the thought qt Requalegy her in order to lave
himself. said the vOiceli his ear:*
e"Th11222 rote of' lihb ilelf-vreservitUoit. Betore
teat even' thing linnst give VW. Amen moot ilave
himself at any sacrtitce. ffonor.tove.'tniindsnip,
Inith-what eve thee' BiladoWit !The. iffst thing fe
His father had taught thIS preOolat
' What %TM It he was gohle to do but to pre-
Eon-Ny*4K Ida father take It? Why.that MOO,
the thing all the mere 010. she was, If any one,
favorite with him. Be ,Prueted her More malt ear
• ether penott In Inn wori4-enore, then thhilitWP am'
If he Interene4 'himself. ler cared about any, (me, itc
Was ENNA Oh clever, quid( and induetrkine 'girt
clerk. Who for seventkilve pounds a year Iltd the,
Work Of two Men elerkli at double- the salary. at his
father could onlyte permaded that it vrali Norsk,
hawould probably say nothing more abeut it. He.
weedel forgive her, and all would go on as before.
0...ere.Tnoh was wrong, • Mi. Murridge, and men wile,
lute him, trust few, and those not unreservedly, are
gar More dangerous if they are betrayed than men
who. trust lightly and eaelly, •
• He thought over tide villainy ellifie evening. •The
longer he thauFdit Or It the More easy and theinote
likely it appeared: He saw' a way of ntaking the
charge illausible and potedble. He made up Mamba
game time he resolved' t keep on With the -aunt-
it,miglit be wen, in case things turned out badly, to
listen to tit tr proposals at which be kept hinting, vrith
promisee of wealth uabounded. •
It was past ten When lie went home. He took Ids
Candle, and:without seeing his father, went straight.
to his own.room. •
"Of course," he said, "1 would not have her tried,
or •sent to prison or autthing It will be quite.,
quells!' for my father to think she's done Thef:•
can't send her to prison, or any one else. if there 'are
no.forgeriess tO convict with. Then suddenly eante fa
brIlUaut idea. "They mud forgery to go
Upon. Suppose a man says a cheek was cashed which'
lie did. not draw; very well, then, whore ia your
cheek? Weslaco spur check," Ile did produce a lit.
tie heap ,of checks and a check. book. He placed
them in the fireplace, he stilieltsirmat01, and he !saw
them quickly consume into ashes. s ' •
"There,' be sald,"where'd your proof now?' Wheis
le your forgery? The' worst that ean happen to
Norah now, when' she says I gave her tho check, le
not to be believed, Ira all right SIONv. They can't
prove anything!' ...
He was so Illeased,anteined and easy after this act
of decision that heavent to bed, add for, thenrst time
for many; weeks slept' soundly, and. withoitt `any
approhensionS, nightrineres, or dreadful dreaniS.
. 0'
THZ 0.11AVII tioNoa.
Let th"e chapter be printed within ardeeis
black border. Let it be in mottentag. Let it
be illustrated with all this emblems which
can be gathered together of disgrace and
di honor, • 'the Valley of fropttat,•WIth ittl
balehtlibee, may furaieh a frontispiece -
there may be funereal. cypress, henbane,
deadly nightshiele, and the poisonous
comma cf its pages. TherehoUt4 ile 1
drawing of 'Mem turned out of Paradise,
with portraits of alt the most celebrated
renegades. turncoats and traitors, and the
most enainenteneeks in history. For a Wag
May clo many things wicked arid base And
'yet And forgiveness; he xneY drag ba WPM
In the dust, and trample on his self-respeet,
find give a Ada eto his passion, and yet be
welcinned, back into the World of honorable
men. But tbe thing wittett Hick Murridge
tlicl was one -which caeamver be forgiven
him in this world 'gave Ely the girl to whom
be did this wrong. ..4.nd she, think, ha's
forgiven Wm already.
He did, It on the Tuesday ,morning, two
(tape before his week, exptred. He spent the
st hole of MOnday in patting Itla case Ultoo
paper in, be form of a report. On 'Tuesday
lie went itilo (own before his father, dod on
his rival lollewed hint into the imler office
with a roll of tepee in his hand.
"1 think, sir, ha said, "that I have done
fill 1 catrin this matter. " 1 have put down
t-eapergehat T have Jo tell you -for your
private bac:rotation.' '
"Do you mean that you have found the
thief aud forger!" .
thinksI have."' -
"Thinks, ), went you to be sure. .And
*hat do you mem by tallthig of my'private
infemnatiop? -If you've got the Juan, Pll
toon•ehot,v•you how private I will keep °the
Automatism." . •
"If Yen will read theitte:pispers—!)
"Afterward. ' Teff pi who did it." .
"Well, then. It was. -none other -than--,
your private el'ierk-llorah Cronaii." • .ts-
Dick looked is father steadily in that:ice,.
slowly and deliberately. ,
• "1 dealt believe it!" •
31r. Murridge sprang to his feet and
• angea the table with hialist.
'Read those papers, then,"
-Dick; A• don't believe it! The „thing is
impossible! • Where are youg'proofs?" ,
"Itead these papers."
" .
ob bel
"Children," he stair,' q Amin it. con fessiou
tor- make."..
eat had been rgulted:-" said Hnele .Joseph, • .
"No doubt,". t o doctor .interrupted •
hear my tale; Three fetws ago 'happened to he-
very.rouch in want of money... Theinactice hosebeee
vC17 bad as ILO. as paying pattentg.,go. I was. ix!
troubled for nioney that eonsulted.ille Merridge as
to the best Way of getting a loan. I- then -learned;
' for the first time in my life, Odd- my sewed:cousin'
, ship an Irish lord .trit 'be' turned .into money.
str. murridge thettgh t was worth exactly two
hundred pounds', amp- the..two hundred pounds,
! without which ft hot have sent, you, Daft, to
, University, I s ZreVdraiOn."4,. • •
"There o. estate, then?" eahlFLUO,•eurloils:.
iv.. "I unde withere was nothing."
"Ther_on ts uus small estate of --I de not knowhow
inaufOres,und Ido not know What lt Dilworth, oz•.;
• • Whikher tho tenants hhve paid any rent"
"An•1 Mr. hlturldge-,Dick's father4Ought ,yout
reverslon?:' said Hugh. "It seen*. it tory sttiaigt:
thing for him todo." .
• •krup busbies; lies mine genealogies and , family;
• histories," said the ,tfoetott. ette teem! out Whet 1
oughtto have -Whetted- before sIgning• and -selnagee
that iny eitAxiecia Weraceally very good indeed -al.
most a certaintY." .
. eateMlieu," .sald Hugh, "Mr. Mute:Mee *Milks no h
going, to be the landlord, I suppose?"
•"Certainly; he has bought me oat." • • • • . •
"Father," said Norah, "'feu did '10 for the best. '11
wae. for tut -for Delft,that -stolf took thct. money;
. Wbat does it Matter? Let ue goon Inst•as-before.-
• Hugh won't Mind; will you, nughts .•
exo,I don't mind, Norah. But "venture to make g.
115510 ,prophecy, doctor. Mr. Murridge will never be .
owner orate Clonsilla estates, even it they comsat el .
nettling bilk a four.aere field of bog. He thinks ne
has got them, but he• may. and • that' he his over
• reached himself."
"Jr I Nvore conanIteci.": said DucletJoseph, "I s ould
invite the tenants to 11--"' • .
Again he was interriipted,.• •Thie.tinie it ntes• the
last post of the day, which' Brett:gilt' it letter le:ra
great blue envelope, addressed . great, sprawling
• orable T.:67r). id Croittillla, soineTvliens in Lit,
hand, as 1f v.4415441ten with aniteliforki...."Por the Mom.
don." • •
• ..A.DME TO AOTHEl1ii.-'2%.Te y011 dist*
at night, and broitensef your rest by a emit
cbildedffering and crying with pain. ot Chtthig
Teeth? If so send at Once and get a brittle of
"Mrs, Winelew's Seething Syrup" for Child.
Mu Teething. Del value is nicalculable. X.
will rebate the neer little sufferer itemediately,
Depend !,mon it, mothere -, there hi no mistake
tt''' ant it. It eine", Dysentery and Dierelecea,
t sgt'atet the Stomach arid Bowels, °wee Wind./
Collessoftenthe Gums. redueee Inflammation,
and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
"Mat 1,Vina1ow's Soothing Syrup," for child
Ten teething is. pleasant to the taste andiiithe
prescription.of clue of the oldestand beettfetnale
physicians and flumes inthe United Stateli, and
le to eale by all iltuggiate throughout the world.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle, 13e enre and
ask for " Mits, WzNsLow's .SoorstriG Warr,"
and take Ile ether kind, 20-rth :
itAileIXTAT Taix etAARD
Trains leave Clinton as followe t ---.
Going East. Going West.
1.2 ilea), express 10.0 ado,
L05 p.m. p.m. mi x ed 2, 20 p.m . ex press ,
4.30 pan. mixed I 9.15 p.m. express
Going North. Going South.
9.66 a.ro. express . 8,03 a.m. express
7.00 p. tn. express . 4,33 p.m. exprees
"Norah Cronanl It can u
- Did; siniled, as •duo Whit is onarock of'
• • now," said Vnele Jo4eph, re- certainty and can afford to 'smile.
"We have
"W-hateehave-you .always told me, sir?
garding hisIlrst glass of gin' and water with NeVer, trust anybod,y. Every. man is for'
the peerage-actually�,1 him:self' Every man has his. price. Every -
been members of
discontented looks ."we heve now, Maria,
the • p terage of the realm -for: body tbinks of nothing bet himself, 'Very
the peerage -
well, t
nearly a week. let I see no change." ' . hen, remember these maxims before
' lyou say that_anythingis impcesible. lf you
"No one has called," said heradyship. "I'
have pat ou inybest gotin every night. Hut will read those papers you'will find—" .
.no opeame thought fit to take the leastno-tici- "Reed the paper yoUrself. Let .me knew
•!of us" • ' .` • . . t self. Quiekt" • '4' • ;
all that you can prove. Read the paper your -
robes? Where is ilia 'stet? Where is the . He threw himself loth/ a chair and Waited
•"Where is the coronet? Where aro 'the
.c011arl"- , with angry light in his eye. '
'•; . t Everything brippens in the wity'we least '
'the doctor silently tilled his pipe and went •expect Dick littd made uts his raind that -he
On roe -ding his evenings. paper, taking no would, lay the paper upon the table with
notiee of these coomaints.Yet it did strike him as strange that a man sliceild succeed to 1 solernaity itable to `the. occasioo, and Olen
1 retire,'.eaving the document to produce its
a peerage with so little fuse. I natural effect. liti further calculated that,
"No message from - the. queen," Uncle : atter.readieg the paper, his father would
JOseph continued; "no Odom- of the house of •most, likely- Send for•him and enjOin.him to
lords With congratulations from that august , ray nothing More about the matter. That,
*body; no communications from Provincial '.' at tenet, ' was what . heslieped.ss,But hehad
grand lodge; 'no deputations teem 'a loYal. not • expected to be asked taread the paper
tenantrtr; no riogiog^ of bolls, Marla, in aloud, and be naturally hesitated. Ho had
en a the first recognition'a: rank,l' said ler lady:
ship. •"Open it and read: itquickly. Perhaps 15 10 a
missive from the .qeeen1/4-a .missive of congratula.
"Or an invitation -from the toed, eltaecellot,"Mid
rnele Joseph. • "A sitinmon4 doubt to banquet
on the Woolsack." • • .
-The doctor openeo It cutaway. - trintrant-loo.
Fomohow, like an invitatIon, it was more like a
bill. . The writing af. the letter was even .avotwe•-'
more sprawling -than that of the. address:. ' • , "
"My Lotto," the letter tan; "This is toWarn you
that the first man evicted from be
- thesignal for.your bleodY end. NO rents. No evie.
• tion. Remember Lord Motuttmorret. we will have
vengeance. Blood and rdvenge.'. ,'You laud' die.
Look at the picture. Think of the rhiteboys ttad
• the Invineibles. Death!. Death!: Death! Every' man.
. has got, his gun, and wo are ewora.; Death: • Death:
Illohd and death! Down with landlords:"
And at the 'bottom, rudely.designed, were a coffin,
a gun, a skull, effectively and feelingly delineated, g.
a114 two erossbones tired. from tho churchyard, , ouiht,t1 said -Uncle ".Tosehh; fifthly,
• . • . ,
The doeter handed hie eneerful epistio Ms wire
• . rt4NNING .. do SCOTT..
1311171.Ster., . • Solicitors
•' Cononiseioners for Ontari pap4 Manitoba.
ET-PiitfliirFilkir-P-11.. ID011T, Office
over .1. Jackion'estore. Albert Skeet
.11. undersigned et the Library. Rooins, Smith's
the whole couise •of my, exPerieace' ,• comet ted to writing an enormous lie, or
• the thled classes natter .before saw such a lather a Chain and series of lies -all strong,
mtsera:ble suCcessima." , • . nutseive; -wed-connected, forming together,a,
"Miserable, iudeed,'S said her ladyship. . tale which, for cowardice And nteannesS,.
"The reason," continued Unele Joseph,' "Is never had an equal, Since the day e when men
not difffeult to sand, They. are Waititig, .1. Lret . learned to tell hes,
, swop yarns, invent
Maria, feeethe baoquet. How can a noble.', excuSet and pais ontheblante. Certainly it
lord succeedwithout a banquet?' You can't steould'netter have a superior. To write each
do env -thole; without* Whys if youitnitiate
a littla city clerk you have a , banquet over
it. lf you raise attain to the dazzling height
of thirty-thied, you.inuet celeerate the occa-
skin, with, a hamitiet. And here we succeed
• Aft the rank • of viecoulitt and not even et
tottle of,ehampagne. Gin and water in the'
helm of the Right Honorable the Viscount;
. Cloned's& • S ••• •
• There wits it full attendance the licene,
so to speak. The Honorable Hyacinth was
present; .the Honoerible Norah,.with Me.
Hugh Aquila, heel just returnefrom an
evening s walk • anion the 'leafy grovel of
*Camden Town's • one sqoareethe Honorable
Terry, Larry. :and Pat sveres as usual,
istiarrelhatt Over tt draught board! ' •
"Well, my dear,S said the. doctor:at task,
a thing, however, was ono thing; to read it
calmly anti coldly was another. . • :
When Dick had once. made up . his mind
• that escape wa.s onlYposeibler by. one method,
• lie gave his whole th-Vdklit and devoted the
• •reatest possible pains to make the narrative
complete in ,all its paris, •andimpregnable at
every poiot He wrote and re -wrote every
•sugle Mutence half a ;dozen, times; be read
t oeer and over againl: he ex Lmined the
.:ocument critically; be put himself -in She ,
;titled of, a hostilosisod tudpicioup critic; . he
even read it aloud, which is the very best.
uczy possitde of testing. the strewth of .S1101
s document, whether from the Credible -sod.
. the proorthle; or from the plausible and per-,
stiaseve, or from the purey literary point of
"what dal you expect? . ••s •• N iew. • He was not greatly skilled, as maYbe
supripeed, in fiction considered asst floe art,
• some on [mod mortgage security, moderate
ate of interest HALE, ulintou.
• Physioiatt Surgeon, etc. Offiee find residence
next stehion's Batik, market square, Clinton.
'otse Ontario treat, Di inton, opposi te the El n glisb
zurranee by side gate.
• •
I:3' R. ,pliitUDF00T,' CIVIL V
1.1.* Proviiii•Ialand Dominion Land Surveyor,
trchitect and Dradebtsmun, It if
Suggish -Liver
;Cameo the Stontileh and Ilovrele to be.
'ettme disordered, and the whole ardent
sto suffer from debility. In al 4 such '
cases A.yor'it Pills give prompt retlef.
After much Auffering Venn Liver and
Stomach troubles, I have finally been.
cured by taking Ayer% Cathartic Pills.
Ialways find them prompt and therough,
in their action, and. their occasional liee
keeps me in a perfectly' healthy condi..
tton,-Ralph WeenaanSAnnapolis, Md.
Twenty-five years ago Auffered frota
a torfild liver, 'which eerier Teeters& tte
healthy action by taldgg ..A.yer's F'ills.
Since that time I have never been with- •
got them. They regulate the bowels,
assist digestionsand Wrests° the appe.
tite, More surely than any other medi-
eine. -Fattl Churchill, Haverhill, Mass, '
I know of no reMedy menet to Ayer'fl
Pills. for Stomach_ ond Liver disorders,
I suffered from a Torpid.Liver; and Dys-
pepsia; for eighteen months. My skin.
WM, yelloty, and, my tongue coated,
had no appetite, suffered ,trouts Head-
aChe, was pale and. emacteted. A, few
boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate.
doses, restored me to paled health:Is--
Waldo Miles, Oberlin, Ohio.
Ayer's Pills are a superior_ family
medicine, They :strengthen Wad -int*.
orate the digestive organs, create an
• appetite, and remove the, horrible de.
,preesien and -despondency resulting
• from Liver Complaint. I have used
these Pills, in my family, tor years, and
they never fail to give entire satisfae.
tion. Otto MontgorneryOshkosh, 'Wis.
1., Murray' Bloek, two -doors east of, Hodgens' en-,
mem, liestlence, oppesite the Temperance Hall
turon S treat, Clinton. Mace hours, et a:m te
IA. attended at their own residencegneeeesary. Be-
idence, John Bobertson's, Huron Street, Clinton.
lice's now method taught if desired. •
• •
lloALDepartmeutof Vietoriatitiversity,Toronte,fot
nerly of the Hosittitale and *Dispenearies, New York
'oronerfor the Countyof
_ . . .
1. Notary Public, ete. • 011110, Seattte'e Btoce, AL.
04IIT OtINTON. T0r0010 rigouts,. MoSsrs.
• :artily, Osier; Hoskin Creennan., Pent:steeds to
tam at lowestsutes of interest. • • •
expected sc‘ognition. I thought that Whieltis, perhape,the reason why he was,qoite
our heother peers would Cad upon us." satisfied in his osvo mind with his statement,
,"11 have We received, Marfa' said looked t from an Point Of View
a • 7
Unele Joseph.' "The outstretclted-Earid of • "Read it,' his father tepeated. "Let me
brotherhood? Net at OIL Cehl neglect." hear what youhave founds If it is true-:--9-
see"Wes-may-belongs te-the liesh-peeraga," Itee-etoppedebecausee,knew-notaeliathes,
said the doctor, ' "but, teraMaiber, if you should do if it were trite. • •
please thet I am still, and ana likely. to re- ,'. The young man hesitated no longer. With
Main 'tta • the end. of the. chapter, a general perfecapsteady eyes, Ala: met his father's
practitioner, wi h a larg practtce and a fearlessly and frankly, and .with brazen
• is/ W. WILLIAMS, B.A., 11/.13.f GRitott A TE Olt
StesTeronto Unit:ashy; momber of dh000liegeotPhy
sielentiand S ergeoriev Out. ()knee & IINSIDERCE th6
homier ornierllotioupied by. Dr. Reeve, Albert street
111011411;lidart - •multsmovr., _
%via svituvE, soma AND
, AsTniteueN xioTE. .
TOE LAME or WHIM 11 OW 't ralig"11
-Nora re eels; Ayer SeCe'lLOWell,MMIC *
spy all rt:Logili sts and Dcaloni in UsOeine,
Una- rixtiva:Asee
Refer°. buying, getout. special prices for
Balls, Ma.rbks, Lacrosse Sticks.)
Express Waggons,Boll Carriages.
The above ornameatal trees end shrubbery will bested
at very lea prices, and Ow* Venting ilatethise te
Oa connection will neve Dree7 mu:3h~ here.
Orders by ilfai4 trig beetrenalsan ottlearli fOl
14. Nei$011 & Co.,
31ANUFACTURBRO 013: see'
Du'wonalitNtnats, PHYSICIAN, 8:URGE ON
Aoisottotiour ,Lioontiatent the College ofphysioien-
tad Surgeon? of Lower0anaita and ProvineialLicen,
te and Coronorfer theOduayof Huron.. Ofticeand:
eesidanceseThe building former% occupiee by mr
rh,witites , Huron a biota . • '
'lIlnton,Jan.1O, • • •
Small income, 9f Ciunden Toms 11twill be front,•end With clemenanhesitating voice, he
a proud distinction, no doubt, to reflect that read the thing he had Made up.'
NVe are the .only titled people in. Camden . ''Refore I begin this statement" -the words.
Tovtru. Well, ' vve must be contented with formed part of the narrative, --."I wish to ex-
ethaptkle.......Yonmay, tuldstit the alderInen's plain that • nothing but yOur'express coin -
yob; my dear, your coronet; when it tomes • mend that I should ingelTiffEfetiliStiffeTh
' • you would hive indimed me to -Write down
, what I k• new about it•You will consider it
• as, in part, a confessiot.
with a laugh; but 180 080, even in. the scene° retreat. (4to• asset. t 015,selves.:. ••• There Ought.' to.. be a
of a flames. of Camden ToWn; eptite Mee to have:ie. banquet'es.. • .
• letfer sent 50 1111)1 Avith oronalse of murder st he
dareato enforee hie rights, mat Die picture - of a
roffin and es18111.- • . • • • • . ' • .
"Mtierldge, suppose, has smit • thein anti ••• • to
pay up," be seid. "This it a chcermi „Age:tits/. le
18. to get tid rents, and I MIN 50 get tue ,t, .ni.
I hem -ht bullets. I don't think lids was in the
agreement:" • • • , •
"At all events," said Hugh; "theydeiet know where
to and •you. •somewhero in Lendonrisqt tittle ton
gue even for all.evieted Irish tentino. •-• -
• their hindientesetteutueestatipb,PyOUShOURI '
Vain - utir loyalty -by ti banquet."
We children," the doetor contlireed, disregarding •
Ihtet sum, stion, ."you have now lmard the Whet°
story. NV11 are we to do? Shall I alter the platoon
the door? • Sli 1 1 attend my patients, at anything I
ean get a visit, it iny ecireeett. stan we invite the
landlord shootereM Clunden Town? What do yeti
say, Doff?" • .
"WelL" mititbe inSaicia student,•eas there hi' no.
.inottey, there will he no•tue with the title." - . •
"We will go on." said tfiital.t.; "hist rie before. only, -
Hugh, ate you net, that You Z. engaged to a real
of course, *Ith elude more •Ide. You are pleased,
tad", by birth and the diutghter . viscOunt 11 151
ehooses trilie the title? 15 5* n1$5s best to b5.
long to a good famlie,
"Yes," said the -tinder; 'trooping Bob N S••••:-"' -
"misfit" said Norah. "/ Will not. beat, a storieti
about My great•great•grandtatker.. There e al. •
ways scatullos in. every oid famity, prefer ,
'love that they have nil hem.t. the Noel Of honer -
every One of (heft."
"You ai•tt disappeintcd, In) ((e'en?" The doctor,
turned to hie wife. . .. • '
"Ohl" she cried, bursting Into leo Fs, with the revo-
lutionary letter in her hand, 'wive are to be mur-
dered 10 our bear; and an rot nothing, with no
money and no land, lot us Pay 110 mote about it, Bat
it a cruoi thing to gtret up your rank. And Just es.,,
the tradespeople itro beglinting to find lt Otit, WhO
his inorning the Welter oilman:late:I me. Be Mel
just heard us he sent Add be petit penny ft pound
more upon the beet" •
et,Vaii," said tha dotter; "shotIs eettled, them The'
51115 Il1fl*'t- 15y l,ll4?.tP, you will, however. ten,
dime tow as 1,onorabiotel you ttio.
Before mum Welt boil that night he road .ove8.
again a iettet whieh he had received. thet inoruln
tram his mother. thiswaathe conclusion:
hand now, Iny dear be), you know the -whale. if
you aro desirous of roeting before the doctor tillowe
tem -el, go to my solicitors, liessrs,Ontiar
1135) to
ot uncom's Inn Mottle: heve the
papere and know my secret, it It i9 het teceasary,
Walt until iny artival. 1 okpeet to 'he released in a
Week oy to, it thee:see XtelletitiouveYsr,movo
lathe ni atter WithOnt Centlulthati thelt, and dello,
Likitv awl Heading Rooms, Perrilf,hlodk, OONV11
stairs.. About 1,700' vosinnes iu the.Lntrarytiud
all the Leading•Newspapers mad Periodic:de of•
'hit qy on the table. Membership ticket $Sper
'emu , . Open from 2 to .5 letn„. 11.1111. from 5 to
e.p m. L ppiteatious for memeerelitip' redivcd
Sy. the Libratiau i11. in thereon]. • • , .
, . •
" POOING dope very neat end to suit
. .. • every s person. . • .1.,•
• lidE(iN DENTIST.
ifold the exclusive right for the county for tho Hurd
process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet dis-
dovered for the painless extractIon,of teeth.' charges
inoderatei satisfaction guaranteed. ()FMB. E1 -
..1070'S BLOCK, ovor:Ranee's Tenor shop, Huron
Street, Clinton.• • .
• •
- ? CLINTON, '' •s •
Manufacterer ri.i 4 Proprietor SW the best SEW 11151
.. .•.
Dog in use, Ag nt for the sale and-applitatien of
the gay.'Fisime. PA Sir Auroxidie BOILER CLEANER,
STEAM FITTINO. • furnished and aPplied. on sim,t
, notice. • •
.. .
• .. . .
Bailors.. Bn gi nes', and all Binds of 81(it
els leery repaired, .0* wail i tlausl* and:
• in a iyatistadfory nyanner,
• ,
Fat in itupledients nlanufactercil and repaired. Stem
and Water Pipes furntsheil and put in positien. :Dry
Kilns fitted up oh application. , Charges moderate.
• " ' • \c • . :
PENNYROYALT„ \y/..AFgg,..;'.'
Prescription Of . physician Who
has had a life long experience in
' treating female dteeases. Is used
Monthly with perfect success by
over 10,0001adies; •Pleasant, safe, ,
• effectual. Ladies ask your drug-
' gist for Pennyroyal •Wafers and
• take no substitute, bake. lose post-
age for sealed particuldes. Sal by ••
all druggists; $1 per box. Address
;gold Sit Chet& by .T. 11. COMBE and Leoggiste
• • everywhere. • .ss - • •
. . . . .
. ..
• AsuecessfulmedicinetestedoVer.
80 years in thonsands of eases;
' Promptly. cures Nervous Pros:
tration,Weaknessoiltrain, Spi-
nal Cord, and GenerativeOrgans
of either sex, Enitssions and all ills caused bY. indls.
cretion °rover -exertion. Six packages is guaran-
bydruggiats. Writs for Pamphrit. Address •
. .
Sold in Clintop by S. II. COMBE, itiul Draggiets
i•oyery where., :
• s
Co.:MaKillop Mutual Fire lifteranio C
$50,000 To LOAN at per gent.
Why pay others V, 8, 9 alla. 10 per Cent,
when yeti can get money front us at per 0.
TERMS Made to -suit hill'AP-Wlsr, regarding
,p,ayttien,tAttel steriod
, • Apply6t-o
F.ARRA.N (SL TISD,A.1.11.49
Incorporated by /tel. of Parliament, 1855.
• . CAPITAL, -'• $2,000,000.
THOMAS WORKMADI, ; President. •
• J. H. B. MOLSON ........ VicvPres.
F. WOLTERSTAN THOmAS, General Manager.
After the Setereat testatthe late•fair id
Clinton, it west universally admitted that
OP rustiest, AND 'SWEETNESS OF ()NE, the
EXCELSIOR, was away alibact'of all-
ers, and •destin ed.' te be the 'popular i nstetts'
men t of 'the days This, alone with the fact
that a special prize wasawarded it, certain..
ly speaks volumes for the instrinnenis, and
parties purahasing should see the Exitzr,-• .
' 5ipn.liefore buying elseivhere. -
Factory three doors west iif:Mtilloys's Pump
• - -Shop, llsittenbniy 8t" Olinton,,
Notes discounted, goilectians made, Dra:fte
, iSsyedy Sterility anti American excillnge
•"` : Imught and sold at: ipioeSt
current rates, . .• .
• Interest et 4 Per cent allotted on dePoelta.
..k,13.3111:011 •
Money advelacod to farmore on their own notes .with
noor more endorseee. No unirtgage required. es so- ,
, c, 'BREWER: Manager,
Tannery 188 • ."" • ` Clinton'
Watch and Clock Maker,
JEW ELLE11, dtc.;
0 P 09191`E TII.E' wimiEr,ozaretosi
. •
• .Where he'keeps,a seleet assortment or
' . .7arbich w will sell at reasoneblerates.
• . •
' Repairing of every desetiption ,protantlY
tended to, and all work warranted.
Ciintetr,Nov.1882, : ,; " - • •
NICTICM-The undefsigned are appninted
to act aft agents in the township of Goderieh,
js(jurretift•tVenilltu aY414S1177111ftliZetA%liofritt0a,114-,.
will: apply to either THOS. NEET,ANS, [Tar -
.100k. or SAIVITIEL ceertNoCHAN, SeaforthS
• • • , • ,. Prompt attention will be gi .
- Minkidge looked tip sharply and 5118- .
t ,t.. 0.,.1...,,1 to,day,". the doctor con. piticluely. •
tienicd "theetets-notoesititile-uteurner ex s'Yessaill-presently-see,l-Dicksttee-te-le
e _
cept, myseE:f and Daft 'and Heigh' who went peated, answering that glance, "aconfessiou
with' us Net 'one. the old lord seeme to Whet,' the ditty of taking Upandinvisttgating
,Itave outlived all 'his. fritnds, He . left les tide case was laid upon me, my lips, which
will, so that all then smarty, whatever ithi, Would otherwise have remained 'sliut, as a
• entailed oe not, should have come to ine, point Of honor, were opened' •If I did not
but fdr an. arcidepter.circumetance winch obey. yew; Comniand tecthaffilletstextent,
yoU ought to learo at onCe," • . innocent persons might be susrected, 55114
L "As the Cid ford is •tetHed,', %LW Ihtele oven be .punished. I have, thetefore„ ree
Joseph, "the, time 11188 081110 .tereetion;"of • solved 'upon telling you all that 111111510,
• •eollrse it vV.Ohld be tin °only to rejoice be.
fore the funeral.. Now, • if my advice is
thought to be seorth anything in this fain-
ily-the adripo et a inno ettlushasidialten
'iamb • eandliftrly, yet resPectfully; with.
earls, aid mit next to a peince at a banquet -
• .01
It hateyer happenes :And sloce I must write
clown the truth. a 'pray that no further:ix-
! tiou triay be taken in the case, and that this
Most delildrable business may be forgotten .•
and dropped, never to be mentioned again."
"What the devil de you mean by that?"
is that ive should, vitthout any delay, issue his father cried. "The besiness forgottehl
invitations to a large numbee of our nisble The Matter allowed to •dropl Do I look li •
fltul illustidous hrother peers for a banquet the Mau to forget etieh a thing?, or
in roles al .eronets at the Freeinason s or ttetion, indeed! Wait, you shall see What
fhe Critcition. I Will. myself superintend furthet action I shall takel" .
the banquet, inspect the inenu-at this time • Dick did not stop to press this petition foe
Of the year, what svith lamb, duckling,ugreen Morey. . ' • .
peas, salmon, whitebait, turtle, young pot "It is now fear weeki," he continued, reads 1
tatoee early apricots and Strawberries, the ing from the paper,since r had the Misfore
anquet will be awe/telly choice:-OhOice tude.-,-itewas a great misfortune to, tne; and
an ,omliSOrtie. • As ft* the ehartipagne-- 1 am very sorry that it happened -to Obe
alii ' '9 gaspdd, and drank rir the Whole &Wye, quite accidentally, acertain suspicions
• glass o • inand water, "I will order it, Eo circumstance Whieh took place in, your cterti
I not. be in • nstiety' abput tlio chenteagno, office. Ibis eircuinstance mimed MO the
.i Intittnrel. is over . otir health-espy:I will be in tittle, atul has fl led me with /undoes ever
Marin. /5 litQl be my Care. When tha greatest uneasieess and suspielon at the .
the chair, clocar •hall be taken after the since. Of course, as yol 'Will immediately
loyal toasts, I will pelt reetiond for the linderstahd, directly yOtt' eptike to ine last
(Taft, Tlien •vve ive up this Imuse,', week inv.suspieious turned to eertainty, 3
i Which, 13 mean for a vi eunt's towu rest. was, :Absent,' in the•outer office, and I had
deuce, and Lwc .0111 movi to reatisio`ir iu the • nothing to do but to sit and welt • for any
'mist, %Idlers Marli ran take hat plade in , woric which, might be tent out The titles
teas a enetehr Viet two. Vett were gone Out
vav.tery 'which blio Ate,: bop). 50 in rit."
Ito spOke to Cordidetillv, with AO tlUeli ofl. O yeat. diluter, mut the hoy Was gime to Ids,
thusittent, :hat her 10317:411) 1numniuk4, and lbero was therefore, BO one *tit nll in the
eitxtiNora( Was ind itWaV with the place sleep, witysdift Befsre yeti wen' Mit
tbtnic,tlit off thparr
o tanigy greatness, la a •
hoe. d in the West End, with nothing tor lint ' . (.1.1) 111' 1.
. • ,
11 017-E4lir
9111,ti;EA'a°66662t41. .111)N.
)n0 NTXST.
s inresveratednutiseragestinMeasorkiisratteMrttemberat
• 7C:E
Thompson's roal Estate Agency
-01.incToN, ONT.
. -
The uutiersigned has opened an agency for the :N110 of Real
Weir, enellthe grad -to dear with pat derharing limpet
if to dispose of.' Terms, two per cent on all amounts un 11
41000, and °teller cent on any amonet niter the tiret $1000
No charge made for adveritieux, and no charge whatever nn.
less a sale or transfer is elected. 1 haVe -tam the following
properties for sale , • -
Lid-1•41Tailie Itelutteutt, Colborne, 100-aeresT45 eleareiL
and -ander pasture, 20 sena slashed and eau easily be cleared,
balance of bush light. Will be sold cheap.
160 acres, good laud, 2la• miles,frain-Bowesmennt, Dakota..
, 50 acres tinder cultivation,. small hopse. Price 410 an ione,
west half lot 2f1, buil con of East Wiwahosh, 110 agres,.
80 tierce °leered, balance good bitsli,18 aeres of fall sgteat,
Spring creek Miming through the farm, bank barn 40e50, two
acres of orchard, ante from Auburn. Price 45,000,
$1200 or $1500 down, balance to sett purehriser.
set 806, 1.5 of rol acre, ou Huron St., situated on the east
side of Mr. Ridout's resideece, well leased. Pxice, 4200, to
-imitriterehaser. •. • •
Splendid iluildinglot for sale, opposite' the Commercial'
. Hotel, 40 feet front 6y60 feet. deep. Price reasonable. .
40 PER C..1ENT
• $111r.f,.
• coeducted. both on Cash and Mutual .Plans.
. •
HoN. JAS. YOUNG:111. P. P,, - • - - President.
.ADAm WARNDoic,.ES.O., - - - V100 -President
15; 8; S.Tnogd; ESQ., - managing' Director.
THE G'0 R. 7.1
Enters upon 'it e FIFTIETH 'YEAR much
dronger 'and. .taore7prospereiis thin at anY: .
overlong period, :having 1218,8,06_11f Assets
ancrpraticallt NO LIABIL1TY•except Re.
insurahce Reserve of 330,000. There are $20.- .
000 deposited viith the Ontario Government,
and ever $99,000 held in Mortgeges, Deben-
tures, and Cash; immediately available. to
, • •• meet losties. • • ' :
hIutual-Policy-holders in the 'Gore" saves
go per cent, with iincloubtell.security,
peer f till apply to HEAD OPPICE GALT
JOHN RIDOBT, Agent, ell nto'n
• ,
eiresEirEsassirASSEdwaellininelnildrAdfralitlegatlarat.rmaillstailk 4
enenots neDletATE,
• ri L IST 17 0 N
.1.1oltn. and t C6'y.
. •
'Phis, Company is Loaniny oa
Seeltrit al at Dnioest. Rates of latei•est.,
••11.oirrOACIBS UltOnAStD.
0, 4 a»d 5 per tient, fitfeiest Atlnived on
Deposits, adorably in amount
earl gine "
iTICE.t!(l it itt.ina re North Stree
i •
; Itnsierich lttesest btli tsa's
, .
Ifoinbirs 9Porelito Stoeli
Private witice to TORONTO, ,IIONT It17.411„.9 flf4A(1
• NEW 'Malt apa otb CITY . •
RI11,411.8 see 805,13 eon casit Mt 545101115
C 143 NT4I1 of' PIPE .Coltefie It 411 fiNerlit 1201)
: ALI:Mt 15201111E88
Clinton, July 10, 1S/10.
Parties going to tbe old eottntrY tilts summer Ahoeid
tsko this popular 11110. The boat e are the most com-
plete ca the atlantic, and accommodation unsurpassed
; E I' it:X(1/41181 II N ILAVES,
' •
Call and get all partleitinrs of
mdr.o (1. h.
'1.1YER-P-1-11, S
Will thoroughly cure you, They
do not gri0o. or purge, lu.st act. •
ctilicliy, and sfitosoy'or ittid •
• They hays
provon bo
114 Hri."501%*1•017.1 frellr.1 ii[tS,S110111,
OhilDraercal SZ,oivrao?.1.
Boo thorn clad Le, l'OneVael earn
yensVIttSnorl.I Ula kn.' a bor..
, gOt, per box) $ boxes for $i
• ,D1ALE,70 M1 NIEDICNI,50
Bois r f C't s!:'17rf,. it -1 and Ileqc lalitatiobL
11 .,,tdv hi Eltio 0.1111 signet -
tin (•11 " " • 0 hif issektete
• thee, II l0ilbo5oont in any a •
oil reci. 1 ti e 411.11.
WEST r4 OCke
s • '
91 fldEf.;1" OP