HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-23, Page 1VOL 21, 1VQ. 30
TERMS -9L50 Ter Anguli in Advance
ZOWfME 1r 41144,1lloge Witt
Fell wheatharvest fairly commer ce..
Monday last,
NARROW EscaPE.-One morning l
k John Thoma Graham was t
�e3 as on s ms
ing f'o mow, the horses took fright just as
he was'fetti,ng on theseat, and ran a con-
• sinerable distance, he was thrown off in
front of the knife. but fortunately he' had
gathered a large evad of grass on.the teeth
and it rolled over him without inflicting
serious injury.
GODI$1t1C1i TOWNSi1`iUp
BRInFs.-Mr. leorge Rumball painted
his new house last week.', --it ,presents a
very pleasing appearance. On the farm
of Mr. Jas. Rowden may be seen a model
wind -mill; it is something new, and was
invented_.byeaer T. A. Rowden. A team
belonging to Mr. John Churchill, .of the
14th con., ran away. recently, but,• fortu-
nately, no serious damage resulted. It is
reported that Messrs, Henry Twigs and
Robert Churchill have joined the Mounted
Police in the west, and intend leaving here
in a short time. ' Haying is'almost done
in this neighborhood; this is the result of
• excellent hay weather. Mr, John Smith.
has.re iirned from the United States, and
is at preseent engaged with: Mi. John
Jenkins. Mr. (look; near Hplmesville,
has an apple tree with blossom'on it, and.
some apples that are half grown. Mr.
Blair, of the 3rd eon.; has two large cher-
ries trees', that are heavily laden with
cherries, a few weeks ago they took a
blight -which has withered:up the leaves
and shrivelled up the•fruit, so it will be
. perfectly useless: Mrs. McRoberts, of.
London township, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. Cook, of the, loth, has
returned home Mrs. Morgan; mother of
Mr. Wm. Morgan, of this tewnship, and
of Mr. John 'Morgan! Bayfield, has been
lying at the point of death, for several`
days, and her demise is looked for at any
time. There is joy in the domestic cir-
cle of Mr. Thos.' Welsh; his.first olive
branch is a boy.
Lucite w
BRIEFS --The farmers. areebusy. baying,
the crops will be: rather light in. some
places; they 'are also cornarericing,to cut
their fall wheat in sonde, localities;: the.
crop seems to' be a fair one; The drouth
in this section still continues, in conse-
quen'ce the spring crops will be veryshort,
where they were sowed .late. The root
areas are also suffering for want of rain..
A fire occurred in Mrs. Murray's stable,
occupied b,' Mr. C. Hoed, one night last
week, and consuisied the stable -with its
contents. The Toes is a heavy one,to 111r.
Hood, who lost a horse, delivering' wagon;
sleighs %harness, etc.; Mr. Thos. Young,
. agent, lost several reapers and a mower.
There- was noensurance onthe stock; it
is supposed to. be the. work'of"an incen-
diary. There was quite a plucking of the
entrance candidates to the, Iiigh School,
here ; great indignation is expressed bas
the teachers at some of the outlandish
papers that were given on seine aohJects:
l3EIEFs,--eMr, B. Manning was first to
start harvest in the. Peahen, he having cut
d. on barley en the 17th. Mr. John. Snyder
purchased 'a new binder for the harvest.
last As Mr. H. Hebei. was coming down the
first hill from Holuaesville with his.new
art- thresher, be narrowly escaped going"over
the embankment; Quarterly meeting was
held at the Evangelical church last Sab-
bath, by the Rev, S. Krupp, assisted by
the present Pester; Mr. .Krupp preached
a,eouple of excellent sermons. Any, per-
son wishing cherriea can get the cheap,
this is one of the most wonderful cherry
producing sections in Huron.
VITAL Seerriseees.-.Therewas regia=
tered in the township of Tuckersinath :for
the half year ending 30th of Ju•ne,.1g86,.
36 births, 12 marriages,,12 deaths. No-
ticeable in the above, thongh• not.unnsual
in Tuckersmith, are two pair of twins,.
While the marriages seen to indicateen
readiness for the conteniplafed union of
Methodist and Presbyterians, three Pres-
byterians having chosen 'a Wife-froni the
Methodist fold, and three Methodists from
the Presbyterians.. Another thing notice-
able • is the ripe old age attained by eo
many of our people,of•twenty.sevendeaths
registered' in 1885, three were otiethe
borders of 70 and nine had passed that age
being72, 73, 77, 77, 78, 82,•$5, 80, 94.
---BRJEFe=Tete-majority'of fearreers-, : ve
finished haying in thin ta'wnship; hence
instead of the sound of the•mower.,we now
hear the .reaper and self binder, which
tells us that harvest has arrived with its
fields of yellow grain. Mr. Peter,Coopor,
of the 12th eon., had a large addition rais-
ed to -his barn on Thursday last the barn
is now seventy, feet long,_ and_ fifty feet
wide,with atone stables underneath.. Mr.
Henry Horton, the popular teacher of S:
S. No. 9, has purchased and shipped a
load of horses to Dakota since .`sch o
cl,oseed; may .success clown his efforts,`
The candidates who wrote from. this town."
ship, complain. bitterly_.about the esaniin-,
ativu ppapers-wlTial -were se up •y:.eat
and Glashan; it is about time such cranks
were getting rhe G. B.
Bitrtis.---Farmers in this vicinity have
finished .Baying, and will start in their
wheat harvest this week. Mr. D. Sulli-
van, Kintail, paic7'our bgrough tit visit. on
Saturday last; Dash made quite an
pression on our fair sex, we_.expect.to.see.
him back again shortly.�A'llan"`brcl en=
zie, who had a severe attack ofinfiatnma.• .
tion lately, is slowly improving. Mr. Jas
McGuire is confined to his bed at preset,t
"° with that fatal disp.ns'. ConsUtnptien j
slight .,hopes are • entertained for his re-
covery. •
OBITUARY. --We feel it our sad duty to
ei record the death of another dear 'friend of
thin place, Miss Martha A. Clarke de
parted this life on the 12th inst, after an
wiliness of about two weeks, most of the.
time suffering intense pain, Her trouble
was water on the brain. Deceased was
about 19 years of age, and appeared up to,
the time of her illness to enjoy a good
portion. of health. She was highly re-
spected by all who 'kne,, her,• and the
vacancy which is caused by 4her departure
will• be long noticed Although much
sorrow is felt by her death, yet it. gives us
soy when • we know that Martha was a
true member of the Methodist 'church
here, and a sineere follower of her.Saviour,
and that she has entered into the eternal
• rest, vhieh is prepared for the people of 1
God. Her parents and the rest of the
family have our deep symiiatby. .,,:
' wINti$Alli. - .
BRIEFS; -The Glorious Twelfth has
come and gone, and about the only par•
ties benefitted are the hotel -keepers and
eating saloons. Our town now boasts
of a'flag•poie 80 feet high, and. uo'tnan in•
town• feels so proud' of it as John. Hanna,
who !was the sole sinstrigator and :chief
pian in the erection don't give up John,
till you have crow edit witle. success, by
having ,a g�enuiu '-B itish Bag floating
from. its top. Sinn eche Final Courts of
Revision have been held- it is .amusing to.
read the papers,'each, one claims a victory
ever the other y. bat the results will not be
known till. after the election. Mrs Herd-
man is going' to build a fine brick resi-
dence, The new furniture factory is be-
ing rushed along, the machinery is being
put •in, and lumber for' manufacturing
purposes is' being sorted up. Workmen
are at work excavating for ;i large new
brick block that Mr. Gregory, is going to
erect. on the vacant lot north of Stone
block ; this will be• a great improvement,
and will add to. the appearance.of our
main street; if•we had a few more men of:
Mr. Gregory's stamp, brir enterprising
Wingham would soon tell ahead of all
other towes'in Ontarin. Our merchants
are improving the quiet spell by washing
and dressing`up'theirwindows. " Me. Robt
McIndoo,;proprietor of the beaver block,
has been having the .upper fiat repainted
and otherwise improved, to the delight of.
its tenants.. Mrs. Whitney, was made the
recipient of a most beautiful present, from
the members of the. Presbyterian congre-
gation,on the 13th inst., for her service as
organist for, three years in that church.;
the present was a Gold Water Pitcher
and Goblets, mounted .on a `large Silver
Tray ; the presentation was made in the
chitech after choir practise, Dr. Macdon-
ald read the address, and Mr. Scott pre-'
sented;the set ; Mr..and errs, Whitney nee
going to Woodsteck. Mr. S. Gracey,.of
this place, who -has been visiting friends.
in' Essex Co., is back in town again.
EAtiT WAN%A Wfl.
BEIEFs.-Mr. James Helps came home'
from. Nebraska last week, and is now'
'visiting at .Mr: 11cClinton''s; .he. intends
going back before long. Mr. James' Mc-
Gowan, sr., is now suffering from inflamma-
tory r leumatism. Mr. J. Wilson is now
suffering from a pain in his shoulder. and
physicians cannot do' •him any good. 11r.
J. McDonald, who' went to Michigan a
few months ago, returned last week. -Mr.
F.. Wrath; while working in a swamp the
other day, 'came in, contact •with some.
poison lee,- which poisoned his hands and
face. Mr. .\Vhitel.y and leis wife, of Wing -
ham, -are yisiting_at \1 r E. Livingstone's
this:week. Mr.F... Corbett,•of-the Clin-
ton Woolen.mills, .is;having.great succese
in this part of the country gathering. wool.'
' 1ONISL51i(IttO.
FINED -The Scott Act' vase of Yates
vs,'Fisher, -of 'Manchester, ended here on
Monday last' in favor of. Yates. A fine of
$50 and costs,' $27'20, being •imposed, '•to
be paid within .10.days,,or levied by. dis-
tress.' The 'magistrates,. Messrs. .James
Braithwaite teed J. ICernigl an•, are to be
highly praised-fot the impartial manner
in' which the case was carried on which
is .elieved by. a :to be'witheut:feear or
favor, , Mr: Fisher's lawyer; 1Vir. "Powell,"
gave verbal notice of appeal, whether it
will -:be carried on or not is not,yee•known.
Bee Fs. -Mr.. Samuel Woodman..has
already sold 13, binder§ of the Maxwell
make, besides lots of 'other implements;.
.Sam 16' bard tabeat op the road. Mr.
.Wm. Murphy is home from Kansas ,• he
has bought a: farm ,there which la proof
that he •likes the place. • Messrs. Wall
car and Tamely, of Illinois,:are paying a visit'
school to Mr: and Mrs.Bell ; Mr.. Wall is greatly
taken ,pp with this cerintry and `tliitiks it
a very pleasant place. to five in, and Mrs.
Wa I , , . ', , , , ooh., is steadil
improving.The harvest•has commence'
Berry picking is all the rage; 'Foot and.
base ball has come to a stand still, all
work here_and. no play. Rev, J.'e Hough
Lias been on the siek list for n few .days,
and his work was supplied by a' lay
•pre:icber-from England; Mr. Hongtr-is
around. Again n'id •exp ets to_take- his
work next Sunday; as usual; .it has to be.
a pretty severe illness. that will prevent.
Mr. ,Bough .perfol train bis duties,
13nriFs.--4f.- McIntosh bee gone tb
visit friends in Nova Scotia; we svish Istm,
pleasapt time. and truet 11411 not re- .
turn alone W. Oudmore, 'jr.. has gene
to the old tou wry ; thissis his isecond trip
this season. Miss Jennie Meths is eisiting
at her brother's, in Lucknow. 'Raying is
about 'ever, and fermiers will SOC41 all be
busy harvesting.. Crops look well.
II illiaLlETT.
BRIEFS -Miss Edirne Brbrisdon is
away visiting her sister, Mrs. Pollock, in
Brucefield We ere much pleased . to
learn that Maggie Coldwell is a little
better and hope to teeherarotznd through
haying., On Tuesday last) July 18ter. the
excursionists from Londesboro to Goderich
enjoyed themselves very much, but we
can't learn how it la that the towneman
can join the gradger Messrs. G. and
.1 W. Stinson spent the 12th at their vie
tome,. in Minto. 111r, John Shobbrook ..It
had it bee on Tuesday making road into , ing
CLINTON, ONT , MOAT', ._ JTTL Y 28, 1886,:.
BRZEFs.-The farmers are busy making
hay and, thinning turnips, which are dos
ing well if early sown, Cherries are still
bets a quart now, as they never were so
plentiful before in this .county. A Taylor
bas .put another sign up, everybody should.
look for it, if they want bargains in dry
goods, clothing, boots'. and shoes, hats: etc.,
, as he is determined to get rid of his pres-
ent large stock to make room for his beau-
tiful assortment of new and fashionable
goods for the fall trade, which. will bring
customers• for ten mies around to pur
chase. George'Stein, agent fur imple-
ments, went. .ta_Montreal last Saturdry.•
with'a car load of fat steers, A. Carlton
and partner left by' the same train for.
England ; Mr. Carlton. will bring his wife
and family back with hien in a few months.
James Campbell, of Chicago, Balled on A.
Taylor, his former employer,'on Tuesday;
he was accompanied-ed-by-a-young'ladyfrom
Wingbam, the town ot his birth. Mise
Jessie `McKinnon left last week to visit
relatives at Burlington. Miss Charlotte.
Bengough is visiting friends at Bayfield.
Mrs. Scandrett and Mrs. Cook, of London
township, are spending a few weeks with
relatives here and at Blyth, John Coul-
tis is shipping his lumber now. • A. Tay-
lor shipped a large lot of butter to Mon-
treal; Mr. McClelland shipped his to Tore
onto. The patrons of the Belgrave cheese
factory were paid for' their milk on.Satur-
day. The Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Blueyale,.
preached last Sunday evening in . KnoX
church here, and will officiate next Sun
day 'et 6.15 p. m., •as Rev, Mr. Lew is
spending his 'holidays at Niagara. Our
dressmakers are kept busy, and they may
expect a' large trade .;if the fall. • R. Mc -
Cummings, the tailor, has been indisposed
for a few. days._'_.Jemes_ Watson,: the pee:
ale's shoemaker, is so busy, notwithstand-
ing the dullness of the•present month,bas:
employed another man. Jas. Tyner.has
'temporarilpshut down his saw rtiill fora
few months, as he is building a few 'dwel-
lings in the village for Mr. McCorking-
dale; Jas.. went to London on Tuesday
last to sell lumber. Maggie Allison
•fell from a tree last week and broke her
arm, also c slocating her elbow; • she is..
nearly all right again, her. father, who has
beets • unable : to work for. over fifteen
months,; is improving; Dr. McKenzie at-
tended them both; he'is becoming very
popular es.be is skilful and always sue-
cessful. Joshua Pearen and. his brother
Fred, left for the Bruce mines last• week,
We have been asked to correct a state-
ment iri reference to an article which ap-
peered in the . Expositor of last week.
In justice to those• two'. young, men, we
would say that they were not the origina=
tors of the article. mentioned, and .that
the correspondent is "away 'oft,' -En.`.
Nuw ER4; .
BItIpes.-Ma.Frank Metcalf liar been
:appointed agent'for' the 'Canada Pacific.
railway. .Mr. M. Young;'. Division Court.
Clerk, left en Monday morning for a few
clays' recuperation trip up the northern
-lakes. " •Mr. 1. Mountcastle, who had the
mislortu ne to have his 'leg broken last
week: is' slightly improving:. Mr. Wm.
Duncan, of eine •village, left lest week for
Napanee, where be has secured a situation
as head sawyer ie. a large saw mill, at a
salary of $1 500 •per annum. ' On. Friday
a .hirge •number ot. the. friends and relatives
:congregated at the residence of Mr. Robt:,
Forsyth, Queen: street.'•Blytb,, to pay'' their.
last respects to•Mrs. Forsyte,_ hodepart-.
ed' this life oti`the 7th inst. The funeral
service was •perfornied by the Rev. A.
'McL• ean, of whose congregation the de-
ceased had become a: member,' since tom-:.
ing to Blyth ; I*Ir.:Forsyth has the sym-
pathy of the community in this sacL.be-,
reavem en t. --Advocate,
ground. Time of game, 2 hours 16 mine
Utes. Umpire, D. X. Angus, Score. is as
follows .--
GRobertson, s e...,,, ... ,,..... .. ;a
G me nnn
a a
H SLanburT, 0 4
W Spalding, sU 4
A coyne, if 1
J Armour. eb ,.,... ............ 4 1
J.Bar' e, p 6 0
TJac keon, r ............:..•,....,..:2.
Jammeters, ..... ,. , . . . ...... ...... 1
THE 1114117D OF DEATH.
R, The many friends. of this gentle
1. will learn with deep regret that hiss
1 tookplace at
Mount Forest, q+tite un
s pettedly, on' Sunday evening last,
bas been ailing for some time with ca
in the throat, and gave up his ministe
,work a short' time since, expecting t
the rest would bringhim relief andreration to health. is. family was living
in Parte at the time of bis death-hebav-
ing been stationed there last year. He
had been about 26 years in the Methodist
Ministry,. and was stationed in Clinton
for three' years, making many waren
friends while here; he also put nee
first years of his ministerial life on w�A�
used to be Clinton circuit. He was some-
where about 48 years of age, and leaves
a wife and two -children -to mourn is`
Tamm. E. JogLIN, •
who died at Seaforth on Tuesday evening,
was only- a . young .man, but was welt
known to our townspeople,he having been
born and raised here, where be resided
until a_few years ago. For some time lie
was engaged as a commercial traveller for
a Toronto,house, finally settling down in•
j eaforth, where about six months ago he
commenced business in'the•gents' furnish-
ing line, but he was taken sick just'about.
the time his opened out; and kept gradu-
ally getting worse. Being an excellent
humorist and comic singer, his services
were in great demand' at local entertain-
ments, and he became quite popular. He
was the eldest son of Mr. John.3eslin, of
Virden, Man., (a gentleman for many
years a resident,of this county,) and,
brother-in-law. of My..Jentes Moore, ..8f
the Commercial:H'otel. He leaves a wife
(formerly Miss Croley, of Clinton), but, no'
family. -• His remain§ were interred at
Seaforth-cemeter: yesterday .afternoon,..
with Masonic honors, lie being a• member'
of 'this organization, •
This gentleman, whodied on- Wednes
day last, at the age' of 76, years, was one
of tlie-pioneer settlers of Hullett, having
come in about 35_ years ago, and taking up
land on the 9th con.He was .born in
Perthshire, Scotland, • end for ''a time
worked at his trade as a millwright. -
he:.first came to Canada he lived
for. some• time in the. neighborhood of
Markham, and came up. here when this
tract first began to attract - the attention
• of those soekiug liomes for themselves.=
He built a saw arts grist mill et- what. is
known as -Damien. He has always enjoyed
tolerably :good health until: quite recently,
When he has suffered fron�s paralysis'; '.up.
to' Saturday last he was abl�e•eo be around,
when`he again suffered .from• the same,
never rallying. He' has beenefor- years a
zealous, faithful member of the eereebyter-=
Ian. church e -he never took, any' active' part
in public affairs, further thereto maintain
his allegiance to the Liberal 'party, \A.11l
who knew him had •a good word to say
• hirn, and'he passes away mourned by aIl.'`
He•leaves a wife, .five sons and'a daughter,
(the latter, Mrs,. J. Warwick). His re-
mains were interred in the fi3ill cemetery,
Ilullett, yesterday. • .•
;A met or Riiecesar01 Candidates,' Rpitli
• Mel ;ychoiila maid Leaehera.
Tlie following are the names .of tits
candidates passed. or recommended by the'
local examiners Required to puss„one
third on each subject, and one'=tial€,.oi377.
marks on the total, 755:. The names are
given. i n order ; of-merit,the names -in
.earenthesis••being the teacher of that
9c.witat�fr Mew'sn Mate Driving Melte
For !Stearn rarerkan Ma�/wer,
Messrs, Ferran, Macpherson & Hove
man .the noted build`ere of threshing machinery,
death Babe this season: imported from England
ex- •
large unit
a o a
g t f n
9 Y entirelynew .
He of cotton • belting, which he
ter ,� g. c they call :the
ries Scandinavia." They say that although
hat this belting has not hitherto been known
or used in Canada it is not new
sto having been used in r, • i untried,
At the Buffalo calecionien games on the
17th inst., a couple of Huronitee canto
well to the front, one of wbom, in putting
the light stone, beat the world's eecord.
The 'record wass46 fts 7 in., made by Duffy"
in Scotland, and has hitherto not been ex-
celled. john McPherson, of Kintail, (on
the lakesphore, about 18 miles north of
Godetich;)-put the stote 47 ft, 2 in., Tom
Carroll was within an inch of 45 ft., and
G. Perrie, of Benseels, was within an tnch
of 44 ft. In putting`the. heavy atoms G.
Perrie, of Brussels, won, 38 ft e Mc.'
phersen, of Kintail, second. Throwing
heavy hammer-Perrie, of Brussels, was
again victorious, defeating Carroll, of San
Francisco, and other noted athletes.
Perrieer throw was 99 ft,7 in, McPherson'
was third in standing.long jump, the win-
ner covering IQ ft 7e en. McPherson was
second in seanding high j.ump, the win-
ner's record being 5 ft. 4 in. G. Perrie;
of ,Brpeseis, 'captured first for throwing
The- Dominion Voters' List for the
Some enquiries have linen addressed to •
us as to the nameet added byboth sideri to
the Dominion ltst im 'the town, and eri•
anewer we have gone to • the. trouble, to -
procure a. copy of the list ef nemesetelded
by each side, and we glee there in fell
belew. `. The classificatiop is not -ours, and
.yee 'could,. we think, easily point outerrcas
6n both sides. In a nemlser of inetances
names are zepeated, having been put on.
by both sideseand in 'order eo . do -justice
eve allow the repetition to stand, •
' Naipes added in the first instence by
Ames CarpeuterjWm. Carves, Thous Colborne,
Nihn Harland, jr., Wm. McGee, Jas. McGill, Nelson
Ottosen II. Rance, George Stoneham, Geo. Sheppard,'
John Sheppard, jr., Charles Stewart, Augustus
. ton, Eld: Cotton, J. eantelon, George Cook -Ar., David
Connell, Win. Everett; Adam Clingier, Henry Glazier,
J0)27) GiaZtOr, David E Hewitt, Alex. Millen, Thomas
Hatter, JAMS Jackson, Jno McDonald, John Chin,
John Pickett. Jos. Batten Miry, sr, Jelin ROA iNZ
Din1414 ROSS, jr., Jacob Slowman. WM. Slowman, jr.,
Ed. Sullivan, Fred Alcock, W.J.Broderick, Jno. Carer,
Henry Cole, Evan pram. Ed. Glenn, 'Relied Logan,
John Lockwood, Wm, Lippincotr,uPevid Moore, Wm.
McMullen, Ed. Pickett, Lobis Stevens, ThoMas Dark,
Win. Spindler, lames Steep, John •Scruton, Wm. Tan
Egmond, John Walker, James Walker, S., 3; Waddell,.
a A. Clark, V. Connell, Sanniel oentelon,a0en Henry,
Filming: John Simmons, Ben Stanbury, Ed. Smarts,
Charles Spooner,* John Speorier, John Swartz, John
Teiysley, Jus. Wiakins, Thos. Boles, II. McMullen;
.2 'Warren Callender, Hugh B. Consbe, Carebron,
Thos.. Boles; Jas. H. Carpenter, Thomas R. „Foster, -
Albert Holloway,Charles Hine; Lech. Kennedy, Henry
Morrish, S.Roffatt, Ed. J. Rolaledge, Ed. Rout,
ledge; Wm. Robertson, Thos. Itobertson,Johri C.Snaith,
W. W. SparlIng, pees, steivart, George Stoneham, Jas.
Torbett, Charles "%Wilson, George., Beesley, Samuel
Hewitt; James Finch; Harry Fisher,•Wirt; Foster, Ed. •
Fader, Thos. Hatter, Geo. Hinchley, George Hoffliek,
Frank Ir a-Franels_Hommel,...Borfald, Kennedx,
-713EIEFE--. We. are giad to see ear. John Frank , Mitchell, David L ' Maaph*erson, James .D.
Turner on the streets againeefter his long Macpherson, Ed. w. m. Thonspsou, John
Davin, Patrick -Hickey, Richard Horton, *teed moore,
and. serioue illneses . Mr. James Stewart, a. Menial, George F. Oaks, Ed. Pickett, Jehn ()emote,
of Ktnburn, paid a flying visit to his bee- .nichard Patterson,,John L. MeV°, Wm. Spindler, .Tes.
ther en .Verna, on Sabbath laste , Messrs. sr
'Aikens, Chas, Coats, Chas. COpp, Holmes, HetlrY
Mciffatte.Beattie, Marshall and eXeys are Ingraham, 'Thomas McConnell, D. McDonald, Thomas
eery busy now setting ap binderse of ,oiu o nson, John Syinons, Wm, Steep,
Louie Smith, WM. Wilson -70. •
which a.very.large ;somber haVe been sold
t is.season. .So.far the grain man splen -
aid condition for the machines. Mr. Jae.
Armstrong, eur enterprising cooper, has
been working night and day' ot. eateegete
ting ready a large. member ,of neckyokese
Wingham, The •English church in' the
a coat of paint Mr. Denison hes been
busy raisipg his barn, and puttitig a stone
foundation. underneath, and. Mr. -John
Poote, of B.annockburti, is increasing hie
barn accomniodation in much the %Vile
way. Itev. Denby, of Varna; and Pimps
•eorres of- -Benefield-, -had• 'aft -exchange-of
-.Additional Coca! News.
supoiwIlso. NOTES,
The Junior Cricketers of town play
Woedstock, at that place, to -day. -
An assodation cricket match, between
Clinton and • Bruesels, wilt be shortly
played, at the latter place. . •
two juvenile clubs, resulted in a, victory
for the Victories by an innings and 14
Names added, at prelimituiry reyision
John Farquharson, Wra. Swaffield-2
Isaac Bezzo, Robt, Stewart, Wm. •Twiss, Samuel
' Names added at bail revision : '
F:R. Dennis Driscoll, semen Holmes, Jas.
klynn, Raglan Rowland, David Stewart, Chas. McCon-
Fred Swinbanit, Paul Hendersliott, John Pullman)
•Wra..1 vying , 'Therlffitffiffeld, Dennis Driscoll, George
Flintoff, Richard astare Davld Pratt, James Halloran,
The narnes• struck- oft tepee, agteemeet
between the .partiee are as foliows
Richard Beesley, Robt, Campbell. J. Cantelon, John.
Fisher, Wm, Kitt, Arch. Kennedy. Wm. Weir, John
Bailey, Geo. Burnett, W. May, BenJ. Switzer, Jaraes
Walkinehaw.,,Wm.,Alexander, John Bell, DaVonpcirt,
IL A. Evans, D. Elcoat,' Ed. Hackett, W. Wolverton,
Wm. Devine, nos, ei. Fowler, Thos,G111,11no, Stevens..
charge Theobald,
A.nyone familiar with the above namai
will, We think, readily admit that as far
ats their opihions weee known they were
politically about equally divided. It
'would.thus seem that neither party had
gained much so far as Canto is concerned.
10f teem the classifying of these names is
. The base ball CIO hits done its best tO in Many instances a matter of speculation,
arrange matehes,here, between Wingham, and the only way Oslo:tide rut to the pro.
Seaforth and Exeter, but so far they have sent political compleximi of the list is to
eignally failed. It will be a pity if the wait until tin e/ection is held. Those e
Dauntless B., B. C. hes to rdiaband on most familiar with such matters declare
account of the timidity. of surrounding that the town liet reinaine almost. the same
clebs. An effort is being made to .get as of yore. '
Eteter club to come here for the mvic
fined $80 end costs or 30 days for over ee
charging one of the Knighte of Pythiast
He wanted tour time the regular fare. A
tory for the East by a score of 18 to 0, , The Peince Albert mail bag was, robbed A
Was a beitutifel eXhibition of ban play- eaturday, near Humboldt, W. T. "'of e•
e of the score w4s.the result of rough ed matter,
, these being very few effore, and the eeVerni thotteand dollars worthof registries jj
Celia Connor, 475, 2 Ashfield, (Mr. Nevin).
Sarah Meddle, 447, 2 Colborne, (Mr. Morrish).
Rose Strang, 441, Goderich (kir. Embury).
. Lizzie CrICeefe, 439, 2 Ashfleld, (Mr. Nevin).
Minnie Campbell, 488, Ooderich S„ (Mr. Eiubury) '
Naomi Swatlield, 419, GoeVrich 81.$ (Mr. Embery).
John Hogan, 412, 7 Ashfield, (Mr. Matheson).
Christina Hawkins, 405, Port Albert-, (Miss liteGregor):
Charles Gerrow, 404i Goderich M.S., (Mr. Embury).
Agnes 0'1:iguana, A04, 2 E Wawanosh. (Miss Jones),
Edward Carrow, 400, Goderich M S., (Mr, Embury).
Rosalie O'Reilly, 397,2 Ashfield, (Mr. Nevin), .
Florence Bell, 896, Goderich ma.; (Mr. EmbUry).
Maud Watters, ConVent S., (Sister Gertrude).
Minnie Acheson, 388, Goderich My. S,, (5Ir. Einbury),
Alice Reid, 885, Goderich (Mr, Embury).
Laura Acheson, 381, ooderiee et.s., int Embury)
Kate 31e4neid,-877, 10 Ashflold, (51r Hackett)
Sohn K Finlayson, 874, 4 Ashfleld, (Mr Gibson) •
Eva Ralph, 367, Goderich lif 8, (Mr Sinbury)
Andretv Waddell, 862, ooderiet, s, (Mr Embaryr--
Charles Hey, 526, 6 Hay, (Miss Coughlin) '
Esler, 818, 9 (Stanley*, Mr Ross)
eregglo Esier, 475, 4(
Nellie Fulton. 428, 8 Stephen, (Ur Bolton) -
Edith Robinson, 417, "
Albert Pasmore, 884, 2 Dslferne, (Mr Beatty)
Henry Dyer, 881, 5 Stephen, (Mr McNabb)
Ed ward Hagan, 880, 8 Hay, (Ur Canipbell)
Englend. The special advantages claimed
for that belping are, that it is solidevoyen, ,
and not in plies.; ebeeng.vereephabler it
clings to ehe pulley and transmits the
motion without waste of power, and total
absence of vibration. They also Claim
that it cannot he damaged by oil or grease,
and that it *ill not slip when wets We •
notice in a circular tately issued CY the
above finnaenumber of testimonials from
threshernar$1. who bought "Scandinavia'
main drivin.g belts last eeason; who are
unanimoua tit pronouncing it impeder to
rubber, gandy,•or any .other kind of ply
belts. All threshers would do well to
investigate this belting and order early, as
their etock is being rapidly reduced.
of Anierican bicyclists from Lodisville
and adjacent places, are makieg a tour of
Canada.; Clinton 'may be visitet shortly.
Quentittes of new baY haV0 been marketed.
ere' now sitting on the ,1! ragged' edgee - •
waiting to hear whether tbey'hitve passed' ,
.or are plucked. Sunday was cool enough
to require an .oiereoat for comeort, but
the weather ie getting hot agrde.
ich, the .afternooe. train, beinge on his
way home frona setnapart of the Westeen
States. He returned to this place by the
on deeperation, his valise haying been
taken from the teitin somewhere between
Sestforth and Goderieh, and said valise .
contained' notes, etc„ to the amount of
abont $2,000: He netitrally thought it bad
been stolen, bnt it turned out that ,
teken :off the erain in. mistake by a lady •
' at Ilelmesville, who, as soon tte she found
the mistake, andnot knewihg the value
• Of the article, left it in the ineeeure wait- .
ing-room at tbat Village, until' its esenee
Teueynersure-Mri al F.' Davis; '
yeong man formerly in the ereplcas of Mrie
.8. Davie, Clipton, 'but who, 'for five years • •
past, las been working at his trade in .
,afferent parepof the SouthernStates, paid
his oed friends here a visie last week, .
tee leaVing town,, be first went to:Dakota,
ea hepseetead for himself; althogge liking •
New rleabs. but did not care to,
there, wane it was eon low. I ,mare '"*"
most sof e he 'land ta the .9ibi
latter state aver ges, dining tile, sunitnee
months, 90 le ehe shade, eed during the
evening ie gets cooler (?), • going down`to
ceptionelly dry in parte or Texas, 'cattle
hibltory state, and: he. aseeets that, el-
, teaugh liquok may 'be ehteined there, he
never saw e drunken man all the time he
was there, Mr, Davis•likes the west as a
place wlaerein to Make moresy, but he says
Rennie Kinsman, 386, 'Exeter P Et, (51ir Gregory) •
Daniel Wdwer, 872 0 Stanley, (Mr Ross)
Catherine A Foe, sea S tanley, (Mr. Ron)
The board passed a resolution condemn-
ing the papers on 'orthography, gramnsar,
and history, as unreasonable and unfair,
and directed a copy to be sent to the
Education Departments
The following ate the names of the
candidates who paesed ai the entrance
xamination held in Seaforth nu the 6th,
6th end 7th days of July. Number of
Mee Alenaider, 403
/lector Elliott, 406, EgMendrIlle
(mild MalOne, 464, McKillop Separate Seho01
uncial MeCientiM, 409, 1 Hallett, (Mr, Ilutchirleon) .
esley Illaver, 421, No. 10 Stanley.
Mon McIntosh, 855 marks
IZzle Kinney, 850 "
nnie MeDertrild, 862 't
opiate Smith, 376 "
BASE -BALL. -A game of base hall was
played here on Tuesday between the east'
and west, Aides of the town, resulting in a
and wife are visiting fiiends in the neigh-
borhood 'of.D.etroie.,..,,Miss Kate Shanpon,e
of Di00807]*8; if3 away for her holidays,
,Mrs. Ce Doherty, has been visiting eriends;
at Listowel, Mr. .1. Carter left oneracere
Mr. Murphy,' of Hullett, Wha went to ,
Colorado' about eighteen znanthse piece,
for the benefit -of hie' health, returned on
operatoe, bas gone le Motine Foieet for
his holidays.; it is said there are saecial
attractions for him ahere. Mr. Peter -
e, r., on UPS ay o visit his sons
in eelighigen. The wife of Mr. ,T, T. Har-
land -la -visiting at Brussels. Ur. W. W.
Ferran and family are visiting in Detroit;
t.,he family to go ottlo visit "Mends in
Minnesota, Ur. Ferran tetuening to town. •
Mrs. 1 /owsley and children, . Who have'
been visiting friends at leingstou for .a
couple of months,- have i•eturned to town. s
Mrs, J.VViseinatr is a away visiting friends.
at St. Marys, Miss Dearn088 takee her- •
mend holiday jaune to London apd, St.
Marys, in a few days. Mrs, O'Neil and
daughter are enjoyieg tlie breezes of lake
Buren by a couple of weeks' at Kincar-
dine. Mr. Geo. I3eesley taking a week's
trip on the " Saginaw Valles ." Mreand
Mrs, C • Colville, of Xeokirk, Ill., aro
stopping for a few days with. friends here.
Mr. J. Joslite of Virden, Man., anti Mr.
P. Perie, of Dundee, ate both here °Will
IO the death of Mr. T. joslin, of Seeforte.
Miss, Dickson, ofSeaferth, 18 here on a visit'
visit to Btampton; rumor says diet she
is botfi young and pretty. Mr, 11. Hale
leaves this on a visit to Marquette, Mich.
Mr. James Wheatley, of 'Pickering, le
here on a visit to old Mende. Mies Brown,
Of Peril, is tbe guest of Mrs. J, abeam.,
Rev. A, A. Scott, of Carlton Place, locithee
of Jas. Scott, berrister, its hete on a short
visit. Mr. IL B. Proudfoot is away aut.
Iteying Mtiskoka, Mr, John Steep anti
family, who have resided Winnipeg it
feW yearsa fawned to town yesterday. -
Miss Finnigan, of Detlorer, /8 Es'pending •
her holidays at Paris; ie the mentitime a
blooming youth has put on sack cloth and