The Clinton New Era, 1886-07-09, Page 8VOTER'S' LIM• The Glatt of final rev', t (� I N1 9 t ). N E1& ERA Bion on Wednesday Worsting before Judge FRIDAY, iiJI.Y 9 1886, Doyle; was short .and .sweet, The Con- __ — --•-- ilorvattvee applied to have 1 and the Re- 140S7AI. NOTIOFS. ,formers 12 added to the list; all the name: ., QL1 rtyros wooi,LEN 1MliLi % le the were put en. One name was asked to b, t d o wool put on by both sides. rdnation In Furniture. It you has been. left at this °Mee by Mr. George Orient. !FConnell •r, of Goderich township Air ere in mod of ani thing iii rho furniture line,. besoro , , • Luppins call at the Red Rocker store. A A..i3PN- John Oat ander has entered on his duties rim the Cabinet Maker And Undertaker le selling as traveller for Robinson, Little & Co., Cheap, The bestisthe ciheapest. Albert et.,Canton London. iter. Higgins, who bas been PL FRQUDEOQT, the wall known Oculist and ,purist, of Montreal, will, be a the l'e s. working at Crediton for about sic; years, MEliCIAL HOTEL. CLINTON, on the 23rd, has come .back to Stapleton to work 211b and kttlt: or, July, where. be can be con- Nearlythree • hundred tickets were said. Bolted for all diseases 0f the E. Ear; Nose . and Throat. Artificial oyes inserted. hero far Godertch, on Thursday of 1 est �llvn �)xp1f � week ; so great was the crowd on the train • when it arrived here that no more could $1,4.r sT es, --•The vital statistics oftiae get on its and it was necessary to go up town, for the,balf year ending 30th June, to. �`roderioh, and then back down for as recorded with the town clerk, shows'thoosew lReporter . avr.dt hisL. LI fliers ot that during that ;erne there were 37 births ' g in town, 17 marriages and 14 deaths, a, short call -on )i ridgy. Mr. W Davis, formerly of the Organ k aetory, who has ' TBE :t�t;RiCULTURhL,Cormgo$,--At the been.working for ashort time in the west, closing exercises. of the Ontario Agricul• has returned •to town; •he does not like it lural College, last week, two Fluronites out there in' any respect. We have re - came to the front, Mr. B. W. Madge, Of • ceived a complimentary ticket from the Brucefield,taking a diploma, a gold medal, popular proprietor of Toronto Zoological and honors in nearly .every department of Gardens; Clintonians who visit the me- • the College course, and W.. B. Bishop, of tropolis, can spend a very pleasapt time Grey,takinghonors in Veterinary Science .by visiting this institution. Mrs A Base BALL --The Qlintotlbgn�g,-ball p)ttb. -Duncan.-intends:-to take, up her residence paid Winghani a visit: on Wednesday, and with her 'son at Stratford. Air., Neil played a match with • the "North Stars." Matheson hasgoneon avisit to the North• The Stars were too much for them how west. • The wife of Air, GAllaghar, of the', ever, and they were defeated by 13 runs here,The Standard, dar,isllave ti eriends Score Wiugham; 29� Clrhil n,10. The e , Orangemen fi g Clinton andd, I;ueknow, )u a played a -Blyth band to go with thorn to Exeter, on match Thursday'mornin ;before the Cale. the 12th lust, Mr. John Craik, of Chicago. ,donian games started. The Clinton boys was here on a visit. A few days since,' Were victorious by one run.: Scores--Clin while at work in the foundry, kir. . 11.4\M" ton, 10; Lneknow,14. got an ugly cut in the head by il. stick heat piece in the a4uuty 41 throw to ern px qr . Batews —Pali wheat aver six-tQet long, gIIK Afull€tock vt.ali IAdGAi.4letlt na handat 14er- est rates. Don't pass us. •' r. -�A barna owned b 11Ir. which fiew froth a turning lathe, -Mrs INTO A �T, 3', J, L Durst, of +ebr. elle ryas .visit. Jas. Fair, ranee very dropping mei •-- i-•- • t � tlr � 1' 1'aivle this •Jrug her sister, rs.. .... _ y, - a deep well "t�e othtat;days ..from .Nhteli - k Mss Scraturaud i1 rs. Kaiser, of _ would never bane- eeth extricated alive g relict"d, took tickets. at : '1'hompfiori's It ,ivait,poking�iretrnd ,t)ie farm, and nein; ,Ninth. the-cowstabTe,: footle °children having- Mr".g n W. Core bus gone t . Cancythis week, for llachie for a left a gate open), • While walking through a shed it stepped on an imperfectly coy., erect -well, and in a"mnmeat b-rokethrough, and partly fellilt, Mr., Morrish hearing Managed its struggles,' to reach it before it got completely through, and sat on its head until. help was sent for, when it was. li crena o t s predicament. , • "uSrONTANEousComuti tobr.--The other tray as Mr.Searle wits passing along near the resiucnceof Mr. Cambe, he noticed. smoke ' corning iron beneath tide' sidewalk.. 'Get- ting 0 stick. he poked around until •110 periled--crit-a brill of cotton waste, which ' burst out into flan.es as soon as it nos.io the open air., In' Mailing it to plebes, a strip: of rubber attached telt; stuck trt_Yz. Searle's finger, and burnt it gutta pa•iuftil• ly before he eourld. get it off:: `Mr, Searle • cannot account for the fire in any :other way than by spontaneous combustion, •as there wal no way that it could get on fire" where it ryas;. •• . LOST AND l oa'. i — trot lir .last winter when the Presbyterian S. S:' vention was Held here, the' wife of Mr ill.itcbell,.of the Qoderich ,Star, had the. mistnrtune to loae'a' gold 'bracelet, in go- ing from the ch.urcli to the station, the distance being made in en oninibtis. She b lieved she had io.t it in the snow .at the station, but all attempts to find it-: were one of Mr. Pattison's children found it en the other side of the track. It' was•re- turned to its owner on. lylondity, who was very glad to receive it, haying given it etp as lost entirely. • DEA'ri3 FROM EXPOSUni:.—Ont read - era will eadera'will remember that a few menthe ago, considerable eiz;citenient -was created -by • Mr. W. Connoly, of the 7, 1.11 con., Godet- iGlh township, who has •beech slightly• troubled by mental weakness, }, straying• away from home, and remaitiipga hvsra .•for • days. On Friday last lie mnisaged'.i.to • elude the watchfulness•of .his tinnily, and' went away. -As sour as he was`inissed, search ' Was made. for him, but• ho could' . not he _found. and the starch was dentin tied almost ' incessantly,: until Tuesday morning, a large number aiding thereiu He appears to have walked down the track from Holrnesville, as; far all the. crossing east of Itiinstord's, Where he:evi- drntly struck north and walked about two, miles into a piecct of timber known as "St John's' swamp." ' kluw long he was here is unknown, but oar Tihesday morn- ing Mr. St. John went out to get a wag- gon reach, and found the .old man's'hat, without knotiy„1A,g haLaAy.ona.wes...lost;� * ""*Ilting" ilio att into the house, he then. met, •;a son of Mr. Oonooly, who was out search- ing, and thee_Irat..wasmat.io icc.recognizeci, • and together they went out, and found Mr. Connoly sitting down, dead. •,He had apparently been dead for some time. The remains were brought to Pike's hotel, and. were interred on :Wednesday,: Deceased was one of, tt.e early .settlers of Goderich township, and was in very'•eointortable! .circumstances. He wits a warm,adherent! . of the Episcopal eh irch, and leavea•a-son- `"ata elites daughters, the lettere!! married, to mourn Itis .death. :.r• Awes HoT BREEZES.—Another coat of gryt+el on the stone crossings• would do no harm; by•the• way, those stone crossings • stand the wear well:—everybody Walks along the side of them. her, Broderick set off `a quantity of fire works, on Thurs. day night. . The volunteers rpptiirned op Saturdavlast, bronzed -by exprisure to the. sun. McKenzie's Planing Factory looks •better since it repeived 0 creat of -paint. Just see the benefits • of • •advertising -=lash week a Wise in Holmesville was ,offered through the NEw RnA, and sold— before the paner got 'out. Onl one flag was to be -seen /Ling here oft Dominion •day ; this is ii�g:alseircatiou; of disloyalty; but rather the result of indifference. • Ma- , -chine agents are very busy. It is reported that Messrs, Pliipisteel • have tomo ides.ot 'starting basiness here again, I)r.,SV•orth- ington now sports a ,covered .phu;ton, :Nearly every body wear out of town on Dominion day. Those who ere trying to :start a petition for tltecivic holidayshould Make some Friday in August as the day, :then a railway rate to include Sunday can be secured; otherwise only a single day rate is likely to be obtained. Some parties -break the racing hylaw nearly every day, but they wood rather be fined $50 for so driving, than to be told that their• -horses cannot trot flet enough to break the stat. ute, This school teaehcru4-•;`ural and toren —are now enjoying their holidays; a good many will take their enjoyment in the •shape" of n v h ick lit harle+ring, This is grand weather for haying, The.thermnmc- ter bee registered about ('5° in the shade for erverat .' iys; fit felt, a bon t' 1?::,1 rt 'few weeks. Mr, R, • White, and family, of Philitdelphia; -aro here ,Piet"•;; visit to relatives.: Mrs. E. ilol•res, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. Our old friend. Neighbor ;Two Ewings, did tint forget us on Doiuii ion div; for he left us: a splen- ,14,1 assortment of. venetablee including: reat..'IJI$COVfl al' Fog THE NEXT 30 DAYS, AT. ickson's..Bookst�re. Ott POCKET J30GKS w will give a discount of 25 per cent ;JEWELLERY - • 25 SILVERWARE f MISCELLANEOUS BOORS 'BIBLES " PHOTO ALB.UMS... • " AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS TESTAMENTS— CUPS ESTAMENTS CUPS and SAUCERS' "- SPECTACLES . tG 15 " 20 •., P 25 " 25 t t 2fi 25 20 ?5 . VERY IMPORT6NT To- those who -wish to make ake bank note • - o the farthest, ba that 'is to get the most goods for the lease money; we ask ?''oup to come and see us.. We: have a large stook of Dress White Prints, Ginghams, G,00ds,; - �.IV o •GreyCottons, Cot- ton & s, toy, m� owels Shirty s. os- i.ery, Gloves, Parasols. Now Y •n to • givethe .eo �e we intend .d g p p�. some startling. bargains, we are goingto give you goods cheap. It don't ma • .e any dif- f renee'---wha ��- Dr :.:Goode for the next 60. k _ . a_ _ . intend to..gut, d a s �e elite dthem- at a rice that will sell them. Don't go away with the idea that. a oneman has al cheap goods any the to ,•be sold .if you do:you will et lefts - we have not got them -.all,�-.,but. we.:' _-:--- h:av e as man as anyother dr oods store. on, the street and we do�y^�'tpro- pose ro, - s ' o' let. anyone. sell cheaper if ....�� po et y p. we know it. To sell cheap and give good value at the -same time is our aim. All:ou : ; oods will be'leaders the next GO da :�s.. Come and see what: all this talk' is about anyway, and we will convince you• it is all right and that you ha$e got. into the cheapest store In town..r . PIPES. . • ce t< 20 _ VASES and 'CHINA (TOODS - 25 ‘, VIOLINS and FIXINGS • `-' . • 25 —CONCERT -IN: S-and--A000R-B"EO� S 20— _ .'7e W ALL PAPER' _.._ BEItLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN,. & c 20 t` • --DAY Boot; si Journals,._- Ledgers; Vic_" 4 _. -. vfOUTk-1 ORGANS, we will give a discount of 25. .. " BABY O ARRIAGES • f� b s 15 Ladies HAND SATO}IEL 3 " 30 ..:` :Con�b.5 Writing -Desks and Workboxes VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS `: BASKETS• - all other goods at proportionately- lobi rices.. • raw potatoes, - S leucon also lett ns a similar assortment. 1,1r. Dan Shona - ban, of 17ullelt;delivered a let of floe cattle for.Mr. McLean a few days -since ; they were sold, hi btilk; 1VIr; W, Cole. of tot t; delivered three for fire same iinyer, that tom. il 4420,•}1). • ,and Mr. J°r Ball, two at 3100 lbs. -1.1itllett,is keepin well to the front for good c.tttle, and will do even better, yet.... The• tet,urn base ball' :nhtttch between Clintonaud Goderich.•was played here, Thursday, (yesterday. )' On Saturday, Mr. Roach, manager for Coit-�C (tn.,: nearly ended• his existence;. he ;rad Olt pretty waren •playing base ball and d.iank too freely .irfwater. which-hroue•ht .nn -such violent cramps in the hnivels _drat the:aassi.iatenco cif a duct w was necessery' -to -give 'him -relief.. Fred J'ueksthn, '►o- rott,. is visiting -his friends here. M r. Joe k+oxton, Kingston, is here •: t isitine his relatives, Mr. W. Cud more, the. well known cattle dealer of Tuckersmitb, re- turned from .the old country a few days since, accompanied by Mr: Dick ; be stated that the cattle marketer the very OW.'. t- 1`s: actTerson .of..` ingal, tie ; op.. .t.., 25 ,%r 15 . xc This is the greatest= Opportunity:`ever offered, to.secure goods below wlolesald prices. , `,Otir.entire stock, amounting to nearly $20:,000, must be reduced to -X1.5,()00 within the -next 30 days as *e,conitnoiice STOOK TAKING ori .the '1st,of August, and : balatct. our books on the 15th. • Como rtll(1 seeoar stock, and :;p et .out rices, whether you buy 1 or net. No trouble now you the Great Bargains we are' offering. Terms cash, :o or 3 `months Ct:eclit to respon:sihle parties• who ht's -been hero on ti. -1.131L -to diesel i'ral: anembert'nfher family,returned home' on. `Wedaewday, Miss Erma, °roll, of .the Cllr 1 e.t rrner is home -for a- couple of w.eekvi"beilicl'i}s „al ey. R..3. Floody, of ifiehmiraii itVhwre' nit ,a visit to old friends. Mr. Alex ltlel(enafe has just returiied - from a twoiveeks' visit to friends in North' Oared inn ; he gives an interestinn'account of the difference. ;of customs- and manners there: noticeable to aCanadian .•5.tr Joltn , Gibbings and wife left yesterday, on a trip .. to ltiontreitl,-and' other eastern :.priints, Misses Ain Beesley and Lydia Smit are ' : visiting friends: in�.Citderiele tvir. .W.Il: . of Boston, paid allying visit to Clinton this week; the levers in a few days on a trip to the old country11Zr•. J Gov-.: ent leas sold his' black piny ' to IJr, :Tremiee of Darlington, Rear Whitby, Mr, Chas. Wilson spent a few. dnya in ilramp- ton, last week.with a young friend of his: Mr. A rthtlr Coytte has; fine. of . his ieyes beneath it bandage, the •result of too close it'tiersnnal encounter and intimacv with lease ball. Nomination to fill the position on the school board;. vacated by the re- newal of :tier. P. Robb, will be held on the loth n�sfle, tin„30) -the 21sthere should be no necessity to have an election—lei some gond man be •put�in:l y acctamstian. If rennrt`ed that r. Fred Green. who.luta been attending. the•High Schnol,bere,'bits accepted 'a no: sition on the Northwest• Motinted Police: The Grand Trunk purposes running it. cheap excursion to Toronto early in Au gust, • The wifef •-Mr._ Eddy died, on - Wednesday,,, of brain - fever; Iter raasains were taken to London ' for interment she leaves two shill- clii.l,k•ia.-nM.t. T. ~air is putting tip a new- verandah, -Air. coatis th.e:builtler --The Phot Association' met at Point Farm yesterday. The wife -of Mr, I3. Father has gene on a visit to her' friend's at Dundes;: Horace says he will now get a. chance ' to have his own way for two months. 1fr, ' I'. Irvin; is away.attendingthe wedding of his bro ther (forge, who. is to,.be married to a -Miss Flemming,. .Ono of the most intri. Cate; and yet ens of the riicestpieces of mechanisnr-ne--hitve gene for somo time, is an operating chair that arrived here the other day for Al!. I' •1(cefer; it in bo tide jutted in so many difrerebt ways,'end has sro many attachments for various purpo•ics; that: itis redly a marvellous result of ins vendee genies; its coat. was about i$250... Clinton sand Soaforthi Cricket clubs play an; associatiott mateli at Seaforth. to -deg. A lady in town send”- a complaint to the elfeetthat 'a newspaper -she had left bi a store With other parcels, was destroyed by the whole inside being torn out, the paper being folded up again; it was a small. petro o b f usiness. lho funeral of Mrs. Donald Campbell,of•liayfield, fol•mer'y of the Ord can, of Stanley, who died and denly, toolsplace on Wednesday ; an obituary notice will appear next week, T, a house lately occupied by Mr. Hovey is being moved over .o 0 tirie street,. wlheta it will ,he fitted up " as gond as stew." Mrs Theobatd, of Teeswater, is b a •'n a visit to friends: Please look at the 1,ibc1 on the paper, end see if yofi are owing the printer—ifyou areo and pay hips without delay; you are liable to tun - Stroh to un-rstrohto ,this ;weather, and if such; should happen t0 ynit and your subscrfiption, be unpaid,• there is nri room to doubt where you ;would go to. .4- 40 1,-111.IS. DICa Paitior 4Cliuiton. 401/1;' TUE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. x,4 OU1 Al. :11vF; r�l'rl.t. HAItri Xie. ()Itis: TUX'S TO CAI.Cli o171t 01114Bilfi, Gut and Made • iii the Atl in llt,c,t1 ofa: i'1t.C1BE�'Y SV IT, .l-40-st.St le - should sed. our beautifuf tacit of • And bray -yourself -A LiGRT 0 / T AND . VEST, • and a LlG}1T .13.AT Immense Assortment tment of all the Latest Novelties „ .... in ti11h111 ER •('LO'L.i INt , • RD Frenn Which to l llna FI 'your Spring Suit. • L CLL 'AND; • I w ' �.�1) ° INSPECT OU1E� STOCK. Coat and Pant*. Maker*, 'W'antod. O. RANOE 8r. CO,r 'THE HU 3 dLoT IXtES, . OLIN11011. " Three !loops West 0i lie] on s, loaf . Store we will offer a big display of BOYS -STRAW HA1 S at 25 cents apiece, worth. .• $1.00 and $1.50. . A. splendid opportunity to ],ret a good Hat at less than 'half the wholesale cost, ' We . are oleal'itig' out odd lines . of goods at ridiculously row prices.; • • COME SND SEP, SOME OF OUR ..BARGAINS 1 '.JACSSON BROS., 6