HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-02, Page 7'VV., " • BROUGIF FROM PERU'.. ST.I.TUES OF WASHINGTON AND' Lifsis GOLN. AT $AfiTIAGO. C'irp Chlliao Capital Decorated wl<f+>p Plun- dsr Taken from the Patrupians--Bialy Art Treasnret(--T4mbatonee-- ma�0, Vandalism,. •LCA1 Cot, Liter Ocean.] !`h 'ere extends from one end of Santiago to the other, fron'theexposition grounds to thtet most beautiful spot in all South Ileserit;a,•the mountain of Santa,Lucia, a Woad highway' 600` feet wide, with a p;Q{itenade ittt•tho Center and '.driveway oat (either .side, separated by rows of closely planted and tall, growing poplar trees, wkose roots are washed by swift tit?'ttiltg 'streams of Water :fed' by tha meXting,snows of „the mountains which surround the city 'like a. titanic wall. .It4>l5 one sof the most stately and magnificent streets- in the . world and is called the Alameda, Along the center promenade are fountaintr,, groups In bronze„ and. Marble, and a procession of statues. commemorating the historic minket Chili; for -filth -thigh. these tt* bnlent PeoPlell-eve assaeetnated•thetr rulers and driven their pair gt$ int. eltilo,, they have' not failed to recognize their• services and lifted them upgn.pedestals as a 'perpetual example to the republic: But in sad contrast with this patriotisul. " the Chiliana have placed a perpetual re- minder of their vandalism by erecting in Place' of equal prominence the ataatuesand works of art that were stolen from Pru. At the entrance to the posoffeo•- on -••the Grand•P1aza are twofigures of marble the eight of which .causes an . AmeriCdt t visitor • to start with Surprise, (;leorge ° ' Washington and Abraham Lincoln,. "as large as life and twice as natural," as Artensus Ward. used to say, copies of statues which stand ;in Washington. It would not gratify thefather of his coun. try or'the great emancipator if they coal(' know that thehenor paid :them by Chili cost that nation nothing, for th so Ieces , likemuch else that •is beautiful and nota-. in 'Santiago, .are part of the plunder that tha Qhilians brought home from the war. With steamcr•loads of pianos, paintings and books, silver.plate, fine furniture, • cloaks, a;nd carpits. the contents of. the Peruvian Ristoricalmuseum, nationall'1. braxy, art -.gallery, and zoological garden; with clocks and bells from church steeple:', images and candlesticks from the altars. organs from the Monasteries, instruments from the medjcal and surgical cpllege, ap paratus from the laboratory' of the uni- versity, and other plunder, these statues ' of Linco:n and Washington came, and. are set up as m imeutoes of . the most brutal• vandalism the modern. world has known, - ¶'1ere was nothing in•Peru of public or private property, too hot or' too .heavy,' or•, too sacred for the; . Chilians- to carry o 1, They even, .tool:; tomb- %, stones froth the cemeteries'. end • the vestments. of the priests from the cathedrals in vvhich,the cavalry Horses were. stabled.. The war was .simply or- ganized rganized robbery. It was started .for the - conquest of -the nitrate beds •and guano:: • •deposits,• and ended int shipping `the ;glomes of 'the ...people,; g Iitnclel was the motive, plunder the ,progranilit and dsy, astation, the result. What could not b talon away was destroyed.-.What:would not burn or break was blown up by dvn- amite. • And, strangeto say,' the Cllil• liens are proud of their work. They point outwith great' gusto ob„octss.ofart and ornament and tell you they .eared: • from Peru "Where did those statues conte from? 1' �---• kiisked a clerk in the postofliee, pointing out Lincoln and Washixtgton. . "We brought them • front Peru, ";was" the prompt reply, "and the fountaiti in the patio came with.thein "' uj ei tltlo•t ,Atone Hog- • • • i1 hiledelpl I t' ire .l • Although .10,000 houscless -and starving dogs are annually taken to the .London house for 1qat dogs there has never been a genuine case of l-abiesithere since its foundation, twelve !•ear's, ago. 111 a pain- phlet prrblished•bv the' managers ,• of• trio home occurs the3olldwin .paras aph< "No One need feara clog that barks savagely, bites at everything within his. reach, and froths . at the ..month. • Ile is not mad. " "There is a foolish superstitiotr..about they bite of t} nad'dog, " said Mr. -Bow.ers, superintendent of the city, pound. '"''Petr• . :sons ' who have- been • bitten ` by 'clogs • that afterward •take • tits: or 'go mad' believe that the`appearanca:of -the disease in the. animal Means -danger to ahem. • We have dons brought herc-every . clay to bo killed that ]rave ,bitten people, and the invariable reason for wanting. them put out of file way is that the :per son bitten may be rendered . secure ' from hydrophobia.- I hive been .bitten often by so•ottlled'•mad dogs: If the wound is a'slight ane I let nature take Its. `.course If the biro is serious I cauterize the -edges of the wo;tntd with caustic and sforget all about the matter as tbe;wound .begins to • A 'Knife That T'elmige t to �tillres Igoottr. (a; an ,Inv. ("al:) n0.'611171 • 311r. Ellis, who'recently ieturned"from n trip through the upper tion aoa. uin valley,. . has ht 'Market street ne)vs•stnnd ti large born - :bandied thread laded. poexet•kuife; with a brass plate. on one side hearing the in• scris tion ".1. Wilkes 1;oath,•Ba'.t, "- Mr: .Ellis states that he found the knife on'the banks of the Stanislatus river. near its. junction with the San Joaquin, • The knife is very old' and rusty and two of the blades are broken. It Was sua*ested that this knife was at oua time the' proiaerty of J. Wilkes 13'ooth', Lineolii's. assassin. • Ito]) ton in. L'n tinea, .i -•h' per.' ' According lLo •otllcial statistics, _ 1•'i'ance' . now has ti;',0,000 •I'rotestant inhatbitatnts, in 8:0 parisilc5. Of those 5:1),(:00 belong • to the Iieformctl nitd Calvinistic branch,. J.° uu0 to the Lutheran, and ' i,000 or 20.001 to the F roe•olttrrctt, The 'Methodists have nhout thirty regular and a hundred lay nrencheca entressed'in the i''mitet' work, w t 11a1.pt,sts and r'arbyistsare also mak represented. ;° At Last. The monthly statement of the number of deaths in the cities. ot,the Dogainion for the month of May has been issued. The total of deaths for thelargest cities is as follows: Dlontreal, 887 ; Torbnto, 225; Quebec, .147 ; v,,miltop, 76 ; Halifax 69; Winnipeg, 29 ; Ottawa, 78 ; St. Jahn 60; • London, 83 ; Kingston, 24, Montreal has a clean bill of health as far as small•poxis concerned, and only two deaths are report- ed in tete, Dominion from that cause, .both being tit Sorel: Diphtheria appears, to have been generally prevalent. Sir John Saadanald laid the corner stone of a new Methodist Church in Carle- ton County, Thursday, and, rn the courscs of his speech said 'that it was desirable that the churches should be noitea to fight the torrents oftrl5deltyand atheism whigh. were flooding the world. lie might have added .hat it was desirable to contend against. thieving and covetousness, which are en- contaged by his °system of Government. The Premier trades wealth, which does not belong to him, for votes and political in- fluence. In payment for votes, he prom- ises to give ,to sone men wealth which other men have to earn: The desire to stet riotby the aid of unjust lawd'not of by -honest • labor has been cultivated by Sir•Johq Macdonald in the minds of the penple. The churches will have to work hard and long to counteract his evil in. fluence, and they had better pay attention to dishonesty' in. Canada before troubling 'about infldelty in France and Germsinyti FARMS FOR SALE. •11 WARM FOR SALE—POT OF LOT 26, ON Tktp 14th con. o1 the township of Hullett; containing bo t 48 t7 E 1 a u nares. erms o su t ppurchuser, Apply to CAMERON; HOLT& CAMERON, Barristers; Goderioh, EARM FOR SALE..— THE ESTATE OF' TRE late John Lawson 68a os of gaodland,on the north side of lot 4, Maitland block, Base line, Hallett. There are"on the premises, good frame house and barn build- ings, about &acres orchard, well. watered, '1 mile from Manchester, 0 miles. from Clinton, and 7'from Blyth. Apply to JOHN ANOY and Joan SPRUNG,. Execu- tors, A u ub xn, sm * • FARAI ••FOR SALE THAT VERY VALU- ABLE faun Composed of lots 29 and 30, con. 8,.' Mullett200 acres of this 150 acres are cleared the. ,balance geed hardwood bush. Bearing orchard: of 8 acres. Ordinary dwelling house ; good frame barn and outbuildings. Farm is well watered, andsituated about 5,} from the Town of Clinton.. Terms easy, Apply to AI, McTAGGART, Clinton. • tf • IIAR3I TO RENT.—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS of Mullett. rent �tlt is io 6 mil srm of 0 fromacres, C int n,lot has' 801tacres cloared,•with good spring creek running through it. Small house, good. barn, shed,.'oreliarct, &c. One of the best grazing farms in Mullett. Will be rented"for` '!1 a term of years at a reasonable. rate, Possession given as soon as harvest is over, so that fall wheat may be put in this dear. A, DODSWORTH, Clutton.\ , • a opular: Dory Goods pause, L.2NDom+ BBORO. WE ARE SHOWING THIS WEEK - very extensive range of Parasols g a s Full lines of Lisle and Si1kGlov.es eLarg stock Black& colored -losie°r-y • hf Kints : in Beautiful Colors. and Designs. i, ■ Linen I • awns' and 'Panted' Musllns. TPM FOR SALE. -THE FARM ON THE BUR- -12 ON Read lots (1 and 7, Goderioh township, eon, sistingof 144 acres, is offered for sale- on reasonable, tonus. -About 120 acres cleared and in -good' stat'e_'o'' cultivation, balance' good hardwood good• frame house,.&c., general buildings, -plenty of water, bearing. orchard ;1I miles from the rising town .,of Clinton. Particulars may bo obtained on the premises, or by addressing JAML. S PERDUE, Clinton);, 0.. , f1ARur FOR .SALE. — THE ENDERS/GEED OF - .0 CFCs for sale TO pores, all cleared, largo frame Barn nearly now good frame house, 2 good wellsti good sprin CreOk.running through the premises; 1} acres orchard 5 ,miles from Clinton_ and 10 from Seaforth, The farm is a.ve y good ono• well fenced, and pos.essien ii li lid given 'next.. December. Lot 25, :4th coli.; Stamey:' Apply •to-'.ROBT, NOW,. Lot 43, 1st Con., Taekersinith. Clinton P. 0. • FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS •forsale his splendid farm of 100 acres, being let 44, 2nd 2nd -Gori., of Tuekersmith• • Good new story and half: framer house,_2 acres splendid 'orchard, good buildings, 85 ogres free frOm stump? 15.acresin fall wheat The whole ender good cul£i°vation, and well under drained; nyespring on the farm and has good wells Closet° churches and.sehools 3! miles from the town of Clinton, 5'from Senforth lYiil.besold. on reasonable terms. HUGII AIcDON.0LD, • on';th promises, or Clinton P. O.• IPLENDID FAROR SALE,. -THAT F\CEL- FARM Ftun. farm of 154 acre,, being iota 68, 70 and 71, on the •Slaitland concession, goderich township, About 135 acres eleared and 110 rood state of_cultiva-• Hon. On the premtsos.is a good brick house, with all eom•ontenees of stabling, bank barn, well watered, &c:, gond bearing orchard, church on' the farm and s.hnol not far away, about 0 miles from the town of Clinton. This farm is one of the best in the township of Code - rich: Possession, given any time s ,1Full particulars on application' to.tho proprietor, 'JOHN RUDD . Pile - ten 'P. 0., or of the NEW ERA OFFICE; Clinton.' • m m • F -+--t .� o. UALITY FIRST -CLAS 'S. � PRIGE'S : LOQ IME'1`TEy LONDESBORO: NEW -'-DRUG STORE' Theundersigned has just opened a 'New D1ug ;Store in.. �7 aekson ct New 13a oek:: II Lir'on . Street, tree>C, Two, doors -West of"the.City Book Storey where. Will 'be found: 'a coni )lete'assort- nrent of Fine . DRUGS .and CHEMICALS, also PATEN'.T' MEDICINES and D.RUGGISIS"SUNDRIES. All :.that the • )tiblic may ask 1 y . for in these knew. F.. S�- Ofhee changed from' residence e to Drug 'Store. .. A.` Wt -� THING T• CHAS.' CRUICKSHANK%, .Y. 1.1 I havenow on hand one of the. Largest, Beat and most Complete Stocker of BOATS and 'SHOES, ever displayed in Clinton, and will sell thein .atthe very Lowest possible Prices, If you want good value in Boots and,Shoes, call on us , and you w ll not be disappointed, 1 am OW making the Celebrated Rand SeWed Boot� Which are so favorably known to require no cottl'tnent.. All kinds of custom work promptly attended to,, and at reasonable prices, 5 PER CENT OFF Foil CASH, EGGS 'idAl{•EN IN EYCHANGE FO. CifOdDS. Call on C. 'Cruickshank, . the Boot Maker • ALBERT .STEE>4T BRIOH B.LQ , TM _, fix,-cLl�To� ;--,-- • RTM.E ls:uot sarpasscd%r toilplOoi�ss in 1118. couaty. Prices consistent: with fine work.: WE ARE' N0 SULLIVAN, Bit' therifle has very few exce ption;z, that ever a Suit; -a -Pail'- of Pants, a • 7est or Overcoat Off', iLl~It • the body at'the v110 -buys - t ;fermi? for OAK ' HALL CLOTHING HOUSE." Ales o well. satisfied lsfiedSvitll:..the Ft, Male and the Trimmings, . that when they walit.another suitthe alwa s come back: to Y Y us, -and send or bring, their� " friends: with, them. t This 'is, why our business has increased` so rapidly. TEi2irS CASIL. '. • PRICES•RI ' :`, v G>I1` POD THE ' TIM1aS; A. nl a Pro . : . .P r><sciler, Plall��ge>t.. • FReSH AFii{.IW'ALS '.THIS .'WIEEK.' HELLEBORE •CASIIMEP.E .EOQLTET PERFUME CARRIAGE SPONGES .;Fine line of HAND'.MERRons, .cheap:' PURE .INSECTPO ` I4RTR•ANDS BULK PERFUME WDDr ' CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP' ATLANTA': SEA SALT , ,PEARS (ENGLISH) ,SOAP. FRESH LIME JUICE' PEARS VIOLET POWDERS • :P: U1iE' PARIS 'GR,EEl� ; —REAR.s.. BLOOM Y. We pay special attention to'TRUSSES, and havdthe largest stock in the County.. • a Pest: 0 cent OIGTAP.. in towns,.: -•`. •. _. JA 1 ' H.. CO : CHEM T MBE, .IS AND DEUGGLST, •, O'LINTOl1r, ONT. a.. , , • on '.0 1' h4ngn Lraignr.l Widow to medium: "Ts my. husband . happy in the spirit land S" • esa perfectly so, rnadarn. . Tie has„, everything iris soul desires.." "Then, thank heaven, •he's get it at last!" "Got what, madam?" • - • "A postofllce " If ow to ('ill re• Cold. • . . 1E' Sigto t'edfeo•l ,Pour about half a pint of iboilingIiot ater over about a drachm of pulverized camphor, :and inhale the vapors arising therefrom tear or twenty minutes. Gi1'eatre• lief is at onto experienced, and after two • or three repetitions the rlisectinfort is said to dila:opo? entirely, • PENNYROYAL•. WAFERS. Prescription of a plaksioian who has had a life long experience in treating feniale dfseass. Is used.' monthly with perfect success' by Over 10,000ladies. ]Pleasant, safe,, effectual: Ladies askyour drug. tist for Pennyroyal wafers and ake no substitute,or inclose pnost , loge for sealed particulars. Soltiby` • N. . ! ` all d'rutt ists, •$t per hof. Address- 1 ?1'l EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., DETr.p , IL' -r,,' Soi(1 in Clinton by 3. fI. (,O3IBE and Druggists every Where. i rSTIi .:4111.E1t *ES. Zoe Creme.. ' Suit=er nrizalts. FIR.E"„' WOR SS Foist July at • .324Y risotr Ilr,rr('rt, Utmost 1r'rr>aT. r'r,te.'r',rir, • ., .n In thanking his numerous• custcmers for their liberal patronage in the past, begs to announce ' that he has received a splendid assortment of Coit1'arsr.c TILE LATEST NOVELTIES IN TWEEDS, DRESS. GOODS, PRINTS, M'USLITS, GINGHA MS, . LACES, EMBROIDERIES, 1011TINGS;'CO'J TONADES,. DUOKS - DENIMS'' TWEEDS asecialt- . ' p , y, and '.first-elase� Tatnor•who� uarantees Made , g ''fit,• A fol SIT ly'of hand ado BOOTS and:SHOES•just arrived for the spring trade. A fresh a ortt nt of WALL . PAPER, ttewest patterns,.. My Stock of'GROOBRIES rs •ew.and Fresh, -Try our 50. cent) Youn wH •son EA vaino ever offered' to the Public. HARDWARE y T bast ' � � , C1i0CiiLMlS' and (rG4yti«'_alt'';'a full. supply. LARDIIV'E and, OI.OWN OIL for machinery, always on hand, and everything usually kept in a fit st•clase cutis;try store. COAL OIL 20 dents per gone*, ' ,highest market price paid in trade for BUTTER, EGGS, OATS,' &c.. Coote. one and all and inspect my stack,— No trouble to show goods.• N. 13.—.have also purchased a large iinaltity of tie BLUE TIN TAG BINDING TWINE • Best in the market, which I offer at the lowest possible` rate, JOSEPH Ifionnow.' 'i'At1NA, llMaroh 5th, 138g, NEW tFJJENIT1IRE STOOD 4. °peite& out ELLIOTTS E T3�T :,I3E19TZ:U'THE CITY nOOK STORE, BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, SIDEBOARDS,. CHAIRS, tt,ltil4 A (a t;II:RAI, ,AC , r r .sol.Tert,Nr OF TEE 'VIM MlisT i+rAlr ' REASONABLE 1.r1tICES, 140 Com. CLINTON.. LOUNGES, 0. FITIVITITRE AT • O 1' t 'O ll �J. U EARS o ESTABLISHED, The only manufacturers:',Of FIDE • '1 OOF • SAFES.' with • Non-Copiduet ng .. Steel g'1an e D cors. All our new styles: of Fc ireproof Safes' are fitted witli an AIR CHAMBER t4` prevent clampness'tO papers. A. large assortment oe SECOND HAND SAFES for sale at low prices'and on easy terms, of payment, Catalogues '001 application,.. -117 and 119 Froilt Street, East, • Toronto. Planing `SUCCESSORS TO STEVENS & .SON. CLINTON. Manufacttn ers : of SASH, Doors, BLINDS, `'FLOORING SIDI'N • C.EILIN_a, °MMMOULrTNGs, F.SAMMES,-PICKETS,• &o,, and all kinds of. int,erioi 't>rld E -:reefer Finishing1172rm—,and—Striltrept ,ori hand; Mill on Wellington St;; opposite Woollen Milt. PLANS 'AND SPECIFICATIONS PItEP. I?AI.2,Eb. S. S. Cooper, W. v S 'liange of130sjrisas, titt[t11t-t,lt tltittttttittl'[t alt 1111 .. The undersigned°begs to notify the people of Clintop and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried r on . by • W. L Newton,. •�.. And that he .as prepared to ftlrnish Harness, Collars °W 1lps, Trunks, V'alise.s,'Buffalo fakes-, 'Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first°clash Harness Shop, at: the 16test.pticbs. Speoia attention is directed to•my stock of LICIHT 1T tt sass, which I will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROkPICLIC A.TT,lE=;t'ai1 ED1 TO. By strict attention to business, and carefully stndvini( the treats of n eustoners I Ito' a to Y , p 1;1.111';!i1131.It ;CHB 'iia M.—OPPOSITE TIIE MAIII(EP. merit a fate shot orimtrottnge. Orae me it call before purchasing elsewhere, 4