HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-02, Page 6,
".• •
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 4880.
A leisure litreamr.
3Tioll Tux oraytt nuaren,
Ob, birds that .aing such thankful psalms,
Rebuking uMan fretting;
Teach us your secret of content,
Your science of forgetting;
For every life must have Re ills,
You, too, have times ot sorrow.
Teach ue, like yet, to lay them by,
And sing again to -morrow;
For gems of blackeat jet may rest
Within a golden setting
And he is video, who understands
The science of Ithetting,, -
01;lia1re5.that blow before the,gale,
Until its peaceful endieg,
-Teach us your yieldin gilinted Mt strength„
Your graceful art of bending;
For every' tree must meet the Storm, '
Each heart encounter sorrow,
Teach us like you to bow, that we
May aearid erect to -morrow.
For there is strength in humble grace,
It wise disciples shielding;
And he is strong -who understands.
The -happy art of yielding. 3.
011, brooks which laugh all night and day,
With voice of sweet seduction,
Teach us your art of laughing more,.
At every new obstruction;
For every life bas eddies deep, -
And rapids fiercely dishing,
. Sometimes through gloenny caverns forced,
SOmetimes in sunshine flashing;
Yet thereis wiadmid in your ways,
Yonr laughing waves and Wimples;
Teach us the gospel of your smiles,
The secret of your dimples:
Oh, oats that stand in forest ranke,
Tall, strong, erect and sightly,
Your trenches arched in noble grace,
Your leaflet§ laughing light.Iyj.
Teach us you firm and quiet strength,.
Your secret of extraction.
From slimy darkness in the sdil; •
The grace of•life and action;
For they are rich who understand. -
The secret of combining -
The good,, deep hidden inghe earth,
With that where sub is shining. ,
Oh, myriad forms of earth and,air, • -
Of lake, and sea, and -river,
Which makes our landscape gle,danal fair
• To glorifly the Giver; .
Teach as to learn the -lesson -Ira
In each fatniliar feature, ,
The mystery which so perfects • ,
Each lew or lofty creature. '
For God is good, and life is sweet,
While suns are brightly shining,
To glad the gloom and thus rebuke •
Our tellies .ofping..
The Slowest tjme neebrd.
• As the car reached Westville an Old man
with a long white beard retie feebly from a
corner seat, and tottered toward the deer.
He was, however, stopped by the ceadnet-
or who said : •
'Your fare please.'
eri '
' en ? I don't remember it.'
'Wfly, I paid you when I got on the car,'
'When did you get On the car.' .
`At Fairhaven.'
• 'That won't e • -..
• 'When I left Fairh' aid the conductor.
there Was only a.
little boy on thegar! •
anawerecl the old man, 'Iknow it.
„ I was that boy.'
life, and oinks to hopeless unawakened
death. Think not that you have shed
your bittereat tears, until you' have steed
at suidt a death -bed. nit* not the mesa-
Went/ant of any human gruif has boon
found until you have sunk the plunime
line of such a sorrow. The grave stud
never buret its eheath to let the soul
this death free, like a lily on the Eaate
air. The door shall never ming like th
A Hollow Tree iron of Trout,
. x
A week or tWo age a singular occasion
t tratuipired at the wood camp at Wolf
j„ Creek. The land on which the timber is
f / being cut is extremely ragged and broken
by huge boulders and rocky cliffs.•Over
s these rocks are the streams which from
Wolf Creek cotne tunabluig down from their
snovvy sources on the mountain tope. Near
onof the streams a couple of sturdy wood-
men -eat to work to fell a large pine tree
which stood dose to a high stnooth wall et
granite. About thirty feet from the foot
of the tree, at which poiet ie seemed to be
decayed, the trunk 'divided into two large
• branches, tine leaning over against the
perpendicular wall of rook. A small
stream of water poured over the rock and,
falling upon the limb, fell in spray down
along the side of the tree. The water
made the wood -choppers, position very -un-
• comfortable, but they kept. at their work
and soon the tree began to totter, and fell -
with a reaounding crash and broke in
twain. The men followed its course with
their eyes, but their gaze turned to a stare
of wonder and their surprise found vent in
a loud shout, which ran from molith-te-
mouth and sent its echoes ringing through
the mountains. "Fish; fish in the tree I"
cried the woodmen, for from the top of
the tree poured a vialume of water ail it fell
and with it a hundred or more mountain
trout, which were left helplessly upon the
stony ground. The excited wood•ohoppers
crowded around and began .to pick up the
• ash.arthey-could, all ata -lose to account
for the presence of the trout in the tree
top. • The Most, plausible theory is that
the water caused the tree to deoay and be.
cane hollow, and the fish, being swept
over the rock, fell down into the tree. In
whatever way their presence there may be
accounted for, the sight of the tree empty-
ing itself of its lively sontents was' won
'derful, not to say starfling.Alpine (Cal)
bare of a cage, to let this murdered hut
flash forth like a plume of a singing bir
to the stars. No, Over the grave of a dee
end buried trust no resurrection note Ca
ever :sound Me a bugle amid the dew
hills, to call the Bleeper trona his celioli
Once dead, it is deaVorever. Deck t
•4;100, sweet sqlacing„ Years, and kende
bloom of inemeiry 1 At its head, the moll
stone of forgetfulness ; no• tear can kee
green the meagre mound that it beape
above the grave where Rep youth's con
stancies end love's forgotten, dreams, Go
pity us all who have wept by ail& a grave
or have autidered the. faithful hand-olas
of years at such a hopelesis deathbed:-
" Atnber," in Chicago Hormel:fan,
Plgeittieve to the .Desith. •
-Detroit- despatch •trays :-=." Tillf'
Geogan,ofBiaston; and.'‘Jekey" Blenheim
of England, two- notorious thievesi, tame
to • Detroit a few months ago. They had
been concerned to a bank robbery at Men-
dota, Ill„ and, as they were wanted for a
crime, cominitted in London, Ont., they
aid not dare cross over to Canada. Geogan
hail been in jail in several Stites while
• Blenheim, al-thOugh-inany-tinieti-A;rested-,
had never been convicted. About- three
weeks ago the pair quarrelled over a wot
man, and Blenheim wae pounded by Geo,
.gan until he was linconscions. The ter-
mer then swore to be revenged,. and. Geo.
..gau, knowing the fell extent of his former
conirad'e's vindilltieeness, Concluded in
Arisk his chances in Windsor rather than
be "given away". by ffekey. He oroetied
the river, ,therefore, and made his head-
quarters at a -quiet resort for .persons or
his ilk., When .131enheitn had recovered,
he offered to lure Geogan or from Can-.
acia into the hands of a detective, if he
(Blenheim) were given immunity for the
Mendota job. : The WIndaor authorities
were informed that Blenheim'a, offer:had
been accepted by the Detroit authorities,
and presently Geogan' found himself so
oloseljr watched in Windsor, tnat he deter-
mined t� cross to this side, selecting last
night 'kir the time, • Mean while Blenheim
had got into trouble. Yesterday -he net
a Ohicago baciebell enthusiast and , fleeted.
him •of $700: . The Chicagotie pointed
Blenheim out to e Pinkerten detective who
accompanied •the Chicago delegatiori to
Detroit, and 'Blenheim,. featinwarrest, re-
solved en ertatcro-Wiirdenr. ;Brii singular
chance the two villains met in midstream:
The meeting and the 'struggle that'follow-
ed were witnessed only by theTinkerton
detective who was shadowing. Blenlieifn..
He says that in midstream Blenheim niet
a boat containing pee person, who -hailed
bhp. " The stranger was Geogan, who as.
he drew near, and recoldized Bletiheitn,
• euspectedeeme-trick to capture.hiin. He
..nulled alopgincle, therefenpnd.struck at
Blenheim with an oat., 'fore the 'latter
had recognized his assailant or &mid get
hiarown oartrom the locks. -.••Bleeheint saw
that it iviis,to..be a battle to the deathan
boarded Geogan's boat; • The twe, *strug-
gled. tor; the pciseessiOn of the -ear which'
Geegan had, and 'finally went Overboerd..
They struggled .desperatelywith one aub:
.ther in the. water until, locked .in one at/O-
ther's embrace'they 'Went to :the bottom,
and were drOWnec1,- jest as • the 'd'eteetive's
' The awkward scenes often :exhibited in boat wiii.toinieg to their reecue,
leading horses, both on coUntry.roads and : , • •,
city streets, gen.erally evince the„obstinate, ir.onkrennavatniettietiy. llooj.
or lazy nature of the animals, though the is a beautiful: present l'te.f4iVo.allY• lady,
fault's sometimes attributable totheir bad But there is .a little book •published in
Management. Amidenti OCO816i011D1137 oc- pamphlet •form, withno pretensions to
• our frciro pne or the-otherbt these, causes. literary merit, that would .be as apPrOnri,A,
-the groom • being unhorsed and Seine- ate, and might be .tlie means Of saving a.
times seriously inj. ed by 'the heldinaINA calledDr. R. v.Pieroe's troat.ie'
back of the horse he is attemptieg:tolead on.diseaseii of Won244:" • for whose peculiar
Probably, careful trainina. while young troubles- the. • "Favorite Prescrintion" is
would materfally remedy tlbils,defect, even eapeciallg.designed: It is profusely inns
in animals • that a e .nat•urally-lazy or trated with wood -elite and colored. plates,
obstinate. • . • • and will be: sent to anyaddress for ten
• Often, when a number, of horses are ha., 'cents . in stamps, by the World's Dispen•
• ing led along.e.road, one. horse batik§ back sary MediCal 'Association; •Etiffelo, N. •Y.
• ..
and 'allows himself- to he drakged.by the • . • •• ' •' ' • '
halter and ...,pulled along,, while. another sienenter care: et 'tlrerk norsea...
The grooming -ea tis called -of heroes,'
q.uite as impertimt the. feeding, and
10 summergme when. the fearneare work-
ed hard, it isLiedispe.nebble to -their wel3..
fare. When a horse is working, the ex- • B •Ce '
tretion from 'the akin is nrofiise, and ,pours e rt. e ections wi open on uly
2nd and Will end July 1.4th:: • . ; •
Leading -Horses.
trots up freely, ahead:cif the -horse hie lead: ••
er rides. The difference in the, dispositions
of the two animals, so. opposite...in their.
nature, is by nomeans an iudicatioti of
their respective abilities, for some of our
fasteat horses are naturally lazy and don't
lead or go freely, requiring., the whip or
spur to keep them up to
the free- and -high mettled are nowhere •in
the .face. Yet the latter are generally pre-
ferred for pleasure and • the former for aPt to close the pores and prevent the est
profit. • The ' horde that •leads well; •and ea.Pa-:44-tbe.-lifersPiftrtium" This produces
runs well up to the bit, hike thefirstole dtalId9Vo• in the form'of congestion ot the
• merit of a good and- pleesanteriddle- horse .myriads of capillary vessds which; form' a
While the obstanate or lazy animal is:otten close •
• net -work' near the. surface of the
ody, and the excretion and secretions
being stopped, the sktn becomes harsh.;
r contractesLand-diseased.' The -i
matter -being unable to escape -gathers
night men at the rolling mills in Hamilton,
had a diepute, and the tortner was Orrick
by the latter with a. pair Of tongs, breaking
his cheek bone and doing other seeere in-
jury. Grill was fined SO for the offence,
half of which ivill go to pay Matindera'
timber's bill.
1, The iatest remedy for Camille, Colds, Croup,
whooping cough, Bronchitis, etc., is alcove.:
goLung' Compound. 't herein Ile remedy in.
entscomposing ateGregorat wig Cie o SO
do not say you have teiree everything until you
It, viz., that it is the beat. Sold lu GOo and 81.
bottles byA-v-Wortlilngtoti,-drugghit.
A greedy hen belenging to Mrs, Hummer
of Barnestalle, Ohio, ate ao much that her
„crop became dogged, and ahe wasin danger
of (lying, - Mrs. Huninier was equal to the
emergeney. $he clipped the feathers off
the crop, then opened it with a sharp
'knife receoved the. contents, deftly sewed
• it up again, and the hen is new the mother
of a fine brood of chicks.
• 13 ail for the Coo.
An old engineer tells the Omaha Rail.
-way News a story in which a cow made" it
almost as bad for the (snipe Stevenspn
prophesied that it_would be forher.--"Thet e
Was a place away np. in thg Allegheny
Mountains •where the wagon road ran
.under the.railroad, the trestle •work being
about fifty feet high. The yoad was new
and had not been "surfaced" up. The
ties were not imbedded,. but were lying on
top of .the ground. We were annoyed a
great deal by cattle gettieg (AI the ^"taae15,
and it was with great difilculty that they'
eould get out of our way when ediapelted.
to hobble over the rough ties. There was
a • etirve n9ar this bridge,• were
rounding it one day at a geed fate of speed,.
svhen_f_discovered-rt, cow standing on the
track between the two ties within five rods
.af-the bridge. • We struck her, and she
.fell lengthsvise off the rail, the pilat• wheels
of my engine cutting her in halves as neat-
ly as if it had been. done with a butcher's
, eke. ..0de-half of the animal fell on the
• right side °Elbe track under us. A§ I ran
past I distinctly saw the peleations „of. the
poor anianareheart wilichliad not yet quit
beating.' My engihe was thrown from the
•track, of iiourse, and the wheels got tingled
up in the loose. ties in such ainadber as to
shovethe ties.:ahead under the rails, so as
to.rnake a solid flooring of ties clear across
the bridge. When the further end of, the
:string of ties we were shoving struck the
opposite end of the bridge, the "slack"
stopped, and with it sudden "jam" we
cattle to a stand right on the Ifigh*bridge.
The engine wavered sidewise and atood in
avather diagonal position'aeross the track
It seemed to me that 'siren the *eight of
my body might have overbalanced her if I
had Changed position. But, as luck iveuld
have it, she clung to The ties, and I es.
caged Withent a serzittli, but pretty. bad1y.
shaken up " A• " •
A Raleigh, NO., telegram of June 24th
says :-.A.0 oily SOD 1113 has appeared on the
waters along •the south-eastern coast of
the state which extends for several miles
out to eea, and affects the river for a long
distance inlank_niaking_the_ainfaceismooth
-Fieh are dying by thousands
and floating on the water. It is aupposed
they are poisoned by the Oily scum, but
whence the destroyer comes nobody knows:
A teleerain from Niagara Falls says:—
On Wednesday a lady, who is a stranger
here, hired aback to visit the whirlpool,
ArriVing there, she went down' the bank
to get the whirlpool view, and the hick_
man waited her return. After becoming a
little anxious, the hackman commenced a
search for the stranger, but she could not
be found, and it is not known now, where
she is, It is siipposed she either fell or
jumped into tlie boiling waters. ' •
A community was started at Anaheim;
Cal„'several years ago, the principal fea-
ture of which was that only Uncooked
vegetable food was used,. One after , an.
otherof the members has left, either by re-
signation or starvation, and now but two
are left. One of these, the spiritual ad-.
riser of society.. Walter Lockwood
Thetas, is sonearly starved to death that
he is confined to his bed from weaktieriii,
and the other, Pb near the
hodnd of- life that the ladies itrairffear
her are forbidden to see:her pale, wan face
in the dying pangs of death by starvation. •
••so years in thousands of cases.
Promptly cures Nervous Pros-
'• „„,.'„,464 tration, iVeubness of Braiah Spi-
•nal Cord, and GenerativeOrgans
eithior veg, Rtnissions uud illscausedbyinctis-
cretionoroveratortion, Six paceagesis guaran.
teed to effect a cure when all othermedietneefail.'
One package $1, six packages $5, by mail. Sold
bydruggists; Wrierfer.Panipaiet, address
591d hi Clinton by T. H. C011113E, and Druggists
• everywhere. , •
• •
itIore .about
We bare had our lar suit and. proved White Bronze to be
• , .
S, PALLISER and CO.; '4
, • •
• Haying leased the preiniaes now ocoppiedsbj NI, for anther term o_l_f yeam..-Wit_are ,
reparect-te-tivw"tliti-BEST-B-ARZIATN possible. We here* on hand a large and -
• • and well:selected stock of
We have the largest stook in, town. Clombine quality with price and we cannot -
cLxv wely
The Best and Cheapett.
• t7, N DLERSONS;-„.. .
Send in your orders at once, and they will be promptly: filled.
Lee Ciream, -Virnter, Are,
•JAS. 41STIDEELS 017, NEXT G :AND ciairrr ••
reat Inducement.
'what we tepresenteint toile:by scientific. men.--Withrognni• • . .., • • .
to the information from Flint, wd g ve It as 4re A'Ot• it from . . . .
Mr. Carpenter; and we .believe him, as he is riot interested ur . ..• . • , .
the sale of either White Bronzi2 or marble, and we shall not •
• .
.NV bite Bronze MoMonent j purchased from you, It has, Mit
yet -blown down. nor hate 1 the least •fear but 'cid It will. •
' 111R. V. M. Glyrix,--I inn perfectly satisfied With :the '
,.. ' Cotierieb, AprIl 15th, .1 eel • - lj .. ' 0 0._ *_ . .b
9. • . .
. • .
reply to the intexested statements of the opposition log leave • . • . ,
. .
' , Havinn bought C. J.--Xuthill s Stock of . ..
7 4 • .
our customers to spoitk, for us.'
• .. .
. .
. .
; , • .••
. . .
stand the greatest blow that may couie-eren that of il marble •• At • it discoent ' tvill-sell at Wholeiale.Prioes until all is.eledned out. ' . ... .:. .
agent, neither has itturned black, nor decal t abott'avaigna.g....2._ •
. •' . A. FIE0'i ASEOIVI'MENT- 'OF. J. ' ; HIRE:Psi Olf..CHIC,A.00 . . • .-.....
becoming discolored, I like it better etery time 1neo it 'and • •
'FINE To11.11.: E T .S0 A• P.: ., '' '. ' • •
this is the opirilou 01 811 who hare s ma it and spoken to me
trbout it. ' • • , •
W. J. LI.bliTRONG;Tbei
..leartiesieteedii,g to purchase monnuient should
call on or write to nr. M. GIFFIN, Clinton, or JAMES
,GALLAWIER,, Goderieh. •
A Reply• to Mi. Broken Arin• Freud.:
. Office of Morton, Barites' .52:7 -Co.. Flint, bitch:, Junc•12, 1886, '
To NV. 11. Coornit.• HEN.. C1111t011. . • ' .
Sin., -Yours received, Mel in reply would give you some
idea of the facts pertaining to what the advertisement par.
tieularizeS as being very flattering to tlid Witte Bronze and
to 31r, Dunham. Me often In reeeipt • of slettcus Dam a
great Many lowils•in Ontario, as I am well aconainted witha
oritv ef•the marble and granite men there'.
. . • erfuLaceount Of Die White Bronze dtlinft %•410111e 11.411410 013,ciap0 Che
u emot• ion, or2es vour letter shown, mtaining' some wh
. • . .
.FLEESTI.MA'ig 00!S YEAST; -f'ormerly kept .by Co; fil.w:ItyS on hitriTi
OR .ta P 11.1 0 FhT.1
eeshty--m this pattiCular instance tls no remote en mgli
Rd Would Do, • • • •Item irg is an absolute end unanswerable Ile. 1;heres '
. . • . . • ,. • not -nor has there ever beep -a marble monument erected • • •
.Barry t . •
Avit burn radios of seventv,11ve ladles. costing any such 141(4/1f4
1 213, 0 Irish .tragediau, ivaa-t-tue La8 therdbeen• any 'Marble mioniunent taken down, aii;ti ' ' ' ' ' 0
. .
• •
•• ' teiflad with White.nronze, If there had even been a small . ' ' - '•
...- • • . • •• . • ••• • • . ,
playing Richard III genie years a41,10 at . ohithniebneii ode (11/94 Constantly being dOrib tO • 1.41ake w414. , . • •. 5 ' . • ' . . • • .
Shrewalnity.iti Erigland.•.-Whtn the ater.• formio re Humeri' wors) 'been tallen lurk they; woolhave ' ' • ' .
- Wowed and advertised it; Wirt tlieyg iltkodo=as vef
came to the " Alloree, 'a horsey iny Oeiney tIranft AO 'el lin I Mil • bey, fe. 2 22 4, lie
kingdoni for a'-hor0 se..+" 11 :"94.fi)r atid.•
stinivau•n, ycsi,„.,.vespooded the.trs.ke„.. • 4; 600, end °Jot. Ilief bail
dien, turning quickly on the interrePter ; .:ist;t11.00,1 Wukii,t,t82."Ito 1
he took'Inielv that granite unit maim capital out of tehe ex,
called ',out,. Wodld an, do you , 111`1•=8111•4;.eor•IN),etitM..i?.' t nod. into tradin fo •
t i of t ie bite Br owe
!3,0esse oeite around to. the sts o do „ Born,lova. • Ili2w, then, why don't' purnhom ndvertin that.
(+angel He knows better ; lots of rooplo hove mind •ed that
. same timmunent in lus show room ; t is well set off 4y coin. • • • " C G. R,
• •
• NEWS 'NOTES. • • parison dingy, so milled "White Bronze,'" Besides, .„ • . ORN Wit • A Nra ,
. •, •• ":117LIETZTOZT.,, •
•• "•.
stair, and at a respectable dear°. • Now, net look at it: -• - -
he 10 as zealously endeutoring to sidl,the ,ranitc -as hie sine' • .
Having. a lerge StOok of 'Salt On,hand, orders will .14' fil led at the lowest prices
. .
ever offered in Clinton, tis the salt wcirks - will be seld . when arrancrementa are
, •
completed. • Will buy and sell TIMOTETY and CLOITER-SEED. . A •lob of
. 0 •-' SALT SAQICS and:GRAIN I1AGr'S for Attie. '
-...- , ,
, • •
• .
, •
: '
fr m it, the form of perspiration. When' •
115 ariert,on-the skiirdt--leaves •he well known-Fenian,Patrick_Whe-'
of impure matter adhering to it, land, died yeacerday in Ireland.• , -
Stones of great violence have been quite
prevalent of late throughout Minnesota.
nuisance, -American . Agriculturist .Afrir-
inven or,sdv#439,
in places and forme pimples,. blotches or
George Stevenson When advising young tumors, and, if it is not removed;..theee is
men how to get on would finish by Saying danger of poisoning the blood, and, with
"Do- as I have- alone -persevere :For the appearance of farcy and glanders;
fifteen years he plodded and worked before finally death. All this may be prevented
giving the finishing touches to his locotno- by careful attention ta.the skin, by oeca•-
tive. In its man) days those perseverving in sional washing, regular currying and In ush
the use of Dr. Pierce's "Golden 1VIedieel ing, and proper 'care to avoid galling, by
Discovery," have experienced great relief the rubbing of ill-fitting harness. As per -
and found themselves on the high road to ventien is the best cure, -it ia well that
health. Liver complaints, impure blood,
owners of horses should exercise all posai.
chronic. lung, diseases and moos, others bis presalm,„ to avoid the fregnent dis-
orders which result .from neglect in •the
direction pointed out, and thus ear° much
annoyance eed loss. -American Agricult-
•. mist for july.
yield to tts keeling influetrces never to re-
turn, All- druggiats. • "'-'''
A Death Ilea. '
heard someone bewailing the death of
Denq Do It.
a friend the ether clayrisaw a other
Bill 3./ye says:' "Don't attempt to
lendingover an empty crib, whose' dainty' '
cheat an editor out of -a year's subsoription
pillows no golden head' should ever press
to his paper cir any other sum. Cheat the
again. I marked the half-contrelled, dry-
eyed and voiceless grief that ate. at a fa. minister, cheat the doctor, cheat• anybody
ther's strength until no wind-blown reed and everybody, but if you have any re
gard for future consequences don't fool
was ever so wasted of its self reliant
, power. I saw wife whose love had set with an editor, You will be up tor office
some time, or want some 'Abbe favor for
in the grave where her young Itheband was
. It is estimated • that the area sewn in
Wheat in Manitoba this year is 450,000.
acres. •
The..,:fort :at Oariten; *destroyed during
th at' rebelliont-will:riet'Aibe-k
built. •• . • •
, ;A metnber of a -Kansas firm of horse,cleal-
era has just purchased fifty:1AX Clydesdale
stallion§ for $75,00 from Mr. Riddle, the
owner of the.farnima, Blackball stud in
Renfrewshire. ,
The °Minty Council of Storrnont,. Dun
des and Glengarry, at its session Wednea-
do; nuaninionsly refused to recombiend
the appointment of salaried or unsalaried
county Police Magistrates for.the trial of
Scott Act cases: • • ;
•. A. stranger by the name of Geo. Whit-
taker committed "Einicide an Tuesday ly
hanging himself to a beim in the barn of
James Kern, hotelkeeper, Beachville. He
is a large, heavy Mani. abotlt 05 years of
of age. Nothing is known of his history
or friends. .
Colonel Philips, late of the 4th Hussars,:.
and: colonel Ravenhill 'R. H. A,, camo.
over the Parisian. They will make
large purchases of hoses in Canada for
the Cavalry and Artillery, .and report on
the capabilities of the Dominion its source
of supply in case of war,
lain, ag the_sun eats on_estormy-elman, (Yr Wine 640! end when
3. _ your• A man in Now (Marina haa tried the ex-
Ont otlight.,Ibtaa jittie_child_ianien,kllucktlifare,„IfAtaa 6:1,:leauelL40:1ti"heLfc::: .,ellineditolifenthbe :gfg.s,t4attnillgd whaenhetnhobsilheal(11wilinsbrleei
saw an rild man rend his snovvY hair, be-
, 000130 the faithful one whose hand had the editor will "open upon you and knock yolked egg.with entire suecOse. On- Sun
1810 in his for forty years had vanished day last a little head came through each
your air castle into a cocked 'hat at the
put op (monument which two men Bite, and pat en a one camas . .
- , •
horse draY, and took bark an ill polinhed Tot tage granite
monument, the base of whicliihe same dray would hot carry.
Manufactured zinc yields the.matinfocturers, at 15 cents Per
_pound, dlarger than 2331 per dent profit, and it is 01111 1)7
Bump -a -to giiikerifitt 45=Culits-Mul titer -if -he canitcht, per
lb. rhe life size figure of Faith may be 05 nil 041, (IIIIIIII8. I'
tet saw Faith, hot It that iisure• As• life size, 'then Faith
t have had t ;men' high chair to sit at a .common sized
dining table.'
, •
..Tteni 2. Pert truth -port falsehood.. The -price bas been
piked at. $1,5_00-tu $1.600, probably itidging from size
weipitluil appearance". The Boyne (immorient coat about
$8.20. Gallantly 511100 a few mople went to see tbe mono.
ment, (not thousands, hondre, 24 would ),e(:Merging the truth)
en accOunt of the notoriety it gamed in being brolibn. If we
sooty and could prove that Burnham' wrote that anvevtleo,
merit reflecting against us, or conld pr0018 thaLlie-meant-i
VC COI* 11 eat him where we had ids privatefietective ensued.
In ferreting out•the eulprits via, iitjnll, and • -u oirld-hate
sent the deleetiVo to State P1n after he lind served his •
Dine In county jail, if be had not'whineil so, and elaimed our
tnerey, rt, rasa Tito covoi:irnoy, •Burnlinui 1110517 (1110 liliits,
just as the advertiseinentliints and his detective abd others .
got bold of a man who used to work for us -and they sop
p0851 be was working at the tithe -wide him drunk, And then
swore his complieation in the matter. Of course It fell
through with the above renult,.viz., jail • for. Mr, Detective. '
They were undouldedIv wrifking for the. reward, 8011 1011 Willi •
as felloest--Burnlinin $23, WI»te Ilidnze Co., Detroit; $ 09,
Mrs. Payne $100, cemetery Asseelatins $ 100 -total $125.
sire. Ppm and her alIviStou (105 80 thougiht for tatuneut
- •
BOOTS and SHOES at Remarkably Low Prices. --
• TE IL$24.
BABY CARRIAGES" jUst:arrived, latest Styles very. Chea
UNICS & VALISES by the hundred, Cheali;•
. •
Nigh lend PINE and CEDAR SHINGLES. at Lowest Pricam------
that We, 05a117 tirm opposed in tratte to t le White, Bronze, • ' . .ita,. •
comitaanecit any violation '1 anything in her interest 2 they
f..al Wl (71:EX 10 I ....X... 401in.torte .-, .
....y.40.4,....1 it torami as the result Of !III Old fIIIIIIIy fend. . O .
Regording the soldering of a new kiln, Bentham had it east
tip o him by experts. that the arid was not soldered on; but
lititt it email new figure cant front mane 0141 meal 2-01,111e. onnmanammnowne,
mild 1101 111111 dare itot contradict them. Yen, it.wati -optic!
thing for .11nralutircl-he made the Sale of an ono for a
the trine inane 24 11052 8171100 and left trifle for.prollt-
reported $60; eosi or east from old mould, 24 39 I RISO
note that theatreakage of the mamma 171114 It good adver,
tisenteut, so he sold seven mium.monitinents and 11 number
2of smaller ones-st short time after. Now, he has not taktn
a large orders since, 1101 111 the two years business Am 01113
towntas lie erected, froln ins first Nale till his last, the 111511ber
lie C111111)8 as tile direct result of the lireakate. 'On the otter
band it ,Iest a limit represents the total number of mounmente
large itcd smell. And iniml rem the profits 08 that tun -tient
kept ten 111,1,111ex01111 nni.i store rent I Thero is a business
fer you to enter $00 espitni, 11)05 01 "lightning rod" cheek,
Ann about 4 or 0 sales of inonntente 9(0 7000 win give you a
good living. (ln)1 tiling certain, his business 1011 03! Ver,y
111(50 111, monument wag repaired, Be rifled to 11091 Ills
store, and has moved mit ef the business portion of the town,
Whenbe first (tame ber.e 110 bonstingly etnted that this thin
would have to 0114.40 tut and go to rim neer house. 'Well,
there 171 41 I II possibility tif 11 man going there. But when
people remembered that 1110 bv‘uls Or this firm are taxed about
$25,0011, 41141 are rated in Dim, Whoop & Do, and Brad*
t(iittirieetl. 1111at that 1511011Anti then eptioltieLthnt U111.1,14011 luta
i0Itato 013
at t e t g
yilit with this lengthy epistle, tot fe, moleatilion,0 Wetilti say
11:in 4i1';efCrVi;
rdlY-taken-up-atul-fephicedhy-inatIA041111,:grtni:tel, ur
haft five vears-iwchilIchNacorteTobNe.ing
througheet the 14t0014 Mere t
t 1.,
veyi rii j„
whtte Bronte Agent r-•-•" 130 7811 wont a tigninnienti"
Intelligent Purchniiiir.-" wo wont tnonninont, hut
we do not want to 1100 )111 elle or those Soft bellow, metal
t)1n4.iegIgr:;to gtr1 °Ieig;00:gfrt74' ,li1ngotif
chasig /nionninent froinW. L
0410Plik4 Jr, Clinton
VirrigiZentkolloriiii-ritieererit111 fee&rns.tigire!nL .1" '6011" 310
After reoninf the npovt, • the heolligehtio 911111111
014 00)117 to
ell 0,1011 )hli0110800lll)lB to1e0IC; olrleitgttr rtheirt ;lee
Further :particulars ibrohhtl,, ovritootton to W. IT.
COOPElt Clinton iSlarble orits,
Ong at bed -time the lullaby song which its 01188 yourself for a drivelling idiot go hire idliiirrelound:- They 'Were' -
dead mother's,lips should never sing again.
But sadder than all these thing ; more
trag cal than any death which merely pieta;
the blosanm of life and bears it en to hea-•
von, as the gardener pinch the rose to
Keep some feativeLefjoy.,.....is_ the Beene
when trust° 1 friendahip dies ; when legal
someone to knoek you down, and then kick
yOU for falling." . •
"Reader," In informing Yott of thiStrondorful
remedy for coughs, Colds, AtitItmno *Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all mil:atone of the throat
and Mugs We feel gut we are doing you a greet
kindness. 48 11you have atly bf the abotri3 coin-
plaInta, yen win only tty We Will guarantee
antiofaction in extry ease or 1110(105!" m110(160(1,
faith that hes °tutored the test of man ii$,41ifttfinnitingnottritynOoligillinnAen;
slightly united, but were easily' operated.
Robt. IVIiller; a successful cattle dealer,
of Galt,died very. suddenly at his residence
on Tuesday evening. He was taken down
with congestion of the lungs on Saturday,
and the news of his death on Tuesday took
everyone with surprise. He leavea a wife i
Drue an a young family well prov or
years, gives up the breath of animating Store George Manedere a d 'Joe h Grill
., •
We have secured 20 half chests of very 60et. YOUNG ELYSON. TEA
• which we will sell for a month at 45cts, by the blb, caddie: This
is the beat value ever offered in this connty. • Don't
fail to go a caddie beibre it is all sold.
, We have opened a full stock of
New .Valentia Raisins, Extra Selected ;Valentia
Raisins, Black-BasketRaisins, Seedless
--- Raisins, Sultana Raisins.
• POR 25ms, Call,and Inspect our Sioek, .
os. Cooper & Son,