The Clinton New Era, 1886-07-02, Page 2lemienewilsalleeeenlisena
olrou ought to have told me ---h
"Nonsense, doctor," Ma Murridge inter.
rupted him sharply, "That is not the way
la winch I manage my businesg. I get hold
of asecret, and I use fetes, my own advert -
tag°. I never suspected you were cousin to
leard Clensilla till yea gav•e me a reoeipted
bilhfor medical attendance with your full
namee-Hugh--Hyacinth. Crone.% Never
.dreexned �ttin. then. But when I saw .
that Christian name-syoa are all Hyacinths,
You creeamla-/ began tettlisPeet, and. with
;petition or two• put to, you, and a little
examination into the pedigree, and a little
latertasithmabOut th0441r 4aleattMPt1Ve .
easily arrived at Huh whole truth, and I aed
that truth to the .best advantage. Whi
didn't you take the risme trouble to protect
your rights as 1411 -to aiiitatihrthentr,
The doctor niada no reply,
"kehori He talks et -honor," Mr. Mao.
ridge went on, "Why. what hi there in the
world but self-intereetl Nothing . but selt"
Sflter�b, which is the sam a thing as self.
preservation. That is' the instinot which
*ekes men gather together Mid Pass 1We
'and make. pretense of •ehatity and affection
end honor, and such rubbish. I've 'g'oierayes
eelf to look after; I must make money to
keep myself; 'shall get old. and past work,
and I Must make money to.etvaoft myold
age. I as I can. No man can
say that I bave robbed him."
. might he ono exception to.this general state-
ment. Mr. hiurridge, passed for a moment,
but as nothing wets said he went on:
ve had to:take o'Cljpy• adyantage, and I
have taken every advantage, Very well,
then, what hire') You wit to say to that?"
"Nothing at all," said. the dootor, laughing
ruefully, "Nothing in the world, except
that there's .one kind Of raen who b.elieve
and one kind who suspect'. Well, 'I adage
back. to my patients." He rose and took his
bat. "1 wonder if thew's ever 'before been
a real viscount niakiag Up his own pills for
his own patient ei in Camden street, Camden
Teem" But.l.donit.think-1-adeed-cheatge the:
• do& Mate."' ; •
"Wait A moment, doctor; wait, my lord,"
said Mr. Mueridge; you must netago just
yet. : Dear mel Pitt? - Patients? For the
'a:Viscount Cloneilla? You; your
'headship makes me feel as if had. not done'
a nOble, action ineein-in clearing the way
hor yourameession. 'Why, if it had not .been
for me you would still be plain Dr, Cronanl"
"That is true',
"Why, dector-
thous:inch ways .in -
:d, Such a title as you
elf and a certain laconic
ean my lord -there are
ick a title May be
is a fortune in
large income
: properly, lied. Even a. kni t can do
b *thing, a baronet eau 'do more,' t avis -
t ut-olt, a vieceunt is a tower of stre gth,
e daily in London, where all the monhy
is •
"AM I to let the title out at so inuch an
hour, as if it was ae,dinhsey oti Hampstead
"hit down for five minute -Of all Men,
mediae' men are tke least pranticaL , •Now
then 'put the cese plainly: You are Viseella
Clonsola, and you have , no money except
your professional income and your wife's
two hundred a year. ' You have also your
children. Why, to keep up the title decently
you mut have two thousand at least. It
can't be done at all with. less than two.
thousand. Shall I show you how. to make.
thattwo thousand?" . •
"It seems worth hearing, at any rate." , •
The doctor sat dowu again.
"The world, my lord, is divided inta two
classes -those who cad use their chances and
those who,can't." • •
'"Very • good."
"1 am one of those who know how to use
their chances. Now and thou I get such a
hail aq a man who will sell hie reversion-
er, interest. But L am not 'Ungrateful.-
YOu sold niti-a certainty for a song, and in
return I will show you. hew 1--)3 make money
out of nothing." '
Goon." '
"To begin with, there are always com-
panies, good and bad,. going to be started.
The groat diffibulty with them all is' to in-
, shire coufidence at the outset.. Fee this -pur-
pose the names of noblemen -not men of
businessin the qtr.:tare greatly malemand.
Nofi-cf6yOU begin to see?" ' •• •
"I de. The name of Lord Clonsilla would
look well on.a list of directors:" • •
•'Moro than that; you yourself wohld look
. well. in the cbalLy. There is nothing against •
you. • An Irish peer .with'it entail property
Who has .been a phYSiCian in practice:.
Come, 1 will rutiIi-
than ono company; already that would re-
joice in appointing you as direcitore as for
the qualffication—" • .1 7 " •
think,' said the doctor, alhat•ethe red"
lamp will have to stand.h• -1 :
"Then there is philanthropy. Hundrede •
of.soeieties for every kind of !abject, and. all'
of them wanting alord.a 'Alt liacenue might.
,be Made oitt ed the May Meetings alooe."
. Lord Clonsilla kosei and put maids hat.
"Thank you," he said...""There was, an
old proverb, 'Noblesse'. oblige,' Which, -I sup-
pose is now traoslatidedSell eVerythipe, you
can and take the highest -bid.' Thdredlamp
will hate to stay whore it is, with the beass
plate, and the less we say about the title the
better, Good morning, Murrictge."
-"The man m a -fool," said -Mr, Merridgce
When the doctor was gone; "he vvaset fciol to
sign away his interest for a'song, end now
he is going to fool away his title. Well—"
,Then hie thought's returned ' to the chocks,
'and his fete darkenedas he'turned back the
Papers which covered thein, and saw them
ngtchr all s-p-readeditattliefore• hine • • •
At five minutes to one exactly there rin
ap tlie stairs another vlsitor-for the third
dine -That morning the.offiee boy jammed his
drawee o ci.e and certhraced the copyitig
press, It was harchi'hecauee the horoiutawas
at that eery Monica' talciiith her famous
leap front London bridge, fellowed by
Spring -heel Jack. Her:taught hen it will be
romemeor ed, in midair, and gracefully
sweet a bore, bolding, her inanimate foten
6u' of he water with MS strong left hand.
Dick 'dlurridge did nod this time nettend tn
&ha—armee. ea, ()cause te mese the
come out and have tome dinner, Dielt."
, a „ axing fellow.of. One or two nna
twenty, und he had the. unmistakable look
• of a saule o., net s lerk. The office bey
thoogle ha real name must Lo Springheel
, Jackbecause ho bore himself braVely anti
joyously and was so comely a young ma;
and Leoattse, as all young highwaymen aro,
he wniketi rs' if hi) wbuld rather bb drincing
tont miLed Pe if he woind rather be singing,
:nd he was dount .extreordinarily imptt
cleat to all persone hamithority. ' ' •
ese, thdhard, on the' other hand, Would
• 1,10, make pt all a good highwayman, be•
cause he was geheralIY grttOMY. 'Nobody.
' over beard of a grunlpi highwayman, And ,
as for a pit.ate, he !nay earry-highlfdrits to
the length of firing aistole Under the table,
but .
aseethar, eepeetally as my father stood like
-i stueh pig -as if he was ashamed of him -
and Noralt lett :heti and ea id, 'You are
-be Honorable Daffodil, and I'm the Hon -
arable Norah. Larry le the Honarabl
and Caliste is the Honorable Celista,
niI lbeu Uncle Joe wanted to say so
sting, too, but he was up to the hack t
y that time in gin and water, and he co
nly wag his head like Solomon,"
"There Must be some money in it,"
Dick. "People can't sit in the hous
lords without any money."
We sha'n't be allowed to sit itt the ho
of lords. it MIMMS at all, because we're Ir
-only Irish, you know. My mother to
already (If petitioning the queen to rem
the disability, which, she says, is a disgr
to, the constitution:" .
"tily father told me this =raid&
isn't often he 'tells me anything. 1 s
Daff"-Dlek grew very red -"Pee forgot
something, and must go back to the oOlce
set it right. We'll meet at the usual pi
in RSV minutes. Look here. Just deli t
check for me as you pass the bank, will
you? Thanks. It will save me five minute*
'f eke it 14 gold."
He thrust an envelope into his frienh's
hand, and' ran off without waitinh for an
"I say' said the Honorable Daffodil, "why
should 1 go to the bank and do Dick's mese
sages for him? I'm not his clerk, nor his
father's...Clerk,. though.Noratt is, -Well, novel=
The bank lay In his way to the Crosby
hall, where they proposed to take their din,
• ner. He went in, presented the cheek with-
out looking at it, received the money `with-
out counting dropped ikitt his pocket and
went his way to the dining place, where he
met Diolt and gave him the money. They
hid their dinner, and after dinner Daffodil
wont back to he hospital hi Gower street,-
e here he received with cheerfulness the con-
gratulations of his friends on his accession
to the family honors. These congratulations
took the form common among medical
students, who have, it Must owned,,small
• raspeot-fOr -Yet;`" mirOT
kindness, they peomoted their comrade, and
gave him several steps in the peerage, call.
ing the Right Honorable His Royal High-
ness Prinee /)affodil,
whotthe thought of' this third person, and
his tam hardened for Moment, but only
for a raoment, because the very possitillity
:ifc4reuect a thing cammt be allotted to be 0011.•
Me placed all the checks with the. bank
book in his pocket, put on his hat, and went
hae- slowly out of the office, He was so much
eeth troubled in hie mind that he adtually left the
"Id safe unlocked, and all his papers lying on the
table, check book and all, This was a thing
said Which he had never done before in his lite,
° of The office tioy observed this extraordinary
neglect, and thoughtwhat a splendid chance
1130 would have been presented to S,pring-heel
ish lack had his tyrant anaster left the safe
to Open.
ern Mr. hfurridge waa not the kind of perms
403 begin -by crying out that he was caohbed.
trot at all. Ile would first be able to.lay hie
It hand upon the man who did it. • He there -
Y. forewent to the bank manager and requested an interview with the clerk of the pay
tad counter, merely stating that one of his
aee checks 'appeared to have fallen into the
Ms wrong hands.
"Can you tell me," be asked, "who' pro-
mpted these checks?'
The clerk was paying cheeks over the
counter all day long, and it seemed rather a
wild question to tisk. But there was one
thing in favor of his remembering. The
only person who was ever sent to the bank
with Mr...Murridge's private checks was his
son. . ••
"/ canaht remember each one, But I re-
member something about them, because,
your son usually comes -with these twelve
pound checks."
"Well -what do you remember?'
"Two or three of these checks -I think
thiee-.were , presented by an elderly man
with white hair, a white mustache and a
foreign (meant, which I noticed. 'Oh, and
be had lost the forefinger of his right hand.
He took the money each time in gold, and
Was a long while coating it" .
• "An elderly meth 'with white mustache,
and ono finger gene. Yon ought to be able
to recognize him?"
e.d'Ithinkelshoold leneW him. Another of
the checks was presented by a young lady. r
should certainlyeknow her," said the deal.-
' with more assuritnce. "She was *ell
dressed, and very pretty. Oh, I aria sure I
should know her." ' •
. !editl sthere'anything else you eon; tell
"Why, there, was another cheek Presented
hell an hour ago." .
"That makes the fifth," said Mr. Mir -
ridge. "Who iresonterthet?"
"A youngman-I think I . should know
hirn--withlight hair and a light mustache.
He leen) a pot bat and a red. necktie, and
had a flower en his buttonhole. He walked
into the ba'uk as if the place belonged to
Fkst he said he would take it any-
how, and then ; he Said he Would take it in
"And the. other two -these two?"
"They were presentedby your. son, its
• mural. Your checks being alweya fee the,
lame aniotint, and. always being presented
by your son, made me notice a difference." -
"Thank you. Obserye that I have Mader
alteration, This will, in.future, be my
• signature; you see the difference?, Now, if
• acheek is preseuMa without the variation,
you will please detain the than who presents:
it, and give him in custodY and( Send for ma
That'it11." • •.
. He went back to his oflice. ' Something
was learned.:. A man with a , foreign accent
and one forefinger gone had preeented three
of the cheeks. A girl, good looking and Well
dressed, presented ithothor, and a young gen..
• tlemen 111 nhot hat and'a. red tin presented •
another, Not a great deed. to help a detec-
• live, but somethings' .
son hadatot yet returnethfrom hie din-
ner, and the office boy Was still alone.
• "Where is the callers' book?" he asked.
The boy produced the Wok -Me. mute
ridge ran his; finger. :slowly down the list,
looking' for some one tosuspeet • There wef
no one. ,l3ut the late Mune Of all strode'
him. -It was. the name: of,.Mr. Hyacinth.
Crone, jr': The only visitors .that morn-
ing had been those members of the Crohan
ge suddenly remembered • that
Hyacinth, jr. :had a way of walking about
as if everything belonged t� him, and that
• he event a Pot„hed, earl, generallyhad a
-11-6Wer in his button hole. Why, in a gen:
• erah way, the descriptions agreed, but then
it Was iinpossible. • e . '•
• Thire were six cheeks lying befose Mr.
%midge. All of them were. drawn for the
ftitie amount; all oC 'them, in words• and
figitres, were written ',exactly alike; save for
the date. •Mr. Murridge himself waote
knell and wellanarked hand, very nent and
clo ti ----each letter perfectly formed -such a
is might .he expected 6f one who has
been tatught up as an engraver, Yet, for
, that, very reason, perhaps, easier to imitate
than' a, more common and slovenly Char-
lie' er. Ulm gignatures of these checks'were
s perfect?* imitated that even thbe Mur -
ridge: Ininself Could • only tell, by the dates
which Were his .own• and Which were for-
"Six cheeks," he said,.once inore colapar-
ing the dates of the checks with his own
-diary', "and four of them -these foue-are
forg,erios. . Thes'e four." • •
.Agairche exatnined them closely.
hlrlety were -all, drawn for the sante awount
--namely, twelve pounds. It'synS an estab•'
'Eshed rule with -this methodical man, o rule
• from which., he never 'departed, always to
draw the check; he wanted for Private and
domestic use for the mine amount -namely,
twelve pounds. This enabled him to know '
by a glance atthe bank book how much he
spent on his household; and ' on, salaries,
wages, :,personal expenses and :office: Gen-
erally he drew this 'twelve pounds once a
week. Sonletinles, liciwever,,he wouldhave
to draw oftnor- pan .onca it. Week., But a
check for twelve pOunds, with big signature,
p-a-yelie to benher, would be certainly caelied
without suspicion otedoubt •wlien presented
across the counter. „ -
The forger must, have known that practice
• Who did know 1133
He had -before him, begides tho cheeks
themselves,. his bank ,book mid pis ehocif
book. - • •: • . :
"Six chocks,h: he eaid., ..semetine „no. ilia
‘diate'beeo rib -Jr -acted from The book;
net taken altogothe.r, which wood •haye
anode a • sensible •gap` ' in the hookeet
should have *Aided that at once -but ono
'taken here nud . ono taken there, so as to.
escape obsereatien: That was crafty. When
, mulct 1 have left the'cheek book lying e4muti
=earl -who -would-be in the office when I went
hub. lep,ving* lying on •the tablei
cheeks, •Four have been presented and paid.
• There remain -two more," -.•
Mr. Mutridge'sdauainess was uot one which
requirechthe eontineal paying int�thebjnJ
Of money and the drateiug of many c
Ile baditis:bahlt book made up once a Month.
His son generally celled- for it. :On this oc-
casien he had iiimselly whlle. basalt.. the
bank that very inorning, three days before*
the usual time, looked in and asked- for it,
Ther.efOre it was probable that the ether the)
cheeks would be loo0h presented before' the
cu,stomary day of sending for the benkbeolt.
EVidently the ',writer of the checks knew
perfectly -well the routine Of his office as *ell
as his signitture„ •• ^
, "It' mould -not -be -the gi1l'--said4ft:71,fttr.;--
ridge; "she could nesse imitate titY hand.
writing, to hogiu with." Lie lobked at oue
of her papers. ,,It was Written a large
hand, rather clumsy, f or Norah belonged to
the generation which has not been taaght to .
• write neatly as well es legibly, rind the day
-ofetherfitte-Ifallae haittleharaddite gone by.
Nobody who wrOto such a sprawlin 'hand
as here 'could imitate even distantly Mr. '
Mui -ridge's neat and clearly' fortned chive&
tots, "She May have stolen the 'checks' for
some one, though. She may hri,14 a lo
Girls will de anything for their lovers. Yet
have always..thonght her an:honest girl.
'rho mah who trusts ay ohs is a .
• Como along, Dick, I liad 1.0-(10 6011211 •fo•
busine4) in the eity for de mother, I say,
e • t18 about tile Mot 'You've
it, IniVen't yot11,.. •
i'va heard, Ilow much money is
there in i e'
...I don know.• 1 got, fiddle late diet night,
and ex,lec ml I row, Intaead o;.` that, 1 you
pi,‘ase the meter burst into inari anti cried
t 'out, '1', roq• dear son, your fa,hee- turns
o • A4 I-• t Visenunt in d Sa hamand you are
0, • , Try:tele thd Ulm my Word,
.42'Ie analeho Melts alth one. is .tr, fdef,"
Then hN thought of the office boy, • Ile, too,
was themebb of such an imitation. Yet
he might have been put tip to the job by
tome nee outside. Very likely it was the
Loy. .111o.t likely it was the Loy. There
wets abe a third j2erson s ho knew the.
°Mina of the and hit Own cUstoniS
414 daily Attlee. Mr. Murridge started
•"What dide'roon,g Mr. Creme :Corea :aro
•• 'fort" he:staked. •„t. '
"I don't know, sit'.. He 'came for Mr.
flicherd. They. Went out together at one
' o'clock,” ' " • -a, .
Mn Miirridge gazed thoughtfully at -the
bciae • YlatnigrCienian inight Jiave. called, at
• the Winked:hie: way. • " • .
-4..cto to your inner," he said to the boy,
• abruntlYa • .
The boy took hie hat and disappeared in
treptclatioe, beeause the - history of Spring-
. heel Jack was .in . the drawer; Suppose his
. master was to open that deaweramddietever
it! This was 'exactly what :Mr. Mutridge
proceedel to do: He opened the boy's
drawer and examined . it carefully. There
.was, nothing Mit tit all, exeept a boy'spenny
• novel, which he tinned over contemptuously,
teldag no heed of the way in which the boy
was spending the office time. • What did it
:-,-got-through-his-werkt until-tnidr-
dle age that We learn a truth Which is not
one of the most innxirtatie Jaws, yet is net
without its usesa-namely. that nobody cares
hew we -do spend our time, every man being
fully Occupied with the. Spending of his own
• • •When Mr. Murridge was quite satisfied in
is own mind that there was nothingdn the
• boy's drawer -he, turned to his son's table.
He -did notain th3 tenet suspect hie son, Or
•.nonneothini with the lost checks, buriteeas
,liis nature to search everywhere -even In tlao
least likely •, places... His profession was to
search for 'missing • links. He knew that
anywhere he might find a clew. He, there-
fore, -opeaed. the dretvera • He turned over
the papers, and even eXamilted the blotting;
pad, but observed nothing except that the
4.Dv1010 TO ATOT1171410.-Are yea dist
at nigbt,andro en o your rest by a tuck
child suffering and orYing with pain ot Cutting
Teeth ? If so amid at once and get A bottle of
d! Mrs, Winslow)) Soothing Syrup" for OJAI&
red Teething. Its value is incalculable. It
will rahave the poor little sufferer instuediatel
epend upon it, mothers; there ue no Mis
about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarr
regulates the Stomach and Bowele, cures Win'
o o, eoftens the Gums, reduces Inflammation
and gives tone and energy to the whole syetem
" hire. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," for chile
ren teething is pleasant to the taste and *the
prescription. of one of theeldest and beet female
physicians and nurses in the United States, ane
is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world.
Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and
ask for " l‘fitss, Widsrsow's Booms() Staue,h
and take no other kind. 20-y-13.
Trains leave Clinton ae follows'-,
.01tAx0 TaiNg 'RAILWAY.
Going East. a Going West.
7.20 expeesee- —10:0-asnh-- mixed--
L.0h p.m. mixed 2.20p.m. expreiet '
4.30 p.m. mixed • 9.16p,m. express
cian,Vr WESTERN EAII,NtAllf.
Going North. . Going South,
0 56 eau; express $.03 a.m. exprei a
7.00 p.m. express 4.13 pan, express
..„-........--, ........._
Barristers;• Solteitors,
Urbed 14350--srauTa—isse
Before baying, get our special wives for
Balls, Marbles, Lacrossa Sticks,-
ta e
Ikea, Express Wsggons,Doll Carrlagss.-
WALT.. mArs
Uoinmissioners for Ontario and Manitoba.
OrelCE ) ) NEW BEA, 01.137Tozr.
WIG I Pawleys FUNDS. C. R(DOUT, Office
over J. Jaoltson'a store, Albert Street
NI A Ratio 1410ENSES.--APII,Y Tan
undersigned at the Llibrar,y Rooms, Smith's
Mock. so • JAMES eCOTT,
• •
sume on good mortgage security, inederate
ate of interest. H. -HALE, cliritou.
l'hysiehin, Surgeon, etc. Office and residence
next Molten' Bank, raa,rket equere, Clinton.
w•on. 'clAnPtlaeLriboTstOreNe,t-mOirneyE0--ppd.oTsitReEttfielDsEngNiCistlii
hurch. Entrance by side gate.
.1.411.0 Prerii, -inland Dominion Land Surveyor,
Arehlteet eed Draugbtainan, Pelfauti .13took,
Milton. •
Murray Bleak, two doors east of, Hodgenii
trance. Reei4onee ,opposite the Temperance Hall,
Huron Street; to n. Office hours, 8 nail. t o 6p.m.
JL attended at their own residence,if necessary. no-
.tohn Robertson's, heron Sired, Clinton.
Rico's new method taught if desired. , • •
Dope rtmen t o f Vieteri a II ai vend ty,Torento, for
merly . the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New. York
Coronerfor the County ef mon,li dyfield,ont . • '
• •.
-Notary7Publle;'ete: Ofilm, Snautat's Brace, At -
none sreser, CLIN.T0g. Toronto agents,' nun% Mc-
Carthy, Oster, Hoskin Jo Creelman. Private funds to
. oan rttlowest rates of:interest.
w.. WILLIAMS, 13,, A . 4 Mal ., ORM:MATE OF
a 1,.• T ore)) t 0 university; member of theCollegoolPhy
sic/amend Surgoons,ont;-aorrich a .Reinneeez the
Imuse/ormerlyeecupled by Dr. Reeve, Albert street
Clinten. , .. •
1-/Aeoeneheur Lieentiateof the collegeofehestelan-
an il iurgeons of Lowerpanatip and Provincial Glean,
04 11 and Coronortor t h eConn ;ye f Huron. °Maned
residence, -The building ,torM aril o (Muni° d by. lar
ThWaites, Huron atrbot . ' .
: ililtciii,.Tarr. 10, IS71. ',
' . • -
,,k.n/.1.11Y antilleadingitoorus, Perrin block. (low a
stales. About 1,100 vo nines in the Library ited'
all the Leading NOWADispe08- and Periodical s ad
the dity,on.the table, Itletnbertatip ticket el ber
nu•••itn. Open tromp to 5 p. 111., and froni 7 to
0 D Ilk. Applications foremetneershsp reelect'
by the Librnrian in In the rota% •
SIIA HX/11 CUTTING• Aezr siTAtit-
POOING, done very_ "atad to sett
• -every person • -, -
.7411W .1•%,414",t1.1.4.1tSO/V., ,Osattla's •
. J.- T.• WILKIE'
. ti 1711GEON DENTIST.
Ifehrthe exclusive right for the county fortbje Hurd
proeess of administering chemically pure Itrogen
Monoxide, which is the safest .and best system yet dis.
'povered for the painless extraction of teeth. charges
moderate, satisfaction gintranteed, • •0171Cg, EL-
MOTT'S BLOCK, over Ranco's Taller' Shop, Huron
Street, Clinton. • . . ,
• ••
• . • .
rhata tmed Dr. atnes',Meilleineanti
Pills tuyself and in my family for a
y.ear r more, and flud both of these
e0 -133801u1 that T. would lie' sorry fo-
infastheni out of my house,
• Editor CornWall Freeholder.
Sold by J. Ff. Combo, drugglet
;ManufsetwreranttFr5PM6tor fur '-'40 best Snw
InDofr,in use. Agent, for the sale and application of
• the igr Fatten PAigfr Auroi. JO Reim •OLEANER..
STEAM FILLINGS furnished ad applied on shart
nwilf+rs4 Engines. and 0111 lkIndm of Ma
ehissery trepalred e•speditl•flissly and ,
In. it ettilielthisterY mun.tier•
Vann implements manufactiwed and,repaireteam-
and Water Pipes furnished and put in position. 1.47
Elias fitted up on application. charges moderate.
. •
After the severest test at the late fair in
Clinton, it was univeraally admittio that
EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all oth-
ers, lieddestined to bathe popularinstrU•
went of the day. ' This, along with, the fact
that A spocidl prize was awarded it, certain
ly speaks volumes forthe instruments, and
.parties purchasing. shotild ilee the Ewa,.
a----litorhefdre"Bitying elsewhere. .
GEO, F. OAK. ES, PanimizTon.
Factory three doors west of Mirlites Pump
- • Shop, Rattenhury.,St., Clinton.
• TAY THE • ."
• -
MR: .1AS. eARTWRIGHT, ,of Hallett luta been ap
. .
polbtotingent fur theCounty,of Gum, Mr the above
_Harrow,- it will cut anti turn the ground frotn to 1
inches deep, and 10 made or the very best material.
It also takes the place otboth gang plow and miller,
anti does excellent work, . •
A ny person wishing to see. the Harrow work, may
by eddreesIng the undersigned, and be .will be pleased'
to take it any place and work It On any khid of soil.
TIM HARROW is Admitted to be the most labor-.
saving farm implement ever manufactured.,
ThoMpson't . Estate Agency
Tire undersigMd luts opened an agency for the sale•of Rsal
Estate, and will he glad to deal with parties jutting nipper.
ty to (11800 of. Terms; 4100 per cent on all amounts up to
6:1000, 504 0100 pet. cent on any amount alter the tirst $1000
'Ku charges made for advertiaing4andno_ebarge -whatever-un-
less 0430 Or -transfer iseffeuted. I have uew the following
propeines for nate • •' • •
.Lot 14 Lk o goad east, Colborne; 100 aerer,1199 cleared
and under pasture, 20 acres Slashed and ean easily be cleared,
balance of Will be sold cheap,
130 acres. good land, 214-Iniles from Dowesinonnt,balotrt.
50 sores ender Motivation, small house. Pries $4.0 as acre.
• West half lot 211, 2utt con of East WaWanosh, 110 acres,
CP liCreS 0103104, halltnee good bush, 10 wen of fall w1P-itt,
k -eek •ruteting through the forth..hank barn 4000, two
acres Of orchard, one tulle from ,AObarn. Price $6,000,
$teal er. INM own', balance to it notch:tsar:
tot 006,•14 of an once; ou Henn St., stalked on the eabt
'side °Mr. itideurs residence, well fenced. I'rice,.aepe, to•
•,,Itat, •
Splendid building lot -for rale, opposite the Counneirial
Hotel, 40 Net from by 60 feet (lees.. .Price reasonable.'
• ---;AND:-
Canad'a Pacific Railway to Winniiiop F.Arti
. TO: ..oikurH, •FARE $10.40:
PortAtthur,fare, $9.40
iknd alt points'in DAKQTA, MANITOBA and
BRITTSH COLIMIDIA. Tickets• by . rail as
uSual to•all Pointaeet Loweet Rates.
JAS. THOMPSON-i-Ciasrox.
A ;
ut s Sts, .ehmeeee act rellipcs1mt-g1m
sea, snsptirgurntismluoae-rnnctttost.o .
an Act owfiegisiatre ot4etarle,,knnmesetthVictoria? Oliar.
for fte beIDTTHEMTTFa05', AN ASSIGNMENTMADE byA;Callander tro, ofthe town of Cinton, ar-
• to TICE-;-Th
het ae agents in the •
.IVIS.e undt are0,ppointed ersigned . eaminder and John Calvin Callender doin AT Abust t
VWU011i 00 oderich,
tor the Company. Any person wishing to.In-
Bute i nthis.old anrreliabie Farmers companY,
will aped, to either PROS. NEELANS. liar-
gather under the firm natne and style of daCallander 5;
Bro., earriage Dickers and General Blackstniths, have,
with the consent of a majority of their creditors havin
lockor 15,14MLIEt,
-2-romP Luton Mon -will-lie-given. A7,-1
• Seltferth. .-thnt'sonal-propertn-whreh Ott,y bff gUizorhitU OW -a -
c at o SI. o and upwards,.made an assignment 6/ a I
• - under execation, and all, their real estate credits and
WO LIALEIt NU.ttbkary.
The aboye ornanfental trees and shrubbery will besold
at very low prices, and those wantling_anl,thiqg in,
this connection will sign nwujc_by_
_ - waxen Lun,ere.,
Orders 111,J:fail will be promptly attended to
JOHN STEWART,: Nown.11 lir
H NelsonCo•vg
$50,000 To LOAN at 6 per Cent.
Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and 10 per cent,
'when you can get money from us at Opee c.
TERMS.made to suit borrower, regarding
. •
• payment and period of Lan.:
• APply to
FARRAN Er.111.-§DTh-L,
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855.;
C.A.PITAL, - - $2,000,000,
' THOMAS WORNIITAM,„ ..„ • .President,
J. It R. /JOLSON. .
F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS', Seeeral Manager:
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American, eveciignge
- bought' and sold at lowest
current rates.
•• Interest at 4 per cent allowed on .riepostts.
• ir.A.WidviimIt.S.
Money advanced to farniers'on their own notes witty
me or more endorsers. No mortgage required as se.
d. BREWER- manager,
January 166 •Clinton
- Wath and. -Clack° Maker,
. • Where he keeps -a selectadsortment of
WATClifS,' CLOCKS,. JEWALERY, ;waft- • .
° -Which sOe will 'sea at reasonable rates.
• ..
Repairing of every. deseription promptly
tended to, end all *irk •warranted.
• I. nintamooDIBE.
01001303 18811 • •-
iplikp.lEiVIC •
1836 -SEMI -CENTENNIAL -1886..
• . 1Eoit 017--t10E
. . •
Conducted both on Cash aria Blunted Inane. •
116i).- lats. TOTING. P, Presidept.
,ADAM WARNOCK, Esq., - vice•Prosident
R. 8, S•ritatid., Esq., , - Managing Director,' •
T E ".C• 0 R E
EntOrg upon .. its FIFTIETH „YEAR much
stronger and more .prospirous than at any',
previous period, having, $918,896 of Assets •
and pratieally NO LIABILITY except a Re
inserandeReserire of $30,000. There are $20,-
000 deposited .witlrtlici Ontario Government,
and ever $90,000 held, iti .Mortgages, Deben •
tures and 'Cash, •immediately available to
•• meet .loinies.
Mutual-Policyrtiolders in the '"droce" sahe
20 per cent. with.undoubted heourity. •
For full particulars apply to ECEAD OFF/OE GALT
or to JO/1M RIDOUT, Agent; telititOrt •
•• • effects to me, James Thompson, of thrOtoWn of Clinton,
. and for the purpose Of paying and satisfYing ratably
1410•TO4RA.PHEE in trust, for the benefit of. all their creditors
. • -4
prottilh,lf he had been "abl'e to ox -
amine them from anatetistie.point ofview. •
"The boy does -think of SOinething, then,"
had Mr, Murridgea "10 113 is only of girls.
r13 -haps he will wake up now!' Dick was,
In tact, whIct awake, and had homy awake
for a long time. "Girls' heads! Well, he is
young, and believes the -women. Young men
very often do."
, the shelves retina the robin were piles
of old letters, doetune of no more 13SE„to
any One, aceottnt hook, and all the litter of
thirty rears amenhalation. But to seArch
thron di this masstif papers, black with dust,
Would take too king. He Stood. beside hisi.
sou's table, ttucertiin, troubled in his mind
• Eivr-rs ,
• • -cOATii stook
brynttiatintribn. :,..±.••! • •Tadji
• CHARGES .11002(itAre,-•
not knowing whore to look or leliorn to Is Nal
snspect Here his son found him, when lie •
returned front dinner at twe o'clock, studh•
ing tha pietures 014 13110 blotting tied, 111,11
'Did," he Said, "Conte intl•py_ room,
trio-dOOK"-Thitiriferii:Tho You know -
these eneeksi" Ho looked at the chocks, and
not at hie sal, as Ito spoke, therefore he did
net observe the thange . of color which
passed swiftly over the young man's faee
followed be -a Volt hardening of the mouth:
Feral Directer & Embalmer
ijr1tImir.stoelett--Pitatqlla.* "CA
Alta always on hand.
1,1 .111 • IP LUID need ill all eases,
Do you know thr,tre checloi" . , ' • .
Dick toott them up one by One' and looked Albert next flatland Bros.
, .9,
at them carefully„taking his time over each.
, Itefild'eftee. Oranno Mt.0 the
.Then Ito replied slowly, and in a husky 111, „
• • aealidlatred..
• 4
andproportionately and. without prejudice or priority,
all 1110 -creditors, their just'debts. And the persons,
firms and corporations, having claims against the -said
debtors are required to semi in their names, residence'
and post mese addresses and partioulars of their elaims
duly verified by affidavit,. with.. vouchers (if any) at.
taphetli and aneeifying the nature or tire security (If
any) held by them, by letter prepaid, to ine on or be-
invalluktenth day of July, A. D 1880. And notice
Is hereby given thet After the am proceed
to distribute the assetsof the Huld debtors among the
outing entitled-thorettirhaving-regar 14
claims.of,whiJh notice shall have been given, and that
1 will not bo liable .for the assets or any part thereof
sodistributed to any [whin orpersons, firms nr coy..
Potations, of whose -debt or violin I shall not then hato
• "Atilide'itotice dais° heeptwgiven that a meeting of the
sold creditors win be Lehi at Inv ollice in said Town,
on Friday', 4th 1143 of Juno, at 10 o'clock a.m., to con;
shier the-affalr,i f d the Estate generally, persuant to
sold Let, •
• AS. THOMPSON, Asagnee,
MANNINO Sr SCOTT, eelicitors for Asslenee
• 1
T 0
r 1,1110 al, 14:4golitlerry, 1:
Pattles„golinetellie old noun try -this- sittruner-immilit"
take this popular' line. The boats are the moat com-
plete 011 the Atlantic, ataluccommodation unsurpassed
VA taxi; Vt.l'itV LOW
'tut:AP tt:itivitsuart ttATEs.
evrEaliaMkti 11.44sta ta Alr
• itoll'eSt
Wrote' get all particulars of •
Oi P41'1'19'01% OLINTON
WIN thproughiy curb you. The,'
do noteripo or purge, but sict.
.** and whanovor" food'
fro co,noidiared prio,i•••
000l----11rorn, fo
provefra ta bo Una
E -SS I N: G
_THE /“31.•E
• To. all 'sufferers frOm
Etioord,:pred Stourtritqc.
um) it,lom oosd. bo rotiovo4 from
your ataltory. 3 ine-Ig., a bolt:
, 26e. pep bbity 8 boot for $1
ron tits BY ALL DRUGOISt49 ANb
• •
iloware orCounitrfeits ftnli Disc 'natation&
• fienuine wrapped olds. indllhed with signa-
ture rm every box. °Pre t trial packal.r
these (eiebrat d Pia; 4er.t t,) city (3,
_on.,,teceipt or t 2013.•„4:441441.4., •
•••••. afield ata
'Of A* Ea, a 3;