HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-07-02, Page 1•
Vol, at, NO. 27.
TERM-41.50Po AiniUm. in advance
pent akautrtiouttuto.
1.11Prince of WaleRotel. Good wages. •Apply to
U. G. SWAIM, Clinton.
&tumidly antiVylago Viatte.to
seine 49eteeina.”
-LI Killeen and Clinton, on SUOGIFty evening, Juno 6.
Etti ACTOGEAPII ALBUM By leaving the same tit •
the NEW Etta Office; finder will bo suitably, rewarded. Some wag told the people of NVingham
That a salt well mach profit would ering'em,
NXTANTED.-AN IRON GRAY MARE, NOT UN- But now if they catch
v v DER r
Ave noover seven Years of ago, fair travel- The Mean k d h
ler, warranted sound, thorou lily broken, and fit for
toyeman to drive„Applutt „Eet Eita..oatios. They high on a scaffold would swipg him.
A young map residing in Hayfield
1111eataaa LOST. ---A loather purse containing a small
sum of money, on Tuesday evening, At, About 7 Kiseed his sweetheart one day in a hayfield,
(moo, between the Dry Goods Palace and Post Office. She evinced no surpriae,
The finder will be oultably rewarded by returning. the • But looked up in his Oyes
satne to the nea Hoods P016ce• And artked if he often that way feeled.
A maiden who lives down at Exeter
Had a young Man too shy to sit next her.
.And new she IS mellow
On another young fellow,
And the first one can't ten how he vexed her.
premises, lot 29, cols.?, Stanley, a large gray milt%
101N, on the 28th June. Any person giving such in-
tormation as will lead to Ito recover will be suitably
rewarded. MRS. D. MeGREGOR, Clinton 1.0.
of Joseph Smith, lot 12, con. 5, Mullett, Two An ambitious maiden in Clinton,
REirEtts. One Red, wall White marks on head and VVhose name it would not do to hint on
one White Spot in under breast; the, other a light
-onwath-Brown-patehos-cin-its-body,-An lleakht a silk (trestle, wear _ _
.will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH SMITH., 41k Where the other girls ordy had Print on.
residence of the lath James Enticknap, in the vil,
lage.of Hohnosville, aonaisting of a comfortable dwell-
ing house of seven rooms, driving, house and stables,
also on the Jot, ono quarter of an acre, is a blacksmith
shop, and a number of choice fruit trees. Terms easy
to suit purchaser. Apply to MRS. ENTIONNAP, on
the prenalses; or to .0. • C. PICKARD, Executor,
' ' &BIM tO rent her farm of 100 'acres, being lot
18, 9th eon„ of Rabat. 11 Ls COVQ11 miles Iron'
Clinton, throe from Lendoshoro. Eirst-class
laud, frame house, geed orchard and , running
'stream, °annul (nags ; about 70 acres .cleared.
Win be rented ,on reasonable terms. Amity for
partieulare at NEW ERA OFFICE..CIinion, or
of MRS..M. Tuatara uoderica. • 'lea
EXEorironts onoulE to tlytniortons•
Notice is hereby given hi pursuance �l Sce.'34,Cilati.'
107, of the Revised Statutes of Onter10, as.atnonded
by 40 Viet., chap. 0; that all creditors -and other per.
-.pus having Claims against the. estate of Margaret
Salt, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, married woman, deccazed; who tlied,on or
about the tenth 'day of Juno, 1880, are hereby required
to scud by jib§t, prepaid; or otherwise TA -Oliver to the
undersigned, Executor °Oho last will and testament
of the said late Margaret San, ot Clinton, Ontario; on
or before the 14th day of August; 11,,D. 1880, theth
• christian names and surnames, addresses' and descrip-
tion, the full particulars Of their claims,- a statement
of their accounts, and thetw
mato of 'the •seenritles (If
any) held by them,_ And that imniediatoly after the
said fourteenth day of Auguot next the assets of the
estate td.the said late Margaret Salt will bo distributed
anion the parties entitled thereto, baying regard only'
to the claims of which.noticeshall have boeu received
and the Executor will mit be liable for the said assets,
or any part thereof, to any person Of whose claim notice.
shannot have been recoivediby 'him at -the time of
such distAblitton.
Dated this 20th day of June, A.D. 1S80,- •
Executor, Carlton P.O.
Insects and Bugs. -Slog Shot will Kill PO -
tato Stage and -Cabbage- Worths, Trisect -sou
Rose bushes, Flowers, Plante, atte,, and is
a good Plant Food. . Only 10 centcaper lb,
. I have also a let of
• .
HONEy it
. o lb et • 0ctgam.=Counci1 met On June lOth-
14 '"'w"minutes of fotmeratneeting read and ap-
proved. A. special grant was given towards
-gravelling sideline between 22 and 22, cob.
AucTipm SALE 14. Conamunieation- from Judge Doyle,.,
eaking for improvements in Court Retort,
• : 0 If•
:Dungannon; road -the reeves were ein-
iire_A_Titmc .401EgoOp le:. powered to' comply with the request.-
Communication- .fiare Clerk of Colboree
,The -undersigiied-will-oelirby-public-auctiOn on'--
Waferring to extensiefFiel Young'saCreek,
Lot IS, 9th concession or ittuLiawisr;
' ON read and laid over. Assessor'i repeat in
TU ES DAY,JULY. 6. 1886. connection with Union 'School: Sectiona
The crop on tido place; eonsistiee altogether of reed* and:tapprovetlaend his account for the
ikuout 70 acres, 110 follows ;-About 18 acres ot summer WOrk ordered to be paid.- It was resolved
fallow fall wheat, about $0 acres of oats, and about 25 that the Board. of Health hold a -meeting
acres of grass. will be sold toluit.purchasers. • ,
• The crop must be taken on in tune for fall plowing; 10 Dungannon on Friday, June 2511. On
and tho. grain intuit bffithrenn
shed on the fa, straw to motion, it was resolved to expend $1,100
be left on the place. .
. Sale without roserie at 2 p.m. for the ciirrerit year on roads and bridges,'
• etees,-Eive months credie,:giveri on furnish,ing The following acemnits were ordered to he
approved joint notes. ,
. paid :-Flulaer and And'ersi;n, grading and
Jas. HowsA.uffiloN. a MRS; M. TIGHE, , gravelling,. $27.40; Jas. Young, Welber,
onecr. . ' ProprietresS.
for culvert,'$2 45; Alex. Stewait,equilii.
W .. jA9Ksittnti AGENT ing union school sections, $22 50; Samuel
Alter, 37 loads geavela$3.70 • ' Thos. Lolt,
Cagada l'aCific_11:61rway sidewalk, &e., ; Daniel
Donovan, Calvert, $a ; Jos. .Clifton, aeul-
. -CLIN'TON, ONT. verts, $2,50,;"''Etlitiaad Ploughman, stone
ditch, Sze.,_113:80; Hoe' & McCloskey
gravelling, $23.80. At a court of revision
tile -following changes were made in the
asseasment roll :-Lot W. a of 26,. eon.: 8,
trausferred-from Separate-Scshool-to-Thrion-
-S. S, No. 7 anclaS.Isea25,-;-con, 3eatrana-
ferred froin!Union S. S. No. 7 to Separate
S. S. Doge aWaid-by-Pitenn'airify*Thalen
Arch. Scott,' and Henry Taylor, struck off,
having been killed. . Roll as now revised,
was accentedancl adopted.. Council then.
A young maeried msa itt Seaforth
Into the cold World did flee forth,
To escape frorn the olio&
Of hit dertr better half, • .
Who was really his better three-fourths.
A kn011 in the town by -the lake aide
For something his 'fish diet to break sighed,
So a gentleman duck
He took home to tie spook,
Who with ouions ttud sage filled this drake's
• cuie.amitateas
Proxica-A very successful union Sah-
bath •Scheol picnic of the. Presbyterian
and Methodist churches of Chiselhunit,
was held in Mr. Keefer's grove,' on
Thursday,,the 24th June. The weather
was all that could be desirede hence there
there was a large • gathering of all 'nes,?
from the smallest child to the oldest men
and women, all of Whom seemed to enjoy
the-pienic-itamenatlya-Thelnapile assem-
bled sat- theie ,respective schools and
marched to Ali& •gFounds; where amuse-
ments' awaited them in the , shape of
swings, Ste. Two choirs were. in attend-
ance, viz., Chiselhairst and Hensel, abd
discoursed sweet Music, which eeemed to
be duly appreeiatethy the large number
of people who had assembled on . the
grounds. Mr. ,Torrance addfased a' few
appropriate words to the pupils, then they.
were dismissed until tea time. When the
tea tablet -were set they. presented a de-
lightful appearance, and we think Amid,
satisfy the appetite of the most faetidious
epicurean, both for -quality and 'quantity.
When the wants of tile sinner -mare had
been, thoroughly satisfied. the s iv i nga.were
Again patronized until „about six •ecloek,
when all quietly dispersed to their respec-
tive homes, feeling satisfied with the day's
• wES'i%. WANOSII .
JEkre'ugh tickets issued to all parts of Manitoba and
the North West via lake steamer or ell rail route.
Special low rates to allpoints in 13ritish Columbia.
Iror full information apply to . •
Big .RebucTighl
Wholesale Prices.
adjourned to pieet on Saturday; July .17.
R. K. MILLER', Township Clerk.
, • e
BitlEFS.-111r. C. Carter brought some
barley from hip field to this village that
measure's 4 ft. 7 in., and saya if he Wants
,artune o e con n • anger.
It reported- that it aertalo 'resiclent of.
the 13th on. hail skipped out.. Poet ball
has started here ; 11 10 surprising how. feta
some can ret around after hours. Mr.
John Lealiem starts for Manitobe and
Dakota, this we. -k. The masone age tit
work at the Poteqers Hall. Mr, Jahn
Brutiedon is turning out a large number Of
fine buggies this summer.
Goan ON A VISIT-...kiSS M. Thompson,
et the Bayfield 'road, has gene on a Vita
40 Moose Javv,Assinahoitawhere her sister,
Mrs. Jae, McCartney,and two Of her
brothers reside. Minnie will be gone twe
Menthe or more, conditiohally-
Ptcnete -The mornieg of the 25111 did
Must ue tun Out in ten days.- not set in clear and bright Old l did
fail to give us a call. We ean give you not burst forth in all the spiendur;f his
prides to suit you, brightness, diffusing joyalnd gladneas into
youthful hearts ther aro t that
p egr me 0
effeet notwithstabding. . The morning was
Showery, and children correspondingly
gloomy ; in the afternoon it cleated off,
and it very goittl time was had in Innis's
grove. The ground was rather atilt for
Mimes ; the turbbut of people was not a$
largo its on fernier occasions, owing toathe
unpleseant weather. Over 00 worth of
prizes were distributed amonethe child -
ten, • •
The undersigned having purchased the
stOck of Mr. Geo. Shtu•rntSta will cleitr.
oat the stock of
Bfittcr.&.1gaTdon•iii Elchallie.
e/tOoPat. AND SDATIONtatt
was held last Friday in Mr, Wallis, bush,
4th concession, being a union public
school picnic for S. 8. No. 8, and 5. fa,
No. 9, Although the weather proved
rather antagonistic to picnics, it was at
tended by a fair crowd and a very good
time Was spent, Among the amusements
were, races tor small boys, foot -ball for
youths, and a tug of way for the men.
This latter created a deal Of excitmena as
there- was -some- isrettriondsatalkabutla
was settledpeacealolv and as it was one
section against the other, it was decided
in favor of Mr. Sheppald's side, he beiag
teacher in 5, S. No. 8. In the evening it
number adjournedto Mr Welsh residence,
_these being principally members of the
the choir, the opportunity was taken tos.
present Miss Clara Welsh, who has been
been organist for over two years, at Cole's
Church, with a silver cake -basket, and a
silver pickle dish and in kstand,accompaci.
iecl by the following address.
Dean - Mms Weesia-We, a few of your
frldEdrttalTiNtrpiriiilirfrOf &Will -Wiener
have assembled together this evening for the
purpose of presenting ybu with a tangible token
of our esteem for you and of our gratitude for
your services as organist in our Church. We
know that your duties in that capacity are
inconvenient and always arduous, but as they
have, been so faithfully performed we are the
more cordial in oun expressions of gratitude.
Please accept these presents, net in compensa-
tion for what you 'have deli?, but as a token in
memory of the nle sant times we have 'spent
together, and with them our best Wishes for
your future prosperity and welfare, We hope
you will long be spared to lead us in the service
of eong,and•that when your singing here is end-
ed, you may join the nobler choir above to sing
the song of Moses and the Lamb„forever. Sign-
ed in behalf 'of the congrenation;
• Avliollornwea.. '
A very enjoyable evening was spent,.
with music, recitations, &c , and the corn -
patty broke up apparently well satisfied
with theft atti's pleasure.
_ In the_ „lvritt.611 eepy. Of the lease- of Mr,-
. \ e 'as farm, fast week, it was -stated
there were Vt,acres ofausfilaud, but the
compositor Made it ."70" in print, and in
the hurry of proof reeding, the mistake
was not noticed. ear,- •
• MEV mail "min.
Batat's.-Mr. Hugh McCartney becatne
the owner of a•Fulten colt the other,day,
it has all thespoints of a 2 10 i tit lueksa-•
Mr.MeCartney had a valuable brood mere,
die on Sunday night boa ; the cause was
gas on the stomeela Some of the youths
or Stanleyhadto pay for their fun at
the charieari the other night. The sac:
rament of'. the. Lord's •Su pper was •dispen-
ceCin -trnien church :on Sunday last,
After the Monday: Preaching in connec-
tion with the sacrament, Mr. McCoy, of
Egnsohdyille, was -presented with a spurse
eontalning:$75, as.a slight recompense -for
the trouble and expense be had been at
while rietine as moderator On their behalf,
the Brueehetld people are noted for their
liberality. Mr. McTavish And ItIrs
Simpson, of Tuckersmita,_who have been
-iting at Kansas, for thelast• sig weeks,
returned on Wednesday, they were both
well pleased with the country, but would
not care to locate lhere pertnanently.
sEverybody fourteen miles areend went to
the picnic at Bayfield, on the lat. of July.
• Et .
Balees.-Mrs. J. Kilty, and sou have
gone oh a visit to friends at Houghton;
Mich, ,Sfr. Frect Thompson is home from
a trip to the101d Country. Mr. ,Ta Kelly
has • strawberries fotir inches in °items
ference, of the [Vet ,Yeatle _bearings Mrs,
',Tobin, of Torento; and daughter of Mrs:
Tighe, are at hotne on a visit. AGaitathiety
were picking strawberries at Mr, Ilore's
last Illo-taisy forenoon.. J.ihn'James, in-
fant sou of 'John Murdock, died on -the
25thalame., after a short illness from in-
flammation of the lungs. -Mr. John Mor-
eau, the oldest resident of the Maitland
Bleck, tooklaihisdepartereato -Sloths-la-et:-
week; he engages in the grocery business;
anotherj. P added teethe lalyth list. •
Bainas.-The finest field 'of fall Wheat
in this township, is that of John Snyder's,
average - nearly- 5 ,feet high... ,Mra-Wa. W.
Baer started for Siincoe, ons:VV
Tuesday last.
Mr. John Snyder has. erected a shed to
his barn 15x60 feet, Haying -commenced
in this sectionaon Monday. Crops look
better here, outsiders say than they do'
anywhere around. Statute labor is finished,
antbattaassell done. Whi.e Mr. N Baer
was walking along the river one day, he
slipped and fell,hurting hie thigh severely.
ONE or rue l AT:10mm. -Mr. creel.
orne , owns ipa, says p
thirty busbels.ot wheat last spring. He
get a splendid sample of wheat, and if he
ean only rise as good himself,jag is quite
sure he will have no difficui
lty n selling it
al two dollars it bushel. The .sharpers
had him in a pretty tight place, tor be-
sides the six dollara it hurdlel he was to
pay, they were -to get half the,otem He
get a settlemet with them by paying the
$180. He aold fifteen bushele hauself
and gave out tha other flfteee among his
neighbors, and he i$ to get one half of
the cop. The crop at/ present .is very
Sit., Al.J 014.0.Y1410- WW1 intown this
fiitiek-. • •
Tho Good Templets ailk pienia at'Ray.
Geld on Dominion Day.
"Miss Aggie Armitage who bait been at-
tendinu college at Whiebylis home for the
The 11.0V. Mr. Smythe', a 13ruseels 00.
tupied the pulpi, of the Methodist church
last Sunday, morning and evening,
Mrs, Dr. T. H. McDonald, of Peters-
burg, Mich,, and Mr, Geo, 11 Soo t and
wife, of Toledo, Oloo.,_ aro visiting friends tion of 014 wogs „n ,j uto. 23ed ; the 'fa eiral .
in town and moot)+, ...litteesed by a coriverfed hatel,keeta
, was on Saterany, et, Bea'e oettletery, him, 1 the person thee enuotinced vs "if it
lelr.,,and Mrs, rrank ScOtt, vtho react° I line, Mr Santee Yeutig lute boon wothing is ,. e lonel.keeper in the to 0/ ti of 'Pals
on the HerouRoad between Seaforth and
Harpurhey, will celebrate. the fiftieth se-
nivereary of their wedding day on July 1st,
Meseta. A. Armitage, A. Cardne and
Miss Johnson, all sail for the old countey
this week, the former by way of New York
ana the latter by Quebec. Mr. Armitage
goes for the good of his health', we hope
that he will be very much benefitted there-
by. l•
We were sure that ouriire fighters,would
distinguish themselves, which they tied
moat- ritiblTataatliac fireman's demonstra-
tion in Kincardine last week, They.
brought home with them the first purse
for hose reel race, Mr. Geo, Sills, the:
chief of the brigade also carried off the
gold medal for quick -coupling Of hose.
Last Friday evening,at the Y. U. 0. A,
rooms, was held a musical and literary en-
tertainment under the auspicee of the
ladies auxilliary, There was a large at-
tendert:se, but we, are inclined to think
that most of the people wept home some-
what 'disappointed, owing to IMMO who
„remised to peatteatate statatheartatarinome-
noatmaimue,t,ting in an lippearaticet
WFUOh iiathemune of quite a. break in the pro.
Ketchum Cohvention and Onemeat
Clo., of Onneda, gave a concert hero last
Th urscao,y, the ad miasion free, oousequentiy
there was a very large audieoce, Every-
body that was present have spoken highly
of the concert given and probounced it
'first•class in every respect. At the close
of theseoncert a sioging•clasa was organized
end over, fifty hnve lolled it. Mr,. Kat -
ahem is instruetor. and the members o! -
the class are pleased with the manner of.
teaching, On Siniday evening the company
assisted the chOir• of the Methodist chard.
Mr, Ketelmin conducted a song service for
abent 39 minutes, the pieces . song were
old faleiliar ones, 'anelatte, "Happy Land,"
"Sweet bye -and -bye," , and the large crane
gregatiOn joined heartily in the,singing, it
fact, SQMO who seldom sing were seen to
-openetheir maths to make melody. ;Such -
singing has not, been heard hi this town.
for a very •long time, Would that Ikca
had more Qf it for sve; are sure every boy
ivould want to attend church and alit odes
a single service:.
Bleyclista are prectising •every eveni ug. a
at "Seclusion Grove ;" he expects to bave meraton. His addreigi was mainly it red -
Mr Armstrong's new house ready for the tation of hie _own experience, and those
plasterers in a ehort time, Win Beadle, who heard him, .state that it was one. Of
formerly of the oleo, but now of Palmer- the moat pathetic that coultlabe delivered."
stens 15 back again. D Oantelon, of Olin- The Sunday services, *14 in the barracks,
too, general agent for the Massey Mfg, Co. were all very largely..attended,•being of
is at present in our village. The teachers the usual character.* On Monday thQ force
snd pupils of the public schoothere,intend was largely increased by officers and--sol.holdiug a strawberry festival on the 2nd diers from other places, and the unite
July, the prospects are that: tt will be a crowd marched in procession, .elonie the
mimes. While T. Cassady was breaking principal streets. Their entbue nem evi-
in a colt the other day, it ran away with dently knew no bounds; e0ery drummer
new buggy,. .antLeneashed itoonsiders- followed his-ownstinsaatambourineseav-to.— sa,
able ; Tom Will have to stay at home now ling and triangle were played with vigor
on the lot. A very successfel Picnic by the and -no regard for harmony. Handker-
schoels No. 1 a,nd 3, Colborne, was held in chiefs waved, and OeffittliOnallY rt piece of
Gowery, on Saturday hest. The day was some sacred choruscould be heard amid
fine,,ancl a large comenerse of people and the confusion. The soldiers proceeded to
children amused themselves in all kinds of the Agricultural Show Ground, Where the
sperm ; a game of foot -ball betweea the ,building had been converted into it banquet
schools, closed the sports. A T McDonald hall, and this was ailed to its utmost.
sold a-first-olaes heavy draught horse to a After refreshments had been served; the
Seaforth buyer, for a geed eum, jubilee proceedings were commenced un -
Seco* Ace -A meeting of -the Colborne der controNf Staff -Copt Sumner, of Tor -
Branch Scott Act Association, was held at onto, assisted by Special Van Allen, of
Smith's HIM' on Thursday last and was Palmerston. Until rata* half past ten
`adaaeariedalty-allievaa-Masetemeeitalmattlasattaa4 4tfecersandlathltereerelatedetheirereligionsee
Webster, of Goderich, and Youug, of Col- experiences, and delivered stirring ad -
borne. There Was great enthueiasra meta- drosses. The remarks of BQMO of the
feeted, .and our 'temperancepeople artanot speakers were really elognestat, and Would
in the lean ditteofiragecl at the uniatisfecs 'do credit to persona of education and cul -
tory results of the Act while being tried' fur?, althoegh tho majority were onto
this last time, but know wherein .the ordinary.. After the jubilee service,- the a
lie, and are deteerninsd to make their audience was dismissed, and an "all-night
fluence felt- in its. welfare. Cheering ad- prayer meeting". held, to which. quite a
dresses were given and resolutions visaed, nue:tiler remained- . By. the .banquet and a
all pointing to the fact that this sick clues- other means sufficient was realized tO pay'
tion meat ,be put into the hands of ph -i- off thebtortgage an the barracks, which 'is
cians. 'and deprive those of the least do- now free from debt. The officers bore wish
minion over 11, -who have hitherto kicked, eta express their gratitude to the • friends
throat and poisoned it, as theirtasha and who so kindly cense to their_ assistance in
policies are---
ivelfare: providing took.for tphaei-tja
nquet. ril following.
the proceediugat--
. EAST watt Aleostr. • °apt Leing, Cadet Lob, Goderich ;. Cadet
Mr Greentyetal'a little ie naw in Yorke, Stratford ; Copt Rioaartielm, Cadet
full blast. , • . Stigere,Mitchell ; Capt Cadet 13e11,
• Henry Taman lost I: cow Aua two .01w. Seafoath Osit Rowe,Wessels ; Capt.
They werea great loss, at$ Werw
iheY e valus Bieck ell, Cadet Ouarie. Teeswater; Lieet•
, le • , a.. • • ; Wallace,Cadet Conine, Kincardine ; Cant
W -. -Omani areteaw-aa'Vea lately" -fads.- Minna, Cewab, Winghtun ;
hased a fine covered • hufrom the zgy faale.• Cadet Pvince, Blyth; Lieut Free- •
Londeeboro neumfacturet, Brundson, .
man, Elora; ()apt Spackmart, Cadet ISea-
- Mr. Carlton, the great horse importer bright, °Buten ; Staff Capt Sumner, Tor.
of this pert of the country,' lost Scotland's onto; Special Vain Allaa, Palmerston.
Glory, a very valuable stallion, lest n eek. • ..
Samuel Walsh raised a barn the other X01091011 C4611114.
day 05x615, end afterward.- gave the hays
dance that lasted till late. next morning. Judge !roma presided . at the Division:
Mr Wrri. McGoivae,awho has beim eel- doert; on Fridayaast. This aae wtr,Ypilfe•'
The all intend to get the that prize' on the
plOyed with his oxen at M. Yourafts mill, sented by Messrs. Man*g....5 Airtt,Powell
first e • ,
200 children enjoyed tamilselyee at the
5 .cent strawberry 'feet' val in Kiio:e Clitirch; i
on Saturday afternoon last. ' ,
Blyth, finished last Fridays, making $eta a and a neither
inorfIgHs.nraarittaattarteatTs. he docket
n •
onth. '
Mr, and Alii...Currie intend going to the ltalc;v. Salt, Tisclull gett; W*ernpin,
Id country aeon. -fly this etiaame On this r. Sada with*R 'Irwsiu ettehecessi.ee gar- .
nishee. Theirs aro suite against Thomas
Salt, who absconcledeetne year age, in •
-Waling sold a avealarfine .tho'rete hichalt-issseaghteto-attachecertairr
bred cow to -Mr. Tabti, of this townah•p, ip the heeds of Mee -R. -Irwin; Eiecutor of •
Whieh.,ala. Talk ' owned when she was Hrs. Salt's will, and whichhave been bo -
young, faneadab6ought back because she was queathed to Thomas Salt. Manning ob-
stibala• titined an Oralea in eaeli-Case for substitu-
• di. match of: base • and loot ball wee tional service.' • :
splayed between the'Blyth saheb] and 5 S Landsborough &at. Thii was it simi-
No 10 E Woavatiosh on Friday, last- The lar case, in which Harttaobtained an erdera •
Myth boys gained in base ball:but came ' Swan v. Davis -An interpleader action,
out oven in by taking•aeine in-;Which-defendera • •forther
of the junior Village:Club: • goods seized .by plaintiff, tit suitof. plff.
Another base ball match Was played he- Judgment reffereeds Powell for ' Off, •
tween the same clubs as.playetilasteweeka juiltice for deft:- - •
The east chub was.victotioue by 11 runs.- : Doherty v. Trailsona-Actimi for 'ergot,
,WhiIe William Quinn was:cite ing a ball Judgment for plif., Manniag forsolff.„
t hie him on the elect Of the •Isittlefinge,r, Fleming v. Otaigas-aketien • for wages,
breaking -it He to catch alaidginentsfoaspiff. aa---7----ss
• ' 7'wPc/ie1 t, P:caeca caaS'inith. Action .
et note and. account. . judgment against
both on notoerid 'clistniesed as to [Moto-mt.
Powell for Deft Wariviok, .Manning for • _
Deft Smith. . . • • • . •
"There was an unusually large nuriaber. of .
judgment :Minn:lenses, Upon filiMe of which •
the Judge epokesout pretty plainly to these
defaulting debtors.able to pay.
-46, 6 • •••.;--
The 'Rev. T- Campbell 'preached his
farewell sermon, last Sabbath:. evening.
Ile -intends remriving to OivenaSountis,
this morning •( Wednesday.) The Rev..
Mr. Turk. of Lucke*. will pi•ohatily ar-
rive, ori Friday, the -211d. ,
The'strawberryTestival in.Knox church,
on Fridav•mtehing, was a grand success,
about 300 .neople were ,present, and $28
were cleared towards paying for the meg-
naficent new Doherty organ, which has
lately becti,sedded to the S. S.*.furriitueese
• At the iast meeting of the I 0 0 F Hee
ron Lodge, No 62, Otiaerichathe follow- 1.
ing were elected as enders for the en:' tting
term F • Lawreace, N ; George .J
Green, Vs° ; johe $traiton. R R ; George'
Stevens, I' ; and Neil Cerrapbell, Treas.,
ether •electietoseire-te-followe•--Tate•repre-
seetetivea to the 15th irual session of
Grand Ledge, were N1 Campbell. and
The choir of -the ',Viettaria, St, church!
went, last Thursday, to the assistance of
the Presbyterians, of Sheopitedon, on the
occasion • of. their anneal tea meeting.
Unlike naost ebeini they' arrived too soon ;
they :the:refire &nye on ' to*Port Albert,
and enjoyed an hour's stroll .near the
beach., Tea Was not served until .ebeut
half otter "eibtaIliffialadiattely,after which
the chairmen took hie' place. The 'singe
lug by the b"riailia assieted by Mr, Thoni -
'son, of. Knox church,. Wag all* that could
be wished . -Un fortu nately-zone of. 001_
speakers; with the exception ot the pastor,
Rev. 141.y. Cameron, were present, and. as
local talent called upon a' with case cen-
Sent began to make excuses," Miss Trne-
inan• kindly consented to give a recitation,
which she did as perhape no other Godes
ich The- Rev; Mr. Salton,
account the council does not meet ant
'August, ea he is eaeirea. . .
Lootko4 ei-luAcH OHIMES
Rev; Mr. Gee preached in• Ontario St.
church on Sunday Morning. Rev. Mr.
Legear will eeter on his duties there on
Sundaysneaa •
The ' Londeeboro. Ddethedist Sabbath
Scheel and Hohnesiille 'Sabbath School
purpose joining. the Methodist schools of
town in,their ' picnic to GOderich, on the
13th inst. If all- go thertawill be a big
crowd. .
__,-The Seaforth Expositor,- says ;•-aRei.
Mr. Stewart, of -Clinton, preached two
excelleet sermons itt the Presbyterian
church in this tolen Sunday. Mr. Ste•
wart is always a 'favorite with Sealoith
From several Methodist Ptdpits in the
Domtainne Da -ea -Both Luck now and
Goderich hold their Caledonian -games -.- -
on Thursday, July lit, the latter place "
being likely to get the crowd from here.
The Doherty Organ Hand go to GoderiCh
to play en bi-ald-the Steamei-Saganaw
ValleYE' ' is ma .-The.
Is TtMamma ..
cents Worth of notintsais. :The boy" in. 610
son, went into a store and asked for te• .
tendance &cadet -gay' did not know 'the
()unto, farewell sermons weee preached
y_ministers_whoareremoving to oaaltle Of the articles and gave her 0. _.
`; -ther
'Nuttnegta are • Worth - 10e o. dozen, and fi
stations, and the pleasant friendships that
have existed ' are severed. Next Sunday make an ounce. When the woman ti at -
their WU called to the face that the boy
their Successor's outer on their work- in
had evidently • Medea mistake, and she .
heir different appdintments • ' '
wavasked if she woeldn't return them,sho
The Goderich Signal Bap :-On Sunday
morniiig the Rev. Mr. Rupert, of Clinton
occupied North street pulpit,aed preachei4 eeplieda, No, indeed, it they make a
mistake, it s their lookout, not mine.
a memorial sermon,. anent the pastor's
mother, Who peesed away on the 9th inst.
The discoursewas beautifulin thought,
and a rich ixnesititin of the text: Rev.
who present- ..IVRA then._ .13
asked -to "say a few words," he did io and
in sueh a humorous WAY that for half .mn.
hour his audience were in the broadest
good humor. Bev. Mr. Cameron followed t
with au excellent Speech on ." How and
what to read." , The choir on their return
were caught by the terrific thunder storm I
of Thursday night (or Friday morning)
but in spite of that declared they had not
enjoyed themselvea so well for months.
a 'committee Meeting .of ihe church'
was passed to Wo; Trtterhan, Mrs Stilton,
and the choir for th a a eervietea
the Lord!' Mr R. N eminently. 2ualified
. contain ' important Femen •revela Lions ,
pu e a 1 cu r ( i • .
• AmtltilltuLto. r ' cless ot preaching. The pulpit waS droo-
l-tr.() PiCiNIC --The mutual oicnic of the was furniehed by the oilcan
ed oil the occasion, and suitable music. Fortnightly Review, The :,r fele is -
captioned " Bettina the Scenes." and is
Roman Catholic congregatioti a „kshfield. OitLirti..151614,7--` e follovving gentle- ostensibly contributed by ari Itishitien. .
was hold' on SAturdav afternoon in Dean's men having passed a snccessful examiiiii7 It tells substaniially (he following •story i
grove, Lake Shore Road. The weather tion -before the Biahopta Examining ()hap Frank 1i -e, Searethey of the English
was delightful. the attendenee large; and liens, Rev. Carillon Richardson. and Hill,. Brarieh of the Irish NationaaLeague, oc-
the gathering a success in every respe0t, , were presented to his lordship for ()Mina- eupied an ACO on Bridge Dir., opposite
kineng those resent were M.C, Cattieroti, min) . irl Westminster Hall, iti •the Hering of 1882.
Atp,„ thin A .111, Ross, MI).11,,. Fred W. , we,tt, at on TiMsday nioroing in the fot-
St, George's Church, London_ The office adjoined the rooms:occupied at -
E. Cameron, A. MeGrory... of Lueknow, Sox, Huron Oellege ; Mr. A W Ditivdney,
t --• lowing order .--For Deacons -Mr. G W . 4
j:/ar 4. Mr. Parnell used Ityrtieai office .
the Same. jimt by the Irish lam liaseentery: •
Johnston, Juno Bailey, of Godericat II
Rev. Father West, of •Watvanosh, Patrick WyclIfia ; Mr. J 0 Robinson, Weeliffe; for 'the transaction of private ' hueineria,
Kelly, of Myth, and others. Rev, Father M. 1 Gainrer, . Wycliffe. For Priests- because, as ho said; it was the quietest
was-untiting-in--his • effints to _tender_ thesaltehinsetta.Mmier ; Rev, alt,IittagelVISI. l' ^ A i'l
it, place he could get in the neighborhood.
The knives iited in .the assessinati te:ot,
Doublet, the popular and energetic pastor, Rev. J W Hodgema .13eyfield ; Reit. S a
J,..tortt seaeentlishe and littrate ...tit ....Pliahlre .
taxation enjoyable to the visitors. In 'a tIonsitil; Rev, A K Oriffiti,.Moneton ; Rev
eontest for a gold.headed cane, between G Edgelow, 1/resclen ; Rev. It D Freeinan, Park were purchased with Leagueiromey.
D. E. Canseronalof Ltieknews., and Jeniei Easiamaa, Thetas knives Were theri. given to a Fenian
Dailey, of Goderich, Mr. Chuntroo WA8 - cobbler to cover vvith leather sheaths, yid
If a big cro d and boon es
4 ......,-.......46...1114.-.....-......-..
of Frank 13yrnes end were subsequen y
,stafivati a 4..34 alithttee. frohl the cobbleee she]) they wei e del v.rs
declafed the Wiener by a large triajolity.s.
" • . al 9 On thd- •
ed at the office teethe League by a brintiet
Itamps,.-nov, Kr Cas veil preachea his aiii14111 eenstitUte a zueeeseful jubilee, thou
entrusted to Mra. Ftank Byrne to tie cons
farewell worsen) horsiest. Sondatt morning t the Salvation Ar'inv hpre had the moot veyed to Dublin, end then to be deliveted -
Mr. C. Rutherford, of St`, Releila. preached seeeeesfill event of this kind, on Monday to James Carey,- Miss Maggie Byrne took'
. A ' (Arent Sensation.
• 1,0141.1011, Able 29.-A seevetioil '•
-been-caused by-mflartiele-pufpoptings-to
both by gifts and experience, or that bliah d i if o ent number e
a200, furnished freni the Leaitue trecisury„
in tihdePf tmestlatonvittn ellanroth4 TIV‘.1'0""hg°8t`. 1.!'i l'h" 1/Ultass “nififfigicecla trea :84,10valt cittoei.21)nitirby.11:,t.00rteltlyabolti:,atint ottr:i.bieset t. eeeepe
tea_ o. ....r -ohn _out 5 ;tat 1...0t, ,A-3- -a, -9. to Amorioa, patriot,. ugtta who
the Treasuree of the Leagne," heated tile