HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-25, Page 8• NEW of raising the Clinton High Meal to a °LINr 'ON NES `; Pollegiate ;institute, before the public. that.roeeting it was resolved to•ask the ouncil to raise by debentures or other - LOCAL wise the suet of $4,500 for that purpose.. 1Yew SI111Inery Gauze m Lnmint<o atli qe- submitted to the Council byent will be LOCA ' NO We understand a full state ornery I!apotia ,.the Board, ley dlshowing the benefits likely to be acerae GLIly1'f?IK 'WQALLEN MILLS is the bast plate fruthe County of Huron to trade your woo? from the change, and the increased grants off, A full toe of all'Idnds of cloth oil 4ana n .law the town will reeeiYe from the Govern- est rates. Do» t'pass us. Great Reduction in Furniture. --If you meat and County, are in need of anything in the furniture line, before B1 IEFB,--+Dir, Jas. atson, Of yS'eafortll, buying call at the Red Rocher stare. A A. B> N- was hereon a short visit this week ; dame NETT, the Cabinet Maker and Undertaker is selling yhsap, The best is the cheapest, Albert et., Clinton, • rumor states tie intends causfnga vacancy own ' lali><c . in the Public School here, The wife of htr. A. W. Carslake, is visiting friends AS DOMINION .DAX --which is a holder, at Taunton, Mass. The next meeting of mile on Thursday next, tho` day on which Huron. Medical Association will be held we ustiglly go to preps, correspondents will in the Mechanics' :Institute rooms, Sea- eblige us by sending In their notes as early forth, on Tuesday, the 6th of July. Jn neat week as "meow. Do1IINION VOTEBs'• LIST. Judge Doyle will hold court for fine vision on Wednesday; 7th of July i n••bal amic:cb ..gra n e. ' We understand that an g jnent bas been made in regard to the Town lists,by wbich much labor and ex- pense will e saved both parties. CHANGING THE 'VOTERS' LIST,—Judge —Vim has -given instructior$-that no•rnunie cipal voters' -lists are to be : printed this year in the same form they have been printed for some time past, but are to be made more like those. for the Dominion. The reason for this change is that the Judges have had considerable trouble heretofore in making a revision of the. lists, and it is. thought that by this change, the trouble can be lessened. - RETURNED —Mr. Geo. Baltlerson, , of Goderich'township,- w)po-went to -Dakota - recently on, •a prospecting tour, returned • •> n4louday .evening,,,, and„ Was so well pleased with the:,appearance of things there, that he determined to make this future place of sesienee. He has bought 160 acres from Mr. W. Cox, (also of Goderich.towuship,) near. Elliott, paying, therefor:$1,400. a does not• move on it; however until'next spring.; A VALI-ABLE MAun.-Mr. W. Robin son, of the Huron road,. 'West, (just out- side of town),: has a mare that is turning. her 28th year, and she is' as lively and ac- tive as a good many beasts considerably younger. She has ,raised 23 colts, and only ceased productiveness - two years' since ; it is rare to find 'a beast in :active service as long as this, and shows that it has had good usage during its term of use- fulness, and 'is entitled to a monument when it ceases to exist.. • SucuussruL,,=The Doherty Organ Band went to Kincardine Wednesday,, to. Parti ' cipate in the band tournament, and; sue-. ceeded in carrying •9ff. the first prize of $100. They : had four other bands to' com- pete pete against, so that competition was keen. the 32nd Battalion Band got second prize, and. Listowel third. At Stratford, ]aat Thursday, in the 'amateur band contests, they succeeded :in:,getting second : place, Perlin being •first. The Doherty ' hand is now admitted to -be onegf the best; in Western Ontario, and any that gets ahead of it has to be a good.oiie .indeed. HIGH, SCHOOL TIiUSTEES,-A meeting be well supplied with meat now, ..as this the case of trespass Welsh v: McGuire, tried before the Mayor on Saturday, de- fendant was lined $1 and costs, J. Hillin, jr., for being drunk and disorderly, spent Saturday night in the "cooler," and -paid a fine of $2 and costs, A. meeting of the directors of the Clinton Driving Park As- sociation was held this week, when gener- al business relating to the Association was trausacted'j after meeting all claims upon it, the Association alias a small beliioce on' hand. . The High School closes to -day,. Public School ne±t week. The senior base ball club play Goderich, next Wed- nesday: Mr. Chris, Dickson and wife are visiting -relatives in'Detroit. The volun- teers, under command of Capt. Forrester, left by special train, on Tuesday, to put in their annualdrill, at London: Mr. T. R. Foster, Of Tara, formerly proprie- tor of the Clinton Woollen MiUs, gave us, a-t�zll'wen~Tuesday,-he and his wife -beim in attendance at.the meeting of the Breth ren ; he was much surprisedat the change Qiinton had undergone since he lived here, the many fine buildings erected and others going up being the. best 'evidence• he wanted to see of its pprosperity. Our old townsman, Mr. ,Neil'Fox, has been elected one of the elders of • Morden, (Manitoba) Presbyterian church, and' will be ordained on the 28th inst. On Satur- d'sy evening,while walking hone• from town, the wife of Mr. H. Wise, of the Bayfield 'non., was overcome by illness, and was 'Conveyed home by a friend who happenedto come•along in a buggy.. Mr. Pi W. Hayward bought on ,Tuesday, most et the effects belonging to the Callander estate. Mr. W. E. , Wemp, emigration agent for the St. Paul & Minneapolis R.. R., was in town on Tuesday. Mr. Hoare; of the Clinton Strawberry Gardens, brought in a basket of Wilson's the other' day, that excel in site anything yet pro- duced in this vicinity; they were so large that several of them' would`make•'a good meal;' for a hearty eater. The base ball club- that went to Blyth t� "' whip the 'stuffin' " out of the boys there, last Thurs- day,- found their way home by the back streets; they claim• that the Blyth club was composed of men; While our club was ail ''little duffers." •D'iisses : Di, and • E. Stevens; of the : base line, are• visiting friends in Kith'cardine, Mr. John Scruton has started' a butcher shop in the pregiises, next to Mr. Slanbury's,•this town should of the. Board of Trustees was held -on --makes the fourth, Barley in this vicinity ,is short and out in head ; spring crops are - ;generally reported to be .shart—(that's about 'the same condition_ we, are in.) A customs . seizure announced in the . daily papers :as having .been made at .Clinton,.. should be read' Clifton;" people here are. ,not ' in the habit of. trying to defraud the customs: Fall Wheat 60 and 64 inches in: • length, out in, head, has been left heroas.• samples of•.what.'the County .of Huron will produce this fall: Fair's mill is now running again night and•day. • Mrs. Mc- Millan, who resides below' the station, A;PECIILIAR FIND:—On > urday last leaves in a few days on a"visit to friends a pair of pants that bad .eta' ently been in Nova Scotia. Mr.James Moore, of the cast offby a tramp,were found in the•barn Commercial.. Hotel, was. called away last of 141x.• John Wiggin ton, Bayfield road. week to attend the funeral of his father, In the pocket :was a. leather pocket -book, at St. Marys; since returning to town,. which contained a• dozen or. more clipp Mr. Moore, has been laid • up with an at- ingiefron1 five.' d'olla' bills:. -:Most -of them--tack_.of quinsey. Master.1..:Cantelon.- got_: was apiece that had been clipped right thrown out of a rig the other day, but be- across the bill, and had the 'full. figure fiye gond • a."bruise to his head, Sustained • no• on them. The supposition is 'that the injury. Mrs, Whitt recently purchased a' -: _.balance of the bill was• passed ,in the or- new piano, . During the storm of. last binary way, and' these clippings were in= week,• the barn of Mr. John Stevens,. de: tended •tb be :pasted over :"ones," thus the London was struck by lightning; • making what is•known'a as"raised bill," it only sustained slight damages, however,' or iu-o her words, ,a sharper's tMethod- of --Mrs. W. Grant, of the London Road, re-' altering a one dollar bill to a five cently, sold'about 30 :head of fine cattle to Mr. Oovenlock, of."Seaforth; the. price RIIIVAIYAY.-On Tuesday last rte. Mr paid, was, we' believe, in the neighborhood; and Mrs. Geo. Hill, of the base line, Were of $73 ahead. Mrs. J. Craib,of Chicago, on their way-'to`town, they had an un- is here' one. visit,: Mr. Holliugshead, of plesaant. accident. One of the horses Duttdn,- the well known millwright, was. -started_to-kick; and,' got its leg_over the here-on,business this week. • •.One day last tongue; this caused them to run away,and week a horse belonging to Mr, Geo. Con- before -they could be controlled, both Mr. nell,kf the 9th con,--Goderich township,• and Mrs. Hill were thrown ,out of the ran away near the station and raninro a " waggon, the latter escaping unhurt, but board fence, broke down: two posts; ran a` Mr. Hill falling against a rail with • his 'board into its breast,and cutitselfseverely. _�reastr--The--horses continued along: the •Mr. John 1 i tn, of Tuokersmith, weighed' ..road, .and turned at Wm. Tiplady's to go an entire colt here the other day, -not yet into the yard, the- gate being .opened, but two years old, Which turned the scales at. one of them went_each side:of the large 1400 ,lbs. Mr. and Mrs. McTaggart, R. post, and were suddenly brought upshort. Coatis, of Clinton*, and James and George The. tongue of the -waggon _snapped oft Ball;'off tiilett, were booked this week. like a pipe stem, and the post was dentedto the old country, by W. Jackson they like toga cannonball - struck it, 'hilt sail fronn.New York, • on Saturday, by the other injury was done: steamship " Divonia" of the Anchor Line. ac a Some ,one bas been boasting about• some' M rr S. The friends and aconished last • tall wheat that was• three feet some.inelaes of Md y J.evening, Waddell were aintention whigh. but this falls into insignificance Tuesday . dprtthat. hiintention og was when .compared with a large field near' to take -his D derar herure on the securedig, ak town, belonging to'Mr.Ransford, which is. for is Port Dever, where, no hasr% ework nearly five feet, and some stalks from. Mr. athis trade.. Heededuct given 'the hobs T. Shipley'#, field over • five feet, and his. • ,yah_ Glc to Gaud r him r ffifter usuall,rbut brother�itna,-hes-61,..h nearly,.a i 1 henMorley came fotwln her s. the Messrs. Hanley and J, Llliott,of Goderieh handsome style, data' for two hours: the township, quarrelled aten.Orange Lodge company enjoyed a very pleasant time, meeting a few nights since, when'the lat- Afterka b chairmfulan repeat.,app had been par- ter, slapped the other's face,.; complaint �r taken of, a chairman was gpnointed, and was 'laid before Mayor Williams; and a a Greatort programme wash gone •tf r hfine of $2 laid on .lullirtt. • The new bridge pr -credit is 'due the boys respondedpthennear Craig's, between Stanley and Goder- to the toast, withr in which theirthey men ieh. township, has been completed. Mr1 to the toast, whish names were Jas.: Thompson, of Bayfield, will offer by, coupled. Special mention should be public auction, a• number of good. cattle, made of DIessr`s.• Spalding and he toast on July 10th. Mr. W Moon and wife, who' vada ably reom th ed to the toahi of froth Chinguacoushy,are visiting relatives the : Lar.._ From the and by which here. Miss N. Barry is the guest of Miss their remarks Here received by the they eydirs S. Mulloy, this week. Mr, J. Cunning. - present, there is no did this toast. they are hair has sold his•10 acre lot on the Huron the sp ear rs le re uphold this p "All road, to Mrs. Carter, of Seaforth,for $950. othe he guest wereta 'evenin in their seemedd Df:rl Oliver, of Perth town, (mother of e the guest of the 'evening, hie h rs M and Miss Glosso also of • to via, ggent but faiwiill b and as enema- afar- Perth are here visiting friends,p�'Col:_A.' orite Wherever ha will "y reside. 111sf ac- M. Ross, )'rovincial Treasurer, visited his y old friends of the 8$rd Battalion, at Lon- hualvisib the will u always,A pleased tote of don, on Tuesday. Mr. T.W. Gibson, (son him visit Heb '. A cordial vote of flanks to Mrs, Morley for the'sumptuous of T.Gibson, M.P.) who for years has been manner in which' she entertained the 006,privateel s secretary aPnddeshort-handhas resigned reeoreporter Smithifor to the. chairman, Mr. carried position to loolk after hisfather's buainess Smith, for the1rnrunner ide which heeleasant at Wroxeter; Mr. llcintasti,of the Guelph out the programme, ended a very pleasant ermiry, is bis successor, Wo have not, • *gathering,time•this week to answer ".Inquirer" an CooltBo' s lasttrie ting, t kTihe Chinese qi sttion, and he fails to sign School Board at its last meeting, took the ' in pante to 1.11 note, first step towards bringing the question • Thursday -evening,- when -the matter of making arrangements for. the,.Intermedi- ate Examination': was left with the coin mittee.' The folowingaccounts •were paid: =$. Carter, ' shade trees, $8; R.•Holmes, printing, etc.... $6.50 ; W., H. 'Simpson; statior ry, $6; the Secretary was:instructed to ask the council for,the usual grant of $1400. The Secretary was also requested to ask the council to raise, by way of loan, the sum of $4,500, for the purpose of en- abling the Board to have the school raised to the position of a Collegiate Institute. rear -Discount. -Sala FOR THE ,NEXT 30 DAYS,l°AT ickSon' s Bookstore d' TIN ' O . On POCKET BOOKS we will give a discount of 25 per cent JEWELLERY " 25 " SILVERWARE `t " . • 15 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS " . 20. ' BIBLES�s. • ._.:...;_PHOT A:LB'UMS = _ _ - .e3 AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS TESTAMENTS CUPS and; SAUCERS : `E SPECTACLES • PIPES • VASES and CHINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS' • : —CONCERTINAS arictACeO:RI3E-ONS-. --' WALL PAPER BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, &c 20 'DAY Books, Journals, Ledgers; &c " • • 10 ,-,MOUTH ORGANS, • we will give it :discount of 25 BABY CARRIAGES " • 15 Ladies HAND SATCHELS " Cambs, Writing Desks and Workboxes'. : VELVET .FRAMES and DOLLS r`.. BASKETS •tc 25 25 20 2,5 25 "30 20 95 15. • all other g,00ds at -proportionately low•prices. .This is the greatest opportunity ever offered, to secure goods below wholesale prices. ' Our entire stock, amounting to nearly $20,000, inust'be reduced to $15,000 within the next 30 clays, as we commence ,STOCK TAKING on the lst of August, and balance' our books, on the 15th. • 'et is et is tc Colne and see our stock, and get' our prices, whether you buy or not. • No trouble to .show you the Great Bargains We'. are *offering; Terms cash, or 3 months creditto responsible parties. • L CANADIAN FACS r We Te wish the public to know, that no matter 'what prices other stores may advertise; we, will not let them Sell cheaper than we do if we know it. GRAND • Asso11TMENT O1 COLORED : DRESS : MUSLINS FOR TUE . HUT WAVE, • WHITE -VICTORIA; - LAWNS 1PA To` keep cool in -�O1_,e to keep -the -sun -off Big Stock of CLOVES aria IZO'S=ZRT. �. Mantle or Wrap Get. a Before -you take your holidays. FOR M -'s WA1, WHITE and , REGE' AA SHIRTS, . MERINO UN- • , DERCLOTHING, and HATS. We Sell CHEAP all the time. Be convinced come and see G.. for yourselves: ANOTHER •CASE CHEAP GINGHAMS . nidi-; so.N , c'li11toii, Clinton, July. 1st, 1886. 11t. E- PAY 8z CO, THE DRY GOODS. EMPORIUM OF' CLINTON.. KSON BR WE ARE STILL HAttD AT WORK.TnYXi7G TO CATCH evri ORDERS •:'. ur -"1VITH All in need of. a NOBBY SUIT, Cut 'and Made in`"the Latest Style;:should, see our •beautiful. stock of From which to choose,your Spring Suit. CALL AND INSPECT. • OUR STOCK:, , « Coat a, .a Pants TVI aaker Wanted. C. C. RANCE & CO. THE HUB/CLOTHIERS, CLINTON. • Three Dpori West o Dicksoln' Book Store STYLES IN .INEN & CELLULOID COLLARS.: .- ALL THE NEW 4 • ;.A NrirCJ" D N'EX'T �4 WHITE ..SHIRT.. at. 5.2c. _ worth• I i µ - ._ �...._ BOYS' STRAWS at 10c. worth 25c. TWEED VESTS- at 50c. worth $2. DON'T MISS THESE BA1RGAINS• • JACKSON � ' ' dJL• IT�1'"l� 4 )'.