HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-25, Page 6FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1886, The late Cape. 'W, Co*. r A WELL-KNOWN PAIVRE PASSES PEACEFULLY • sivAi Apizit4 LOG ILLNESS: . One of the .best known men in the county of Huron was Capt. Wm. Co; late proprietor of the British Exchange Hotel, who died on Sunday last in his 72nd year, Capt. Cox was born in the eity of Canterbury, England on july 14, 1814, and came of an old Kentish family, ide was the youngest a six eons, and in accordance with. English eustom the eldest inherited everything • while the rest had to make theie own way. Capt. 008 choose the navy as his prefestsion,, and went,to sea in 1828, at ,the age of fourteen. As the long war was over and half the navy out of commission, there waa little or no chance of promotion in the,naval service; he 'accordingly served in the Barbados trade in a West Indianian codiManded by his-unclei-Capt.--Robt. Brantford,-one•of the smartest seaman of his,day, who had geMinaeded_a.priyateer during the wee, and had three times escaped from French prisons. His brother, Lieut. Jas..Brant- ford, R. N, was Flag Lieutenant under Sir Edward Bolter, and Was severely wounded in actioir-with- a -Frenph.-frigate. Cept,- Oox served.seven years in the it'Veat India Arad(); xose through he various gradereune til he obtained command of.a ship, when he was for somoyears in the, ppt India and 011iartiide. -Whire-ciiiiingin the China sea he was overal thrice °hoed by pirates, and on onelkae fought them and beat themoff. •'Neship, the Canoprs, had the honer of being the vessel which brought the first cargo of tea from Shan- ghai after that riort • Was made free in 1845. He afterwards spent eome years in the South American and Brazil trade, While in contmand of the ship. 'Endes, in 1848, crossing the By pt. Bisaay, he saw 'one night a reflection in the sky which -came from the burning steamer Amazon of the Royal West India Mail Co, butheieg be. • calmed was unable to ascertain the cause. or go to her assistance. He left the sea in• .1856, and dame to •Canada and eettled in Toronto. He inyested hia savings in oil lands at PetrOlia when . oil was Just die; covered there, but owing to the rasoality% of some whom he trusted he lost nearly all. he possessed. He then went into the hotel business in Toronto and =Ahmed in it ten years. He °eine to Goderich in 1870 and bought out .the Huron Hotel, then kept by J. J•. Wright. Thia hetel was burnt in November 1871. The Capt. • then bought out the_ British _Exchange. from J. Calloway in May, 1872, Which he kept until October last when he retired on account of failing health in favor of his son, the present proprietor, Fr some years pievieus to his ,demise he suffered severely from sciatica in the hip caused by an accident, which so weakened him that heart disease- was superinduced. For six months befein his death he.had lost the use of his both legs and had to be carried about his rooms. • Hirl wife and son ware ' • • - nn • ' • the -last. ,His end was a.,peaceful and 'a triumphant one, •foi' trust ' Christ had • robbed death of itterititig. anti grave' of ail.' victory. In the Words_ Of tine tit,ho 'knew him well :-His death waa a happy re- lease froin suffering. Ilia weary long wateh is at last dyer, andhe has gene to restvuntil the last great muster when.Ie shall answer to the call of "All Handel' --GodericteSigual. 11 . $ 1 1 11 'nue Embraced' the opportunity. • • The Rev. E. G..Grange, speaking at • Bristol the, other night, said .that in his early career he was eernestly requested, by a deacon to Visit a member of the congre• gation who was Very. ill, • and it Was sug- gested that be should call at 11' o'elock in the rnorniag, He 'did tio, and found -the poor woman very; much. better, but greatly put otrt'aehia visit, ithit,bad her haiejn,eurled paper,*her_sleeVes_tiielied up to her -elbows, and, was doing a little house- hold dusting and sweeping. He begged her not to Mind him as he was used ta that sort of thing. He wonld have a stunt prayer -would not be long. • He selected a chair and knelt dowe,slie selected another, and he began the prayer. He heard the'» door open once, he heard it open a second titele„' .He concluded an earnest prayer On, Ihrrpoor Women's behalf ; and on looking round -lo - a perfect transformation.; While he was praying she had slipped» up to her »bedroom . Washed her hands and fa» e, curled her,'hair''bliab-geirlier-attire and there she was in her very best silk, fittingly prepared to receive company, while he had been prayingamong the ern- ptY" che'es. . • Reasons why yeti sllouldpurohase Fluid Light ning in preference to all other remedies are :- Rapid result -cures instantly, 15 18 easily ap- plied:era) trouble; -no Holt time. Tt does not ri quire constant use -ono applibation effect,- ut 1. Ono bottle will remove.more pain' than any other remedy in existence, -Try it for Neu, ralg la, Toothache; • Headache, Rheumatism, - Sold at 250 perbottle by Worthington, Druggist " -- A liot.le shake* Donkey • • A nebbily attired'stathe stood upon the cof ..er of Kearney street and. Pine yester- day afternoon and paid strict attention to hs work of oging lady pedestiians. Atlast a short, stout lady in blue, brushed past him, and tic took advantage of her prox- imit to tip her cat the back with -the- a enderbliA- n his hand. As quick as a flash the lady turn- ed and, with her gloved hand, smackedthe front of the farm of Mr. -The& •Sniith, ly- impudent fellow across the cheek, making ing on his time where he had fallen. He his eyreglatiads flY in one direetion and his had apparently drOPpecl dead as there welt hat in another, as he threw back his head, nn it?dication of a stoggle. Releft home Not contented with thus evenging the in» in his usual health and the shook to hie sett offered,the lady raised her parasol and friends may be'ettsily imagined, • dealt the statue a blow on the heed, Than , , -after venting her indignation in Words Hare you. Toothache'? 51 80 Fluid Lightning. $ HaVO yea ithemnati mit tree Fluid Lightning.' she passed on. • . Dave you a stl Joint I Ilso Fluid Lightning. But tie statne's punishiliebt was not yet' Have you Neuralgia Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbago? tHie Fluid Lightning', COM. In backing away from his fair as. Are you troubled with Headache I Use Fluid fell-against.a-horso t toe at- 1' tached to a coupe and the animal, as if it'--Raveymtatiy -pain i 1.186 Fluid Liglitnipg, • lc wilt cure you the instant it Is applied Try was cognisant of the character of the rap. O cents pot bottle at Worthington's Drug scallion, grabbed him by else triton of ihe Store. . back with his teeth .and shook him so heartily that the thin goods of which the coat was made tore from the collar to the tails. A crowd had gathered by this time and the now thoroughly frightened statue was greeted with a round of • jeers'. He cer- tainly preitented a dilapidated appearanee vehen Lite horse dropped him. As soon as he could regain hie feet ho ,snatelied his • ttoketi hat up from the mond, and steer. method .of writing without pen or ed down the street at 4 lively rate of Speed, ink. He tooeivod the folicWing inseription holding his torn; cOst with his hands while cfil a n?arti "Write with a Polleilt" the cnupo lie neighed ,and looked about e.,:;he Ottawa Boni,t4 Jeareal 86y6 15 is at the crowd, as if asking for the aPPrelial of his action. -San Francisco Call. „ A. Nounitain, Posinsistresa. learned froin.akellable loupe thlit parlia- ment tvill meet in October or November and that the general electious tvill be held .immediately_afterwerdp, probably in the moetkpf Vetionlher. .-sormulmel.PRIPNE.04$!!!! ' To'o -Turtles Trade Shone. 1.-.1 1) (Fla.) Correiponience.1 4.111..ei a oft-shelt turtle once.' said the major, "that could beat any turtle- on a , trade e. er saw. , Where Lije4thepond on iuy p 1 • was ver nd .4., gentlenian whe spent a summer tray- ' , ,rwenty-two years ago E. 0... Short, or . a e a ysmall one , li li 413,nuner time got pretty Io, espeelally if ening in the Rooky m°untalr's Wes th° Carthage) IT. Y.., stamped his mite's on a the season Wai a dry one. The summer following account of a little gray-haired copper cent. A few dart ago the cent came was very dry in 1871, and, Judas, which old latly,he found living alone at a log. book to him through the hands of a was the name of my turtle,. and -he WAS a cabiu of two rooms far up the slope cr customer. little fellow -wouldn't weigh over eight pounds -had a bad time of it The flea.s a most desolate mountain. The cabin was . . nasmarialset ftroowtan any as ottehnertabloieussea,waanyd. toll: Fa'a`Csea,ndc.itdlyo,127,taiLidlievaatitheaxt-Jyuogatiacaeuiodfotthide fever most all the time, • One day stung hire. BO badly that he was in a shelves back of little pine counter in a a jury that would, convict a man of stealing :I wo Walking down- bY the Pond it corner of.a oorn were oans of tomatoes an umbrella," The jurors always have a when I noticed him and a big Ord° r Peas and corn, a few bars of soap, boxes oi fellow -feeling for the defendant. . •talking very earnestly together; I matches, and cans of condensed milk. aeg n26, and watched the fun, Judas was stepped behind a tree so that they couldn't Am express train on the Central Yerment . "I keep a little grocery store,and thread railway dashed around a curve the other trying to get the land turtle to trade shells and needles 'and pins and such things, day and rushed headlong into a herd of with him. They argued along time, and liein's I'm postmistress," said the old ledy cattle blocking a crossing. Five animals "was afraid Judas wasn't going to make in the cheeriest Of voices. were killed, but the train did net leave the itVhi res:.Reu ti'Y a wbr lisgphet3c1 etd asoeleinhare cltdo- 'Postmistress '1' queried the traVelled. rails. , strikeshell, ,the latter nodre d ° ded yes, and then 'Oh, yes,* was the reply. , ' A divorce ease is anon tcome up 14 a Judwent into theond. When. he Where are the letters and the office V Maine court, the outgrowth of a trifling he came out he had a n as • • young gosling that 'Here,' as she smilingly took a cigar- quarrel between a Man and his ' wife 25 had got "killed somehow, and, he bad stored box down from the shelf, end,, opening it, years apt Since that day, although living it away for his own eating. Ile laid it -showed the nutii a dozen- or more 'letters together, neither has spoken to the other, down, and I knew the trade was made. It -wank times. -excitement 'a Iroauvoteaningitho-WOM*1113' -WA until a 'few weeks ago, when, ',in the was ttrayfilz.nainett_ssigahetk.I i:vweras saw like two old ellows trying' • • to swap oval - Fearing evidence of having been handled . ' The mail cemes ' trio times a; week, said to the nein, "Where's the nails 9" The- • r . ... coats, only a• tightet fit When they ma ',looked at the woman calmly, and dia . . • clothes, I couldn't, hold Out any longer. Wednesdays and Saturdays, but- most of 'The boys?' asked the stranger. 'The only reliable eure for catarrh is Di I t. 7 ._ . burst gut laughing, and then they saw - ' Yea the preprietorir Mid -miners scat.- sr.- , _ , age s Catarrh Remedy, . . - me. - It made Judas so mad he- put for . the woods, and I have never seen 'him tend all rohnd-over the lulls: There's a since." ' •t There are fifteen Chinese carpenters in good many of 'em, but. they don't wri e : 'San Francisco, and they have a union and "The biggest turkle I over' seed, " saiil much, • nor get many letterr. : Still the gs practically settle their own price on their the old cracker, "was down at' Smyrny,_ vostofflee 'is OmPany -for me. • It brit] labour. Up to a yellittid a half ago the- `-iii'50. Me tind my piiidner cote`heci-liit. all the boys to see me once in a while. rate was $2,00 a day, but at that tinie they Hit 'weighed 876 pounds and 4 ounces. Are you going up: by the Ione Star Line 9' 'No,I think not, replied the traveller. struck for A3 a day and liaye Maintained the We had to let hit go, though, keen thar wa'n't any house within' ten miles," • latter rate ever since. ' They only do light ' No?• Well, if you •Was,th.ere's a postal ".How could you be so exact about the carpenter work and consequently do mit weight then?" inquired the professor. here for Jack DowningS. It says on it interfere tut • In h with white carpenters. They "Kase we had jist oteheg ono of them that he is to come, to Denver right off, and have abandoned -their old-style tools, such big red -fish, and we used hitt scales," was I'd like to send it'to him, soon as I can. as the two-handed plane and the back.set the sarcastic,response.. I always read the postale, The boys don't saw, and they now. use exclusively the carei.and I get real lonesome sometimes.' AmeriCan tools, : Jest then a miner came along and 'asked : the boys coine rnund Saturdays.' . not answer. changed suits and got on their new • •;.• • The real Industry. ',Is Bill Heftier's, Weehly; Republican Several months ago a- man at San Fran- [Thiladelphta Presm come yet from Denver 9' Mace was badly berried by an exploaion: • There are many economists in:England jm- ' .` Yes,' was the reply; ' but yau teltBill • His limbs, face and hands were covered 'who maintain that the haphazard and I'll send it‘to him to-mprrow by the stage; with 'huge sores which refused to heal. provident methods of fishing are exhaust- isnuletlyhe ilsitt ' supply of. that country as driver ; I ain't clone reading it myself yet. 'Skin grafting was restored to, and fully 50 Bill won't care; he never reads it until pieces of flesh from relat:ves cif the suffer- supply 41114;;II, .is telhausting the as coal. Sunday, nohow, If you see Silas Sharpe, 13r8 have been grafted. The flesh from the kinds of,fish is rapidly drrigeiSloiiil.g,9'311a you tell him ,there's a postal here from his thigh of a live ehiekee was also grafted 'the only way to check the waste -is hisys. wife,the baby's got the•whoopirikeough,but successfully. The case is one of the worse temetic study of the conditions which in ain't a whOOPire Yeti and hie wifeltionq .ever known in San Francisco ' arid the re- regulate the supply. It is undoubtedly think,it'll have it hard.' • • Olt is awaited With interest by the physi- true Viet 'the world could» not • be • 'Any letters for an3i of the lois up our Mans. . fed • if men sought • their - food . , on, land , with. as little forethought *ay I' •. ' •• 'The mosquitoes kill bears in Alaska. It and system as fishermen cast their nets 'Io, but there's one here for:somebody seems str,ange that a Mosquito could: kill 4 into the sea. " To *hat extent these facts, niwaamaeld, 'J. B. Ryder., Know any such bear; but this is the way it is done : The which are causing considerable discussion bears come from the hills,.into the marsh 'in England, eel. to sayThe excellent to the Leited States we , lend to feed on roots and berries -a sort of are not prepare -' Neither do I. " -It's-in a- thin envelepe, - - .. • - work of many years_of our fish. commis - cranberry found Ihere.--As sdeit as they - sten beeeerates our government from tho and I can see, by holding it up to the get comfprtably to work the mosquitoes accusation of tptal neglect of • this int - light, that's it signed Your own Seeah,'80 attack them, and go for their eyes.. The portant industry.. Several states have I guess he's married, or about to be. H hedont come around soon,. I demo but off, and sink into »the !swamp. The Mos- the national government bears get, on their hind legs to fight.thera ' e eh commissions, and, , . have ac - together with ouitosi which are of a Most extraordinary com. plisheil Much useful work in the I'll Open it and gettheaddress and sent it back to 'his own Sarah,' and tell her he •"• el " - .1 • size, eep at them untt they, are totally artificial breeding of cod. eh, shad, oysters, ain't here.'r • ' . blind, and then they them completely ete,'!.Indeed;.: the -production • of fish all r•e• • • .: . When the 'man had gone the» olci ladY_ at their .:»... .....».' There. are a, cloien ,.ri,. ea'ovritbe,„Upited States has undoubtedly. esaid-to'ilneeravelier Th-ered-.4ieniitellel-y-reintreaseere-by-seientifieLee carcasses in those swampe positive] ' Yes the Postoffi‘ is a sight oecompiny, search:- ' Afis!APViiiiititPLeble that the an- speshly when - there 'e lot :of papers and • .• ; _ .• by 'moat hoes. ' : . , nual fish prothiefV‘prgent in the United ) als ' coniiii'-a-n-d-gnin÷.--Tlfermarerre -4-Amities-the .7 Year-tetel-son-erme- St3tAl fq erltiltelletatto from 4,600,00 ,.. ties I write and read letters for some Scott, of, the 2nd oon. of Westmiiniter, met A 00 00 sheepWith. the increasing de - that can write. „• Now, bides alletter tor WA'. a very. dangerous and painful 4oci- deuce from other countries of the result mand for food, -and. With. abundent evi• dent • the other day: He , was playing •John, -Brice jest , come iii: ' He. ought to g. negleet, we,' should rather increase ' bave it right off,' - . •-• - around the honse'barefooted, 'when he ran an relax Or efforts to underitand more it has been opened,* oh' the trate' against a Scythe which was•left lying in . • .. ellemeneentesetto -r - FAMILY GROCERS. WE IIAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ROCKE.Rif AND GLASSVIARE- i S: PALLISER and CO, CASH. FOR EGG -S, ...11111ISSEMSISITi. _A_1\170 -707S_ Edving leasedthe*Pierimees now fieciipied by iia, thr another term .of 7 yeers, Ve are prepared to give the REST 13ARGAINS possible.. We have on hand a large and . • and well. selected stock of s , GROCERIES CANNED GOODS-- EXTRACTS • FRUITS and SPICES, PuitE, Noytifico BETira IN THE SlititHET. Br' toicarci,• BR,001VIS7-tBRUS,IIES, 4.13AsK.ES,..)31.9.CTITS, „ • ERY, CROOKEBt .AND GLASSWAB -We have tht; largest stock in town. 'combine quality: with price • tinder sold. • . A. • ..11:.NGIJS,• CLIIrl'ON ALS° . 0010 F,CTION- ande cannot The Best and Cheapest RAWj, SitOi S BNDEE N S, - (44$$$$$$$K5 <4 coon Send in your olxle:rs at once, and thfiy will be ..prompfly filled, IS _3_464_5 AN Ext, tAN N CLITON 7):::0•71c•., reat Inducement. • • 1 about the food, habits, spawning and eller. . ,. , . some grass.. it5-tilr of his feet .Came in con- propagation: of our : fish, both in rivera, la yes I•opened it myself 1 Oh,.I•wrota tact with: the sharp edge of the 'scythe,. lakes arid Sea, that the . harvest may. not • - I . ' the :letter it'e an answer to, and I'll have making a 'Leiria' gash- across the instep: grow lass as the demend .heeernes more . . t� read, it 'to'John Bribe anyhow. He It Was feared the little fellow Might bleed lirgoni• • ' • - '' • • - can't rind, writhe:: And I feel reel anxious to death before the flow ofblood could he The Tendency to •Story Te!ling: to know if hie letter got to his trifeit had stopped, but fortunately it Was chocked; [Bost ni.ifer.ld.1 $10 bill in it. Here comes Bob Haight: and he is now doing well. • • . • Modern fact -aura tends most of all to g, s Poor feller I I•eleclare,if I was alOne 1'4 The uses to Which 'the oreat• Eitistern story-tellinwk ithe more honiely shut up the posteilice and hide some has just • been put are -doubtless -such as name for the writing of novels. As Itis place, for it just tiakes . my heart ache to lisr designth er and builder never dreamed liyes to an author the widest and reading e most, popular literature of the day, it l•a. tell that 'poor ,felloW that 'there ain't' no of. , She iit engitged,,g as May be remember-. : letter yit for Min. :fle's be,ena-coMin' for 'ed, to fillblit the, r• einain• der'of her dityi at the r ea, sst lest opromiscuous 'orteniriesfame. There are in it for.poeu- pp vieeks,,lookin' for &letter from home, and Gibraltar es a coal Milk, and ineaI,nwhile iay prices. Men and ,womon write both. none conies. ' A in mighty afraid there!it. she , has been tient froin •Afilferd Haven, for fame and for money, Fe* of them trouble there. Well, well, I'll just have where she has lain for a couple of years, to expeet to attain the highest fame, and the to' telt hint , there's no letter,.• and then -Liverpool, in order' to , have •her engines instances in which there is aspiration fei• eying .begglit 0. i. Tuthill'IL.Stock el. pnOesziguir .fig-':'01.1.4.ssticrosAtz At Ai discnunly et Wlioleettle Prices until ajl eleaned out: -, , . A VIM ASSORTMENTOF .1".. S. KUM'S, OF CHICAGO . . . • .2_ FINE TOIFLET.SOAP: .. . . . 17LEESI-1.M.AN ,4S5 CO'S YEAST, 'for,m01.I. lt-ept‘,1i-y-.Tuthill .4k Co. alway 1 on band • JOHN CUNINGliAME4.,;en'aCiIiit,i":47440,TIM... , ehirk feller IL _lifted out, AccordinglY an enterPrisirg.. are perhaps still fewer.. Nearly all tire -Sey s u • • clothing establishment of the latter Own eking monein Iit iot greatly imeded, or if the money -getting PE EtTll Ngw8.- "has hired her during her stay. A circus •. is tci be put into one'c er ig ca e an 8 are a certiti t f - TOM in one of her saloons; stalls for fares on novels than from itey other kind of cow Andersen, !le employee at Hess. Brea.* her .decks ; while the trail of the advertis- position. Poetry proverbially does not factory, Listowel, was rolling some logs on mg poster will be all over the ship, and pay. N, erse writing is seven: easier than the saw mill car one of • them slipped back and beoke one of his legs between the knee especially' on her huge sides, divided mid stoey•telling,. because to : string' rhyntes eften requires next to no effort. But and ankle. ,, , let .out for the purpose. Certainly. the where one writer succeeds ia poetry in • . mr. A. L s g . • • ,. last stage in the careenef the unfortunate obtaining even an identity with readers • truthers, of tratford, r :ed o t Mble but resoectable coal last Sunday after a ling.:Ting 'illneris.. His emellnef:•,ewr'ilrbse•hluess garish than` its impend: ' ill a limited circle, tweriti obtain' gni .kind of.rephtetion as novelist& • ZIA:- death .wo due to corisOmption, caused by. -pg eniployment as a floating bill-hpard. ' • torian goes to hiS Work after lone - prep, a -"edid caught When a boy of twelve . . .. ,. • , .. . f h b. cable t k is,no prominent, still money returns • , 1 tt ea o success. • which is '7..) feet in diameter ; t.nenagerie Money is9dfdre likely to come f On Tuesday afternoon,» tvhile Mr. Wm. arittion, in Nvshicli is involved aiiunclant Mr. Struthers, with his brother, has been Never:opesaltour labor: Ali essayist, 'a Scientiet or .e. phi- in,ibusinesa in Stratford since 1870, and, clap/A to soniething,to eat, into it; is an losopher seldom enkagesin authorship both in his business and »social relations -oeceneet motto for the•gessip and the •sufferer exeept from innate interest, in specialties was a•man highly respected: • 13 13 • • • f • • ,• from catarrh, ut while t e gossip is practi- o thought or mvestigation, and is More On Saturday evening last as .Mr. Geo, callyincarable, there'is leo excuse for anyone's often impellockby devotion to a theme Hamilton,' on, the Oth con. of Fullerton, Waltring kinger,L, from catarrh. Dr. Sage's than by the desire for applause or gain. was OD his way home from Mitchell, while Catarrh Remedy is an unfailing cure for Unit offensive disease. It heals the disease Mem- The Tramplr Monne. crossing the railroad bridge, his hone be brane and, removes 'the dull and .de 'resod • [Hartford P. stl came -frightened by the approaching tram, , ,, . • P In these days when santiary' science is !sensations which alwaya attend catarrh. A whie-lt caused .bitri ...tea an away, throwing • Mr. Hamilton violently on the ground. ' It make the'eufferer feel like& useti'b short trial of this valuable preparation. will scattered broadcast Over the land, it i. hneg c thattltthoroughlyo , wayfaringvostedAn h mtianu: . -et••••• • being, '.-*or:).0 -snloiLlsiltra was at first feared that he had received - fatal fnjeries, but in medical aid ,being •Live stock In Midinntimer. usually ragged and suItre tramp ap• summoned, he soon rallied, and it was dis- , • • -- , plied at 'the baelc door of a .Hartford covered that ^ his injuries were net . very. The midsummer sertion is nett!, trying. menden for a glasi of water. :The lady . of the houee,„passed .him a glass with her 'Orions shock to his nervous system. one to live stock except in times of pro- own Land, when he interposed. "Excuse y, James, third• son bf Mra. t t d d 1 ' W ta ti t b rovided • rac e rout . a r m a e p , me, madam, but has ties ' i water been On Sunda J Elsie Reich, of the 4th con., of Elate, was but the quantity need not be great, and boiled previous to its being cooled With sent about g ()'clock to Ink after some where hie low or has to be hauled,» std. icor" '"Boiled? No,- It's gond enough, sheep on the road and it seems he had ful- mals, except milch cows, should be limited for you, tholigh. " "I beg to differ, . Pledbias toi. quantity. ' Mileh cows should have madam: Medleal authorities inform us a. errand mid was returningloine - thea_ter_rnest„,bejleileo1der...to_ki,11,.. Inenvireelrappenedr---Ht-was-foutitl---enraribdattP-anri-led4reen-AallY-14E- Beg pardon, ma'am; but would you lend 'during-drouths. This is ale° useful for me the last number of Sanitary Science. mares. with foals riinning at pasture, and a moderate quantity of grain and bran ii el- 'boiled." "Mv spirit boils 1 Will remain here tnitil the water • Is now, you ways useful for milk -giving ito'ck. Lambs impudent " 'The tramp saw his mis- will probably need ' to -be weaned Ulla take 'and piCked up the thread of his month ; watch the ewes, -and draw the journey, ' milk from all full udders every second or —.........---__. Didn't Want to intrude. third clay; give the lanibe a handful or two [Texas Siftings. of oats or bran daily. Tar,the noses of all Some people When they, are tight are Omen to keep . off the fly, anewatch the very considerate. Gus de Smith, being 'feet for any indication of foot -rot. If sus- under the intluence» of a dinher party, pectod, clean out and dress 'with a solution called at the residence of col. McSpillkies, -of blue vitriol or 'carbolic acid.-Anierioan on Austin avielie.)iinciush itii. Walla'. ter :Kgriettlitliftitlee -Iiily.--- ---- - - --- - •••----- • -_"_10 ( el .3v -a-1 . ,, she° him-oti *portant biznisin "--- • _ Don't take that "cOolitail in the morning.. " l'ei, -ash, " responded the dusky If you • have a 'swelled head," nausiated menial. , , stomach, and unstrung nerves resulting from ,,i.;he he6eh in;ie het well, ef heesh in, She "convivial party that night," The sure never mind disturbin' him on my so.- and'egie Way, to clear tile sObwobs (ram th° count. Ill call again some day when brain, recover zest for food, and tone up the heesh out, nerlouS system is to title Dr. Pierce's 'illettO, Cheap SALT, Chimp. CROCEILIES and. . Cheap tztovisaortp. the germe of disease. that lurk therein. dead by Mr. J. B. Reich, on the road in it is an object to keep up the floiv of milk • NtWS NOTES, Twontk•three million eggs Were recently 'shipped from St. Louis at one time, only 9C0 a which/were broken during their Inurney to New York. . young gentleman at1Caisas, City Sent seventy..five » &Alta ,to. New York for a ant Purgative Veliets," Sold. by ell driiggists. iteproeneter1 itusorin. dividing and re•dividing infusoria until send the NEW ERA. to now subscribers from sixteen perfect indiddimis were produced , the ist of July to the illst Dee,, for 50 cents from the original subject in advance,' eimply to give a six months trial, The chief Yalu° f '1otida lemons .is This, et our sittScritition rate of $1. ri0 a Yoart tie.indtwJnch 18 .u'ed Lor r"Ichig ez" is giving two months tor nothing. • %Gruber, in Germany, heti suedeed in -'411‘ Months Trial -Ttip...--We jE liaVing 'a large stock of Sart on hand, orderWill be fihled at the lowest prices ever offered in Clinton, as the '•salt works will lie sOlci where arOn,gements are completeic Will buy and sell TIMOTRY • and ;CLOVER SEED.' A lot 'of . . „ •- _ smir :S-ACKS and GRAIN BAGS for -s1.16 • • . , SIX LARGE . MRS OF N.. P SOAP FOR ONE DOLLAR. JOHN life GARVA. CLINTON. • w artcpcD3DB- WE ARE NOW OPENING ONE OF TM, LAItitt-E4'T STOCKS OF BOOTS and SHOES at Remarkably Low Prieds: ARNESSTEAM HARNESS $24. SINGLE HARNESS »$10. BABY CARRIAGES just' a.iiiVed, latest Styles, very Cheap. TRUNICO VALISES b:.‘i High land PINE and OEDARABINGLES atLowest Pribes. • • # We ,bao, seettred .20. half chests , of very fine 60ct. YOUNCl. HYSOX TEA. wo will sell for a month at 1505s. by the Mb. eaddie. This is the best value ever offered inthis county. Don't fail to go • a caddie before it is all • sold-. - 1Ve have opened a full.stock of . • New- Valentia• Raisins Eactra Selected Valdntla —Radish's -Black-lasketRaisins. --Seedless. • *Raisins, Sultana Raisins. NEW. CIIRRANTS, NEW -SHELLED ALMONDS, NEW LEMON.) •ORANGE AlsTD -orrifox 'PEEL. 900D MIXED CANDY • POR 9,5cre. • Call and Inspect our Stook. • ' Thos.* :cooper Son • CLINTON.