The Clinton New Era, 1886-06-25, Page 5Bringing- In the sheaves. aint'AG40: dlltie '2Q,—IIarv.eeting lee progress In proton of Ohio and Indiana, and :in. large aectiAlks of Is.entuok , fele- , rt, . 1 tie t rues as belug rnry ilatteripg to t a Wlate $roma ant BO11ri, I%anaaa and Tennessee the grain hasI to. BurnImm, i ata often IIn receipt of lette:a from a alreadybeen gathered. Th 1d 11 1 areat,aany tewna In Antarlu, as tam well acquainted with a n arms Op. OrA eµr a. era own. Conant apme ;rqn. derfal account of t e White Bronze deluge in Some remote A Reply to The: Broken. Arm Fraud. (Mice or ?Orton, Barney .22 Ca..'Fihtk, Mich.; Juno 12, 1580; To W. Ii. COOVER, BEI.. Clinton, Eta,—Yours received, and 10 reply 'would give yen sone idea of the facts pertaining to what the advertisement pat • ga re, . e yield in a ,iu oritr of the marble end granite plan there; asking fur' these State; with the exception of.gamma, l i ti a a I tt h t i ng promises tQ be nearly up to the average, locality -in this partieuler Inatapce'tie not reznotetenougb, and in Mistiouri will be above the average, I Item tit is an absdlnte and unanswerable lie. There VI In Southern Illinois reports of damage by chinch bugs in the wheat fields still con- tinue. In Central Illinois the outlook for winter wheat continues good, The serious drouth threatening the spring wheat belt b•ak been broken by copious rains. The avetege of the general yield in rittkota, Minnesota and Wisconsin had been lessen- ed probably 1Q per out, by the: prolonga- tion of the drouth, and in portions of Minnesota it has caused almost total blight in which the rains came too late.. In. a few portions' of Wisconsin no rains -have. yet fallen to relieve the fields. The oorn 'out look in Minnesota,' I£ausas, Nebraska, Illinois and Indiana is almost uniformly good. The bat crop in Iowa and Nebraska has been somewhat injured by the drouth. Mr. Gladstone's seat is not to be con• tested in Midlothian. The Grand Trunk car. works at Mondor,' Ont., are to be removed., ` T to the date of the fire in Vancouver, -B: 07; the-( anadiai-Paatfie-Railway---were: selling about $5r003 worth of city Iota per day.. One of the Last acts of the Vancouyerr B. C., City Council before the: fire, was to pass a by-law requiring all saloons, hotel - bars and liquor stores to close during Sun- day. Two head of young cattle belonging•.to f Mr. John McCullough, of Blanshard, died' from nerve poisoning, caused by eating the leaven and blossoms of a balsam poplar • which had been cut down on the farm.. An Arkansas farmer writes that last year, when 'coons made havoc in his corn field, he went to the drug store to buy stryohine with which to kill them. By mistake the druggist gave him morphine, and the next morning --he found,his field full of sleeping,coo'ns_. He advises the use of morphine instead ofstryeltnine. Returns received from every county in Quebec Province give most',prowising. ac- counts of the , crops. The spring wheat, oats, barley, peas, hay and root .orups never before looked so flourishing at this season Most of the crops will yield a much.lareer. average than . for many years past.' The -"`+' hai�ir"e`ar is, exp area tb 'b"`" ays or a fortnight sooner than for•several years, as the spring opened much -earlier than usual. Le ifird-raTo v; este -ewtis •a cattle ranch in Kansas, is visiting his .parents near Elmira. He is six feet high', and g , n wears a beard which dramas a foot upon. the, floor wheri he etands'erect Hie mustache is said to bo flee feet six inches in length by-actual•measuremeiite-- 11e -says that_he- has it dressed but opee -in -three months, and that it takes three days to perform the job. 1 A London cable says'; •'Au iinportunt city banking•house.is considering a project to construct a railway frons .Winnipeg to the Nalaon River, with the guarantee': of the Province of Manitoba 'upon 000 sterling of its honda, blearing interest. at the rate of 4 per cent., ands maturing in 25 years, Three million sterling more' '•le r wanted in London '.by the Projectors, and, as the scheme is favorably reoeived :by capitalists here, it likely that the money will be forthcoming and the construction'of • thenew line begun within -a 'few, months. The operation of this roachilflikelyaffect the Northwestern system s muph the as. the railwayconnection between Duluth 'and Buffalo 'affected•the New York Qentral; WHEN the Libel.a.I1!P 's. undertook. 'to expose ther•traflickels in the public domain • and the holders of '`'blind shares?' in col- ,ization companies, they were prepared Or the vituperation of the guilty ones. Hence it will: not hurt the Liberal leader to he called, "`the; sanctimonious Blake" the member for West Huron to be dubbed "the infamous Cameron." These. ohoice'epithete are the production of the Bel'ieville I'ntelli- gencer, which •takes this method ot getting even with the Liberal' leaders for revealing the true, inwardness of. the ''blind ``sl>air�"• trafficking,. in which its manager, his father• id -law (Minister Bowel!), and John White, M. P., had 'a part. But the name-calling will not alter thefacts.revealed inParliam- ent, though it may act as 'a kind of tem- porary- em orar --safety=valve to the arties'. roved p y p p to be guilty,=Htsmiltan Times.. A Chicago despatch 'says':: Suit for 510,- 000 damages was begun to.day by George.. ••---&: and-Fredert* W: Lowman; l ,ser Hollers of Marsihalltown, Iowa, against the Chicago R; Northwest Railroad for its refusal' to transport 5000 barrels of `beer, 'for :the .plaintiffs from Chicago to. Mairshalltow,n. '.Che railroad declines to carry the beverage for fear 'Of the Iowa statute inading 'ft •a penal offence to _take liquor into the State. 13owinan Bros.bought 5.060,barrels at $0.50 per barrel, the payment being onnditiunal on their getting it into Iowa, Tho'North- western Road refuse to take it. Bowman. Bros. assert, that boor is sald,all civet 'Iowa' .and if once thoy succeed in getting it in the State they -could -cell it for 88• per barrel and not be moleated. The refusal of the company to transport it is to be tiiade'the occasion a teat of the valt.dteryyttthr Iowa law. ' pot—nor has there ever been—a' marble mommment erected within a radius of seyenty@ve miles, coating any ancb money nor bas there been ally marble monument taken dews and replaced with White Bronze, If there had even been a small olddashloned one (ns is ttpnetaatly being done to Leake way for more medeta work) been taken back, they would bate Mowed and advertised it. What they did take down wag anew Quincy Granite: which had rally been set a few weeks, which coet$350 at the guanine, and which we sold for 8450, and the purchaser being like seven tenths of the White Bronze purchasers, a widow, was talked tate trading for White Bronze—and her purchase was $800, and put .of 'that bad ,allowed $250 ler the granite. Aa the Whits Bronze monu- mentfsdear at. $500, you.see a good thlug was made by Benham, Now, then, why dou•t Burnham advertise that change 1b He knows better lots of peoite and make ple have adout mired thaf the t same monument le hiaebow romp; it is well Setoff by coni. partapn with the dingy, so called "White Bronze." Beaideo, Ite is as zealously endeavoring to Gell the rauito as bis zine stuff', and at a respectable figure. Now, Juat look at it: He put up a monnment which two ,'nen Me and put on a one orae drat. and took back an all polished cottage granite monument, tie hese of tilt"ch the same dray would not carry. Slarafactured zinc yields the manufacturers, at 15 cents per pound, a larger than 3311 per cent profit, and It is sold by Burnham to suckers at 45 eeata and over if he eau get it, per Ib. The life else figure of'Pattlflnay b as•the'ad:-claisms, I never RAW ltaith, but 11 that figure is life size, 'thee S'aitb taunt bare had t use a bleb cbalr to est at a common sized dining table. • 2uhppfalsehood. The ..prles hnabeep placed . a truth—part rt$1,500,probably judging. from else, weight and appearance, The Payne monument cost about rgent, (dot tboui ands, quite few would I eenlargingthe he truth) on account of the notoriety it gained in being broken. If we anew and could Imre that Bentham wrote that advertise - trent reflecting against us, or could prove that he tnenut us. we-eourd-put-hhn-•iu4iere we-had-his-•prlvateiletectiveeugnged^' fti ferreting,out the tnlprita, viz., in jail, and we would have sent the defective to State Prison after- be had served fila. time in comity jail, Him had not whined so and claimed our mercy, Jt was a vile eousplracy. Burnham throw out hints, taathe advertisement hints -and 'his detective and others got held Oa man who used to work for us—end they sup, poses lie was working at the time—made biro drunk, and then swore pia complication Inthe matter, Of coarse it fell through, with the above result, viz., jailhfor M. Detective. They were undoubtedly working for tile reward, welch was as follows :—Burnham $25, Wbite•BionzeCo., Detrol, -$100, Mra. Payne $100, Cemetery Association $100—total $ 325. ,Sire. Payne and her advisers never thought for a nsotneut that we, or any Orinopposed in trade to the White Br0I150;- '—`t """-"' countenanced any violation of anything in' her interest ; they very.rlghtly laid it to, and as the result of an old family feud.. Regnrdin$‘ts,e soldering et a new arm, }lambent bad itcast np o Idtn Ry experts tun the arm pas not soldered on, but that it was a new figurecast from same' old inonid=and be could not and dare not contradict them. Yes, it was a good thing for Btlrtthnrn—be yeada.the sole of an arm for n. ttltle, the trifle sande a new figure ani left a trifle for profit— reported $00; cost of cast from old mould, $18. I also note that the breakage of the inounnent wait a good ndver tlselltent,. fie he sold seven large monuments and •n number` of surlier ones—n short time after, . lions', he has net tido n 3 large orders since; nor in the two years' business to tide town I'As he ereetedy front lust drat sale till his last, the number 1•e claims as the direct result of the breaknae. On the other hand it jest ahomt represents the total uiiuiber of monuments large'audsmall • Anaintud Tait, the profits on that amount kept two famtlieannd paid store rent 1 There Is A. business for you to enter •; $50 capital, lots of "lightning roil" cheek, and about 4 or 5 sales of muniments per,yenr will give gull a good living. nue thing certain, Whiteness fell off very semi •aftertite monument was repaired. Ile fa;ledrytot hold itis store, and has moved out et the business portion of the town. When• he first mule here be bonatingly stated Abet tins firm would have to close up and fie to the poor 'Donee. Well, there to Always a poaalblhty of n niait gofer; there. But when prop !e semeniberedthat the lreadspf-tliis tion era tared about $2amd, end ere rated in liuu, Winton & CO; and Brad- street e.at ratlstreet•e.at that fissure, lout then 'consider thgt Ilnrnitnm has p Q • BIZ WEATHER lE -ARE SHOWING A VERY ,A � AGE AND ,A,1I'TRACTIVE STOOK OF AND LAWNS N'7T7"t GTTC,AM I\T= : G-ziov=s -= - _ . . � w Hes=��: :SUMMER -�- �ILLINERY, }ur -stook s:very complete. � dee our goods and .compare prices. 5 per cent off–for cash:- 01111T asi�r. = asly wzs�n�N, Manager. Estate J. IiO�GENS EARE N tit; the rule has very:few exceptions., that every one «lie' buys a Suit, a. Pair of Pants, a Vest'or Ovel:'coat or' any covering for the' body at the AK HALL CLOTH! -. HOUSE Are so well' satisfied :with:the'Fit, Make and the Trimmings, a that when,they want another. suit theyalways come u ' Y y co ie bacl� to us, and send' or bring. their. fiends. with them.. This Is whyour business has increased so' rapidly.' TERMS 'CASH': P.�,•";.:.. n_ .- - FORTHE 'TIMES. A► . t iscliie�� �.�i'o 'in bol • wind, wh•,!:thev,lttnt las h nt Idle. 'We oft hesitate tti • Till TRURO f hiii=es et t o mailer t lduiiMdt ffnnt5;atsil " ,at the prices they get for the stuff: Perhnua I lure wearied e• yen with tlils.leugt ty.epistle, but in condnaiee; I would soy flint there are uiontommnentsofWhlto'Jlronreereitedby Bern- • :ed •-Stronghoutcthe-Statemiore ,labii t u i ,'suss—vLn.L-nr ,' sing. rapidly tnkeu up and repincedby marble and gcaul te. Yours . very truly, . . - .1st. P \Ion•ro:r, • % hno;;ronz@Agent "•Do you watt a uu,muttentr" 'Intelligent Pnrihaser.—" Yes, wo w•ngt.lunouameut, but ire. do not want to set up one of those soft holiow* metal store•pipe bronze coueeras; to keep the animals of the foreta protected frena the storms: Ao not Is,! tS'e intend par. chaaiug a nlonuntmst from W lf. UIsQPEk,. Jr. tliutno _ Mable Wei•ka, where we can get •jeot,wbnt we order and se . apiai'apre5eiit1ff015a in orde?"t lwoksT Tile. Aft@i-rdadtng'-thio-idtose, np-dossbt-tdu@••iiselltpeot pnbll Can easily miderstauid n'byr they. the agents, aro .ft>,tred.to toll sorb unreasonable atones in order. tl eel] their vhiS. monuments. .. Ma -Fischer, Manager. Row is thi*roit' Machaical rotor B=G- BALM OF :100 L4I)lES'.' acid C. 11111/J,V11,.Y'J'lYll,. At a Reduction.:of 20• per cent. Saleto begin. Friday, June 18. Further payrtteubirs fel•niiibe,l'on nkpltenfiin, to W 11. COOPER Jr., Chilton Marble Works. • ' !!Is Southy friss! '!rip. -We will. send•tho NEW `ERA to new subscribers Pani,' the let of July to• the 31st Docetiiber, for 50 dente in ,.advance; to giye a six months trial. This; et ohr subscription rate of $1.50 a year, is sttnply giving tiro months for nothing, GEO. NEWTON, Agent, Londesbaro. • • • : , - CURES ALL. HUMORS, fi'0n1 a_ common' :Mote b, or. Crei.ption, ..to the worst Sca•ofula, i9nit-rhoam, . "Fever•-neves,» Scaly or hough Skin,, in sliort, all diseases caused by badblood are eongnered by thispowerful,• purifying, and. Invigorating medicine. Great. E'atin'g IJI. .cess rapidly bent under ,'t0 benign influence. Espdei.cily; has it rnanifestcd-•its potencyin- mu:ring'KOtter, Dose Dash, IlSoiis, Car. ul bneles, Sore Jl:yes Scroh abits Soares asci Swellin s,;llIio-Joiaos Disease, iv�aito atrell nes, Goitre' 017 '1',lalck 'Neck' find Enlarged .Glands. Send:ten • •cents in stamps for it large treatise, With col- • ored plates, on Skin •Diseases or the seine amount feta treatise on Scrofu ons Affections. -"TUE 151L0OD1S iE 1Llii'E.ea Thoroughly cleanse it by using 1Dr.lPiered's Golden. Medical Discovery, and good -digestion, a.ifair ,'akin, buoyant Fiiir • its, vital strengths, and soundsness.o.f:. constitution, will bo established."... • • i Sca:oftalo1os DiseaSo o t' he which 9 t _F ]Lar ii slLs promptly e . Cert .:..ntreatefl,_ . ,.. F .e 1 p gnat airily -.r d ui , -h thl od h en'remed if taken n ul a en a c sG J:• Y Y, t of the disease before the last stages s use aro reached. 'Front' its. wonderful :power over • this terribly fatal disease; when first offering ibis now eel- Iebratecl•rczneciy-to tho'.-public, Dr. PnisioM 'thought seriously of calling it his "Con. sulnpti on Curd,', but abandoned that ,lame as too limited' for a medicine which, from its• wonderful combination of tonie, orstrengthen-5 ing,alterative, tir blood -cleansing, anti -bilious, pectoral; sed nutritive properties, iaunequafed, not only :de a rotnedy fOr consumption of. th gso•l lun, but fpr Til , :` CHRONIO • DISEASES • •• OF THE Liver Bios an Lungs. ° •Tf you feel -dint, droWsv; .debilitated,,, have pave sallow color e i skin of yellowish -brown s oil Luce or bUdy, 7r(rent headache ordizzi- ness, ' bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternating* With bob 'flashes, lots aph'its and globmyborebodingat irregular appetite; and coated ton .u0, yell are suffering from ],'11th. gostion, Dyspepsia, and Torpid Liver, or'° -J t11outualiafar.f1--3.11-tlmny--esise9•"erirt .part of these symptoms are e.Xpethneed. As a remedy for nil such • .eases, Dr. ]t'ierce's °olden 1Iedietal Discovery has no ,equal,- • Pot Weak L1an1 s, Spitting Of Blood, Shortness Of Breath,'ronchitis Severe Coiaglcts, Consatmpttion,. and • hBenddtan eContsa111 stama ps forelDr, rPereexs book on Consumption, Sold by Drugglstr: Jt7NEIfiGS:•-Nile weather has been very changeable during the past week,'being on the cool side. Now' that the trees are out in full, the town presents a partied. arly nice appearance:' ,,Excursions are the eider of the day. Thursday of next week will be a public holiday. 'Division 'Court to -day Friday; several. cases of interest. "-•4$eott Act Convention to•dliy, at Clinton ; Liberal 'Convention at Brueefield next Tuesday. CLINTON MART BT8 (Corroded avert, Thllradayaatternooli1) IThnrsday, Jane 24, 1880, . Wheat, fall, - - $0 72 a 0 75 White and reel • • 0 72' a 0 75 • 0 28 a.-'• 0 2$' ▪ 0 50 a 0 $5 • 0 50 a 0 55 • 4.00 a 4 50 0.25 a 0 25 011 .a 012 0 08 a. 0 10 • 5 50 a 6'.00 Hay,• • 8 00 a $ 00 Woin trade, • 0 18 a 0 til Wool for cash, • • 0 16 a 0 17 'oheop pelts • - - 0 50 a. '0 75 Jamb skins, • _ • 0 60 a 0 80 ,'Mover, per bush. 7 00 a 7 53 Oats, • Barley, Peas, Flour, per bbl. • ' Potatoes, totter, Eir Pork, • Pni $ I .uU, ro R$ u.aa. World's Dispensary. Medical Association, Pro)rbet0tt,CO3 Main St., tie rrkto, N:7C. • \ti`k'Cies LITTLE • ate %vat, LINER' O\ etas °PILLS0 AtsiTI-JIItIOltVS and ��� Ql�tiirtr i c. w'/ Soya by Druggists. cents tt int. . 1i2e LET • 500...E AD is offered by the proprietors of syr. Sage's Catarrh lteniedy.• for a. e Ise of catarrh which they efthnot 01114•. It you have n siseherge fi•OOi the nose., offensive 44. other• wise, pullet loss ofetus'.i.taSte, , or hearingr weak eyes. 45111,10M tic pressura 111 (load, you barn t flea,' b. 'i'hou. sands of Caaei terlulnate in csalSilmpt ,.:'. Dr, Sage's (IATA 'mu ivied+,PY s n1 v thy, aeorat ensoO til Cata Prlt, c°K"otil itt r/AO irxiftiaytf aid Catttrri)al gteatll eh0, 1 O'tI1 0. Make 'the wheels.of btteiness him, if' You like that.- nruttio,:secure early, .the i , BA.RG4.INS we offer yob. ' 30 per cent: Reduction in MILLINERY, consisting of 'T25µ Ladles' and Children's STRAW-• HATS and. BONNETS, thb vary latest Styles. 'SEE OUR. TREMENDOUS STOCK OF. a ' EMBROIDERIES; AT • GOST.• Mage igeont range In' SA,,S}I RIBBONS, in Black anti Colgre, .0 'inelies . wide iii BLACK" BILK RIBBON-, fsr SASU and DPESS TRIMMINCGS. at• 30c. lsei •I ltd:: ; `tell`'ranee all over• OFIEN '•A.L LkC!ES: . ESLEY'S bIillineryEmporium l�Io► e :about' >� ran e. `'W a have lead our law suit anti !roved White Bronze:to Do what we represented it to be,1s proved White 'WithrQg�•arl 1a.dlin-i .fbe'rnmtlou Troia bile,, eglye ft as�we.g�+ot:itfron Carpenter, and we believe hint, as iie is not interested 111 •tht sale of father white Bronze or marble, end' We shall not'. xeel5 to thednterested statements of tbeopposition, but leave, our 'customers telfimak for us. -, • Ooderich, April 15th, 108;,,' Ma, W, M. Glpeirt,,-I ant perfectly medalled .wltli the -Inst B r nz i i di.. W aBo ailiniune m'Y id lARl 7"' ' yet Moral clown, nor hale 11 tile least fear�but tllntl It will stand the greatest that nary Cone—eve( n motile agent neither has it tmneit bleek-unr dneo it .show any signs of becoming discolored, ^I like It heater, every Bole I see It, and this Is the opinion of all who have o omit and ipokei to me about it. . • - • • W. J. Aissrsmito'so, Teaehe'r., -Partiesintondh.gto purchase m nlontimeut should call on °merito to W. 1I. GIFFIN, Clinton, or JAMES GALLACI/1'>;sty Godprioh. SUNDRIES. • `G10R SALE LOT AND 110t8E.' ON 1sIILt ST. .L' Termaeasy. Apply to 1Ir. Pier, at the Mill, .or to MANNING & SCOTTY • • oNEv PO' LOAN:— PRIVATE k'C.NDS, '0N -La FitOpi security, interest lib Icer• cont• _Payable yearly., Apply to 0,A. IIA1tTT, Solicitor, Clihton.:jni Eo1Ifst0 C1AT WAGGON' qbN >• 12: SALE, Vi7rr ani,Safts, i splendid -order nd will, bo sold cheap.` ,JOHN RIDOUT, Cliuttiti, itirONEir TO LOAN ON PARDI PROiIEitTY.- ILL Private. andCompany Funds. Low'det interest, _ U s 0 t 1- ., a a .. , "'ti -."I milt l r Attorney, Clinton. , * lin 10 • HOUSE.: ,I'011 SALE 0•R' TO RENT, TIDE :large frame house mi Rnttenbury St., formerly' eta inted by Itir.'ty. Doherty, is offered 'for sale or to rent on renaonpble terms. It contains plenty of room, with hard and soft water:, and is a very ciesirable ' resi- donce: T.o'ms .pn application to JOHN TA't'.L01t, Spencer St,; Clinton. • HOUSE AND LOT TOR SALT. Olt TO RENT.--- That conveniently situated Cottage and Slots on Victoria St.- _ Ilpusc contains 7 rooms, good wood shed, with hard and soft water. There aro three lots in - — ro iep RP• e o the .pa ' ... � Shur' Dress for 96c. •lilt �-itum -ir lt`t • es i b '}' �] ,/ bcr cf li % rill o`siiid Yi Z`clydi lr ty-- es:��Iose 1 2e.. 5 A lir tented Also,,•for.salo �n lot on' Isaac Street opposite the residence of the. enior:4; red. Apply . tofor p o 33 dS. Cotton f' 1 a �1. .A Muslin Dress $1,40 A. D0 S1y01tT1I Clinton. Y• . _ ... �. UST OPINED. • NS AND M1JSLINSi J. C. DETLOR Sc CO., CLINTON.. rNi4cibit, Arir_TINT Gents":' , .. • . s Soy :fol .5c: Gents les for l0a • , oRTABLE si�v:nrfLL• volt. 5i>wt1�,.-• aI: T , �ensc1- .L undersigned oiYor far sale,a halt ornyb,e in- ' -Big y r' 1 U ' in tltol Pet to , o .. to nr .. It • ion ,avast l , a aw MI , . TirM al Corsets..foi 50c Bi • range :of Ladies'and boiler is 30'horse-power; engine 20, and the saw.. �•1 �•� • at 54 ineh. All in complete running'. order; only •• • . Chid 'r r f ', in lie. about three inontus' dela a . ,l ndfc den tC! Parasols of 25c. ris4tjgtneas • Satisfactoi•;p.r•easons Tor selling OCost'- • ' er i1 600: will he sold at it bargain. PI RDt;E s - ; , "Words'? 't " our "Works." _ u r r. l P.D. RENEMBER 3 �,', �1 .-- 'ire .roc..e.ou �'�orcls. by Worl> s. yG DON'ALDSON, C ,',lion P. O. Z • PENNYROYAL WAFERS.. d, : . Prescription of a physician who �•�gl; has hada •life 'long experience in. d lrAA ''' treating female diseases. Is used- monthiy witherfect sisccess by r,, over 10; 01adles.. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drug -tfk't gist for Pennyroyal •Wafere and . ^a• take no substitute, or inclusepost- no os - s t .- 1 , r r ^'•.,`• . age for sealedparticulars'. Sold by • . ,y,n� a `all druggists, $1 per box. Address.. ... . � � _ _. . "TIE EtIRI+'r1?�L• ILEM-10, ..--0O3,-DrtTltorT, Mims. Th. , r I r 'a'ltl-rtr-1.-c7 ,Chit#1ritentlllue�s -�;�• • everywhere.. L „ • ''i!'i.i AItS1 17011 SALE -PART -OW LOT •26, ON TILE . . . .JL'l4th eon. of the township of .lIullott, Containing-.: 1�'1 ► �rp + ' .( about 40 nacos, Terms to suit purchaser, Apply to , A'M' gD' • j �,R.IES CAMEIt'ON,ILOLT3tCAMERON, Dar'riatels,Godericb, • ;TIMBER reit, 5Ar.1'a.,=HEIITLOCT{ AND. nee Cheam,, Elm Lumber.for side, and will be cut to or- dor for any person sending in their: order be- •. fore the 20th of May, JAs. 'VALLIS, lst Con., , a1�.9•` Y�iii Zs■ioderlch township, Bayfield. P. O. x ALLAN LIN �oerpoolLo�doaderr�, �Co Parties going to the old country this summer ehotild take this popular lhie. The boats are the;tiost coil . pieta cm the Atlantic, and aceomntodatioo unsurpassed • CABXN PARES VERT "LOW. (HEAP 1St VCIIt51n\; RATES, MTEtRAG1:' A'ASSAGI: A'1' r I4OTTIIJ1 11011ILIL ,' t, of :ill not get a pnrtioulnrs . A.0. PATTISON, 01.01,1110N„ • AuENT FIRE WORKS For 1st July atBitonEnxcz,s. bit) B'OOTS' and SllOES. • A MAGNIFICENT FULL LINE OIs' 3AOasoN meek, IICRON STinnT. CLINTON. THE GREAT EIl'GLIpf PRESCRIPTION Asuoeessfuithedicinotestedover' ;, �•.; 30 years in thousands of CANS. Promptly. Mures Nervous Pros• tratdon,SVeakneasofBraist, Spi- al Cord, and General iteOrbatts of eithers0s'tEmie8iotldand all illseaused by India, cretionorover•escertion. Six packagesis guarani. teed to 0(1000 a cure when otliermedicllnesfall. One package $1, six packages $5 by mail, Sold bydruggists, Write for°Pamphlet., Address Buenas CIltt:dieAa Co., neve it Mrort, ;Old 111 Clinton by tt. Tr, ("Oh BIl rind Druggists oyerywhel:e, v ! ' I 'STQdK AT CLOSE .PRICES. We are closing the balance of our TI,UNEES at COST, as Wd require the morn for Boots and Shoes. • Orders taken for pack's' Celebrated Hand Sewed Shoes. c us TAI LN IN ENCIIANGI;. 55.15BR C. Olid'' Pon OASEe • CJ..4 1N ia. O N0 4