HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-25, Page 2. • 7 SELF ORBEARER • pwo a little, east to draw a little, but Ian- gually. Wawa he Wes at nom° he spent Most, of the tuiie. et tee .oei pinno, abiets bad been hi .mo her. s Wks ne, we s. at the of- eic.e he spent ;post or the etinanescearawiage- go. had nomaite for tveding, 1st .teemed to .care notitina foe the :Wags which form the pleasure. cf SO masze aollneenee; b niver went to .the theatres or music halls; he had • rs no bicycle, .belonged to ao ended& club; end, ' Osecept gee er two old tehoonfellows, be bad' no friends. Yet et latehe had got into tlw habit of spending every evening Mtn hero he 'wean Or What be slid, bis fathersleil not. iequite„ - • A enlet.yoang mu, who -tweeted to be neb. ting tbrougb, his youths at a. regular, even Pao, .turning. neitherto the right baud .nor to 'hej left, picking no teethe or flowers, pita raw iningeftesnno. botteetlfee,. caught by none of the. 'Jack-o'-lanterns welchlead astray 69 • Many of the London yoetin4is.1athersheald have been satisfiedwith suelx a son, But he was not Mr. Aturridge was disap., pointed thet his son bee gopassion for any- thing. Dick was no fool, • but he did ble work like a machine; he teen no, interest in . his vrork; he was spirttlesS. Now,. a young Man wiro in not a fool mt. not be, though lie. ,may appear to be . MR- ErSlYelfROKIiIrDIM- should remember this proverb, which is one of tIse 'very -tow omitted from...Soloinonn unique collectionneto.w good it is for the world MO thit itiag•celleetedproverbe stead of old - Planaioianwere gind prehisterie pots! You will presently discover that,Dick. was nosexception to this proverb,. • •.7* -71•.. '1 given to the office now Dureesatbie onto:sea idleness Dick Murridge eat the whol6 flay at his table by the window, which conmencled 1 a view of back yards, chnntleYe 'and 01`e, houses. Ile mugged Itnxiself nha- ara*lea I .• •aiel.? heacisnpoie Wail:lotting. pal in peneil, When one page was covered lat turned it over and drewon the next, so that the pal was become a perfect gallery of loveliness. By • dint of long practicebe could draw a glee • face very well, whether full or in profile or a three-quarter face. He looked at his we:Mb a good deal and he grumbled a good deal, and if the office boy made any noise be used bad language, but not load, enough for his father to hearabecause Mr. Marriclge was one of those parents who reserve certain vices for their Own use and forbid them to their scone ., 'The office boy sat at another table, on. • winch, was a copying press, He had nothing to do, as a. rine, except to copy letters by means of the press and go on errands. But this boy never fcuncl the day too long Or the golden. boors dull. This was because his table had a drawer. Even to an industrious clerk * drawer is a standing temptation. , To the lazy clerk it is,an ever- present snare; to the clerk who has nothing to.' do the drawer is a never -failing solace and resource. This toy, a city -horn boy, -with- sharp- eyeaspeety-fetea-itriclatinfiroon. place features, was able, by means of his drawer, to liveall day long in another world. He kept It half -open, so that at the east movement or sound from the inner of- fice, or cbange Of political in Mr, Murriage, who sat with his back to him, be. could, by rt quick, forward moven-tent of his lchee •the- ut the drawer suddenly and noiselessly, •find be discoyered, so, to speak, in the attn. tuck of the expectant, ready and zealous clerk, eager to do . something which would leleesonetheearaia of his. three, half-crowos ' a• 'week. Inside • • the drawer there was. aleMys A a story -ones Of those spirit-stirrings-excitinge and romantic stories o f adventure which can be bought for a peony, andevhieh never pall upon the reaaer. So that thisthors days wke passed in a de- licious and delirious dreana of adventure; stove an peril., 'tempered onlyby the fear of beingsuddenly foutal out and-horribly:scuffed or even dismnsed; wheu he would catch it worse at' home under tbe family 'cane. It the bey is not before long enabled to -live up to that dream and to becornew rover, pirate, smuggler or highwayman, I fear that his 'Whole 'rennet's -ain't% wrecked. ' Becaupe there inevitably comes a time of hope too long de- ferred, . whea the realization:7'0f a dream, thou x li possible, noncinger seems delightful. Thia bey, at 'eighteete man„ cease to desire . thelewless life; on if linapogenes it, he may ' become a nitre compion hurglar, forger, loneefirrn man; 'eonficlentiandodge men Or ientelsber-joyless, moody, apprehensivesus- piqoui and proee to sneak round a corner at Eight of a none in blue qoanencl helmet. • In the front room -Me; Miirriage!e room-. the chief at at a great table 'metered with -- papers; elle was 'not eonselting eny; he had • before him half a (loins' checks and he was okinge•atalateassaitneperaueberiseyesee.nomoa times heoompared one with another-, some- • time; he looked at each separetelye and as he looked hie herd face gra* harder and his keen eyes sharper. Six checks.- They ' were all dream for the :tante sum, twelve ' naniiicle,'Ciiint theV*iire- all .itiied.'hy-hiotS'ell ..One would notabink that the contemplation of half a dezeia cheeks, payable. to self or bearer, • named by one's own name; could take a busy man from his weric." But they About eleven. o'clock the silence . of the office eves broken by A liglit et.ep on -the stair. Tho boy shut,up his drawer with a swift and silent jerk of. his chest; so that be Might be . discovered% with his elbows On theetableettanide his nands clasping the bandlet. of. the,: copy., big ores& a model -attitude for, the eeelous .. anemployed, When the :door- opened and. a .Vetung lady appeared eerrybin a black, bag. -This was the private secretary. -he nodded Pleasantly to„Dick, arid passed -thrall& the room into the inner office . Bot 'Dick re- emonded With a grunt • , • Me. Murringe looked. up. and greeted her 'nth an ill-tempered snort. • ' 4 •t . - ''YoleTO late again' he Said; .• . . ..., "I'm not," she replied. - nEleyeri le ',strik- ing; and I. never - am late; and. you Imo* • it.. Be. just,' even though • you ars .cert, Of nYour heria y • is turned b. yoUr•f'fathers title.- • I supPosey on think ,you can say wliat you elk& . Is the Honorable Nerah Cronen. . .going... to Coatintse,, in :her •Pirezent, enniloen . znentP. 1 :. .• • ' • " . ': ., ,.• . . . , "I clon't ktieW. Very 'likely::: Meantime there is this case to. ineisin. ...I have breught you some paners yole will be pleessedne see:" .• "I dott3t knoW that anything earl ple.ase in thisenterning, 6 ie'e theirstotme.. ' Hurimbl ' .Mignty little, 7 considpring ;the: time youeso nikenl" • '• . . • , • ' '', • "Hadn't yoe imaets idad before yon erum- i 'Iiiel • Thane. atWays the way with you when •y gob get your fur rubbed 'the 'Wrong way; e Look at this, now. - • • 1----n-Ysesse-wl-11-3onsre,ad4na,oeme?"..,... ' •.- 1 •sae ahvayi. "st oodles" to •him, and genera .1 allyreduced Itim 'to- neweloteinper-leyesheer i force of courage. To-daynhavievers he at- tempted -no -rejoinder. but meekly- geed in NORAR CRONAR. • Mr. Murridge's confidence was enjoyed, to -a. certain- exteutabyen. young adye named - Norah Cronan, who galled herselfbis private c.eatary made no difference the salary, Which re- mained at the same fig•ore.lie that enjoyetlby Dick, namely, seventy-five pounds a year. But next to nothing for the money, and she did, the work of three Men, being as -sharp-, clever, industrionventkzealauengirlas- over man had the good fortune to engage in • his service: She came- °Vern, morning at eleven; and generally. spent an bout. Or twe with her employer -before she went off.te the museum, to the record office, to consult parish registers;to'read Willa, to make ex- tracts ; and do all kinds of genealogical work, ,which kept her all day long and very often all the everting as well, • She was nineteen ,Steers of age,- and -she knew -by heart, 'think -nearly every genealogicalswerk that • exists in the vernacular.conrse Mr,' nWurridge did not whollyeteuet her; perhaps ,he was -afraid she ;might Make. discoveries .and keep them to,hersolf, ancnnake her own • market out of them --he had done so,- hiniself the old days; perhaps there were certaih • rinse, connections in Ins pedigrees ' which he did not wish to -expose to the •girl's sharp eyess eperhane he , was constitutionally m- ania to trust anybody wining. He might very well have trusted her, because she had • never yet suspected that ghe might become a money., winner instead of a salary earner-- anost men :never. da learn ;One lesson.; stilt' fewer WOM011 ever learn it, and so :are con- tented to go mall their lives teen a wage, and nobly rejoice when. the, smallness of their, own eateries ,has brought. weattli to their employers, Therefore. she was-net:Met, rind. etteried hi Mr. Murridge everythingahe found, gild neve'. dreamed. of. withholding the least ora,p Of- information.' This. is 'praiseworthy ,in every lift, • but especiallyelaulehle iii iegenealogistabeeause this lead scrap is always tho thing-which15 of the greatest' irnportande. Such a sintriie thing, forinstance, an a single cite -lined entry in h parish register cencernieg a mar- • riage a hundred years ago, -has beers known to peeve a very gold mine to the discoverer.• No Mau tbe city had a More valuable citric than Mr., Murridge, or anheaper clerks Some there nre who object to girl clerks son -the -geound thatralthough- ways honest, ann . may be • underpaid and •overworitecl to any extent, arid though 'they never 'grumble and always carry otit orders literally tuacr exactly, owe cannot swear at them. Timm is force in Mob-Xenn' on, tha it is not. I believe, 'felt.by some of the gen-, ilemen who employ -girls to sell gloves and -beinnets and beer; and soda -and -brandy, nor was it felt tsa Min Mureicigoi Who, when Nos rah first came to him, swore at her eyare, day, She di 1 non like being sworn at. It, Made her limbs tremble and her face ture red and pile, but she thought.it Wisest to say nothing abeitt it at home, for the usual tea, son that there was hot much mcfney ,golzig, end h. r email salary' was tiaefult and, be- sides. • her brother being a student at Uni- versity College hospitki, there was, Ai* then, lees than u,iiinl.' Whenever M,-, Mut- ridge's orders wen imperfeatly dbeyed er neglected, lie sWore at Ilea 'Why note When Ile was a prentice behest been mem etevery day, cuffed, coated and kicked, until he be - lee ITIP aesmilet peerfiee Pen aegood-enernannel Why should he not swear at his own clerk? 'He did, and with sad Wearisome iteration of 0110 word that Nor& grew to loathe that word, and to take arty amoutt of pains anci. trouble in. oraer 'mete bear it, - Norah' zlotys, howener, been so long with Mr. Murridge, aud had worked for him so well -pedigree huntina 'is matter of instinct with.s'ome, like finding old books or picking hp old otos-that had tamest ceased to use "language" even in her pres- ence. Ile knew 'lei...vette), and, in his softer moments he lain thoughts even 'of raising her Fedora. • ilnifSPtiet ten hi the morning all city ffi oces are. in their 'first fresh vigor arid early Mentitrine "elitlineffiebr Of eineirkeesT116 glow of the davve, so to speak, is Upon them, The glow litigers till about helf-past eleven; • when fatiguef runt languor begin amoeg the oanger brethren; at. twelve many have visibly relaxeni. and noise begun to &nee at the clock tied to twriggle oti their scat& . It is not, however, slain fleta in the rIfterboon that the curse of labor is 'eeelly fele tn Weigh lineally upon the enoul. eters • 1 the yeting clerk. In Mr. Mut-rides setae; office there Wee 110 languor "or fatigue possible, becanse there was no 'labor either. for Mr. Richard Or for the boy. It was a F mon of forgetfulneet No work lital been given to Dick, for thine week, and °Swept In tho evening, when there were letters to be talt through the press, 110 work Was over without reply. it a.sionished her. ,Perhapt be i, "Go ou, please." . • Norah; thereforesat down -and tegaiTto I expiate the nature and the bearing of her ; papers, Genettlegieel reactive's 15 Mtgly meet interesting work.. 'You are 'always beeline for 'same oae and ,finding some ; own else. • Then you go •off 011 ft dozen hunts; and you discover 'the triOst abominable ,falsehoods in printed pedigrees,' with gaping, flans& and disconneetiolKeitier impossthilitiee where everything looked fair ;and The girl enjoyed. these things more' than Mr. Mu-ridge'for the simple • reason that he voulcl never for one 'mornent forget hew remelt money there mighb be in J t. Now, no Ono ever *enjoyed any kind Of work, whether it was nainting a picture . with it brush m. paititiek a specission of pie - tures with a little steel pet and a sheet of blue paper, whole:mot thinking all the while -•at-tlfrrrtoireyr-Bur-tvlrll-zrNolrdir-to-ttMr story a straugesatlfing happened -a very steange thine. For the first time in his life Mr. Inurridge was inattentive, ancl that over an impottatit piece of work, He had' often before been irritable, buts never loat- Outside, 151ck Murridge hacl returned to his blettidg pad, and Was gloomily, dynwing girl,s1 heads upon it, The office boy opened.: his drawer again, very gently, and resumed the readitig‘of his refinance, which had been interrupted at the critical Moment when Spring -heel Jackwas commeneing his earliest love adventure. The lady Was not described • with any detail, but the boy concluded, that in figure and face...she niust have -greatly -re, sernbled Miss Cimino, Whom he himself secretly loved, though he wet aware that lie had a rival, What would Spring -heel Jack have d000 to a rival/ His mittress, since she. was like Aliss Cronan, was'slerider in figure, wore a neastly-fittine jacket, and a hat with a wet feather twit. •She had roses in her elieelte, dark broWn hair, and t steady Tbo boy did not yot know I but he know the quality of sten, %Mott tibe Also had, like Blis4 Cronan,, n t weer, and pleasarit The lady in tie•rezol,y, how. ener, did test resfemble. Miss Ortolan hi • cies ats pertieular, She was not tt young lady "In the say,' but was a eouatess in her plea rizbt, thotteh dieluised ae Half an boar afterward the girl came back to the outer office, with her black bag la ber hand,. &tuber nay to remune her work upon, tbe case. It was, however, with sande that ber ,work had not been appreciated. Mr; Murridge was strangely inattentive. She shat the door after her, and turned to Dick, who slightly' raised his right shogider, a gesture familiar to the grumpy, and eon, eidered. effective. He then made the eanne gesture with the left she/alder, This Wait cateittnrelenting grumpiness. "Well, Dielt?" she said, waiting. Ire made no reply whatever. The edam . boy felt that be really ought to get up and wring, the neck of his mastee's smite, in- civility, But he was not yet man enough. Then IsTorah crossed the room,. and laid her band on Dick's shoulder. • "Verne, Dick," she said, 'don't be visidic. tive. Let us be friends." ;-"" "Owns,' Dick," alio said, "don't be Inn- : •dictivet" ' nFriender he replied. "Ob, yes; I krairl You thld me there was nothing between you and anybody, Mid Meat deg I fineeoler - all about Hugh. Call that truthfulness, I ,suppose?" "Itws the truth, Dick.. • It really was." s• "I don't believe it. , Sapphire:" ' "Well, Dick, if you take it like thaterve got nothing to say." • • ' "I aon't care what happens now. If any- • thing happens it's your fault -you and all,of you." e 'What will happen, Dicknee • ."Anything may happen, I SuppOse. Hoar " am I to know what will happens" • • "Well, • Dick," thb girl . replied; "E can't stay to guess riddles. Will yoa shatter handsl" • "No. • Sapphira.1" • Norah retired without another s.vord. The oface boy thought of Spring -heel Jack,and wbat bewou1ddo under such .provopa- . Con, • But it was useless. Ile wasnotmane, enough by several Tang. Hale an hour Afterward there was another -stepeonstlerstaire.--Diekehesteoetleto-sassinne-a the air of junior partner, _tend the office boy oneeonore closed the drawer and grasped . the handle of the copying press. , • This time it' was Da Hyacinth Cronan. wee stilt Mahe. oyserwhelmbeg _ wave- of the first day's enjoyment on his newhonors. Yet One .rniglithave thought that 'there Was • something wanting,. as if the' full flavor of • bit. title had p�b been quite brought out -it requires time for the complete enjoyment of. everything,aerina,aatttle. His brow was knitted, as they used to say in the old enetaphoricel times, what neeple would knit a brow as well: as a stocking, an& enri azi upper lip as easily as a. ringlet,.. and hurl scornful words as readily aed c---teatiffactively as -big stones They could -also. Unhand each ' other. He looked, to put the thing plainly, disturbed. "•• • e • . "Is your 'father in his .offiner he asked, tutting eheraDick Murridgets proposed coa- gratelations. • "I will step in." ..- "t expected you _this meriting," gaid , llis Murriage. nnexpected you. Weald. look in. You cMne to talk over the new position. Well, I ain not mach accustotned"-he' laughed a dry lenglin-"to advise noble lords." • s ' . ' , "You iced not trouble about •the. Mime &Tepidity to asks yea alma a certain ' document. which I signed here two 'or three aeain ago." -- . • . "Quite so. Itis irony safe here. Forthe eeensineration 'of twohu , ndred , poundie- emoney downe-you resign:thee whaligof your reversionary interests, -whatever they inight: :1 remember the. trafiseetion:pereently. • You . 'ofrered • me two • hunclren • pounds' t, for , reversionary rig Ifs • I wanted the reouey., pretty. .badly. I always do. The reversionary. riglsts. • You sextet:need • to .me at the; nime that there • were ttvo Ifves Intween me and the succesnoe. • thought 1: hail no More chance of the . title • than I had of the crown of Engettid. Tell • .fne exactly what it was I sold. There .are • other rights lf,esides .reversionary rights, ..1 suppose' • 1 ' ceeding to the property of which' the late . Lord Clonsilla Was only a life . tenant": ' 'What made. jolt otter me the ittopeYI" ' •"Because I knew that yours was a sub- stantial cliance." . . • • anotethere. weretwo fives; inenenen name that. -myself, between Lord Clousilia , and myself." • . . •• • • . "One of. them, when you signed teat paper, I edeWth sbeeuirering teem. a hcipeless disor- . der. Ile died, in fent, a' few ;weeks • afters entree,' • The other had been married for fla • teen nears. without children. ' I hoped that Inhasincerklehriveenone,--Welli mys hopes were. well foundech•not.only are-thore no '9,1iildren,, the Man himself is deft& ' And yOis are the new :Viscount, and what estate there le 1)as• CCI119 te 'tee. . It isn't much, aft& all." • "You knew this ane yea did not tell me?" did You thought yen Imo* all about. if, and, y.anclid not. mein tyke the trouble ta inquire before yen signed. Don't talk about 'bolter. doctor, because in the city. there es no suth thing ,Clevor people invented the worst Order te kocirutbui pleats, eadisttnal Sharp eractice-riothing 11101,0. lima astoli- Mod at °the time that a man of your ca- paeity shouldn't trivet madeesoranitiquiries before you „sold yew., rights Why didn't you?" •4 "1 SlippOSOlCatiSC 1 trusted you," "Dkryou suppose, then, that 1 was bones,- teeetly giving yeti two htualreci pounds?" "Not I supposed we Were making a fair 'het. My chance of the knell estate -what is • itt a thousand a yawl -was worth, I thought, what you offered," , "Never think in business -never trust - never believe any main". "If there is no honor, there is, I suppose, • Senile- kind of faireplay-•botween.smen who deal ?' Do you call your play foie II • "Yes, I do, 'You might have got the • same information as 1 got. But never mind I ;fair play. Tile estate, is ,mine, end I shall eend Word to the tete:tete that they aro to ray their rept to nie. De yoU dispute my cleft -an' • "/ woula let cetddl but I tear I cannot," 4 -Think onin Take legal adviee about it. M for, the land,it is only a few hundred Acres, and none of the te010ut4 bavo paid. tho. .!' rent for years. Vinyl have to pay- or ' now,. if there's law left in Ipland. You F!;: haven't loit 'anything, Yell couldn't neva .1111.4 made them pay." 4.DNICE TO Menlialte--Are you idaturbed et night., anti. broken of your esset by a sick child suffering and grying with pela ot Cutting Teeth? If•so sena at once and Wet a bottle cof " nfre. Whitlow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ren Teething, Ita valnq ts incalculable. It svilt relieve tbe poor little oufferer iMuom"atelV. Depend upen it, mothers ; there ie no inistake sbout it. It clime Dysentery and Diatrhaut, regulates the Stomach and BoWers. cures Winn niolieeeoftens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gtvee tone and energy to the whole' flatten. "Mrs. Window's Soothieg Syrup," for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the Prescription of one of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a binge.euroand aak for " Mi*, Wrser,e1v's SoOr`iiso Slum. ' and take no other kind- "iiii.ILWAiF TEAM CARD Trains leave Clinton as folavs t- CHAND TictiNic RAILWAY. GOilig Bahl. • Going Wet. 7,25 ani. resin:ea 10 0 am. mietel 1.05 p.m. mixed ' 2,20p,iii. express 4.30 p.m. ne xed •9.45 p.m. gem ees oneee witerrenx suutayste. thane N go th „• Going South. I • 956 eon e . xpress 803 iern, expret s 7.00 p.m. t 'press ' . 4.13 a. I/1. exerat . • MANNING & scNITT Risters•trr . ) vQ nONVEYANVISIts es • . Oommissioisers for Ontirle anM dan Kobe. Oentles vet ' New ERA, CLINTON. Fumill.OR(TtGArICEDE PawArs SOUBT°,U0altinclie. over J. Jaoleion's store, Albert Street ..` MONEY V° LQAN. , 1 nAllitimen LI0EN3ES.--APPLn TO TRE IS undersigned at the Library Room.. Snaties Blook. SC ki ' • JAMES SCOTT. ' , 1 r ONEY TO LEND IN 'LARGE 011. SMALL ..T.I. smut on good mortgage security, moderate ate of interest. IL 13.11.14 Minton. . f riH. BOWSLEY, 111. b,, DLR.°. s. Phyzreign; surgeon, etc. °Ripe aigrenerdedisen next Molsounenaek market _ _ APP,LETON.-,OFPICE-AT RESIDENCE .1. -Fon Ontario utreet,Clinton, opposite the English hurch. • Entrance by side gate. TT B. ritgbprovi, cam ExurNEER,. Prose lionti mid Dominion nand Surveyen. Architect two Drauglitsman, Pelmet Beoox, • Cl I u ton: • • , . Dn. etananeL0FProa a:Ante:Wale' ST,- Hurray Bleak, two emirs eaet oS, krodgens' en.' tranoe.. Resieenee, opposite the Toreeoranceenells Huron Street, Clinton. Oftlee hours, 8 sem. te 6 Pan- . qRS. WHITT, iv:HAMER OF niEuaip. po.tilLe iy attended At their men resider:anti' necessary. Re- '41deneec John mobertesenee baron semen, Canton. Rice's new method taught If desired. STANBURY, RAIiTTATE OP TRE MEDI' AJOALDepartmentof ViotorlaUniversity,Torentn,for moldy of thp Hospitals and Disponserieastweataks seereeterfer•therOtenetyin nuron,nayfield,ont. FitANii 11. POWELL, BARRISTElt, SOLICaTORe Notary Public, etc.. 061 e, SEARLE'S BLOCK, Ab- user STREET, 0LINT014. Toronto agents, essrsaties earthy, Osier, Hoskin & Creelmaii; Private funds to Oai at IONOlit.Peta§,of4nterVat • -- • • Il0p W. WILLIAMS, B.A., GRADUATIC 11..1.;.Toron to 'university; meicabetof thedollegeofPhy e1ceant4 and Surgeons, Ont. Orrzon &' Itreizezeoe the housofermerlyoconpied ey Dr, Beare, Albert street )VORT.OINGTON, PRY.SICIAN, SURGiON N• Ageonehen [Aeon tialeof the Collogeof Physician; akilSidgeons of LOwerOanada,and ProvincialLicen, Rat.) ana Coronor for the Conn tyo fault:en OftloOanti. re 4 men co, -Th utienneetesaseeessa settee) d , s "Thwaites, remote treet ; . • GI in ton,Jan, 10, fall.' • - • . . 1 .11.INTON ALEV1ANICS' • %.../A;cy.and Helen ng Remus, Perrinblock, down stairs, Abou1I,700 Volumes in the Isibrary Ana •itil tho Leading Wawa -Panora and Periodicals of • the,day an the tab ie. Membersaip ticket 61 per annum.. Gpon from 2 to 5 p.m..; and from 7 to 0 p in • Applications' for meineerslisp reetvdd by the Librarian l. in tite mem.- . • • UNIJ:sHAvs10 pAF,mcm.. s If Airing, TT. 1-• 41 0 WWI' tNn AND • all seer- • PDOlenG done very neat and .to salt ',TORN IP -A RO„,,ii.titSON, Smith's Elocic • e7,, T WILTE2M; , 4 ERE EtifI DENTIST. - 1101d the exclusiveright for the county for the Iturd, ProceSs of administering. chemically pure Nitrogen' Dfonoside, which is the safest and best system yet -dis- covered for the pathless extr eofeeethseesearges nee era, e, 111. is act on gueranteed.OFFICE, Er, rT'S. 61,001t, ewer -nannies -Tee or' Shop MINAS Street, Willem. • . • • ' s • _ • ilse) CitJUGS MEDICINE. FOR LUNGS • LIVER & BLOOD. • T Ifave 'used Dr. Dfeclicino and,, Pills thyself and in my family for it year or more, and and now01turso so useful that 1 would be sorry to Miss tinfin out of Iny Iieustr: --. -- C. W. 1701:WU, . • Corny/all Froth ohlisr.. • • 3.81303--filPETWO--2.13136 Before baying, get our epeeist prices for BAN, Marbles, Lasiosse Sticks, Express Waggons,Doll Oarrlasee.. ' CROQUET, BASE BALL • CRICKET GO ',DS. 1 WALL MAPS THE LARGEST and BEST DT L. BEAVER BLOCK BOPKSTOB,E. WM, COOPER, CLINTON ROBERT DOWNS, , CLINTON Mainufectrrer and Proprietor fur the best Saw e11!1 leo,: in use. Agent for the e o and application of the sar Friusa P.vixir A trron..vria 13oILER CLEANER. STEAM Fria ENOS -furnished a int applied on Willi ' notice. Ettirinen, and all kindle sr Ma elisinery repaired apadIt*..useIy an , Farin implements manufactured and repaired. Steam and Water Pipes furnished and put In position, Dry Kilos fitted up on application. charges moderate. . • Oakes' EXCELSIOR ORGAN • After the severest test at the late fair in Clinton, it wins universally admitted that *FOR eEltFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY PINISIL, AND SWEETNES OP 'MEE, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all oth- ers, and destined to be the popular instru- ment of tbe day. This, along with the fact, that a Spectinel prize wasawardecl it, certain lysespesaks volumes loathe instrumente, and "parties purchasing shisuld see the ntege,- •• Sion before buying elsewhere. GEO. F. OAKES, FettonneliTon. Factory three doors west of Mel loens Pump 'Shopritnetenbury Sas Clinton.' TAY TiIE .T CLINTON XEW FOEL The ACME HARROW atin-JAS. CARTWRIGHT; 1? Trullott has be'enhp pointed agent for the Countyof Huron, for the above •• Harrow. It will cut an een the eereund from 2 to4 -inelies•tleepe$444s..minle-of-the-ve1,y.-best-inateria3. It also takes the place of both gangplow and scuftler, and does excellent work. . • Any person wishing 10 800 the. liarrow work, may by addressing the undersigned, andhe will be pleased to take it any place and. wori• it on•any kind of soil. is-adin-fite-d-to-hO' tho iiost ,Aaving farm Iniplernent evormanufeetbred„ JAS. CARTWRIGHT*Londesboroi Thipson's • foal Estate Amoy. - • •CLINTON, ONT.. • . • • . • .mila midsvsfgeed ham onened an agency for the sale of Red getate, atid will be glad' tri deal 'with pertte)37havfek ;upper. • y to ilispose o . • Terms, two per cent on all amounts np $1000, sea edie per dent on any amount after the lir8t,*1000 Re charge made for advertising, and nocharge whatever 22i1- .1ess is sale or transfer Is effected. I have now the following prepertias for sale Lot 14; Lake Roail east, Colborne, 100 acres, 41 cleared ' and ;index pasture, 20 acres slashed ails one essilyboid ea rvd, halanceotbash light. Willbe sold cheap. . 100 acres, good land, 211, 'WIWI from liowesmount,liakota. po acres under cultivation, small house. Price $10 an acre. West half lot 28, 2ndcon• of East wawanosh 110 acres, fib acres a Cleared; habeas good bosh, 18 aeres of 'fell 'wheat, .$1200 or $1500 down, halance to suittuirchffser. side of Mr.,ItidouPpresidence, well foni$d. Pelee, $200;• to SHrorit:igle4roefeche:unning theough the' fann, bank barn 40260. two. sons of orchard, ono mire from Auburn. ' Price $5,000, at1 Lot 806, 1.5 of Au acre, Iltiron St.; situated on the east lot for ..pale,!clppoSite 'the...commercial front by se feet deep. Prise ressotable, • • " NOitIostTrailsportatit'Compaq TO QIJLUTH, FARE --S10140.. And •ull_ poi nts in DAR•ora, -M,orr,rou 'A. and 13.arrew pOLIIM13I4. Tickets hy Jail as tisinil to all Points at Lowest Bates' . , • , . . . JAS. THOMPSON, CLINTON. . • .• . BENMILLEit NURSERY. FRT1T AND OBiAlIENT.A.T. TREES, iy‘r.SP,RUCE, SCOTOR AND - - ASTRACHAN PINE, rfE LATTER or wHIeft we MIKE A, SeECAALT 4 ••--. LARGEASTOcK ON HAND ‘? The abO)1Ornamental trcea and shrubtiery will be sold at very low pricee, and there wanting anything la this connection will save money hy purellealnif here, Orders by Mail will be -promptly attended to Address, JONI/ STEWART, Benoit! ler , H. Nelson ci.Coi BEALI N. MANUFACTURERS Pr STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, AND GENERAL MACHINERY. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED • $50,000 To LOAN at 6 or Cont. _ Why pay others!i, .8, 9 and 10 per cent, when you Oen get Money from Us at 6 per c. TERMS madetto suit borrower, regarding, paymentratsd..-period -of loan. • Apply to FARRAN.Sz T1SDALL: BANKERS, CLINTON. '•4- TI11:1 NOLSONS • TilQrport4tottibl Aot of CAPITAL,_. r $2,000,000. HEAD OFFICE., MONTREAL., - • THomAs WORTUTA31,... ..... .Prosideot. J. IL R. MOLSON . ..... Via -Pres. y. WOLFERSTAN 1110)110, Gotiorp.lAtanApr. Notes discounted, Oellecoens made, Drafts Steriing and American ex6ziore bonyllt and sbld tte lowesf current rates.' • Interest at 4 per cent,ellOwidop deposits.' ' Ir.A.XLATIECRiS . Dfoimy adywriceiTte hirmere a. then -own *otos wlth- .10 . or.moro endorsers. No mertgage.reguired as so... 'urity • • • 'Itiesit au :Inspect r • .1.anuary HIS , . •clint on • J. J3' I D L -ECO 1V1 11 E, Watch and Clock -Maker, JEWELLER, ite., OPPOSITE THE .11A.IIKET, CLINTON • Where be keepeaselect aesortment of s WA TCHES, CLOCKS, • JEWFLLERY, SIAYER. Which we will sell at reasonablerates. • Repairing of every deseription Promptly. tencledto, tend all work warranted., I . BIDDLn00111311. 1 Clinto n, Noy. 1882, --. SAVE • , 1836--SHMI-CENTENNIAL-j1S80. • Conducted both. on Ceile and Mutual Plans. TION JAS: YO'ffNG, M. P. P., - •- , • ADA5t WARNOCR,PESQ., - • Vice -President • R. S. STRONG, ESQ., - - nilanaaing Diteetor. THEGORZ Enters upon its FIFTIETH •YEA.R. .mucle . stronger anti more prosperous than at an previous :period, having M8,809 Of Assets and praticalln•NO. LIABILlTy except aRe. , insurance' Reserne of $00,000., There are $20,-. 000 depesited seith the Ontario Government, and. ever $90,000 held. in Mortgages', Deben.: tures, and Cash, imniediately available to • • :meet losses. • , Mutual Policy•holdernennethe "Gore" save • '20 per cent, -with utideplited seounty. ' Fornull narteculars apply to neAD9relen GA r.T ' or to ad./1111171t111017T;Agent,-4.3111nton,--:--,---,---..;:-. gold by .1% It, pito drhgtils.t' MoKillop Mutual 'Fire Insurance:0o. undersiigned tire appointed to fietas agents 01 the township of flodorich, for. the 'Company. Any person wishing to In- sure 1 nth's ord and tellable Farmers Company, will upply to either TIIOS, NEELANS, Rae - 'lock. or SA.Aftifilf4 CA RNOCIIAN,. .Settforth • Prompt attention will be 'given . . KrOtro4R.A.-DirER F OSTE411 4SZI .11712 0..%;r054•118°!°51• "ggal°. LaPs.sizm ‘'co.ati,A SPEO6lArh4itirr).>1 DENtI8T, Iwow rac...w.wasnisnansetrateateasciscrstaccormaleastssess • imam IMAMATE. • 'L.ITTON. . • (Tetelin CANI Tanta) ) .A.. hroatorl.linbfililler , A largo 'stock of ritstClass CAS. 10.3T8 and COPFINS, SHROUDS, altvays ett hand. TM; EGYPTIAN EMBALMING 'FLUID used in all cases, Albert $t., next Narlandlros,, Itemdello., Orange rit., neer the Ciento di 111 N: TICE. MATTER OF :AN ASSIGNMENT, MADE -Thy A. Cidiancler 57 WO., 01 tlio town of Clintou,`Oar. nage makers: and Blecksmitini,.. pursuant to MI Aet of Legislature of Ontario, 101081'1i lei 28th vieteria,. elute: 26, being lin Set respecting* asilignments fur thii-bo• flat of ereditoreg, mid areendnients.thereen• • • • gather underthe firm rt.:it-ma:el stylc.of A. Callender & -NOTICL-1#3--IttRiti3Y--GIA=ER TifitT AUSTIN Callender end Calvin,Callander, doing business to- liro„ Carriage makers ana Osman Blacksmiths, have, ' With the consent of a majority of near erceltoreasving ('101118 0? 5100 •and upwardsonado j,111 assignment Of en their personal property, which may im seised -and sold' ...Ander (*mitten, und till their real estate credits mid offsets to ine,,james Thompson, of the toWn of Clinton, Agent, 111 tr04t,;for•the benefit of fill their emitters and for the jearreisaof paymg anti satisfying ratably • and proportionately and wunout.preincliao or priority, all the creditors their Just debts, Arid the persons, firms and corporations, baring 'claims against the said debtors are required to send .10 their names, residence and post otlice'addresses and Particulars of their claims tinly verified- by affidavit, with vouchers (if any) ne- tachnt, and speeifying the nature of the set:VT.41y (If any) held hy them, by lette5. prepaid, to me meta e tore the tenth day of July,3 526. And notice 14 hereby given tiatt after the sad date 1 sv111 proceed 'to distribute tile assets of the said debtors among' the parties entitle&1 tIt�rQLo hiitvhitg regard .eply to the (Jaime efethiel notice shall hate igen given, and that neithererbaltitie so distributed to any person or persons, firms or cor- porations, of Wiese debt or Mahn shall'uot then have sniiciAti jilt:ode:A.11:1.es lo win ;be held at,ipp office in said Teen, • alSo Inweby given that a. meeting of the o t Friday, eth day et June„ nt 10 &auk e,ni., to con,: QM' the affairs of the Estate getarelly, pursuant to said Act. • •• JAS. THOMPSON: Assignee. MANNINO & RCOTT, solicitors for Assignee, FIRE WORKS 24TH MAY, AT 141,4:ozznigir TOE CREAM, --NEW.EIWITS, • • PINE APPLES, tRANNANAS, • •ORA.NOES 'AND LEMONS. N, 13.--Prultssuppliell whiatee en the sliott. cot notice. • MR8. B no. mar wx, flpocti, CRON gr,110:1. ChINTON, • WHY SUFFER FROM DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, • WHEil . HWEST'S LIVER PILLS Will thoroughly ouro yea.. TIsOy clo hot gripe or purge, hut ,obt Whehm:er '.:eed • .Lre o01isideror.1 •prioe.••• lope. They have • proven to tie the ef:EAT .f31_,..E,5 SING OF' THE AbE .` To all oufVerort from Inliqoation, ticordered"Storikaoh.,, • l'TREY.ABE AN :ABSOLUTE AND,. • PEBFEOT- CUBE • tietti_..vaem..,4114...J)4.•-to?lovot3 frorn 'your miscry, - T1 in a bo*. • . 1,1do. por bo, hoxoe. for $1 FOR 84LE AT ALL bRUGG/SIS ANI) DEALF;lig IN ME'DICINES Theverc nF Cqt1ritcYteits and Base Imitations, wrappeti only in nith hire ea eve( y box. Free trial package 1bc4...:filplwat. 4 Pins teen to ady 6111 rectipt cot.t strtmi.. 14N01. 40. ,4‘> .E 0410t4r41V" . f."1 AND :=1: . gi% (.1.,•1110' • e • nts. .1