HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-25, Page 1VOI4 21, Ng. tlo !rEft3is•791.60 Per ountpii,n aevauce :41 -- CLINTON, ONT., ,FRIDAY, JTLffE25, 1886. ZOtooldp 400111Ingt Wattrt BargrS.-The largest imported stallion in. Huron, died lttouday night at Geo. Fothergills, East :Wawanosh; it has bee,u ailing for some weeks: And the V. S. done all he could for it, but ieffamication set in causing a heavy toes to the Owner, A. Carlton, who ireportrd it in the spring. The hay crop . will be short this year in this section. Thebeityy rains a this :---ss-week have dene-A large-amoun t of-good;ta crops, fruit and roots. We notice people Item other Owns and villages, purchasing goecls in Belgrave, which speaks well for the glass of gpocis.kept by out merchants. GeorgeSteen is selling a number of mowers and.self binders which are second to none in the, county. 'Lawrence Peaten attend- ed the High Court of C. Qs F. at St. Thomas as delegate from Court Belgrave -No, 48, wiiich is steadily ineteasing their numbership. A student, who is fining n .v., R. McCosh's pulpit in Wingham, preached in Belgrave on Sunday last in Trinity church ; there was no service in 13lyth. Rev. Mr. Burwash will remain with us another year at least; may suc- cess attend his untiring efforts for good. - Our Cheese factory is turning out 16 cheese - per day now, and will still increase under the .able management. of Jobe Ross, of Bluevale, who, ttea the factory so satisfac- tory laet year. Great iniprovements have heen..macle in our prosperous village; new sidewalks have been laid, others repaired and a few 'streets levelled; Simon. Vanor- man was pathmaeter; and for once he de- serves credit for work done under his sup- erintendence. Thos. E: Nixon left on Tuesday; .dreesed in 'military, uniform,- for camp in London, he belongs to the 33rd Battalion. Thos. McCrea, son of John McCrea, arrived from Wine Inines.a few weeks ago; Thos,11.•Bropks got home on Saturdey from • Algoma, .after several months' sebeence ' • he looks well,. and is welcomed back byevery person. D. Mc- Clelland jr.; !took in the excursion :to -Sou thareptenes-and--callecl7toiee-severel. acquaintances, on his trip, • Mr:. Wm. Ridd, of Wingham, and John :Perdue, of Blyth, Veterinary Surgeons, • are bosy in • this vicinity. . ' a • ' WrANL.D1 • • WATOir :evening last week,' during the temporary absence of all • the members of the family, it appears that some sneak -thief entered the house Of Mr.• Edward Glenn, and. folding the coast clear, appropriated Mr, Glenn's 'Watch'. Ned pays he would not Mind if he had ' not just paid for having theWatch cleaned, . . AccroBNT.-One :evening 'last week as , Messrs., Glenn and McFarlane, of Stanley, were driving home from Clinton; they met •. with an • accident that might have been more Serious': Part or the .harness, giving ...:_,-wa,t;:flieslitiggy....ran on the: horse'e heels, which tried :to run away; and sue,ceeded, in throwing the occupants out; beyond severe sprains, neither of them were very seriously hurt. • , • PitasoNXiss-LMr. 11. Grant and wife, of Rat, Creek, -Manitoba, and Mr. Alex. . Aikenlaead, formerly of . Clinton, but now of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, are visit- ing friends in the ,yieinity of Bruce0eld western life appears to agree with, them, as . • they are loOkinghalearisi heertv. Mr. J. McQueen , • formerlyot the lad "eon. of Stanley, but who some years ago removed to Michigan, is at present visiting friends in Stanley. , • wEtsw • •wAvvArroeir.' Dealst OF A. PtODFED.-West Wawrie- „ sista loSt one of its pioneers last Wednes- --day, in-thesseerson-sOf -MTS "Butler.; De- eeased settled on 5t11 consMean unclear - cd lot. He sold out a few years ago, and moved to St. Augustine. His reniales were interred 'in.thatcemetery eh Satur- day last, ' - ACcIngsiT•e-One. day, last . week while. Messrs. James and Robert Anderson were engaged in getting• out cedar. •from the bush,sa Area ,fells -striking-Jahns orithe head and shoulders, and knocking him to the ground • it was at first thought that. lic was killed, but his injuries, though painful, were fir lees serious than atlrst supposed. No bones were broken, and he is rapidly recovering. TUCKERS11611. .N.ew '13Ame.-0.n. Monday last, Mr; ' Herbert Crich, of the 4th con.,:13. R. S., elected- a new barn. It is 70 ft. long by ' 52 wide, with stone.etabbing tinder it all, Sam. Benhett, the genial: and -popular popular framer; had the contract of the wood work,: and Mr. Junior, the stone work. Prosno.The picnic in Fowler's grove . WAS A. decided success; the weather was just perfect,the ladies pretty and agreeable, .... stheslenionade-coldsantheireshingrartuttlres tables well-filled.. Notwithstanding this .being'such a busy Season of the year,ahout two hundred people managed te,get ont for a day's recreation. ' • , .01q OF THE OLDESii--:Although there are several men 'along the Srd con, of Tuckerstoith, that are older thais Mr. .Edward Turner, there are not manywilo have resided in the township' for a longer Period. With his father he came here 53 years ages setting on the lot where he is now residing. Of course vast change , sand improvements, heed taken place dur- ing that time arid the place that was then a veritable ho'wling wilderness, has been made "to blossom as the rose, and the earth to yield its increase." • I aFeENT.A.TION.*On Friday evening last, the many friends of Rev, J. Ball, o f the Heesalls Methodist church, invited' him and his wife into the church, when Rev. W. Torrance made a short address, speaking highly of Mr. Ball,and his labors while on Hensall, and ekpressitirregret at his prOspective departure, after which Miff. Dell's -vas presented 'with 106 pieces (weoroplete spf).:of haffclsonhe hand -painted china.• Mr. Ball made stiitable- reply. During hisfresidence on Ettntall circuit, he has made many warm friends, and carries away tbe geed wishes pf all. FU4lenATi SERMON -Mr, T. Pickard,by 1-tberer beteg' Wore work to clo than last sioraigsviLlols: greatly, but there's considerable growling request, preached the funeral sermon of year, it is n start in the right way to put DIAST WA1A:40Sn. the late j. Batiakaapilast Sabbathmorn- gravel walks. Mr. Ntratson's strawberriea ing. The text, " The Gate which is called are good this year, at least some of our S0L1).-Mr. Thos. Rose, sold 14 one Beautiful" was somewhat unique, but fre- village boys thought so, for they gave $1. cattle for 5 et. a • lb., to Mr. Shaw,' o' quent and suitable allusions were made to each for a feed one night, besides a good Wingham. Mr, W. McGowan also sold rthe departed, and aptly applied to the long run. Mr. C. Newton has finished 16 cattle for 4?; et. a, lb., to Mr, E. Witt. living. At the close Rev. W. Birks made his part of Geo. Newton's house; it is al - some excellent and appropriate remarks, most completed, and will soon be ready speaking in high terms of the deceased, for occupation. The patent right slam- _ Bnigres,Rev.s.Mr...Birks turves next pers are again on the route; lookout what Tuesday for his new field ° of labor; he you put your name to, it is hardly safe to carries with him the good wishes- -of Vie ign a receipt when any person pays an. people of Holmesville; he has not been an account, but there is so little to be done indolent pastor on the HolmesvIlle circuit. it makes no difference. It is reported 1:le takesshis farewell on Sunday evening, that a serious case occurred in this place Mr. Legear 011 Sundaymorning.--The and a few days since, but particulars are not i * Maitland lime kiln s all aglew • Harty made public,. Ares up, the work however is rather tire. some, especially on Mondays when sleep is needed, but Harry stands it as best he can, and turns excellent lime. Rev. Mr, Fisher intends to movellais family here on Tnursday next, and Mr. Patton intends son• Base Baro. --A base ball match. was played last Saturday, between the boys. east, and the bey _tvest of No. -10, school -bousesthelboyieorethe west side were v ctor- ious by Slruns. ACOrntNT.-While Mr, Robt. MC - Gowan, jr., was chopping clown a tree last Thursday, a limb about 2 ft. long and 3 inches thick, fell striking him in the face, cutting and bruising his forehead and nose and knocking out two teeth. But we are glad to learn that he is recovering fast. Barers.-Mr. James Currie, of Ayr, is new visiting. here. Mr. Thorhas Stewart, who hes been in Toronto for some time is now home spending his holidays. time, Bolsi. Currie, wh5 • has been in Dakota for about five years,is now visitiag at Mr. Wm. Dobie's. The road work dope in this part of the country,has. made great improvements on the road. - Mr. .R. Anderson returned from Michigaie last ISTedoesslay, he -gives a. very fairopene ion of the country, and: entends going back in the fell. Mr. Wtn, Ross returned Saturday from visiting friends in Middle- sex. There was a Sunday School picnic held in connection with Hoover's church, on Wednesday. the 23rd hist:. Mr, Wns. King, of East Wawanosh: is busy building' his new house. The bricklayers intend haying the, brick work finished this week.' . rismisga,T. 'Hones: Ditowiego.-,A horse belonging to Mr. johns•Bailey, of the 2nd con. ot Hullett, got &owned in a pectiliar way one day last week. It slipped down in a small pond. ref. water • that was only a couple of •feet deep, and being:enable to .get itsieet again,sremained there until. it Was &owned. 13 -Mgrs. -The Sabbath -School p'onic cif the baseline Sabbath School, held in Mr. John Ball's grove, on the banks of the -Maitland last -Tilt -May. Mrs.-Ceninel, and her ion Richard, of Oregon, U. S., formerly of this township, are visiting friends iii the neighborhood of Walker - burn, Mr. Geo: Raithby.has the founda- tion of his new house built: The Masons are linsy at the Inundation- of Mr. R. Waites' new house. Mr: Nelson, Blur_. dock, of Dakota, formerly of this town- ship has arrived at the conclusion, "that it is not good for man to be alone)" one of Ashfield's. fair daughters promised to sharp his fortune for better or for worse, and diner the solitune:of weste:n Mr. Gabriel Sprung and Mr. A. T. me Donald went down to Prince Edward connty.lest week on it horse speculation; we would judge, by the appearance of the •animals brought back, that oats :ere above par dein there this spring. The sound of Martial music is rehi-d• • in'our mica' daily; a look of consternation was visible on every countenance,. equalled only, by the Celebrated. Fenian scare, of harmer years. The public is gaining confidence in the belief of a complete victory ; when the youthful warriors on the tin pails, an- noynce victory after victory, 'over the po- tatoes inyetezat foe. • . . • , tsBAFORT11. • Last Sunday evening four men, said to Of the Plymoutkpersuasion„ and who came from the direclion of-Cliiitssii; held mit doer meetings on Main street at the corner of the Royal.Hotel. gsch one of the men • col • ItOBEilyir nox.inEs 1 Publisher, EXETER. . BRIEFS. -We are Isayieg some splendid , 1.00A4 CHURCH' CHIMES rains now. The- crops ere looking well, I Salvation Army jubilee services, in the the roads are quite muddy. Over forty: Curling Rink, on Monday evening next. have been interred in our cemetery this The Rev. Ille. Barr, of Harpurhey, year; Mr. Herbert, the sexton, deserves preached'here on Sunday, and Rev. Mr. great credit for the tasty manner he keeps Stewart in Seriforth. the grounds; at present he is gravelling The picnics of Ontario St. Sabbath • the walks, and levelling up the lots. Mr. T. Ching has a fled of wheat one stalk of b St., t c School will be held with that of Radon. bury ., a ToderiC11., On the 13 of .Tuly. which measures SIX feet two inches ; who can beat that.? Mr. John Blatchford has .A meeting of the NV. 0. T, U. will be commenced his hay harvest., , held next Tuesday afternoon at the house sesterEN • --Sot 1117-J, BicIdlecoMtre, at 3 p. in sten; ' • A full attendauce is.requested. Barms.--11. Bell. sr.,. of the Kippen Miss M. E. MeDenagh", or Sarnia, Mills, is gradually 'growing weaker, and daughter °flies,. W. McDonagh, won the no hopes are now entertained of his re. alumnte prize of $25 for the beet elete3" at coveres We are •pleased tolearn thet Mei. the Methodist Ladies College, Hanailton. Weismiller, who has been ill, is recovering. . . hir. mamma, haa returned, after an ah., bulVIryr.SRI.. Do;uHreehy,leyouSundaypreached inmRorantienni sence of two weeks ; ill health ' detained Bev. Mr. Rupert Preaching Jhe funeral him. There is sense talk of Mr. Schaffer sermon. of thi3 late grs.c_ampbe4,.._al _.,.. resuming- hie ekt-beeleeeerbeteherieff"; we' 'Goderichr-7 trust there is seam foundation for the seine, as we mise the good meat we were Miss Ida Hamilton, daughter of the to Mlle en TUeSday• Rev. a Hamilton ' of Milverton and • g*owed to get from him A matter ' ' * - .------- -iii turnaddressedthe large crowd that had- of-. -- - - • - • .--.' s ----. • formetly a pupil of the Clinton High . BURNOUT. interest to the ladies of this vicinity is gatheredaround theusconcerning salvage% now being ' -. d' ' A'd e ma, has passed with honors from the • A Prosito, &c -The members of the E. viz,, aa ies i Ottawa Normal Scheel, Wawanosh Literary Society had it 'picnic - Rev. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton, preached Society ; we tender our geed wishes for in the Presbyterian chureb here last .Suu- day morning and evening, and from what we glean the people of that congregation • _ _ vAANA; were pleased -with the liiiradn they heard, Revs. Denby and Smith of Vateh, * ex - After the close of the evening flame Mr. changed pulpits on Sabbath last; with Stewart was present at the Y. M. 0.. A.- Rev. Mr. A.oheson of Kippen, and Rev. rooms, and addressed the palting there. Mr. Gee, of Bayffeld, respectively, • MenitNG, The Temperance meeting held on Tuesday evening, in the temper. on the banks of the Maitland, on Sat- their success. - • s ' Sunday last -was the 50th anniversary of urday last. A large crowd had assembled Queen Victoria's ascension to the throne. in the forenoon and in the afterneon Appropriate -reference wait matle-tcr-thv pleasure seekers came in swarms. , There occasioe, in St, Paul's church, on Sunday, was some sort of amusement for each, after svhich the service was closed bY •• such as croquet, quoits swinging, music, singing the National Anthem, &o., and those who liked to sit still•could The picnic of the scholara of Willis breve heaps of fun watching the athletes church and also of the Baptist church, • :perform.' In the evening a foot ,ball was held at Gederich, • on Wednesday, . nutteb was played between the Rangers of oak, of McKillop, was driving_ a spirited .aneet.hallwas very largely attended. The the day being cloudy, but otherwise fine • Marnoch and the Young Heroes of -horse to town, and -while in town lay sonTe mee mg was ca . o order y • . ., Iled-1b 'Rev Mr an theechoTars enjo'yed themselves sirir!-- SsrasieUe.-liast Friday Miss Aggie Govenlook, daughter of Mr. Itobt. Goven- ,_ • Denby, the President of the Varna Ted. mustily. It took several cere to hold,the Fordyce. . The field in which theY had in- tended playing proved 'very rough, and as Mr. T.,G--had it beautiful field about half it Mile away,a cominittee was sent to ask permission to play in it. Mr. G -- being away'from home, his son, a young man of about 24, was consulted and kindly ‘gaire the use of the field. The ground wits staked out and playing . commenced, means the home" becatne frightened and ran away. • The young lady was thro*ri Worn the buggy and received sliglignjuries. The boggy was made a complete wreck, and is past being repaired.. Mr. Arthur 'lieu, of this town; aid who has for suinutime;pae-been working with the Savage Gospel Band, oemipied the pal - pit ofthe Methodist church last Sunday. and .!its the _grass was iyeryelioxt. the hall . morntn.g.--•;.. Hergeve -a.veryorices disepeteie.- faredVell, and many a remark was made; Mr. Trott, wbo hi, ji,b_eitioto to speak -in praise Ottlfe,- excellent field. lbst they . of the boys of town; was converted in the :were 1101 to remain. long , in, possession of ,, Saltat ion Army' inion after its.advent •here their groimd, •for just when they •had. . .a little over two years age, and hes .m.ade. _plaved_for_20-rall3a-loud-roar-barsteqpon •wonderful progress in the eerviee of Christ. their ears, " Pick up ths.t:ball and get Out We belieio. he is studying for the. ministry. of. this in less- than:five Minutes.'" All eyes were turned to the ..spot.frotn• which the eAnfaitee't,eovreg success attend him in, ell-liii" sound crime .end there Verie tire man who , SoceSisAt the 'residence:of Mr. l'.. A owned.the beautiful ROTS:making for the. Sharp, Iasi. Friday evening, . the Ladies' ball„ waVing the crowd offwith his haiids; Aid. oftlie Methodistchurchsheld a lawn. As semi° es they saw that it was really -qa and parlor social. ,We are Inclined to think 'man from whom all this noise 081110, 50010 • that the parlor •W‘tis a more comfortable of the players :endeavored. to explain the . place than theliiiii on that :atoning:: for cirou cgs Mabee, brit he appeared std. haye nti _ -the atmOsphere-outside_waa_not feri..ahovei Power of hearing„ and. we arieure.he had, freezing point -although there was a good' rid power of saying anything but "get out attendance; and ell Seemed .to enjoy there- of this, Ices"' which' was aleo his* answer selves: ' A few of theyou.ni people enjoyed when some -of his neighbors thought of the laWia game, w.hile the mitt of the.people explaining,inatters•ta him. 'Several times Look iii th.e ,ptogterriterselSrending,snausid, he affirthed that he was no ordinary -Mon and you • may be.sbre this was also the ••,-' AO. iiiiide. . .. . ,..- ....., .. - .." • . • • _past Sunday afternoon at .3 *o'clock, the feeling of many of the intruders as they. Made for a...Aeldsacrosss-the-read' on_the members ofsthesMaeonic-order marched in _farm.. -of Mr. J. -McGee; wherestheyliTteed- a' licitly,' wearing regalia,. to the Methodist ed to finish the genie.. They played only: °Lurch; :where the pastor, Rev. J.*Ittoley,,, for 20 Win. more,.-during..whiels ttrieg each Sitio is•alee a Marion, :deliyered a very ex - side seeceided 'In .getting. a goal, after cellefit discourse on. the principles of . the which all wended their Ivey 10 their homee. order of ' Freemasonry. in :the evening pleased • with Vie. day's pro'eeedings and Mrs•Broley *ached hie faretvell aerynon,,, 'perhaps not sorry that . they •had seen Vie itbeing, the -last time that he Would Cieeopy- meanest mao -in E. Wawonosh, •• . • . • . the pulpit here prier to his leaving for his, ' • • • • . s . - . - . ' new field at •Elora. . There was a large: • . .: , •. BLYTII. congregation, ., onion whein..were. many 6.0DEt 1c1t • TONENtsitli P , • I Bi..3(37 .A..T. TDB OoDomA L.:7 -According :to -. . . . the. 110v..'•Mr. Smyth' • of Brussels • Will . • firm other deoominatiens. 'Next Randay • rthe officiaLreport of exhibits at London . : - . -FESTIV;iiL.-4.: iftraW.bert• 'feetival . Will — • occupy the pulpit. here, While Mr.. 13toley be held at. r.lion. church, .Taylor's corners, Blyth.bgures prominently.: . In the cloth ,. . Will•take the work. there. . • • . , ,7,sap 'Amp .• . : '.' on *Monday evening next.: Musics reads Manufacture, TanEgmend.ie on the lists e mass -About. haif past' seven . ingii, and, adeleeepes • *ill be given.... Ad. .aliio the•Art Departmeht Of the Blyth P.S. eeiticicory.Thuisdriy inciroinz iif lasbreeL wrong; our sanitary igointhissieni cfo: not : ' * - • lr ' t Th' ' ' t . d A -- .mission • <seen s. . is is, in. en e ° as . a is the only school in Huron, that exhibits seenrto-ant,:lirerare-Tteraethibg like " -the: .neas wee.-tirentated. through ,the . town ' Police .MagistrateSda• not •like'• to work' lite well-We-jai:to...Rev: W..BirkC,•and, 'Will . any of . the pupils work:. . The' Thawing that ti Man had fallen .off a house on 'north ' Oleos also • exhibitS.Several imeeimens.. , ,. doubtless. he: yell attended: • . ' • - • • , • Main streetiand was killed, and on Migiihy • PDItSMALSi.--4.'Ir.S. AIM Colne•of Ingersoll; • 'Wrriiiii4W.N; .;-- The .. appeal of the "we learned that it was Mr., Thos; Whitlock,: .41 visiting.Ot her sister's,Mrs. Mountcastle, ToWnehipW Godericb, against the. equal- a laboring Man of this town,• wile had been Miss Shaw,of Brussels,is.thie-gnest of Mimi ized. assestment, which was to have come shingling the roof of his 'own house, and Storm.* . 'Several took in the games'et Brea - 'tip for hearing, at .• Goderich last Mondavi, s sets :and Wingham this week.; Sydney bed not beenlong on the,roof 'that morn - was withdrawn; 'ffilliough the Warden s 'Tones paid Blyth a visW this ,. Wes1{3, he •ifi ing, when,..by seem' rneens he. ,,fell back - committee was called tegethet in eonnee-. -wardi-failing-on-to another: roof a little- ti7WWiltilits-7-.. -- -..----•-•-•t7.7. . , . "noVra-traveller for e hardwara-liOiise. . loaner than theone on which . he had been • . Sulam, Coxvngirrox.HThe lietehum -Bergras:-Me. Jep . Holland . has been Company Reim ene of their most popular Working, and from that. to • it wood -pile at ins'proving his. house; his son tfeorge has Concerts preview), . to. organiiing a plass, Ilia back of ehe house, fracturing his skull., also been Alibi, up his liouse-". coining:. ,Sand sthe whole list: of, numbers was. very He was taken into the house, but died from events.- cast their shadows before 'them." fine indeed,' especially 'the:duet ' by Mrs. the effects of his injuries acen afterward.. School ;section No: 9, Will unite With the Ketchum end. • Mies Langetati,end the He leaves a vvite-iiiid fiveamall :children to ''N.tyriofg !ZO..HOltiltSft-ifl/inetlittoptiS•, riChoisl cm the 4th nen, and hold a union quartettes '' were , all- first:class, and Mies darn his loss, who hates the sympathy. of .7-A 'Meeting of the Dominion Draught Draught . . ionio-to-dayt-MreJaS.4-rahlurit.who-h at,. -Dunean-:at4hi3-piano..is-hard40-beat. . •Afe- the entire etninntinity. . BO was,. fertilnate L. lierse Breeders Society, and all. othert.irt7' been 111 for some time; is new able to be tor the Concert, a Convention was fornied -1y, a mereber of the Ancient OrderV-FISO- - , • , s .sstusle-vatatumbete,stry • • • • • • ester's, which prevented his family: being BEN11.1110LER. fa-OretViirt)w-bineding of draught horses.; .. . left in destitute circumatances .as his Wife .,-Berers.--e',3ropirrare looking -well .in this • will be held in" tfi.e,.Couiicil Chamber ,of• around again. ' .- • ' • .:' . s witb.Peof. • Weake as inetteetor. • .About .. FARM RENTzto..--Mr. Alex. 'Welsh, of 40 members jeined hetes Any One hear.; will drew from the benefite of 'that ioritit•- the citysofStratford, en Tuesday Jtily 13th,. - 180. iteresi,lo.Mr. McDonald, of the liuron ' teljoin 'the .Clats. .. , , . • • . • tion 51,000. The members of the Oder. them up a greaetleall Mr, , Loners], of 1886, ecireinciencing at 10:80 o'clock, The* . :the 13eyfield con:, 'has rented hi farm of ing the ' COmpany, cannot • : do, better -than neighborhood, the late raina. freshened attended the funeral in nbody: on..Friday. meeting Will be °Pefl. to' all horsemen and • ' Road) who. takes it for fire years itt an'ait-. London, as .speurling a few slays, with his breeders for the discussion of such. stept, • Barees.-There was • not a long list of cages at the Division Court this week*and viill conduce to the -breeding and Mt- . nualtental of $380, taxee and 'roadwork s , Batt rs.:-.-Miat Maggie Beattie it vititing son-in.laiv;•Mr. Albert Joyes. Mr, Stewart .. . thie is'it good figure, but there are 70 acres friends in Galt'. Mr. James Beettie is.this is.doing a large trade in Strf tvvberries. ; 'he proving of Clydesdale, Shire, and Cana,. meet of these. were' postponed, s the :nitist of woogclland, which he is at liberty -to use week .attending the Grand Lodge of Geed base ovate of youngsters engaged in•piek.. dian draught. lioriet, end the registretion as he likes. Mr. Welsh retains possession, lengthy ono . wall Frazer vs. Harr ; judgr TeMplers at Stratford. Mr, Win. Copp, log and it keeps him •• busy.' draiving.thent of such anitrifffir as have Win full crosses; ment for plff. of $28.00 s Wed° for plff. and of the fora till fall, when he expects to Elliott-lor- df47-.Distriet. Deputy Gretna Who has for riornesinonths. been attending to market: Mr. Hardy lias .commenced the'Business College ° at Chatham arrived. work at the new •bridge. ; he intends. to Any further information fornished oft tip- .elterellaton.te..resid•• --- Initelt-upertitif St. Mary's paid Blyth• 7_ -'7-ne, lagrIVItrirday:77VIarge.crowd!gathered et-tho..noix.-one_read_itakes plication to the. Secretary. ...las. Mitchell,. • • ecretary•r'A,.' • McD, Allan, President, . . . • :4-r-- . Masonic Lodge til 'official. visit on' Thum- t . mrte DIANOHletsTEK., at the station last Tuesday, on the occasion down the old one, so that it will be a month ----IT7-'4—, . . day last. Mr. D.13.-MoKinnot took in the . of the departure Of our brave volunteers or over before -the old. one m taken. dein, - BAsn• BALL -On Thursday of last.week ' Musical ' festival at .„ Toronto lett week. The Blyth Senior base ball tom play Man- for the .annual camp at •Londen ; toite. a On Tuesday, Henry 'Venstone who is in the Etna Base Ball Club (juniors) went to 'cheater on Thursday of this Week: Mr..Collie 'number of our young 1 men have ,etilisted the employof Wm. 'Vanstone, 'hitched his Blyth to play the•juniors pf . that place, • ithil year, .*_and.go..outiet. the first time to hetet) tattle buggy to go Out to the circus; but when they got there they were badly hastinartrintid theletitierahip- of the- Carnet trytheit'hand at the musket. The mem, 'the animal' broke away from him and deceived, as they' found a team of Seillorit Hand and gives. us weekly concerts; we are hers of the -Fire Hrigode at Kincardine are started eat of the yard; and, after going a pitted. against them. Still, in . order to bound to have motif the beet bands in the • . county. There is to he a U Dion S. S. onWednescley and Thursday of this to short duitance,'got Leese front , the. buggy lieve a game; . they'agreed to play them: • . participato. in the pregtSsinine . of spottie and went round Inc fita at a lively rate °The grounds were. very rough, and. there picnic to -day (Friday) in. the grove ad - pining the village. A. ' reception will be and we expect to hear of their success in for some time; Henry concluded that he VMS a. big log'heap' Where the right fielder tendered Rev. 'W. Mills and. family, tin bringing home Witt-- theta a good: many had elms enough for one day and post, :should have played; but notwithstanding Wednesday evening next. . ' . first prizes --not ell, of -*vile. The friends poned the trip to town .; the buggy wag this a very ;good genie Waa.played. The , .. . of Mt. Thee. Joshil. will regret to learn :pretty badly,timatilied and the heftiest; was affair Amt. by. DO means SO One-idded itS that he his lost the sight of one eye, and torn into pieces, • .• • , ii......•••••**,.... .. okN tile Seel% would indicate, and up to the Lortbitttntitto.- is buffering from partial paralysis of one ' . ' -. i3artre.-Revsgr. Hough is attending, side.rhelt.abloto_go_aboutrbut iriverylars eighth innings was very . clorle. When a taliip-Meeting at- Meerefield.rhis pulpit fromi being well. M. J. R. Clarke, the 7.11it—itn -rM- fitiV.• ".kttre'rng- of Gcide- iBniTaitnilg7Anot Olc°0 r beasttiollot1331,21r1Ohianiffalottholsf here,will be supPlied next Sabbath morn- famous boot -Woe otatot, is. coming to richt *as the guest of Miss' IrottielVfortith Clinton. Then some unfair decisions Of ing by Mr. Bayley, of Clinton, and in the SeefOrth -again, on the 131h of . Slaty, and last week. Mitt Fanny. Strong, who has the tirtipire rattled. the boys and they evening by Rev. Mr. Ramsay, Presbyter- Will repeat hieinariterpieee "To and fro in boon the guest of her sister, Ilifii Sat. alloWed Blyth to mike 16 inote tans.: • In Ian minister of Londesboro_,i Mr. Bayley 'London." ' . • . '• . Uoggarth, hart returned to her . home in the next innings Clinton was whitewashed, , also. supplies ' at Milburn. , Mrs. Murray, ItitUSSELS. Cronsford. Rey. Mr, Markham naoved to Blyth 'thus winning by la runt. The , . of this village, has 'been dangerously ill,_ his new circuit this. week ; may success, go • ,Blyth boys artili gentletnanly lot dfellows hilt is ilOW reeoyering, 111r.. Woodhull . Htig0X DIVIStoil GltAllOt.,,-The semi- with him in his new field of labor. :Mr. but the resit, time they play they want to ' paid us a 'visit, and held three meetings in annual meeting of the Pluton Divisiea 13itechler raised his mans* barn last Mon- get an umnire who has at least seen the the MethodiSh church here, and tAvo at, Grange, Was held at Brussels en Tuesdayi tray; it is 72k,117 foe; after the raiting, game Played before... The return m•atek ; , Kinbitra this week ; the'servrets were very delegates.fromIthe differeet granges in the some 'of the boys partook of a little too' will be played here, onrriday.. July 011i. . well -attended, and were appreciated by ,aerth Of the 61121, Whig present., The , much of the rititi-Scott, so much so that, Tile following is. the -Ware by Innings: - many people, who. are alWayt glad to see business transacted was mainly of no inf.. they batl to have help to got home ; it is The statute labor is improving our streetA the general' working of the order. . this, a Scott Act county. „ 1.. Mr. Woodhull, and. rah by hit ineetbigs., terest to the general public, but relatctl-to too bad that tech should be -the case in Myth • •,,,-2 2-0. 4 1. 1 0 16 -46 ClirMo -I, I 3 0 2 . 2' 4 OH12. ii '. perance Society, who called. upon •Rev. crowd. . • : • : ' • . Mr. Smith to open by prayer. Adresses The -social at .the hens° of Rev. E. S... were, delieei.eclsby Mr. T. McGillicuddy, of Upon, on 1, uesday. evening was well at- Goderich, Mr. Campbell, deputy x!eeie of tended. ccinsidering• the ' • unfit o bl . tarried too :Fong' at the wine, or:rather rendered. ' - apParenvtl Stanley, and 1V1r. A. B. Smith. .Good at- "Weather, and all present ramie. ' tention was paid . to the addressee; with • joyed . themselies. .the' • re 'hi 3' ' 1 • the excepticie of oue poor fellow who had vocal' and ihit tin. 1 'p .gra ma . a , nta music was well . -w.hiskey, .ane Who, as-Mr:--IleCeillicucldy------- - ---------2---e-----s-----s-sr•--..- • .. - -- '- The Brethren. have beee holding .reli; 'wittingly remarked was full of the -sultest i b-iderfi --t-he speakers millereaTery muciit leus meetings-at-tIrefarui of Mrr-jolin -hv beieg limited to too shcirt a time, . As -olmes;sattronsRoad;for.a Couple of days • men about here are in synipathy or out of this week,. numbers , being :present 'front • sympathy with the Scott ,Act, they con- other places. . •The serviees have Intik underdirection :.9e Mr. Grant, of Prinee- dem, or endorse the action of the. .County . top, N. sy*,,,,eocl ,werel.argely_atteUded,on... -_.,........ Coun citi nth ro wi ngsaut .the---recommencitv; SimilitY in particular.. •. : • don of, the- 'HurOn Scott •Act Assoeiation,- end of course disapprove or-epProve . of the: : • . 4 •correspondent wants to .know why a °anise of our. deputy-iteovo od this rifles:. canip meetirig csinnot be *held io this; tion. s Mr.. 0aq:1.0°11.111es hard to 'show*. vicinity, Ve khow of nothing to prevent that his course was a consistent .one, bet it it, and if the proper paries Onlitook the. • is -a very diflionit thing for hie) to do. Mr. matterIin hand we believe it successful and .Mettillicaddy•epoke an beer • and a half, Profitable series of Meetings might be in- , lied. in his Address touched. 11111 Many •augurated. There are plenty of shitable Act, and 'threw , censiclerable light on -the locations arOund'here,. and all'it wants iti some orieloteke the inattet in himil.,...... -pO4rittt-of interest in,..'regard . -to the -• Septt ° Subject, Therneeting OlCsect'about II. p.m. This, from the Brussels Post, will be of .. -- • interest ' to the, Iiullett° and Colborne . . • .. na•itiesgin.„ •- • • . friend- of the ' gentler:nen °referred:to e•-•• . BRIEFS:.1)iiiisitn Court 'last SettirditY; ": Friends 111 need are friends indeed:" .: was a -very daft affair, an apple ease leek, The Rev. J. T. Sabine, haling had the . the Mord .of , the --day ..and • both parties Misfortune 4` to lose.his cow some some - two 't , would have been better at honie,,It seethed months ago, wee.' waited upon at the pars like.a_tekiner Bayfield decision,' punishing sonege, on the second...evening after his ,. bettf- ides.;"•Stidge Doyle presided; four return' from COnference,,:byrepresentatiVes legal gentlemen. honored the court with of the,feyeial congregations of' the circuit, their presence, one from Exeter, ene-frqess and presented with', a slim:sufficient to buy . Parkurdes Toronto, ,One. from. Clinton and Another, so his boys are again . rejoicing in-. ohe,freniGoderiele; the litter was a little having lOts'Of milk:. . Mr.. Sabine was also; • , top -hard On the apple buyer, but we sups: made the recipient of about 40 bushels of "'• pose, all laWyers at:e bad fellows,eepociallys oats last winter by members„of the Bethel. .. incourt, •but apples, you know, caused' the and •Walton • congregations. . first trOulsle weer' °wee .in. •the world, and : . ' - ' ' ' . ' ' *, • • they will no doubt, caute more yet before. • the -boys quit elitibing the orchard fences Pu.nme Stamen t0:11tD. .:•••.A: Meeting Of' . • to steal them. Our council is 'improving. s:* • this board Was 'held iiii Tuesdiy evening- • when li • f 11 • * ' ' il ' k the road, road; now -When any thing a pears - t e • o owing .acconnts .were or ere . • • - : • • to e pal :- ; teep • teaming • 1.50.- . '. b * 'd ' W S. •- 7 . .$ • W. R. Hine, ,Trustee •election, $2 10. • • Dickson, • •sundries, -.$6.7b. Miss Helyar. without salary. Our .t0IVI1 is very -clean applied for anincreate Of iiiilary but the and entirely free from disease of any kind,. matter was laid ever •until the end of the • any niimber of people visit us not, to ere year. ' Mr.' Robb, truiteri for St. james joy trio beautiful waters- of Lake Huron, Ward; betegno loes.er kresident of town, and the fresh. breezes only can -begot here, the' secretary Was intruded' to. give the , We dinitlike to see Such reckless driv- usual notice of a meeting to.oletit a. trustee day afternoon, by parties who gent& in jTheePrincieol-swasssi•nriteucted-tasttictly to 611 the,vacancy, caused- by lira 'removals 1 g' as is_o_nue1imacthe_case.here,_on.S.unf -.. from a distance; boys, it is: wrong, atitl- L ionforce lifeless,: requiring. payment in• ad", • will be put a stop to, do not do it again.. vauee of 26. cis per month .frern all non- , We have the best roads in the world, end resident pupils, and •in case of refusal to , „ we like- to see you ,enjoy•yourselves With. pay the.fee, that the pupils be refused ad11V-7-7-- your girl if you like, but rensember the missiem to echoed:, •_. . Sabbath day, • and keep it holy."' Bay- field asks you torespect the Sabbath day • Bargrs.s:-Mr. Canis last, fall•fitted utS his mill inpart.With rollers • this sunimer he has thoreeghly overhauled the whole, and placed_ therein.....K. esimpleted_ set of rollere; along with al) necessary improved machinery; they intend having all com- pleted this week. Mrs. Currie, of Dako- ta, is visiting friends in this neighbor- hood. The Rev. Mr. Caswell preaches his farewell sermon in the Methodist church here, next Sunday, Morning. The Rev.. Mr. Campbell, of Dungannon, oc- 'ctipied the Presbyterian pulpit here last bbath. The union Sabbath Sclitiel pie - Iii Oast week, passed off very pleasantly, batici\ball, swings, etc., occupied -the timer the 01117 exciting scene was Witnessed, when a\youthful twain and his lady love, sank in the river in about five feet of water, then was witnessed it run for the shore,.. \ 0 0 4 ;far F.4..*Ir • . . \ relimieNE, ..)Tal,V 11Aatz.--Mr. Mcliay, of the Thames road,ispultinda foundation tthsler his barn for stabis, and last Tuesday about forty of his neighbors came with their teams to draw earth to make anap- proachito the barn-that is the way, if you have no tide hill, make �nc, . • i• I- •• (I: .