HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-18, Page 811111•'
Bam's.—Mr. jas. Sheppard has had, a
very neat verandah put up for him, the
' worlewas done by Alessi. Cooper &,Swaf-
6eld. ; Mr. NV. Cooper hassls,o tweeted one
for Mr, W. Taylor. Stone foundations
are being put under the houses of Mr. D.
R. Menzies and UM, Thomas, 14. F.
Rumba11 has added a story to his house,
• and is making other improvements, Mr.
P. Robb -and family have moved to Sea -
forth. Mr, J, H. Kelly, formerly pub-
lisher of the Clinton True Briton—a
• paper that died• 20 years ago—was in town
last week; he hes been advance agent for
14 years with Forepaugh's show, and is
now one of the proprietors of Pullman's
Circus, , On Thursday last, while Ntr.. A.
Jordain was hauling lnmber, he accident-
ally got his hand caught betamsa :WV
This, at our subsyear, cription rate of 01.50 a wheel and bolster, bruising it severely.
is giving two months for nothing. The wife of Mr. D. Cluff is visiting rela.7
FRIDAY, TUNE 18; 1886.
woorawsuf Daiirms is the
beat phloem the County of Huron to tr,ade your Wool
off. A full atonic of all kinds of cloth en hand at low -
cat rates. • Don't pose us.
Great Redaction in Fitraittlre,— it you
are in Peed of anything in the furniture line, before
buying call at the Bed BRelrer store. 4.• BEN -
NETT, the Cabinet Maker and -Undertaker is selling
cheap. The bestis the cheapest. Albert St,, Clinton,.
$ix' 11Iontbs Trial Trip.—We will
send the NEW 'ERA to new subsoriberifrom
the lst of July to the 31st Deo., for 50 tents
in advance, simply to give a six months trial,
• • .„
Zews ZoPleC
following persons left on Tuesday m n-
ing to attend the Musical Festival at T r -
onto :—Messrs. H. Snell, Wiseman,
Jackson, jr., Mrs. W. Coats, jr,,an
Misses D. Doan and S. Bean.
Cernp.—Mr. W. MeLerth shipped
• car load of cattle from here last week, the
following being sellers and weight of ani-
mals :—John Elliott, Gbclerich township,
two cows, 2200 lbs. ; Rich. Cole, Hullett,
two .steers, 2840 lbs,; D. Lansing, Hul-
lett, three heads, 4190 lbs. ; W. Patterson,
Hullett, three head, 8450.
SCRoork,—The Public Schools will be
open to yisitors anytime from the. 21st
inst., up to the close 'a the school, which
takes place on the 2nd , of Jig''. The
teachers will be pleased to find that the
• parents and others take Suffteient interest
in their work to make a visit to the 66001,
any tini,e it is eonvenieut.
ago Mr. A. T. Salt left town without the
formality of. satisfying-his-exeditorsovho
' entered suit and obtainedj udgm en t against
Oyes in the neighborhood of Kincardine.
The other day some boys sere observed
in the censetery throwing stones at the
monuments ; should be remembered
that's -heavy fine -can be—imp.osed for of-
fences of this, kind. The proprietors of
the Foundry report Orders for threshing
machines unusually good. • Mr. R. Welsh
brotight us, last Friday, a stalk of wheat
thatineasured 54 inches in length,witliout
the roots, and' it was well -headed out.
Miss McKo..wen last ;week attended the
arriage of her coastiatTara. Miwnd
rs. J. Cunningham have been visiting
lends at Heafryn. A change took piece
• i a the arrival of the afternoon mail from
th past, this week; instead of arriving at
3.0 as heretofore, •the train now arrives
at 20 p. m. The ',vire of Rev. A. Ste,
• wart is visiting -her parents. at. Toronto.
A let er received this week from Mr. W.
Banc; (brother of Mr. C. C. Rancp)states
that h has left Manitou, Men., and gone
to Bri 'sh Columbia to reside and he
thinks the scenery snd.climate something
grand. •Jam. Duncan,who has been
penin'sothe time with her daughter at
Pembroke is here on kvisit to old friends.
On' Sant "Ir'night three boys were de-
tected stea ng small • articles from the
toxe of Mr: . Floody. Work has been
commenced � Mr. .3. P.,Tisdall's new
• houfte, Ratterlury street. • A hrother-iii-
went could not he sictisfied. His mother, law of Mr. R. Rowlands died last week.
who died last week, .willed him her ef-and was interre on Monday, at London.
feats, amounting to a few ' hundred dol- •Mt. A. Watsonhas • sold hisdelivery
lars, this, so we Understand, • has since •business to Mr. Vans; "Dick" purposes
been attached, to satisfy the judgments going weis. Mr. W:Grent,ofthe London
obtained against the son. road, commenced ;tying op Monday; this
• is the first of the s' ascin. Mr. Appleton
• , FOR THE OLD Courrn-Y.—On Monday Elcoat, of Tuckersruith;:has entered hiti
morning, Messrs. 3. Whitehead and wife, 'farm for competitio among the:- prize
.and-Revr-W,-Sperling,--left,by-Doimmon- farms of the .e:gricultural-&- Arts, Asso„.
• Line, for the old country; Mr. Whitehead elation; we hope he \ may be successful
has the honor of having run the first en- in winink, if 'not. the- •first priZO, at least
• gine that ever left Darlington, and he orne of the number. The stock of Mr. P.
purposes visiting rthe- scenes-pf_his....boy,„ Robb-' was. sold-by-auction--on--Tuesday,
hood ; he will find some changes even in Mr. IL R. Walker•being the buyer ; 'quite
railroading. Messrs. T. Jackson andwife a "limber of buyers from elsewhere were
and Dr. -Young, left this tvelc,.. by 'the; eigsente• . The •Doherty Organ Band has
' -State- Line, and. Messrs, M. MbTaggart been having open air practise this week.
,and wife, and, R. Coats; leave next week Mr. Frank Jackson, of St. Catharines, is
by the Anchor line. • --1,• home.on a visit, Rev."Mr. Thomson, for-
Ceiveas..—We have received ff
from the Imerly of Brueefield, is among the su erers
Minister of Agriculture, Hon. John Car- by thebig fire at Vancouver 73.0.; Messrs.
ling, a book of 160 pages, beariii,,0%04 it5 •D. and B. Calbiek, formerly. of Holmes -
title page the single Word " Canada." ville. also' lost a store there. Rey. Father
is intended for distribution et the•Colon- Waters has 'engeged teams from Mr. D.
ial Exhibition, and certainly will give the B. Kennedy, to carry :parties out to the
reader a vase amount • of. inforniation con_ Hallett picnic nextWednesday, who will
--cerninglhis•eountry. It only deals inci- be conveyed free. - Mr. Paisley is Putting
dentally with political matters, the ehief 'an addition to the.house °Weed by him on
object being to present in concise form,
• facts and figures that will bring this ex-
tensive and ; fertile country, into greater
prominence. That this object Will be ac
coral:dished, is more than likely,- -as the
• book is decidedly 'interesting and practiT
him, .but as he left no effects, •the judg-
are informed that several Yonng men are
• travelling through the country at present,
••offering to give away a new kind ofpeach.
tree that theyiwant to'introdtice. They
present an order for the farmerte
which, they state. is siniply to show the
house for which they are travelling, where
they have placed the geode .-This tr,
action and arrangement may be perfectly
fair and legitimate, but it will do no harm
for farmers to be on their guard. • If the
parties want tp give away peach trees they
can can easily do so withoutiequiring -the
fernier to sign a blank „order for 'it.
• Farmers, be careful what you sign,. par-
ticularly with strangers: • • • •
Hou„,§E. NoTes.---On Friday last Mr.
Jaa.ReYnolds, of Hallett, sold to Mr. A.
• Innis, of Stanley, a 22 months oldedlt,for
_ eogv.n_t
• colt, very large for its age, and was raieed
by Mr. Reynolds, who is one of the best
horse -raisers in the Township Of Hullett.
• Mr. Innis sold it next davos a slightiii.
' crease. Nearly all the alire'borses trayellihg in this vicinity have made their
• seasons without being laid off sick, by
• overfeeding,..&c., as frequently happens,
• but quite a number in the vicinity of Exe-
ter have been under veterinary care. Old
Enterprise; a horse formerly belonging to
Mr, A. Innis, of Stanley, and which, for 13
years, was never sick a week,. bas met
with a reverse to the rule, and was laid off
for a short: time. ' Horsemen are fretting
• more cautious than they. were, in the
• feeding of such valuable Stock as this.
Arlan, ,FonErencat Stio-W.,--There ie
• some considerable feeling in town over
Mary street. A certenilman initown, who
.is somewhat' helpless. was turned out on .
the street by the members of his fainily he
had been stopping with, on Saturday, but
at the request of the Mayor and Reeve;
'they consented to look after his'welfare.
The :watering of' the street is certainly
done, much more satisfactory ;this .year;
than it has been for some time past. A
ease of trespass,'Welsh McGuire, two
residents. of • Goderich toWnship, came up_
before the Mayor on Saturday.- A certain
Aullett farmer got badly beaten in a re,.
csnt h-orse trade, and was about t� enter
suit against -the parties concerned, but the
matter—has7beenLaniicably settled. The
E,, B. B.: 0. played at Blyth on Thursday.,
The,•Doherty Organ, Band took in, the
Celebration at Stratford yesterday, being
one'of the competitors in the band contest;
we have,not learned the result itt the time
of going to press; about ' 65, , tickets ware
sold here for Stratford; and theseme num-
ber at,Goderieh. Mr. J. P. Tisdall and'
wife arrived home Wednesday evening.—
An excursion. from Parkhill 'to Goderich,
passed through hete yesterday morning;
A. three that'. steel. shaftused in the der-
rick at Stapleton, broke iike.a. pipe -stere.'
the-ath_erd, ay ; it was replaced with a new
one. In the cricket -match betWeen Clin-•
ton and Brussels last Tuesday, the home
team got badly beaten ; Brussels played
twO' innings, and -Clinton only one. -A'
dheek for. 375 • made at Winglia,m- on the
• 10th instant by RE. James in fiver of
W. B.:Teesdale, and endorsed by the lat-
.ter;was found by ,a newsbpy.„1n London
on`Tuesday and given into the custody of
Constable I.Jogan at the Richmond street
.depot. A, meeting of the Directors of the
Mechanics' Institute,was held -last Friday,'
when the various standing cointnitiees,for
one year were appointed, and a new sup-
ply of books were received and ordered to
• be placed on the shelves ; the Institute is
getting into good shape again. The
Township. of Goderich Dias appealed
against the equalized .assesitbent by the
the action of the •Finante Committee of county ; tlus will open up,the whole ques-
re-Coutitil n imposin ofirtreloireartlufrurlogoonttrratill• -intrialniirarr
in the personal property assessment of
the township is not.made, it will not be
because there are net good grounds for
Such increase.
oixtfoi•f7-A.11 temperance workers of Hu-
ron Connty are ineite4 to attend a Con-
vention, to be held in the Rattenbary St.
Methodist church, Clinton, at 10 o'clock
a. m., on Friday, June 25. The chief ob-
ject of the convention is to consider the
steps to be taken to secure a Police Magis-
trate for the tounty.
• mated 'to several of our, citizens that if Sour, BE ATTE$PERT0.--At the last
they'were allowed to come without license, meeting of the Connell, the Street Com-
theywould exhibit here and no where raittee was requested to get Some one to
else in the06'1W, TherIe ifetit8-overseer vf--treesras some -of -the -
viewed the finance committee on .Sattit- ratepayers had applied to, have the trees
day evening, with the result that on mo- in' front of their 1018 trimmed higher, and
tion of Councillor 4.Jackson, seconded by
Deputy -Reeve Corbett, the following reso-
-don was carried :--" The advance agent
of Forepaugh's Show having offered' to
come to Clinton without exhibiting else-
where in the County, upon condition
that the lowest lieense fee would be chair
ed, that the said show be allowed to ex-
hibit here upon paying a license fee �f$1,
and on the above condition,but that this
se 18 not to cover any sde show, not
connected with Forepaugh's." There can
be no doubt that the Selection of Clinton
is a big thing in our favor, and proves
that we are the "hub,P
license fee on Forepaug 's S tni, coming
here in August next, Of course there is
a diversity of opinion as to whether this
was right or wrong. Sortie look upon
all these concerns as only an injury and
an evil, whilst others do not so vier/Ahem,
The towns surrounding us impose no
cense fee, and hence for a number of
--years Clinton hasbeen passed by, because
our law calls for a fee varying from 31 to
380. We have made some enquiry, and
' find that the advance agent of Forepaugh's
Show was here on Saturday last„and in -
dead ones tat down, in order .to comply'
with the by-laws. It was thought beat
that by having one person under the com-
mittee, and the name of Mr. Searle was
suggested, there would be more likelihood
d the work being uniforMily delle, and
it, would be less expensive to those having
Well work done, We are informed that
a large number oi fine trees are getting
destroyed by rubbing against the holes,
and they should be attended to at once or
they will be spoiled. The Street Com-
mittee has evidently overlooked this
matter; and no time should be Test in
noting on the anggestion,
Carria es
Oftir 11 Pap�Z' d fr
• a per &XL. or era
. •
332, •
in -design --than- 1 -at
yoar, and alsO much cheaper. Save,moneY by p,Urchasing hore.:
I a= Agent for 'the Allan Luse ineO Royal
Mail Steamship.
403ERIS. )I-KS400
- - flt.: -
We wish the public to know that 1Ao matter what prices other
stores may advertise, we will not let them sell cheaper than we
,• do if we know it.
• ,•
• •
To keep cool in
P'A.IRJA.S01.16 to keep the sun off, T
BigStock of CLOVES and. ECOSIZZLihr.'
Get a Mantle or Wrap
Before•ypu 60 -your holidays.
FOR,. moemli•Tys -vcrmA.R,
DERCLOTHING, and HATS.-. . . . •
We sell CHEAP all th7etinae.' Be convinced, cOme and ,see •
fox. yourselves. • .
.." •
' ••
.. . .
., . .
armen s
,01.711. ORDERS,
• • ,
erd.-Ztivf4OBBlrSWT;—etttmrd—Nlatlr-in. the
Latest Style, should see our beautiful stock of
. •
From which fo Choose Your Spring/Suit.
• •
• osommi.*••• Noma.
C. C. RANGE az. CO.,,
Three Doors West of Dickson's Nook Store
• . •
' - • „ . . ,
• .• .. •
If. ST'ou are in need of anything in the,may of Chain& you are
. making a great mistake -to allow Our great.
To pass -without makin.o..a purchase.' If you don't want- the
goods for six month's yet, it will pay for to buy a suits' Jength,
. •
For a MAN'S SUIT, 6k yds. at 45c.,
For a YOUTH'S SUIT,.5 yds. at -45c.,
Fora BOY'S SUIT, 4 ds'. at 45c.,
$293• ,
sp 25
- SO'
Foz-AIR Of P_A 2i- yds. at 45e;
This is the most astoni4hing lime of Goods ever Offered in Clin-
ton, and we would:have hundreds ot people in every day to buy
these goods if they conld, only believe newspaper advertising
but a great many think it is only newspaper talk and that thee
is nothing in it. As far as we are concerned,. we don't intend
to spend hundreds of dollars annually in printer's ink withotit
convincing'people that we mean just ,what we say.
• ,
This line of tweeds will positively not be offered -after SA.TUR-
DAY NEXT, so to avoid disappointment people should call --
this week. We. have seven patternsleft and -the -line is ping •
like- hot cakes. "