The Clinton New Era, 1886-06-18, Page 6'FRIDAY, JUNE 18, Is66.
imvp NOTES.
Californians are. jubilant, ar4not
without reason,. at the prospectsof .an Ica-
Menee harvest,
A waterspout burst over Mars.ball,,N.C.,.
Tuesday. Rome fell before theativt.incs.
ing flood, .cattle. _wept away and drowned,
and crepe destroyed..
- Putty has boom°scare and high since
the recent glass.breaking atoms in ,the
Weat, One druggist in IIIinQs sold 460
ponds. within a few days. s
terrible fernine prevails in, Xerca,
Five hundred persops have .etarvad to
death in Zen). Koreahas not had a good.
harvest for seven years. • ,.
Mosquitoes havefield= been thicker in.
Virginia than this spring, says the. Milford
Chronicler, and it goes on to tell of an 0 wo
that wasliterally bled to deaththesother
night, the pests attacking its udder", 011ich
was distended with milk. -
1t,is expected that the contract ler the
-new Parliament buildings -•ht.
be given out after next month, and the
work immediately proceeded with. The
buildings, are not • to be finiehed•for _four
years, however.
Bread riots are threatened at Conception
Bay, Nevifeundland. Crowds of lineal-
ployed men are parading' thnstreet. The
Felicia with rifles and fixed bayonntssisa
far have prevented.looting. The British,
warship Lily has been ordered to Concep-
tion Bay.
Chatham Banner's Agentletnan mimeo'
ted with the London brewery informed
some of the Chaim& delegates to Confer-
ence that the sale o beer and ale had en-
ormously decreased since the introduction
of the Scott Act, and that the most of
their production now went east to Mon-
. At Montreal, on Thursday, Louis Tian,a,
convict from St. Yineent de Paul Peniten-
tiary, was found guilty of •three charges
Jaid against him of shooting with intent to
kill, attempting to escape •and breaking
jail, and was sentenced to 25 years' addi-
tional imprisonment, whioh with 'his pres-
ent term of eight oears, gives him 33 years
in the penitentiary.
The St. Thomas papers of Monday even-
ing contain a story which would go to
make an excellent romance. It is tcl the
effect that eighteen years ago a lad whet had
keen adopted by a lady now residing in
that city, disappeared, sand. nothing. was.
heard of him until last Saturday, when one
of the ministers attending the Methodist
Conference walked into the lady's house
and announced himsoff as being the mires-.
ing boy, explaining his career during the
long years he had been absent.
A very painful accident happened to a
son of Mr. Andrew Thompson, lot 21; 7th
con. township of Colling,wood. The young
man was requested by his mother to re-
, move a 'gun that 'was standing in a corner
of the woodshed to a phiceeof safety'. The
flaor of the shed, being lower than the ver-
andah floor on Which he was -standingeat-
the time, he drew the gun upward. Tlie
liammer catching on a projeeting board, the
gun was discharged, and a whole load of
shot entered the poor fellow's neck..
Death was instantaneoas. •
A Washington telegram says.—Winter
wheat is not •go protnising Qs on the first
of May. A slight decline in its condition
is reported in the 'west, and the low cons
diticu of the southern crop is more re--
duced ; yet the average is reduced .two
points. Rye has also declined from a gen-
eral average of 95 7 to 95 5 during the hist
month. The *ley acreage has been in-
creased 3 per centsand the condition aver-
ages 100. Last year in June it was 89.
The large acreage of oats in 1885 has,not
been extensively increased. The increase
will approach half a million acres.. The
condition averages nearly 90, against 94 in
1885. The condition of the cotton crop is
lower than in 1885 averaging 88.7 against
92 last year.
An attack with dynamite, or some suck
expleeive, was made last Thursday night
• about 10 o'cloek oh She residence of JG.
Meerut, of Sarnia, a warm supporter of
• On Scott Act, and who has taken an active
interest in securing the appointinent �f a
police magistrate. The explosive was ap-
parently thrown and sten& the sift of the
door, shattering the door and sill,breaking
a couple of 'windows, .and damaging the'
verandah. No one was injured.. -Anat.
tempt was .made to fire the residence of
Magistrate Houston, another Scott Act ad-
vocate., but the fire was discevered inflate.
The Mayor has offered a reward of $200
for the apprehension of the gpilty parties•
The County Council passed a resolution in
favor of a police magistrate, and throht-
rages were committed about three hours
A sad accident took place in Erni town-
ship on Saturday, by which the. eldest eon
of Mr, Lachan Currie, aged 11 years, lost
-Ids life. The little fellow had been erigag.
ed during the forenoon of thatdayhelping
his father to plant potatoes. Some Of the
boys younger brothers and sisters had got
into an empty lumber waggon, to which
there were no heroes attached, and which
had been atanding on a knoll. The uhfers
4nnate little fellow undertook to draw them
down this small hill in the wagon, but af-
it back. He was knocked .over and both
front and hind wheels passed..oVer his
breast. The breast was crushed in and the
head bruised. Ile died instantly, and
without uttering a word.
Mineral Poison.
Nothing but pure extracts from plants and
roots are used in preparing MeGregor's Liing
Compound, the modern and now popular reme-
dy for ColdS, Cpughs, Bronchitis, Crimp, Aeth.
ma,. and all affections of the throat,lungs and
chest. All mineral poisons And dangerous sub-
. -utancea are avoided, whieh renders it safe for
children or adults. Sold 85 600 and 51 per bottle
at Worthington's Drug Store.
A Palmerston despatch says t•Irester-
day morniiii-Ori-opening the doorof-Scott/a
Bank, a telegraph message which had been
shoved under the door, and purporting to
come froth J W Scott, the proprietor, re-
cfueating the manager's presence at Dray-
ton, at 11 o'plook, was picked tip by the
teller: The manager on coming to the bf-
flee shortly afterwards, tcok a herse and
started for Drayton, and about 11 o'clock
a man closely veiled and dressed in wo-
men's clothes, cattle into the offfee, mid ex-
pressed a wish to deposit' $2,001 • The
teller, Mr. Bert Boomer, itiVlted the vis.
itor to take a seat in the private tin.
til he got through the customers, several
of whom were in the office, As siren as
the office was cleared, the visitor' asked
that The door might be logired until the
deposit could be made, and appeared very
nervous, The teller complied with the re.
(Neat, and on returning to be private of-
fice the visitor opened a satchel and took
a large knife, and ordered Boomer iota a
wash -room, which request was refuael A
struggle email, the teller getting badly
out and otherwise injured, but he finally
overcame .the burglar, took the knife from
and'on stripping the veil from his face
found himself confronted by one l3en. Rigg,
a resident of the town. Rigg is now under
arrest and will be tried by the Mayor, it
is thought he had accomplices. Mr. SOOtt
was immediately telegrephed for at Listo-
wel, and arrived on a train inside of an
hour. Finding his interests so heroically
protected by Boomer, he immediately- re-
warded Wei by deulding his salary.
The C. P. II. management is said to bo
meditating starting an Atiautio steamship
Rev. J. 0, Calvin, a Massachusetts pastor
has become violently insane through t xcessive
religious work.
It is said, there aro 10,000 families in Chi-
cago without a copy of the Bible, The num-
-ber of-fatiriliew that have --a oopy, but -never
open it, is not given. •
President Cleveland declined to accept a
wedcling.present from the Sultan of Turkey,
considering that such an aet Would be a vio-
lation of the spirit of the constitution.
The largest match factory in the United
0,000 matches in one day when run
.tSotaattess fuallitucaapteadoitayt. ATIerhct:ne,0.,e40ralthorn:sport:
-ductioirgitressone match per day to every
man, woman and 'child in the country.
P. Burns, a prominent coal dealer, has been
fined by.the,Toronto Coal Dealers'Association
01,000 for contracting to supply coal for the
city at a price lower than that fixed by the
United States Coal Association, It is said
that 'anion he pays the fine he will not be
able to get coal to fill his contract. [This
coal essociatioll'is a huge monopoly.]
erreader,o in informing you of thiswonderful
remedy for coughs, Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis,
Consumption, and all affections of tho throat
and lungs we feel that we are doing you a great
kindness, as if you nave any of the above coin•
plaints. if you will only try it we will guarantee
satisfaction in every case or money refunded.
Asir for sictaregoes Lung Compound. Price 50
cents and El pee nottiesat Worthington's Drug
Store. • •
It is difficult to get a drink in Minneapolis
on Sunday, but ti shrewd fellow got one the
other evening. He went into a drug store
with a big bug in hia hand, asked the clerk
what it was, webt into raptures over the rare
speciman he had found, and bought ten
mite worth of alcohol to preserve it in.
Then he went out and had his drink.
The latest advices from Auckland, New
Zealand, state that • the volcanic eruption at
'Tertwera derit-foyed the entire village-inthe
district and ;wetly ,buried them in ashes.
The. surface of the earth for many, miles
around the active volcano was disturbed by
the earthquake :which 'Accompanied the erup..
• tion: Twenty-six dead bodies haverbeen re-
aovered from the thins.
A little girl, three years old, attended
church for the first time with her eldest
sister. During the sermon-filie.- heard the
minister mentionthe name of Godseveral
times, and acted as if she knew he. was doing
soniething wrong. At last she eould stand
it no longer, The next time • he said it she
rose in the seat, and, pointing her chubby
finger at him, she said, in impressivelones (.4
..L --!‘Man 'top your swearin" !"
About -seven o'clock Friday evening, Aggies
The Hespeler Lodge -of the royal Temper-
ance has 300 members:
Mr, Simon Phifer, of Morrisburgh, hag
white roses on a crabapple tree.
A resident of Lakefiela claims to have
eafight above the Three Islands a maskinonge
twenty two pounds in weight.
For attempting to prosecu,e the nutshell
and pea enterprise at Strathroy, Chad. B.
Martha, of Galt, was arrested aud fined.
-Ifineardine has voted by 233 to 0 to give
the McDonald tannery from Tiverton to that of 80,000 to secure the removal of
It is alleged that the Kettleby band were
invited to a tea party in King Township, and
were hauled, there and back in a, Weber
Waggon and hayrack. . *
A Lucknow publie meeting defeated by a
majority of three a motion to Petition the
Ceenty Council fol. the establishment of a
nigh -84001-1a that time.
At the Scott- AOCConvention bold at Per-
gus on Thursday last itswas decided to en.
deavonr to raise a fund of $3,000 to be used
in enforcing the act-itt 1Yellingl(M_Oomity,
Jasper White, 18 years of ago, son of Mr,.
!Tames White, of the 13th con. of Egremont„
n*sterieurily disappeared from. home on_Sat-
urday last'and nothing can be learned of his
whereabouts. He had on old clothes, and
was without a coat er a cent of money,
There was a flutter of excitement in Mark.
ham on Tuesday night last, owing to.the
arrival it the postloffice of some seventy regis-
tered letters, but the eager anticipation of
the recipients were soon deeded by the clis-
covery that the enclosuee creqh nue a notice
to the 13arty receiving it thlit his claim to ,
have his name on the Dominion Voters' List
was disputed and was appealed against. •
••A. few days ago a young man named Henry.
Brett, son of Mr, dm% 13rett, of. Mulmur, to
all :appearances died and was buried, but
his mother einoe insists that he was not dead,
and it is proposed to exhume the body. The
mother's belief is based on statements that
while the corpse was lying awaiting the hour
lor interment moisture gathered on the inside
of the glass over the face of the coffin, and
though wiped. away at intervals always re-
turned again. The matter is causing a pro-
found sensation in the neighborhood.
An Atlantic Irian is dying froth the'bito
-of a mule. When a.mule becomes dan-
gerous at both end's, it is time to propound
the political comandrum : "Whither are
d "
"Ah said" Jeholcirs taking his friend's
babys`lie has got his mother's eyes—end
my hair," he addeid,,as the useful prodigy
grabbed him by the fore -top. • '
`.`" What' do -they do -When-they•-
minister ?"- iriquired a entail boy. Do
they put him in a • stall and feed him ?"
"Not n bit," said his fattier; "they har-
ness him to a chureh and. expect him to
draw it alone." :• ,
A Seaforth young man took a young
lady to a dance the other .night; ,walked
several equares and ..clidet say hitt three
%verde.. Don't think -that • he was bashful,
dear reader, he didn't have an opportunity.
to seemly More. • • . '‘
"Pat, can yeti explain to me' what is a
bull 7" . "Thrue for you, sore, it's mesilf
that can enlighten yea, .on the stilled.
Now, suppOsin there were twelve cows
qua two.year•old daughter of Benja,mteach, • lyin". down : in.a medow, . an' one CC43111-
'caretaker �f St. Peter% Cathedral, London was elitandin'irP--Tthat'ud be a bull."
Ont., left the supper tahle„ , andpan denim
Richmond street On the car track. Oar No.
1, deiven by John Lane, was approaching at
the time, and before the horse-couid be stop-
ed, the little One was Tull over,land instantly.
killed, the wheels of the car running over the
head. Witnesses of the sad accident
exonerate the driver fronkrill blame.
It will be of interest generally, not alone
to wheel men, but to the owners of other
vehiclesas well, to know that a farmer was
fined in Stratford for running into a
bicyclist. The right elf the wheelmento
the..road had been laid,dOwn in the'conits,
and the than with a,' hers° possessed no
• rights not enjoyed by .:the' man Who fur-
uhrhes hi.oivri• motive power .:for his•
- Pour of th,e convicts' Whet atteMpted to
'break. out of St. Vintent de 'Paul Peniten:
' -Sunday school teache'r: "Whir did ea
the lions tench Daniel ?" American boy
(who reads the newspapers), -"-'Cos they
were 'fraid to." Teacher: " Why .17 • A.
13. : "Ms they Were British lions !"
A farmer's wife .was out in the front
yard when a young man came up 50 the
gate and inquired if ahe had seen a men
pads on a bicycle. She said she -had not,: of
adding "but you .what I did see,
don't know as you'll. believe it, I. would
not have believed ft. if I. lied not seen it
tnyrielf. It was one wheel of a wager) run-
ning away with a man." • '
PERTH NEWS. ." . ,
'Real, personal and inconie; property this
year in Mitchell, is in excess of last year
bv,$29,09, which will make a :difference
tiary pleaded guilty when brought up for
taxes of nearly $600. " . •••
trial at the Montreal Atraires Monday.'
Martel, who took an active part iti,
the guards, was sentenced to three years'
additionalimprisonment,. Levesque to two
years, Portel. • Ance and Broulette to one
year each. Viau, the leader of the revolt
Will be arraigned for Murder.
The Prospects inn Britain.
Gladstone has received' the eon -
sent of Her Majesty to a dissolution ot
the Imperial Parliament, and the wits
or the new elections will be hauled just
as soon as the necessary votes of supnlY
for the public service are taken, 3.130
Queen amid not help hersel4 no matter
what her personal Views were. She knew
that Salisbury could not form a Govern-
ment, and it was equally evident that
neither Chamberlain nor Jiartington
could command eniajority in the House.
The Grand Old Man, therefore, continues
master of the situation, and will loee PO
time in appealing from the classes to the
masses. -Clne or two °this followers'who,
refused to vote for the second reading of
the Home Rule Bill have already been
told by their constituents that they do not
represent the views cif those who elected
them, and there are other indications that
the RadiCiirTonaitifelibies will refuse to
fall in with the proposal to throw the
settlement of the question into the hands
of the Tories, as will undoubtedly be the
ease if the present opposition to Home
Rule is successful. In this connection, it
is timely to protest againet the exclusive,
classing of the anti --Home Rulers as
"Loyalists' and "Unionists"—a policy
pursued by. the Tory press and their cable -
compiling agents'. Mr. Gladstone claims
—and righ tly, we:th in Ic--that the extension
of the system of self-government to Ireland
will cemment rather than disrupt the
Union, and,thatany policy' which tends
to foinent the discontent of the people by
reminding them on every hand that they
are a subject race; and that they cannot
be trusted to manage their own domestic
affairs, as we in Canada do, is decidedly
prejudice], to the best. interests of the
country.' However, it is no new ex-
perience for the advocates of popular
rights • to be called "disloyal," by these
who are opposed to them. In Canada, we
hear. .a good deal of that sort of thing
barnacle Of the family compact pridsd
themselves on their "loyalty" and drgw
their salaries with the utmost regularity,
while* they denounced the faithfill repre-
sentatives of the people as traitors to the
Crown. There could be no greater mis-
nomer than the application of the -title
"Loyalist or Unionist • to men of the
stamp of Lord Randolph Churchill, who
aPpear to delight in causing strife .among
the people, heedless of the results, :pro-
vided their own ends maybe served.
Notes About GladstOne.
; • —
The Midlothian Unionist ient a deputation
to wait on the Marquis of Hartington to ask
puittnr leeward a
Unionist to oppose Gladstone. in the doming
election. Lord Hartington replied that he
would rather see the Liberal UITIOE apilt than
harass the Premier.
The Scotoliiiiincri Liberill Federation has
issued a Mauiferito to the..Libetal electors of
Scotland, Urging them to support in • the
coming elections Ilene but 'Gladstone midi -
dates, The Federation has engaged St. Au:
drew's Hall, the largest in the city, for . a -
mess meeting On Jime.28, at which Gladstone
Will deliver an address, and Lord Rosebery •
will' preSide,:: ' •
The South •Biemington Liberals' 'held''a.
largely attended meeting on Friday; and pass-
ed a vote of .conficiened Gladder:re and reso-
lutions of sympathywith patheil, he
speakers donderaiied .five of the Birmington
Members for opposing Gladstone; but advised
that none of them be opposed in the coming
election, unleresilessrs. Boadhuret endroOke
enter the:canvass; • • • •, ' •• "
Mr. Gladstone, in answer to a request: for
. a.more- explicit -statement. coneerniiiith, Tir re:
assembling of- Parliament, said r—" I Wish' to'
re -State clearly what.l. said respeeting the're-
-assembling of Parliament. If, when the
elections are over, it be foetid that the coup-
. try does not approve of„the policy tha Gov-
ernment reepeoting Irelaed,or if thero. remains
room for doubt on the question, then the new
Parlieniett'. Will bere-assembled forthwith',"
At a meethrig at Islington, on Friday, of
the 'Liberal Coeneil,,• Richard Chetoberlain,
trieniher for Islington,, athict a storm .eflisses, ,
ertplained his mown for voting against Glad-.
stone's Home Rule. Bill. Af-resolution was
carried .by a voteof PM to 5.0, pledging the
• Council not tee support Chamberlain at the
next deafen.: The annOuncepient of this re -
trait was (sheered' vocifeionely. Chamberlain
dreve away from the meeting staid Cie groans
and boots 01 the erciwd. ;; '
"Lord. Iddlesleigh issees . a manifesto, in
.whieli he says the coininggeneral eleotions
will be of supreme inmortanee. If a Home
Palle and Radical majority be returned, bound
band and loot to Gladstone and Parnell, the
results to the empire may be -very serious,'
Perhaps.irreparable. Church and the Le
rights of pronerty would be•sunitnarily-hand
led. It .behooves Conservative"( to do -their
ntniost to praient-G lad ston e from getting -250
seats in. addition Co the 85 Parnelliteri. Con.
serve -times -most avoittchree corl-a-conteitts
and must supporta Libre Unionist against
a.Home Ruler.. whenever a ,Cooservative can-
didate has no chance of an election, •
GeorgeAtigustes Bala, having been invited
to contest -Hornsey in the Liberal interests• ,
replies that he would have bonsented to do
so eix months ago, bat heisnowv a heart-
broken; desolate Wman7ThEterIy Withelit
ambition,: and with no heart to enter parlia-
ment. •
• Detectives are watching air, Chamberlian's
reeidenca It is feared an attempt may. he
na Rae upon it. ' •
Companies that ensure against loss of wind
storms are fast becoming organized in the
Western Staters. One of them has this ad-
vertisement in a ./Iantate City newspaper
"The black • Monitee 'of the air has already
appeared in 1886. Take out a tornado poliey,
in the Pioneer Oyelorie and Windstorm -Com -
During Monday night the frame ei)ttage-
of Mr. A. Boyle, carpenter, in the tiorith
ward, St. Marys,. Was completely deetroyed
by fire. • The flames were discovered barely
in time to allow the inmates to escape..
On Sunday,"Whilat a young son of Mrs.
A. mad died at Liverpool.on $uncly lait Se. John, of St. Marys, was playing.with•
;who -deserves to--be-noted-in --all-drinking' a dog, the 'animal auddenly-bitshimsin-two
communities, • This -was' Aid. itigby •of plates in the leg, in one instance taking a
that town, who began life as 'a bartender
and naturally.soon oirned the liquor store.
He died worth a million pounds and the
owner of the largest number of Public
houses in Liverpool.. He Was the first to
adopt thestyle of gorgeous fittings for
drinking saloons, and his gin palaces will
be his menument. • • -
- The residence of a gentlemanln Brighton
was visited early on 8iinda3r morning by a
•gang ' of roughs. The windows in the front
part of the helm were denioliehed and a
valuable mirror in the dthwing-rooin das
troyed, The owner of the house took ac-
tive part in the cirmilation of a petition to
the County Council for the appointment of
a police magistrate for the East Riding of
the County of Northumberland.
A little more than a year ago we reeard-
ed the fact that Mrs. Geo.
ew ury, gave ir o riplete—tivo-b
Peere* of West' sing in contact with an Old willow. stump.
Mid a girl. The girl lived but a short time one of the horses,. Whidh-waa valtrethat-
after birth, and the boys grew healthy rind $200, broke one of Ms legs, inthree placee,
• and it was found necessary to Shoot hi.
strong and are alive and well to -day. Nor,
we have the plea:gum of recording ituThe Grand Jury at tlicaerth Quarter.
exact repetition of the circumstance. - This tlasimal; on Tuesday, had .easy work .
week triplets wero. again -born to them— Quil .one case required their consideration
•two boys and girl. Tho girl breatod a shot t It Was a charge of assault, from Milverton...
time and died; the boys are as gong • On the 24th of May, a serious row took .
as infante at that ago can be expected. place at Basonpflug's hotel; A watch -
The mother is doing Wellwith her four begs Maker, named Baker, who had been board.
the eldest of which is but a trifle over a ing aCthe hotel for some time, was en-
Yo4r,--stGoorilet"I' (14&".) Advbeate• ' . gill:add Dinepap friendlyi scb, t i theft 1 file course r swei tohf 'which ai
It is tobe hoped for the sake of the Belfast '
:Orangemen that the reports of the disturbances Baker had his chair pulled from under
him. • Becoming eriregedi-he-told---a-bor
thete have been distorted to their injury, for,
according to these reports, they have been the who was along with him, to go to his room
agtessors throughout and have made a rsad anti fetch his revolver. Mr. Seigner, who
showing for Prategtantism. We do not re- s tending near,\ealied him whom he in -
member as bad a case of riot and bloodshed teride t ,
wa ad to ishoot Wherenpon Baker drew
in all the trOubles in the South Of Ireland as a sharp ins rumont from his pooketsatud
this night's orgy. The offenders demeaned ant Seigner savagely across the face and
their:Alves to the level of the lowest Anat. about the head. No trace could be found
chigte. Are these the people who denounce of the we
the:Elliman Catholic religion as ignorant and &pot) afterwards, 'but a small
, asome
piese of a razor Was found mong ,
enrol, and who hold that the Romanisttfare
not ti 5 to rule Ireland '? They give a fine il- blood on the fleets and it was Rupposed
that that Was the insteutnent he had med.
lustreOron of theit ways of ruling It, There •,., I naili
s from the States, and is mar.
is a hi tlt that the Orangemen, as Mid.0
i, Were
ried but does not live with hie 'wife. The
not its ,sympatby with the rioters in the offer r ae a man with hts bandaged, face,
and Moat of an offieial of GM order to take • we" '
possession of turgon for the suppression of was an object of curiosity in court, while
the riot there.
piece of flesh clean out, leaving a cavity
the size of a hen's egg. • ,
' Mr. Thos: McIntyre, one of the oldest
residents of St. Marys, passed aviiiy on
Saturday last after it lingering illness: In
1848 the deceased name to this -country
and located in. Fullerton, but two years
later. to:moved:Jo St..Marys, where he res
sided up to the day M his death. • For a
number of 'years -Mr. McIntyre condnoted
-a general storerbut for years past he had
lived retired from business;
• Abad runaway Occurred:in 'Mitchell on
Priddy,' by whioh a valuable horse lost its
life.- Mr. Philip Ciertnor, of Ellice, was
in town with a team, and while in therhgt
Of placing a keg of beer in the wagon, the
animals got frightened and broke loose
from the post to which they were tied.
They dashed tip Main street east, and coma
awaiting Co appear against his assailant.
_ ia..1\TO7T.7:8-
Having leased the premises now occupied by us, for another 'term of 7 years. We are
prepared to give the, BEST BARGAINS possible. We have hen4lyi a large and.
. • and well selected stock Of•
. w:tan..axrpe ivitE, NOTHING, BETTER IN-TILF.racknikEii:•-nUo
We have the largest -stock in town. Combine quality 'with price and we carat ot
' under sold. ••
reat Inducement.
.1Iaving bought Cr;%)". Titthill's Stock of
artoomzity aZeithassiXfailtz
At a discount, will sell at Wholesale Prices until all is cleaned out.. .
ASSO,R;TMENT OF J. S. icIaic'S, OF cium,uo
.FLEESRMAN & CO'S VEAST, formerly kopt Tuthill:& (a. al weyg en hand •
P1.410 EklA E.
.Cheap• ChOar; CR00E11.1E8 313.8.
Having a lerge'stoek of Salt On hand; 'ordere will be filled'at the lowest prices
ever offered in 'Clinton,- as the salt 'works will be 'sold when arrangements are '
completed Will buy and sell- TIMOTHY and CLOVER, SEED. A. ljEtt of
. SALT SACICS and GRAIN BAGS for sale..
OOTS and MOBS at RemarkablY Low ?floes.
BABY • CARRIAGES just arrived, latest Styles; very Cheap.
TRUNKS 8z.VALISES bir the hundred, ,Cheap.,
•High lanc1.+PINE and CEDAR SHINGLE'S at Lowest,Prices:.
• .
We give 11b. 'Nixed Candies for 10e. 1 1b. Sticks
'Said a young man, the other evening
"Is it etiquette, in writing to a young
munewoman -whOni you have known
weil, to call her. "tny darling petit" My
dear sir, it isVO't a question of etiqueties,
bpt of athletics. It •depende how far you
can distance her,husband in a mile.
• The' storm on Wednesday fast did consider:.
able damage in the vicinity of Clearville,Kent
county. Mr. Gesnor's 0/Chard and woods
suffered severely. Mr. P. IL McPhail had
six head of (tattle killed .by falling trees.
Meters, Ridley, Bury, Hawkins, Watson and
otheneauffeott-more or leek said -it ie feared -
crops and Emits were badly out by the hail.
Messrs Brennan & 'White, shoe nattnufae.,
tares, 80 Grand street,. Brooklyn, announce
that they have been obliged to retire from
business as,the result of their unsucoegsful.
draggle against the boycottput upon their
goods a year ago by the Knights of Labor.
The trouble grew out of the firMis refusal to
increase the pay of one man, Whom they con-
sidered incompetent. The etuployesa then
all. struelt. New mien and girls were erne
rived, wh,erenpon a boycott was ordered,
and the firin'have beett unable to sell goods
enough to pay expenses. At the time the
trouble began they ,employed 150 hands, and
were acting a large and rapidly increasing
1 lb., Bullseyes 10e. 1lb. Taffy Chunks 10o.
BRAD QUARTERS volt •OYSTERS—As I get ify Oyster(' direct frem Balthriere, you.
can depend ' on getting Fresh Stock: „ „ s•
• ;POUCHES -77M All of the very beat quality ter be had. A can solicited.
S. .6.117)1411.S ON, .NE'r•GitAiit•uNiox .CZINT01111,
• " •
We have secured -`20 half chests of veey tine 60ct. YOUNG ItYSON THA'
' which 'tvewill. sell for a month at-.45ets. by the 51b.. caddie: thts•
i's' -the best vable, ever offered in this county.. Don't
fail' to go a caddie before it is all sold. •
. •
Seiv "Valenti& 'Raisins, - Extra Selected Valentia
Raisins, Black Basket Raisins, Seedless •
• Raisins, 'Sultana Raisins. •
• FOR 25ers: Gall and Inspect our Stook.
Thos. Cooper & Son,