HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1886-06-18, Page 5a er in Huron, will be send to stow subscribers, from 1st J 1y to 31st Doc., dor 50 cents jn The-CLINTON '�' ��A, hest local � � f _ � f► { Central Grocer 1 ,QlBB'S 01< stand, The subscriber hasbought out the. Stock of P. Robb, consisting of 4*ROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,., °. Which, being bought: at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled.. Rooms to let. . R. WALKER! CL.I NTONt. , C 1 'p' v,4, 7 R`CTG- STORM - 1\T ASf IVALS THIS WEEK. M'W` Poi= �`lS, 11"="W" C—= \TC' = L�..I/Se-y�•x CiA13HifERE BOQU�.T PERFUME H,ELIIEBORE Fine line of Hurl$ MER)ZO]iS} cheap, = �%/ -L0 %,=i8i•.,+^,. T ..+ ?/ MOMi= + GARRIA GE SPONGES •p ,>1 $yrRTRANDS BULK PERFUME PURE INSECT POWDER CASHMERI'., BOQUET SOAP itATLANTA SEA SALT PEARS (ENGLISH) SOAP PURE PARIS C4REEN lc 'MESH I,1�1E JUICE •= PEARS 9• IOLET POWDERS - . S .--. - _• . E �.. L.10 ..._.1\T' E a 7_. Puns BLOOAS O ' I INON _. . . We pay special attention. tQ TRUSSEn; and have the largest stock in the county Best. 6 cent CIGAR in town. WE ARE SHOWING A VERT' LARGE AND ATTRAG`TIVF* STOCK OF M'LTSLINS AND LAWNS .T.A.anv3s COMBED , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ONT. Vancouver - Wiped Out. - New Westminister, B, O., June - 15, Parties arriving from Vancouver state that at 2:30 -yesterday- afternoon..the Wind 'ruse to a gale, and caused fires which were burning on the CanadianPaotfic Railway. A man named Donovan was. driving a reserve, to spread towards the city. .A, •horse and cart load of stone up a steep hill house on the extreme west end caught fire near the Queen's wharf, Ottawa,when the dragged 0 and the flames spread xapldlytp' adjacent horse, losing his footing, was . 4e; buildings. At four o'clock thejast house a cliff and fell a distance of. about 50 feet, in the town was in ashes. Hasting's saw being instantly killed. The 'driver forth• mill and the -Royal-City Planing Mill; . be- nately escaped. • ing situated ou points of land outside the. The Congregational Limon in session at town were saved. Five persons are re- . Ottawa passed a resolution in'favour ofthe ported dead, And several seriously if net, Scott Act and of prnhibitlonr • fatally injured. The loss is '.estimated at Mr. R. Montgomery and:Mr.iCallaghan, one million' dollars. - One --'thousand people premiuent Kingston Orangemen, have been. are homeless. ' A later despatch says,— expelled from the Order for saying that the Our protnisiug, plucky little. metropolis at Order has been prostituted to.polit>osl put - the Pacific -end of the C. P. R, is in ashetf:; 'poses. • •�. Nob half ozen houses remain out of 590. AYa►nt►et.l. ;Lio 6ltuuic-D •a d1arke7t: The worst of all is the hoary loss of 'life. One' short hour did the whole work ,Tun' bodliies ave been found,' acid, numerous and' realize higher figures, than they did persons. inquired -fur.. The.property Payed, last-weel;r; geed--all•ipp)nglst�es,t• 'h'Ke.Al a•. p. k' higher in price, but there' were 1>sry.,iew. of is Insignificant" "&cleans}vee sweep" the situation, A thousand .men are.to o ' , to work clearing.up tomorrow for the 0 P, lt. Twenty contracts fur rebuilding are already. let. Only three; out •of : ten bodies were identified, Many' ►nen. are ruined, but are determined to startiii again on the locations. Compelled ta. as a direct Tei�ult1'tdpl-vs,_. Widowers,• count and orphan among 'the•sufferers, .The property loss falls directly upon .the .pion- eer element of'the new town. Hundreds • t aid gf•geopla are camped out. Proms from the .Canadian, Pacifiti Railroad is ex-. petted. Heroism arid hardship character- ized the whole, dreadful affair.', 'F"aiuiliea were compelled to abandon houses with a heir lives.. fort 'n an flee • ntaw arum dr oma m g Business men in search of valva Ins were James Orr, aged 08, of Strathroy, attend. ed the Caledonian games there,laatTuesday and on his return house was taken with colic and died the following day. Drinking too much ice water and lemonade probably hastened his demise: Our stock 1s very complete. See our goods and compare prices. cent off for cash. • JOHN TISElV. AN, Manager. Estate J. 5• per soacErrs. , Good 'butchers'. cattle are rather' Pearce. Thi_ Best-:ani—Oheapest STRAWBERRIES I °;fit J. ANDERSON'S, o.• an .the -swill be romptly"Tiiilecl, �encl in your crises,' at once, _s. Y •_ A elr • caec a, Va tel•, . Sze , 3' • f� '1�E Ga: ,1\r'E�'1 RAND UNION. CLINTON this Hort on the market. Mr. E. Charters bought fivegood steers at 50 per lb,; and ' L: Picard bought three. more ab the same. rate. A'carload of pretty"'good cattle, fat. cows and stencil were. 'to -day ' sold •at lige per lb. Leanish, stock sold at from a 31 to 4o per lb. The supply. oaf calvesl was rather small and prices higher. Good g for shipment to Brt- sheep are iu demandp about 4. c taiii, and .prices .-of this sort are. t tl: sell a Per lb. Lambs are plentiful, an from $2 to $3x:50 each, with an occasional extralamb at RI. Hogs are in fair supply at'about5- o per lb::".The horse market has been quite active of late' owing to the presenceofAmerice.D bn across the ac 1 able numbers are beingshipped om ere shipped fr 5 lines..avast week there w compelled to rush through the flames and I here to the,Vnited States 137 horses,costing P, smoke or hlerish. A whole city ablaze and . ;$10,34 5, 50,br an average of 010.31 etich. • ' population • Numbers1 �''�•� a' panic-stricken sought refuge in the .water; One tvas found ...CLINTON 41).1:MEW. p ' where ho. so g,„ refuge, Fewj ' CC y' d mit n;) in a well, people have more than the clothes they stand in. • All frame buildings in the town will be rapidly re -built, '.mostly of brick. Contracts far a large hotel and other ex- tensive;buildings representing half a mil • Salley, lion were let before the, fire. • - peas, {Vancouver is the new city at the• terms- • Flour, per bbl nus of the 0. P: Pr. .Toronto clay has I ;Potato*granted $1000 towards the relief' of the : Butter, . homeless, and other places areax�geted to Eggs., renderassittanoe.1 u' Ork'" m' " Hay - e Six months Trital. Tri.j -Wo slits send the I Vi col .in• trade, • NEW •ERA to nets• subscribers, froth: theit't of 3t11y 1i col for cash, ' - tbo kat Dee., for 50 contain advance, simply. to give I Slteel> 'pelta 1,-4,401u " a six Months trial. This, atpur subscription rate of ver, akin5, per beah, - .51.50 a year, is giving two mo lths for northing orrecto`devor' Thur$ ay ernoo • Thursday, June 17,.- ISS . Wheat, fall, 80 '72 . a ,0 White and red '- 0 72 ' a• -r0. 0 28 a•,0. ▪ .0 50 "a'0. 0. 50 a. 0 d 00 tt 4 ,0. 25® 0. 0 11 a: 0 •.. 0•0S' •a 0 5,50 w • 0 $ 00 .a ' .8 • '0.18 'a 0 '••0. 16. a ,0 050.a'O 0 60 a 0 7 90 ..5. '7. Gr 75" 75 2$ 65 55 50 •, • The' $•R'OSEN' ARM. ;amass M. Carpenter and another young ntnn, :tmtli of; wl,,uin are now resoling at Dublin, Ont., assisted Mr. B t nliant the White Bronze agent at Flint, Michigan, to, take down a *3,000 marble monument and erect a White Bronze to its place. White Bronze' is becoming popular. . Thar, also helped Mr. Burnham to erect,e i$2,2OPWhtte Bronze inonit meat with a life slzed'stattie of Fa t i. itiw s eery tot see ifal and thousands, of peeple from Flint t y •it,.and 'Mine evil disposed person, thinking to frustrate' Mr. Bnrnlmm's good success, broke the uplifted arin at the elbow and marked the face nine or ten times with a hanuner. They down and sent it to Detroit, and in four day's took the nclr and -it came buck, hundreds of people came to see it, and .could not i+ee where it hail hent broken or marred. Mr. Burnham nestle broken arm, on tihielrthere0a bnoltoi eea'oifered for arks of a b { his possession vet i$ Ammer, n• the cooviotron of'the culprit, lint no elite has been found so he opposition with a view of defeating White Bronze, but i dd n :dL - the -hest -a gortisemonts, f: r a ,hurt ne of „ve, -has ,r 1 is 1 r timo� lte'.,snhl seven. ntonuinfen , Burnham a n short ,n besides•Pn i ntendii.g 1 ones. Y - • Parties fntendil.g to:'purchase n' monument should tall on or write to W. liI GIFFIN, elintgn, or JA2LES GALLAGIIElt, °synch -NOVW'S THE ,TIME. Valuable. Premium Given Free with Cann;' uta Popular. Weekly. • - Tho Wi Titles*ADvrnmisnn,; Of I,otulon, tins just mat% another important step in attvanoe. It now appears regularly in twelve•page form, mill in addition to all its . well.knowtt i7io11ular features gives in each Issue Sant Jones' sermons, the Internatl�ciial.Sabbath School Lessons, a 0otuplete Story, elm; etC: •10 18 vastly improved in •everVreapeet. For BA. 'LANDS -P1 YEAR the price is only $00,, or in chins -0r iive.,(1 ll,'nver"'ulOc., each', •' po4ta' S'l$toinps accepted. for .fractional parts of a dollsr+ Samples tree. Each subscriber will be entitled, 'without additional '',1V d he. . haul coat, to one of the Snlloiring preiniu)ns,, which •s. ordered as. per number, viz.: �h 3.0 hase's 1. Portrait. Gnllely. 2, Home and Iseult, . Recipes. 4.'Ladies Fancy Work Guide. l ,'•Registered lettere come at our risk: • Address plainly—: ADVERTISER PRINTING CO.t.,• Ontariu. -- .. - .' .yCIILJI)RI; :"S..' •�LAI��hS a��d At a_Reduction'• of 2Q per cent; .un:.18Frl�.a . J e ale. ty begin .E: `�?EN Q JUST MUSLINS • AND N L.aW � 25 12 10 00 0a: 20-•: 17 •75 80' D0 A Reply to The Broken 'Ariel Fraud. Oates of Morton, Barney Sc Cu.. Flint Itlich. MimeTo12, 18Dfi,, To W. H, Cooeatt,' Eog., Clinton • - St1i,—Tours received, and in reply would giro. you seine idea of the facts pertaining to .what the all verttseinentper. tieularizes as tieing very flattering to the White Branae and. • to Mr. Bnrnhnnl. 1 sun of eu i11 receipt of lette s from- a .great many towns ih Ontario, ns I tan -well aequninted.with a, aunjor•itr of the inathle and. granite .men. there, asking lhr defamation -or -se voutletter shows, ttoutnining.some i};on- detfuf account of the White I-'ronze doings in some retuote locality -10 this' partiruler instance 'Ds not remote enough. Item 1st is an absolute told unanswerable be. ; There is no(—nor has there ever been—a• marble monument erected within a rallies of seventyive mtles,'eosthig any enrhhnoney. 1 or has therebeetr any marble -innnmuent taken down and • _• pieced, with .WhiteI3rouze..Ifthere had even been a Wall, old•fashtoned one (00.15 constantly being done to utnke'way far more inoderu wort.) been taken- list they would Bate hlow'ed and advertised it. Whattbey did fake down tl'as a new quitter Granite which had only been seta • fen weeks, whltl cost0350 at Die (parries, and irllieh ave sold for $4130, and' the pnrrliaser being like seven tenths. of the 'White Brow 6 purchestra. a widow, was. talked leo "trading for White. . Bronze—neper pnr'ehase was 5800, andoat of that Mid •allowed- 2501otthe granite... , As,the White Bronze mono:, Barns' den. at ,the0, you see.on't',Ben hamood badreltise thamade t. he tooktl, Poly, then,, hy. hr, took hark tont gnmtte and muse . caltStal nut. of the ex; (henget Ile Ituow•s better ; lots. of people have admired That sametnomunent in his show roost, it i' well set orf by riot-• pnrtsen with. the dingy, so called "White 'Bronze." Besides. he Is as aeslously endeavoring to sell the- granite1ak atit:zinc inc stud, and At a'espertnhle figure. put:Oa a one nut ercoda inonunientand,too Which telt ian hit polished tcottage granite' ttol8ee 11 10 nntbase i niotumeut, the tense of which the same drnp'ivduld not rimy. • 3ttuntlhMured, zine yields the mnnnf'actprers, nt 15 rents Inc . 1 0111 il, 8 largeithan 3313ver ei,nt-haunt,. and -etas -sold by-� 13urlih am -to -seekers at 45 retth and over bnirft tie au get it, 5 1' - lb. The fife'nize figure of 7 lett it tIt t figure 'is Tile size, then Faith ' must sore attk, H . 1 'z,�d : our I n l'1 C In Jl I !l 0 ' innst hni•e had to use a leen choir to sit 'at. • .,It dining table, plend at uem 2.-1 art.truth-port falsehood. The, price his been. 1 - w 2110 to 151,500 probably .judging from size. • i weight nod appearance. The Pnyuemmunne,ateodL anent I *8x0, Certainly quite' a few people went to see the moan• meat; plot thoilsaudq, hundreds would be enlarging the truth), on rutht- on aecount. of the notoriety it gashed in being- broken. If we.. Anew and cmdJpritiethatDunham wrote that advertise• meat reflecting against us or oouidprove that he meant lis. we could put hhn when we Anti sus private de to r.tire engaged m in ferretiltginttthern,pllti 'Yl ., in,iailr+tnd we would have ftfpf sent the deu4!tfrc to State •Prison after he had served his t:1Jl1'i time in eottntv..iaif, if fiebad not whiffed ae and claimed ouri mrrer. It was a v[in honsjitrttcy, Dtti'ithsuttlirtm ma hints, thst as of a mans whoiUsed to trorlt fd lag ortust� anve d ttheothers. posed be was wr,kleg at the ttuie—made Ism druuli, and then :aware Otto eoblidicntIon In the ,natter. Of eoneae it fell through, With the tltnveresult rio., 3e11 for- Mrs Hetietit'e, They were aodouhle lily Working fir the 5•ewartl, wuirh was . as follows:—llurulinto t4„25, , 'Mae t3I5, ribs. Parol vi.100,. Cemetery Mrs. Payne anti her Advisors tierce ilmnght fur tt moment -that we, or dor Oro opposed in trade to the White Ilroime, eonntennnrstl any ylolntlotl of tutythIng in her interest t they very rl hely taut tt to,'and as the result of an u,hi foinil • fetal. ire. Itterlit+,t ,t-netvaula up 'n lltn by elcperts thint'll's ann WAS nut soldered tie,. nl that it waa a new figure east from smile old mould—and he enol i'ttppt and llnre tot eoetrndlrt them. Ye:, it was a good trifle, • the iritic made 1 noir fignrmole e1nmllel't a trie nf fle forlpt'oft a ror eported ooirltne note o trekage of the inneotwis goml sitvt" lisement, as he sold'er'er later monuments nail n cumber of Mealieronee—a short thnr after, . Noir be Itna not taken 2lni' a orders sinc', 10' 11 the tiro years business • in Ibis ,t nen Y g tntlter at, l t .lift Ills tn. from s first sat s erected; n,, has town t . other tot On th • breakage. f ' hd, w� result 1+1 t haolefinsas botrettra Wed St lest uncut represents the thins Pumper of, nu,numrllts large Bud swats. A11'11111011 you., the proIts on that nmoudt kelit two families awl paid store rents • There is a 11101104i • . •- -- - '• --•• •-• for you to cuter; ,:$50 capital, tote of "lightning Tal" Miceli, • ami shunt 4 -it OneOlegee tntu.J+islnts o nessfeliear 'arlor ve ysrlm r. gond them �„� L. sss enfter 100p, is and has mated out nlf 010 business pardn ofti,elio ilii When be first Caine here Ica liunstlrI i' stated that'"thje Brut Weald have te.elo,te ti t and go to the poor house. Well, n amen gin them. Sat when people tl 1'Mnem trei n.tier _............ .. .. she re t't tr #+ that l3 l Cots et r d n tatr t rn qq Ye,i , hat.lt It a at t tel reef stn st t. Gaal Lt n•hn t hits. We inn ire flet A wity t t d �71 10 GA Dresg' only' wind Y1. maatt TYrY1 • 1 lila the rites 1 they mit for tiro SLAMnt Pe liars Yl h e *tatted, ■ tl hot irr eonrhtaioa, I iul y Chang, the .famous Chinese giant; hasty I1,,,I0 t SALE--PA'RT OF LOT io,'ON rIIJ:- one bask . to China, It ` is paid, for the. Feat 3r a0lres f ho -tstto esin o Hullert','C ntaini to gone selet;ting a bride- emetic. title. LIAMERONtnoizracalLEIt i!r)- rirarcrs,0odericlf: beauties f t$ Celestial kingdom' wa will eau ties O e n _ be worthy of his'falne and stature. ��• OV5E • For 'sax Otte o» burg ,NT. formerly Nettles, last week fell -•�• largo fraule.housc•an -B t y , fO or to An old man'namedN , { occupied by Slr. W. Doherty, is offered for s h trapdor hi Geo Steven r3 store- at tore t r t e tables terms It Coita[ns plenty of'rootn. throng a o en on r asm • • at Chathamand broke, his loft 1e at the , with hard tied soft water, nod is tvery es ilbla resi- dence. Terms on applto 10 veneer St., Clinton: r knee. fi he limb had to be amflutatod, and it is hardly expected-the�sltl- filal7. will -live,. It is a pretty will settled fact that the Canadian Pacific Syndicate intend to at once put on the Atlantic a fast fleet ot.stea . Mr, Duncan j eIntyra makes he secret Pt 1� cheap:, iyo, for attic, n lot. on Isane Strt et, or zauto i , A , this new venture of the Coiripnpy. " opposite trio residence of the undersigned." Apply to Mr: Charles Rider; while helping to •A:'DODSWV01tTH, Clinton, •-()USI: A'tv D LOT' FOR SAL); OR TO BENT.- That coni'eniuntly situated Cottage and 3 lots 0,1,, Victoria St. House containe7'roonts,good wood Shed., hand and softwator. There are three lots in the l4relterty 'with a tnlinbor of fruit trees ; Will iso gel TM sbirigle 112r. Doan's bard', near Paris, on. Saturday afternoon, fell from the roof and. - -- " died in a few minutes froth. the injuries. received. Es leas'e's. 'a wife and. two ' children.. r . It is said that the' 'United States troops, g•t tomb of �', ' which have been guarding -the , President'G'arfield at Cleveland, will- bel �� Ili withdrawn this week, and tile• place left at 'the mercy of relic hunters. II editor of the 'Durham ;Chronicle i; The e I � advertises his baby carriage.- ftir:'a:ilii 111011 babies will lreafter have try ,walk or that be has a -sufficient supply on .hand' to last him the rest of his life,:. . On Friday evening, at tlle•eonclusiou of .a barn raising ori the 16th cslncosaio n of inwhich a r ccurd ' s riot .o e 'Hart u a , Elmo, p man named James' Broughton was strut& ou the head with-tt handspike by,. another man nl med.Robble; felling ;him and cans- - ing a serious concussion of• the brain. . • Immediately after the 'occurrenc'e Robbie made for the woods. Dr. Hamilton was immediately 'sent for, -who pronounced I, Broughton's injuries serious, and a warrant was issued for Rubble -and placed in the of hands of high Cnnstfible McCarthy, ,Stratford, who is in search, but up to the present Robbie has not been oattght. Broughton is still,'unconscious. . otenio INDUSTfltSl', FATE, --No have'; T received a copy of the prize list for the -next l .Industrial Fair, to be held at Toronto from the fith to the 18th September, Tho hooter -is very tastily'gotten up, tntl,00ntaius cuts of different breeds of animals inc. which I. prizes ore offered, dud .11190 views of, the ,prizes of Toronto and is' p ih e biul,1ini„s, Any sof oat result 1 y tl 'oirin•I tt l0)py con obtain the 'tlt1113 by II:M ,nis1.: it ., ,3t eir.l l,t sltr. Ifni, the .5ticri't try, 111 'i ,r int or from Mr, W, Method, Book -1 ttti 1 1, 17'7• . horty Orgatt C;.1., (Milton, A. 4„ ull8 `al �1P8C#.Or & Elithalllgr •• A large stoci. of I' irst-Class' CAST ;V�1111 .a •0 II: Qu'.omg CLINTON; JUNE 24, No Sooner, :No later i I..: 4C • C O.: e�.� I''anious Railroad. • 'ombination of '.'Museum Arenic, and -- . rained AnimallVtarvels under separate ata ondoli6-tents. • • u �l (I :i • IteatdaFFt�ee,.Ocitttgo alt„ near the wlln `Dli llibdlnt Church, Cllnte, • Sc„ always on hams.., TIB, EG l TIA.N, EMBALMING.. L`LUII) used in all cases. Albert 3t.. next 1 arland Oros. tit r .� ffezya\,�..�a>r1•'t yij.�"'"S-.�..E i`Lt>,�ii WILT. IOXIIII;IT' A1'' mow./ • -0ti s. r.. LINTON. N ti iiny i^ proeliginx .alone worth lrii HMO the price of- it llttiusIOlt •te all. • The . World e • lllOtlt Sinuous tid'4Mf1'. _. *nit. and tillMtiC . Mists1 ) • 'X)oubletrollpe aftlte:s.Toblest, lllostlntelligent latices of any period, The supremely marvellous iittt� i L EO',:nAit, ,>t11 1y t�t�a Liadly The Biggest and Best Trained Does" Oa, Earth, Coi��a�y' Of ,b O ere is always apass�hihty f 1 j I remembered that the beads of this firm are taxed about 0 I to rases in jhiu Wiutan Sc 0 t tlW irises ti to e for . 0 aid sn yon With thislmtgt,y rotate, thatthern areno oeArs i monuments en�t a ",Veryttitt0ri Y tanto Bete sIy Noris ?adios, going to the Ian enuntrs Ibis stielmor Should shun over to y Thu holds aro too moat eros• tlitna trout tits State more c en live Yea and seam are Y iit9 take into popular 0tla •lino. 1 o Thule ntkca up a i 8000 01'. Yv. 1. plate rn ttrlAtlantic, and actonlalodntion unsurpassed eery trnty, . 'inle Pitrchlsi•r • »•lYea, �weia t a ift mminent, lint Intelligent&too we dgnnEwgnttn set )Ip ons of those nimis'aflltihe frrust Mem vistait tl)�'ir •r t x lniterrt '� , keep MP n IIYIT.K1' )1lCl'itf47tsti it ►'A°lR•i ltnarptprbranznrnurrro,t t r t+rotr!tnl fano the storms �n nMt.nai ter. Ttr�e1('lietnn• b!i'CiR.I(sL irliot11(ili '('r O'trVietOotkomwhere iecoon,tW. ftusetwhat senrderao,i110 7it1STA1lC k"]t( t'DL1FI mistenenoit.+1 siuordert loot aN.0.ld tr lnh•L'faent pnl.lur I:.t•yri('tltllt'I+ ]II •- .y whi slp'ih tae he in lisi 1 spine r n e•. i • Hose ' 25c. A Stuff. Dress -for -9.6c. 3:..ail Ladies .............:._,._ nDiassfox.� .40 33 yds. Cotton. for $1.. A Mush 5 Gents Ties for 10c• ' Sensa , Gents Sox for c.. �; , •' Bi rani of. Ladies . and, tion�,],�Co�..l��es for_50� g, Only Troupe of 'Acting Gnats. A }lost, of barest Lights rtt•il Sensations."' A Grand 1, ,, ��,1'lll i ail t Fyn �l #.• CarnlV�l • of r y g :lilt Snasatlolis'� :C tcli .Open . i •r ,-7 �lll�llC ��IlalCtll 1111 ICC lit rr ullr. rue ,Loi,, t.n dun t, it cif 'Iran i.,1.40; ,net,.•..,a i t.n:r r••+r • Admission to ,h,ll.. only +' C,.O• 1'tll a'tl :;tall iaf[hu ate •'; tic tr,i uuren.noa61„ n!„inm fn ol,lrr to tr:l t 'I A. 0 taA"�"�I"Is^ C i Gl�ltei'�"Ci!'d t nunm sit+ lnvi,i•dtal ole appll.dtt,+:t to 'tt if. r • •it 1'°tiII and Complete 'l xhib)tt'tnd tits �', • hildren's Parasols for.25c. ' � b o Til Works: ” • �VO1 C1S �]'��n1-'\�tIf� ��f�'•1t ,;(�TT. � aa �yy'e ����.a� e cul � Y. 'Y 1 lru ri' it n5rtu lir+ 1w Ti igltil hl. t „., ..:it.r Li,• 15 ntk•t. ,• . ' ACCENT (1, T. R • . T-•. ERTS -.,_, Clinton. Cash >f he� BOOTS and SW)E ' •A J'[M .NII''ICENT I•'UI.I, ,LINE 'OP SPG 003D , • Tti ST'ocii AT CLOSE PRICES.' We B,IO ja closing the balance our lance of TiRUNX S at ..'O$1 as W .. . ',revive the room for Boots and Shoos. . Orders taken far Oaak's 4elebrgadt Hand Sewed Shoes. I -E(:►GS TAKEN IN Ii,1c.HAN(wZA. , ,i I : .., . o, i. .:�,, :.gip. � V J : r. '_ SON C��,(1)t, N.